• Published 3rd Jun 2018
  • 1,970 Views, 83 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Avengers Assemble - Masterob

With more superheroes in Equestria, plus other worlds, thing might get even more chaotic. The adventures of the Elements and Marvel Heroes continues.

  • ...

Changeling the Future

Months passed by since the string of invasions, in this time much had changed. Rarity had given birth to a daughter, which she and Bobby named Snow Gem. Fluttershy had also just given birth to her child, whom she and Logan had named Rina.

Pinkie Pie was a few months in with her pregnancy, which was now common knowledge among her friends and family, many somewhat concerned knowing that Deadpool was going to be a father.

Twilight's school was being built and was less than a month away from completion, the mare very excited to know that she can finally help spread Friendship to the world.

The Brotherhood continued their lessons with the Mane 6, most of them forming something of a bond with their teachers. Pietro has become more open and has actively tried reaching out and being supportive of his sister Wanda, who herself had really made a friend in Twilight Sparkle.

Boom grew to like Pinkie Pie more, and even took her job at Sugarcube Corner a bit more seriously, though still not the best worker as she had a bad tendency to goof off and startle some customers with her explosions.

Toad had bonded with Fluttershy's animals, finding a bit of peace with them, and her as well.

Pyro and Avalanche were the only ones who hadn't fully connected with their teachers, and were just going through the motions. Granted there was some tolerance one could tell they were the slowest learners, Boom being a close second.

But beyond all that, the day had come, the day of the Changeling Invasion, or what was suppose to be according to Peter. Prior to this, he had reached out to Chrysalis, hoping to find peace with the queen before she could potentially be a threat to Equestria, just like he always planned.

Peter and Twilight were both waiting outside of Canterlot castle, hoping to greet Chrysalis before her arrival. They weren't totally alone, all of their friends were residing in the Castle, with guards posted everywhere just to be sure. Celestia and Cap observed from the highest point of the tower, waiting for the arrival of The Changelings.

Normally Wanda would be with them but she was saying behind in Ponyville with Trixie, Twilight wasn't too confident about bringing her out here and possibly being intimidated by Chrysalis. Peter told Wanda about the Dystopian Future and she did not Wanda to start worrying about Chrysalis when she first arrived, Peter noting that Wanda seems to get nervous when it comes to alternate realities.

"You're confident about this Peter?" Twilight asked. "Like without a doubt confident?"

"Yeah, very much so Twilight," Peter insisted. "We can pull this off, we just have to do the thing you're special at, that's making friends."

"I know you want to believe, but even I don't think I can befriend Queen Chrysalis," Twilight said. "Especially after what she's done to my family."

"I don't condone that either, but in the end, she's just trying to survive, plus if we want to prevent more incidents like what happened to your brother, we need to make this work," Peter said. "If we offer love and friendship to Chrysalis and her hive, then they have no need to attack anymore because they'll have plenty of nourishment."

"You really are confident about this, then again you do have a very valid point on how the Changelings' magic works," Twilight said.

"Then it's settled, we just gotta wait for Chrysalis to arrive," Twilight said. "I just hope she's in a talking mood."

"She might hear us out if she knows she'll get something out of it," Peter said. "We just have to make sure she's given a proper warm welcome."

From the balcony overheard, Celestia is standing watch with Cap right next to her. She was quite worried about this ordeal and while she wanted to believe this would work, she did not want to risk the safety of her subjects.

"Today's the big day," Cap said, turning his attention to Celestia. "You're nervous, I can tell."

"If anything goes wrong, then the safety of Equestria will be at great risk," Celestia commented. "I know I should trust Twilight and Peter, Twilight is the Princess of Friendship and Peter has a strong sense of justice. But even the greatest of ponies can make a mistake, and that might lead to another battle, or worse, an all out war between ponies and Changelings."

"I understand your concern, The Avengers and I have seen our share of wars, I won't allow that to happen here," Cap said.

"Thank you Captain," Celestia said. "Be sure to get all The Avengers in position."

"Will do," Cap said, taking to his radio. "Clint, is everything ready?"

"Just about everyone is in position, we're just waiting on Ant Man and Wasp," Hawkeye said.

"Scott should be coming on the train from Ponyville, Wasp is unknown but be ready to go with the plan without her," Cap said.

"You got it, also what of the Capcom guys, they in this?" Hawkeye asked.

