• Published 3rd Aug 2018
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Magic on Sweet Apple Acres - Blade Star

Sequel to 'My Family and Other Equestrians'. Bones continues his life on Sweet Apple Acres. Helping the Apples' on the farm, studying magic with Twilight, and occasionally dealing with the odd, minor world ending catastrophe.

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Chapter 1 - Finding Peace

Stepping out of my room, I found the house pretty much empty. I was a little late in heading off to Twilight’s castle, and so AJ and the others, along with my little sister had gone one ahead of me. While it was a shame I didn’t get to spend some time with my marefriend, at least I could rest assured that she wasn’t about to be ponynapped again.

Today, you see, was an important affair. Twilight’s castle was to host two very important events simultaneously. Firstly, awards would be given to Starlight, Trixie, Discord and Thorax for helping defeat Chrysalis and save Equestria from a second invasion attempt. But today would also mark the signing of the first official peace treaty between the Kingdom of Equestria and the Changeling Empire. With Thorax now firmly in charge up there by all accounts, the initial ceasefire was being rescinded and replaced with a proper peace treaty. There was even talk of the two nations becoming allies, like the Griffon Kingdom.

I wasn’t quite sure what to say about all that. Sure, I was glad Chrysalis had been dethroned and a more moderate leader put in her place, but I couldn’t help but see the whole affair as unfinished. Until Chrysalis was in jail or in a box, I would be on my guard. Those same changelings now glad to be our friends had also been quite happy to attack our princesses after all.

But the political workings of Equestria were not my domain. At the end of the day, close as I may be to the Element of Honesty, I am just an apple farmer who occasionally dabbles in magic, with a particular scientific interest in the darker side of magic.

Still, if there is one thing living here in Equestria, and watching MLP before that has taught me, it’s that it never hurts to have a backup plan. If there had been another guard able to cast the shield spell, the first attempt on Canterlot would have been beaten off, if Celestia had had a contingency in place for when Discord betrayed her, Tirek would have been dealt with in a trice.

So, I had set my mind to this contingency. If the powers that be would not act, I would. As I’ve said already, I have a decent understanding of magic. But unlike ponies, I have the imagination to use it for more military matters, as a weapon, rather than a mere tool.

Smiling to myself, I thought of the manila folder sitting on my desk in my room. That was the result of a few weeks of labour on my part, and I saw it as a viable fall back option, should we ever face another recurring villain. In fact, I’d designed it with our insectoid friends in mind.

I’d called it FOXDIE. Yes, I have always been a fan of the Metal Gear series. But my new spell was also given that name because it was inspired by that virus. You see, in the game, FOXDIE was a virus capable of targeting certain individuals based on their genetic makeup. You could release it into a populated area, and it would only kill it’s target. Others would carry it, but the virus would never activate. Think of it as a biological version of the Stuxnet computer virus. When FOXDIE activated, it caused the target to expire from what appeared to be a heart attack.

My own creation was somewhat similar. Instead of targeting the heart though, mine targeted magic. Everything in Equestria has some form of magic in it, passive or active depending on the species. My spell was programmed to seek out a certain magical signature, which is just as unique as a person’s DNA. When it found it, it reversed the polarity of the energy. That not only deprived the target of its magic, but also caused a cascade reaction throughout the body. When Tirek took ponies’ magic, it left them in a weakened state, FOXDIE did the same thing. It wasn’t fatal by any means, but it would stop any attack.

I’ll admit, it was a dark thing I did. But I told myself it was for the best. Ideally, it would never be used. It would be like the nuclear bomb, an unthinkable deterrent should we ever face a situation Twilight and her friends couldn’t solve. Nopony except me would ever know about it. But it would be there, quietly waiting for the spell that would activate it. .

For it to work though, it needed to be in every potential enemy. There had to be a carrier. Thus, I nominated myself as Patient Zero. It would spread through Equestria in the manner of a virus, through magical contact, such as when one unicorn passes something to another in their magic. For the moment, the primary target would be changelings. In the event that Thorax was not a stallion of his word, or Chrysalis retook her throne, it would be a simple matter of sending out the activation signal, and then every infected changeling would feel the effects of the spell inside of thirty seconds. Even if not all of them carried it, the shock would be enough to stop any attack.

