• Published 3rd Aug 2018
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Magic on Sweet Apple Acres - Blade Star

Sequel to 'My Family and Other Equestrians'. Bones continues his life on Sweet Apple Acres. Helping the Apples' on the farm, studying magic with Twilight, and occasionally dealing with the odd, minor world ending catastrophe.

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Chapter 12 - Books

Magic serves many purposes in the world, beyond simply allowing a unicorn to levitate a trinket or two. It is above all else a tool of knowledge. As a wise alicorn once told me; an honourable pony uses their magic for knowledge and defence, never attack. I’d devoted a great deal of my time to studying the defensive aspects of magic. I’d learnt spells that could shield me from harm, developed spells that could counter other magic. I’d even taken the time to create a devastating counter strike against another species. Whatever else you may say about FOXDIE, it was never intended as a first strike weapon. It was always a desperate fall back option.

But aside from a few minor odds and ends, I hadn’t really done that much on the knowledge front. I’d somewhat halted my studies into understanding dark magic, due to the dangers it posed to me and my friends. Apart from that, I’d not done much beyond what Twilight taught me. I knew about teleportation, levitation, transfiguration, etc. But most of those were beyond my abilities, or at the very least stretched them greatly, making them impossible to use every day.

Still, lack of power does not stop you from learning, as Sunburst had shown us in the Crystal Empire. He didn’t have the magical power of Twilight or Starlight, but he had the mind to understand complex spells, modify them, and even create new ones. I like to think that I fall into that same school of thought.

It was getting on into winter now. The first frost had come and gone, and we were expecting snow before too long as well. That meant that life on the farm was beginning to wind down. Winter is when everything takes a rest for a couple months, including ponies. Even with the three of us working, with Apple Bloom helping every now and then, the pace of farm work does take its toll. Now though, that was slowing for a bit. The apple trees were now bare of fruit or leaves. All the crops had been harvested. We had plenty of hay to see the cattle and sheep through to Spring. And we had more than enough produce, particularly cider and zap apple jam, to see us through the long cold.

The reduction in work meant that I had more time on my hooves. In the spring and summer, chances to engage in a big project were few and far between. My attempts to find a counter to the Siphon spell alone took three months of steady work; a few hours each week. Now though, I had all the time in the world to curl up in front of the warm fire, and jot away in my notebook to my heart’s content.

And of course, there was the other passion in my life. With less work to keep us busy, Applejack and I could afford to spend more quality time together, not just working in the orchards or chatting together at the stall. We could go for walks out in the snow, spend some time with Twilight and the others, even maybe convince Luna to link our dreams again and go on a little getaway.

I had plans in place for the latter, as for the former though, I found myself lacking direction. When I find a spell or lack thereof that interests me, I will throw myself mind, body and soul into the problem, and I won’t move to something new until it is solved. But most of those problems had been, again, of a more combative nature. I just wanted to learn new spells for the sake of learning. Heck, I found myself checking my cutie mark every now and then to see if Twilight’s map was summoning me to go on some friendship quest. I honestly would love that; a chance to see how much I’ve learned since I first came here.

I found myself that night, staring at the ceiling of my room, willing sleep to come. But it would not, my mind kept whirring away. I was bored, to cut a long story short. While the break from farm work is nice, it’s no fun just sitting on your rump all day looking out at the snow.

Getting up, I headed downstairs and made myself a drink. Hot milk; if I remember correctly, there’s supposed to be some sort of chemical in it that helps the suckling calf fall back to sleep. It does work on ponies as well, although it takes time to kick in. I looked at the clock in the kitchen; it was just after two in the morning. Well, I was planning on having a lie in anyway.

Heading back upstairs to my room, I sought refuge in a good book to try and help me doze off. My small collection is quite the mixed bag, everything from textbooks on ancient pegasi military tactics, to magazines relating to magical science, and even the odd Daring Do novel. And of course, there were some human books as well, mostly fiction. My eye settled upon a collection of Conan Doyle’s detective stories. Levitating it out of the bookcase, I opened it to a random passage. It was an early chapter from ‘The Sign of Four’. The text struck a chord with me.

“My mind," he said, "rebels at stagnation. Give me problems, give me work, give me the most abstruse cryptogram or the most intricate analysis, and I am in my own proper atmosphere. I can dispense then with artificial stimulants. But I abhor the dull routine of existence. I crave for mental exaltation. That is why I have chosen my own particular profession, or rather created it, for I am the only one in the world.”

