• Published 2nd Jun 2018
  • 2,672 Views, 53 Comments

Masks' of the Hunters - Kamer

After an anomaly, all is not well with Equestria. Many do not see it, but a rare few see the true horrors of the invader.

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Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Wounds and Scars

“Marble, ya there? It’s Joe, kinda getting worried ‘ere.”

Doughnut Joe was standing outside of an apartment knocking on the door. Three days ago, he invited his friend Marble Grain out for drinks. And when Joe showed up to his friend’s apartment, he wouldn’t answer. He knows Marble is there, people have told him, but he hasn’t seen him for three days. He visited Marble everyday since, and not once has he answered the door.

“Marble, please,” Joe pleaded, “Please open up, I’m worried ‘bout ya.”

Silence still reigned in the hallway, Joe couldn’t hear anything inside the door. It was the same as the last three times, nothing.

‘Maybe the rejected proposal meant more to him than I thought,’ He sighed and turned from the door. He didn’t know why marble was being like this, but he hoped his friend would come around soon.

“Joe?” a voice said softly behind him.

“Marble!” Joe shouted, “There ya are! I was worried ‘bout…”

He stopped.

Marble’s eyes looked red and small. There were dark circles around them, making them look sunken and even smaller. They stared without seeing what was in front of them, blank and empty. His coat had lost its shine, now appearing as if dust on a rock. His mane was in a similar state, unkempt and frazzled. It looked more like long grass from the Everfree than his usual straight and well-kept mane.

“Marble?” Joe said worryingly, “What’s wrong?”

“It’s… it’s nothing,” Marble said quietly, “Please, come in. I haven’t talked to you in a while.” He said with a somewhat forced smile on his face.

Joe walked into Marble’s home cautiously, but still determined. He knew something was wrong, that was obvious. He felt like running, fleeing from whatever was happening to his friend. But this was his friend, he was going to help them, no matter he felt like doing.

Marble’s apartment was messy, but not dirty. It looked like an average single stallion’s apartment. A few plates of food here and there, a book left open on the night stand, a saddlebag on the floor by the chair. The only thing different about Marble’s apartment and Joe’s was the, frankly absurd number of lit candles and floating light spells around. But aside from the candles, it was an average, messy, single stallion’s apartment. This made Joe worry even more. Marble was not a messy pony like his family heritage would imply, quite the opposite in fact. He was tidy to a fault, to the point of learning some of the best cleaning spells he could get his hooves on. The fact that his apartment looked even a little unkempt made the concern grow even greater in Joe

“Marble, what’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing…”

“No, Marble,” Joe said sternly, “It’s somthin’. Ya look terrible, yor apartment’s a mess, more than ya’d ever let it, ya look like ya haven’t got any sleep in days, and ya look like ya can fall over any second.”

“Y-yea, sleep has been,” Marble paused, ”h-hard to come by for me.”

“Why?” Joe asked hurriedly, ”Marble please tell me.”

“It’s noth-”

“Marble, it’s not nothin’, somethin’ is up with ya. Please tell me what’s wrong.”

“It’s… I don’t…” Marble paused for a second, “You won’t believe me.”

“Why wouldn’t I believe you?”

“Because the princess didn’t believe me…”

Joe stared at Marble, a bit taken aback.

“Marble, I’ll listen, and all believe ya.”

“But you won’t!” Marble said, half shouting, “The guards didn’t believe me, the princess barley gave me a second look, and now even I’m doubting myself!”

“The princess isn’t ya friend, Marble. I am.” Joe said, “I’ll believe ya, no matter what dribble comes out of ya mouth.”

Marble looked at Joe with a face of surprise.

“I promise Marble.”

“Oh-ok, I’ll tell you,” Marble said, “Can we sit down?”

“Yea, ‘course.” Joe said, moving toward the couch.

Marble moved only after Joe began to sit down. He moved quietly, almost like he was trying not to wake a filly sleeping in the same room. He was silent all the way to the couch, looking at each door in the room, then the lights, then the couch, then finally on Joe, his sockets still looked sunken, but his eyes held a little more hope. It took only a moment for Marble to get to the couch and sit down, but to Joe, it was a tense eternity.