Hence why I was now heading out the door to Twilight’s castle. I needed to meet Thorax; firstly, to see how trustworthy he was, to get to know him, and secondly, to ensure he was infected. If he had it, FOXDIE would spread through the hive like wildfire.

Now, of course, I knew Twilight wouldn’t agree with such action, nor would the princesses. As much as it pained me to keep things from them, particularly Luna, I felt that I had no other choice. Sometimes, good men must do terrible things to make the world right. I’d agonised over that decision for weeks. It hadn’t actually taken me that long to perfect the spell. It had been the idea of using it that had given me pause. And even now, I hoped to Celestia that I would never have need of it. Conversely, never again did I want to see her ponynapped from her home and suspended in a cocoon.

It was with this in mind that I stepped out of the kitchen and into the bright sunny morning. To anypony else, it was just another lovely, peaceful day in Equestria.

As I made my way off the farm towards Ponyville, I couldn’t help but once again feel in two minds. The reason I was doing all this, my justification, was to protect Equestria, its inhabitants, and my friends.

But at the same time though, I was going against everything Equestria stood for. To this day, I know of only two beings that have been outright killed when they crossed paths with Twilight and her friends. Neither of those were intentional on their part. In fact, Twilight had apparently been unsettled by Sombra’s demise for weeks. Revenge was just not in the nature of ponies.

It is in mine though. As much as I know it is wrong to do so, I harbour grudges. I don’t forget people who have done me wrong. If I’m honest, I’ve never been able to understand how ponies can seemingly shrug off even the most terrifying ordeal. Look at the most recent one. None of the princesses, or even Starlight, are really concerned about what Chrysalis might do next. She’s still alive and I know she’s planning something.

That was why I created FOXDIE. Not out of a need for petty revenge, but to plug a gap in my homeland’s defences. If we were to face another incident like that, it would be from new blood, not a previously defeated, resentful foe.

As I came into town, I tried to put the whole matter to one side. I hoped that I was wrong in my fears. Perhaps Thorax would not only be a stallion of his word, but we would be able to capture Chrysalis without trouble. She is a lot less of a threat now. With no minions to aid her and her base of operations knocked out, she has far fewer resources to call on. But then again, neither did Tirek.

I just needed to get this out of the way. The briefest contact and it would be all over. I wouldn’t have to worry. I could enjoy this peace for what it was. And hopefully my mind would not be haunted by images of all my friends suspended in cocoons while vile insects sat in their chairs around the Cutie Map, taking orders from their queen.

As I walked up to Twilight’s Friendship Castle, the issue of FOXDIE continued to play on my mind. For all my reasoning, I hated going behind my friends back like this. I don’t know what I’d do if the day ever came that I had to use it.

The castle was already lively when I got there. Guards were stationed at the steps, briefly checking each pony and changeling that passed them. A formality, nothing more. I certainly had no trouble from them.

Heading through the door, I found myself in the great hall of the castle. Pinkie Pie had evidently had a hoof in all this. There was no missing her party supplies. I quickly picked out Twilight. The young alicorn was talking to her mentor, and curiously taking frequent glances at Starlight. I couldn’t hear what they were saying ,but Twilight seemed to be having one of her breakdown moments.

So I turned my attention to the rest of the room. I quickly picked out Applejack, who had arrived a short time before me. She just as quickly spotted me and waved me over. I was glad for that. I needed somepony to talk to right now.

“Applejack!” I called out as I trotted over to her and embraced her in a hug. “Sorry Ah’m a little late.” Applejack smiled and passed me a glass of punch.

“Ain’t nothin’, sugarcube,” she replied warmly. “Though Ah was startin’ to wonder if y’all had gotten lost.” I laughed at that and took a sip of my drink.

“Applejack, Ah’ve been in Equestria for a few years now. Ah reckon Ah know Ponyville and Sweet Apple Acres almost as well as you do.” The orange mare smiled at me, giving me a knowing look.

“So how’s the party going then?” I asked. I wasn’t sure if I’d missed the awards ceremony or not.

“Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are just ‘bout to give Starlight and the others their medals.” She shook her head in disbelief and gestured to Discord, who was with Trixie and Starlight. “Never thought Ah’d see the day when Discord was getting a medal for savin’ Equestria.”

“Ain’t that the truth,” I agreed. “Say, where’s that changeling, Thorax, that helped them all out?” AJ pointed him out; he was talking with a couple other multicoloured, holeless changelings.