"I believe so," Cap said. "I'll have to check with Sunset Shimmer."

"They're coming!" Celestia said, pointing to the oncoming Hive of Changelings. Cap squinted his eyes as he looked to the distance.

"So that's them huh?" Cap asked. "I take it their leader is the tall one in the middle, the one with the light blue hair."

"Yes, that's Queen Chrysalis, the creature that impersonated my niece and tried to marry Shining Armor," Celestia said. "I still regret not believing Twilight when I should have."

"Don't blame yourself, mistakes happen," Cap said. "Just get into position. And make sure Shimmer's ready too."

"Copy that," Hawkeye said. From his position he gestured the Avengers to follow him as he contacted Sunset Shimmer. "How are things on your end Shimmer?"

"Everything's going to plan," Sunset said, from the portal room. Right behind her, the Capcom Fighters were stepping out. "I might even have some surprises of my own."

"Just make sure it goes according to plan, we're counting on you Shimmer," Hawkeye said.

"I won't let you down Clint," Sunset said, then turned off the radio. "None of us will let Peter down."

Peter and Twilight remained outside the castle, awaiting the arrival of Chrysalis, seeing her approaching from the distance. Both felt weird about this for their own reasons. Twilight is once again face to face with the very creature nearly ruined everything for her brother and her sister-in-law, Peter is seeing the one that was responsible for his future's destruction. Everypony, from his wife, to his daughter, and all his friends. But he knew this Chrysalis hadn't done any of that, and deserves a chance to change.

The Changeling Queen landed before the two, glaring intently at them both. "Well now, if it isn't Twilight Sparkle, you look different than the last time we met, new mane style?"

"Ahem, technically it's Princess Twilight Sparkle now," Twilight extended her wings. "But I'm not really one to brag about my title."

"Come now, you've ascended to royal status, don't waste it with your humility," Chrysalis teased. "But then again, I suppose that's a weakness among ponies, you do make it easy for others to walk all over you."

"We may be humble and friendly, but don't mistake that for a weakness, we're still willing and ready to fight for our freedom," Twilight reminded.

"Yes of course," Chrysalis said, then turned her attention to the stallion beside her. "And you must be Spider-Mane, superhero from a world called Earth and Twilight Sparkle's beloved husband."

"Yeah pretty much," Peter said. "You can just call me 'Peter', let's all try to be friends, alright Chrissie?"

"It's Queen Chrysalis to you," the queen warned, then took another good look at Peter, grinning a bit. "But I'll let that slide, I gotta say you're much more handsome than I would have imagined."

Peter sheepishly blushed, "Uh thanks?" "Why does every female in Equestria hit on me?"

"He's already married, but you knew that," Twilight warned. "Don't get any funny ideas."

"Easy Twilight, we're here to make friends," Peter said, then turned to Chrysalis. "I'll get to the point, I have a proposition for you that will benefit your hive."

"Go on" Chrysalis said.

"You need love to survive correct?" Peter asked, getting a nod from Chrysalis. "Well we can help you with that."

"Oh, are you surrendering all your love to us?" Chrysalis sinisterly asked. "My, you really are a Superhero aren't you?"

"Uh, no not what I meant," Peter said. "What I mean is that we can share the love, between ponies and Changelings, that way there no longer needs to be a battle for it, nor do you need to take over a wedding."

"Share love?" Chrysalis said. "What a preposterous sounding idea."

"Now hear me out," Peter insisted. "You need love to survive, and ponies who would willingly share the love they have would make it easier than simply taking it"

"If you truly care about your hive, you'll give this a chance, Queen Chrysalis," Twilight said.

"At least consult with them, maybe they like the idea too," Peter said.

Chrysalis still had a bit of a scowl, then turned to face the Changelings of her hive. "Do any of you have something you'd like to say about this?"

Most of them were pretty hushed and tight lipped, barely speaking above a whisper, not sure what to say to the Queen. One Changelings however, decided to say something, "Um, Queen Chrysalis?"

"What is it Thorax?" Chrysalis asked, almost in a pitiful tone.

"About this plan, uh I think, maybe, you know," Thorax struggled to get the words out. "It should be, I think, worth a chance?"

Chrysalis shook her head, "Why doesn't this surprise me? You've always been soft-hearted, so you would jump at a chance like this."

