• Published 6th Jul 2018
  • 1,775 Views, 340 Comments

Harmonic Fellowship - Sun Sage

Rarity's made it home, thanks to all the friends she made on Earth. But they weren't the only ones to find Equestria...

  • ...

17. Regroup

Celestia was taking a walk while trying to clear her head. It hadn’t taken long, after stretching out her senses, to discover that Tirek was no longer among the living. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that; she’d long ago come to the decision that killing an enemy was sometimes necessary, but to find him beaten to death when he’d already been stripped of power and imprisoned here...

...Perhaps it was for the best. Do not think such things.

She sighed, collecting her thoughts. Pragmatism had once been a much easier ideal to stick to. Get results. Save ponies. Defeat enemies… let the rulers sort things out. Nopony would ever hear it from her, but there were days she missed her younger years. Unfortunately, nearly unprecedented strength came with certain responsibilities.

It was not merely your strength… do not belittle yourself. You were the torch of victory for them all. The light of hope, where no shadows could fall.

Yes well… that was then. That was General Celestia… not Princess. Not the politician, the peacemaking diplomat… the overconfident, past-her-prime fool lying in her own failure on the floor of her throne room or in a changeling cocoon because-

Stop that.

...Stop what? Being honest with herself? She’d left her talent behind a long time ago. This… modern era with its complexities and trivialities? Twilight could have it. ...Another ten years, at most, and she’d be ready. She was already forging stronger alliances and friendships across the world… across worlds… than Celestia had managed in the past ten centuries. She looked forward to passing the mantle to the leader Equestria deserved.

Over a thousand years of peace and prosperity, achieved almost bloodlessly, and still you fault yourself? You have more in common with your perfectionist student than you are willing to admit.

Celestia snorted derisively. She’d had-

A green flame appeared near her head, expanding suddenly as it dropped something much larger than a letter at her hooves. “Oh my…” she muttered, looking down at an Oni-koru of likely high rank. She smiled. “Spike my dear old friend… and I didn’t get you anything.”

The Oni looked up at her, eyes widening. Thick fingers curled into large fists as he raised one to touch to his chest in a gesture of respect. “The Solar diarch… what remarkable magic from one so young, that he could send me to you.” He spun away from her, scrabbling to his feet and taking a defensive stance. Celestia watched him calmly. Red and yellow eyes were framed by a face that seemed too prone to smiling for an enemy influenced, and even named, for demons. Even now he was smiling, showing off bright, pony-like teeth. Well muscled limbs moved sinuously in a stance that reminded Celestia of a storybook she’d read long ago. “I am General Inpes Ustrina of the Oni-koru. ...I am unworthy to face such an opponent as you, but I will not fall easily!”

Celestia tilted her head, staring him down. “You shouldn’t belittle yourself like that.” Her eyes narrowed dangerously. “But more importantly… why exactly were you in a position to be sent to me in this manner?”

He chuckled, rubbing the back of his head with embarrassment. “A little purple dragon got the drop on me. I didn’t bother to defend against his flame… fire is my element of choice as well. ...I was not expecting a translocation spell built into his breath. Draconic magic is a wondrous thing, indeed.”

“It is at that. ...So then, Spike is no longer in danger?”

“That is unlikely.” With a casual seeming air, Inpes blurred forward, blades of flame forming around his leg as he struck with a straight kick. The flames splashed ineffectively over Celestia’s coat, and the physical strike was equally useless. “The other General with me was weaker than I, but all the more eager to prove himself for it,” he continued as he ramped up his assault. Celestia’s horn glowed softly as a dampening field absorbed most of the force and bled it off harmlessly. “This ‘Spike’ may well still be threatened, if anything more so without my presence to restrain the situation.”

“I see… in that case, I will have to make this quick. Unfortunately for you, fire magic is a bad match for me. I don’t suppose you’d simply be willing to surrender?”

“I’m afraid I cannot.” He leapt and spun, landing a sharp kick to the base of her horn.

His leg broke under the recoiling force and he grunted with the unsteady landing before a gold shod hoof smashed into his torso, crushing ribs. He rolled, and tried to get back to his feet before another hoof came down on his back. He hissed in pain as it ground in, tearing at muscle and tendon. “That was a good idea,” she said, “it is certainly a weak spot for any unicorn who hasn’t trained to overcome their horn’s sensitivity while casting. I remember once reading a story about warrior monkeys from an eastern kingdom who had a similar problem with their tails being grabbed.” The hoof twisted, and with a crunch Inpes’ spine broke. “You reminded me of it. And well… you don’t have a tail, but if you did it would connect to this, would it not? Tell me, Inpes Ustrina, can you overcome this?”

“In… time… perhaps.”

“I see. Then I’m afraid I cannot give you that time.”