It was then that the idea came to me. Books! Twilight had been telling me a while back about some clever method she’d come across for reading texts more easily. The spell allowed her to actually enter the book, appearing physically on its page. In non-fiction, this spell allowed her to absorb the knowledge the author wished to impart more easily. But surely it could be applied to fiction as well. In theory, you could actually live out the story. It would be like a dream or a holodeck!

Unfortunately, that was when the melatonin kicked in. My eyes suddenly became heavy, my thoughts slowed to a crawl and I found myself softly falling onto my soft pillow.

A moment later, and I was fast asleep.

The following morning saw me once again at Twilight’s castle, with my saddlebags filled with my favourite stories. I didn’t have much to do today. Applejack had gone on a camping trip with Rainbow and Rarity, along with the Crusaders for the day, while Mac, along with Spike and Discord, were having a few rounds of O&O in the barn. That left me some free time on my hooves to put my idea before Twilight.

Heading through the open door, something I really wish Twilight would stop doing, given what happened a few months back you’d think she’d learn to lock the front door at least, I found Twilight in her library. She was busy reorganising, reshelving, or whatever it is that that slightly off alicorn princess calls fun. At present about a dozen large, heavy volumes of forgotten lore were floating above her head, flittering from shelf to shelf like anxious birds as she tried to decide where to place them.

“Mornin’, Twilight,” I called out, startling her and causing a couple books to crash into each other as she lost concentration. I grimaced as a couple fell to the floor.

“Sorry,” I said sheepishly. Twilight smiled and reactivated her magic, putting the tomes back in their rightful place.

“It’s alright, Blade Star; no harm done,” Twilight replied. “What can I do for you?” I decided to not waste the mare’s time and got straight to the point.

“Ah wanted to ask ya ‘bout Haycartes’ Method,” I said. The alicorn’s eyebrows went up in surprise. “Ah wanted to know if you could use it on fictional books or not, and what the effect was.” Twilight thought.

“Well,” she said. “When I used it on one of Rarity’s Shadow Spade books, the spell allowed me to almost instantly read the story; like it was already familiar to me.”

I frowned at that. That didn’t sound like what I’d imagined. It seemed like my hopes of living in a book were to be dashed. Twilight evidently saw my crestfallen look, for her expression suddenly became one of concern.

“What’s the matter, Blade Star?” she asked. “Did you want to try it out?” I nodded.

“Well, yeah, Twilight,” I replied. “Ah was gonna ask ya to teach me the spell, if Ah could do it. But Ah thought that the spell might let you actually experience the book; like ya were really in it.” Twilight smiled. At this point, Applejack would no doubt have said to me ‘bless your heart’. I felt decidedly daft, and was reminded that I’m just an amateur.

“Sorry, Blade Star,” she said with a reassuring smile. “The spell just doesn’t work that way.” It was then however, we were interrupted.

“True,” a new voice said. “However, I believe I may be able to lend assistance to such an endeavour.” I turned around in surprise, instantly recognising the voice.

“Luna!” I exclaimed in delight as the Princess of the Night stood before me. “What brings y’all down this way?” The lunar diarch explained.

“Twilight Sparkle wished to examine a few texts from our old castle,” she said. “I took the liberty of going myself to fetch them. A prudent decision in light of what happened the last time she and her friends broke into my former home.”

She was, of course, being sarcastic, and made Twilight smile and blush adorably. She did have something of a point though. The last time any of Twilight’s friends went there, we ended up with a still as yet unexplained bout of dark magic, which turned half of Ponyville to crystal. And before that, there was the rather Scooby Doo-esque adventure when all six of them went to the castle, and ‘borrowed’ the two sisters’ journal. Luna then turned back to me.

“But your idea of ‘entering’ a book to live out the story sounds most interesting. And as I’m sure you know, such things are possible.” Twilight nodded in agreement.

“That’s true,” she said. “That Power Ponies comic Spike had, had an enchantment on it that caused us to end up inside the story as the characters.”

“Well, could you apply somethin’ like that to any old book?” I asked hopefully, quietly kicking myself for forgetting the Power Ponies episode. Twilight thought, putting a hoof to her chin and humming.