Marble sat on the couch for a little, looking down. He sat there, like that, for just around a minute’s time. But Joe had no problem waiting. It looked like he was trying to find words, or maybe courage. Joe could wait though, he had already pressured him to open up, he won’t pressure him to find words.

“It happened when I left your place three days ago.” Marble began.

“I was almost home, about two blocks away. When I heard voices. They were coming from an alleyway, they were talking about, well, I don’t know what. All I really remember is one was a sweet feminine voice, but the other sounded like the biggest, meanest diamond dog you can imagine, but somehow worse.

“I don’t know why I went into the alley, I just felt like I needed to. I needed to see who made them.”

Marble shifted uncomfortably on the couch, his breath was a bit shorter than earlier.

“It sounded like they wanted to… to hunt somepony…”

“To hunt somepony? Like to kill em?” Joe asked, a little fearfully.

“Y-yea…” Marble almost whispered.

Joe sat in silence for a moment, taking in what he just heard.

“Ponies hunting other ponies, why wouldn’t the princess believe that.”

Now it was Marble’s turn to sit in silence, only his even shorter breaths breaking the stillness.

“They weren’t ponies….” He said, a shaking in his voice, mirrored by his body.

“What were they then, griffons, diamond dogs?”

“They were monsters Joe! Monsters!” Marble shouted. His voice was now strained, his eyes were wild and with tears on the corners.

”With fiery eyes full of hate! They were terrifying, and scary I couldn’t move they were just talking they said they were going to kill me they just looked at me with those eyes I couldn’t”

“Marble! Marble! Calm down! Calm down!” Joe said reaching out to his friend.

Marble was shaking, his eyes were darting around the room, doubtless looking for those that terrified him so. He was crying profusely now, his face and neck quickly becoming matted.

“It’s ok! It’s fine! They’re not ‘ere! Your safe!”

Joe was now holding a shaking, crying Marble. He admittedly was on the fence about believing whatever Marble was going to say. He was going to tell Marble that he believed him anyways, to help him. But now, there was nothing else for Joe to do but believe Marble. Something terrible had happened to him, something had hurt his friend dearly. And even if Marble was lying about exactly what had happened, Joe was certain that he would have never wanted to experience it for himself.

Joe sat there for quite some time, comforting Marble. It was a while before Marble calmed down enough to separate himself from Joe, sitting only a little way apart. And only a little longer before he stopped crying. Joe and Marble sat on the couch together, listening to each other breath, one for comfort, the other to comfort.

“Joe, I’m sorry.”

“C’mon, This isn’t your fault Marble,” Joe said, “None of this is.”

“I’m sorry I’m dumping my problems on you, I didn’t mean to.”

“Really Marble? Ya needed this, and I’m glad I could help.” Joe said with a smile, “And I’m happy I could help.”


They sat in relative silence for a while, thinking about what happened. Neither really knew what to say next, for fear of the other. It was Joe that broke the silence.

“Why didn’t ya come for help? I woulda’ been there.”

“It honestly wasn’t this bad,” Marble replied, “The first night I was a little scared, but it didn’t really affect me.

“But when I woke up, it was… it was like…”

Marble sighed.

“It felt like they were here watching me…” he said finally, “But that’s not quite right. I thought I could see them, in every dark corner, in every dark hall. I could see those eyes, those horrible eyes.”

Marble started shaking again, and Joe was quick to move to his side. It wasn’t as bad as before, but Joe wasn’t going to take any chances.

“Its fine, I’m still here. I’m still here.”

Marble was quick to recover this time, stopping his shaking in exchange for longer breaths. Gradually, they evened out, shallowing out until he achieved a natural tempo. Marble and Joe sat on the couch for a little while longer. Marble, as far as Joe could tell, seemed far calmer than before.