“Me and Rainbow Dash were talkin’ with him a while ago. Seems like a real nice fella.” I looked and thought for a moment.

“Well, Ah s’pose Ah ought to go introduce myself too. Ah’ll see ya in a minute, AJ.” The two of us quickly nuzzled each other before I walked over to the new leader of the changelings.

Thorax was a lot bigger than your average changeling. He was actually about the size of Celestia or Chrysalis. His body was a mixture of greens, yellows and oranges. Of particular note though were his...I suppose you could call them antlers. He looked somewhat like a stag, a far cry from the single gnarled horn Chrysalis boasted. I wondered if he could use magic like her, or was he only able to shapeshift?

The new king, although I don’t believe he’s taken that title himself, quickly noticed my approach and broke off from his companions, quickly closing the gap with me.

“Hi there,” he said, in a voice that was far from threatening. “I’m Thorax.” He extended a hoof, which I gladly shook.

That was all it took. My horn didn’t glow or anything too obvious (although given how nopony noticed that Cadence’s aura had changed when she was replaced, I doubt it would have made a difference), but I did feel my magic activate for an instant. It was no more than a levitation spell, but I knew my dark little creation had done its job. FOXDIE was now quietly attaching itself to Thorax’s magic.

“A pleasure to meet ya,” I replied. And in more ways than one too. “Ah’m Blade Star, but most folks just call me Bones.”
Thorax was a nice enough guy. Friendly, peaceable, a little timid perhaps, but who am I to judge? The other changelings seemed to respect him enough, at least if his little security detail was anything to go by. No matter what else I might have previously or currently thought about changelings, I won’t knock their military skill. I can easily admire and respect such masters of guile.

The two of us chatted for perhaps five minutes or so. I found him to be quite well informed and intelligent. He certainly seemed to want to take the hive in a new direction. And he definitely didn’t strike me as being a warmonger and thief like his predecessor. Still, it was nice to know that I had my own little ace in the hole.

I watched as, every now and then, some changeling or another would come up to him. It was more than enough for FOXDIE to spread. I’d say that almost all the bugs were infected by the time we were done talking.

Although, to be fair, there were a few exceptions that I’d written into FOXDIE. There are some ponies, who’s loyalty and trustworthiness are beyond reproach. And one of those ponies was Strong Shield. A disguised changeling he may be. But he once, in an unfortunate chapter of my past, gave me and Shining Armor his word of honour that he would never betray Equestria. Having known him for some time, I had taken that word as his bond. And for that, I had exempted him. Strangely though, even disguised, he wasn’t present. I’d rather hoped that with this peace, he’d feel able to reveal himself.

But like I said before, I was hopeful that my spell would never be needed. It would just be there as reassurance, like carrying a revolver under your jacket. You hoped you’d never need it, but you’d still be glad that it was there.

After talking with Thorax and a couple other changelings, I made my way to some of my friends. I went to congratulate Starlight and Trixie, and reluctantly, Discord, on their success. As much as that trickster annoys me, he had come good when the chips were down. It more than made up for any lingering resentment anypony may have felt as a result of Tirek’s escape. The same could be said of Trixie. Saving Equestria certainly squared away her earlier misdeeds involving the Alicorn Amulet. Heck, the same could be said of Starlight.

Speaking of Twilight’s slightly unstable student, I learnt from her what the alicorn had been talking to her mentor about.

Apparently, Twilight had decided that, as a result of her actions, Starlight had learnt from her everything she needed to know. She had thrown off her equality philosophy and fully embraced the magic of friendship. Just as Celestia had only given Twilight the basics, the rest, Starlight would have to learn on her own.

Of course, this brought up the possibility of Starlight leaving Ponyville. Twilight had had a number of ideas. She could go back to the Changeling Kingdom with Thorax and help the changelings learn about friendship (after all, they would be in serious need of a teacher), or she could perhaps spend some time in the Dragon Lands, working with Dragon Lord Ember, helping her teach the dragons. They too, perhaps even more so than changelings could do with a teacher. And there was also the possibility for her to go to the Crystal Empire. Having rekindled her friendship with Sunburst, the two could become quite the force. With his knowledge of magic, and her raw power, the two could help further magical science.

