• Published 6th Jul 2018
  • 1,775 Views, 340 Comments

Harmonic Fellowship - Sun Sage

Rarity's made it home, thanks to all the friends she made on Earth. But they weren't the only ones to find Equestria...

  • ...

18. Friendship Quest... Accept?

Distractions notwithstanding, the successful rescue team arrived in the Map Room shortly after the summons had several of them glowing at the hip… or hands. Rarity, naturally, hadn’t let that slide, even as they were appearing before the Map itself.

“So nice of Harmony to respect your desire to cover up,” she said leadingly, grinning. “But such a shame to cover such well toned flanks! Maybe if you wore less the Marks would go where they’re supposed to, highlighting them even more…”

Aiden rolled his eyes. “No fur; I’d get cold.”

“I could keep you-”

“Not to interrupt but… look at this…” Twilight cut into the conversation, looking with wide eyes to the Map… and the bevy of Cutie Marks floating above various locations.

There were three separate clusters of Marks across Equestria, all floating above seemingly empty locations.

“Hmm… These usually point us to cities or the like,” Rarity mused as they all looked it over.

Aiden knew a bit about it from what he’d been told, but in this case he had a guess. “Just based on timing… you think this might be Spire locations?”

Twilight looked over at him, tearing her eyes away from the Map with clear reluctance. “The Map leads us to Friendship problems. I… don’t want to think it’s turned into a tool of warfare just because we’ve been attacked…”

Garken chuckled, running a hand along the side of the Map table and shaking his head slowly. “No, it’s likely the truth. Making friends with my people generally involves fighting.”

“Everything with your people involves fighting,” Aiden snorted. “You probably take salad shooters literally.”

“And yet our pancakes are mind blowing. My point is, if your Map understands that about us, it could be leading us right to the Generals we want to take on first, the ones we might persuade to turn against Kirin. Look at these locations: if you add a few more points, including and most importantly the one Spire we knew of-”

Twilight nodded grimly. “They form a wide circle around Canterlot. ...Or technically octagon, but that’s not important right now.”

“And yet she mentions it,” Rainbow muttered with a small grin.

“Quiet, you,” Twilight snarked back. “Alright, so it looks like we have our next plan of action.”

“After the current one, which would be figure out what happened here,” Aiden muttered, looking around at the obvious signs of damage to the walls and chairs surrounding the Map (which was itself unharmed for whatever reason, he noted).

“I can explain that,” a new voice spoke up as its owner let herself into the room.

“Sunset!” Twilight called out, running over to embrace the newcomer. Aiden noted that her flank, containing a sort of yin yang patterned sun, was among the glowing Marks above the Map.

She returned the hug. “Good to see you found your way out of that nightmare.”

“Just needed a friend to guide me. So… what did happen here?”

“Heh… well…”

“Before that… Twilight Sparkle, I must know… why is my… Cutie Mark among the ones pictured?”

Twilight blinked, separated herself from Sunset, and looked over at Raven. She had, for simplicity’s sake, retaken her pony form. Many of her injuries hadn’t healed from the shapeshifting, though she had managed to regrow her broken horn. Aiden figured it made sense. What he knew about Chrysalis didn’t paint her in the best light, but it did at least make it clear that she was powerful and resilient. Accepting her was easier than accepting Garken, for him. But it was a fair question.

“Err…” Twilight began with the clear oratory skills of a princess. “Because… you’ll be going with us all, or at least in that group?”

“But I don’t even have…” she cut herself off with a grimace. “Ugh… oh very well. I’m not opposed to a bit of payback, I suppose.”

“Hadn’t noticed,” Twilight muttered.

Sunset looked back and forth between them, before looking over to Aiden. “Huh… so you’re a human from Earth?”

“And you’re Sunset Shimmer, unicorn sojourning on a world similar to mine?” Aiden replied, kneeling down to fistbump. In what he was coming to think of as his mage sight (and he couldn’t recall where he’d first heard that term), he could almost see fiery wings extending out from the mare’s sides. Her aura was like a hearth burning brightly: welcoming but also dangerous if one were careless. Within the deepest flames there was… an ambition? A drive to light the world around her… he wasn’t quite sure.

And then his fist touched her hoof. The two gasped as a surge of magic went between them. Aiden watched several images, memories flash through his mind like a projector cycling too quickly to make sense of.

Sunset winced. “Sorry, not used to controlling that in pony form. Huh… you and Rarity went through a lot together in a short time.” She smiled. “Fire-forged friendships… I can definitely relate to those.”

