• Published 3rd Aug 2018
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Magic on Sweet Apple Acres - Blade Star

Sequel to 'My Family and Other Equestrians'. Bones continues his life on Sweet Apple Acres. Helping the Apples' on the farm, studying magic with Twilight, and occasionally dealing with the odd, minor world ending catastrophe.

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Chapter 15 - Anniversary

I were to sum up my relationship with Applejack the word I think I’d use is...unusual. And I think most ponies would agree with me on that front. Our relationship isn't exactly what you’d call textbook. In fact, I’d say it’s about as far from textbook as you can get.

I suppose I should start with the most obvious spanner in the works; me. I don’t broadcast to everyone, but I’m asexual; meaning that I’m not particularly interested in sex. Heck, until not so long ago, I wasn’t interested in relationships period. Some might even say that that ought to sink any possible romance on its own. That however, hasn’t been the case. I may lack interest in the physical aspect of love, but that doesn’t mean I reject it outright. In fact, behind closed doors, I can be quite the romantic, enough to rival even Rarity at times. I love AJ dearly, I just don’t express that love in the same way a lot of ponies do. AJ and me have a very close bond, but it’s a subtle thing that you only spot if you get close.

Then there’s our living situation. I’ve been with AJ for a couple of years now, but for the most part, the two of us sleep separately. Partly, this is due to my asexuality. The main reason however, is the large red stallion just down the hall. I’ve tried talking with him, as has Applejack, but Big Mac has stood firm on the matter as has Granny Smith. That’s more old fashioned values than anything else. I know Mac trusts me completely; Celestia knows he’s chased away more than a couple suitors in his time, but the idea of no hanky panky before marriage still holds up in the Apple household.

Of course, there have been more than a few occasions when Granny Smith, Big Mac and Apple Bloom have all been out of the house for whatever reason, leaving me and AJ alone. I like and respect Mac, but I’m not about to let him have things his entirely own way and nor is AJ.

Then there’s AJ herself. Like me, she isn’t the most romantic pony out there. In fact, more often than not, past suitors have found her deaf to their flirting in favour of work. She is quite the workaholic after all. With me though, things were a little different. It was she who was doing the chasing, not me.

Sweet Celestia, looking back on it, it was so awkward for the both of us. AJ was doing her best to catch my eye for ages. And when I finally did cotton on, I ended up burying my head in the sand and telling anypony who suggested the idea that they were talking nonsense. In the end, it took the Princess of Love to get me to open up and stop using my asexuality as a shield against any companionship.

Along with that, AJ, like me, isn’t the most emotional pony out there. Neither of us wear our hearts on our sleeves. And like me, her love is not the most obvious thing. Still, it is there, and very strong.

Despite all that though, most ponies don’t really ‘get’ our relationship. We spend most of our time, pretty much all day at times, working on the farm. We don’t get a lot of time to ourselves, and it’s rare we have some time alone with each other. To a lot of ponies, we come across as really close friends than anything else.

But hey, I don’t particularly care what anypony else thinks, and nor does AJ. We both love each other, and that was an end of it. Still, it did occur to me that it had been a while since we did something together; just the two of us.

Hearts and Hooves Day; Equestria’s version of Valentines Day. It’s your typical celebration, just as you’d find on Earth. All the couples spend the day doing all sorts of romantic things together. It never really appealed to me, all too sickly sweet and obvious. I suppose it’s partly the way my head’s wired. If I came back to the house and the floor was strewn with rose petals leading up to the bedroom, do you know what my first thought would be?

‘Who’s going to clean up all this later?’ It’s funny I know, but that’s just the way your mind works when you’re like me. Eros, as the Greeks would call it, doesn’t really enter into the equation.

Applejack was pretty much of the same mindset. Sure it nice for everypony to enjoy a day together, but those apple trees weren’t going to look after themselves. Besides, like Rainbow Dash, AJ can’t stand the frou-frou ness that comes with Hearts and Hooves Day. AJ is a simple mare with simple tastes. Whenever I’ve offered to get her something extravagant, she’d always reply that she was happy with what she had. While she was flattered by my offer, she told me I didn’t need to buy anything to show that I cared for her.