Each of these ideas however, left Twilight feeling uneasy. Like a mother hen, she was fussing and fretting. Every option she somehow managed to find the worst possible outcome. If the changelings did kick off again, Starlight would be in grave danger. Among the dragons, she’d be decidedly vulnerable. And one miswritten glyph could inadvertently open up a portal to the Void, which would drag in her, Sunburst and the entirety of the Crystal Empire.

Luckily, ever the voice of reason, Celestia was there to help her former student. She too had apparently agonised over the decision to send Twilight to Ponyville. Although in her case, there was a lot more riding on her student’s success.

In the end, Twilight had decided to keep Starlight close by for the time being. I could understand her reasons. While Starlight may no longer be a villain, I wouldn’t feel comfortable sending her off on her own unsupervised. She still tends to suffer from Twilight’s old failing of trying to solve every problem with her magic.

I chatted with Starlight for a while as well. I hadn’t set the spell to target her, Trixie or Discord. That was mainly because in the case of the latter, due to its nature, I’d not been able to find a way to get FOXDIE to recognise and identify chaos magic. And let’s be honest, what would the world be without Discord?

As much as I tried to shake it off, that guilty feeling stayed with me. I know I can live with that. If push ever comes to shove, to somewhat quote Captain Benjamin Sisko; a guilty conscience is a small price to pay for the safety of Equestria. Still, I’d rather nopony ever found out about it.

I was startled out of my renewed melancholy by Princess Luna. The dark alicorn had spotted me standing off on my own and had come over to strike up a conversation.

I have been honoured to call her a friend almost since that first week in Equestria, when my family and I were taken up to Canterlot. Whenever she has a quiet night watching over the Dreaming Realm, she will sometimes drop into my dream to spend some time with me. After Applejack and my family, she is the most important pony in my life. You could even make the argument that I made FOXDIE to safeguard her as much as anypony else.

It was rare though, that the two of us got to meet in person. I was kept busy by my commitments on the farm, almost as much as she was kept busy by her court and nightly duties. And that was discounting her reversed sleep schedule. To her, this was like being up at two in the morning.

“Luna!” I called out, trotting over to meet the alicorn. Most ponies who knew her outside of court were permitted to call her by her name. After her long absence, she’s been wanting to connect with her subjects. Dropping her princess persona among the populace has certainly helped.

“Greetings to you, young Blade Star,” she replied warmly. Her voice no matter how I try to ignore it, still has a touch of Rarity to it. She’s also one of the few ponies out there who calls me by my given name, rather than ‘Bones’.

I paused mid stride and offered a half serious bow, causing the alicorn to giggle.

“A pleasure to see you, as always, princess. How have ya been keeping?”

“As well as you might expect,” she replied. “Now that Captain Shining Armor has finally finished shouting at both my and my sister’s guards for failing to prevent our ponynapping, life in the castle has returned to normal.” I did my best to avoid grimacing at the image her words invoked.

“Ah heard scuttlebutt sayin that he’d relieved his own replacement on the spot,” I said in agreement. “Is that true?” Luna nodded.

“Indeed,” she confirmed. “He’s starting interviews this week and has a few candidates lined up for mine and my sister’s approval. Although I must admit, it has been strange these past months not having that stalwart unicorn around. But we could hardly ask him to keep travelling back and forth between the Crystal Empire, certainly not with little Flurry Heart to care for.

“But what of you, Blade Star. How has life been on Sweet Apple Acres?” I shrugged my shoulders and smiled.

“Oh, same old, same old,” I replied. “Ah’ve been keepin’ myself busy with a few little side projects here and there.”

“But how have you been?” Luna repeated, this time with more concern in her voice. “I know you all too well, my friend. You’ve been needlessly berating yourself for your perceived failure. And I know that this whole affair has brought difficult memories back to the surface. I have had to help you sleep peacefully more than few times this past moon.”

I found myself smiling. She could read me like a book. The mare knew me possibly better than I knew myself. She was right. Why else had I set myself to creating FOXDIE? And it was true, my sleep had been troubled by nightmares. Still, as much as I admired her, respected her, and perhaps even loved her, I was not about to tell her what I had done.

“It has been difficult,” I confessed, struggling to keep eye contact with her. I’ve never liked to admit weakness. “But Ah’ve been gettin’ better. The nightmares have ended, thanks to you, and we’ve all slowly been gettin’ back to normal. C;mon, Luna, Ah went through the same thing when Tirek got lose. This ain’t my first rodeo.”

That last comment caused Luna to giggle behind a hoof.

