• Published 2nd Jul 2018
  • 2,830 Views, 47 Comments

Dream Child - ShadowStar_IMHP

The Tantabus was a magical construction. It was made for one reason to cause Luna to have nightmares every night to punish herself. Why then did it escape? What was controlling it? When Luna finds out the truth her life is turned upside down.

  • ...

Life is but a dream

Chapter 1
Life is but a dream


Her wings burn from the flight back from Ponyville, it was the only physical sign of her ordeal. Emotionally she was a wreck. Thanks to Twilight and her friends, no Luna reminded herself, my friends. Twilight and the others were her friends. Just the idea of such was something she had to get used to. Friends after all this time.

It was those friends that help stopped the Tantabus from escaping the dream realm and entering the real world. On one hoof it was a relief, all the guilt she held she finally let go of. On the other hoof, a new worry was worming its way into the Princess of the night’s mind. Why did the Tantabus become self-aware?

She landed on her patio with just a brief nod to the Pegasus guards before entering. Quickly she shut the door and headed to a picture of a moonlit glade. Her horn flared with magic moving the picture aside to reveal a bookshelf hidden in the wall. A brief scan and she removed the book she wanted. It was a simple black boot with red binding, the lettering bright gold with the words ‘Fear Magic by Lord Sombra’.

The book among others she got was supposed to be in the restricted section of the Library archives, being a Princess does have its perks. She went to her desk and flipped the pages to the one she wanted the Tantabus spell. Having gone through the spell many times she knew it by memory, but something must have been wrong. The original use was a form of torture, nightmares every night to torment the victim. She, of course, used the spell on herself.

In the rush to figure out what happened she forgot one simple thing, locking her bedroom door. There was nothing to stop the other celestial monarch from walking into her sister’s bedroom. Even if the door was locked Celestia had an extra key just in case. Besides it wasn’t needed she didn’t give her sister time to realize her mistake as she knocked on the door and just a second later she opened it herself. “Luna, is it true? Were you torturing yourself with nightmares?”

“SISTER! Aren't you too old to barge into my bedroom?...”

“Don’t change the subject, Luna. I just got the letter from Twilight. The Tantabus spell, one of King Sombras creations?” Celestia came over and nuzzled her sister. “I’m worried about you Luna.”

Sighing she returned the nuzzle and nodded “It’s true I used it on myself. I never wanted to forget what happened.”

“That was not you Luna.”

“Please, Tia I know that. Twilight and the others finally got me to accept it. Still..”

“What’s got you worried you are all tense up.”

“It’s the spell it shouldn’t have acted that way. I don’t know how much you know about the spell but it was made to target a victim subconscious, to generate nightmares every time the target tried to sleep. The very nature of the spell would make it impossible for it to move from one pony to another. There even a safeguard against it, Sombra didn’t want the Tantabus to come after him. It shouldn’t have got away from me Tia.”

Celestia looks down at the book looking over the spell herself. “Strange but that was what happened. It jumped from subject to subject then tried to rip a hole in reality itself. Or that what I got from Twilight message and we both know how detailed she can get.”

“It’s true somehow not only did it get away from me, it also knew it was in a dream reality it knew there was a way to escape to the real world.”

“You think there was an outside interference? Someone messed with the Tantabus?”

“That’s the only thing I can think of. Someone not only learned I was using such a spell but changed it and done it all without anyone knowing. I’m afraid the only one I can think of that knew enough about the Tantabus spell to do such is...”

“Sombra himself.” Celestia finished her sister's sentence. “I have an idea we can trace the spell residue magic, but we have to work fast before it fades too much. To my lab!”

Celestia didn’t wait as she turned and galloped out of the room and down the hall not noticing Luna face hoofing. “Sister, even after all this time you still show why the Element of Magic chose you.” She rose up and followed her sister with the spellbook stopping just long enough to close and lock her bedroom door.