"But if we have a chance to share love, we won't have to fight, and lose," Thorax said, receiving an immediate glare from Chrysalis. "What I mean is, we got a little love at the wedding but it wasn't enough and we were no match for Shining Armor and Princess Cadance at the end. Plus the Elements of Harmony were close to defeating us themselves, and with their leader being a Princess now, they're gonna be stronger and harder to beat next time. Not to mention all the superheroes coming to this world, if we attack again, we might get overwhelmed."

Chrysalis seemed to be considering his words, however a second Changeling spoke up. "Why did we even bring you? Of course you hate fighting, you're weak."

"Pharynx, that's not very nice," Thorax scolded.

"Aw, did I hurt your little feelings Thorax?" Pharnyx teased. "What else would I expect from my little brother. Changelings have always fought for food, it's how we do things, you can't expect to get by because a bunch of lovey-dovey ponies think they can share it."

"Maybe it'll work," Thorax said. "Can't we at least give it a chance?"

Soon a few other Changelings started vocally agreeing with Thorax, some from genuine interest, others out of desperation for food and nourishment.

"Oh fine, we'll try it Thorax's way," Chrysalis said.

"Hold on, really!?" Pharynx asked. "You want to try it the wussy way?"

"This isn't a 'wussy' way," Twilight interjected. "It'll work for you, just give it a chance."

Pharynx groaned in annoyance and turned to Thorax, "This better not fail on us, or you'll be labeled an eternal geek Thorax."

"I have confidence in Spider-Mane and The Princess," Thorax said.

"Much appreciated Thorax," Twilight said. "Come now, to the Courtyard so we can sign the treaty."

"Wait, you want us to sign a treaty before even seeing if it works?" Pharnyx asked. "What if this is just some trap?"

"Doesn't look that way," Thorax said.

Pharynx glared at the other Changeling, "Man not only are you weak you're also very naïve."

"I call it, trusting," Twilight said. "As in he trusts our intents, something you should practice."

"Don't worry, this will work," Peter said. "Trust your friend dude."

"He's not my friend, he's my dorky brother," Pharynx said.

"Then be a good brother and stop belittling him!" Twilight scolded. "My brother doesn't belittle me like that."

"Like I care about your pony brother?" Pharynx said.

"That pony brother could have been your King," Peter reminded. "Chrysalis did try to marry him."

"For the record, I had no intent of making him the Changeling King, he was just suppose to be an infinite supply of love, that's all," Chrysalis said.

Twilight's eyes twitched slightly, glancing over to the Queen. She was close to lashing at her but knew it best to wait, not wanting to ruin this chance for peace.

The group arrived in the Courtyard, and to Peter's surprise, there were many guards posted around, as well as many members of The Avengers, such as Thor, Black Panther, Miss Marvel, a young mare beside her, Hawkeye, even a few X-Men such as Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm and Rogue. This worried Peter, he didn't want Chrysalis to feel like she was walking into a trap.

Unbeknownst to Peter, Sunset was also in position with allies of her own, Ryu and Chun-Li standing right beside her, Dante leaning against a window, clutching his sword tightly, Strider on the opposite end with his own sword, Chris along with Jill and Spencer aiming their weapons down at The Changelings, Mega Man doing the same. Carlos, Cammy, Morrigan and Guile also waited nearby, with a few extra allies, ready to jump in when needed.

"What's with the guards?" Pharynx said. "Are they going to ambush us!?"

"No, of course not, they're just...guarding, like they're suppose to," Peter said.

"We'll begin shortly, once Princess Celestia and Princess Luna arrive," Twilight said.

"Wait, who's Princess Luna?" Thorax asked.

That surprised Peter, he thought everypony would know about her, then again this isn't a pony, but he knows they've been to Canterlot. "Celestia's sister, didn't you see her during the wedding?"

"No, I mean I don't think so," Thorax said.

"I didn't see a third Princess," Pharynx said.

"I was confused myself, I expected to see Princess Luna," Chrysalis said.

Peter scratched his head in confusion, "This...this is so weird, was she not there at all?" Peter turned to Twilight, "Uh, when did you free Luna from the Nightmare again?"

"This was after, Luna did show up, but not until after we stopped Chrysalis," Twilight said.

Something about this raised suspicion among members of the Avengers and X-Men nearby, now wondering where Luna was, and if she may have been involved in the invasion at all.