“I suspected not. A good fight, Princess Celestia. I am proud to have fought the General who once led our enemies to victory against us.”

“A good fight, Inpes Ustrina. ...Sleep now.” Her horn lit brightly, gently forcing him into unconsciousness.


Starlight looked up at her friend, held in the oversized, clawed hand of a coward threatening his life. Spike’s eyes spoke clearly, saying Run… save yourself.

She snorted, feeling as though steam were pouring off her coat. As if that’d happen. She locked gazes with the Oni-koru, gritting her teeth to control her temper. ...For the moment. “Let him go, and I’ll surrender. Whatever you’re here for, there’s no need to kill anyone else.”

“I am here to collect a sacrifice for-”

“What cowardly act is this, General?” A voice behind Starlight asked.

The Oni looked past Starlight to Teluma. “You dare speak to me from your place of failure, Elite Warbrave? Using the enemy’s sentimentality-”

“Hiding behind an adolescent to threaten an injured target, General Hraebto,” Teluma interrupted contemptuously. “What fine songs will be sung of your victory today,” she continued, dripping sarcasm.

“Be silent, or be silenced. Honor comes from victory.” His head shot up, ears twitching just as Starlight’s did as the feel of the room changed. “As to you, pony, let go of your magic. No tricks.”

Starlight was smirking. “Sorry… that’s not me.”

The door flew open in a telekinetic grip, and a small object flew through. The smoke bomb exploded after bouncing off the top of his head, and the moment it did Starlight’s horn lit. Telekinetic force pried Hraebto’s fingers apart, breaking three of them. Spike dropped into the spreading smoke with a whoop of triumph.

“Trixie is a lover, not a fighter!” a familiar voice rang out as Starlight heard her and Spike rushing toward the door.

“Kick his flank, Starlight!” Spike added from already at the hallway. Hraebto snarled and flung a blast of energy in the voice’s direction.

It smashed harmlessly into a shield that now surrounded the two of them. As she heard the door slam, she blew apart the shield and the smoke with a massive shockwave. Teluma grunted in pain behind her but the cell’s field had blocked most of it. Hraebto had been thrown into the wall. Smoke sizzled from Starlight’s horn, and she could feel the fur and flesh around it searing. She didn’t care.

“You hurt Spike. ...You tried to hurt Trixie. You’re here for me, is that it?”

Hraebto regained his feet and charged. A silvery greataxe appeared in his hands when he was halfway there, and Starlight sidestepped to avoid it, shoving herself with her magic to get out of the way. His wing flicked out, clipping her and sending her across the room with surprising force, but it didn’t break the bubble of magic around her. He charged again, this time swinging horizontally in a broad arc too low to duck under.

Starlight jumped over it, floating near the high ceiling, and bombarded him with a beam of energy as she did so, pushing him back.

“You fly without wings, little pony?”

“I don’t really like talking about my special talent…” Another beam fired from her horn, now glowing red, but he deflected it with his axe.

“In your current state, you are no match for me. This is simply your fate. Honor is nothing more than luck, and rewriting what happened by the victors.”

“Hmph. Believe me, I know all about trying to rewrite history. It doesn’t work as well as you think.” She was going to try another energy blast, because the strain on her horn was already too much for anything complex. Her anger was boiling over but if she gave in to it now she would shatter, in more ways than one. If only this had happened a week from now…

Her eyes widened as suddenly the axe was inches from her face. In a reflex, she teleported up to the map room, screaming as her horn ignited and cracked. She collapsed to the floor, blinded by the pain of it. The door to the hallway leading to where they’d been flew open, and Hraebto strode through. She rolled, using a burst of magic to throw herself away from the spinning axe that narrowly missed taking her forelegs off. She grit her teeth as her body screamed in protest. She couldn’t channel through her horn anymore. Fine. A pony’s magic wasn’t limited to just that. He charged forward again, his axe flying towards his outstretched hand as Starlight leapt away, channeling through her hooves like an earth pony, enhancing her strength. He swung, off target in his surprise at her sudden burst of speed, and she knocked the blade away with one hoof.

The impact jarred her, and she felt bones crack. I’m not an alicorn. Different aether flows won’t be enough. And I can’t fly like this. Channel through my mane or tail? ...Ugh, and do what? I don’t know rope tricks! She dodged another strike, and a third before a kick caught the side of her head, flinging her across the room and filling her vision with white light and stars. He cackled triumphantly as she bounded roughly off the wall and toppled to the floor.

Starlight was barely aware of him. I’m sorry, everyone… Trixie… Spike… I hope you got far away. She was going to die. She winced as she imagined his taloned foot upon her neck. He strode toward her, taking his time.

Too much time… he never got there. Instead, a ball of fire the size of his body smashed into him and exploded, throwing him backward into the wall.

