• Published 6th Jul 2018
  • 1,775 Views, 340 Comments

Harmonic Fellowship - Sun Sage

Rarity's made it home, thanks to all the friends she made on Earth. But they weren't the only ones to find Equestria...

  • ...

10. Reunion

“So I have to assume this is some sort of joke, even in this situation.” Luna muttered dryly, looking around Tartarus. Unlike the smaller cells in the mountains, the plateau they found themselves on was unguarded and had no unusual magic. Celestia could sense Cerberus in the distance, but what was nearby held most of her attention. She’d sent a letter to Twilight, but she couldn’t leave to discover more on her own yet.

Not under the circumstances. Not with the citizens of Canterlot all around her in the form of petrified wood statues, with only Captain Evening Calm, Luna, and herself as exceptions.

I don’t turn ponies into stone. She grimaced, before nodding. “And, as usual, his sense of humor is questionable.”

“One would think he’d be a bit more delicate, since the Tirek betrayal… though I confess listening to the panic of the nobility wouldn’t be productive at the moment.”

“Honestly, he has been more delicate; I’m a bit surprised he’d do this. How’s Eve?”

Luna smiled wanly, and looked down at her unconscious captain. “Several broken bones, probably a concussion. I’ve already mitigated that a bit. She’s in a healing trance. She’ll be fine in a few days.”

“Your guards are well-trained.”

“One of us should have a few, at least.”

“...I believe Shining Armor was my captain, thank you.”

“And if he hadn’t been surrounded by Canterlot’s privileged second sons, he might not have almost ended up changeling food.”

“Says the mare who slept through the whole thing!”


Celestia’s ear twitched as she heard the sound of wood straining, and then cracking, almost directly behind her. She spun, concerned for one of the ponies being injured somehow…

And came almost nose to nose with Moondancer. The sweater wearing, bespectacled pony spoke up immediately, “Sorry… it was all my idea… uh… not the changeling siege… but this. I didn’t think the ponies of Canterlot would respond well to another invasion. There’s no time to deal with that.” As if suddenly remembering whom she was speaking to, she sketched a quick bow, “Your highness...es.”

Celestia smiled down at her. “Rise, please. And thank you, for helping get them out of danger. How were you able to act so quickly?”

“I’ve known about the weird ship in the sky for a week now. It’s usually behind the moon, but I’d seen it a couple times before tonight while stargazing. I couldn’t tell much about it though; my telescope isn’t good enough.”

“Moondancer, wasn’t it?” Luna asked, giving her an appraising look.

The unicorn blinked blearily. “I forgot to introduce myself, didn’t I?”

Celestia smiled warmly at her as Luna replied, “We know of you, dear Moondancer, as a friend to Twilight Sparkle. ...And now to us as well. I shall see to it you are given the finest telescope Equestria can craft, that you may more fully enjoy the night! ...Once we’ve repelled the alien invaders, that is.”

“Makes sense,” She tried sounding casual, but couldn’t hide her blush as she looked away. “Also… thank you, you really don’t have to do that... But you asked how we got it done. Twilight has been coordinating against something big, based on hints and such coming in from friends she’s made around the world-”

Celestia’s smile became downright beatific, like a mother watching her daughter graduate top of her class. ...Which Twilight had done, for that matter.

“-and tasked me with keeping an eye on things in Canterlot, as best I could. Based on that, I figured another changeling invasion or something, so I worked out some spells for protecting everypony, except… I’m not that powerful. But… well, Discord showed up on my doorstep just minutes before that thing became visible to even the naked eye. He helped me rework the teleportation runes, added a transfiguration array, and provided some power for it. ...Only some… it also took myself, Lemon, Minny, and Twinkle to anchor it. They're here somewhere, and should break out soon. The spell's hold on them is weaker, like it was for me.”

“A Cardinal Array,” Celestia confirmed. “It’s been awhile since I’ve seen one used. It takes four powerful unicorns, in sync with one another, to activate one. To use one to not only move an entire city’s population, but to move them so far… is quite impressive.”

“Yeah well… this isn’t where I would have aimed.”

“Nonsense!” Luna said with a fierce grin. “I’ve been saying for years that the nobility could go to Tartarus!”

“Luna…” Celestia chided gently. “In any case, I assume you have a way to restore them? I can dispel the effect, but it’s always better to revert such a spell through built in means, if possible.”