“It would take some work,” she said after a minute or two. “But in theory, I could weave the enchantment into the books. Of course, I’d add an escape spell as well, just so we can leave when we want.”

“A sensible precaution, Twilight,” Luna commented. She thought for a moment. “Blade Star, you have come here to further your knowledge of magic, have you not? Perhaps we can pass this little project to Twilight and I might teach you dear Rene’s unique method.”

I leapt at that! Luna, offering to teach me magic? The last time we’d done that had been years back, when she’d first helped me get to grips with your basic telekinesis spell. It was a kind gesture, particularly when you consider all the work that mare has to do. Now though, here she was offering to teach me again.

“Ah...Ah’m honoured, your highness,” I said excitedly, bobbing my head as I accepted her offer. The alicorn smiled at my unsuppressed glee. Twilight meanwhile, also having agreed, took a copy of one of my Sherlock Holmes books and set to work. Luna and I went back to where the map was.

Well, this was a pleasant surprise. I’d not even considered the possibility that Luna would be here. Normally at this time of the day she’d be resting up anyway. She does a lot to keep with everypony else’s, to her, reversed sleeping schedule. And here she was, out of the kindness of her heart, teaching me magic. I honestly find myself wondering what it is that garnered her interest way back then. It was nice enough to meet her, but at the time, I never expected that we’d become friends as we have.

Still, I suppose I should avoid putting her on too much of a pedestal. I know for a fact that that is partially what caused me to take the unpleasant actions that I did in the aftermath of the second incursion. I created FOXDIE in a misguided attempt to protect her and her sister from harm. I know she much prefers it if I treat her as just a pony, to borrow a line from Coloratura’s new single.

The pair of us sat down at the map, with me taking AJ’s chair and Luna taking Twilight’s. The alicorn had brought with her a couple of texts from Twilight’s library. She now laid these out on the table.

“Now, young Blade Star,” she began. “Haycartes’ Method is not a necessarily difficult spell to learn. The difficulty lies in focussing the mind to keep the spell active as the knowledge of a book washes over you. Even Twilight or myself can only hold this spell for a few minutes at a time before we must rest. So do not trouble yourself if, at first, you can only hold the spell for a few moments.”

With that, Luna activated her magic and seemingly vanished into the open book, which if I remember correctly was a copy of a text covering the use of portal magic; an interesting alternative to the trying task of long range teleportation, which is something only the most powerful unicorns and alicorns can accomplish. A moment later, she reappeared on the page, in a curious, angular shaped design that matched that of surrounding images in the text. It was a little unsettling to see a picture move so, and then look directly at me.

“From here, Blade Star,” she continued, perfectly audibly. “You can see out of the book to the surrounding world. I find it useful to cast a detection spell before I do this, to alert me if someone comes close so as to avoid being startled. You’d be surprised how much you can get lost in a good book.

“At present, the spell is allowing me to experience the text from within. I’ve already passed through five chapters on theoretical application in the time we’ve been speaking. There are two ways to leave, either let your concentration waver, and the spell will collapse, ejecting you, or you can use the reversal.”

She did the latter now. Her inky horn glowed and a moment later, she vanished from the page, reappearing at full size next to me, just as she had been before.

“There we are,” she said with a smile. “The spell is not that difficult, concentrating on it however is. Why don’t you have a try, Blade Star?”

So I did. Taking a look at the notations in the text, I formed the spell that Haycartes had devised. It was, as Luna had said, remarkably simple; no more difficult than any other common spell I’d encountered. However, I knew it would be difficult to maintain it for long. Activating the spell, I felt magic swirl around me as my body became non corporeal. The last time I’d felt like this was when I was experimenting with shadow spells; a form of dark magic. My vision went white for a moment before things stabilised. And I found myself in an unusual situation.

I can’t quite describe it. I’ve been in a non-corporeal form before. When I met up with Luna in the dreamscape, there was a reduced sense of reality. But here...here was different. It was as if I was somewhere and yet wasn’t there, like I was in two places at once, and at the same time in neither. I could see the world outside the book. In front of me was the now seemingly giant Luna, who watched me with interest. Looking down at myself, I found that I too had taken on an more inky form.