"So, where are the rest of your friends Twilight?" Chrysalis asked. "I thought for sure they'd be here."

"They should be arriving any moment," Twilight said. "They want to be a part of this too."

"Uh, are they still mad about the invasion at all?" Thorax nervously asked. "Because I want to put it out there, I did not fight anypony."

"Yeah no kidding, weakling," Pharynx said.

"And that's a good thing," Twilight iterated, then turned to Thorax. "You'll be fine, my friends just want to see the treaty so they can live in Harmony. Some of them have kids now, myself included, so we just want a harmonious world."

"You're a mother now? Oh how nice," Chrysalis said. "I suppose your brother also has a child?"

"I sure do," they heard. They turned to see Shining Armor making his way over with Cadance, with The Elements and their Husbands coming as well, along with Scott Lang, Spike and Janet. "Beautiful little filly, her name's Flurry Heart."

"Wow, that's a nice name," Thorax said.

"Don't get funny ideas!" Shining Armor shouted, frightening Thorax.

"Easy big brother, he's actually one of the nicer ones," Twilight said. "He helped encourage this idea."

"Plus we're here to make friends with The Changelings, shouting at them won't help," Peter said.

"Ah, so the Elements of Harmony have arrived," Chrysalis said, looking over each one. "I take it each of you found that pony near and dear to your heart?"

"You bet we did," Applejack said, gesturing to Remy. "This here's the father of mah little boy."

Chrysalis noticed a lump in Applejack's belly, "Huh, I see that there's another on the way.

"One month in, gonna bring in a second foal to this world," Applejack said. "And ah wanna make sure there's a world to bring it to."

"Wow, congratulations," Thorax said. "You must be so excited."

Chrysalis turned her attention to Pinkie Pie, "Hmm, looks like you're also bringing in a child soon."

"Yeah, me and Wade here," Pinkie said, placing her hoof around her husband. "Little Deadpool Junior and Little Pinkie Pie Junior are going to take the world by surprise."

"Wait, hold up, Deadpool Junior and Pinkie Pie Junior?" Peter asked. "Are you two expecting twins!?"

"Just went to the doctor's yesterday," Pinkie Pie said. "One boy and one girl, I'm gonna have twins! Just like Mrs. Cake! And just like my mom!"

"Yeah, I can feel the love just radiating off you," Chrysalis said, then felt something similar with Twilight. "Huh, I think there are even more ponies expecting."

Twilight placed her hoof over her own belly, she had just found out recently, but hadn't told Peter yet.

"More ponies expecting? Who could that be?" Peter asked. "Rarity? Already back at it?"

"Are you kidding? I need a break from pregnancy, it made my hooves all swollen," Rarity said.

"What about you Janet? Get a little wild in the Dragon Lands?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, but I doubt it's me, this body isn't in heat yet," Janet said.

"Bit too much information Janet," Twilight said, not delighted to hear about Spike's sex life.

"Maybe it's one of the other mares, and they just don't know it yet," Peter said. "Or...could it be one of the guards?"

"Wait, is Princess Celestia nearby?" Bobby asked. "Maybe she and Cap finally got it on."

"Bobby!" Rarity scolded.

"Well, she is nearby, here she comes," Thorax said, gesturing to Celestia, approaching with Luna, Magneto, Cap and Stark. "And she's not alone."

"Princess Luna, good to actually see you, at least when I wasn't pretending to be Cadance," Chrysalis said. "Too bad you missed it."

"The only shame is that I wasn't around to defeat you myself," Luna said.

"Come now, it's all in the past," Peter nervously insisted. "We're here to be friends now."

"Yeah, like the kid said, we're all here to be friends," Stark backed up. "We really want peace between our Kingdoms, so if we could get this underway that would be great."

"We still don't know if this would even work!" Pharynx said. "I say the Queen should hold off on signing until we know for sure!"

"Alright fine, do you want to volunteer?" Twilight asked. "Or would any of you Changelings want to test Peter's theory?"

The Changelings were hesitant to volunteer, but of course, one did, that being Thorax, "I'll do it."

"Great, come this way please," Twilight said, Thorax obeying. "Now, I'm going to give you a nice big hug, an act of Friendship, which is a sign of love. You tell me how you feel afterwards."

"Uh, would your husband be alright with that?" Thorax asked.

"Of course, I have a lot of male friends that I hug," Twilight said. "Isn't that right Peter?"

