• Published 3rd Jun 2018
  • 1,964 Views, 83 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Avengers Assemble - Masterob

With more superheroes in Equestria, plus other worlds, thing might get even more chaotic. The adventures of the Elements and Marvel Heroes continues.

  • ...

Baron Crystal Part II

In Canterlot, Celestia felt a strange disturbance of power from afar. She scanned into the distance, in the direction of The Crystal Empire.

"Something's wrong," Celestia commented. "I feel a strange magic, it's coming from The Crystal Empire."

"You seem concerned," Cap said, getting Celestia's attention. "Is something wrong?"

"I'm not certain, it's more of an uneasy feeling," Celestia said. "Though they do have a bad habit of coming to fruition."

"Do you want me to go and see what's wrong?" Cap asked. "Thor's nearby, I can bring him along. We can even get Tony Stark as well."

"I'd appreciate that," Celestia said. "If you can, get Peter and Twilight. It's off in The Crystal Empire and I know they would be concerned about Shining Armor."

"You got it Princess," Cap said, then made his way toward where Thor was while simultaneously communicating with Iron Man via radio. "Tony, we got a job to do."

As Cap left, Celestia turned back to face the direction of the trouble, "What could this power be? Is it Equestrian? Or a foreign power?"

Cap and Thor had already rushed out of Canterlot, making their way toward Ponyville, Cap running fast on hoof while Thor flew closely behind.

"What is the emergency?" Thor asked. "Why is Celestia so concerned?"

"I'm not sure, and Celestia isn't sure either," Cap said. "Let's just hurry to Ponyville, we're meeting Tony along the way to the Empire, he should be getting ready to go there now."

"I'm actually half-way there Steve," Tony said through Cap's radio, as the armored hero is now scene traveling through the snowy tundra outside of the Empire. "Always wondered why this surrounding area just happened to be covered in snow, must make it hard for travelers."

"That might have been the idea," Cap replied. "The entire City is made of Crystals, that would capture anyone's eyes, which it unfortunately did a thousand years ago with King Sombra."

"Right, the big scary shadow king that Peter defeated, twice," Stark said. "Man what would Equestria have done without him?"

"Well Twilight and her friends did beat him before so I think this world is still capable," Cap said. "We're just speeding things along."

"Speaking of speed, about to hit turbo, see you guys at the Empire," Stark said.

"We'll be there before you know it," Cap said, finally arriving at Ponyville with Thor. "Let's hurry, we've got no time to waste."

At the Parker-Sparkle home, Wanda was reviewing everything she had learned with Twilight, "So, the key is communication and understanding, and doing your best to find a compromise."

"Correct," Twilight said. "And don't be afraid to speak up about something, you'd be amazed to know how understanding others are if you stop believing they're expecting too much from you."

"Exactly, anypony who would judge you for petty things like who gets what or if you can't do something for them isn't worth having as a friend," Trixie added.

"True friends help each other, that's where the magic comes from," Twilight said, bringing out some flash cards. "These are more lessons me and my friends learned during my time in Ponyville, they helped me out a lot, and I believe they can help you as well."

Wanda took the cards and started sorting through them, "Huh, you've been busy."

"Yes, each time me or one of my friends learned a lesson, we would usually write a letter to Celestia," Twilight said. "I remember having to do it once a week...and totally flipping out once when I didn't learn a Friendship Lesson and had nothing to send to Celestia."

"Is that when Auntie Applejack said you were going crazy and tried making everypony in town fall in love with one of your old dollies?" Mayday asked.

Twilight nervously laughed as she turned red, "Yeah, that was it." She turned her attention back to a confused Wanda, "It's a long story, you see-"

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, followed by Thor's mighty call, "Princess Twilight! We have an urgent matter for you to attend!"

"Not so loud, you're going to disturb the other ponies," Cap scolded.

"That's Thor and Steve Rogers, what brings them here?" Twilight wondered aloud as she walked over and opened up the door, revealing the two Avengers.

