• Published 2nd Jul 2018
  • 2,829 Views, 47 Comments

Dream Child - ShadowStar_IMHP

The Tantabus was a magical construction. It was made for one reason to cause Luna to have nightmares every night to punish herself. Why then did it escape? What was controlling it? When Luna finds out the truth her life is turned upside down.

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Dare to Dream

Chapter 4
Dare to Dream

The knocking at the door brought Luna from her rest as she blinked away the sleep from her eyes the door open. “Sorry to wake you, Luna. You did say you wanted to be awoken early so you can be there for Star Shine.”

Incoherent mumbles were the reply as the lunar princess crawled out of bed and stretched like a cat. “COFFEE!” Her demand echoed off the walls with the force of the Canterlot voice. Celestia rolled her eyes, and a mug of the steamy brew was levitated over.

“Really Luna, the royal Canterlot voice?” Luna rolled her eyes as she sipped the brew. “Sorry, Sister I haven’t slept much the last few days.”

“I noticed, I also noticed it been easier to wake you. Make me wonder if having Star Shine’s soul in you if she wasn’t drawing on your own energy to survive.” Luna looked at her sister with a raised brow. “What do you mean Celestia?”

Celestia led her to the next set of rooms a suite meant for guests of Luna to use when visiting. Sadly they have never been used. “You slept through the whole Changeling invasion, Luna. Before that, it took you nearly a year to recover your magic. Now we know Star’s soul was within you all this time. I’m wondering if she was affecting you. We might call it a magical pregnancy, she was growing in you, drawing on your magic and energy to the point she even started looking like you. Like a biological mother’s body would divert what’s needed to the foal your body and spirit was taking care of her first.” Celestia stopped at the suite door. “But for now, we have more important things to do then theories about how Star came to be.”

Celestia opened the door letting Luna enter, then followed after. The room was decorated in soft pastels mimicking a sunrise. The main chamber had a fireplace to the left of the room, plenty of shelves, the center of the room had large lunching couches, to the right was a basic kitchen. There were two doors one on each side of the fireplace leading to bedrooms. Luna saw the castle decorators Neat and Tidy.

A pair of twins stallions both soft blue bodies and white manes. Identical twins so alike that it was rumored that even they forgot who was who. “Is the Suite to your liking Princess Luna? We tried for a split between the night motif of your chambers and the more sunny motif of your sisters.” Said the twin on the left said: “Of course the sleeping chambers follow your own design but with purple accents instead of blue.” The other added.

“It’s truthfully wonderful work,” Luna said as she looked around and notice three others in the chamber. One was a unicorn with a soft white coat and black mane and had a red ribbon bow around her neck and a black boater hat. Her cutie mark was an umbrella and bag, both items were also beside the mare. The mare noting being looked at bowed “Greetings your Highnesses I’m Practically Perfect. I’m here for the nanny position. I have a list of credentials from my former clients ranging from the Oranges of Manehattan to the Swiftwinds of New Pegisis. All with highest recommendations.”

Luna looked over the mare “I grew up quite literally in the shadow of someone who everyone saw as truly perfect.” Looking over at Celestia then back to Practically. “I hated it and won’t subject my daughter to suffer similar anguish. I’m sure with your record you can find employment elsewhere.”

“What... Very well as you wish your majesty.” With a short bow, she picked up her bag just as a letter flew into the room and right to her. “Hmm seems I got another job offer. One Banks family of Biton.” She headed to the balcony opened her umbrella and lifted up into the air flying away.

“That one interesting enchanted umbrella. I wonder where she got it.” Celestia said as she watched the nanny disappear into the clouds.

The Next nanny in the line was a yellow stallion in a stuffed dress and gray wig the two royal sisters looked at each other than to the stallion. “And you are?” Luna asked.

“Miss Doughfire, Princess, I here to prove my worth as a nanny.” Another look her sister then to the obvious stallion in drag. “You're a Stallion, why are you in such a getup?” “No, I’m not... I’m an elderly mare. Lost my stallion years ago to drink, poor Copper got hit by a runaway cider wagon.”

“Guards” Two guards came to lead the cross-dressing stallion away. Luna looked Celestia “I have no problem with a stallion watching my daughter but one that lies so? Just bring up to many questions.”

The third nanny was shaking with nerves. Her coat was a soft pink called sundown if Luna recalled correctly. The short curly mane and tail were persimmon just a few shades darker than her coat. “I hope we didn’t scare you, miss...”

“Primrose your majesty. I... I got my paperwork here... um somewhere.” Primrose started looking through her saddle bag. She pulled out a few papers and handed them over. “I just got certified.”

