• Published 3rd Jun 2018
  • 1,970 Views, 83 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Avengers Assemble - Masterob

With more superheroes in Equestria, plus other worlds, thing might get even more chaotic. The adventures of the Elements and Marvel Heroes continues.

  • ...

Temporary Relief

Worker and construction ponies were quick to come to Ponyville to fix up the damage caused during the big showdown.

Thought a lot of the homes had some damage to them, it was nothing that couldn't be easily repaired. Of course many of the ponies were hurt, at the very least there were no casualties.

However there was some damage that could not be so easily fixed, that being Celestia's faith in the portals, and likely feeling some displeasure in knowing that two villains from Earth had caused this much damage, one from poor guarding, the other from a freak accident.

Celestia had summoned the heroes to her castle, that consisting of The Elements, their husbands, The Brotherhood, the Fantastic Four family, The Avengers that took part in this, Trixie, Sunset Shimmer, Lightning Dust and Doctor Strange. Her guards had already detained both Mysterio and Annihilus, she would deal with both later. Curiously enough, Magneto was also present along with Princess Luna, though considering this directly affected both his children, it was understandable that he'd join as well.

"So, who wants to tell me what happened while I was away?" The Sun Princess asked.

Twilight was nervous, out of all the ponies in the room, she knew Celestia the best, and definitely knew when she was angry or at the very least, unhappy. Fortunately she knew Celestia well, and if anypony could explain this to her, she could.

"It's like this, Princess Celestia," Twilight started. "Somehow the villain Mysterio had escaped from Canterlot using high quality illusions, ones caused from droids he carries around with him since he can't really do any magic. "

"He was the only one who had escaped, the other villains are still in their cells," Sunset confirmed.

"Right, so he had made his way to Ponyville where he attempted revenge on Peter, and while he proved to be a nuisance, it was nothing we couldn't handle," Twilight assured.

"I played quite an important role in defeating him," Trixie boasted. "Now he knows who the superior magician is."

"Now's not the time Trixie," Logan warned, getting a sheepish smile from Trixie.

"We've rounded up Mysterio's drones, most of them at least, we're keeping an eye out for any strays," Peter said.

"With The Wonderbolts on the job, I think we'll find those things in no time," Rainbow Dash reassured.

"How did Mysterio escape his cell?" Luna asked.

"Apparently he still had a droid that allowed him invisibility and he managed to sneak out, leaving a hologram in his place for a while," Cap said.

"He tried to take me hostage, that plan backfired," Sunset said.

"From there he went to Ponyville but as the others explained, he was detained in relatively quick time," Cap explained.

Celestia still didn't look too satisfied, "What of the other creature? How did he get into this world?"

"Um, I think I can explain Princess," Johnny said. "See my daughter, the explorer that she is, accidentally opened a portal to The Negative Zone back on Earth and ended up getting stuck inside with my nephew Franklin along with Pietro. So Strange helped me and my family open a portal to go inside and save since they got cornered by Annihulus."

"It was quite difficult and required a few attempts," Reed added. "At one point it was only Johnny, Rainbow Dash and Ben before myself, my wife and Stephen were able to gain our own access."

"The plan was to just go in and rescue Quicksilver and the two children, but during the process, he had escaped into Earth and then through the portal in Equestria," Doctor Strange said. "Really random turn of events if I do say so myself."

"We were able to apprehend him too, especially after an awesome move me and Johnny did," Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah, so you see, even if some random shit happens, we're always quick to make things right again," Johnny said.

Twilight groaned a bit at Johnny's term of phrasing but hoped Celestia would focus on the positives here. "We put a stop to them before anything really bad could happen, so that's one positive take-away from this."

"She's not wrong sister," Luna said. "All the damage is repairable and all the injured will recover."

"Not bad right, helps having a whole team of heroes here," Johnny said. "If it was Peter on his own still, it may have taken a bit longer."

"Well technically if it was just Peter then Mysterio and that Annihilus creep wouldn't be here either since the portals that brought you here also brought them," Trixie commented, getting an annoyed glare from many of the ponies in the room. "Uh...did I say something bad?"

"No Trixie, that's a fair point," Celestia said, glaring at the other heroes. "This is the situation that I feared when we allowed these portals to be permanent, having several villain attacks within the span of days is not my idea of a harmonious world."

