• Published 2nd Jun 2018
  • 2,672 Views, 53 Comments

Masks' of the Hunters - Kamer

After an anomaly, all is not well with Equestria. Many do not see it, but a rare few see the true horrors of the invader.

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

New Hunting Ground

This world was different.

Gone was the dark and dreary streets littered with trash and excrement, the killers in the alleyway waiting for a poor soul to wander by, the homeless in streets begging for food and money. Here, everything was bright, all of the souls were happy, mostly. The streets were clean, free of garbage and riffraff, the vendors were happily selling their wares free from thieves, the storefronts where clean and friendly and the souls were all kind to one another.

"What are they?" Wolf asks.

"I believe they call themselves 'ponies', Wolf," Lamb replied.

"Tiny horses... I hope they run fast!" Wolf growled gleefully.

"I hope they don't all run..." Lamb added.

Perched atop the spire of a guard tower, not far from the entrance of the cavern it emerged from, Kindred watched the ponies below meander about their day, unawares to the fact that the manifestation of death was watching. One of Kindred's favorite abilities, was to make their presence unnoticeable. It could become completely ignored by the populace, almost like invisibility. Kindred found this power had limitations, however. Beings of great power could see Kindred just fine, and beings that where marked for death could see Kindred as well. The final weakness to its power was its fragility. When Kindred is on a hunt, then anyone can see them. Usually though, this is not a problem for Kindred, it knows its power well.

Lamb jumped off the tower, wanting to get a more personal look at their new quarry. They were interesting, much like the ancient city of Piltover from their home world, these ponies all continued on in their lives happily skipping about in merriment and joy. But unlike the citizens of Piltover, they seemed genuine in their exuberance. This puzzled Lamb, as she did not think any being could be this constant with happiness in their lives. But she is now only seeing one of the many faucets of their existence, maybe she will find what she is looking for in the private aspects of their days.

Wolf followed leisurely, gathering the scent of any passers by, collecting information for future hunts. These scents told Wolf everything about their future quarry, where they were, who they were with, what they thought and what they felt. Wolf's nose is far better than any others. He can now the all of the particulars of anyone's life with just a little whiff of your scent. The more he smelled, the more he knew.

Kindred remembered all information it gathered. To Kindred, the information gave power to them. Power they needed to use for the hunt, to better slay their pray. With this information Kindred builds a web of people, all interconnected. It plays and pull at the strings, using them to gain yet even more information and power. Eventually, when Kindred reaches the height of its power, the web will begin to construct itself, filling in and spreading out, covering all of the vast world with they now inhabit.

Kindred traversed the streets of the most populated portion of the city, observing and gathering information to build its web of information. It saw many unique trends. Every one of these lives where interconnected and interwoven with many others. It saw many bonds of friendship and companionship, though none as strong as its own. They were all very open to others, telling truths and deeper aspects of their lives at the drop of a hat. But this interconnection and openness only helped Kindred. It easily gathered information on it's future quarry in only about half a day, and Kindred, being a keen, diligent and focused worker, had learned almost everything they needed to know about the creatures that inhabited this city of Canterlot

It still needed to visit the castle up above, but that could wait. Now, Kindred needed to learn the layout of their new hunting ground. Staying above the street, It bounded and leaped from roof to tree and back to roof again, maintaining momentum, never stopping. it was quick to map out the city, learning all of the paths most traveled and, most importantly, the places least visited.

There were trees and parks occasionally, which Wolf welcomed, more room to chase, he said, but the landscape was dominated by the twisting and turning back alleyways of Canterlot's living districts. Rarely a straight road in the poorer neighborhoods, Lamb enjoyed the high vantage points and clear views for her arrows. many in the poorer areas were more likely to accept their offer, unlike the richer upper class, whom Wolf enjoyed chasing through their vast mansions.

There was also the shopping areas, more large, wide open areas. many ponies where here, walking around, and it made it very easy for Kindred to collect knowledge of what it needed. But these spaces where not good for the eternal hunt. too wide open, too many factors, too many witnesses.

Kindred saw many things, restaurants, parks, hotels, houses, but the thing that interested it most was the theaters. Kindred had a history with theater, often using its influence to spread the fear of itself, granting Kindred more power. Kindred hoped that this world would be similar in nature, allowing these plays to spread the word, the fear of Kindred to many in this land.

Kindred usually chose someone that was afraid of It, but also would stand firm in spite of it. These strong willed people where just the right combination of respectful and strong willed, ones that respect enough to know to do Kindred's bidding, and still strong willed enough to not get cold feet. Or hooves, in the case of It's new quarry. Kindred still remembered one of its favorite information spreader. A young girl by the name of Magga. She was such a fine actress, and portrayed Kindred's duality perfectly, pleasing it greatly. After an hour of traversing high above the hunted and reminiscing on times long gone, Kindred settled on the initial perch where its learning first started.