“Just got certified and you think you apply for a job at the castle?” Celestia asked looking at the nervous mare.

“Well, you see I didn’t think I could but... a friend of mine in Ponyville told me to try. The worst thing that could happen is you say no right?” then more fearful “right?”

Luna looked at the first letter on top of the papers.

Dear Princess Luna

Hi, it’s me Pinky Pie! She’s nervous, but she’s really good with foals and helped out at the orphanage all the time before she got her license as a nanny. So give her a chance will ya?

Your friend Pinky Pie

P.S. if you can’t trust a fellow bearer of Laugher who can you trust? Well, maybe AppleJack but she was too busy apple bucking to write to you as well.

P.S.S. I’m also got the welcome home party ready for Star Shine the day after tomorrow!

Luna levitated the letter to Celestia. “Take a look at this Celestia. The other papers seem fine as well. Not often someone gets a recommendation from a bearer of one of the elements.”

“It’s up to you Luna.” Luna looked at Primrose. “Because my friend Pinky Pie gives you such a high recommendation I shall like to employ you for the post.”

Luna blinked as her front hoof was tackled “Thankyouthankyouthankyou!” With her other hoof, she nudges Primrose back. “Star Shine will be coming home the day after tomorrow around five you have till then to move in.”

“I can’t wait to help take care of your daughter!” Primrose went to her new chambers to look about.

Luna looked at Celestia. “How do you think Pinky Pie knew Star Shine was coming home two days from now? I only talked to the Doctor about it this morning.”

Celestia sighed, “From what I heard from Twilight it’s best not to wonder about it. I’m thinking that mare has chaotic magic like Discord.”

“I need to head to the hospital Star Shine is going to have some physical therapy and I said I would be there.” The two mares headed down the hall. Celestia put a hoof on Luna’s side “I want to talk to you about something in private Luna.” Then she headed into a study room.

Once the door was closed Celestia cast a privacy spell. “Luna... I have been thinking, perhaps you should cancel night court.”

Luna blinked “But my duty to our Ponies. I can’t set aside my duty just for a few more minutes with Star Shine.”

Celestia slammed her hoof on a desk looking away from Luna “BUCK Duty.” Celestia looked back tears in her eyes. “A thousand years ago I chose duty over family and we both know how that turned out. What is worst I did the same thing not too long ago. A filly needed me to be a Mother, and I chose duty.”

“You are talking about Sunset Shimmer.” It wasn’t really a question but the shock of seeing Celestia emotions play out was surprising.

“She was an orphan like Star Shine is now. Lost her parents in a fire and I took her in. I should have adopted her; I should have been there as a mother. Instead, I had to be the Princess, and I had to be a teacher. I’m not sure what was worst, how I was blind to your pain, or how I ignored the pain Sunset had.”

Luna came over and gave her sister a hug. “Don’t follow my mistakes, Luna. Don’t make the same mistakes I made. To Tartarus with the nobility, buck the night court. Your Duty is to your family, to your daughter.”

“I didn’t know you were hurt so much as well, Celestia.” “No, it’s shame more than pain. I did the same mistake over again. Both times the pony I cared about fall into darkness. I couldn’t set aside being Princess Celestia and it cost Sunset her happiness here in Equestria. Now I see you taking in that filly and I couldn't stay quiet and risk seeing you follow in my hoof steps. Make sure she knows she’s the most important thing in your life.”

Luna nodded “I shall think about it. The only petitioners I get are Nobles that think they can con me to agree with something you already denied. Like they don’t think we talk about what goes on in our courts.”

“Have anypony that wants to see you get a private audience on request. There no reason for you to sit in an empty throne room holding court. You can have them brought to a receiving chamber for a one on one. It might even be more inviting that way.”

“That’s a good idea, Celestia. Are you going to be okay? I do have to get going to the Hospital.”

“Yes, I just need a moment to pull myself together. We can’t have somepony see the bright sunny Princess with tears on her cheeks.”

Luna nuzzled her before heading out to the hallway. A look to the guards “No one gets in without Celestia permission.” With that Luna headed for the hospital. The weight of how much her life had already changed because of that filly felt. Just how many more changes are going to happen? She didn’t notice the shadow form of a draconequus slip out of the chamber where Celestia had her cry. Discord snaked his way down the hall following the mare of the night.

Author's Note:

Once more I apologize for any grammar and spelling errors. I don't have an editor and use grammar and spelling programs.

Fun fact is I wrote more for this chapter. After reading it over I realized that there a natural gap where a break is needed. This would make the next chapter shorter so I'm tossing in Discord to add his own special filler!

I was really worried I wrote the part with Celestia wrong. It's really important for the progress of the story.

Tell me what you think.