"Hey to be fair, you have villains in this world too," Scott said. "Plus The Green Goblin managed to pierce through this world, who's to say the other villains couldn't have either?"

"Green Goblin was a result of Discord rather than his own means," Celestia said. "Getting to this world should have been impossible from an outsider."

"That does beg the question as to how some of these villains even came to this world," Luna said. "None of the other villains in our dungeon have a clear answer, they just kept mentioning a mysterious voice."

"We'll get to the bottom of that," Celestia said, then turned to the heroes. "As for all of you, while I'm not happy that this happened, I am pleased it was resolved quickly, but this does not help my views on the portals."

"You're still on this?" Scott asked. "These things have been open for like a year, kind of late to just shut it down."

"Scott!" Twilight scolded. "She's already upset, you wanna get banished to the moon!?"

Celestia looked a bit surprised by that statement, "Twilight, you know I can't do that without the Elements, don't you? It's hard to do that on magic alone."

Twilight felt a bit awkward by the sudden attention she received from the curious heroes. "Um...Sort of?"

"Wait, you need The Elements to do that!?" Peter asked, then glared at Twilight. "So all this time you've been threatening to send me to the moon was just a bunch of baloney!?"

"Peter, I have the Elements, I've used them alone before, don't think I can't do it again!" Twilight warned, giving her husband a stern glare.

"Please, you don't scare me Twilight," Peter said.

"Then why are you hiding behind me!?" Logan asked, glaring as Peter had suddenly ran by his side, almost ready to use him as a shield.

"You can't prove anything," Peter said, getting Logan's claws pointed at his neck.

"Watch it bub, or Twilight will be the least of your worries," Logan warned.

"Truthfully, the idea that you can be more scary than Twilight is pretty much impossible," Peter said.

Luna shook her head in shame, "There are so many things wrong with you Peter." She cleared her throat loudly enough to get their attention. "If you're done goofing around, I do believe my sister has much more to say!"

"Thank you sister," Celestia said. "To your point Mr. Lang, yes these portals have been around for quite a lengthy amount of time, and I will admit that it's had a great start, I did give this warning, if the portals cannot be trusted, then I will not hesitate to shut them down. Whether you choose to stay in Equestria or on Earth is your choice, but once they're destroyed, then that's it. Now, like I've also mentioned, these last few situations have been handled quite well and very quickly, so I will continue to take this risk so long as all you heroes stay on your game. If you do slip up, then I will have no choice but to take action."

"In addition, we will try to locate the source of this problem, that will surely help your situation," Luna said.

"Hope so, I don't want to leave Equestria, but being separated permanently from Earth ain't ideal," Johnny said.

"And we can't just go back to Earth, we wouldn't want our wives missing Equestria," Remy said.

"Plus Spider-Man will be alone again, we'll be living in a world without Spider-Man!" Deadpool said. "My heart can't take any more of that! It's not Marvel without Spider-Man! And Spider-Man isn't the same without all of us! It just doesn't work dammit!"

"First off, yes it can," Peter said. "Second what are you yammering about dude?"

"I just want us to be stable, much more than the DC Universe!" Deadpool said, overly dramatic at that.

"Easy there honey, getting a bit carried away, they're not gonna end up like DC," Pinkie Pie promised.

"I hope so...I mean they're not all bad but their continuity is just getting weird," Deadpool said. "Weirder than us."

"Just try not to think about it," Pinkie said, soothing her husband more.

"Princess, what will you do regarding Mysterio and Annihilus?" Cap asked.

"For the time being, I am sending both to Tartarus," Celestia said. "I will figure out what to do with them in the coming days."

"Wish I could say I feel sorry for them, but they kind of deserve that," Peter said.

"That will be all, you're all free to go," Celestia said.

Peter turned to Twilight, "Let's go check on the town then."

"Good idea," Twilight said, then turned to Wanda. "Want to come? Or will you be staying with your father?"

"Might as well, we'd have to go back almost right away anyway," Wanda said.

"Then I will see you tomorrow...hopefully," Twilight said, then turned back to Celestia. "I look forward to seeing you again."

"Hopefully under better circumstances," Celestia said, before making her way to her throne room, followed by her sister.

"Brotherhood, with me," Magneto ordered.

Pietro turned to Rainbow Dash and The Fantastic Four, "Hey sorry things went to hell earlier."

