• Published 7th Aug 2018
  • 11,430 Views, 340 Comments

To Calm a Tempest - Broman

A Human finds himself in the company of a hot Lieutenant. If only he didn't tell her that.

  • ...

Current State of Affairs

I woke up with a painful headache. I winced from the pain and gritted my teeth. I could barely move my arms because they felt like hot lead. My whole body ached from head to toe, the kind where you get thrown into a meat grinder before being reassembled.

I tried to open my eyes but found that I couldn’t. It felt too excruciating.

My breathing was slow, and it was painful to the point of where it was like sucking through a straw while my lungs were clogged with gunk. I coughed, twisting in my bed from the discomfort and feeling the blanket twist with me. Suddenly, something cold and wet slid off my head. A hand touched my brow (at least, I thought it was a hand), and it was giving my head a soft and gentle caress. I tried to open my eyes but the splitting migraine I was having persisted.

“Relax, Spencer. Take it easy,” I heard Tempest speak, and the sound of a towel being wringed out in a small bowl was heard. “You’re okay.”

The cold touch of the cloth pressed on my head, simmering the pain. I relaxed a little. My head was spinning but the damp coolness of the rag calmed me. I opened up an eye to see my surroundings. It was blurry at first, but my eyes managed to adjust to the light around me. I saw a wooden roof above me, a bit fancy in a way but overall sturdy. Light crept through a window, but I couldn’t tell what time of day it was. When I glanced over to my left I was able to see her:


Her mane was disheveled, losing its luster of a mohawk and drooping until it was over the side of her left shoulder. Her eyes were slightly baggy and she was breathing slowly. She wasn’t smiling, but she wasn’t angry either. She was no doubt exhausted, but she still tended to me. She leaned forward, pressing the cloth and brushing over my head several times. It was then that she put the cloth on top of my forehead, before resting her right palm against my left cheek and smiling.

“You’ve had it rough. But, you were able to pull through like a trooper. I’m so proud of you,” she said, taking her hand away from my face before standing up, “You should get some sleep. After all, we need to give you more time to regain your strength.”

I closed my eyes and remained there, hearing her footsteps on the wooden floor as they were leaving my side. My mind was drifting to sleep, yet the noise of several footsteps was keeping me from sleeping and a door creaked open. Light from the sun drifted into the room, and my eyes squinted in annoyance. At least it wasn’t raining, because that was starting to get old.

“What have you found? Are there any survivors?” Tempest spoke, my ears catching on to the conversation.

“We’ve been working for most of the night, Lieutenant. Twenty-three crew members from the Iron Dread are still alive. We’ve already gathered some of the supplies and found the survivors stuck in the crew’s quarters. Yet the other ships we have found before are too severely damaged to be recovered. Not to mention some are still burning,” One of the guards spoke, explaining the situation, “We only account for about one-fourth of our initial fighting force, and all from just six ships.”

“I see.” I heard Tempest respond to the guard.

I figured that I may as well listen in, mainly to figure out what’s been happening while I was unconscious. Judging by how the conversation was going, I could guess that it’s been roughly half a day since the incident occurred.

To help me get a clearer picture, I peeked at my right eye with a slight crack despite how painful it was to do so. I saw that there were two guards standing in front of a wooden wall, and Tempest was talking to them with her back to me.

“There’s more,” another guard spoke, “Some of the other ships that have fallen earlier are too far from this location. It would take us a day and a half of searching before we could return with any equipment or survivors.” he paused, sounding so distracted that I almost strained to hear what he said next. “We don’t know how many are still out there. Or how many are even alive. The advance ships that were to lead the invasion have gone awry.”

An advance party? Just how many ships did the Storm King have? How many did they even send out?

“So many losses…so many good men…gone…” Tempest spoke softly, her tone disenchanted by the news before ordering. “Send out search and rescue parties of every able-bodied guard we have to the rest of the broken vessels. If you return with any survivors, let me know so that I may come to see them. And when you come back with whatever supplies you find from the wreckages, send me an inventory of what remains and what can be salvaged.”