‘I hope this helps,’ Joe thought, ‘I don’t want something bad to happen to him if I can help it.’

A light growl came from Marble. He winced and looked down.

“Haven’t had dinner yet, eh?”

“I guess no-” more growling.

“Not” Marble finished.

Joe laughed, with Marble quickly joining in. Joe’s laugh was big and boisterous, a little like him. Marbles was similar, but lacked the depth and breadth that Joe’s did. But it was genuine, and that mattered most to Joe. They laughed for a solid minute, before beginning to calm down

Another growl from Marble’s stomach timed with almost perfect accuracy in between chuckles and wheezing set in motion more laughing. When one would begin to calm down, the other would grow louder, causing the other to laugh right along with him. This vicious circle almost bringing a tear to Joe’s eye. Marble was able to gain control first, with Joe following after.

“Thanks, Joe,” Marble said, “This help more than you know.”

“it’s what friends are for Marble,” Joe responded, “Any time.”

“I’m gunna make something to eat,” Marble said, getting off the couch, “want anything?”

“Na, I’m good, ate before I got here.”

“Alright, anything to drink?” he asked as he walked into the kitchen.

“Hmmm… Water if ya have it.”

“Water it is!”

Joe hopped of the couch and followed Marble into the kitchen, partly to get the water himself as he didn’t want to burden him too much, and partly to see his magic in action. Marble couldn’t sustain a powerful spell to save his life, but he was exceedingly good at levitation spells. So much so that he even impressed some high-level unicorns. This time was no different, in the center of the kitchen stood Marble, levitating all thirteen ingredients for what looked like a simple casserole. He was chopping two different vegetables, crunching chips, mixing the filling, and preparing the oven all at once. If Joe didn’t know that Marble would be drained after this spectacle, he would be jealous.

“I know you said you didn’t want anything,” Marble said, “But I wanted to make you some anyways. You can always take it home.”

“Ha!” Joe said, “Yer making me rethink this, Marble. I may just join you.”

“Sounds good.”

Joe used magic to get a couple glasses out of the cabinet, and fill them with ice and water, carrying the to the table. Just before he set them down, he heard a clattering and a short cry behind him. Turning, he saw Marble in the corner breathing a bit heavily and a wooden spoon on the floor.

“Marble?” Joe asked, “Ya ok?”

“Y-yea,” Marble replied unevenly, “Just missed the counter is all.”

Joe looked at Marble for a couple moments while he regained his composer.

“Are ya really ok?” Joe asked.

“I’m… better,” Marble said.

“I’m not sure that’s good enough for me,” Joe stated.


“Why haven’t ya talked to the princess?”

“She… I don’t think she would listen.”

“Why not?”

“Cause she didn’t the first time,” Marble sighed, “She just left…”

Joe was silent, pondering what the princess did that night.

‘It not like a princess to just leave, right?’ Joe thought, ‘She had to have a reason of doing so.’

“I don’t think she would help.” Marble said.

“Course she will! It’s not like ya did anything wrong.”

“But what if she doesn’t…”

“I’m still here,” Joe said, “and ya got the rest of your friends.”

Marble sighed. He was shifting around on his hooves, avoiding eye contact with Joe.

“C’mon Marble, I’ll go with you.”

Marble sighed and stopped fidgeting, “Alright, I’ll go…”

“Ha!” Joe laughed, “Good.”

“But not tonight,” Joe added.

“Why not?” Marble asked quizzically, a bit relieved.

“She’s not at the palace,” Joe said, “Heard something about her heading up to the Crystal Empire.”

“Oh,” Marble said, “for how long?”

“I think I heard a week, minimum.”

“Ok,” Marble said, a small smile on his face, “I think I can wait. I have you around, right?”

“Only for a day,” Joe said, looking a bit sheepish, “I have a family reunion in Ponyville day after tomorrow.”


“You can come with me if ya want to. My family would love to have ya.”

“No, I couldn’t.” Marble said, looking shy again, ”I don’t want to be a burden.”

“It’s no problem for me,” Joe said honestly.

