• Published 2nd Jul 2018
  • 2,829 Views, 47 Comments

Dream Child - ShadowStar_IMHP

The Tantabus was a magical construction. It was made for one reason to cause Luna to have nightmares every night to punish herself. Why then did it escape? What was controlling it? When Luna finds out the truth her life is turned upside down.

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Dreams and Discord!

Chapter 5
Dreams and Discord!

Luna once again walked the halls of the Canterlot hospital. A smile on her mussel as she nods to the staff that greeted her. This time she finished her coffee before arriving. As she walked she didn’t notice that she was being followed. Her ears did swerve as some monitor equipment started beeping oddly though. Looking at one of the rooms where such an event was going on she spotted the patient tripping into the Doctor in such a way their lips met. Judging by the shy looks of both it wasn’t completely unwanted.

Star sprang up to her hooves as she walked in. “You were almost late! Miss Lemonade was about to take me away.”

Pink Lemonade face hoofed. “Not away Star Shine. Just to the physical therapy room where Dr. Gentle Wind is going to be helping you. Your mother was told about it yesterday.”

“I still wouldn’t be here for her. Aunt Celestia said I was to help my mommy. I can’t do that if I’m away.”

Luna came and nuzzled her daughter then lighting up her horn she transferred Star to her back. “Well, I’m here now and let go and see this Doctor Gentle Wind. Lead the way Nurse Lemonade.”

Pink Lemonade walked out to the hall only to stop as a yellow ball with a red star, and blue stripe bounced by. “Who brought a ball into here?” A fellow nurse was running after it so she just shrugged and led her charge to the physical therapy room.

The Therapy room was larger than most set up with various aids in recovery. Luna thought for a moment it was more of a playground. There were swings, a jungle gym, a ball pit, trampoline, and items she thought were more what she expected to like the set weights, stairs, and other exercise equipment. There were a walking guide rail and fall pads to protect a pony when they fell. A Unicorn nurse was guiding a colt earth pony along the walking path another mare was watching at the end of the rail. His body was a rusty red and he had a brown mane. At first, Luna wondered why the colt was there. Then she saw the artificial rear leg. She shook her head to clear it of the curiosity and sadness. What could have happened to him?

With a childlike innocence Star Shine, pointed with her hoof “Look mommy he a pirate!” Pink Lemonade once again found herself face hoofing. “Star Shine it’s not nice to point out another trouble.” Boulder Dash had stopped walking and looked over at the princess and Star Shine. He blinked and look at his fake leg. It had a cup on the part of his leg he still had and came down with a springy metal curved C forming the part that held up his body. “It does kind of look like a pirate leg!” The colt smiled and took on a more of a spring in his step.

Luna looked at the mare tending to the colt. “Primrose?” The mare looked over “Oh Princess Luna I didn’t expect you here.” Luna walked over with Star Shine riding on her back. “My daughter having her therapy session today.”

“Um... Hello.” Boulder Dash hobble over “I heard you say I looked like a Pirate. Thanks, I didn’t think of losing my leg would make me look cool!”

Star shine smiled “That what I thought when I saw you. What happened?”

“Um... well I was climbing and I slipped.” His mother came up “I told him not to go climbing alone. It was a good thing I was nearby. And he’s still grounded once he’s out of the hospital.” Then she realized who she was talking to. “Oh... I’m sorry your Highness” she bows down “This is Boulder Dash, my son. We lived in the mining town of Gemstone.” She nervously brushed her front hoof against the floor “Him being here in the hospital why I needed the job.”

“Would you like to come to my party? It’s going to have balloons and cake and stuff and um...” She looked to Luna but from behind Primrose came “And games!” Pinkie Pie hopped over. “I got the invite right here.” Passing the party invitation to Boulder Dash.

All but the Foals looked around and at each other before looking at Pinkie Pie. “Pinkie Pie why are you here?” Luna asked the Pink Party Pony. “I just said I had the invitation silly. I also wanted to check up on my friend Primrose. She been sad sense the accident.”

“Thank you, Pinkie. You have always been a good friend even way back on the rock farm.” Pinkie nodded “Well I need to get going. Lots of party planning to do! See you at the party Primrose.” Luna turned in time to see a pink blur go out the door.

“Ah Pink Lemonade I take it this is my five o’clock?” Luna turned to the voice seeing a slightly smaller than normal earth pony mare with a light purple and blue mane and tail. Or she thought she was an earth pony just a heartbeat later she spotted the mare’s left wing. Where the right wing should have been was just a scarred over stump.

Unlike her mother, Star Shine haven’t developed the skill of keeping her curiosity in check. “What happened you your wing, Miss Wind?”