"As long as that male friend isn't Flash Sentry, I'm good," Peter said.

Twilight shook her head in annoyance, then focused back on Thorax. "Alright, ready for the hug?"

"Uh, I'm not used to hugs, so I might not be very good at it," Thorax nervously said. Truthfully he was very embarrassed to do this, even if he did hope it would work.

"Come on, just think of how happy you'll be, you'd never have to fight for love again," Twilight said, hoping to reassure Thorax.

It did seem to work, Thorax felt less hesitant as he nodded to Twilight, "Alright, I'll give it my best."

"If that doesn't work, just shape shift into Peter and kiss her," Bobby joked. Suddenly he had a pot thrown at his head, courtesy of Peter and a web.

"That Robert Drake can be such a fool," Magneto said.

Thorax started feeling nervous again, "Uh...don't worry, I won't do anything like that Princess."

"I know you won't, now here I come," Twilight said, then pulled Thorax into a hug. Twilight tried making the hug as affectionate as she could, imagining Thorax as her younger brother who needs his big sister's guidance.

This was actually a nice feeling for Thorax, a mix of happiness, security and safety. Thorax returned Twilight's hug, this was much nicer than stealing it because it felt more genuine. Twilight released him moments later, the young Changeling looking quite refreshed.

"Wow...I feel so full of energy!" Thorax said. "Like if I had a giant buffet of love! It is better when they share it! In fact it's amazing! You all have to try it, Friendship is the best form of nutrients!"

"So, instead of Friendship is Magic, it's now Friendship is Nutritious," Peter joked, Twilight glaring at her husband.

"Can it," Twilight warned, then looked back to Thorax. "I'm so happy, you feel that way."

"I'm better than happy, thank you Princess Twilight!" Thorax said. "Oh, does this mean we're friends now?"

"Yeah, we are," Twilight said. "Also you don't have to call me Princess, just Twilight is fine."

"Wow, sure thing, Twilight!" Thorax said, taking to the air. "I feel so amazing, come on, you all have to try this!"

"What? Hugs?" one Changeling said.

"Not exactly, but we gotta try making friends with these ponies, it really works!" Thorax said.

"I still have my doubts," Pharynx said. "Maybe it works for you since you're such a pansy, but the rest of us, I doubt it."

"Hey the proof was right before your eyes," Peter said. "I'm not saying you have to start hugging, you can still be tough but friendly, like Logan over there."

The Changelings turned to the rugged X-Man, who simply waved at the group. "Yeah, friendly."

"Logan is one of the most badass dudes you'll meet, he never takes crap from anyone, but he's still a very friendly guy," Peter said. "You can be any type of friendly you want, as long as it's genuine."

"I don't know, what do you think Queen?" Pharynx asked.

Chrysalis did seem to acknowledge how well this worked, but she still had reservations about this. She still saw this as a sign of weakness, but if she could benefit from this, then it is something she should be considering. However she still couldn't help but feel like this is one big ploy, the fact that all these guards and heroes were glaring at her, all of them with weapons ready, or some just looking for a brawl. She had to be sure first.

"Tell me Spider-Mane," Chrysalis began.

"You can call me Peter, that's what all my friends call me anyway," Peter said.

"Sure, Spider-Mane!" Chrysalis emphasized. "Tell me, why are you so insistent on this?"

"Uh, for a friendly future?" Peter said, partially explaining his true motives.

"A friendly future, I must say this is quite random, to receive a letter offering a peace treaty, just a few days before I planned an attack on Equestria," Chrysalis said.

"Get ready," Hawkeye said, grabbing his arrows as Thor held his hammer and Black Panther had his claws ready.

"Kamala, are you prepared to fight?" Miss Marvel asked.

The girl beside her nodded, "Yeah, I'm ready Carol."

The X-Men also seemed to be ready, as were the Capcom warriors from above. If Chrysalis attacked, they would be ready for a fight.

"So, you planned to attack, heh, what weird timing," Peter nervously said.

"Yes, so now I have to wonder, just what is it you're really planning?" Chrysalis asked, nervously glaring at Peter.

"I told you, a better future," Peter said.

"Better future huh? For whom may I ask? For us? Or for you?" Chrysalis asked.

"For both our Kingdoms," Peter insisted.