That wasn’t the half of it though. Again, you’ll have to bear with me as I try to describe what I experienced. But it was so far outside my normal perception, that it is difficult to put it into words. I could...feel the words on the page, they hovered in the air around me, going to and fro. And even if they hadn’t been visible, I could feel them around me. I was surrounded in this strange place.

But it was a sensory overload. I could feel the knowledge all around me, even passing through me. I could feel everything and yet nothing, I had a form and yet felt formless. Try as I might, I just couldn’t focus on anything. It was like being in a room full of people, all talking at once.

With that, my concentration gave out. My vision went white again, and a moment later, I found myself standing, unsteadily, in front of Princess Luna. Seeing my state, the dark alicorn wrapped a wing around me to keep me on my hooves. As I rediscovered my limbs, she smiled.

“Impressive, Blade Star,” she said. “Almost ten seconds on your first attempt.”

As for me, the world hadn’t yet slid back into focus. I was still readjusting to getting my information through my senses again. Still, at least I managed to avoid looking too daft, as the only thing I could come out with was:


Luckily, a minute or two later and I was back to my normal self again. I’d been able to successfully manifest the spell for about eight point five seconds. And as a result, I now had a surprising amount of knowledge on portal magic. It was actually quite a bit easier than teleporting, and the transition was a lot less jarring I found. Plus, you look cool as hell walking out of a tear in the fabric of space time that you made with your own horn.

With Luna’s help, I began to work on perfecting the technique. The key to Haycartes’ Method i, as I’ve already said, is concentration. And it takes a lot of effort to filter out the sensory overload around you in a book and focus on maintaining the spell. In the end, I managed at one point to keep the spell active for just over four minutes. I was tired by the end of it, but also quite pleased with myself. Luna seemed delighted too.

“Excellent work, Blade Star,” she commended me. “You certainly have come a long way from the young colt who could barely manifest a levitation spell.” I smiled at that and offered a brief bow.

“Only because ah’ve had the privilege of havin’ two excellent teachers,” I replied. And that was true. Who else could say they were taught about magic by not only Twilight Sparkle, but also Princess Luna herself?

“Speaking of my fellow princess,” Luna went on. “Perhaps she will have completed the spell on your novel by now.”

And so the two of us went to see how Twilight was getting on.

Returning to the library, we found that Twilight had indeed completed the odd enchantment on my book. According to her, any time somepony opened it, the enchantment would activate, pulling all those nearby into the text. Those involved could then complete the story, or depart at their leisure by connecting their magic to the enchantment and reversing the mana flow.

I was keen to try it for myself, and Twilight was keen to take part in a classic detective story, particularly one that was from another world and which she had never read. That just left Luna.

“Do you want to join us, Luna?” Twilight asked her fellow princess. The darker alicorn thought for a moment.

“Well, I had promised my dear sister that I would return as soon as I could to aid her in the ongoing trade negotiations with Yakyakistan.” My heart sank at her appart no. “But on the other hoof, as a princess, I believe I am entitled to choose my own hours. So I shall join you.” I resisted the urge to squee at that. It had been ages since I’d spent time with Luna.

Twilight opened the book that sat upon the table. It was a copy of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes’; the first set of short stories published after ‘A Study in Scarlet’ and ‘The Sign of Four’. As soon as she did so, the spell activated. The book became a portal to the fictional world, and we all found ourselves pulled inside by some unseen force, the book closing shut behind us.

Coming to again, I found myself in a place I was well familiar with. I was standing in a large, comfortable looking sitting room. It was late in the evening, judging by the darkness outside, and the roaring fire in the fireplace. There were a couple of sofas, mostly covered with papers and odds and ends from a chemistry set. Books were scattered about the place too, in an extremely untidy fashion.

Looking about, I picked out certain details. Above the mantelpiece, there was a stack of unopened letters held in place by a dagger, which had been thrust into the wall. The coal scuttle next to the fireplace held a number of cigars, rather than kindling. In front of one of the armchairs, I saw a Persian slipper, no doubt with tobacco stuffed into the toe. And on the far wall, apparently in bullet holes, were the V.R; Victoria Regina. On one of the tables, there sat an expensive looking violin, and on another there was both a meerschaum pipe and and a glass syringe, presumably containing a seven percent solution.

All in all, it was a perfect recreation of 221B Baker Street; home of the worlds best and only unofficial consulting detective, Sherlock Holmes.