There was a slightly sad look on the mare face. “I fell from very high up. But enough of that I’m here to help you.” She used her single wing and looked at a chart “Muscle atrophy... interesting but not bad according to the file. Okay so let's start with simple ball playing. Your Highness, you can help as well. First thing I want to do is have us sit down and simply roll a ball between each other.”

“How Boring! I have a much better idea.” The voice of Discord came from nowhere and everywhere at once. The walls of the room shifted colors to mimic a sunny day and with a flash Discord appeared in a 1930s male style red and white swimwear. “How about a little swimming! I hear it’s very good fitness.” With a snap of his tail and there was a kiddy pool in the middle of the chamber blue with pictures of fish swimming on the inflatable sides.

“MISTER DISCORD!” Star Shine went to hop off of Luna but was caught by Luna’s magic before landing. She wiggled in the grip of the spell trying to break free as Luna looked to Discord.

In a corner, a nurse rose to protect a cream coated and yellow mane color unicorn with a broken horn. Her eyes seem empty with sadness. Discord turned the walls into a living sea painting. She rose up and put her hoof on the wall. “Clown Fish!” She said as she was looking at a clown fish peeking out of a sea anemone. Then gasps as a great white shark comes into view then swims away. The nurse came over and gives the filly a hug and starts pointing to the other fish.

“What are you doing here Discord?” Luna said looking at the spirit of chaos.

“Dear Lulu, can’t I visit my favorite little dream pony?” Discord lifted up and floated over plucking Star out of the field of magic and cuddled her. “Give your Uncle Discord a hug!”

“UGh not in front of the colt!” Star Shine struggled in Discord’s grasp as the others in the room look on.

“Oh in the colts have cootie phase already. My how you are growing up.” He snapped his tail and Star Shine appeared in the swimming pool complete with inflatable aids. “Now for the rest of these adorable foals.”

“Don’t you dare!” Doctor Gentle Wind charged right up to Discord. “This is a medical building, not a playhouse. We do things here to help these foals recover we can’t just let them do anything they want. A mistake now could render them harmed permanently.”

Discord snapped his bear claw and all the foals in the room ended up with cotton candy. “Why can’t I offer to bring a little joy to these sweet little ones.”

“Discord, as much as I would love to have your help.” Luna said with just a touch of sarcasm “Like Doctor Wind said you could make things worse.”

“Nonsense I’m reformed. On the up and up your honor.” Discord changed to appear in a prison outfit. “I served my time after all. One thousand years give or take.”

Doctor Gentle Wind narrowed her eyes. “What about when you sided with Tirek? Have you paid for that? Well, I have! If it wasn’t for you betraying us I would still be flying! Your buddy hit Cloudsdale a city in the sky. What you think happened to all of us Pegasus when we lost our magic! We had enough warning to evacuate but not everyone made it out. I was in the last group holding a foal when we had our magic taken. I chose to fall on my back breaking my wing then risk that foal from being hurt. I wasn’t the only one that fell... not all made it. It’s all your fault!”

The room was quiet and with a snap, everything but the cotton candy vanished. “Is it true Discord?” Discord looked to Star Shine and the heartbroken face she had. “I... um....” With a flash, he was gone. “Fishy go away...” The unicorn foal tapped the wall again where the fish was. Though now the nurse knew how to get the foal active. “Come on Sea Berry I know a few books about fish.”

Pink Lemonade came up to hold the now crying Gentle Wind. “I’m sorry... I lost hold. I shouldn’t have yelled out like that in front of the foals.” Gentle said as she wiped her tears. “Just seeing him I couldn’t hold it back.”

Star Shine rushed forward and gave Gentle a hug. “I’m sure Mister Discord didn’t mean it. I’m sorry you got hurt.”

“Discord has done some bad things in the past. He’s learning to be a good being and I won’t keep him away from you. Sometimes it’s hard to forgive somepony when you were hurt because of them.” Gentle Wind looked about “Pink Lemonade can you start the therapy I... I need some time to myself.”

“Of course.” The activity of the room soon went back to normal. The nurses let the foals enjoy the cotton candy treats before returning to their therapy. Luna looked to where Gentle Wind went then over to the area where the balls were located. Sitting down she found Star Shine snuggling up against her. “I think I sit this round out Nurse. Seems my little star wants to be close.”

“Is Miss Wing going to be okay Mommy?” Star said as she stopped a ball Lemonade rolled to her. Then she rolled the ball back.

“I might have to visit her in her dreams tonight to make sure she doesn’t have a nightmare. She’s angry and seeking someone to blame. True Discord did help Tirek, but he was also betrayed himself by Tirek. He now knows what that feels like. I also know that when Discord was a bad guy he didn’t like hurting ponies.” Well, at least physically Luna added quietly to herself. “Before Tirek took Discord’s magic none of the Ponies were physically hurt. Discord was at least keeping Tirek from outright hurting others. Cloudsdale was after Discord was betrayed. It’s important to know that Discord wants to be a good pony now.”