"Somehow I doubt that!" Chrysalis shouted, baring her fangs as her Changelings minus Thorax all looked ready to fight.

"Hey! Don't try anything stupid!" Stark warned, holding out his Ion gloves as Cap had his shield up. Even Magneto looked ready to fight, levitating some metal around him.

"The moment she attacks, go for the Queen," Hawkeye instructed.

Sunset had her magic ready as she turned to Chris, "I hope you're a good shot with that rifle, even in this pony form."

"Don't worry, I'm a natural," Chris reassured, aiming right at the queen. "Just give me a reason Queenie."

"Chrysalis, I promise you that I don't have anything sinister planned toward you," Peter tried to reassure. He became nervous as not only were the Changelings ready to fight, he could see The Avengers, The X-Men, the Guards and even his friends ready to fight, Applejack and Pinkie Pie being the only ones sitting it out, though Applejack still had that itch, he could tell. "Look, what do I have to do to prove to you that I just want to be friends!"

"Tell those ponies to drop their weapons and back down!" Chrysalis ordered.

Peter nodded and called to everyone, "Hey! Stand down! All of you!" Many of the guards weren't sure if she should, Chrysalis did look kind of dangerous right now, they couldn't let harm come to Peter. "I am giving you an order as your Prince! Drop your weapons this instant!"

"Obey my husband!" Twilight warned.

The Guards still seemed hesitant, but they had to respect the wishes of the Princess Twilight Sparkle and Prince Peter Parker. So reluctantly they put their weapons down. But The Avengers and X-Men still looked ready to fight, as were his friends.

"Cap, tell The Avengers to lower their weapons!" Peter urged.

"Cyclops, do the same for your X-Men, tell them to lower their guard," Twilight ordered.

Cap turned to Celestia and Stark, both of them looking unsure. Hawkeye then contacted Cap through his ear piece, "Give the order, if anything Sunset Shimmer's in position with the Capcom guys, if a fight breaks out they'll be ready to protect Peter."

Cap nodded and gave the order, "Avengers, stand down!"

Hawkeye turned to Cyclops, doing a stealth gesture to the room upstairs, where Cyclops could see Sunset waving and pointing to Ryu. "X-Men, you do the same!"

Slowly and reluctantly, everyone backed down, including the friends and family of Peter and Twilight. Chrysalis was a bit amazed, they actually lowered their guards. She couldn't tell if they were being genuine or foolish in their desires.

"See, everyone lowered their guards," Twilight said. "You're safe now."

Chrysalis looked to Twilight, she could not detect any sign of deceit on her. Perhaps she really was trying to make friends and form a proper alliance, perhaps her husband was serious and this invitation was merely by chance.

"Hey wait a minute," Pharynx said, looking up. "I think I see more ponies up there."

This confused Peter, wondering who he could be talking about, but before he could check it out, he felt his Spider sense acting up. Suddenly heard some gunfire going off, but not toward him. He immediately turned and saw that Chrysalis had taken a few shots, as had some of the Changelings.

"What's going on!?" Peter frantically asked. More shots could be heard, many of the Changelings taking hits.

"Who's doing that!?" Clint asked. He could tell that it wasn't Chris or the other, the gunfire was coming from other directions, with a few magic blasts joining in. "Everyone go scout around! Find who's doing this!"

Soon a grenade was tossed nearby, many Changelings flying off from the fear of what the device was, but Thorax wasn't as quick. Luckily Peter had pulled him out the way in a flash, bringing him to safety. "Are you alright Thorax!?"

"I'm fine, but what's going on!?" Thorax frantically asked, looking around at all the chaos.

"I don't know, I swear I didn't plan for this!" Peter said. "Guys get those Changelings to safety, quick!"

"I'm on it!" Twilight said, using her magic to shield the other Changelings.

"Someone help Chrysalis!" Peter urged, gesturing to the wounded queen.

Fluttershy and Logan approached Chrysalis, helping her up and getting her out of there. She taken some bad hits, but she didn't look too bad, looks like she could take a few hits.

Eventually the gunfire stopped, as did the grenades, Hawkeye and his team still searching for whomever might have done this. What was strange was that they seemed to have disappeared pretty quickly, like if there was no trace what so ever.

"The hell happened out here!?" Hawkeye wondered, then contacted Sunset. "Hey Shimmer, who else did you bring over?"

"No one, everyone I brought over is with me," Sunset said.