"Greetings Princess Twilight," Thor said, slightly bowing. "I hope this day has been doing you wonders."

"Yes, it has," Twilight answered, though still somewhat confused. "Uh, may I ask why the two of you are here? I mean not that you aren't welcomed, you're always welcome to come by here, especially since this is technically a library so you can come by even if you want a book."

"We appreciate the offer Princess Twilight," Cap said. "But I'm afraid we have a much more serious matter to attend to, Celestia believes there's trouble at The Crystal Empire."

Twilight's heart sank, "T-trouble? Wait is something happening to my brother? Or Cadance? Or my niece!?"

"We don't know, but Celestia can sense something ominous, so she sent us to find you and bring you over there," Celestia said. "Tony's on his way over there as well, so we just need you and Peter."

"Twilight! What's happening?" Trixie asked as she made her way over with Wanda and Mayday.

"It's my brother, I think he's in danger," Twilight said.

"Oh no, what about Flurry!?" Mayday asked, thinking about the well-being of her cousin.

"We'll know for sure once we get over there," Cap said. "We gotta move fast though, where's Peter so we can get going?"

"I'll go get him," Twilight said, scanned for Peter's magical energy and teleporting to that location.

At Sugarcube Corner, Peter and Scott are munching on a tray of cupcakes that Pinkie had just served them.

"Justice is served," Scott said, taking a bite out of a cupcake.

Peter chuckled a bit, "Ha, served, I get it, because we were served food."

"Well at least this won't get turned into a math question that somehow connects to Friendship," Scott said.

"Let's give Twilight a break, she's just doing her best to help another pony who needs it," Peter said. "I really admire that about her, she's so selfless and caring, and being a Princess hasn't changed that one bit."

"Oh right, you met her before she became an Alicorn," Scott commented, getting a confirming nod from her. "So she used to be a pony like everyone else."

"Yeah, no one is born an Alicorn, not even Celestia or Luna," Peter said. "Well Flurry Heart was born as an Alicorn, no one really knows why. I mean according to the other Princesses, being an alicorn doesn't change the gene structure of a pony, Cadance is still technically a Pegasus while Twilight is still technically a Unicorn, so it's a mystery."

"Maybe it just means that if a Unicorn dates a Pegasus, their child becomes an Alicorn," Scott theorized.

"Uh, pretty sure it doesn't work like that," Peter said. "There have been Unicorns that have married and had children with Pegasus ponies and their child either came out as a Unicorn or a Pegasus. It could even be an Earth Pony, I mean check out the twins in this store," Peter said, gesturing to Pound and Pumpkin as they design a cake. "One's a Pegasus, one's a Unicorn, but their parents were Earth Ponies. That's because they have relatives that were a Unicorn and a Pegasus, so their family tree, despite being mostly Earth ponies, have had Unicorns and Pegusai. Same with my daughter, Twilight has blood relatives that are Pegusai so Mayday came out as one, so she's very lucky."

"Wow, that's a lot of info," Scott said.

"Sounds like pointless recap!" Deadpool called out from the kitchen, much to Peter's annoyance.

"Well I'd like to see if there are any other Unicorn and Pegasus children," Scott said. "It's hard to tell if they mix when one of those two with an Earth Pony, like Applejack and Gambit, an Earth Pony and Unicorn."

"Well their son is an Earth Pony, so that again shows it's one or the other," Peter said.

"Still, this is quite-" Suddenly Twilight had appeared, in Sugarcube Corner, very little warning too.

"Peter!" Twilight called, scaring the daylights out of both Peter and Scott.

"Can you not do that!?" Peter asked. "Geez Louise, that gave me flashbacks to when I first came here and Luna did that practically every five seconds."

"Don't overexaggerate," Twilight said. "Look I don't have time to explain, we have trouble at The Crystal Empire."

"What trouble?" Peter asked, quickly changing his demeanor.