"Well Wolf," Lamb spoke, "I see many to hunt, would you like to pick first?"

"They will all accept us..." Wolf sighed rather bitterly, "I want a hunt! I want a chase!"

"Dear Wolf, surely some will change when faced with us."

"I smelled a few... but none are close enough."

"Shall I pick one of my quarry then?"

"Fine, little Lamb. I will follow."

"You always do."

Lamb leaped from her perch, with wolf chasing her heels. As Kindred soared from rooftop to rooftop, closing in on it's first victim, a little bit of excitement grew. After so long, it was happy to be back on the hunt.

Marble Grain had a terrible day. A terrible day that started with high hopes. In other words, this was one of the worst days in Marble Grain's life. He had spent a full year on his agricultural proposal to the Princess, researching, rereading, rewriting and rereading again until it was perfect.

'It was going so well...' he thought, 'then she just said no!'

Marble walked solemnly down the sidewalk that lead to his apartment, walking past his usual post-research hangout spot, Doughnut Joe's. He didn't even make eye contact with the concerned owner as he walked by, head hanging down.

'Maybe I should give up the ghost,' he pondered as he walked, 'I think my uncle still works the rock farm, maybe I can...'

"Hey, sourpuss!" somepony behind him called.

Turning he saw his old friend Joe waving him over.

"Hey, Joe," Marble said, "I'm really not in the mood for a chat right now."

Joe stared at him with a look of concern, "C'mon Marble, This is the time ya' need a chat the most."

Marble sighed, hanging his head even lower. His mane was covering his eye's slightly, so Joe didn't see him get a little misty eyed.

"You're right Joe..." he said after a second or two, "I do need to talk right now."

If there was one thing that he was grateful for when he moved to Canterlot, it was the vast amount of different ponies that lived here. Not everypony was like Joe, and ponies like him where rare anywhere you go, but in the city, it felt like they were easier to find. He was thankful for Joe's ability to cheer him up, his ability to turn a situation on a bit, just to see you smile while the two of you talked.

'Maybe that's the way that he keeps his customers coming back,' Marble chuckled to himself.

Gathering himself, he trotted up to Joe, attempting to keep even a wisp of a grin on his face. "Thanks Joe."

"C'mon in, whatever ya' need, on the house."

"You're too kind Joe, you'll go outta business if you keep giving me freebies," Marble joked. In reality, this was only the second time Joe offered an on the house drink.

"I can tell ya' need it," Joe said, already behind the counter, making Marble his regular drink. "So whats eat'n ya'?"

"The proposal that I talked to you about, the one that I spent so long on, she just denied it..." Marble said disappointingly, resting his cheek on the table.

"ohff, sorry fella'," Joe responded, placing a mug almost in front of Marble's snout.

"Thanks Joe," Marble said, not yet making a move for the steaming drink.

"That bad huh?" Joe asked after a moment.

"I'm sorry Joe, I just feel like I wasted a year of my life."

"I can understand that," Joe nodded, "Ya' know it took me three tries ta' get this place open?"

"Three?" Marble asked, lifting his head up a little.

"Yep, three. The second time, I almost gave up an' went back to Las Pegasus ta' work in my families print shop."

"A print shop?" Marble asked, "Never pegged you for a bookmaker."

"Newspaper, actually." Joe responded, "But that's not the point"

"And what is, Joe?"

"That ya' can't give up that easily. If ya' fail, ya' try again, simple as that."

"I don't think its that easy Joe, at least not for me," Marble said as he took a sip from the mug. A Caribbo'ean blend, light on cream and sugar. Marble sighed with contentedness, Joe knew him well.

"This is ya' life, ya' said it yourself. Ya' just gunna give up because the first test didn't go well?"

"Well... I..."

"No. Ya' not just giving up." Joe said firmly. Marble stared at him quizzically. "Ya' gunna take a break, maybe a week. Then ya gunna pull out, cart blazing! I know ya' can do this." Joe looked at Marble with a sense of strength and determination. Marble could only stare. He honestly didn't think ponies could care so much about somepony else's work with such ferocity.

"I read ya' proposal, remember? I thought it was great. The Princess probably didn't understand. Ya' need to try again."

Marble was happy to have friends like this. He felt such a warm feeling in his chest.

And a burp.