“Yes, Miss,” The guard said with a salute, the other one doing so at the same time as him, “Do you want us to pass this order on to the other officers?”

“Absolutely,” Tempest replied with a nod, “And to the pirates as well.”

I heard the shackle of armor as I saw the guards salute again, and without a second thought, they turned towards the door and ran outside, wood creaking as they did. When they left the building, Tempest walked to the door and closed it.

With the conversation over, I decided to try to get myself to sleep again. Yet, I couldn’t help but note the creaking of the wooden door before it was shut.

We were alone again. The sound of one storm creature outside barking orders before others did the same seemed all the more distant. I heard Tempest approaching me, her feet sounding heavy as she moved. I heard a chair pull up next to the bed, the scraping of the chair’s legs skidding across the wood in protest. I heard the seat of the chair creak, meaning that she was obviously sitting down. I felt her hand grasping the wet cloth on my brow once again. I heard the sound of her placing the cloth in a bin of water, splashing it about before taking it out once more. She wrung it out, the water dripping into the bowl as she held it there. I waited for her to place it back but she didn’t do so. Instead, she remained there and didn't do anything.

“I know you’re not actually sleeping, Spencer,” I heard her say to me, “There’s no need to keep your eyes closed.”

I laid there silently, a small bead of sweat forming on my brow. I didn’t stir or respond. I didn’t even want to say anything because that would give away the fact that I was listening in on the conversation she was having with the guards.

“You have questions. I know you do,” Tempest said to me, “So do I.”

I still remained silent, more sweat forming on my head. She knew that I was awake, despite my attempts to hide that fact. I just had to keep my cool somehow without her knowing that I was still active. I heard her lean forward, the chair she sat in creaking somewhat as she drew closer.

I’m dead.

“You don’t have to hide it from me. I can see clear as day that you’re awake. Even a child whose own hand is in the cookie jar knows when he’s caught.” she said, her voice becoming more of a whisper as she drew closer.

I felt a tendril of breath on my face, making me shiver from the touch. She was no doubt hovering over me but I stayed as still as possible.

“I’m a corpse. I’m stone. I’m the annoying painting that no one ever liked,” I thought, thinking of anything to everything that would make me not react in the slightest to her. More sweat formed on my brow and I felt it drain from my face.

“Come on, big boy,” she said, and I nearly flinched as she placed a finger right between my eyes, “No need to be shy. Open up your eyes and look at me,” she said, emphasizing her words by lightly poking at my head, her voice low and intimidating yet also a little playful.

She hovered over me like some vulture, waiting to see if I’d make a move. She kept prodding me, trying to get me to stir. I felt her fingers trace my face until they stopped on the corners of my mouth, moving them and almost forcing me to smile. Not long after, I felt her trace her fingers along my lips until they stopped at the center of my mouth, before she stuck them inside my lips and moved them up and down.

What was she even hoping to accomplish with this? Get me to kiss her mouth to mouth?

Just when it seemed like this was gonna go on forever and I’d finally crack, I felt the movements of her fingers in my lips stop and heard her sigh.

“Who am I kidding? For all I know, you’re too far gone into Dreamsville.” She said with a bummed sort of voice, and I heard her lean back in her chair.

I took a deep breath, slowly though so that I didn’t draw attention to myself. I waited patiently, unsure of what she was doing. Then, I felt my left arm getting brushed by her. She pressed the wet cloth onto my arm, rubbing it up and down, and repeated the process. I assumed I had dirt on my arm. Maybe even a wound. But I didn’t say anything. It felt nice, feeling the cloth gently patted against my skin and rubbing down the length of my arm.

“I don’t even know what’s going on anymore,” she stated, mumbling to herself.

I laid still, letting her speak and not interfering.

“Every night is the same. Waylaid orders, backtracks, last-minute changes...all of which become a blur later on. Everything should go smoothly, everything is complete, following the letter and no dramatic changes.” she paused in her ministrations with her hand falling down from my arm, “How is that things drastically shift so fast your world becomes a living nightmare? Ruining your day in the process?” she returned to tending to me, draining the water from the cloth and rubbing against my left shoulder.