The lab was more of a room of forgotten projects. Tables of artifacts and displays of intellectual permute were on display. When one lived for thousands of years there is plenty of time for hobbies. Luna noted most of Celestia’s were more focus on learning, science, and magic. Her own such chambers were filled with more artistic pursuits. Her eyes fell on one of the new computers and judging from the dust it hasn’t been used often. Both her sister’s and her own computer were gifts from the creator Qwerty. The fellow had a strange name but he was fundamental in the making of the typewriter and later the computer. Luna made a mental note to use her’s more than just computer games, well as soon as she was finished with Pac-Pony.

“Sister with the Day Court, your school, and handling those nobles, as well as other issues that come up during the day. When do you have time for all of this?” Motions with her hoof to the various projects.

Celestia looked around “Well, with you back I had some time. Kind of been making up for when you were gone.”

Luna shook her head “Dream Magic my expertise you were always the more general expert. What do you have in mind about this Tantabus problem?”

“Well, like I said that kind of magic wouldn’t be easy. There bound to be some traces to the source if we work fast.” Her horn lit up and she drew a rune circle on the floor. “Step in the circle and I cast a spell to isolate the magic residence that doesn’t match your own. Then we can isolate it and trace it back.”

Luna nodded her ears down along her skull. She was worried someone had tampered with her and the last time that happened... Shaking her head she cast that thought aside she just spent a whole night dealing with the that no need to bring up past pains. Once in the circle, she lifted her head determined to find out what was happening to her. “Okay, Tia let’s get this over with.”

Celestia nodded and her horn lit up. The golden glow flowed from her horn to the rune pattern on the floor lighting each up in a magical display. Her student twilight would use her fancy magic scanner device but Celestia still found the tried and true old ways still worked best.

Soon Luna’s body was glowing with her own magical aura thought no spell was active the magic of the rune circle reviled her magical frequency. And there just where Luna’s heart would be was a faint purplish hue different than the blue of her aura. “There it is... it’s near your heart, odd I would expect any other magic affecting you to be on the outside.”

Luna blinked “Do you... is it remains the Nightmare? Am I still not free of that monster?”

“No... it not her. Luna I’m going to try to isolate it. When I say leave the circle but be careful not to break it.”

“Sister I did take magic lessons as well. I do know rune magic even if you were always the better at it.” With that Luna felt a tingling as Celestia’s magic entered her chest to isolate the foreign magic. When Celestia nodded Luna stepped back careful not to step on the chalk runes.

Celestia was showing signs of stress whatever had affected the Tantabus was not easy to isolate from Luna. Sweat formed on her brow and she even panted with the strain. Finally, it was done and she looked at the rune circle and gasped. Luna own gasp was heard as well as both sisters looked on at the cause of the Tantabus attack.

There within a bubble of blue of Luna’s magic was a filly. It was the size of a five year old curled hovering in the bubble. Thought clearly seen it was also ghostly see through with a faint purple glow.

“Luna why was there a soul of a filly within you?” Celestia asked as she looked at the spiritual child.

“Um... I don’t know. Nor do I know why it’s in a protective spell of my magic I have no memory of doing such a thing or why?”

“It’s something to figure out later. For now, we need to act fast without you sheltering her she would fade away.”

“You mean...” Luna looked at Celestia watching as her sister rushed to a set of books causing many to fly off the shelf pages flipping.

“Worst than death. Without a body, a lost soul could disperse or become corrupted and become a Windigo or other such lost spirits.”

Luna came beside her sister. “Tell me what you need, sister. I won’t let a foal suffer such a fate!”

Celestia looked at her sister “We need to build her a body, I’m going to need some of your blood for a base. Sister... this would mean the child would be of your blood. Your Daughter.”

Luna blinked her eyes wide and ears erect then she looked at the Filly she could already see the purple glow was fading. “Maybe she already was... if I was. But No how could I be with child? It matters not I accept. The filly would need a mother and if she been with me all this time...”

Celestia nodded and got a bowl from her alchemy station she added a few ingredients as she chanted mixing them. “Is that Zebra enchanting your doing sister?”

Celestia didn’t stop her chanting only answered with a nod then with her magic she lifted a sharp small blade. “We need just a drop of blood. Then all the power both of us can muster to make this work.”