“Get the HELL away from my friend!”

Starlight raised her head shakily, opening swollen eyes. Her breath caught in her throat. “H-how?”

The answer came immediately. “Pinkie gave me the details, or most of them, but I didn’t expect to trot into a warzone right away. She mentioned about spires and cities being attacked, didn’t add that they’d be here. I mean… I guess the ones in here weren’t worth mentioning. I’ve seen scarier timberwolf puppies. There’s a couple roaming the castle still; AJ can handle them easily. But you’re different, aren’t you?” The unicorn strode forward, casually placing herself between Starlight and the recovering Hraebto. Red magic blazed from her horn, casting the room in fiery shades. “You’ve got more magic, sure, but that’s not all, is it? There’s a chip on your shoulder, from not being quite good enough, am I right?” She chuckled softly. “Got an… axe to grind there, big guy?”

Sunset Shimmer grinned as she stared down her opponent. “I know exactly where you’re coming from.” Her horn blazed, and flames like a phoenix's wings engulfed him.


Joy yelped as a sword chipped the floor beneath her hooves. She spun in the air, kicking at the attacker, but he blocked her easily. Why is this so much harder than… in the clouds… where they couldn’t move right. Crud. She used the force of the block to catapult herself into the air, keeping their attention while trying to figure out a plan. The other ponies in the room weren’t meant for this kind of thing. They were nice! They’d been super nice to her, and Apple Bloom had given her a piece of the best pie she’d ever tasted. Joy wouldn’t let them get hurt! She-

Only had the attention of one of them. The other was swinging his glaive at the unicorn… Sweetie Belle. She’d raised a shield but she wasn’t very good at it, and it was getting cracked. Her friends were huddled behind her. ...No. They were getting ready to pounce on the attacker the moment the shield fell. ...They’d probably die trying that! It was brave, but… She gasped, dodging a flying sword by less than an inch because… she could hear hooves coming their way down the hall. Just a little more time, come on, think! You were first in your class to get your Cutie Mark! You’re the best flyer in your year! What can you do to save them?! Joy bounded off one wall and then another, before knocking her opponent towards theirs. The Oni weren’t stupid, but in avoiding each other they had to ease their attack for a moment. She hit the floor between them, spinning as she vaulted up, grabbing what little wind she could in a dust devil of papers, crystal shards, ...and the knife she’d ‘found’ in the kitchen while Spike was distracted by Sweetie Belle. The Oni covered themselves as Sweetie and the others backed away, buying precious seconds before one of them landed a backhanded swipe that flung Joy away, breaking the swirling currents. But it was enough, as the door burst open and Apple Bloom’s big sister rushed in. She spun on her front hooves and planted a buck that, to his credit, the second Oni blocked.

It just didn’t matter that he blocked. He was still lifted from his feet like a ragdoll and smashed violently into and through the far wall. The first, Joy’s target, was so thrown off guard by it that he didn’t look up in time to avoid taking a flight assisted kick to the temple. He staggered sideways into a straight hoof to the face from big sister. With a rather disturbing sounding crack, he dropped.

“You girls alright?” The big sister pony asked.

“We’re okay, Applejack,” Apple Bloom replied. Right, Applejack was her name. Why was the room still spinning? Joy’s head hurt…. “Where’d they come from?!”

“Don’t know. Seems like they snuck in after the others left. Might a been tryin’ to free their friend down in the basement, but ah I don’t reckon so. Think they just wanted to rage around to make us scared.”

“Hah! Like that’d work! We aren’t scared of a bunch of big demon things with giant swords and scary magic that want to kill us…”

“Well, Ah’m a little concerned,” Apple Bloom muttered dryly.

“Ah think we got em all, now, but… some ponies got hurt,” Applejack continued. “Nopony’s died, least not here. We’re takin’ the hurt ones to the hospital, so y’all are comin’ along. Not gettin’ out of my sight until we’re sure there’s no more o’ those big varmints roamin’ around.”

“Where’s Spike and the others?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Spike got a little roughed up but he’s okay. He’s with the group forming up to head to the-”

An explosion shook the castle, and Applejack chuckled. “Guess that’s done then.”

“What the hay was that?!” Sweetie exclaimed.

“That’d be Twilight’s friend who lives across the mirror, in the human world. She came to help just as they showed up.”

“Ooh, the world Rarity’s coltfriend came from~” Scootaloo crooned tauntingly to Sweetie, who rolled her eyes.

“No, I don’t think they’re quite the same places, to hear her tell it. Now come on, time we gathered everypony together.”

Joy stumbled, and nearly fell, but Apple Bloom was suddenly beside her, steadying her. She smiled at Joy. “You okay there? You took a pretty good hit at the end. Just lean on me, we’ll getcha to a doctor.”