Peter rushed around, trying to help any Changeling he could. Fortunately not all of them took shots, and the ones who did seemed to endure the pain, but it still looked bad for them. Suddenly he found himself face to face with Pharynx.

"I knew you were setting us up!" the Changeling angrily accused.

"Dude I swear to you I had no idea this was going to happen!" Peter insisted.

"Sounds like a load to me!" Pharynx said. "You set us up, you wanted us dead!"

"I didn't! I just wanted peace, I swear!" Peter urged. "I would never try to have you ambushed like that!"

"Well tell that to my queen and my comrades!" Pharynx said, flying off. "I'll be back, with more Hive Members, we'll have our revenge!" He gestured to a few Changelings, "Go and save the Queen! We'll regroup, stronger than before!"

A few loyal Changelings flew over and snatched Chrysalis away from Fluttershy and Logan. The latter seemed kind of annoyed and tried to get her back. "Hey! She needs medical assistance!"

From his position, Pharynx blasted Logan, allowing the Changelings to leave with Chrysalis as he turned back to Peter. "Consider this war Spider-Mane!"

"Wait! Come back!" Peter pleaded.

Pharynx began flying off with some Changelings. However more gunshots were heard, a few Changelings being shot from the sky by a random figure. Pharynx blasted at it but they were quick to move, trying to shoot again.

"Hold it!" He heard Cap shout. Cap pursued the mystery attacker but within moments, they disappeared into a vortex, much to his confusion. "What in the world?" Cap observed as Pharynx flew off, knowing this wouldn't turn out well. "So much for peace."

In the Courtyard, medical ponies were brought out to check on the Changelings who were either shot, blasted with magic or got hurt in an explosion. Thorax couldn't believe his eyes, many of his brothers and sisters were on the verge of dying, but he should be used to this, Chrysalis has attacked many other tribes for love, and there was occasionally a consequence to that.

"What could have happened here?" Thorax wondered.

Twilight sat by him, hoping to speak with the shaken up Changeling, "Thorax...I swear Peter and I did not intend this."

Thorax sighed in despair, "Well, I think I can believe you, I mean you are really nice, and your hug felt genuine. Plus your husband did save my life, and I saw the other heroes trying to save my Changeling allies. I guess somepony out there didn't want us around, I don't blame them, we caused so much trouble."

"That's no reason for this to have happened," Twilight said. "I promise that who ever did this will be brought to justice, violence is not our way."

"Still, I don't think all of the Changelings are going to believe you," Thorax said. "And, while I don't want to doubt you, even I'm having mixed feelings about this."

Twilight nodded her head, "I understand that, if you don't trust us, then I can't fault you. I just hope we can become friends someday."

Thorax stood up, bowing to Twilight, "I hope so too. Maybe I should try to catch up with my brother, see if I can try to reason with him."

"We'll treat the rest of the Changelings," Twilight insisted. "I'll see you later Thorax."

Thorax flew off with a few other Changelings, the rest still being treated by the other ponies. Twilight felt so many things, pity for the Changelings who got hurt, empathy for her husband's failed plan, anger for the ones responsible for ruining everything. First things first, help the Changelings and then find out whoever did all this.

"Hey I told you it wasn't us!" she heard the voice of Dante shout.

"We heard gunfire, and your world has warriors who specialize in that type of stuff!" Luna said.

"Oh right, not like The Punisher exists in Marvel," Dante sarcastically said.

"Look, none of us attacked The Changelings," Chris said. "Someone else must have done so."

"Somehow I doubt your innocence in this," Luna said.

"Princess Luna," Sunset interjected. "I can promise you that none of us had any role in this."

"I hope not Sunset Shimmer, because given your skills in magic, I wouldn't be surprised if you were teleporting around and blasting from different angles," Luna said. "I wouldn't be surprised if you did that for all of them."

"Luna, what's happening?" Peter asked, making his way over to them.

"Peter, we have reason to believe that Sunset Shimmer and the Capcom Warriors may have caused all this," Luna said.

"It wasn't us," Dante insisted. "We didn't attack the Queen."

"Wait, why were you even here?" Peter asked.

"I asked them to come," Celestia said, making her way over. "Sorry Peter, but I couldn't leave this to chance, I wanted them around should the treaty go wrong."

"Wait, you asked them to come by?" Peter asked. "Didn't you have faith in my plan?"