“Discord didn’t give me that information. He just said he’d keep them from forming a mob, since they ‘wouldn’t see the forest for the trees’,” Moondancer said, her tone going flat as she quoted the draconequus.

“...I see. Well then… we should probably free them…”

“Or we could… not do that,” Luna muttered.


“What? Do you think they’ll be of assistance?”

“Doesn’t this group include all your guard ninjas?”

“I’m not sure that’s how you pluralize that.”

“...The point is… actually no, the point is that they don’t deserve to be statues in Tartarus.” She glanced amongst them, taking note of Prince Blueblood. “...No matter how convenient it is for us.”

“Oh very well… but I’ll take care of it. You’re too distracted right now.”

“I… I’m fine, Luna.”


Celestia sighed, and shook her head. Of course Luna could tell. “She’ll… be fine. She’s strong, Luna. Stronger than I’d ever realized until recently.”

“Agreed. Raven Inkwell most certainly has my respect. Were she my lover-”

“Luna!” Celestia snapped sharply as her muzzle pinkened slightly. “That’s private!”

“-I would be distracted too. And be at ease, you can surely trust the discretion of such an impressive pony as we have here. All the more so one named for my lovely moon.” She smiled at Moondancer, who blushed and floundered in response.

“Uh… yeah! Won’t say a word… princesses.”

“There, you see?” Luna put a comradely wing around Moondancer. “Now, we can focus. Specifically, I will focus on restoring our lovely citizens to their full, loud-mouthed glory. And you will focus on how we can retake our capital so you may be reunited with your newfound flame.”


Raven had cried herself out. To be fair, she’d always kept a bit of her perception trained on the door while indulging in the emotional outburst. It wouldn’t do to be seen falling to pieces in such a manner. She was Celestia’s personal aide and Castellan of Canterlot Castle, not to mention now its sole native inhabitant… probably. The way Discord had spoken to this ‘Briareus’ struck Raven as odd. Pity he’d been turned to stone before he could elaborate. If she could find a way to reverse it...

She sighed and shook her head, wincing slightly as various parts of her body protested the motion. She could block out most of the pain, but not all of it. And with her horn broken… well even if it hadn’t been, undoing magic like that had never been her forte.

She’d meant what she’d said earlier, in that she fully expected Celestia to come back and save her, retaking Canterlot. Better than most, she knew the resilience of ponies. Oh, they seemed weak and prone to panic and such… but how impossibly quickly did they bounce back from practically anything? It was staggering. And their sun princess was no exception. The sight of her, thrown across the throne room with her horn scorched, was burned into Raven’s mind. And yet she’d been fine in minutes, even with all the power that had been levied against her. And how had Chrysalis lost that day? The two ponies she’d nearly completely ruined had recovered, in seconds, from everything she’d done and found the strength of magic to banish everyling from Canterlot. Just like that. Raven sighed, but a small smile curved her muzzle. Beaten, by the very power they used for food. Food beat them. ...Maybe some of them had a point (but Thorax didn’t and buck Thorax right in his stupid mandibles and his dumb deer antlers and his ugly...!) ...Ahem. She had a lot to learn…

The sound of shattering glass drew her attention as a pony fell roughly into the throne room from the already broken window, the same one Falling Leaf had crashed through before stealing that strange, glowing orb. Raven’s eyes went wide as she recognized a badly injured Lieutenant Blade Dance. His left hind leg was crushed and useless, his muzzle was bleeding, and one of his wings… she winced sympathetically. She wasn’t the only one who’d been through the ringer. But…

“Lieutenant!” she whispered like a hiss. “What are you doing here?!”

“Lady Inkwell,” he responded quietly, hobbling over to her. “Captain Sunshower and I stayed behind to distract the monsters while Falling Leaf and the rest escaped with the alien artifact. We don’t know what it does, but getting it away from them is all for the best. If the princesses can undo the magic within it maybe they can free Discord. He paused, then snorted in amusement. “Never thought I’d be hoping for that outcome.”

“That doesn’t answer my question… if you’re still alive, why haven’t you escaped?! What are you doing back here?!”