“I am glad to hear that, Blade Star,” she said, sounding more relieved. “The whole affair has shaken up more than a few ponies, my sister and I included. And I know it pains you to sit on the proverbial sidelines.” I smiled at her.

“True, but Ah also know that friendship always wins out in the end,” I replied.

That was true. When Tirek had escaped and come calling on me, I’d held onto that belief. It had been the only thing that had kept me going, weakened as I was from having my magic ripped from me. Still, given the choice between what actually happened, and the opportunity to have Celestia, Luna, or anypony else but Discord go back and stop him before he got out of hoof, I’d much rather the former.
Luna paused at that and frowned. I was a little surprised at her reaction.

“Do you truly believe that?” she asked, now sounding far more serious. I found my own eyes darting back and forth as she gazed at me.

“Of..of course, Luna,” I replied, a little hotly. The Princess of the Night continued to frown however.

“Come away for a moment, Blade Star,” she said, her tone now downright ominous. “Let us talk somewhere more private.” She gestured for me to follow her.

I quickly did. If I knew anything, it was that one did not disagree with a princess when she used that tone of voice. She’d gone from an informal conversational tone, to a commanding one that brokered no argument. I walked behind her and slightly to the right; the way a junior officer ought to accompany his betters.

Luna took me into the library. The place, like its predecessor, was absolutely stacked with books on almost every aspect of magic, no matter how obscure or ancient. Right now though, it was entirely empty. Even Twilight was too busy spending time with Celestia and Starlight to squeeze in a quick study session. So we had the place to ourselves.

The door magically closed behind me as I entered, and I hadn’t even had time to think when Luna rounded on me. She wasn’t angry, that made it worse really, anger I could deal with. Instead, she just looked disappointed in me.

“I know you’ve done something, Blade Star,” she said simply. “What is it?”

I was amazed. How could Luna have found out about FOXDIE? Nopony knew about it but me. All the notes I’d made on it had been destroyed as I went along. Literally, the only evidence of its existence was the activation spell, which had never left my room. So how in Equestria had she found out?

“You forget how sensitive alicorns are to magic,” she went on. Ah, yes, that made sense. “When we spoke just now I felt something touch my magic, for an instant, before recoiling. What was it?”

I stood there in silence for a moment as the alicorn stared down at me. I felt like a scolded schoolboy. I did my best to explain what it was.

“It’s a high level dampening spell,” I explained. “Specifically created to target certain forms of magic. The spell passes from pony to pony on contact and then binds itself to their magic. If the magic type matches, and it receives the proper activation spell, the dampening field inverts the polarity of the fields, dispelling any kind of magic, active or passive.”

The look on Luna’s face told me what she thought. She was shocked, outraged, appalled.

“Why would you create something like that?!” she exclaimed in horror. I took a breath. Of course she wouldn’t understand. A thousand years, and she still can’t understand it.

“Insurance,” I replied simply. “My spell is designed to target changelings. If, no when, Chrysalis returns, we shall have a contingency. A back up plan in case Twilight, you and your sister are incapacitated.”

Luna turned, and walked away from me a few paces. To my surprise, I actually heard her let out a laugh, though it sounded completely hollow. She walked over to one of the bookcases and began browsing as she spoke.

“You know, I was just talking with my sister about how some ponies must learn the same lesson over and over before they change,” she said. “It seems that you are one of them. Tell me, Blade Star, why did you create this spell?” I was perplexed by her question, but walked over to join her.

“To protect Equestria, and my friends,” I replied. Luna looked at me again, a small, sad smile on her face.

“Nothing else?” she prompted. I shook my head, causing her to let out a sigh. However, a moment later, she seemed to find what she was looking for, and pulled a book from one of the higher shelves.

“You see,” she went on. “I think it is something more simple. You are hurt. And now you wish to hurt those who wronged you back.”

I should have guessed that she’d think that. Celestia knows I once had a real problem with changelings. From minute one in Equestria, I didn’t care for them. It all came to a head when, through rather complicated circumstances, I found myself sent back in time and altering history.

I killed Chrysalis on the eve of the royal wedding.

That messed me up inside for a long time. The paradox I created ended up causing the timeline to revert back to its canon form, so I was never really there. Still, it left me shaken by my own actions. Only a select few even know what I did. But it did cause me to change my attitude.

“Ah’ve had my vengeance,” I replied. “And Ah learned to let go of that hate.”