"I did, but I didn't have faith in Chrysalis," Celestia said. "They were only here to protect you and Twilight."

"Peter, we wouldn't intentionally cause a fight to break out," Chris said. "If we thought there was a chance for peace, we would have let you take it."

"What a bunch of rubbish!" Luna said. "When you first arrived in our world, all you did was pick fights with Peter and his friends due to your silly rivalry!"

Chris groaned in annoyance, "You know what, yes, we did. We attacked Peter with little to no provocation, and that was wrong of us, we admit it. We never should have let our rivalry cloud our judgement, but even then we never would have endangered innocents."

"Yeah, what Chris said," Dante added. "We were asked to protect, not to fight."

Luna turned to Peter, "What do you make of this?"

Peter focused his attention to the two Capcom Warriors before him, along with Sunset Shimmer, "If they say they didn't do it, then I believe them."

"Really?" Luna asked.

"I can tell if someone's lying, those two are being genuine, same with Sunset," Peter said. "Plus they're heroes themselves, they wouldn't resort to something like this if they could help it."

"Thank you Peter," Chris said, then turned to Luna. "That good enough for you?"

Luna huffed and turned away, "I still don't trust you."

"Well considering you were suspiciously not around during the Canterlot Wedding when Chrysalis first attacked, I wouldn't be talking about trust Luna," Dante said.

Luna suspiciously turned to Dante, "What are you getting at?"

"I'm just quoting what I heard earlier," Dante said. "What we all heard."

"I would never betray my Kingdom!" Luna said.

"Nightmare Moon," Chris said.

"Do not speak of things you know so little about!" Luna warned.

"Guys, please, enough," Peter said. "I know you're upset about Luna's accusations but let's just try to be professional here. I know you two didn't cause this, and I know Luna wouldn't betray her Kingdom if she could help it."

"Let's agree with Peter," Sunset suggested. "Alright?"

"Only for you Sunset Shimmer," Chris said. "You too Peter."

"We'll help you figure out who caused this, might have been a rogue agent from either one of our worlds," Dante said.

"But why would they attack?" Peter asked. "Who else in your world knew about this?"

"Everyone who knew is here," Dante said. "And this wasn't something we talked about over a drink or anything."

"We'll figure this out," Chris said. "For now we need to tend to these Changelings, if you want I can contact my ally Rebecca Chambers, she's a medic."

"Uh, can she help Changelings?" Dante asked.

"She's studied pony anatomy, so I think she can figure out Changelings," Chris said. "It's just a suggestion."

"That would be helpful, thanks," Peter said. "I gotta check with Twilight."

"We should meet with Chun-Li," Sunset said, "Let's go boys."

The two followed Sunset as Luna went to find any other Changeling she could help."

Ryu observed from the Courtyard, solemnly looking over everything, "What a shame, I was hoping it wouldn't come to this."

"I was hoping I get to do something," a pony beside him said.

"Come on Cloud, you knew the plan was to wait and see, you probably wouldn't have even had to fight," a mare said.

"Tifa's right," Ryu added. "Sunset you to come as a chance to help your world connect with this one, things might not have gone as planned but at least the effort of showing up should be a good first step."

"Think Princess Celestia would be fine with us here?" Tifa asked. "I heard she's not too keen on portals."

"The more we help the more she'll trust us," Ryu said. "This means a lot to Sunset Shimmer, I'll do what I can to help her achieve her goals."

"That's really kind of you Ryu," Tifa said. "So, should we introduce ourselves?"

"Right now isn't the best time, let's just helped the wounded," Ryu said, making his way out to the courtyard with Tifa and Cloud.

"Good thing I brought the Healing Materia," Cloud added, bringing the magical orb out.

Meanwhile in the Future, the portal from before opened in Future Sweetie Belle's room, the mare having finished feeding her child. She turned to the pony who came through, "Where have you been? And why did a whole squadron of ponies just emerge outside?"

The pony, Leon Kennedy, placed down his weapon as he wiped some sweat from his head. "I was trying to stop a war."

Sweetie Belle was confused at first, then remembered that it was just around the time that Chrysalis first invaded, and that event likely was set to happen in Peter's timeline. "Did it work?"

Leon solemnly looked aside, "Maybe, I don't know if I stopped it, or just delayed it. But I promise, old Equestria won't turn out like this one."