He raised an eyebrow. “And leave you here with these monsters? Not happening.” He looked away. “I made a fool of myself during the last invasion of Canterlot. I was already drunk, so were a lot of the guards. And when the changelings invaded… it was worse. ...The mare I thought I knew… cared about… turned out to be…” he grimaced and shook his head. “I was so shocked that I was completely useless during the entire conflict. Not again. Not running this time.”

Raven grimaced. “Well, not that the changeling occupation lasted that long. And you… look, the Guard was beaten that day. Defeats happen… believe me I know. Besides… changelings are born and bred to trick you in that fashion. There’s no shame in falling for it. You recovered, and helped rebuild. That’s what matters.”

“Yeah… and that’s exactly what we’re going to do again. And Princess Celestia will need her aide to help do it. So again… not leaving you here. Come on, help me pull if you can.” With that, he bit down on the makeshift chain that held Raven, trying to pull it loose. Unfortunately, Briareus had melded it to the wall somehow. Raven strained against it as well, but the two of them were already physically beaten and exhausted.

Raven’s ears perked up suddenly. “Someone’s coming! Run, hide, now!”

Before he could turn, the doors flew open, and a giant spear flew through them. Blade Dance cried out in pain as it pierced through his shoulder, pinning him to the wall. Raven gasped, realizing immediately the wound was fatal.

“Damn… it…” Blade said, struggling weakly against the weapon. Raven risked a glance at the door to see Maegren stride casually through, a vile grin on his face.

“You left a trail to follow, little pony... And now I have a matching set. I already killed your captain. Thought you were dead, too… until I went back and found your body missing. Did you think you could save this worthless thing?”

Raven grit her teeth, and reached out to Blade, speaking quietly and quickly. “Listen to me… focus! I know the changeling that used you. She was one of several who learned something that day. The true kindness you showed… it left a mark on her, and on many of them! The Guard didn’t fall that day, didn’t fail! You… all of you… began the end of the enemy of Equestria that was the changelings.”

He stared at her, eyes darkening. “How… can you…?”

“Shh! Because I can. I will… I will see this made right. You didn’t fail today either. You will not die in vain; I swear it!”

He smiled, and chuckled lightly as blood spilled down his lips. “And you asked… why I came back…” He breathed a last, shuddering breath, getting a few drops of blood on her muzzle as he did so. Slumping forward against the spear that had killed him, his awareness faded from her senses. Raven grit her teeth against a scream of rage and pain.

“Such a pity… this is what the heroism of the weak is worth,” Maegren laughed darkly.

Raven scoffed, regaining a bit of her old haughtiness. It was the only weapon she had, for the moment. “One day soon… you’ll see what it was worth. I know… better than anypony, what heroism is worth. Weak? Strong? Those can change at any moment. Only fools and children think themselves immune to such vagaries.”

“Oh?” He crossed the room in an instant, roughly gripping her muzzle to force her to look up at him? “And which of those am I, then?”

She grinned up at him. “Isn’t it obvious, little boy? You’re both.” The hand tightened painfully around her jaw, but she continued. “New to this authority you wield like a brat trying to pick up his father’s sword. It’s painfully obvious. You’re just going to hurt yourself, unless one of us does it for you.”

He growled, and shoved her head forcefully against the wall, dazing her. “If you weren’t my King’s new pet, I would teach you respect.” He turned away, striding back toward the door. “But because you are, there is no need. Enjoy your new company while you still have the awareness to do so. As his body decays, I’m sure you’ll have a whole new appreciation for what a fine hero he was.”

Raven winced at the new aspect of the pain in her head, then grit her teeth and sighed in dismay as she looked at Blade Dance, lifting his head to see him one last time. She hadn’t known him well, though the words she’d spoken earlier had been true. I’m so sorry… why didn’t you run?! If you knew the truth, you would… She shook her head, very lightly. No. He wouldn’t have. She knew that much, despite the way that old part of her burned at the admission. He would have come back anyway, and not just because Raven Inkwell was important to Celestia. She exhaled a shuddering breath, tears running down her cheek impossibly. Could I always cry? I don’t remember now. She leaned forward and lightly kissed his forehead before carefully shutting his eyes. As she did, she heard a clink of steel hitting marble. She looked down at the hidden dagger that had fallen from his good wing.


Aiden looked down at Joy.

Joy looked up at Aiden. She spoke first.

“Mister… you’re really tall.”

He blinked, and his shock broke as his face molded into a grin. “You’re alright, kid.”