I took a look at myself. I was still a pony, thank goodness, but my attire had changed noticeably. I now found myself wearing a well cut suit and waistcoat, modified of course to suit a pony.

I wasn’t alone here though, a quick glance around showed that Twilight had joined me on this little adventure. And judging by the attire, she was filling the part of John Watson, something she would no doubt be slightly irritated by. Of Luna however, there was no sign. I wondered to myself which character she would be portraying. First things first, I needed to find out which story I was in, and hope it wasn’t ‘The Final Problem’.

Turning to Twilight, I quickly introduced her to the world we were in. She knew a fair bit from Equestria’s own version. The mare even has her own deerstalker somewhere. And I can tell you she was not best pleased about her assigned role. I did my best to offer some sympathy.

“Twilight,” I said with a smile. “As Ah recall, Watson always had the last word.” That perked her up a bit.

The two of us looked around the room for a couple of minutes until Twilight came upon a note, sitting on a coffee table. It was a piece of pink tinted notepaper, which instantly let me know where I was. I stepped into my role, changing my accent away from my usual southern twang, to a that of a more refined English gentleman.

“You might be interested in that,” I said to Twilight. “It came by the last post.” Squinting a moment, Twilight translated the English letters in her head and read the note aloud.

“There will call upon you tonight a quarter to eight o’clock a gentleman who desires to consult you on a matter of the very deepest moment. Your recent service to ne of the royal houses of Europe have shown that you are one who may be safely trust with matters which are of an importance which can hardly be exaggerated. This account of you we have from all quarters received. Be in your chambers then at that hour, and do not take it amiss if your visitor wear a mask.”

“Well, what do you think of that, Twilight?” The alicorn frowned.

“I’m not sure,” she replied. “There’s no date, signature or address. It must be expensive though, the paper is peculiarly strong and stiff, kind of like the parchment Princess Celestia uses.”

“Peculiar,” I repeated, pointing at her with a hoof from my armchair. “That is the very word. It is not an English paper at all. Hold it up to the light.” Twilight did so, revealing a watermark of ‘EPGt’.

“This must be the maker’s mark,” Twilight declared. I nodded in agreement.

“You’re right,” I replied, recalling the story in my head. “The G with a small T stands for gesellschaft, which is German for company. P must stand for papier. As to the E…”

Using my magic, I levitated down to me a large volume, one of possibly a hundred or so that were scattered about the shelves and throughout the room.

“Let’s take a look at the continental gazzettier. Eglow, Eglontiz, ah Egria! A town in the German speaking area of Bohemia, not far from Carlsbad. Noted for its many glass factories and paper mills.”

“And the pony writing this must be German too, or Griffon at least,” Twilight added.

“Oh, why do you say that?” I asked, holding back a smile as the alicorn headed me off at the pass.

“The way they write,” Twilight explained. “In Griffon language, which is similar to German if I understand it correctly, verbs often come at the end of the sentence. So whoever wrote this translated it from their own language, hence the odd construction of the sentence ‘This account of you we have from all quarters received’.”

“Impressive, Twilight,” I said. “You’d certainly give Sherlock a run for his money.” The alicorn blushed at that.

And so the story continued, pretty much as Conan Doyle wrote. I, in the guise of Holmes, met with Count von Kramm, in actuality the hereditary King of Bohemia. Twilight and I learned of the blackmail he was facing at the hands of one Irene Adler by means of a photograph. In a rather foolish move, he had had his photo taken with her, in those days showing a clear romantic involvement. This complicated his imminent marriage to the second daughter of the King of Scandinavia. Adler had written to him and threatened to ruin him if he went ahead with the marriage. My role was to retrieve said photograph, thereby taking away her leverage.

It was in the course of that endeavour, that I found myself running into Luna twice, both times so well disguised as to fool even a changeling. In a way, I suppose it was appropriate that she take on the role. There are some similarities between my relationship to her and Holmes’ relationship to Adler, not love or anything like that, more a sense of mutual admiration and respect. Twilight summed it up quite well, in her part as Watson, writing up the events of the story.