"We're not sure, but this is a message from Steve, straight from Princess Celestia," Twilight said. "He and Thor are waiting at our house, and Tony's on his way to The Crystal Empire."

"Tony too? Man this must be big if Celestia got the top three Avengers to help," Peter said. "Alright, let's go and save your brother and his wife then!"

"Wait, should I come too?" Scott asked. "After all, I am-"

"Yeah, yeah, you're an Avenger too," Twilight said, rolling her eyes a bit. "Fine, I don't care if you come or not, let's just hurry."

Twilight quickly teleported the two back home, ready to make some plans.

Back at The Crystal Empire, Shining Armor is doing battle against Baron Mordo, the Crystal Prince trying to blast the evil wizard out of the sky, but to no avail.

"It's useless!" Mordo said, conjuring a spell to zap Shining Armor away. "Your power is no match for mine!"

Cadance also flew over to help but she too was blasted back, knocked to the wall of her castle.

"Cadance!" Shining Armor shouted, then glared at Mordo. "How dare you attack my wife!" He again attacked, forming magical spears to send at Mordo, but the sorcerer had blocked with a magic barrier.

"Foolish," Mordo conjured up some fireballs and tossed them at Shining Armor, the Prince putting up a magic shield to deflect them away, even at one point deflecting them right back at Mordo.

"Ha! Got you!" Shining Armor boasted.

"Don't celebrate just yet!" Mordo said, summoning electricity and zapping Shining Armor, painfully levitating him in the air.

"Shining Armor!" Cadance shouted in worry. Whoever this pony was, he was immensely powerful, though he had to be if he claimed to rival Doctor Strange. She wanted to go and get some assistance but she was too worried about leaving her Empire behind. She sought to find somepony to help. "Maybe I can find Flash Sentry, or any of the other guards! Meanwhile where will I leave Flurry? I mean I can just lead this man out of the city so that-"

Cadance's thoughts were interrupted when she saw a familiar mechanical pony fly by, "Sup Princess?"

"Tony Stark!?" Cadance asked in surprise.

"Don't worry! I'm not the only one, Celestia got some bad vibes so she sent us to check on you!" Stark said, flying closer to Mordo. He wasted no time using his chest beam to blast Mordo out of the sky, causing him to break his electric hold on Shining Armor.

The Crystal Prince fell hard to the ground as Cadance rushed over to check on him, "Shining Armor?"

"I'm fine, don't worry about me," Shining Armor said, struggling to stand up. "Wow that guy's strong."

"He's an enemy of Doctor Strange, so that doesn't surprise me," Cadance said. "Doctor Strange is the strongest Sorcerer on Earth after all."

"Blasphemy!" Mordo shouted, sending a blast their way, to which they quickly dodged. "Strange wishes he was half the Sorcerer as I am!"

"And I wish you'd pack up and get the hell out of my second home!" Stark said, zapping at Mordo, to which he quickly flew out the way.

"So, one of Earth's Mightiest Heroes has arrived," Mordo said, summoning some more magic. "But even an Avenger is nothing to me and my magic!"

Mordo sent some magic beams at Stark, which he blocked with his plasma shield.

"I wouldn't be so sure," Stark said, readying some Smart Bombs. He then tossed them from behind his shield, right at Mordo and disoriented him when he tried to block them.

Stark flew in and rammed Mordo hard, knocking him onto the roof of a house, to which the tenants quickly vacated. Stark punched down at Mordo, but the sorcerer was able dodge out the way and blasted Stark off the rooftop.

He jumped down to attack again, but Stark opened his face mask and zapped Mordo in the face, "Yeah, I can do magic too now." He covered up his face again and aimed both his forelegs at Mordo and blasted him into the air.

Stark took a moment to regroup with Cadance and Shining Armor, the two somewhat relieved at Stark's battle prowess.

"You're really doing great out there," Shining Armor said.