“You’re alright, too; I saw you in a dream with Miss Rarity! She’s really pretty!” Rarity returned the filly’s bright smile. “And you kill monsters, don’t you?”

Aiden blinked. “Uh… well, I prefer not to. Usually you can find a better way to deal with them…”

“Like beating them up until they can’t walk or fly and they’re afraid to go anywhere near you or your friends again?”

...Yep, Keia’s reincarnation alright. “Well… honestly that does send a message. Killing someone’s a poor way of changing their mind.” Sure, sometimes it’s the only option you have in the moment… but I really don’t like telling a kid that… even if it is her. ...Especially if it’s her. Clean slate and all.

Spitfire snorted quietly, looking at the filly and shaking her head. “Joy, go back with your parents for now, okay? We have to talk about the invasion, strategy and such. It’ll be pretty boring.”

“Hmm… I like strategy… but I’m bad at it, so okay! ...Do you think Princess Twilight has a butter knife she’d let me borrow?”

“...Definitely not.”

“Aww.” Joy pouted before walking back to the other pegasi, dragging her hooves dramatically.

“Between a statement like that and that Cutie Mark of hers, I find myself a bit concerned,” Rarity noted.

“It’d be odder if you weren’t, because that’s one odd little filly,” Spitfire said. “Although, if she were a bit older this would be a good time for that sort of odd. Her parents are bound to be a big help, they-”

“Princess Twilight!” The shout rang through the map room as the door banged open. Through it came an odd looking… bug pony? Aiden wasn’t quite sure.

Twilight turned away from her conversation with Rainbow and Pinkie to address the strange being. “Silent Cricket! It’s good to see you. What’s the trouble? ...Other than all the obvious?”

The black carapaced pony smiled wanly, struggling to catch his breath as he saluted. “New development in the south, ma’am,” he replied with a winded, scratchy catch in his voice. “Not sure what it was, but something came down from the sky while that ship was firing at cities. It landed between Appleloosa and the Pie family rock farm, just south of Ghastly Gorge.”

“Wwwwhat?!!” Pinkie shouted.

“What sort of something?” Twilight asked sharply, overriding Pinkie.

“We don’t know; we can’t see it. But it was close enough to our hive that we felt it. There are beings inside… and they aren’t very nice. Lot of ‘murder death kill’ kind of emotions, you know? We watched for awhile and nothing’s coming out from behind the shield… it’s similar to the magic we’ve used to hide hives in the past. But they’re definitely bad guys in there… worse than… eh… we were?” He grinned nervously, showing off cute little fangs. “Heh… Err… thought you’d want to know.”

Twilight smiled fiercely, nodding. “I certainly did, thank you Silent Cricket. Are you alright? You look a bit the worse for wear…”

“Wait a minute!” Rainbow shouted suddenly, hovering over her chair and pointing a hoof. “He’s not like the ones that joined Thorax… what gives?”

“He’s part of a group of changelings that took a middle road, Rainbow… the ones Pinkie and Fluttershy helped a couple months ago?”

“Oh yeah… wait didn’t they say they were good now? Why’s he still look like the old changelings?”

Silent Cricket shook his head. “I don’t, though, see?” He held up a hoof, though Aiden wasn’t sure why. “No holes. Also, note the mane!” With that, he smoothed back the blue, slightly diaphanous hair on his head, just behind a small, jagged horn. He gave her a smile, and the hovering pegasus snorted in amusement and rolled her eyes.

Twilight giggled. “Yes, very dashing, Silent. You’re a real mare-killer.”

“I would never-! ...Oh, figurative. Heh, right.”

She shook her head, smiling. “Are you okay to make it home quickly?”

He shrugged off the concern, poorly. “I should be. Flew pretty hard getting here, and kept changing forms in case I was being followed. I don’t know what’s in the invisible thing, but I don’t like it; I want to get back soon, too. ...I’ll be fine in a bit.”

“I need you back at your hive, preparing to counter whatever that is, asap. The Pie farm needs warned as well. I’m calling in the debt your people pledged to us.”

He rolled his eyes… or Aiden thought he did. It was hard to tell with the lack of pupils. “No, you’re not, and stop trying to erase that. We meant it when we said we owed you, and this is not part of that. Of course we’ll help… I’ll head back right away.” He turned, stumbling slightly as his wings buzzed.