Aiden chuckled. “I think most of mine have been that. ...So does human you turn into a demon, or a phoenix?”

“...You saw that? Wait, those aren’t just tattoos on your hands, are they?”

“Apparently not,” Aiden replied, examining his left while her magic gently grabbed the right. “It’s a recent development… as in a few minutes ago.”

“We’re not quite sure what they mean… though frankly that’s for him to decide,” Twilight said. “But Sunset, really… what happened here? I’m assuming no one was seriously hurt or you’ve had led with that, but…”

Sunset winced. “Well, where to begin…”


The hospital was abuzz with activity, though under the circumstances things could have been far worse. With zero fatalities and only a few serious injuries, most ponies had been tended to within an hour of the attack. From there, the largest share of attention was on Starlight Glimmer.

The magitech devices in the operating room might have seemed anachronistic to an outside observer, but they did their parts monitoring her condition and keeping her from falling into a coma. Magic exhaustion and severe aether burn topped the list of maladies that had to be left to the side while internal bleeding and bruised organs were tended to by two ponies working in tandem.

One, an earth pony, carefully directed her magic to both strengthen the patient’s physical stamina and stimulate her natural healing while staving off infections and draining swelling. The other, a unicorn, used needle fine telekinesis in meticulous, reparative surgeries. He was capable of several at once thanks to following the careful lead of his partner’s magic, drawing him to the areas of priority and guiding his magic’s touch with her own. It had taken a relatively short time to upgrade her from critical condition. But… Though Starlight would live, the news would likely be bleak when she awoke. There was simply nothing that could be done for her horn, and her connection to magic through it.

Stable Pulse sighed, taking a break to recheck her chart. ‘Exceptionally high aetheric reserves and control.’ Unfortunate, as she’d notice this lack far more than an average magic user might. ‘Special talent: alteration of existing magical effects and spellforms according to her manifested Ego.’ He shook his head, unable to keep a frown from his face. Luckily his patient wasn’t awake to see it. I can only hope this means she can find some other way to use her magic.

The (relatively) rare sound of a pony teleporting broke him from his grim reverie and he snorted in irritation. “Miss Lulamoon, I’ve already told you, we will come get you when-”

“I’m not Trixie, doctor.”

“Ah,” he replied turning around and giving a short, perfunctory bow. “Princess Sparkle. With all due respect-”

“Just one moment and I’ll be out of your mane, Doctor Stable.” With that, the Princess quickly scanned his patient with a light from her horn, nodded briefly to herself, and turned to him. “Please keep us apprised of her condition, and do everything you can.”

“Of course, Princess. Let me know if you have any suggestions about her horn.” He smiled wanly. “It’s no secret you’ve been looking into such things, for that Tempest Shadow pony, wasn’t it?”

Princess Sparkle grimaced, looking away. “I had, but I hit a wall with it. We have some new eyes on the problem now though, so maybe…”

“We’ll both hope for the best then. In the meantime, we’ll see to what we can. She’ll be awake in a few hours. I suggest you be here with as many of her friends as possible. She’ll need them.”

She nodded. “Wouldn’t miss it for all Equestria. Thank you both for your hard work, Doctor Stable, Nurse Redheart.”

With that, she disappeared in a flash of light.


“Ahahahaha… trees! Can’t see the forest for the… ahahaha!”

Luna blinked. “This is… one of our enemies? I do not recall the Oni-koru being quite so… jovial.”

Inpes Ustrina had indeed recovered consciousness shortly after being subdued, as Celestia had intended. His magic was suppressed and his physical strength hampered by injuries, but he seemed unperturbed by it. Just as well, Celestia much preferred to talk this out if at all possible. As such, little advantage in keeping him asleep. She was not quite prepared for his easy acceptance of his circumstances, but could only hope it was a blessing in these otherwise precarious circumstances.

“Oh, forsooth, Princess of the Moon,” Inpes replied, still chuckling at the forest of petrified ponies (wood, not stone, Discord would insist be stated for the record). “I should be screaming furious threats and attempting, futilely, to escape the bonds placed on me. Alas and alack, I am instead calmed by the same aura of happy drowsiness you’ve used to quiet this rabble. It reminds me of being drunk. ...Which I love! Ahahahaahahhahahah!”

There was some truth to that, Luna had to admit. Approximately half the Canterlotians were returned to normal at this point, though they were surprisingly subdued in voicing their protests and confusion. ...Surprisingly, if one was unaware of the subtle magical field calming them.

Celestia smirked, quirking an eyebrow at her younger sister, obviously quite aware of it. “That’s cheating, Lulu.”

