• Published 2nd Jun 2018
  • 2,672 Views, 53 Comments

Masks' of the Hunters - Kamer

After an anomaly, all is not well with Equestria. Many do not see it, but a rare few see the true horrors of the invader.

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Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Knowledge, Gained

Luna had made a scene, something absolutely detested doing as it attracted too much attention to her. With being a princess and all, it would stand to reason that Luna would be used many prying eyes. But these scenes that she sometimes caused garnered eyes that were not of admiration or trust, but of worry and fear, two looks she still had trouble standing. In those eyes, she saw her past rearing its ugly head, and it often became too much to bare. Though she would not go running away, she was too proud for that. No, when something became to much to bare for Luna, she go angrier.

It seemed that the worse the scene was, the sourer Luna’s mood became. And in turn, the sourer Luna’s mood was, the worse the situation became. Thus was the endless vicious cycle of Luna’s problems. Luna was aware of this issue of hers and did well to hide it. She was often in total control her temper and demeaner during such situations, not letting them escalate any higher than she could manage. It was rare that her sister needed to step in and fix a situation.

‘I think even Celestia will have issues fixing this,’ Luna thought as she walked out of the city morgue with the body of the homeless stallion held in her magic.

She was ready to leave, especially after shouting at her guard for not seeing the arrow, and the poor stallion for the same thing, and the other guard.

And the paramedics.

And the doctor.

And the morgue attendant.

He got shouted at twice.

Out on the street, which thankfully held no other ponies despite being almost dawn, Luna gathered herself before a teleportation spell brought her to her quarters. There, she cast spells in preparation for her own autopsy of the body, including every magical detection spell that was available to her. And maybe some that were available to her sister. She had many trips to the library, many books, and many pots of coffee ahead of her. It was going to be a long night, or day, in Luna’s case.

The arrow itself was undetectable to basic detections spells of all kinds, physical, magical, energy, nothing could find it. Even more alarming to Luna, it hardly reacted to most schools of magic, only magical light seemed affect it, as normal light would do to any other object. Whatever this was, Luna was not prepared enough to deal with it with the knowledge of the top of her head.

Luna stared glumly at the body, she was going to have to ask for help on this one, something she hated almost as much as making a scene. It made her seem weak, helpless. A feeling that also reminded her of past sins. But she was going to do more than just let others solve her problems. She would first attempt research by herself, then ask.

Luna cast an invisibility spell on the body and the arrow to hide them from prying eyes while she ventured to the library. Or rather tried to cast it on the arrow. With it being as averse to magic as it was, refused to turn transparent, leaving a ghostly arrow floating over a table. This had the fortunate affect of giving Luna a much better view of the offending protrusion on the corpse.

It was long, Luna knew that, but she did not realize just how long. It reached almost all the way through the stallion, going straight through his heart. The shaft of the arrow, if it could even be called that, seemed to be made of strands of smoke, forever smashed into the shape of a pole. The portion of it that was buried in the body seemed much more solid than the part that was not. The fletching and the head where both the same wispy tendrils as the shaft, though anypony looking at it would be hard pressed to find them. They seemed to blend into the shaft, making them almost invisible.

Luna sighed, and moved toward the doors. She needed more research materials to study this. Most likely those books were in the restricted section of the library, one of three limited availability sections that the royal archives housed. The restricted section dealt with concepts and some spells that were deemed sensitive for the average reader. The forbidden section barred any but high-level mages and scholars from accessing, these were dangerous spells and research notes not for the faint of heart. The last section was only for the Princesses and those whom they selected. Full of dark magic tomes and some horrendous researches conducted by terrible ponies, only a hoofful of ponies could be trusted around them.

Luna thought about what references she would need, and where to get them. Many of her thoughts on the arrow, and its owner, fell within reasonable realms of thought, meaning the restricted section was going to be the most helpful. Only a couple of her ideas could be considered dark enough to be considered for the forbidden section, requiring a more direct and thorough search. A couple of aids could be sent to the restricted section to gather correct tomes, but she herself would visit the forbidden section.

No, if there is a murderer on the loose, one as strong as Luna would think, then it would be prudent not to arouse suspicion. She would need to put as much work on the aids as possible. She would also need to keep the work in a tight circle as well. No use in spreading information around too much.

It was quiet in the archives when Luna and her posse of ponies walked in. everything was a little more quiet than usual, which was just how Luna wanted it.

“Is there anypony else here?” Luna asked the attendant.

“No your majesty,” she replied, “Nopony here, just like you asked. We shut down the archives temporarily for you and your research team.”