So Hearts and Hooves Day arrived. Aside from spending a bit of time together and planning to cook a special meal for me, AJ didn’t plan to do much to mark the occasion. In contrast, Big Mac went to spend the day, and night, with his marefriend Sugar Belle. I was glad of that for two reasons. Firstly, it was nice to see him getting back out there; his break-up with Cheerilee might have been mutual, but it was still hard on him. But more importantly, it meant he, and all his protective big brother instincts, would be gone for a day or so.

So this year, I tried something a little different to mark the occasion, something more suited to AJ that she’d really appreciate. It took me a while to come up with the idea, but I finally worked out what I could do for AJ that would show how much I cared for her, without making her feel as if she were put on the spot.

The night before Hearts and Hooves Day, not long after Mac had left, I sneaked into AJ’s room and switched off her alarm clock, resetting it for ten in the morning; well past her usual time.

In the morning, before the sun rose, I got up and set to work. Treading lightly down the hall, I made my way to AB’s room and roused my co-conspirator. This job wasn’t something I could do on my own.

“Apple Bloom,” I whispered, prodding the sleeping filly with a hoof. “AB, wake up!”

Eventually, the filly awoke, and after blinking her eyes and coming to, she joined me on my little mission.

All on our own, and in complete secrecy, with only the fading light of the moon and a lantern to see by, we set to work doing Applejack’s chores for the day. I fixed the broken axle on the wagon, Apple Bloom mended the water spigot that had gotten blocked, and then we both swept out the hay loft in the barn and just as the sun was coming up. After that, I quickly fed the pigs all the apple cores left over from the cider press.

It was tiring work to be sure, particularly as I had a full day ahead of my own chores (Apple Bloom at least had the luxury of sleeping the day away), but I figured this was the best present I could offer Applejack. She gets so little time off to herself; she was due a break. The poor mare works on the farm, goes on friendship missions and occasionally helps to save Equestria. I figured she was entitled to one day off.

Apple Bloom and I got back to the farmhouse just after eight in the morning; well in time to complete my preparations. The little filly had been eager to help when I pitched my idea to her, but I think now she was more than ready to go back to bed and catch up on her much needed sleep.

“Thanks, Apple Bloom,” I said to the yawning filly, keeping my voice low to avoid waking up AJ. “Here’s your reward.”

I levitated over a large bar of chocolate, which had been her request for payment. Despite her tiredness, AB let out an adorable whinny, before grabbing the confection and scampering back into the house and upstairs.

I meanwhile headed into the kitchen. There was still much to be done before Applejack woke up. Still, I felt my eyelids getting heavy, so before doing anything else, I made myself a pot of coffee to keep me going.

As nine o’clock rolled around, I set to work on making breakfast; just for AJ. While neither of us are overtly romantic, I don’t think any mare in Equestria would object to breakfast in bed. I was planning on quite the spread; scrambled eggs on toast, along with apple pancakes, oatmeal and some apple juice, all served in her bedroom. I’d even gone to the trouble of making a wooden frame to hold the tray so it could rest on the bed easily.

Setting to work, I started on the scrambled eggs and the pancakes first, since they would take the longest. Ideally, I wanted everything ready about the same time. There’s nothing worse than a cold breakfast after all.

I’m not the best cook in all of Equestria, but I can get by well enough. Mum taught me a fair bit of basic cooking before I left for university, and when I gently broached my idea for AJ’s present to Pinkie Pie, I found myself stallion handled into a cooking lesson that even Twilight would describe as intensive. As such, I managed to get through my cooking without too many hiccups.

Okay, fine, I burnt the first round of toast. At least I didn’t turn it into a liquid. To this day, I’ve still no idea how Sweetie Belle managed that.

With the scrambled eggs done, I spooned them onto the toast. The bread was home made, courtesy of Granny Smith. I was lucky living on the farm; it gave me access to quite the range of fresh produce. The apples for the apple pancakes and apple juice were, of course, fresh from the orchards. The eggs came from the hens we had. In fact, the only things that were store bought was the oatmeal, flour and the bicarbonate of soda. Even the butter and milk came from the cows that lived on Sweet Apple Acres. If this were back on Earth, you’d be going to Waitrose and looking at a pretty hefty price tag, so I thanked my lucky stars that I was able to do all this for less then ten bits all told.