“Nonsense. I am Princess of the Night. So if I say it’s ‘quiet hours’, then it’s ‘quiet hours’. Besides, I wanted to keep them as trees for the moment.”

“That’s not very nice, Princess,” a familiar, middle aged unicorn spoke up. He had nearly thrown off the effects of her spell, as had his wife. Luna didn’t mind that though; she felt confident Twilight Sparkle’s parents were two she wouldn’t mind hearing from.

Or debating with. “Untrue, noble Night Light. You could have slept gently until such time as Canterlot was reclaimed, and your homes returned to you.”

He shook his head. “I can’t speak for everypony here, but I’d rather help out if I can. I appreciate the offer to keep us safe and all, but…” he blinked, tilting his head to look to her side. “Err… Princess? I believe your flank is glowing.”

Luna’s eyes widened as she blushed. “It hasn’t done that in-! ...Oh.” Looking for herself, she noticed that her Cutie Mark was flashing. “Ah… a summons from the Cutie Mark Map, if I’m not mistaken.”

“I was just noticing that, too,” Celestia added, gesturing to her own Mark. “I would not have expected Harmony to look to us again.”

“Oh come now, sister; I’m supposed to be the brooding, guilty one. Yet if young Twilight’s Map has a quest for us, I look forward to the chance to help.”

“Agreed. We’ll go to the Castle of Friendship immediately. Moondancer, Lemon Hearts, Minuette, Twinkleshine... I assume you’ve been paying attention to my sister well enough to continue the process of freeing Canterlot’s citizens from Discord’s… assistance?”

Moondancer nodded. “We can take it from here. But what do we do after they’re all freed?”

“Make your way out of Tartarus and towards Ponyville. I suspect Canterlot is not safe for the time being. The citizens of Ponyville are quite adept at adapting to calamities, and I’ve no doubt they’ll manage something for all of you, even if it’s just tents and the like for now. Once everypony has at least shelter, coordinate with whoever’s in charge at the castle for anything else you want to do to help. That will be up to you; you’ve already done more than I could have hoped to help my little ponies through this crisis.”

Moondancer blushed at the praise. Minuette grinned widely. “You got it, Princess!” she exclaimed, saluting.

“Excellent, thank you all for your hard work. Sister, shall we?”

“Certainly, Tia… but what of him?” Luna replied, nodding toward Inpes.

“He’s coming along, of course. Barring catastrophe, the Castle of Friendship will likely be our base of operations for this conflict. Before we decide where to leave him, he’s going there to answer some questions.”

“Heh… and just what makes you think I have anything to say?” Inpes asked, though he looked less belligerent and more genuinely curious.

“Diplomatic instinct? Or perhaps I had the sense while fighting you that I wasn’t really fighting an enemy.”

Inpes seemed to consider that, still grinning lightly as he rubbed his chin with his thumb and forefinger. “Very well then… not that I have a choice in the matter. My own desire to fight this world was considerably reduced after we took one of your kind hostage for interrogation. It was… cowardly, even if we sought one of the strongest we could find.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “I’d like to hear more about that. But for now, we have places to be.” She lit her horn as Luna stepped closer and the three vanished.


He felt them an eyeblink before they appeared, and felt himself grinning involuntarily. So these are the infamous children of the Angels… their masterworks, eh? Garken looked over to where they’d appeared, alongside the face of an old ally. He noted that he wasn’t the only one to react before their teleport had resolved: Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Aiden, and this Sunset pony had also begun turning to the swirling of aether that presaged their arrival. Raven, he saw, had stepped back behind the Map.

“Princess Celestia, Luna!” Twilight called as she stepped forward to hug the larger, white alicorn, and then the smaller, dark blue.

“It’s good to see you, Twilight, and all of you as well,” Celestia replied, looking around the room with a calm smile.

As her eyes settled on him, Garken nodded acknowledgment. “Garken Caedum, your highness. Former Grand Marshal of the Oni-koru, now an ally of this world.”

“A pleasure then, Garken Caedum.”

The third of the arriving group snorted. “I knew you weren’t dead, you stubborn bastard.”

“Looks like you got caught, Commander Ustrina,” Garken replied with a fang-filled grin. “Bit off more than you could chew again? I seem to recall Paladin Williams beating you nearly to death at least twice. Read your opponents better.”

Inpes rolled his eyes. “Paladin Williams beat hundreds of us to death; I find no shame in those losses. And I’m a General now… and you a traitor.”

“It’s our king that’s the traitor, Ustrina, to all our kind.”