"Well duh, I'm an Avenger, now for you two, I suggest going inside, grabbing your daughter and hiding somewhere," Stark said.

"Are you kidding?" Shining Armor said. "I have to protect my Empire, no offense Stark but I can't just leave it to you."

"Kind of hard not to take offense to that, you make it seem like I'm incapable of doing my job," Stark said. "Besides Cap, Thor, Peter and Twilight are on their way as well so it's not like I'll be alone here."

"Twiley's coming?" Shining Armor asked.

"Yes, and she'd want you to be safe," Stark said. "Now grab your daughter, and-"

"Iron Man!" Mordo shouted, flying over, the Crystal Heart floating over his head.

"Technically in this world, I'm Iron Stallion since I'm not a man, I'm a pony, just like you," Stark mockingly explained.

"That means nothing to me!" Mordo shouted, readying a massive electric zap. "Begone!"

Stark countered with a chest beam, blocking Mordo's attack, leaving the two in a stalemate.

"The Crystal Heart!" Shining Armor said. "We need to get that away from him, maybe it'll weaken him a bit!"

"Good luck, bit by bit the magic is being absorbed into my body!" Mordo said. "It won't be long before my power reaches it's maximum potential, then the multiverse will be mine!"

"Not if I can help it!" Shining Armor said, assisting Stark, the two slowly starting to overpower Mordo.

"A foolish attempt," Mordo said, sending more magic down at Shining Armor and Stark. Slowly Mordo began overpowering the two, but fortunately Cadance joined in and assisted, the three slowly pushing Mordo back, but the evil sorcerer did not give up.

Mordo then came up with a plan, slowly he began to weaken the barrier surrounding the Empire as the clouds started to move in overhead, the snow pouring down on the city of crystals.

"No! The barrier!" Cadance shouted in worry.

"It will be hard to fight if you are freezing to death," Mordo ominously warned.

"You'll freeze too dumbass!" Stark shouted.

"I think I will be fine," Mordo said. "I can still shield myself quite easily with the heart's power while the three of you will slowly succumb to hypothermia."

"Probably should have brought my blizzard suit," Stark said. "Oh well, let's just defeat him while we have the chance!"

The three pushed again, though the fast coming snow was starting to be a bother for them, and without anypony to keep the clouds away, this could end pretty badly for them.

"It's over, you have lost!" Mordo boasted, sinisterly laughing at his triumph before suddenly he had been blasted from the sides, knocking him away as he lost his concentration. Mordo turned to see that Twilight had arrived with Peter, Scott, Wanda, Cap and Thor.

"Taste my Thunder!" Thor shouted, summoning Electricity with his hammer and sending a powerful zap towards Mordo's direction, knocking him across the Empire.

"Twiley! You came!" Shining Armor gleefully said.

"Of course," Twilight replied. "I couldn't leave my big brother in danger."

"Well I wasn't in danger per say, but I won't turn away from some assistance," Shining Armor stated.

Mordo flew back over to the group, "More of you? Such a waste of time, I have unlimited power! I can destroy you all in an instant!"

"Uh, that guy looks familiar, yet I can't put my non-existent finger on it," Peter said.

"He calls himself Baron Mordo, he's from Earth like you Peter," Cadance said.

"Mordo? Oh yeah, he and Doctor Strange are rivals," Peter said.

"We were hoping to get into contact with Doctor Strange," Cadance said. "But I can't leave my Empire knowing he's here."

"We'll take care of that," Twilight said. "I'll try to relay a message to Stephen, maybe then he'll be able to come and take this guy down himself."

"That will never happen!" Mordo shouted, flying in at the group, who seemed prepared until suddenly he had started to multiply. Soon there were dozens of Baron Mordo, each one casting a fire spell at the, causing them to spread out.

"Uh, a lot of those fireballs felt real!" Shining Armor said. "Did he actually multiply himself!?"

"Well Strange can do something like that, so I guess Mordo is able to as well," Peter commented.