The smell of breakfast soon wafted upstairs and I heard hooves on the floorboards. For a moment, I feared that Applejack had woken up early, thus ruining my romantic gesture. Luckily, after listening a moment longer, I realised that they were the light steps of a filly; it was Apple Bloom.

Having got forty winks herself, she was now wide awake again and ready to start the day. I was just glad that this year Hearts and Hooves Day fell on a Saturday. It wouldn’t have been right to rope Apple Bloom into these shenanigans and then have her spend a full day at school. Walking into the kitchen, she helped herself to a bowl of cereal.

“Mornin’, AB,” I said, keeping my voice a little below normal volume, just in case. “How ya feelin’.” Apple Bloom let out a yawn, looking a bit like a cat as she did so.

“Not too bad, Bones,” she replied after a moment. “Nothin’ a little coffee won’t fix.”

She reached out for the pot of coffee that I’d left sitting on the table; my primary source of staying awake. Before she could grab it though, I picked it up in my magic and levitated it out of her reach.

“Apple Bloom,” I warned half seriously. “Ya know ya ain’t allowed coffee just yet.”

The filly seems to have an obsession with the stuff, likely because she’s so rarely had any and she’s not allowed to have it. Whenever the opportunity presents itself, she’ll try to get a sip or two. I tried to stop the behaviour a few months back. Thinking it would be like little kids and alcohol, I let her have a taste. I figured she’d dislike the bitter brew and lose interest. Instead, I ended up dealing with a very hyper active filly for the next hour or so; not an experience I care to repeat.

Apple Bloom pouted as the pot flew away and out of her grasp. It was replaced with a glass of apple juice.

“Aw, c’mon, Bones,” she implored, putting on her best pleading face. I did my best to harden my heart against the torrent of adorableness.

“When you’re older, AB,” I said, standing firm. “Anyway, what are you and your friends up to today?” Apple Bloom shrugged.

“Ah don’t know. Ah reckon we’ll just hang out together. Ah never did get all the mushy stuff that comes with Hearts and Hooves Day.” There’s a filly after my own heart. “We’ll probably just hang out at the clubhouse before we head to Sweetie Belle’s.”

“Oh, what ya doing there?” I asked as I stirred the oatmeal. Apple Bloom rolled her eyes.

“Don’t ya remember, Bones?” she asked curiously. “Ah’m havin’ a sleepover with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo tonight.” I pondered that.

“Ah guess it’ll be just me, Applejack and Granny Smith then,” I said, thinking out loud. Again though, Apple Bloom shook her head.

“Nuh-uh,” she countered. “Granny Smith is goin’ to visit Golden Delicious today. She’ll be back around the same time Big Macintosh gets home.” My eyes went wide as the penny dropped.

“So, wait a minute, nopony’s gonna be here except me and Applejack until tomorrow?” Apple Bloom nodded.

“Yeah, Ah guess so. Why, is that a problem or somethin’?” I quickly back tracked.

“No, no, AB,” I said hurriedly. “That’s fine. Ah guess it had just slipped my mind.”

With that, having finished her breakfast, Apple Bloom scampered out of the house and headed off to Ponyville. Granny Smith would be leaving sometime around noon, which wouldn’t be a problem, as I planned to be away from the house then.

Still, it was a pleasant turn of events. I was glad enough that Mac was away, but I’d figured that I’d need to restrict my plans a little due to the rest of the family being around. Now though, it seemed as though fate had intervened, and the two of us would have the farm to ourselves. I quietly looked up at the ceiling and spoke to whatever being had just granted me such a boon.

“Thank you!” I all but squeed quietly.

With all the dishes complete, I arranged everything onto the tray. I once again found myself glad I was using magic instead of arms. While it would take concentration to keep it all level as I walked upstairs, it wasn’t nearly as taxing as physically carrying it all. As a finishing touch, I took an empty soda bottle, poured a bit of water in, and turned it into a makeshift flower pot for a couple flowers. It made the whole thing just a bit more aesthetically pleasing.