"Nothing you could have predicted," Reed reassured. "We're just glad you're alright."

"Plus we heard that you fought to protect our son," Sue said. "We greatly appreciate that."

"Thanks for helping Scootaloo too, she's gonna need some medical treatment and might need a few days to heal, but I guess the same could be said about all of us," Rainbow Dash said.

"Well after today, I have some newfound respect for the Fantastic Four, can't believe they go through that crap on a regular basis," Pietro said.

"It's always just another Thursday for us," Ben said.

"Never a dull moment with you all around," Rainbow Dash said. "But I'm used to the chaos, even before Peter arrived in Equestria there was always something to be on alert for."

"Let's go Pietro," Wanda ordered, leading the others towards the Brotherhood leader.

"Pushy..." Pietro said, turning to the family. "Well see you around Fantastics, maybe next time things can go smoother."

"Asking fer a bit too much there speedy," Ben joked.

"Maybe, can't hurt to hope..." Pietro thought a moment. "Well it can if your hopes get crushed but I'm holding on anyway."

Pietro soon joined up with The Brotherhood, Johnny turning back to his family. "We should go check on Alicia, Dashie's parents, Franklin and Firefly, let them know everything turned out alright."

"Yes, that we should do," Reed said. "We should also get Stephen, I'm quite sure he-"

"He already left," Sunset said, getting their attention. "The moment Celestia dismissed us he seemed to leave in a hurry, stating he doesn't have anytime for farewells that he needed to tend to an urgent matter."

"Oh right, his buddy Wong mentioned Strange being busy when I went to the Sanctum Sanctorum," Johnny said.

"Is it weird I can't stay that without getting my tongue twisted? It's such a funny sounding place," Rainbow Dash said.

Sunset shook her head at Rainbow Dash's random comment, "Point is he couldn't stay, I am kind of worried though, what could be so important that he would leave right away? I mean I know he has no real reason to stay in Equestria, but to leave in such a rush?"

"Well he is the Guardian of the Sanctorum in New York, that is a heavy responsibility, he maintains magical balance on Earth after all," Reed said.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, still I get the feeling there might be more danger" Sunset said. "I need to make a note to check on him soon, make sure he's perfectly safe in what he's doing."

"Well since Stephen's already on Earth, we should follow suit," Reed said. "Let's hurry to the portal."

"Kind of hope Celestia's not there," Johnny said. "Might make things awkward."

"Huh? Awkward how? She's not totally against it yet," Rainbow Dash said.

"Probably paranoia," Johnny said. "Still let's just do this quickly, I don't want Celestia to change her mind while I'm on the other side."

"She wouldn't do that Johnny, chill out a bit," Rainbow Dash said.

"Telling that to a guy with fire powers?" Johnny joked.

"Heh, real funny Torch," Rainbow Dash said as she and the Fantastic Four made their quick return to Earth.

Sunset also went about her business, worried deep down about how Celestia feels about the portals. She worked too hard to just lose everything, she would hate to be separated from the likes of Doctor Strange, whom she aspires to be like, and to Ryu, whom she is very fond of. Plus she's close to a breakthrough on all the other portals, she can't let that be for nothing.

In the depths of Tartarus, both Mysterio and Annihilus were placed right in the center through some magic portals, much to the dismay of both.

"How dare you do this to me, I am the Great and Powerful Mysterio!" The false sorcerer shouted. "I am not to be taken lightly!"

Annihilus looked around, "Ugh, what is this accursed place?"

"One I don't plan on being in for long, once I find a way out, I'll have my revenge!" Mysterio declared.

"Finding your way out will be quite difficult," they heard the voice of Discord say. Within seconds, he had materialized before the two villains. "Salutations my dear friends, welcome to Tartarus. Now Mysterio we've talked before, but never really had any proper introductions. As for you Annihilus, we've never had the pleasure of meeting at all. So I'll properly introduce myself, I am Discord, the Spirit of Chaos and master of all Chaos Magic!"

"A chaos type creature, are you in any way associated with the Mischief God Loki?" Annihilus asked.

"No, but I am quite flattered you see us in the same light," Discord said. "If you were to put it that simply, then yes, I am quite similar to Loki, though we have our own styles and ways of doing things."

"Well Discord, if you don't actually stay here, then why are you here?" Mysterio asked.

