• Published 7th Aug 2018
  • 11,429 Views, 340 Comments

To Calm a Tempest - Broman

A Human finds himself in the company of a hot Lieutenant. If only he didn't tell her that.

  • ...

Hands On Introduction (Edited)

Get moving, Filthy Scum!” I heard one of the storm creatures yell at me.

I did as I was commanded, moving at a steady pace down a dirt path. The rain above was cascading down on us, and it didn’t help much that I had to slog through it all. It had been non-stop all day and it really got on my nerves. A quick nudge from the storm creature’s halberd put me on my toes.

I quickened my pace off the beaten path and towards the open fields, only to trip and fall face first into the grass and mud.

“Way to go, Spencer.” I berated myself as my captor hovered over me.

“Get up! The Storm King will not be pleased for lateness. Don’t make me say it again!” the storm creature bellowed, aiming his halberd at my head.

Using my hands and feet, I lifted myself off the ground, the mud clinging to my body as I rose to my full height. I winced as the splitting headache remained and I rubbed the side of my head to ease it anyway I could. I eyed the storm creature, who was quite larger in size and was covered in heavy armor, before I nodded back to it and began walking like he ordered.

In case you haven’t guessed, I’m a human, and a captive of The Storm King’s army. How did this happen to me you might ask. Well, the answer is rather..uh...saddening.

Oh, who am I kidding?! Actually, the answer is rather the result of the dumbest thing that I ever did.

I was in the southern town of Appleloosa, population five hundred, where the town was planning their yearly Rodeo. I was there on behalf of Twilight Sparkle, who said that I should get out of the castle and see the outside world, instead of being cooped up all day in her home.

Granted, she was right. I have been rather enclosed from the world for a while, especially considering the fact that I’m the only human in Equestria because of one certain Alicorn Princess wanting to duplicate a spell from some ancient Swirlstar or whatever. Because of that, I ended up being snatched up from my life on Earth.

I was preparing to register for the final semester of my school, and all of a sudden, some strange magical orb came out of nowhere and pulled me in. I came to their world screaming, and I landed rather hard on a stone floor. Ever since the landing, I had been out for three whole days!

Well, it felt more like a week to me, since the princess was adamant in wanting to test my body and see how different yet similar I was to her kind.

That was well over a year ago, and I had forgiven her, somewhat, over the whole ordeal. I was a bit surprised when I was abducted, ah, I mean brought here. First off, all of the ponies in Equestria were anthros. That’s anthropomorphic to those who don't know or who are illiterate.

Think of it like people in giant furry suits, but, actually real without the people inside of them.

Anyway, despite my life being turned upside down, and denied a chance to graduate, I stayed until they could find a means to send me back. During that time, I waited, and hung out in the town of Ponyville, getting to know the locals and becoming acquainted with Twilight’s friends. Twilight even suggested going out with Applejack on an event down in Appleloosa. I thought to myself “Why not? It shouldn’t be too much of a hassle, meeting new friends away from Ponyville.”

Although, what I later learned about the event was that it was a rodeo, and to tell you the truth, rodeos are not my thing.

Reluctantly, I had no choice when it came to going to the rodeo in Appleloosa and be the unwilling participant. When I arrived with Applejack and Pinkie Pie, the former participating in the rodeo, and the latter wanting to serve some of her creations and create a fun experience, I mostly sat on the side and observed the whole event in the stands. I cheered for Applejack when she performed, but other times, I had remained silent. Although, I was busting a gut when a giant of a pony called Trouble Shoes was trying to go through a hoop while a much smaller guy at around four feet was running away in panic.

I guess some of the rodeo was not all that bad.

After the day’s events, Applejack wanted to celebrate at the local tavern, and everypony had gathered to drink their fill and pass out from the days events. Applejack seemed to be the queen of cider drinking, downing over a dozen drinks and not get tipsy. Unfortunately, I got so cocky on seeing how much Applejack can drink, I challenged her and the two of us got into a competition, along with half of the gathered participants of the rodeo.

I was out like a light after my tenth drink and I passed out gloriously onto the floor.

When I came to, it was the middle of the night and I had a splitting headache. The bar patrons had all collapsed onto the ground after the night of drinking and celebrating, laying down across the floor like a warzone came through.

I thought I saw Applejack sitting on a table, her hat over her face and her chest rising up and down in pure sleep, but didn’t register her or decided to go and wake her. I thought I also spotted Pinkie Pie hanging upside down on a chandelier, and I wondered how she got up there in the first place.

Usually, it’s just Pinkie being Pinke.