I felt a slight twinge when she touched near the back of it, where the sting from the Manticore resided. I guess the pain was back now and I no longer felt the numbing sensation from the medicine.

“I always thought that when you dream, you can become anything. That you can get away from the world in the best way possible. And that when you sleep, you go into a trance-like state and let all of your troubles ease away, unaware of everything except your own imagination. All of your troubles be eased and that you are your own master and you are at peace in your dreams. Not to mention that you can control everything.” she said, her attention moved to rubbing my shoulder blade with the cloth, allowing the soft wet texture to rub against me.

I sighed internally from the pressure, feeling the old muscle on my shoulder relaxing from the touch. She did this a few times, tracing the cloth back and forth over me until she paused as it neared my neck.

“Yet, in all dreams, I can’t control everything. Like you.” she said in a harsh tone, yet it was not as bitter.

I could only guess what was coming but I had to let it play out.

“How are you appearing in my dreams? Why is it that you keep appearing when my dreams turn into nightmares? Why is it that you’re always there?!” she said, sounding desperate over the list of questions. I heard the chair shift and the cloth was left to remain on my shoulder.

I dared open an eye and was able to see her fully. She was standing in front of the wall of the cabin, and her head was low and facing away from me. I couldn’t tell what expressions were on her face, but the voice alone told me that she sounded deeply crestfallen.

“Even when I don’t wish to see you, you always turn up at the last moment. It’s almost as if you know when to turn up. What’s worse…is that she appeared. The monster that’s been appearing in my head so much that it seems like even dreams aren’t much of a safe haven. Why did she show up? Just...why?” she said with a distressed voice, raising her arms up and pressing them against her head at the last part and lowering her head more.

I remained silent, watching her while she remained this way. I didn’t know what to say or utter to her. Unless…if she was willing to hear me.

“T-Tempest.” I uttered, my mouth feeling painfully dry and coughed.

It was at that moment that Tempest stirred. Her ears perked and she lifted her head up fully before turning it towards me. Her eyes locked with mine even as she turned the rest of her body around. For a moment, neither of us did anything. None of us moved, spoke, or changed expressions.

That is, until Tempest gave me a mischievous smile and giggled.

“I guess you weren't asleep after all,” she said, almost expecting it. She then folded her arms in a crisscross kind of way before sashaying her right hip to the very direction it pointed to. “I had a feeling that you weren’t.”

“I-” I tried to speak, but I suddenly coughed and cracked.

The sight of me coughing caused Tempest’s expression to change to one of worry and concern.

“O-Oh, uh, hang on a minute. I’ll be right there.” She said, quickly running over to me and sitting back down on her chair.

She lowered down and reached for something near the foot of my bed. I continued to cough, the pain in my throat hurting me considerably. She lifted herself up and I saw a water pouch in her hands. She pulled the cork loose and came forward to me. And then, she placed her right hand behind my head and lifted me up, before she placed the lip of the water pouch into my mouth. Cool fresh water came pouring in and I took it for all its worth.

“That’s it,” Tempest supportively said to me, giving a couple of pats at my throat, “Drink up, big guy. You’re doing great.”

I took several deep drinks before she removed the water pouch and I sighed deeply from the relief. She settled the pouch aside, and slowly and surely...she took her arm out from under my head before grabbing it with both hands and settling it back on the pillow.

Once she took her hands away from my head, she put her arms and hands on her lap.

“How’s that? Your throat any better?” She asked me with a warm smile.

“Yay.” I told her with a thumbs up.

“That’s good,” She said to me with a nod, “I can’t imagine what it must be like to not have enough water in your body.”

That reminded me. I felt the need for a deep shower right now. The kind where you have no running water at a cabin and you're stuck for nearly a week without any plumbing. In fact, a deep hot bath for a whole hour sounded pretty good right now.

“I have to go.” Tempest said to me, before suddenly getting up and heading towards the door to the cabin.

When I saw her leaving, my heart felt like it was going out of my chest. Even as I was seeing her hips swaying side to side and her tail going sideways.