“Hmm… so you say, of course. I’ll look forward to hearing your reasoning,” he frowned, tilting his head slightly as though listening for something. “Is it me, or is Teluma here as well?”

“I didn’t really know her… one of your students?”

“Aye. Interesting coincidence.”

Sunset chuckled. “Yeah, get used to those here. Harmony has a funny sense of humor.”

“Just wait till your first heartsong!” a new voice rang out above Garken.

He blinked, and looked up. “There’s a pink pony standing on my head. ...How long has that been there?”

“The entire time… what you just noticed?” Aiden lied casually, pretending to examine his fingernails. Inpes failed to stifle his laughter… almost entirely from not trying.

Twilight Sparkle looked bemused. “...Right. So we’re waiting for a few more who, hopefully, know to come here for a Map summons, but we can still get started. Firstly… Princess, what do you want done with him?” She pointed a hoof at Inpes Ustrina.

“If I may,” Inpes spoke up, “Lock me in with Teluma for now. The princess’ aether suppression and my injuries will keep me from escaping for at least three days… though I say that for your sake. The truth is I have no intention of escaping. This development is too fascinating to walk away from. Besides, as it stands I’m of no use to my king. I refuse crystalline augmentation and am outclassed by most if not all of this room. ...Even the pony hiding behind the table there.”

Celestia smiled softly, looking over to it. “And while I’m sure she has her reasons… Raven… I’d very much like to see you.”

“No, you wouldn’t… not right now.”


“I’m all battered and cut up! I look awful. Celestia… please wait and I will speak with you privately soon. I have… things to tell you, but not here in front of everyone.”

Celestia looked pained for a moment, but then her eyes widened as if realizing something. “Very well then, Raven. ...But I’m very glad you’re safe.”

“Yes… yes I can tell. I feel the same.” Raven practically bolted from the room.

“Huh, what’s with her?” Rainbow asked.

“She’ll be alright,” Celestia reassured her. “I believe I understand the issue. For now, let us discuss what the map has to tell us.”

Aiden went over to Inpes. “Come on, let’s get you settled in. Be right back, all.”

“Here,” Twilight said, as her magic floated the cell key over.

“Wait!” Inpes said, looking carefully at the map for the first time. “This device… remarkable. You do know those are Spire locations those symbols are floating above?”

“We suspected,” Twilight replied.

“Hmm, then I’m sure it won’t surprise you too much to know there are five more?”

“Four. General Cursus and his Spire have fallen.” Garken raised an eyebrow. “Forgive me, Ustrina… for a General you seem very out of the loop.”

“I was,” he replied with a shrug. “I was given my orders alongside Hraebto, but before that I had been training and trying to clear my mind of personal conflicts about this place.” He shook his head. “I don’t suspect it helped that, like many, I refused our king’s offer to enhance us. Those who accepted aetheryte augments quickly became his most trusted officers. Why do you think I wasn’t guarding a Spire?”

“Because you fall asleep in a drunken stupor whenever you’re assigned to guard anything?”

“I’m sure that’s a distant second.”

“I don’t even know where you get the alcohol.”

“Which is why I’m still able to.”

Pinkie Pie giggled, suddenly standing next to Ustrina. She held up a large mug, balanced easily on one hoof.

He raised an eyebrow at her as Garken tried to recall when she’d moved there. Shrugging, Ustrina accepted the mug and took a drink. His eyes widened slightly, and he smiled. “I officially switch sides.”

Rainbow laughed, Pinkie grinned wide and hugged the former General. Garken snorted in amusement. “Just like that, eh?”

“This is excellent cider, Caedum, best light booze I’ve had in at least thirty years. Besides… you sided against our king. Give me a war leader over a politician any day. I knew that warslave nonsense didn’t sound right, and as soon as I saw you, I remembered the war on Earth properly. I’m fairly certain I fought that one, once.” He gestured at Aiden before taking another long swig.

“Wasn’t much of a fight; we had you really outnumbered that day.”

“Eh, vagaries of war, boy, lamenting the circumstances is pointless. Not to mention… my previous assignment was babysitting Hraebto so he actually remembered to take live prisoners. Obviously a bit insulting to me, and not the first barb thrown my way.” Inpes belched loudly. “Where is Hraebto, anyway?”

“Oh, that big guy with the gargoyle wings and a huge axe?” Sunset asked.

“That’s the one.”

“Ah… he… exploded. Several times. And then he fell down some stairs. And then back up them. He’s in a makeshift cell in the basement.”

Inpes blinked. “Is… he’s alive?”