Taking one last look at it all, I satisfied myself that I’d done my best and that everything was properly prepared. Lifting the tray in the dark blue aura of my magic, I headed up the stairs. I’ve been living here long enough to know to skip the fifth one, since the board has a tendency to squeak, even though Mac or I have replaced it each more times that I can remember.

Reaching the top landing, I made my way along the hall. The sun had come up about fifteen minutes ago, and passing my room, I saw the sunlight streaming in through the east facing window, casting beautiful rays on the floor.

Coming to Applejack’s room, I paused and put my ear to the door listening. There was no sound; she was still asleep. Opening the door with a free hoof, I carefully made my way inside.

Inside, the curtains were still drawn and the room was a little dark. But I could make everything out, including the bed where AJ was still sleeping peacefully. I was glad her body clock hadn’t woken her up too early. Back when I was in school, for the first few weeks of the summer break I’d wake up at half seven because I’d just gotten used to the routine. Treading carefully, I placed the breakfast on a nearby sideboard and tiptoed, or whatever the pony equivalent is, over to the side of her bed. She looked so peaceful. I was tempted to let her sleep even longer. But there was no sense in letting breakfast go cold, particularly as Equestria doesn’t have microwaves.

Leaning close, I gently nuzzled her, softly poking her a couple times with my snout. After a few moments, her eyes fluttered open as she slowly woke up. I couldn’t help but smile at how beautiful she looked.

“Mornin’, sleepy head,” I said kindly. Applejack groaned a little and rubbed her eyes with a hoof.

“Bones?” she mumbled, still not quite awake. “What are...what are y’all doin’ in here?”

“Ah brought ya breakfast,” I replied, still keeping my voice low. “Ah figured since ya were gonna sleep in for a bit…” I didn’t get to finish that sentence. Applejack shot up with a start.

“Sleep in?!” she exclaimed. She took a quick look at the clock; it was just before ten.

“Oh horseapples!” she said, throwing off the covers. “Thanks for gettin’ me up, Bones. C’mon, give me a hoof downstairs. Ah’ve gotta…” Now I cut her off.

Gently holding her with my magic, which actually took a little effort until she calmed down, I carefully levitated her back into bed. I arranged her pillows to let her sit upright more comfortably and pulled the sheets back over her.

“Relax, AJ. Ah already took care of it,” I said reassuringly, secretly enjoying the perplexed look on her face.

“Wha...what?” she asked, still confused. I smiled and gently nuzzled her again.

“Ah said Ah took care of it,” I repeated, before adding. “Well, me and AB. We both got up early and handled all your chores for the day. Ah figured y’all deserved a day off for once to enjoy yourself.”

Activating my magic again, I brought over the breakfast tray. Applejack’s eyes went wide in surprise.

“Here, Ah made ya somethin’ to eat,” I said, setting the tray down.

Applejack looked absolutely gobsmacked. I honestly think she hadn’t quite come to at the point. She looked quite different in the morning. She was without her usual stetson hat, and her mane hung loose around her withers, instead of its usual ponytail.

“Wow, Bones,” she said at the sight of the spread. “What’s all this for?” I sat myself on the edge of her bed.

“What? Can’t a stallion surprise his marefriend every once in a while. Y’all have been runnin’ yourself ragged this past month. Y’all deserved a day to relax, specially today.” For a moment, Applejack looked puzzled.

“Er, today?” she asked, tilted her head to one side.

Now, normally, a coltfriend, or marefriend would be pretty cheesed off if their significant other forgot an important date like Hearts and Hooves Day. But I didn’t particularly mind. Today wasn’t about me; it was for AJ. Besides, neither of us had paid much attention to things like anniversaires before. Plus, you can see it a little weird. Today wasn’t an anniversary of marriage or anything like that, it was a bit more subtle.

“Today,” I said softly, leaning closer to her. “Was the day, not so long ago, that you and I got together.” Applejack’s eyes sparkled as the memory kicked in.