“Tempest,” I spoke, which caused her to stop halfway between me and the door.

I was glad that she stopped. I hoped to talk to her not only because my throat didn’t feel dry anymore, and maybe that I wanted to explain everything to her, but because...I didn’t want her to leave.

I didn't know why, but, it felt right.

She turned her head and gave a look of curiosity to me, obviously wondering what I wanted from her. Instead of asking what I wanted from her, though...she sighed, before giving a bummed sort of and turning her body in my direction.

“I can’t stay, Spencer. As much as I’d like to, I have duties to take care of. I have a lot on my mind as well, and you and I both know that we have questions for one another. Rest assured...I will get to the bottom of this, and we’ll be seeing each other again soon.” she explained.

I had a feeling that there was an interrogation coming up.

“All I need you to do right now is sleep.” She told me.

“But Tempest, I-” I said, but before I could say anything else…

...a gigantic yawn escaped me. I suddenly felt so sleepy I could hardly stay awake.

After I finally stopped yawning, I looked back towards Tempest to find her looking at me with a wry smile while her arms were crossed over one another again.

“You were saying?” She spoke with a raise of an eyebrow.

Instead of just complying with my head, though, I merely shook it so that I could say something without feeling drowsy.

“Tempest, I-I-” I spoke, but my tongue was tied.

Nevertheless, Tempest gained a look of curiosity upon seeing how desperate I was to talk to her.

“Yes?” She asked with a raise of her brow.

After just a little moment, I took a deep breath in order for my throat to not feel so constricted and to relax myself.

“Why?” I asked her.

“Why what?” She responded, her brow going up more.

I sighed when I knew I had to clarify, “Why did you save me?”

Tempest’s look then became one of complete wide-eyed shock. It lasted for a brief bit until she took a deep breath of her own, her chest heaving as she did. A warm smile formed on her face.

“I know we don’t have the prettiest history between us, and that I’m working for someone whom everyone considers a maniac. But…” her arms lowered down until her hands were at her belly, one hand over the other, “Whether they’re a soldier or a prisoner, no one gets left behind on my watch.”

Despite feeling a bit of a pang in my heart, I smiled in response. The answer she gave was good enough for me, and I was grateful that she came for me.

“Thank you.” I told her, wanting to show how grateful I was, “For saving my life.”

Tempest took her hands away from her belly and put them against her sides in response, “You’re welcome.”

And with that, Tempest turned away from me and continued walking out. I once again watched her as her hips swayed and her tail swished as she strolled, feeling enraptured by her flank for some reason and my heart suddenly beating like I didn’t have one before. When she made it to the door and opened it, she turned to look at me again with a smile.

“Sleep well, Spencer,” Tempest said with a nod.

Despite my head laying against the pillow, I gave a nod in response.

A moment of silence then passed between us, and just when it seemed like it wasn’t going to end Tempest went out the door and closed it behind her. Leaving me alone to sleep. Right on cue, I yawned again and let my eyes droop shut. Going right to sleep with a smile.

I awoke in pain. My entire being was consumed in an ocean of agony. My head was splitting from the inside out and I grabbed at the side of my noggin. I seethed from the constant throbbing and I didn’t know how much longer I could keep my head from breaking open so that my brain wouldn’t burst out. I was on the ground writhing around in a fetal position and I struggled to get my bearings.

In the distance, I heard a peal of distant laughter. An all too familiar one. It was her, and she was coming.

I wanted to move but my head felt like a heavy bomb was inside of it and was ready to explode.

“You can’t hide from me, Spencer-Wencer,” I heard her speak, the voice of Misery closing in, “I will see you soon.”

Panic was coursing through me. I had to get out. To getaway. But there was nowhere to go, and the pain in my head was so enormous it kept me in place. Her laughter grew and was on top of me, and it sounded as if Misery was going in circles around me. I gritted my teeth. The ache in my head was too much. I rolled onto my back and just screamed as I felt a pair of hands grasp my face.

“Spencer! Spencer! It’s alright, it’s me!” I heard a familiar calming voice.