Luna nodded and offered her hoof flinching just a little as the blade poked the frog of the offered appendage. Just a few drops fell into the golden mixture before it turned a deep blue of Luna’s magic. Celestia then took the bowl over to the rune circle and set it down under the floating bubble of magic. “Together. One, Two, three.” Both horns lit up and channeled the combined magic of both celestial sisters.

Within the circle, the magical bubble of Luna’s magic popped and the spiritual filly was exposed to the magical might. The mixture below rose into the air and seemed to cover the filly. Then there was nothing but the glow of magic. Luna almost lost hope when she saw it a small speck of form quickly growing. Cells replicating in increasing speed as the fetus took form. Soon she saw the figure of the filly now fully physical. deep purple body and a dark blue mane and tail. The spell ended and the filly landed on the floor. The filly was thin sickly so.

“Congratulations sister, it’s a Unicorn filly. You're a mother.” Celestia said as she wiped the sweat from her brow. Luna was magically drained so she went over and lifted the filly into her hooves and held her.

“Tia... she’s so frail.” She held the whimpering child close to her chest oddly near the very area where the soul was sheltered before.

“We need to get her to the hospital. I did all I could. I was winging it as the pegasi say I’m just glad it worked.”

Luna nodded and with a bit of magic, she still had placed the curled up unicorn filly onto her back and with her sister the two headed for the Canterlot Hospital.


Canterlot Hospital

The hall outside the waiting room was packed. From News reporters to nobles all sharing gossip and theories all with a touch of fear. Not surprising given how two Alicorns running to the hospital got a lot of notice. Royal guards stood at the doors limiting those from entering the room where the two sisters waited.

Celestia sat on a beach with her assistant Raven standing ready with a notebook and quill. “We going to need adoption papers made. It’s the best way to explain her appearance. The poor dear a victim of unknown magical events.”

“Isn’t that a lie Celestria?” Luna asked stopping her pacing.

Celestia smiles at her sister “It is the truth from a certain point of view. We don’t know how her soul was bound to you. How long she been bound nor what happened to her.”

Luna rolled her eyes “And that is why honestly chose me.”

Celestia looked at Raven. “Have Neat and Tidy redecorate the closest suite to Luna’s chambers into the child’s rooms with a room for a nanny. Even as Luna’s daughter we can’t have her staying up all night so a nanny will be needed.”

A white coated unicorn stallion walked into the room brushing his Silver mane. “Your Majesties, the filly is stabilizing. She was drastically dehydrated and suffered from malnutrition but showed no other signs of health problems.”

Luna spun on her hooves. “Can we see her?”

“Of course if you follow me, Princesses, I will take you to her.” With that the Doctor headed back to the doors he came through. As they walked to the child’s wing of the hospital Luna looked to her sister.

“Celestia are we sure it’s best for me to adopt this filly? Would it be better to give her to a loving family?”

“That is an option if you want Luna. Could you really let go? She has been with you for a long time. The shield spell that protected her... I think it was cast a thousand years ago.”

Luna stopped and looked at Celestia “You mean...”

“Yes, Luna she was banished to the moon with you. It makes sense why the spell was within you. In a magical way, she has been joined to your own soul. She even has the same shade of mane as you do.”

Luna returned to walking as they came to the room where the doctor waited. “Thank you, Doctor.” She said as she walked in. There on the bed, the filly tucked up in a blanket. An I.V. tube running from her right foreleg to the bag. A soft pink coated and yellow maned nurse mare was gently brushing the filly’s blue mane. Thought still asleep the filly was still whimpering softly.

Walking over Luna started singing softly “Twinkle, twinkle little star. How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky.” She leaned forward and kissed the filly’s little horn and the filly stopped whimpering and settled down.

Celestia smiled and looked at Raven. “Seems we will be needing those adoption papers.”

The nurse smiled at Luna “Do you know her name, Princess?”

Luna blinked and looked to the nurse than to the filly. “Star Shine seems to fit her nicely.”

The filly eye’s open and looked at Luna “Mommy?”

Author's Note:

I like to thank Sanguine Eyes for proofreading and edits. I'm sure we missed some mistakes so if you see any send me a message and I will fix it asap.