"Of course I can!" Several of the Mordos said as they blasted down at Peter. "I am the True Sorcerer Supreme!"

Twilight zapped several of the Mordos, hoping to decrease the number, fortunately she was able to hold her own quite well, deflecting away several magical spells and dodging some attacks.

"Impressive, you're quite skilled at magic," the Mordos said.

"Of course, it's my special talent," Twilight said, zapping a few more away.

"With this much power, I'm quite certain you can rule whichever land you desire," a Mordo taunted.

"Any land you want, in this world or another," another Mordo taunted.

"And no one could stop you," a third Mordo stated.

"You're not getting me into the 'Dark Side' if that's what you're aiming at," Twilight warned. "Honestly it feels like a cheap villain tactic by this point, make the hero your ally and not your enemy, because you know deep down you can't beat us!"

"Well actually it was more of a mercy, but if you choose not to accept it," Mordo said, appearing behind Twilight and blasting her. "Then that's on you."

"Twilight!" Peter shouted, going after the Mordo that attacked, believing him to be the original but was blocked by other Mordos. "Of course!" Peter used his web to latch onto a Mordo and spun him around, knocking all the other Mordos out of the way.

Cap, Tony and Thor were also knocking away the Mordos, Cap tossing his shield around, Tony blasting at every turn and Thor using his Electricity to zap them.

"This snow's gonna be trouble," Cap said, whacking one with his shield. "Wasn't this Empire suppose to be shielded from it?"

"Mordo destroyed the barrier, only he is shielded," Stark said, using his Repulsor blast.

"That coward, if this doesn't end soon, the ponies in this Kingdom could die from the cold!" Thor said, whacking several with his hammer.

Stark called to Cadance, "Yo, Princess, has something like this happened before? With the snow covering the Empire?"

"Yes, shortly after my daughter was born, she accidentally destroyed The Crystal Heart and the snow came in," Cadance said. "Thankfully Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were able to hold it off with their magic by destroying the clouds, granted it was meant to be temporary while Twilight and another Unicorn fixed the heart."

"Too bad we don't have Storm here to help," Stark said.

"Storm? You mean Johnny Storm?" Cadance asked. "Yeah his fire would come in handy, though I do wonder how much he could emit."

"Uh, not that Storm," Stark said. "I mean Storm from The X-Men, her name's Ororo, she can control the weather. But Johnny Storm's a good idea too."

"He can match the sun's temperature, so he could probably melt all this snow easily," Cap said. "But he could also go overboard and we'll have the opposite problem if it being too hot."

"Well since we don't have Storm of the X-Men nor The Human Torch here, I shall tend to the clouds myself!" Thor said, flying into the skies, his eyes glowing white as he approached the clouds. He held up his hammer as electricity began to surround it, "By the power of Odin! I summon you Thunder, to clear the skies of this accursed blizzard!"

Thor emitted a powerful thunderous shock from his hammer, knocking the clouds away and spreading them apart for the sun to shine through. While this didn't get rid of all the clouds and more kept coming, it was still enough to keep the snow away.

"Wow, Thor's got such amazing strength!" Cadance said. "Is he stronger than Auntie Celestia?"

"Hard for me to say, I've never seen her go all out," Stark said, then saw the oncoming Mordos. "Let's finish this up quick!"

Peter continued to punch away the Mordos, even using his lack of numbers to an advantage as he zipped around, getting the Mordos to attack each other. "Man, even with the same mind they can be so uncoordinated."

Unfortunately this caused Peter to let his guard down for a moment, which Mordo quickly exploited, blasting Peter from behind with lightning. "Now, you will die Spider-Man!" He was gonna attack with a fireball, but felt somepony else blast him. He turned around to see Princess Flurry Heart.

"Don't you hurt my Uncle Peter!" Flurry said, zapping Mordo some more.

"Foolish child!" Mordo said, using his magic to levitate the Alicorn filly. "You should know better than to involve yourself in adult matters!"