“Then why create a spell specifically designed to take away their magic and put them all in agony?”

I took a breath as I tried to explain.

“Ah won’t see you put in danger again. Ah won’t sacrifice Equestria for friendship with an enemy. Both times we’ve met these bugs, we’ve gotten lucky. We’ve never truly faced up to them, and now isn’t the time for compromise. There’ve been too many already. They invade our capitol and we fall back, they try to take over our entire nation, and we fall back.” I hadn’t realised that I was raising my voice. “Not again. The line must be drawn here; this far, no further! And by Celestia Ah will make them pay for what they’ve done!”

Luna listened to my increasingly impassioned speech in silence. It wasn’t until I’d actually said it out loud that I realised what I’d said. It was only then that I realised that, despite everything, I hadn’t changed a bit. I was still selfish, driven by a desire for vengeance. I was willing to put my own desires above friendship; the greatest form of magic, just to get back at one bad bug. I let my shoulders sag and struggled to look up to Luna. No doubt she now thought even less of me that she already did. I felt a nudge at my shoulder and found a book hovering in the air in front of me.

“I may not be an expert of human literature,” Luna said. “But I believe that this book may be of help to you, young Blade Star.”

I looked up and could have laughed. It was Moby Dick. I was going the way of old Ahab, wasn’t I? I was obsessed by a need for vengeance. And in my heart of hearts, I knew that it would eventually push everypony else away. For pony’s sake, what if I ever used FOXDIE? What would they have all thought of me?

I found myself half sitting, half collapsing onto the crystal floor. Luna was quickly at my side, wrapping a comforting wing around me.

I like to think that, being in Equestria, being around the magic of friendship, that it has changed me, that I’ve become a touch more equine than human. But really, at the back of my mind, there’s always been that darker half of me; the bit that would, if given the chance, turn magic to a more sinister purpose. I’d been falling and hadn’t even noticed. And yet I claim to have an understanding of dark magic.

Luna and I sat together for some time, just talking. I cried a little. It all came crashing down around me. Ever since the attack, I’d tried to brush it all off and say it didn’t affect me, but it clearly had, or I wouldn’t have tried to do something so stupid. All those bottled up emotions just came pouring out, the fear, the anger, the self-loathing. Luna did her best to reassure me.

“My little pony, I told you the very first time I stepped into your dreams, not everything is within your power. It isn’t up to you to defend us, nor is it your responsibility. You cannot blame yourself for every time a monster or invading army appears on the horizon. And you know that, no matter what, friendship shall win out in the end. The conflict between ponies and changelings is over. And not because of a final thrust of the sword, but because one side chose to embrace the other as friend, rather than foe. To my mind, there is no greater victory.”

I looked up at the alicorn and smiled for the first time. It was just what I needed to hear.

Of course, there were still a couple issues to work out. There was no way to actually remove FOXDIE from the infected changelings. But I could ensure that it never activated. After having Luna briefly teleport me back to my room on Sweet Apple Acres, I destroyed the activation spell and deactivated FOXDIE’s ability to spread by magic. It would remain in Thorax and anypony else it might have spread to, but it would never go any further.

That day was, without a shadow of a doubt, the closest I’ve ever come to falling to the influence of dark magic. I wondered how much of my actions had been influenced by my human side, and how much was the fault of the dark spell that was FOXDIE.

Still, I’d been brought to my senses again, thanks to Luna. The two of us agreed to keep my actions secret for the time being. Unless the spell caused problems, there was no reason for anypony to know. I was glad of that. I felt miserable enough for disappointing Luna.

The two of us returned to the party, and I threw myself into it with gusto. I chatted with all my friends and also went over to speak with Thorax again. This time, to simply talk, rather than secretly implant a near lethal spell on him.

And to think, once upon a time I made fun of the show for having Fluttershy learn the same lesson over and over again.

Author's Note:

Proofread by Sweetolebob18.

So, I think this marks a big bit of character development for Bones. Since my first story, he's had issues when it comes to Changelings. And for this story, I thought it might make a good plot arc.

FOXDIE is of course, taken from the Metal Gear Solid series. Those eagle eyed reader may remember seeing a reference to it in the epilogue of my last story 'Adventures in the Weather Patrol'.

As ever, while I might reference episodes, or set chapters during them, Bones will never appear on camera. For all you guys know, this could be canon.