“To my friend Blade Star,” she said, writing as she did so. “She is always the princess. I’ve seldom heard him mention her by any other name. In his eyes she eclipses and predominates the entire concept of royalty. It was not that he felt any emotion akin to love for Princess Luna. All emotions, and that one in particular, were abhorrent to his precise yet admirably balanced mind. He rarely spoke of the softer passions, except with a gibe and a sneer. For a trained reasoner to admit such intrusions into his own finely adjusted temperament was to introduce a distracting factor that might affect all his mental results. And yet there was but one princess to him. And that was the Princess Luna, of dubious and questionable memory.”

Following the story of course, it all came unstuck for me in the end, despite some clever deceptions, as Luna’s character fled England, never to return. She did however, leave a note, promising to no longer interfere in the affairs of her old flame. She also left a rather striking photograph of herself in evening dress as a parting gift.

With the story done, the spell returned us back to the real world. We found ourselves back together next to one of the tables in the library, the book now lying open on it. The force of our ejection left two of us sprawled on the floor. Only Luna, serene and refined as ever, remained unruffled and stood calmly next to the two of us as we got back to our hooves.

“A fascinating story, young Blade Star,” she declared, smiling down at me. “And had your father not told me of the ending some months ago, your deception would have taken me in completely. Although I do think it was a bit unkind to disguise yourself as a pony of faith.”

“Ah, so that’s how you knew where the story was goin’,” I replied, falling naturally back into my normal accent and pattern of speech.

“Yes, your father told my sister and I about your love of mystery stories. Perhaps next time I find myself paying call on Twilight Sparkle, you can step into the shoes of Philip Marlowe?” she suggested. That idea certainly appealed to me, although I think that story might be a bit too dark for Twilight.

With a few more parting words, Luna took her leave and headed back to Canterlot, disappearing in a teleport after she’d flown a short distance. That left me and Twilight.

“Well, Twilight, Ah s’pose Ah’d best be headin’ home too,” I said. “Thanks for helpin’ out today. Ah hope ya enjoyed the story in any case.”

“I certainly did, Blade Star,” she replied. “Although I hope next time I’ll get to play lead, instead of a sidekick.” Smiling, I switched back to my English accent.

“Now really, Twilight. I am lost without my Boswell.” That made her chuckle.

I was about to head back home when a thought occurred to me. I’d spent most of the morning learning and using Haycartes’ Method. I now knew everything there was to know about portal magic, I’d even tried it successfully.

Teleports were difficult, both in terms of the magic needed to power them, and the skill needed so you didn’t rematerialise inside solid rock. This portal magic on the other hoof…

Bidding goodbye to Twilight, I activated my magic and focused on creating a portal, fixing the exit point in the kitchen back at the farmhouse. A swirling blue portal opened in front of me. With some trepidation, I stepped through. And to my amazement, a moment later, I found myself no longer in the library.

However, while I wasn’t in the library, I also wasn’t in the farmhouse either. Evidently, while I’d gotten the basics of a portal spell down, my accuracy still needed work.

Still, I couldn’t be that far off the mark, now could I? I took a look around to try and determine where I was. The dark canopy, creeping vines and general feeling of unease quickly told me that I was in the Everfree Forest, somewhat close to the border. It wasn’t that bad then. You could see the Everfree from the farm. Come Zap Apple Season, we’d hear the timberwolves howling in there, telling us that it was nearly time for the harvest.

Slightly annoyed that I’d not been successful in my attempt, I started walking towards the boundary of the forest. Once I was back on the farm, it would be easy enough to find a landmark and use that to make my way home. I’d only taken a few steps though before I noticed something.

I was standing in a patch of flowers.

Blue flowers.

In the Everfree.

There was only one thing to say.


Author's Note:

Proofread by Sweetolebob18.

Well, that's not good, is it? :unsuresweetie:

I'd love to have ponified 'A Scandal in Bohemia' in its entirety, but that wouldn't exactly make for a very original chapter then would it? The whole idea for this chapter came about, when I was reading about the relationship between Holmes and Irene Adler. While they are technically antagonists toward each other, there is no real malice on either side, and when the matter is settled, they both have a quiet respect for the other.

This is sort of the relationship I've tried to create between Bones and Luna. Okay, yes, he puts her on a pedestal, but I'd never for a moment even consider the idea that Bones loves Luna, nor she him. But they still have quite the close relationship nonetheless; as close as lovers, but without the amour.

Anyway, cliffhanger chapter. Any brony worth his salt should have an idea about what happens next week. Any suggestions on what effect it will have on Bones?