“it’s fine,” Marble said, “I’m fine on my own.”

“Your sure?”

“Absolutely.” Marble said, confident smile on his face, “You helped me out a lot already, I couldn’t ask for more.”

“Alright Marble, I trust ya.”

“Good,” Marble said, still smiling, “Now let’s eat!”

Marble took the casserole from the oven. It was perfectly cooked, of course, and looked delicious. Grabbing someplates and silverware from the cabinets, Joe set the table, and the two of them began to eat. Marble ate in relative silence, while Joe quickly ate his portion, all the while praising Marble’s culinary expertise. Marble was only half-way through when Joe finished, giving time for Joe to notice somethings about how Marble was acting. He seemed happy enough, but would still glance at the doors and windows, and sometimes give a little jump at some noise outside.

“Marble, I’m gunna be honest with ya,” Joe started.

“W-what?” Marble said, a little worry in his face.

“I think I want someone to stay with ya for the week,” Joe said, “At least till ya get on yer feet.”

Marble opened his mouth to reply, but quickly looked down.

“I know ya don’t want it, but…”

“No.” Marble said.

“No, you’re right. At least until I’m on my feet again.”

“Yea,” Joe said, “I’m just worried for ya.”

“Heh, yes, I know,” Marble replied, “And thank you for that.”

“I can’t stay with ya past tonight,” Joe said, “Do ya have anyone in mind?”

“Umm… All my family is far away,” Marble replied, “I don’t think I have any relatives nearby.”

“Any friends in Canterlot?” Joe asked.

“You’re the only one that I would trust honestly.”

“Hmm…” Joe sat, pondering his friends dilemma.

“Wait!” Marble suddenly shouted, “I have a relative near here!”

“Really?” Joe said, somewhat startled, “Who?”

“I can’t believe I forgot about her.”

“Marble, who is it?”

“She’s famous now too!” Marble said, getting a little more anxious, “I wonder if she’ll even respond to a letter.”

“Marble, hello? Who is it?”

“Oh, It’s Pinkie Pie!”

“The Element of Harmony.”


“The one that is super energetic.”


“The one that pops out of nowhere on a regular basis.”


“The one that caused me trouble on a train to a competition.”


“That Pinkie Pie.”

“Yes…” Marble said, “Maybe this isn’t a good idea.”

“Haha!” Joe laughed his honest, hearty laugh, “No, she’s perfect! If anyone can get you out of this funk, its her!”


“Yep!” Joe said, smiling, “And I can get her a letter, by tonight even!”

“What?” Marble said, a hint of surprise in his voice, “How?”

“I know princess Twilight. There friends.”

Marble could only hang his mouth in shock. It was a few moments before he could talk again.

“How do you know the princess?”

“She used to be a regular at my café,” Joe said, pride swelling, “I got a charm from her to send her items that she left behind. Still should work though.”

“Wow, that’s an impressive amount of trust.”

“She gave it to me before she was a princess, so it’s not really weird.” Joe said.

“Still though…”

Joe just let out another hearty laugh.

“Now, go write that letter,” Joe said, “I’ll be right back with that charm.”

“Right!” Marble said, moving to his bedroom.

“I’ll be back soon!” Joe spoke loudly as he was leaving Marble’s apartment, “Don’t go falling asleep now!”

“I won’t Joe!” Marble shouted back, “That you don’t have to worry about!”

“Ha!” Joe said as he shut the door.

Marble walked over to his desk, pulling out a piece of parchment and a quill.

He sat for a moment, thinking about what he would write. He was never really any good at writing to people, being open about his feelings. But he needed help. Tonight was good, but he knew it was still going to be a bad couple days.

He thought for a moment about not writing, not asking her to come all the way out to Canterlot just to take care of him. The fire he saw out of the corner of his eye changed his mind.

‘Dear Pinkie Pie,

It’s Marble Grain, your cousin. I don’t know if you remember when we meet, but I do! I’m sorry to write only after so long, and only to ask a favor, but I really need your help right now…’