It was certainly an odd day. It actually started pretty normal. In fact I was planning to stay on the farm to avoid any of the Hearts and Hooves Day madness that was going on in Ponyville. I knew that Applejack liked me. It had taken Rarity not so politely telling me, but I’d figured it out. That had sent me spirallin a bit. Back then, I thought I was aromantic as well as asexual. And rather than simply tell AJ that I wasn’t interested, I buried my head in the sand.

So for a couple months, we had this odd relationship, where neither side was sure what the other wanted. In the end, Rarity and my dad could stand it no longer. On Hearts and Hooves Day no less, they drafted in one Princess Mi Amore Cadenza of the Crystal Empire. After a lot of effort, she talked some sense into me; helped me realise that, while I was asexual, I wasn’t aromantic, and I did love AJ, and it was wrong to just keep her in the dark as I was.

And that day...I told Applejack that I loved her, in my own unusual way. And then somehow, I didn’t screw it up and I’ve been with her ever since.

Like I said before though, it has been a weird relationship. Applejack, as far as I know, isn’t asexual. But like me, she doesn’t exactly buy into the whole idea of love. Until she met me, I don’t think any stallion had caught her eye. She certainly hadn’t taken much interest in that asshole Trenderhoof when he not so subtly tried to woo her. I don’t know what on earth she saw in me, but we clicked. After all, we’re still together now.

But for the past few weeks, I’ve had this thought buzzing around in my head. The notion that, through my asexuality, I wasn’t being a good coltfriend to her, that I was too distant. I wanted to do something to show her just how much I cared for her.

And so I began to plan today.

Applejack enjoyed her breakfast in bed, a mixture of surprised and impressed I think. I’ve lent a hoof or horn to cooking a few times, pitching in whenever I can, but I think we can all agree that breakfast in bed takes a bit more work. And usually, when i’m cooking for the family, I’ve got Granny Smith or AJ herself helping out.

The two of us chatted together in her room for a while. She was, of course, eager to know just how long I’d been planning this little surprise for her. In truth, it had been several weeks in the works. I told her how I’d managed to secure Apple Bloom’s help and the effort I’d gone to to make sure that there was nothing for her to do today. My motivations though, I kept secret; this was her day after all.

It was great to spend time with AJ like this. Just the two of us, with nothing to think about; no work schedules to meet, no plans to worry about. We could just sit there together on her bed and relax. She snuggled herself close to me, and I soon found myself held in her iron grip. That’s another thing that makes our relationship a little odd; while I may have the edge when it comes to magic, AJ is much stronger than me physically, a fact I would soon find myself reminded of.

Applejack however, is not someone who spends their day lazing about in bed. Even with a day off, she still likes to be active, to do something; it’s just her nature. I’m the same really. If you send me on holiday to ‘relax’, by the time I get back, I’ll need a holiday from the holiday. I’d factored this into my little scheme to make AJ’s day perfect. I don’t claim to be an expert when it comes to love or romance, hence why I went to Rarity for half of this.

I stood in Carousel Boutique, with Rarity sitting on one of her couches. I’d left Sweet Apple Acres on the pretense of having my hat repaired. In actuality though, I was going to her for some advice on matters of the heart.

Despite her own single status, nopony in Ponyville knows more about romance than Rarity does. And I was sure that she would have some ideas for me. You see, I may have got it into my head that I needed to do something for AJ, but for the life of me, my inexperienced asexual brain hadn’t got a clue where to start. I explained as such to Rarity and, after a bit of gentle teasing on her part, she agreed to help out.

“Oh darling, it’s a wonderful idea,” she said gleefully. “I’m sure Applejack will be thrilled when you sweep her off her hooves. All you need is some grand gesture.” Seeing that she was about to start going on for the next while, I held up a hoof to stop her.

“Rarity, ya know how both me and AJ are,” I said imploringly. “She won’t want some big showy display. Ah just want to do something that shows her that Ah love her. Even if Ah don’t always show it.”

At that last comment, I looked down at the floor and scuffed my hooves. Rarity instantly picked up on my demeanour and come over to me.

“Oh, Blade Star,” she said consolingly. “I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Applejack knows how much you care about her. Ponies don’t need to be constantly showering each other with gifts to prove that. Why, one only has to look at the two of you together to know that, if the barn was burning down now, you’d go charging in there to save her.” That brightened my spirits a little.