Luna smiled “Thank thee. Now, please take the rest of thy day off, we dost want no disturbances.”

“Yes your majesty!” she called happily, “Would you like the guards to stand watch?”

“That wouldst be preferred.”

“Yes your majesty,” she said as she left, shutting the doors behind her.

When the doors were shut, Luna turned back to her gathering of research assistants, looking over all of them. In total, there were five ponies that she trusted to help her.

The first was the unicorn Moondancer, one of Twilights friends, she was smart, good at research, and loved to read. She also knew the archives like the back of her hoof, so she would act as the team lead in Luna’s absence, telling ponies what books to get, sections to read, and anything else that came into mind.

Next was Bright Rune, a unicorn stallion from Celestia’s School. He specialized in strange and unknown ways of casting magics. Contrary to popular belief, there was more than one way to channel magic into spells. Many of them were far more difficult than just casting magic through one’s horn, but they had their uses, and Bright Rune knew almost all of them.

Next was Still Wind, a pegasus mare who specialized in fast, near silent flight. In truth, she wasn’t much of a researcher, but she was good at finding the books that where needed. With her quick and silent, almost windless flying, she could fetch the needed books as quickly as Rainbow Dash, without the mess.

Ivory Puzzle, a earth pony mare, was one of the best statisticians, strategists and computer that Luna had ever seen. She had scored perfect marks on every test administered on the subjects, even tests that Luna herself had rigged to be as difficult as possible. She would coordinate information, look for connections, and point ponies in the direction that would be the most helpful.

The last member of the research team was a unicorn mare named Radiant, another member of the school. She was quite gifted in almost all forms of multi target spells, including ones for searching nearby shelves for books with keywords, allowing easy finding of needed passages. She also was quite gifted at light based spells, which might come in handy for study of that object.

Luna looked over her silent team preparing what to say.

“Thou must be wondering why we, ahem, I gathered everypony here,” Luna started, “There has recently been a disturbing occurrence in Canterlot.”

Even though none of the ponies were talking, the room seemed to grow even quieter.

“More specifically, a magical murder,” Luna said, looking at various reactions.

Moondancer and Radiant gasped, Ivory showed no emotion, Rune seemed intrigued, and Wind’s face hardened.

“But if you called a research team together, then there must be more to it than that princess,” Bright Rune said.

“Astute,” replied Luna, “The nature of the magic is entirely unknown to me, is immune to almost all forms of magic and apparently can only be seen by me.”

“Pardon, princess,” Moondancer said, ”but if it’s not affected by magic, and we can’t see it, how do we study it?”

“I believe the visual aspect of this magic will be solved with short notice, and the rest will be up to you,” Luna said, “I will remain till sight is solved, then I must retire.”

Luna sighed inwardly. She had not wanted to change her plans, but in order to solve this as discretely as possible, she must still perform her duties as princess, meaning a good days sleep. She has the coffee for this moment of clarity.

“Moondancer will be in charge when I leave, but until then, the item is hidden on this table over here,” Luna said, moving toward a table.

“I must admit something though,” Luna said a bit nervously, “The item itself, an arrow, is unable to make physical or magical contact with anything, save the pony that it killed.”

Moondancer and Bright Rune tensed.

“So it remains in the cadaver,” Luna said.

She dropped her invisibility spell on the stallion, to audible gasps from everypony.

“The body will not decay, I have made sure of that.”

“P-Princess, is this alright?” Bright Rune said, “I mean, I’m not sure that this is appropriate.”

“Tis an ongoing investigation, and this is evidence.” Luna spoke with a bit of an edge to her voice, “We are allowed to have the body here.”

Luna was silent for a moment, still seeing worry and concern on their faces, “We know tis difficult,” Luna said, “But We know. I know, that you can do this task. I have the utmost faith.”

Everypony seemed a little more calm with this assertion of the princesses confidence.

“Now, let us begin research.”

Luna sighed. Even with all of the intelligent ponies in that room, it had taken till almost noon until progress in detecting the arrow was made. They had finally been able to see the arrow with a combination of detection, true sight and light-based spells, even if it was for the briefest of moments.

She had given them access to the forbidden section of the archives in her absence, as well as set up a private chamber within the archives so they could be reopened. It was hidden and locked, it was doubtful even some of the more powerful unicorns could gain entrance even if they could find it. It was large enough to work very comfortably in, it even had beds if the need arouses. It was also there to hide the body of the victim, finding a random dead pony in the archives would rise questions that were not needed.