Surprised to hear that it wasn’t Misery, I opened my eyes.

Princess Luna was over me, and her hands gently held me and supported my head. Seeing her brought me relief and I smiled at her while she came closer to hug me. I returned the gesture as best I could while I remained on the floor.

“Thank the goddess, Spencer. I thought we lost you.” She stated, still holding me tight.

I couldn’t help but chuckle at that.

“But Luna, I thought you were a goddess,” I quipped.

She hummed in amusement, her hands tracing onto my head. She pulled away briefly and her fingers would adjust every few seconds to feel my head. Her eyes said it all and she was concerned.

“I sense some negative energy within you. From what I could see you might have suffered a concussion. Maybe some brain damage.” she stated.

I was more than a little concerned about how she stated that.

“You mean…I’m going to be disabled in some way? Is it permanent?” I asked, unsure how she’d respond.

“Well,” she adjusted herself by sitting on her legs and propping my head, “It won’t fix any unused brain cells, but I’m certain you will be alright,” she said, chuckling before bringing my head down to rest on her lap.

“Not very reassuring,” I said, a bit annoyed that she laughed at my pain.

But, I guess I fell right into that joke so I’m not mad about it.

“If the two of you are done bantering,” Sombra's voice came in and I was able to cast a glance at the shadowy king. He had his arms folded and a look of disgust plastered on his face. His red eyes were fierce and bitter, looking clearly agitated from the previous night's events, “I believe we have a more important topic that needs to be discussed.”

“Discussion? What discussion? How about the possibility that you and Princess Luna left me on that stage with Tempest before we got surprised by Misery and-” but before I could finish my sentence, my head spiked from a massive headache.

I tried to speak again but was held back by Princess Luna. I felt her hands gently press onto my head and a sudden surge of pressure was exerted inside. I winced from the pain. The migraine was killing me, and even though I tried to keep myself composed my discomfort was obvious to Luna and Sombra.

“Hold still, Spencer. We can explain everything, but you need to be motionless if I am to help you,” she said, keeping my head steady and locking me in place.

Not having much of a choice, I allowed Luna to help me. I watched her hover her hands over my head and she closed her eyes. She began muttering something that I couldn’t pick up and I noticed a strange flicker. Above my head, I could see a small miniature hurricane that was hovering over me. The thing spun above, remaining there as such until I watched Princess Luna’s hands remain there. She then placed her hands into the little vortex but what came out was an ethereal hand coming towards me.

“Luna?” I asked, unsure why her see-through hands were right above me.

She didn’t say anything, but she was still keeping her hands where they were as they neared my skull.

“Relax, Spencer. I’m just removing the negative energy that is causing your headaches. I want to ensure you didn’t receive any permanent damage.” she said, before she placed the ghost-like hands onto the side of my head.

At first, nothing happened. All I felt was her hands and the feeling of running water rushing over them. Then, she pulled something from the side of my head and I shivered from the contact. I saw something black being pulled away from me and it was flung out of the way. Never to return. When it was gone, a small relief came in the back of my mind. My headache was easing away.

“Don’t be too relaxed, Boy. You still need to answer my question,” Sombra said, standing closer to me.

I kept my attention on him while Princess Luna was removing whatever negative juju was in my head. He leaned forward, clearly wanting to probe whatever information I had despite the fact I didn't know what he wanted to talk to me about. Although, I did have an idea as to what it could be.

“Sombra, as much as you want an answer out of me I have no idea how Tempest got into my dream,” I told him, only to earn a snort of frustration in response.

“That is not what I am seeking to find out! I want to know how Misery managed to slip by our defenses,” he said, kneeling down so that he was at my side. “How did she get in the dream that I took every precaution in making it secure? And why? All current roads to that possibility lie through you.”

He kept an eye on me while I tried to come up with some explanation as to what I could have done. I flinched a few times when Princess Luna would pull out some negative energy that was affecting me. When I didn’t give any answers Sombra snorted in irritation.

“We need answers, Boy!” He demanded, but I saw Princess Luna wave a hand above me.