"Simple, I am working with a few allies on a big master plan, see there's an underpowered Centaur here who wants to take over Equestria, and to do so, he needs the assistance of others, namely myself and a few extra allies," Discord explained. "So far these allies are creatures of this world, specifically the Sirens known as The Dazzlings, and warriors from your world, such as Electro and Shocker, two gentlemen I'm sure you're quite associated with Mysterio."

"So they are still alive, I've heard several stories about what had happened to them," Mysterio said.

"Yes, both alive and ready for revenge, as is Norman Osborn," Discord added.

"Osborn? The Green Goblin? I'm quite sure he perished years ago!" Mysterio said in surprise.

"Yes, he should have, but he's way too stubborn to die," Discord said. "I'm still building my team, I have some that are currently undecided, but I think it'll work out. At the moment, I'd like to extend this offer of teamwork to the both of you. You can join in on my little group, giving us better numbers to succeed and a chance for the both of you to get revenge. Mysterio, you can get revenge on Spider-Man, Annihilus, you can get revenge on The Fantastic Four, and you'll have all the resources you'll need to do so. So, what do you say?"

"If I can finally take down that pesky Spider, then I'm all in," Mysterio said.

"Ooh, how delightful, just like that, a new member to our little club," Discord said, then turned to Annihilus. "What about you? Any interest in joining?"

"I don't know, I would prefer not to follow orders from any other being," Annihilus said.

"That's perfectly fine, for the most part, we're all our own bosses, yes you may have a leader, but that leader is going to give you the chance to spread out and be your own leader," Discord said. "Under no circumstances will you be anyone else's laky, Tirek's plan is big enough for everyone to benefit."

Annihilus still didn't look too convinced, "I'll think about it."

"Well at least you're considering it, and we definitely have a new friend to join us," Discord said. "Welcome aboard Mysterio, now without any further ado, let's go meet with the others while we discuss plans, and potential new allies." Before Discord floated off, he had one more question. "Say, what are your thoughts on Super Powered Warriors called Saiyans who have tapped into God-Like abilities?"

"Pardon me?" Mysterio asked. "Saiyan? Is that a real word?"

"Oh never mind, I just hoped to have someone else to discuss this with, not like they'd join us, not even Vegeta," Discord said, getting an even more confused reaction from Mysterio. "Let's just go meet with Tirek and Norman."

"Fine by me," Mysterio said, brushing off the confusion and following Discord to acquaint himself with his new teammates. Annihilus still had doubts, but he figured he'd just observe the others and weight his options better, so he too followed Discord to meet the others.

Back in Ponyville, all the heroes and ponies were in the middle of cleaning the mess left behind by the villains. The homes were currently being rebuilt, some repairs being made to the Parker-Sparkle home as well, nothing major.

Rarity's Boutique also had a few holes that needed to be patched up, and to Rarity's dismay, a couple of her dresses had some holes in them from Mysterio's blasts.

"Perfect, some of these dresses can't even be simply patched up, I'll have to start them over from scratch, thankfully not a lot," Rarity said, looking through some dresses to see what she can still salvage.

"Maybe we can call Sassy and Coco over to help," Bobby said, grabbing a few of the damaged dresses. "Should help things move faster."

"It's fine, I can handle it," Rarity said. "Besides if I call them over it could slow down business in those Botiques."

"Well what about those intern fashionistas, the peppy one, the future one and the creepy one?" Bobby asked.

"Gothic is a style Bobby, it's not fair to call it 'creepy'," Rarity scolded. "But that is a good idea."

"Hey maybe even see if they can find a way to salvage some of those dresses, helps to have another input on things," Bobby said.

"Ooh, excellent idea, you really are thinking like a business pony," Rarity complimented.

"Heh, it's nothing," Bobby insisted, showing off some ice. "I'm just cool like that."

Rarity chuckled a bit at her husband's playfulness, "You and your wit." As Rarity was about to grab more, she had one more question, "So what are your thoughts on Pyro now dear? Think he's made any improvements?"

"if he has, it's not that noticeable," Bobby said. "I mean, yeah he helped us fight those jerkwads today but he may have done that out of boredom more than willingness to help, dude nearly caused a few fires because of how careless he was."