“Still, there’s never any harm in doing something special for Hearts and Hooves Day. How about breakfast in bed?” My ears perked up at that.

“Yeah, sure. Ah could certainly do that,” I replied. “Ah could let her sleep in a little longer than normal, and then bring her breakfast. What else?” Rarity thought.

“Hmm. Well, there’s nothing wrong with simply taking a romantic walk together. And the scenery on Sweet Apple Acres is quite lovely this time of year. Maybe pack a light lunch with you and go down to that watering hole you two love.”

That did sound like a good idea. Again, it gave both of us a chance to slow down and smell the roses. As beautiful as Sweet Apple Acres is, particularly in autumn when applebucking season starts, we’re often to busy with farm work to really appreciate it.

“A walk?” Applejack parroted. “A walk to where?” I shrugged my withers.

“Just a walk, AJ,” I replied, a little cryptically. “The two of us spend most of our days on this farm, and we never get the chance just to appreciate how beautiful it is out here. Ah packed a lunch for us an’ everythin’.” AJ thought for a moment.

“Ah shoot, what the hay,” she said after mulling it over for a few moments. “We can bring Winona along too.”

Applejack let out a sharp whistle as we stepped out of the house. Winona’s a working dog, so she doesn’t really come in the house that much. Like most farm dogs I knew growing up, she has a dog house outside. The collie came bounding over at her owner’s call. Most of the time, we use her to help rounding up sheep or cattle that live on the farm. She’s also quite a good companion for when you have to run the stall as well, ponies, like humans, love seeing adorable dogs. On the downside, she is a collie, and while she may be smart for a dog, she can be a bit...excitable.

Barking happily and with her tail wagging, Winona bounded over to us, all but throwing herself at AJ, who gladly made a fuss of her. Recognising that the two of us were going for ‘walkies’, the canine quickly joined us, running circles around us as we went. I’d got the saddlebags containing our lunch on, although I guess I ought to have packed a tennis ball or something to. Well, I’m sure I can find a stick for her to play with.

And so, the three of us set off. I hadn’t said as much to AJ, but I did have a destination in mind; somewhere quite special to me. We were, in a roundabout way, heading towards the lake created by the beaver colony that lived on the farm. It was a great deep pool that was great for swimming in during the hot summer months. Not too far away from it, there was a small rise that gave you a great view of the entire western side of the farm. It was here that Princess Cadence had talked some sense into me, and where I finally admitted my feeling to AJ. It seemed like a good choice for a romantic moment together.

We chatted as we walked, about nothing in particular. It was nice just to talk together, reminisce about past events, talk about what was going on in our lives. AJ is always curious as to my little magic projects, and I’m always fascinated by how the farm is managed and looked after. After all, I’m still learning a lot about all that.

I’d managed to find a good sturdy stick for Winona to play with. In the manner of the Border Collie, it now occupied all her thoughts. No matter how far I threw it with my magic, she’d go retrieve it and then bark excitedly until AJ or I threw it again. That got me talking about my old dogs with AJ. Back when I was a kid, we had three Border Terriers, all of which were just a touch mad like Winona.

Before too long, we reached our destination. The weather had been in our favour today. Despite it only being the early part of spring, the trees were blooming, the grass was lush and the weather was warm, with clear skies for miles. It was mid afternoon now; we’d been walking around the farm far longer than I realised. The sun was getting a little lower in the sky, once again covering the landscape in shades of red and gold, and lighting up the few clouds that hung about with those same brilliant colours. As the sun slipped lower, shafts of light filtered through the clouds, intensifying the whole image.

And what made it even better was the view. We were standing on that very same hilltop. The lake below was still, calm, reflecting the blue sky far above. The trees gave a bit of shade from the bright glare. And beyond all that, there was the vast green landscape of rolling hills, vibrant orchards and grassy plains.

It was absolutely beautiful. But as corny as this may sound, the most beautiful thing in the world was standing right next to me.