Twilight’s eyes narrowed speculatively. “Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy squeaked in surprise, staring wide-eyed at the tone of authority as her ears shot straight up. Pinkie saluted. “Yes, Twilight!?”

Twilight pointed a hoof at Silent Cricket. “I need him in top condition for the flight home, to warn the other Pies and, if necessary, help them defend their home. He needs a hug, and put your hearts into it!” ...What?


“Oh, okay, that’s fine then.”

Silent Cricket’s blue, glowing eyes went wide. “Oh, no I couldn’t, that’s not really… oooh…” he trailed off as the two mares surrounded him, each hugging tightly. Aiden watched in astonishment as his aura strengthened, rapidly. “...Hmm…. well that’s…. *hic!* ...okay! Okay… wow, you two are… gosh…” a bright blush colored his muzzle as he pulled, reluctantly, away from them. A silly grin completed the look, and anything resembling fearsomeness in those fangs and his insect-like appearance was quite banished.

Pinkie was grinning. “You’re cute! Thanks for all the hard work! I’ll meet you there after I get Maud!”

Fluttershy smiled at him as well. “Thank you so much for helping everyone! It’s really brave of you!”

Cricket rubbed the back of his head with one shiny hoof. “Aw… well it’s nothin’, err… ladies… thanks for the uhh…” he hiccupped again, and looked to Twilight as his blush brightened. She was grinning. “NodebtneededI’llbeoffnow! Nothing will happen to the Pie farm! I promise!” With that, he turned and sped out the door, practically glowing with energy and leaving a smoke trail in the air.

Twilight turned her smile to Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. “You both did great. Pinkie, if you’ll wait a few more minutes, I’ll join you to head south. Whatever this is, I think it’s what we weren’t supposed to notice while cities were being bombed. Rainbow, I’d like you to come along as well, with the Wonderbolts’ permission,” she nodded to Spitfire, who was listening in from a few feet off the map table. The Wonderbolt Captain nodded in return. “Applejack, keep an eye on things here, along with Fluttershy and Lancy. Starlight and Trixie will be here, too. Starlight is going to be… speaking to our alien guest. Err… the other one, the Oni one.” She grinned sheepishly at Aiden, who waved off the confusion. “Fluttershy… speaking of Lancy… do you think he’ll be any help?”

Fluttershy grimaced, and shook her head. “He's asleep, but... He’s just a little piece of Discord, all that he could set aside before going to Canterlot. He knew something bad was coming. When the Cube petrified him, he couldn't get much here other than random memories. He couldn’t even remember their leader’s name. He said it was ‘big brother Karen’… but I don’t think that’s right.”

“Figures,” Applejack muttered. “But at least he’s okay, or will be once we free Canterlot again.”

“Right,” Twilight agreed. “Which is why I want Rarity and Aiden to go there, with Sir Gram and Dame Gwendolyn. You should all leave in the morning, at first light. We need intel before sending a larger force, and the two of you are best suited to getting it where the Oni are concerned. Don’t do anything crazy, but if you can get Raven, Discord, and any other survivors out without too much risk, please do so.”

Aiden nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

Rarity as well. “We’ll do it, darling. You needn’t worry.”

“Happy to help!” Gram added, with Gwendolyn nodding stoically.

“I’ll be sending reinforcements to meet you… and we need to talk about that before you go, in private.” Aiden raised an eyebrow as she said this. Ominous...

“Spike? You’re in charge here in the Castle. Coordinate everyone and send along any messages to myself or Celestia as needed. I’m afraid we can’t work the dragonfire enchantment for any non-alicorn with the time we have, but it’s something at least.”

“You got it, Twilight!”

“Lastly, Captain Spitfire?”

Spitfire saluted with a wing. “Ma’am?”

“I want you and the other Wonderbolts to join the Ponyville group heading for Manehattan. It was the hardest hit and they may still have some holdouts among the enemy there. If the best fliers in Equestria can’t root them out, you can at least keep them pinned until reinforcements can join you. I know I’m splitting us up and I’d wanted to give everyone a good night’s sleep first, but Silent Cricket’s warning changes things. We need to suppress whatever’s left of that first attack so we can figure out the real threat and focus on it.”

“Not a problem, ma’am. Wonderbolts don’t need sleep unless I tell them they need sleep! Crash!”