"I see, looks like I'll need to try a different strategy then," Rarity said. "Maybe I can take him on my trips to the other Boutiques, or I can just ask Twilight and Rainbow Dash some tips, they both seem to be doing well, especially Rainbow Dash, that Pietro fellow seems to be getting along better, even to the point of trying to protect Scootaloo and Johnny's nephew from that hideous monster."

"You do what you gotta do, honestly though, Pyro's a lost cause, so don't get your hopes too high," Bobby said. "It's not like you can't teach, someone like him just can't be taught."

"It just requires patience, from the sounds of things they've all been through a lot because of how they were treated by Earth Society, so a little Equestrian Society will do better," Rarity said.

"Is Equestrian Society that much better? I've seen ponies give dirty looks to Trixie and Lightning Dust, and I'm pretty sure not all of them trust me or the other heroes, even Luna has a few doubters," Bobby said.

"It's just a minority, besides the other heroes don't seem to care all that much, Trixie and Lightning Dust are happy anyway thanks to their friendships with Peter and Laura, plus Luna has followers, Twilight went through a lot of trouble to get the ponies on her side," Rarity said. "Things will be fine Bobby, we have The Magic of Friendship on our side after all."

"Hope that's enough," Bobby said, still doubting this whole situation.

Rarity placed a comforting hoof on the ice user's shoulder, "It will be darling." She capped it off with a kiss to her husband before moving along, "Come now, we've much work to do."

"Sure thing babe," Bobby said, following after his wife.

Applejack, Apple Bloom and Big Macintosh were also assisting in Ponyville's reconstruction. No damage was done to Sweet Apple Acres, so they were able to expend their time helping Ponyville. Remy did what he could to assist, mainly cleaning up some debris.

"Dang magician, dang insect thing," Remy said, placing some debris in the trash. "How'd this even happen?"

"Hard to say," Apple Bloom said, passing by with a wagon of wood. "This was either very random, or quite planned out."

"The way Strange and The Fantastic Family made it sound, it was just a freak accident, but what are the odds of that?" Remy wondered.

"Hey lots of things happen at random, you learn not to question it too much," Apple Bloom replied.

"Kind of hard, what if something like this happens again? But doubled!" Remy said. "I don't want to side with Celestia here, but with so many portals open, villains from my world or Capcom's could just fly on through in groups."

"Hey I'm sure after today all the guards are gonna make double sure that the portals are perfectly secure," Apple Bloom insisted. "Just have a little faith Remy."

"You're quite optimistic," Remy said. "Wish I had that, me I'm always on edge, been like that my whole life."

"Really? Ah take it you never did much as a kid," Apple Bloom said.

"Oh I did plenty growing up in the Bayou, I was quite the adventurous little scamp," Remy said. "Like you with your friends, I was trying to find out what I can do, what my special talent was. Humans don't have Cutie Marks to tell us, so it's harder to really know without many, many failures."

"Huh, so you were like a Cutie Mark Crusader yerself," Apple Bloom said.

"Everyone wants to know what their special talent is, human, pony, don't matter what you are, it's something everyone goes through," Remy said. "Honestly Cutie Marks ain't even enough, I don't think any of the guys from Earth really know."

"Hey it seems simple to me," Apple Bloom said. "Peter's is a symbolism of him being Spider-Mane, or Spider-Man as you call him, and it shows his special talent is being a Superhero, his Cutie Mark is basically the logo he has on his super suit. Johnny's is his fire abilities, with a bit of his speed and his personality, he is a hot-head after all. Logan's represents his skills with his super powers, how he really is the best at what he does, which I'm guessing has to do with his powers. Even Mr. Stark has his machine thingy, showing how good he is with technology and how great of a hero he is as Iron Man."

"You're quite the expert," Remy said, looking over to his flank, lifting up his trench coat to show his recently acquired Cutie Mark of cards surrounded by energy. "When I got this, I didn't even know what the reason was, I was just doing my thing with my cards."

"Which is yer talent," Apple Bloom said. "The cards don't just represent your powers or you using them as weapons, it also represents how clever you are, playing cards requires some hard intellect and you have always planned out what you do, even from yer days in that Thieves Guild you were in to being a member of the X-Men and using that same gift to help yer teammates, now yer using to to help yer family, and we really appreciate having you around big brother."

Remy sheepishly rubbed his head, "Come now, you gonna make me blush."

"Kind of late fer that, ah can see it on yer face," Apple Bloom said.