The pair of us spent ages out there, enjoying each other’s company. There was actually quite a bit to get up to out on this more remote part of the farm. The soft grass made quite the comfortable spot to sit and rest after the trip out here. There was enough shade from the sun that we didn’t get too warm. The two of us even ended up taking a dip in the lake. Between our hides and the sunshine, it was actually quite pleasant, being cold without freezing your tail clean off.

I’m half tempted to stop writing here, as things slowly grew a little more intimate. I’ve always been a private person when it comes to matters of the heart. Still, it doesn’t hurt to remind myself of that lovely day.

After we enjoyed a cool and relaxing swim together, we lay on the hillside and let the sunshine dry us off. Both our hats were hung in the branches of a nearby tree. In our haste to have some fun, we’d both forgotten about them, and they’d gotten soaked as a result. So, we fell into talking again, while Winona continued to happily paddle about in the lake.

“AJ, Ah gotta know,” I said as we watched the collie playing. “How in the wide, wide realm of Equestria did a stallion like me end up with a mare as pretty as you?” Applejack laughed at my corny line.

“Y’all have been talkin’ to Rarity again, haven’t ya?” she answered, trying and failing to avoid chuckling.

“Does it show?” I asked, doing the same. “Seriously though, ‘Jack, what was it?” Applejack thought.

“Well,” she said at length. “Ah s’pose it was…” She trailed off, now falling into deep thought.

“Sugarcube, the first time ya came to this farm, ya hardly knew anythin’ bout farmin’. And ya knew even less about farmin’ as a pony. “Y’all were far from home, with your whole life taken away. Ah tell ya, Ah’d have been havin’ a nervous breakdown at somethin’ like that. But you? You were willin’ to work on the farm to earn your keep. Ya listened to what me and Mac taught ya, and did all ya could to help out.

“Ya helped with the farm, cooked every now and then, and even helped little AB with her schoolwork. Ya made our lives that little bit better when your own was in pieces. And when ya could’ve gone back to live with your folks, ya stayed here still. Ya treated all of us like family.

“Y’all were kind, honest, hard workin’, carin’...and ya sure were easy on the eyes too.” She let out a laugh at that, while I blushed at the compliment.

“So, er, does that answer your question, sugarcube?” she asked with smile. I smiled back in response.

“Well, ya got your answer, now me,” she went on. “Ah know y’all were buryin’ your head in the sand for ages. What finally made ya take a leap?” Ah, that question I had an answer to.

“Simple,” I replied. “Ah realised Ah loved ya.” I smiled to myself.

“For the longest time Ah’d known girls Ah sorta liked. Ah may be asexual, but that doesn’t mean Ah’m aromantic, and a part of me wanted to be in a relationship. But Ah couldn’t bring myself to open up like that. When ya love somepony, that pony knows you, almost as well as ya know yourself. That was quite the scary thought for me; made me feel way too vulnerable. But you AJ? Ah trusted you; Ah didn’t mind y’all knowin’ me. It was comfortin’ in a way Ah’d never felt before. That was what Cadence showed me that day. Ah trusted you more than anypony else, even Luna. That was what got me to finally admit what Ah already knew.”

Applejack smiled softly at me, her green eyes sparkling in the light of the evening sun. Before I knew it, she pulled me into one of her iron grip hugs. I felt her kiss me gently on the cheek. Pulling back slightly, I caught her in something more fitting for two ponies deeply in love.

After a few moments we parted, and I explained the last part of my plan.

You see, there’s a lot that falls under the umbrella term ‘asexual’. You have people who are flatout disgusted by the idea of sex or romance. Then you have people who don’t mind romance, but don’t care for sex. Then you have people like me. I don’t desire sex, and I’d be thoroughly repulsed if some random mare tried to hook up with me. But, with AJ...with her, my attitude shifted more toward ambivalence, due to our long lived relationship. I was willing to do all I could to make her happy.

So I quietly explained that, for that night, we had the farm to ourselves.

Author's Note:

Proofread by Sweetolebob18.

I fear I have still not mastered writing romance. Well, it is a bit tricky to write about what you have no experience of. :twilightsheepish: Hopefully it's better than my last attempt a few years back. What do you guys think? i'm open to suggestions and advice.