All of a sudden, I felt an unusual feeling, and found I needed to take a whizz outside. I fumbled out the doors and into the cool night air, going around the back of the tavern to do my business.

What I didn't expect to find was one of the said storm creatures hiding in the alley and I was relieving myself on his foot. He didn’t much appreciate that at all.

I blacked out the moment his paw-like fist struck me on the head.

With that said, I was dragged across the landscape to who knows where, and storm clouds had gathered to rain down upon the land. It was then I had turned to and the storm creature which I relieved myself on made me walk the rest of the way.

It had a been at least ten hours since I was captured, and I found myself staring at a large encampment within the desert.

I didn’t know know who these guys were, or where they came from. However, they were far from the colorful equines that I’ve come to enjoy.

The storm creature continued to push me forward, and I walked into the middle of the camp. More of these creatures seem to turn up the further I walked into camp. They were all prepared for war, yet, if there was any consolation, they did look rather cool. The halberds looked sharp and at the ready, and their armor polished to pristine condition. The further in I went, the more dense the army became.

I soon found myself in the middle of the camp and standing near a large platform.

The first thing that came into my mind was an execution platform, and I became worried when I spotted blood on top of the wood and the stairs in front of me. I wondered what kind of punishment they would give me, or what torture they would place, although I wasn't sure what sort of retribution they would give for taking a leak on one of the creature’s legs.

The storm creatures went silent, making only the rain be the constant companion that fell around me. The sound of wood creaked behind the platform, and I heard the storm creatures bow down all around me.

Swallowing the lump in the back of my throat, I felt an unyielding sense of dread spread across my body. My stomach was doing flips and uneasiness crept into the deepest part of my gut.

The steps grew louder, and heavy with each step. In the corner of my eye, I spotted a set of horns rising high above the platform. I froze in place, seeing the face of a strange beast that had almost human features, stepping onto the platform.

The creature I was staring at was tall, almost over six to seven feet tall to be precise. It appeared to be like a satyr, similar to the ones in those mmorpg games, with its human beast-like face and a white furred body. Black armor adorned his form which seemed to glisten even with the rain coming down around us. The creature also had three fingers on each hand and cloven hooves similar to a goat, and he held in his paw a large staff that bent up and wrapped around a blue stone that shimmered slightly, with a mist pouring out of the cracks. His blue eyes gazed down at me, piercing my soul with his icy stare. His teeth, which were lopsided on one side, rose to a malicious grin, revealing many rows of sharp fangs.

He was the epitome of a monstrous beast if I ever saw one.

Another figure came behind him and my eyes traced onto an equine form.

It was a black unicorn by the looks of it, but the horn looked a little off from where I was standing. It looked chipped at the top. The unicorn wore black armor similar to that of the other storm creatures, though this unicorn had more protection bearing small intricate designs on the front that went outward. The unicorn also wore a latex suit underneath the armor, probably for some special forces or if this satyr had some sort of kink for all I knew. Along the arms, the unicorn wore steel bracers that, in some strange way, reminded me of what Wonder Woman would wear. The final striking thing I noticed was that the mane was a deep magenta that went upward, like roman plumes that went straight in the air.

All in all, he or she was the right hand of this Storm King and was not to be messed with.

“Hiya, how’s it goin’?” the Storm king spoke to me, and I jumped slightly from the unexpected greeting.

The Storm king, if I recalled from what the guard said earlier, chuckled haughtily and offered a paw and gestured me to come forward.

“Hey, don’t be shy. Come on over, let me get a closer look at you,” he said in the most cheerful manner.

I blinked at him in surprise, a little taken aback by his behavior, and hesitantly made my way up the wooden stairs until I was standing on the platform.

“Are you the...infamous Storm King, I’ve heard so much about?” I asked, trying to feel inferior to this supreme being.

The Storm King raised a brow.

“Infamous? Wow. I’m surprised you’ve heard of me, Kid. Or whatever you are,” he explained, placing a paw onto his chest in astonishment.

“Oh yay, there are many tales of your villainous acts and deviousness,” I explained.

In truth though, I was only rolling with it since I only heard of him an hour ago, and I thought that appeasement would get the Storm King to lessen whatever punishment he would bestow upon me.

“Ahhhh, I knew my name would get out someday. I, The Storm King, the conqueror of the lands beyond Equestria, will be recognized for my conquest and deeds,” he explained, giving a small twirl and praising himself in narcissism.

I turned to the equine next to me, unsure of how to proceed with the Storm King’s mannerisms. The equine stayed silent, and was only staring at me with those opal eyes and a deadpan expression.

I felt a little unnerved by the silent stoicism and returned my gaze back to the Storm King.