Remy shook his head, "No, it's just my natural coat, you can't prove nothing little lady."

"Sure, whatever you say Remy," Apple Bloom said, trotting off. "Really should get back to work, Applejack won't like it if I slack off and ah wanna see Rumble as soon as possible."

"Yeah, I should hurry too, if Applejack sees me not working she'll give me hell too," Remy said, focusing back on his sweeping.

Peter stood on a rooftop, looking into the distance. Mysterio was quite the encounter today, plus the sudden arrival of Annihilus, for the longest time the only real fear Peter had was any of his villains showing up in this world, now with the other heroes here, that just means more villains. Who's to say that Super Skrull won't come after The Johnny, or Sabretooth won't find his way into Equestria to do battle with Logan. Plus Peter still had more of his villains to worry about, like Hydro Man and Mister Negative.

Even the Capcom world could pose some threats, he knows that Wesker could potentially come back with Vergil and a few other allies. There might be villains from that world even Peter doesn't know about, and the idea of Sunset opening more portals, the last thing he definitely doesn't want is any of the Justice League villains showing up here, shuddering at what someone like The Joker would do to Equestria, or even Lex Luthor. Plus the unknown dangers of the other realms.

As he thought to himself, Twilight appeared beside him, "Peter? There's still a bit more to do down there, it's not like you to slack off like this..." Twilight thought a moment, "Well maybe a little, but you're always quick to do favors for others."

"Sorry, I'm just worried, much as it worries me to admit it, Celestia might have a point about the portals," Peter said. "What if more villains get through? As we saw one had no problems coming through by force, getting all of Canterlot's attention and they still powered through. If Wesker ever came back he might just run through the guards at Canterlot like nothing! Or if Doctor Doom comes back somehow! I mean, they never found a body, and he's pulled stuff like this before!"

"I know you're worried, but if it's anything like today, they'll be dealt with easier, plus now we can plan better because we know what they can do," Twilight said. "We just need to keep a look out for other portals activating as well."

"I'm wondering how they're doing this, part of me thinks it's Discord," Peter said. "He's out there as well, he might be doing this to mess with me!"

"It could very well be Discord, it's just a matter of finding him, which won't be easy, he's very crafty after all," Twilight said.

"No kidding, the dude's literal hacks," Peter said. "Well no use worrying now, I'll get back to work, take my mind off this."

"Peter, you don't want your friends to leave, do you?" Twilight asked.

"Huh? Of course not," Peter said. "I'm happy they're here, I mean a few years ago I would have been skeptical, especially of Johnny, but now, yeah I wouldn't want any of them to leave." He then muttered, "Except maybe Deadpool..."

"That's good, I like them as well, they're all very nice people, and they made good husbands for my friends," Twilight said. "Funny how that worked out, the six of us being connected in another way, shows how far along we've come."

"Yeah, sure does," Peter said. "Can't believe some of them even have families now, I mean the idea that Mr. Playboy Johnny Storm settled down to have a wife and raise a daughter is still a shock to me."

"Hey, even I'm surprised I got married, somepony who was afraid to really make friends at one point just didn't seem like the type to be a wife and mother," Twilight said. "You and my friends did a lot to change me, I greatly appreciate that."

"Well you all changed me as well, I went from being a plain, ordinary guy with a superhero identity...to a plain, ordinary guy with a superhero identity that got married to a Pony," Peter said, flashing a goofy smile.

"Peter..." Twilight playfully said, then kissed him on the cheek. "You're such a dork."

"You're one to talk, I still have worries about you ditching me for a book" Peter teased.

"Haha, real funny," Twilight said with her sarcastic wit. "Just get back to work Parker."

"And now you're talking like Logan, I swear that guy's the worst influence," Peter said, trotting off, leaving a chuckling Twilight behind.

"Never change Peter," Twilight said, following after her husband.

In the Capcom world, Ibuki was traveling through town, picking up some groceries to take back to her Ninja Academy. She hadn't heard from Strider Hiryu in a while, hoping he hadn't forgotten about his promise to bring her to Equestria someday, still not giving up on her spar with Wolverine.

"Hey! Ibuki!" She heard. She turned to see another Street Fighter by the name of Makoto making her way over.

"Makoto?" Ibuki sighed in annoyance, "If you're here to fight, I don't have time, I need to get this food back to the academy."