“Calm down, Sombra. He is hurt. He needs time to collect himself. If you are patient, maybe the answer will come to you.” She said, returning to her collective task.

Sombra harrumphed and leaned back, looking away and was deep in thought.

“If you don’t mind me asking…where are Tantabus and Stella?” I asked, curious since I didn’t see them around.

“Tantabus is retrieving something for me. She will be here shortly,” Princess Luna explained with assurance.

“And Stella?”

“She is out of commission at the moment. Under my leave.”


“Let's just say she decided to hit the local tavern and drown herself from what she classified as the…” she paused like she was looking for the right word before saying, “...‘smiling wicker men”, as she called them. She’s too hungover to be here with us at this time.”

My mind went back to the dream. I guess seeing smiling people being burned alive and cheering like there’s no tomorrow would no doubt unsettle anyone. Even someone as stoic as Stella. I wondered if Misery was trying to demoralize us but I doubt it would do much to offset Princess Luna. Or King Sombra for that matter. Although I don’t know what kind of pony he is, other than the few tidbits here and there from Tantabus and Princess Luna.

We remained there for a time, with Luna clearing away the last vestiges of the pain that remained inside my head, with my headache clearing up as a result. The little vortex soon dispersed and her hands reformed to normal. She then proceeded to give me a gentle massage, using the tips of her fingers to knead into my temples and head. I relaxed because of that, closing my eyes and allowing the rhythm of her digits to clear my head. But, I later remembered something very important.

“What happened to you guys?” I asked both Luna and Sombra, opening my eyes so that I could see them.

“I beg your pardon?” Sombra said, turning his attention back to me.

“At the opera. After the fire started, I noticed that the two of you were missing. Along with Stella and Tantabus,” I clarified, “Why did you guys just leave me?”

Right after I asked that, Luna suddenly stopped her massage.

“It was never our intention to leave you, Spencer. Really it wasn’t,” Luna told me, “After your dance was over, we were unexpectedly attacked by Misery.”

“She somehow managed to sneak up on me, your princess, and her two guardians from behind,” Sombra added, mostly as if his pride was wounded, “In the blink of an eye, she took us straight out of the dream until we were outside of its borders. We tried to return, but Misery turned every countermeasure I made to repel her against us.”

“We were unable to get back to you, and so the only way to help you escape Misery’s clutches at that moment alone was to wake you up. It was the only thing Sombra could do since he sensed there was danger in the waking world anyway,” Luna finished for him, “I can only guess the same thing happened with Tempest Shadow since she was in the same dream as you.”

“You guess?” Sombra said, not so amused by Luna theorizing, “Of course she woke up, and it was at the same time as this lad here did. She wasn’t a part of the dream either, so how could the waking spell not…”

But as he spoke, Sombra suddenly stopped and his eyes widened to where they were as big as dinner plates. From the looks of it, something must’ve crossed his mind as he was talking about Tempest.

“Lad?” He asked me, and not a hint of cynicism was in his voice.

“Yes?” I responded.

“Before you escaped Misery. Before you came through and entered the dream realm we created, did you call out for this...Tempest?” he questioned.

I had the answer, obviously. But, I was confused as to why he’d ask this.

“Call out for her? For help? NO WAY!” I told him with a raise of my voice, managing to get up and stand on my own two feet afterward, “When I was stuck in that mud pit, I was running from Misery because I thought she’d drag me back to whatever dark hell she wanted to take me. I yelled for Luna. And for you. For help. But I did not yell for Tempest.”

“You make your point quite clear,” Sombra said, “But, did you think about her? Did you hope she would somehow help you in your own head?”

Originally, I was going to respond by saying ‘no’. But as I processed the question more and more, I started to remember something. I actually did think about Tempest before getting rescued by Sombra.

“Actually, now that you bring that up...yes. I did think about her. I was so desperate for help that I didn’t care if Tempest was the one who rescued me. I kept thinking about her so much afterward.”

Sombra turned his head, his eyes scrutinizing me for a fallout that I unknowingly committed.

“So, she was the one you thought of before entering the dream?” Sombra asked.