Rainbow saluted sharply. “Ma’am?”

“Be careful out there. If my best rookie does something dumb and I’m not around to see it, you’ll be flying laps until your grandfoals are in rocking chairs!”

Rainbow grinned. “Got it, Captain.”

Twilight smirked at that, and then spoke up loudly, “Everyone! We all know what we’re doing, so let’s get to it. She hovered out of her seat, and over to Aiden and Rarity. “Come with me,” she muttered to them before turning back to the table. “Spike, field any remaining questions here, please. Pinkie won’t wait on me much longer.”

“Will do, Twi. Go; I got this,” the little dragon replied, studying the map intently.

Twilight led Rarity and Aiden down a random seeming corridor, deeper into the enormous building. Aiden couldn’t help speaking up, “I swear this castle is bigger on the inside.”

“You should have seen my old place…” Twilight muttered, ears perked towards him. “That aside… this is probably going to be difficult, but… there’s someone you need to see.”

Aiden could already feel what was ahead. “The elite we captured? I doubt she’s going to cooperate. Starlight seemed quite strong, but I can’t blame you if you don’t like the idea of interrogation. Frankly I don’t care for it either.”

“It isn’t that, although… the one you’re meeting down here has already been working on that particular guest. It’ll be easier to see for yourselves. ...Try to be civil.”

“Darling… such a lack of faith! Aiden and I are the very souls of civility, as you should well know!”

“I also know a bit of what you went through on Earth,” Twilight replied, and stopped in front of a thick door to hug Rarity. “I’m really proud to be your friend, Rarity.”

“Hmm, and they call me dramatic,” Rarity muttered, though her voice held affection, and she returned the hug. “Whatever this is, we’ll be fine.”

“Agreed,” Aiden said, opening the door is his curiosity compelled him forward. “It’s not-”

He stopped suddenly, his foot cracking the crystalline floor as his magic surged alongside both anger and defensive instinct. Twilight winced.

...And Garken chuckled. “Good thing I’m not really there.”

“You!!!” Rarity shrieked through clenched teeth. Joyeuse appeared next to her, floating and glowing brightly, poised to attack.

But Garken really wasn’t there. They could both tell it was a projection, both by the wavering light and the lack of any of his familiar, dark presence. Slowly, Aiden regained control of his temper. He turned, scowling, to Twilight. “Explain.”

She weathered his stare without quailing; she’d clearly expected it. “He has turned against the Oni-koru, siding with us to protect Equus after helping Tempest escape from them. He helped save Baltimare, and Tempest and the Knights of Griffonstone both vouch for his good conduct. I understand if you don’t want to trust him, but-”

“Oh good, glad we’re on the same page. He did lead a war of extermination against my world, and all.”

“That was years ago, Windborne; it’s not healthy to hold grudges.” Garken said.

Aiden’s eye twitched; he could practically feel the smug grin on the bastard’s face. “No one’s talking to you right now.”

“Well you should be. ...Twilight Sparkle has done a magnificent job coordinating Equus’ defense against my former king, but she’ll never get you to trust me. You and I know that. But you also know me. You know I spent years building up Adstrum to make amends-”

“Before killing Johnathan while trying to kill me!” Rarity chimed in. “And that wasn’t years ago,” she finished scathingly.

Garken nodded acknowledgment. “I regret his death, believe it or not. He was a friend, and I was a fool to believe I was serving some higher principle in trying to kill you. I was… influenced. And that isn’t an excuse, because I knew about it, to some extent, and disregarded it as weaker than my own will. I was deceiving myself. But… thanks to you, I found my way free enough to see my chains. With Tempest’s help, I broke them for good. Which means I owe this world, and its people, a big debt. I will repay it.”

Aiden’s eyes narrowed as he tried to find something wrong with that. He heard a crack from the floor beneath him, but ignored it. “What do you think, Rare?”

She exhaled slowly. “It’s… easier to give others a chance to be better when they haven’t killed a friend right in front of you… but…” She snarled into a whine, sending Joyeuse back to Aiden’s verse. She stomped a hoof, and there was another cracking noise. “It’s still right.”

Aiden sighed, and nodded, letting go of as much of his anger as he could. In a weird way, as much because of Keia… Joyous Riot, now… he did feel they could trust Garken… provisionally. And if that turned out wrong… they’d beaten him once; they’d do it again.