"Hey! Put my niece down jerkwad!" Peter shouted, rushing at the Mordo, but got attacked by two other Mordos.

"Ah, your one weakness Spider-Man, your foolish concern of others," Mordo taunted, eyeing Flurry. "Especially one such as this little filly whom you claim to be your niece, your family."

"Yeah, it's called love dude, and I love my niece, I remember the day she was born, I'm pretty sure her first words were 'Uncle Peter', maybe if you opened your heart more-" Peter's lecture was interrupted when Mordo zapped him.

"I have little time for this," Mordo turned to Flurry. "Do not worry, I am not so cold as to directly harm a child if I don't have to, and you seem to be an Alicorn like that other pony, so perhaps I should banish you outside the Empire, leave you to the Elements, just see just how strong you are. Perhaps I can mold you into my new apprentice."

"Don't even think about it!" Peter shouted, rushing past all the Mordos and tackling the one right in front of him. "Something tells me you're the real deal, so if I knock you out then-"

Peter's spider sense went off and he turned to kick away another Mordo, and several more before the real one attacked again, blasting Peter down.

"Fool," Mordo said, then turned to Flurry. "You know, perhaps banishing you is too risky, your attack earlier, while pitiful, did seem to have quite some power, so maybe you can be of use right now." He then started to mesmerize Flurry with his magic, intending to place her under Hypnosis, "Once we are done here, I can bring you back home and mold you into a worthy successor, soon not even the power I've seen from The Ancient One will pale in comparison to us, the multiverse will be ours!"

"Hey! Drop the kid!" Scott said, flying toward Mordo, though was himself tackled down by a few clones. He quickly shrunk and started punching and kicking them away.

"What a fool," Mordo said, then turned back to Flurry. "Now then, let's-"

Wanda then blasted Mordo back, breaking his hold on Flurry as Wanda picked the filly up. "Get going kid, it's nto safe here."

"Who are you?" Flurry asked.

"A friend of Twilight's, now no more questions, get going," Wanda ordered, to which Flurry obeyed. Wanda turned back to a curious Mordo.

"Hm, why do I feel like I know you?" Mordo asked.

"I am Wanda Maximoff, The Scarlet Witch," Wanda introduced. "I am Magneto's daughter, and the one who will bring you down!"

"Ah yes, I have heard of you, I believe you too possess powerful magic," Mordo said.

"You better believe that, I have little tolerance for those who would bring danger to a child," Wanda said, her eyes glowing in anger as her magic level rose.

"How chivalrous of you," Mordo said. "Yet it will mean nothing, for soon I shall-"

Wanda did not let him finish, she just started blasting him, to which he deflected and zapped her, knocking her back.

"Foolish move child!" Mordo said, using his magic to levitate her. "Have you forgotten who I am!" Mordo then attacked her with every Elemental Spell he could think of, fire, lightning, water, ice, earth, anything that came to mind.

Wanda endured the pain and attempted to fight back, using her magic to zap him a few times, but Mordo would not relent. Soon more clones of his came by and attacked, each one blasting her with different moves, leaving her weak and on the ground within minutes.

"Is that all you have? Where is that confidence of yours?" Mordo asked, readying another attack. "You should have known better than to challenge my powers! For I am the True Sorceror Supreme!"

"Oh are you now?" He heard from a familiar voice. He turned to see Doctor Strange, his main rival. "Because I believe that's my title."

"You are here as well Stephen?" Mordo asked.

"Well yeah, I've actually been trying to locate you some time now," Strange said. "Thankfully I felt a strong force of magic, combined with a distress call from Twilight."

"Stephen! You made it!" Twilight said, zapping some clones.

"Thanks to you!" Strange said, then turned back to Mordo. "You've been causing trouble again, haven't you?"

"I do what I must," Mordo said. "Only the worthy ones should have this power, and I am worthy, I always have been and I will continue to be!"