I shook my head, unsure what he was getting at.

His eyes traced to Princess Luna while he brought a hand onto his chin, “If she was able to make a connection-”

“Then that would mean that she had been used to lure him in.” Luna jumped onto the conversation.

“She was more than likely a trap once his mind focused on her.”

“But that would mean that she was as much of a victim as Spencer was. Which may mean-”

“That she is planning something for the both of them. Something dire.” Sombra finished, his eyes widening with some realization.

He shook his head slowly and hitched his breath, looking away as if he was disgusted. I felt like I was given the short end of the stick since I didn’t know exactly what just occurred.

Something dire?

What made me so special to Misery?

As if my discomfort was noticed, I felt an arm wrap over my shoulder area and back of my neck. I recognized the blue hand and arm that were over me, but to be absolutely sure...I turned my head to see that Luna was beside me. She gave me a small smile, letting me know that she was right there with me without actually saying it. I relaxed somewhat and smiled back, feeling calmed by the fact that she was still there to help despite the current circumstances. We remained there for a time, with Princess Luna and I enjoying each other’s company while Sombra was silently brooding.

“You will need to prepare,” Sombra spoke, having been silent for so long.

I turned my attention back to Sombra to see him looking more serious than ever.

“Prepare?” I asked, knowing how dumb my response was.

“Sombra, you know that this would be dangerous,” Luna warned him, before leaving my side to confront Sombra at a closer proximity, “You know what is at stake, don’t you? Spencer would not have the mental fortitude to endure this kind of punishment, no matter how hard we train and assemble him for what’s to come.”

Train? Assemble?

What the heck were they talking about? And why is Luna in agreement with Sombra?!

“Of course,” Sombra stated, standing up and brushing off his legs, “We’ve already talked about this. We know what must be done. If my suspicions as to what Misery is doing are correct, then it is only a matter of time before she strikes again. We will have no choice but to train him, as hard and as vigorously as we can.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked, feeling a cold sweating forming on my brow.

“King Sombra and Princess Luna will be instilling you with a training regiment that will help you better prepare yourself when you come to face Misery again,” Tantabus said, her voice coming out of nowhere.

It was then that Tantabus materialized next to me, nearly making me jump. She was wearing the same dress she wore back when I first met her, and I noticed that she was carrying what appeared to be a bag of some sort, a strap being over her shoulder.

“Oh, Spencer,” Tantabus said with a smile upon seeing me, before wrapping her arms around me in a hug.

She lifted me off the ground until my head was over the shoulder without the strap. My feet were hanging in the air and my chest was completely level with hers. The hug she was giving me was likewise much more gentle than the last couple of times she did this, and as my nose was facing her neck I couldn’t help but note the smell of perfume.

“I was so worried about you. Are you alright?” She softly asked me.

“I’m okay,” I told her, before hugging her back in response, albeit a little arkwadly due to the way she held me, “It’s good to see you again too.”

For a little bit, we relished in one another’s warmth. But our embracing came to an end after we heard Sombra clearing his throat, causing us to direct our attention to him. His look being one of bemusement, which wasn’t a surprise.

“Did you bring what I asked of you?” Sombra asked Tantabus.

I looked at Tantabus, who gave a firm nod to Sombra.

“It was Princess Luna who asked me to recover these things, not you,” Tantabus corrected, before putting me back down on the ground, “However, I know the need for them is of the utmost importance.”

She tossed the bag towards Sombra and he seized it in quick succession. He looked inside and pulled out what appeared to be a large training sword. He smirked as he looked at it, like it was reminding him of something from his past. He then turned his attention to me, his stare causing a cold chill to run up my spine.

“When a pony is a squire of the Crystal Empire, it would take three years for them to eventually become a knight by the ruler. I know this from both experience and research. For you, we will pound the ancient teachings of swordsmanship and elder arts within a two months time. Perhaps even one once you recover.”

I felt very ill at this point going forward.

Author's Note:

Long and overdue on this chapter. I want to thank you all for your patience and I will be returning to making more chapters for this story.

Here is to more best endeavors to come!