“Yeah… thanks, Apple Bloom.”

“That was pretty awesome, Joy! Wait’ll I tell Rainbow Dash about it!” Scootaloo chimed in as they followed Applejack.

“Heh, well, I didn’t do much. I’m sure her fights are way cooler.” Joy replied, blushing a bit. Nopony was looking at her funny. They weren’t talking behind her back, whispering about how weird she was. Joy smiled brightly. Her head hurt, but everything else was great!


It really was difficult. Aiden made it look effortless, just a casual trot over miles on end. Of course, it didn’t hurt that this verse was a part of him. Even with the connection Joyeuse had forged between them, this was a part of his soul, not Rarity’s. Even with Joyeuse helping filter the odd sense of nausea that came with the rapid teleports, it was still almost like picking everyone up and throwing them, again and again. But she refused to falter. And so, the quick hops that brought them ever closer to Ponyville and a chance to recover and tend wounds were far less quick than they could have been, had he been… well, driving, as it were. But they did not stop.

Of course, Twilight could probably just teleport them all back home at this point; they were bound to be close enough even with this many. But she was busy helping Aiden recover his magic and Rarity had no intention of interrupting that. So she soldiered on, trying as she did so to tighten up the technique, looking for spare aether to channel in any current she could find. Any little eddy of extra-

“So… you and Windborne, eh?”

Rarity jumped and shrieked (elegantly, mind you), at the sudden voice and dark presence behind her. She somehow managed to keep the teleports rolling, though they did falter a touch. “Don’t do that!”

Garken chuckled, sitting down next to her. “But if I don’t use the aether masking abilities I honed while working with Johnathan, I do him a disservice.”

Her eyes narrowed as she stared him down. “...Setting aside that you already did.”

“Yes, setting that aside,” he replied blandly. “It’s a regret I live with-”

“Just one?” She asked leadingly, tilting her head in mock confusion. “Is it lying to him for years about who and what you were, or killing him while trying to kill me?”

“Mostly the second one.”

“...Ah.” Being glib about it wasn’t terribly helpful. She still felt terrible, but also knew she wasn’t to blame. No one could have foreseen-

“But you’re trying to change the subject.”

Rarity snorted, pulled away from her reverie. “There was no subject. You asked a simplistic, rather leading question that didn’t merit a response.”

“I’m just impressed, is all. Clearly your people take no issue with such things.”

“I’m not even sure what you’re referring to.”

“Pursuing a romantic interest outside your own species.”

“Ahhh. I’m sorry; I don’t see the problem.”

“...Fair enough. I suppose I should be having this conversation with Windborne. That he could overcome his hatred of aliens enough to even take an interest…”

Rarity chuckled. “Not that I mind, honestly. But, I think you’re simply looking to be annoying since you’re not trying to kill us anymore. It’s in your nature to be combative.”

“That’s part of it,” he admitted. “But I’m also curious. You wouldn’t know, but the Oni respect many forms of strength. We did, after all, have pilots and builders as well as soldiers.”

“And… that applies to this… how?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.

“In that I respect the strength of will you’ve both shown… that you forged together. Neither of you were a match for me on Earth. Even merely fighting together, the two of you alone were insufficient-”

“Stop, I’m blushing…” she interjected, deadpan.

“-And yet, your bond allowed you to exceed the limits of your personal strength and experience, and create the miracle of your victory. It’s worth building on… but I’m impressed you could… given your differences, and his past.”

“What can I say? We’ve never focused on them.” Rarity quipped with a smile. She tossed her mane and fluttered her lashes at him. “And as for the ‘alien’ thing, as though that were important… Well, I won’t speak for him, but for myself… I suppose I’m simply far more charming than your people.”

“Hmph, maybe that’s it,” he agreed with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. “I suppose my people don’t have glowing asses.”

“..What? Oh… oh my.” Rarity looked back to see that her Cutie Mark was indeed flashing, a summons from the map.

And not just her.

“Weird time for a friendship mission, isn’t it?” Rainbow asked, looking to her own glowing Mark.

“Hard to say,” Twilight added, doing the same. “Maybe it wants to send us to the best place to put an end to all this.”

“How would that work?” Rainbow asked.

“Not sure, but… huh… well those are new.” Twilight said distractedly.

“What are? …Woah.”


Rarity looked over at them, specifically at the last speaker. Aiden was looking at the backs of his hands. Each one sported a small but distinct Mark: a framed door, slightly opened with light pouring through. Each was glowing as per a summons. “Oh…”

“Uhh… yeah… all I’ve got is ‘what?’.” Aiden muttered, looking at the Marks while moving his hands around as though seeing if they were really there.

Pinkie smiled brightly. “Oooooh. Somepony’s getting a cute-ceañera!”