"What you're too good to fight with me now? Because you have the legendary Strider Hiryu training you!?" Makoto asked. "How did you get such a powerful warrior to train you?"

"He just pops by various Ninja Academies, plus he's heard of me from my Street Fighting at the World Warrior Tournaments," Ibuki said. "What you want him to train you as well?"

"Hey a spar with him doesn't sound too bad, but I was hoping he could get a few of his friends to come to my dojo, a good way to show off Rindo-Kan karate to the world!" Makoto said.

"Well I doubt they'll have time to go to one simple dojo, maybe if you prove yourself stronger," Ibuki said.

"Hey I'm plenty strong! Watch!" Makoto approached a large rock next to a shop and karate chopped it so hard it turned to debris is seconds, freaking out the shop owner and a few customers, causing some to run off in fear. "See!?"

Ibuki sighed in annoyance, "Maybe don't scare off the market place before I finish shopping! Anyway Hiryu-Sensei's too busy at the moment, he's working with Chun-Li and her friends to do a favor for me, assuming he didn't forget."

"A favor? What favor?" Makoto asked, getting in close. "You holding out on me Ibuki? Talk or suffer the same fate as that large rock!"

Ibuki rolled her eyes, "Fine Makoto, here's the thing. Hiryu-Sensei said he could get me a potential spar with Wolverine, so he's talking with Chun-Li to get me over to the dimension he lives in."

"Wolverine? From the X-Men?" Makoto asked. "You're gonna fight a warrior from the Marvel world!?"

"Maybe, it's my one dream, to do battle with the Legendary Wolverine, I missed out on the chance when our world hosted the X-Men vs. Street Fighter Tournament, I am not missing out again," Ibuki said.

"Wolverine huh, so are you going to the Marvel world? If so take me with you, I want to see these other heroes," Makoto said.

"Can't, it's not Marvel, it's a place called Equestria, not sure if you heard of it, but some villains from this world went there to find and kill Spider-Man, or recruit him, not sure, I heard different stories," Ibuki said.

"Whoa, hold on, did you say 'Spider-Man', the Amazing Spider-Man himself!?" Makoto asked.

Ibuki shrugged, "Well I don't see what's so Amazing about-"

"He's one of the strongest Superheroes in existence! I heard he saved the multiverse once, I even heard guys like Ken Masters talking about his speed and strength!" Makoto said. "That guy pushed Ryu to his limits, he even outwitted Chris Redfield and out powered Dante! I have to spar with him, he'll push me to newer heights and I can finally have the strength to properly promote my Rindo-Kan Karate Dojo!"

"Isn't your Dojo already doing well?" Ibuki asked.

"It could be BETTER! You have to talk to Strider Hiryu and get him to bring me to this Equestria place so I can do battle with Spider-Man!" Makoto begged.

"Why? He's just some weirdo in a goofy costume," Ibuki said.

"He's a Superhero, all their costumes are goofy, but they're really strong so it doesn't matter, are you gonna poke fun at the costume of a person who can break all your bones in like five seconds?" Makoto asked. "Please, this is the only favor I'll ask of you! I have to do this!"

Ibuki shrugged it off, "I'll see what I can do, I can't promise he'll say yes but I'll try."

"That's all I ask, I just need the opportunity!" Makoto said, then walked off in triumph. "Spider-Man here I come!"

Ibuki rubbed her face, trying to process everything, that girl I swear..." She then resumed her shopping at whatever place that wasn't scared off by Ibuki.

Unfortunately back in Marvel in the Sanctum Sanctorum, despite coming off one victory, Strange worried for another battle incoming.

"So, you've found the source of the trouble?" Wong asked.

"I believe so," Strange said. "An odd occurrence in the realm of portals, as if someone is looking for something, or trying to find someplace."

"You don't believe it is Equestria, do you?" Wong asked.

"I fear it may be, and if it is who I think it is..." Strange said, as slowly only his voice is heard and a new location is shown, with different figure. "Then they might be in for a tougher fight."

For elsewhere searching through the portals, one sorcerer is attempting to crack the dimension into Equestria. That man being Strange's former ally, Karl Mordo.

"Not much longer, soon that Equestrian Magic will be mine to control, then I can finally bring proper order to the multiverse," Mordo continued to use his magic to pry open the dimensions.