“See you in Canterlot then, Garken Caedum. We have a lot to talk about.”

“Indeed so, Aiden Windborne, Rarity Liberalitas,” Garken replied, waving as the image vanished. The captive Oni, in a makeshift cell, breathed a sigh of relief.

Rarity tilted her head. “What did he call me?”

“It’s an old word, but it roughly means ‘generosity’ and ‘civility’. ...A complement?” Twilight offered.

“Perhaps… he’ll need to do much more than flatter me to make up for what he’s done.”

“His madness has affected you all," the captive Oni offered grimly. "A warslave who’s been infected by this world’s magic.”

“Quiet, you,” Twilight muttered as she led them away, wincing again at the two rather large dents in her floor.

Aiden noticed as well, frowning slightly as Twilight closed the door behind them. “Sorry about the floor in there… I actually don’t know how we did that.”

“Gravity magic at high density pressed down around where you were standing, cratering the crystal a bit. It’s okay, I’ll fix it later.”

Since when could I do that, though? Aiden wondered. Rarity too, for that matter… hmm…

“Twilight… I get why you had to show us that in private. No sense staining the others’ perceptions with our preconceptions. But why in there with the captive?”

“Two reasons. One: exposing the captured elite to another Oni, one who’s helping us, might give her some ideas about a better way than serving her mad king. Two, and more importantly: Using her aura as a focal point, based on their similar magical resonance, helped bring Mister Caedum into focus.”

“Please don’t call him that,” Aiden said, sounding pained.

Twilight snorted, but then grimaced. “I know this is really tough for you both, but I genuinely think we can trust him… and that we need to. That first attack was far too easy to repel. Some of that was us being more ready than they expected, but some of it was simply that its success wasn’t their main goal. Garken Caedum can give us insight even you can’t match. It’s worth the risk to hear him out. Plus… you know better than anyone how strong he is. If he wants to help, we want his help.”

Aiden nodded as they began walking back towards the map room. “I get that. Just don’t expect us to like it.”

Rarity nodded her agreement, before speaking up. “Darling… where did you learn that long distance communication spell? If we have something like that, why is Spike sending letters?”

“Starlight and I have been working on it based on what she saw of a similar spell Chrysalis used to talk to her changelings over long distances. Unfortunately part of the reason it could work was using changeling magic, which neither of us can properly imitate. However, the Storm King also had such a spell. Tempest can’t mimic it, but we’ve been able to put together a partially working version based on pieces of both spells. I say partially, and again that’s why I needed to focus on the captive’s aura. ...Her name is Teluma, by the way. And she’s stubborn… but doesn’t seem so bad. ...Other than wanting to kill us all.”

“You know, that little hurdle," Aiden said dryly. "Still… you’re not wrong. We noticed the same thing about the Oni back on Earth. Pulling them away from the atrocities they seem so eager to commit was possible on several occasions. ...I’m looking forward to meeting this king of theirs, and asking him why that is.”

Twilight stopped a few doors from the map room, and opened a side door into what looked to be a large guest bedroom. “I’d like you two to sleep here tonight, if you don’t mind. I want you both near Spike in case something happens before you leave in the morning. Please don’t leave tonight. Get some rest first, because Canterlot is going to be very dangerous.”

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “And where you’re going won’t be?”

“I don’t know for sure, though I bet it will. Still, with it that close to Pinkie’s family, she won’t wait through the night. Besides, unlike Canterlot whatever’s there is hidden. Canterlot is expecting us to come; it’s a trap and we’re going to spring it. This hidden… whatever… is something we’re going to try to sneak up on. Better to use the cover of darkness, right?”

Rarity smiled. “My friend the General. One day, I look forward to introducing you to Albert Grumman.”

Twilight returned the smile. “I want to meet him, too, so let’s get this taken care of, and then fix your ship, and get on with what’s important. More friendships.” She hugged Rarity tightly, and Aiden could tell just how much concern she was hiding by the little tremble that ran through both her body and her aura. Her song, diffuse and orderly, quavered for just an instant.

She turned to Aiden, and practically threw herself into his arms. “Please,” she whispered. “Keep her as safe as you can.”

Aiden nodded, returned the hug of the Princess of Friendship. He smiled softly as she clung to him, letting her worry slowly recede. “Cross my heart, hope to fly…”