The physical activity soon progressed to bouncing the ball and then rolling larger and heavier balls. Soon Dr. Wind returned and took the place of Pink Lemonade. “I’m sorry I lost control of my nerves there.”

“It’s understandable Doctor. I had to restrain my anger over him a few times.” Star Shine rose up and gave Gentle Wind a hug. “Thank you, sweetie.”

Soon Dr. Gentle Wind was guiding both Boulder Dash and Star Shine. Luna watched as the Doctor skillfully mixed exercise, treatment, and fun. “She’s quite good isn’t she,” Primrose said as she watched the two foals.

“Indeed and I think a friendship is blooming. Which is good because if I remember you didn’t state you were going to bring your son.”

Primrose ears fell back and she looked to the Lunar Princess. “Well... we are kind of living with my aunt and I was hoping to talk you into letting him stay at the castle once I knew I had the job.”

Luna nodded “I shall let Neat and Tidy know that. Perhaps the next suite over should be yours and your family.” Primrose head lowered “It just be me and Boulder Dash.”

Luna’s head turned to look at her nanny “What about his father? Or others of your herd?” Primrose shook her head “His father took off soon after I discovered I was with foal. I had my family helping.”

“Such dishonorable actions. Thou shouldn’t suffer... sorry I tend to slip into old Equish when angry. You shouldn’t suffer so. Give me this fiend name and I have him brought before us... me.” Primrose head snapped up “No no... please don’t Princess. There is nothing to gain but some petty revenge. You have given us a home, employment, and a future. Really I prefer it this way.”

“As you wish Primrose. For now, I will keep my mussel out of it.” She looked to the smaller pony “But as a friend, I prefer to be able to help when you ask.”


Later that night Luna was heading back to the castle. The moon was up and the stars were shining with a vibrant she rarely displays. Indeed the Lunar princess was at peace with herself something that hasn’t truthfully happen in a long time.

“How did you do it? Dealing with this... feeling.” The voice of discord shattered that peace as she let out a loud sigh. “What do you want Discord?”

The mismatching spirit of chaos appeared flying through the air like an Asian style dragon his serpentine body rising and falling like waves in the wind. “I asked a question. This... what’s the word guilt? A tightness in the chest, upset stomach, and all around icky. Wait that’s heartburn.” He burps and a flaming heart pops out of his mouth and he blew it out and swallowed it again.

“Discord that was disgusting, even for you. I guess you really do feel guilty.”

Discord sniffs “Really, not my fault Tirek attacked Cloudsdale. Even if I restored her wing it will vanish again after a time. Chaos magic doesn’t do anything long term. I figure having a day flying then the next grounded again will make things worst. Same reason I don’t magic Scootaloo the ability to fly, it breaks her heart if she was grounded again after.”

“So how did you put up with it... oh wait you didn’t. You tortured yourself for years with that Tantabus thing.” He spun around so he was backstroking swimming in the air.

“I’m just figuring that out Discord. When I really have the answer I tell you. We just have to trust our friends that it’s alright to forgive ourselves.” She thought about something “Discord please tell me about Star Shine’s biological mother. What do you know about her?”

“Not much, I was a lawn decoration at the time. I did have a wonderful view of you curb stomping Celestia. You always were more of the combative type. All I saw of her mother was a white unicorn with a rosy mane and tail. Dying in her stallions hooves and calling out for her foal to be saved before she died. Just as the rainbow harmony cannon of deus ex machina fired. As you went up and away so did the mare’s foal soul followed the pretty lights. That all I knew till after the Tirek thing. Did you notice your black markings didn’t fade? Unlike the others when you gave Twilight your magic, you subconsciously kept enough to protect Star Shine’s soul. I hid her from his senses. Don’t ask why I’m chaotic after all. Completely forgot about that little soul till just before Tirek drained me to come after you.”

Luna looked at the spirit of Chaos “Let see if Pony Joe is still open. I treat you to a coffee.”

“Oh is it a date? Tia will be so jealous.” Luna rolls her eyes hearing the reply.

Author's Note:

Once again I wish I could do better with Grammar and Spelling. I blame Discord for messing around with my brain causing me to have Dyslexia and other learning problems. If you are the type that can't enjoy a story with a few errors then I'm sorry for you. This is free and a product of me just wanting to have fun. In the end, I'm writing for my enjoyment, not yours. I'm more than happy to correct the errors you find. Just send me a message and I will fix it.

This was a hard one to write. How to write Discord, discord at the same time does not do something that would harm the foals? I think I pulled it off and done something that rarely done. Made Discord face the consequences of his actions. Now Discord can you please stop messing up my computer! I have a plan for you to get in the limelight later!