She was heading to her chambers from the kitchen after getting a snack. She found it easier to sleep on a full stomach. Luna had a lot to think about, who the murderer was, what the motive for the murder was, how the murder performed such magic, and how they disguised themselves as a lamb and a wolf, as the witness said. Luna knew this was a going to be a long bunch of days ahead of her.


Luna started. It was Celestia.

“Yes sister, tis a problem?”

“If you would call a dead body in the royal archives a problem, then yes.”

“Sister, We would hope that thee trust us enough to perform this investigation on our own.”

“Lulu, I do trust you,” Celestia said sincerely” I just wish you would tell me you wanted to personally investigate this. I know it’s the first murder Equestria has seen since you’ve been back, and I know how much you’ve…”

“Have you seen him?” Luna interrupted.

“W-what? Seen who?”

“The victim. You will know why I want to investigate this when you do.“

“Luna are you alright? I know you have been cooped up in the castle for a while now but if this is your way of getting out, I must insist that you find another avenue to pursue.”

“Celestia,” Luna said the authority in her voice surprising her, “The body is in the hidden room of the archives, by the farming section. Go now and view it, I know you will understand.”

Celestia stood there, looking for a moment.

“Tis too late in the day for me, I may need to rest for a little longer for tonight.” Luna said as she turned around to continue to her chambers.

Celestia had court in an hour, but hopefully that was enough time too see what Luna was worried about.

Daybreak. Lamb loved to watch the sun rise in the mornings, Wolf was indifferent.

Kindred sat on a hill West of Canterlot, contemplating past and future events. It rested in silence, waiting for the sun to poke over the horizon. Many thoughts traveled through Kindred's heads, from hunting and running, to waiting and aiming, to planning and scheming. Kindred thinks about all the things that need to be done and how to do them. It continues to muse in silence, with an air of solemn contentedness around them.

Its thoughts are broken by the creeping movement of the sun, just beginning to edge on the cusp of the horizon, sending golden red rays of light across the sky. Streaking across the sky, the beams brush the white clouds red, leaving the sky dark. minutes pass as the sun continues its morning exercise, slowly turning the sky from black, to navy, a gradual, almost imperceptible slide to brightening the sky.

"Is it blood, Lamb?"

"No Wolf, It is a new day."

”I wanted blood…”;dlk

”I know Wolf, you’ll get more soon enough.”

”Gahh… Not fast enough…”

The sky was its normal blue now, with the clouds their usual pristine white. The sun's rays now warmed the ground, telling all of the living things it was time to awaken from their nightly slumber.The flowers began to bloom, the birds began to tweet their songs. a soft wind began to blow, rustling leaves left in its wake. The grass glistened with morning dew and the air damp with morning mist. It was only now that Kindred began to stir. Today was a good day, though some were not able to see the dawn.

Kindred had been busy last night, scouring the city for those to be hunted. It had searched the entire city three times over that night, quickly leaping from rooftop to rooftop. Souring over alleyways and streets, past those who could not see them. It found those who were close, those who could feel death. Some were ready, some were not. But it made no difference to Kindred, it took them anyways. Six in total met kindred that night, and only one of them could utter their names afterward.

”We must move on, dear Wolf.” Lamb spoke, ”We have learned enough from the ponies here.”

”But I want to chase!”

”There were some to chase for you last night, do you want more?”

”They were all old! And ready for us.”, Wolf whined.

”Not all choose my arrow, dear Wolf.”, Lamb replied.

”They did not run!”, Wolf lamented, ”They crawled…”

Wolf huffed, ”None here flee!”

Lamb giggled, ”Then we will go where they flee.”

”Yes! Yes! Where they run!”

”But you must find it first, a place where we are feared.”

”I know it! This way!” Wolf says as he darts off to the near side of the city, with Lamb following quickly, both getting what they want.

Kindred knew that it was going the right way, whatever way it went was the right way. There were always those it could hunt, no matter wherever it went. But there were places that held more of a thrill for Kindred, places that were akin to a shooting range where everything was a target. If it could claim it did one thing better than its job, it was finding those whom are ready for the hunt. No matter where prey was, how far away, how inhospitable the journey, Kindred would be there, ready for the hunt ahead, whether or not the hunted were.

Wolf shot through the countryside, flying past trees, rivers and streams, ignoring those that he passed. Lamb was in close pursuit, moving just as fast, but taking in a little more than her friend. The moved quickly, faster than any train or pegasus. Kindred could be wherever it was needed in a moment’s notice, making sightseeing almost trivial. It, in fact, did not see where they were traveling until their destination was already upon them, a magnificent crystalline structure dominating the landscape.

They had arrived.