The Storm King had stopped in his twirling and had a childlike look, and he began walking around me. I felt a little shiver crawl up my spine as he observed me, eyeing me like some prized cattle that he had won. I felt a bump on my arms from his staff, and I turned to eye him wearily.

“You’re different, yet oddly the same,” he muttered aloud, continuing to prod me with his staff.

I wanted so much to swipe the staff away, but I remained still and allowed myself to be poked for fear of being strung and hung by his staff.

The Storm King continued to circle me, observing my every reaction whenever he was making me move my arms and legs while averting his eyes towards his guard.

After an insufferable minute, the Storm King stopped right in front of me and clasped his finger on my face. I felt his nails piercing at my cheeks and I froze from the contact. He hummed to himself, turning my head from side to side and observing every detail that my face had to offer.

“Something in my gut is telling me that by the looks of it, you’re not from around here.” he said, allowing his paw to fall down and allowing me to speak.

“Well, I’m not from this world. I’m a Human, your evilness. The name is Spencer J…”

“A Hooman?” The Storm King interjected, raising a finger to his chin in bewilderment, “Never heard of one.”

“It’s pronounced Hu-man. Your unholy lordship of the lands beyond.” I replied, trying to be civil to the tyrant king.

The Storm King eyed me and a grin curled up his lips.

“Strange as you are, you have a talent to forge words like silver,” he said.

I nodded to him and remained silent while he took a step towards me and stood over my form.

“You said you’re from another world. Care to explain how this was manageable, how the Princesses of Equestria brought you here?” he asked, his curious nature becoming that of borderline creepiness.

“Well, I come from another planet called Earth,” I explained, swallowing a lump in my throat and trying to explain my predicament, “I was brought here because the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle, was practicing some old magic that somehow brought me here.”

“Friendship?” The Storm King deadpanned from the word, his eyes lowered and looked quite livid by my answer.

I ignored the warning sign and continued on with my explanation.

“Yeah, Friendship and everything is what she does. Anyway, despite being brought here, I’ve made myself known to the others within Ponyville. I made friends with Twilight’s companions. Rainbow Dash, in a word, is quite the tomboy, quite the bad A grade of awesomeness. Flying around and doing stunts that would make your head spin. Fluttershy is timid and very shy, yet she has a heart of gold in terms of kindness. She’s not only cute, but she also gives killer massages that would make anyone putty in her hands.”

“Cute?” The Storm King muttered, a sneer appearing on his face.

I didn’t pay much attention and continued to ramble on about my friends.

“Pinkie Pie is a whole bundle of joy, and is on it twenty four seven. She always manages to make someone smile over the slightest thing and she makes some delicious baked goods. Rarity is the fashionista of the group, and she always has the kindest and most generous soul around. She even had me go out with her on one of her spa ventures. Let me tell you, those spa ponies have the most sturdy fingers. They turned my aches and pains away into a world of bliss. Applejack is a cowgirl through and through, she’s tough, but honest, and I couldn’t help but feel a close connection with her. Her mannerisms and honesty makes her one of my best friends of the whole group. Did I mention that they tend to be cute and fun whenever I’m around.” I mentioned, but when my eyes landed on the Storm King I was met with absolute fury.

I found out at this moment that my story was not taking kindly to the Storm King.

“I hate Cute!” he lowered his left claw and seized my shirt, hoisting me up into the air.

I gasped and held on for dear life as a ruthless beast seemed to consume him.

“I loathe Friendship!” he slammed his staff into the ground, the end sticking straight into the wood, while he used his free paw to slap me across the face. At the same time I heard the distinct sound of thunder crackling up in the sky. “The meaning of friendship and cuteness, bleh, I spit on such concepts. Friendship with other beings are a means to an end. Friendship leads to betrayal!” He smacked me across the face once more, leaving my cheeks burning from the firm smack. I felt blood in my mouth and a little bit dibbled out of the side of my mouth.

“Cuteness is misleading. Letting your guard down while they bring you down from the inside out!” He clenched a fist, and punched me in the stomach several times, forcing my lungs depletion of all of the air within.

The Storm King drew me close, his nose inches from mine. I could see the burning hatred within his eyes.

“I will destroy notions and concepts, even ones exactly like them! I will conquer these lands for all of their worth and end everything they hold dear!” He shouted out.

As if by instinct, the storm creatures rose up and began chanting his name, pounding their weapons into the ground in some unholy chorus. The Storm King relished in the moment, lifting me up like some prized possession. After taking in the moment, I felt myself being lowered to the ground. When my feet touched the wood, however, the Storm King lowered himself low until his voice was but a whisper.