Sunset tilted her head back and forth in an ‘ehh’ sort of gesture. “For a given value?”

Inpes chuckled.

Twilight seemed a bit off-kilter by this point. “...Right. Okay, so… if you’re really switching sides here… what’s your king’s endgame? And what do the Spires have to do with it?”

“Wish I could tell you, young lady, but as Caedum noted I am not in the know. I can fight again in a few days, and give insights before that, but actual plan? I don’t know.”

“Insight then.”

Inpes nodded. “Briareus-”

“Kirin,” Garken corrected. “He’s a draconequus; a native of this world with extremely high aetheric manipulation abilities. Briareus… and every other king we’ve had since the first war here, has been a mask for his true self.”

Inpes looked stunned, and reasonably so. “That’s… difficult to believe.”

“For whatever it’s worth, we can vouch for the truth of it,” Rarity spoke up.

“Yeah… guy was playing all of you for centuries! He never deserved your Loyalty,” Rainbow Dash added.

“Huh… I…” Inpes shook his head, and slapped himself in the cheeks to clear his mind. “Right! Very well… it’s not the first absurdity war has faced me with. ...But that means any speculation I have is useless. ...I never knew my king at all.” He looked lost.

“If anything, this should strengthen your resolve. This isn’t merely one bad king who lost his way. This is a monster this world, and our own people, must be saved from.”

“Agreed,” Celestia added, stepping toward the Map. “And now that I know he is a draconequus… we have much to discuss. For now I will merely say that he isn’t unbeatable, and we will find a way. First… Twilight, I believe the Map has waited long enough to give us this mission.”

Twilight nodded, looking over a list she’d been making, before looking around at everyone assembled. “Each group should proceed to the location you’re shown. Use your best judgment about whether to infiltrate and destroy the Spire you find, or just disrupt it somehow. ...But I don’t believe the Map would lead us to places to simply destroy. Keep your eyes open for chances to turn enemies into friends. I’d rather have a huge party when this is over, not a mass grave for both sides.”

Pinkie nodded... gravely.

“Starting from the north: Aiden, Rarity, Pinkie, Rainbow. East: Princess Celestia, Sunset, Raven Inkwell, and… I don’t know that last one.”

The Mark in question was a broad bladed, single edged sword at a forty-five degree angle. The blade was shattered, and the pieces held loosely together by strands of aetheric lightning. Garken recognized it. “That would be Tempest Shadow’s Mark. She tends to keep it covered under armor, which the Griffins were kind enough to provide before we sailed to Baltimare. However, I saw it when we were both imprisoned aboard the Clades.

“Huh… alright then,” Twilight replied. “West… Princess Luna, myself, Trixie, and… Starlight. Well that’s not going to work too well; she’s in no condition to travel, let alone help with a Spire. And actually… what’s with these other motes floating by each group? I’ve never seen those before.”

“Ooh, those are extra random party members!”

“Pinkie… what?”

Aiden chuckled. “I think she’s right, actually. Each group should be taking a few more along, especially since not everyone in our little alliance has a Cutie Mark to begin with. You caught Cursus and company by surprise; we don’t want to keep charging in under...manned? Ponied? ...Whatever.”

Garken nodded. “Safe to assume the griffins will want in, and you’ll be better for their aid. I’m certain Tempest is on her way here with them as we speak. To say nothing of the fact that I’d prefer to come along as well.”

“I’m with you, too,” Inpes said, “If I’m permitted. In fact, give me ten minutes with Teluma and you’ve have another joiner.”

“That’s all really great,” Twilight said, and meant it. “Though… I still don’t think we can take Starlight… unless… Princess Celestia-”

“Twilight, please. ‘Celestia’... or even ‘Tia’. Please.”

Twilight blinked, and blushed. “Sorry. Still getting used to… err, nevermind. Celestia,” she continued, drawing out the name just a touch, “I need to talk to Raven. Actually both of you, it’s important. After that, we can all rest before making preparations to head out.”

“Very well, Twilight. I’m interested to see what you have to say to my aide.”

“And I’m interested in what you know about draconequii,” Twilight replied with an eager smile.

Author's Note:

Finally! Couldn't even finish this on the 5th like I mentioned; I caught a cold and it sorta slowed down my writing motivation when I suddenly just want to sniffle and watch Netflix under covers. Anywho, enjoy! ...And sorry about the super dialogue heavy nature of this chapter. We're still kind of setting up plot moving forward. But I'm back into writing rhythm now with the holidays well done with, so updates every week or two (at most) will make their return.