"Where did this delusion start again?" Strange asked. "Are you just jealous of me? Because I'm the one who became ruler of a Sanctorum? Because The Ancient One had more faith in me than in you? Because of more powerful artifacts?"

"I do not care for your Sanctorum, your silly toys or the opinion of an old fool," Mordo said. "I do this because I know what my destiny is!"

"Me too," Strange said, charging some magic. "Losing to me!"

The two then entered a clash, both trying to outdo one another. Strange was strong but Mordo was powered by the Crystal Heart.

"I will not lose to you again Strange!" Mordo shouted, trying to overpower his rival.

"Somethings cant be helped!" Strange shouted, sending more power against Mordo.

Unfortunately, more clones had appeared, about to sneak up on Strange while he was preoccupied.

"Strange! Behind you!" Cap warned.

Strange was prepared, he used his own clones to battle away Mordo's, even tying several up with a magic type lasso.

"Wow, he's so cool!" Twilight said, completely mesmerized by Strange's abilities while still fighting away the Mordo clones.

Mordo knew he would soon be at a disadvantage again, his clones were losing and Thor cleared the sky up enough so that the clouds won't be able to provide enough snow to camouflaged him, so he did the next best thing. He had teleported away, next to Flurry Heart, who had also been mesmerized by the fighting to completely get away.

"Don't come near me!" Mordo shouted, using his magic to Levitate Flurry, "Unless you wish to endanger this filly!"

"You would resort to something so cowardly Karl!?" Strange shouted in anger.

"It's survival Stephen Strange, nothing more to it," Mordo said, holding the frightened filly up. "You always have to use your advantages."

"No! Flurry!" Shining Armor shouted, getting a major second wind, powered by fatherly protection as he went to rescue his daughter. Mordo however expected someone to rush in, and he was prepared. Using his magic, he grabbed a nearby spear left behind by a guard during the fighting and was ready to impale Shining Armor.

Wanda could see that, and was the first to react, using her magic to grab Mordo, levitating him in the air, binding him in pain.

Shining Armor quickly pulled Flurry away as Wanda continued to bind Mordo in magic, the evil sorcerer struggling to escape.

"I will not be bested!" Mordo shouted, trying to get his clones to help, but one by one, they started to disappear.

"You're doing it Wanda!" Twilight said.

Wanda continued to hold the spell until all the clones were completely gone, leaving only the real Mordo.

"You did it Wanda! I think that's all of them!" Peter said, but after a few seconds, he saw that Wanda still hadn't released Mordo. "Wanda? You're good now, you can release him!"

Wanda did not, her rage was taking over, despite the pleas of the others to stop, as she was using too much magic.

"Wanda! Let go of your spell!" Twilight called out.

"If you use anymore magic, it could be fatal to everyone!" Strange warned.

Wanda continued though, she was too consumed in rage as her magic reached it's peak. Suddenly there was a huge explosion of power that Twilight was luckily able to contain, though the magic was almost too much even for her.

"Wanda! You have to calm yourself!" Twilight called out, trying to block the magic.

Unfortunately this continued until Stark had approached Wanda and whacked her hard in the neck, knocking the girl and finally releasing her spell, just time as the explosion's power nearly destroyed Twilight's barrier.

By the time it had been settled, all that was left was nothing, no sign of Mordo, only that of The Crystal Heart, which had been slowly reigning it's power.

Cadance quickly picked it up, checking to see if it had been damaged. "I'll go put this back where it belongs."

The heroes had won, that was the important thing, but Twilight seemed just shocked and amazed by Wanda's power. She looked over the unconscious mutant, unsure what to feel now. Her rage was incredible, as was her power, and if she didn't tame it, then things would get so much worse.

Discord looked on in disappointment from afar, "Well, I don't think Mordo will be joining our plans, better get the next test ready. He still has other worlds to check in that regard.

Author's Note:

The end of this arc, might be a while before the next update.