“You mentioned that you come from another world,” he said, letting go of the hem of my shirt and patting me down from my shoulders and arms. Brushing off imaginary debris while smirking at me. “I look forward to visiting it someday, after I conquer Equestria of course.”

“A new land to claim as my own, I can hardly imagine the screams of your people, and the cries of their children, as I destroy and lay waste to your cities.” he paused, looking rather surprised by what he had said, “You know, that actually sounded better speaking than thinking it in my head. I gotta write that down, use it for future speeches.” he said, tracing a talon to his chin in a pleased manner.

I was livid, apoplectic even.

The Storm King not only threatened my friends and all of Equestria but he even threatened to invade my world. I don’t know what powers he had that could turn the tide in his favor, but if he was to meet Earth’s Military might, he would have no chance when facing off against the sheer military strength, will, and determination to win.

USA baby, all the way.

The Storm King eyed me and looked down to my clenched fist. He grinned and a chuckle escaped past his lips.

“I see that clenched fist of yours. I’ve upset you? Good,” he lowered, placing his claw around my head. Which I forgot to account would likely squeeze my head like a melon, “I have use for someone like you. You would be made a perfect example for those who do not bend to my will.” he explained.

A familiar fear crept up my spine, but it was the way he said it that had me worried. He turned to the pony that stood next to us, remaining silent since his introduction.

“Lieutenant. This human will be under your care, and be of service to whatever whims you need. Treat him as such until the time comes when I have use for him.” he said, he forced my body to stare at his lieutenant, whom I had an impossible time seeing as the rain was pouring down on me. The unicorn nodded in turn, pressing a fist to his chest and nodding down. I then felt my head turn slightly and the Storm King lowered until his head was close to mine.

“Enjoy your stay,” he said, then abruptly shoved my head forward. I stumbled towards the lieutenant, my arms flailing upward to slow my momentum. I was going too fast, and my legs were going to trip up unless I grabbed onto something. The Lieutenant didn’t seem to stop me and I felt my legs tripping up. I was going to fall flat on my face. Using whatever strength I had in my arms, I raised my hands upward so that by some chance my hands would land on the lieutenant’s shoulders.

My hands ended up slapping firmly on his firm breasts and my momentum was stopped.

Wait…hang on…Firm breasts?

I looked up in front of me, and the supposed ‘armor’ that I saw earlier was just the latex, and they were sticking out where my hands were laid upon, like big soft pillows.

This Lieutenant was a she.

My eyes traced up in a flash and, for a brief second, caught the mare’s eyes gazing at me. Time seemed to slow for me as I stared up into her opal eyes. They were, if I was to put it politely, captivatingly beautiful. The almond shaped eyes looked back at me with a bit of surprise, yet the more I stare into them, the more enthralled they seemed to be. Her eyes traced downward and I followed her gaze back down right where my hands were squeezing at her melons. I then realized the truth of my grave mistake.

She was a women!

I looked back to her and I immediately raised my hands off of her breasts, but the damage was done and she had an angry scowl on her face.

“I’m so sorry! I didn't mean to do that!” Is what I should have said.

Instead, I ended up saying the stupidest thing in this sort of situation.

“Man, your hot.”

I sealed my fate when she flared her eyes at me. It was too late for apologies as I felt both of her hands clasp onto my shoulders. She held me in place while her right leg reared up and sent itself straight in between my legs. I felt a bone crushing pain in my pelvis and a wordless cry escaped me when my tenders got smashed upward. I coughed up the blood that was in my mouth and my lungs depleted of air from the blow, but I was not given a reprieve. I felt her right hand lift off my shoulder and I felt a punch directly across my cheek. My head reeled in pain and my eyes were seeing the wooden floor coming to meet me. It did not happen when I saw her left hand clenching and striking me upward. I was seeing stars. I flew a few feet and landed onto the wooden stairs.

She had quite the left hook.

I tumbled downward until my back slammed into the mud, sliding a few feet away from the platform. When I came to a complete stop my body was still and tingling all over, the cascading rain coming down on me. I heard laughter from the Storm King and I remained there in the mud while the Lieutenant stared down at me coldly.

Probably, if not definitely, deserved it since I did cop a feel on her.

My ears were ringing, and my body was sore. I soon felt her hand grab onto my leg and I was dragged through the mud. I soon blacked out after a while and my dreams overtook me.

Well this is going swimmingly, hasn't it?

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoy this new story. A little different then my other deals but I do hope you come to enjoy it. Please everyone tell me your thoughts on how it went and I will see you all again soon.