Joe and Marble laughed at the timing. They talked for a while longer, mostly little things, telling jokes and stories about various adventures. They laughed for a good long time at Joe's story about a work day he spent covered in sprinkles from a torn bag that he lifted. He said he had some foals try to lick him, which caused Marble to laugh even harder. After a bit of time, Marble got out of his chair only for Joe stop him and offer to swing by Marble's place after work so they could get a drink. Marble agreed, wholeheartedly, and headed for the door.

'It's already dark outside,' Marble thought, 'guess I was in Joe's for longer than I thought.'

It was still a little ways from his house when it started to drizzle. quickly moving underneath an awning and pulling a trench coat from his right saddlebag, he covered himself and his work before setting of into the rain. Silence was the only think he heard walking down the street, there wasn't any other pony on either side. Only the pattering of the rain on various surfaces around him broke the quietness.

"It covers the scent!"

Marble stopped dead. That was not the voice of a pony, he was sure of that. It sounded like a diamond dog, but larger, and nastier.

"It is alright Wolf, the rain can't delay us, we are already here."

The second voice was light, sweet and calm, the polar opposite of the first voice. Marble calmed down a bit after hearing it. He was certain it was female, and the first was male. Gathering his senses a bit, it was easy for him to find the alleyway that they came out of. Against his better judgement, especially looking for somepony called 'Wolf', he followed them.

"Is that him, Little Lamb?"

"Yes Wolf, it is."

"He is to thin to run, and won't make a good chase... He will accept us." Marble swore he felt disappointment in the voice of this 'Wolf'.

'They were looking for somepony?' he thought, suddenly gaining some common sense and feeling a little more fear. But what if they were bad? Marble had to do something. He walked forward toward the corner of the next alleyway, making sure he was a silent as possible.

"We shall give him that choice though, dear Wolf." The voice sounded like it was behind him!

He whipped around, looking down an empty alley. He stared, wide eyed for a bit before turning around, and ran straight into a giant black mass.

"AHHHH!" Marble screamed, backpedaling and falling onto his hindquarters. The thing was a large black smoke monster, with a wooden face, a large wolf-like nose and and a giant maw, one that looked large enough to eat a pony's head whole. But the most terrifying thing to Marble was the eyes. Like a terrible fire, they burned bright with a harsh light, demanding all attention from whoever looked at this monster. Marble felt he was going to burn alive him just by locking gazes.

"Another!" the Black mass said gleefully. "Maybe this one will play a game with us!"

Marble could only stare, terrified of whatever was before him. A white form on two legs stepped out from behind the monster. With a female, sleek and slender build, almost three ponies high, it looked like a small minotaur. It also had a wooden face.

"No Wolf, this one is not close to us yet." the white mini-minotaur said.

'Not close enough!?' Marble thought, 'I'm right on top of them! And that thing is not a wolf!'

Marble's mouth could only hang wide in terror, something his eyes mimicked as well. He could only make little terrified squeaks.

"But he would surely give a good chase Lamb!" the monster, 'Wolf' growled with joy and excitement.

"Not now, dear Wolf," 'Lamb' said before turning her head to terrified pony before her, "Hello, Marble." she spoke coolly. Lamb's eyes held fire, like Wolf's, but hers was more subdued, comforting in a way. Marble felt a little more relaxed just by looking into them. A little, but not much.

"H-how d-d-do you know my name?" Marble asked shocked.

"We know much, Marble-thing!" Wolf said.

"We know you, and many others, " Lamb added.

"Let's play chase and rip-to-shreds, Marble-thing" Marble tensed, too terrified to move.

"It is not yet time for games, Wolf." Lamb chastised "Marble still has much time before he needs to choose."

"Choose what?" Marble squeaked, looking back and forth between the two.

"My bow," Lamb said, holding aloft a large piece of curved wood.

"Or my teeth!" Wolf snapped his jaw a couple times for emphasis.

"Neither!" Marble said quickly.

Lamb sighed and Wolf laughed joyously, "That means my teeth!" Wolf said.

"Wait!" Marble shouted, terrified, "Then I pick the bow!"

"It will be quick and painless when you meet us again, then" Lamb said, with Wolf seeming to pout behind her. Lamb made a quick, silent and powerful jump to the rooftop four stories above, with Wolf quickly following. It was only now that Marble noticed that the black monster seemed to float, followed by a long trail of thick black smoke. They were gone as quickly as they appeared. Marble could only stare in shock and terror.

After what felt like hours, Marble finally gained his composure. Blinking slightly, and exhaling a long held breath, he shakily got to his hooves.

'What were they?' he thought, 'They are not from Equestria, at least not apart that I know.'

Marble stood in place for a few more minutes, collecting his thoughts, and the strength to move. When he finally did, he remembered something that the one called 'Wolf' said, that he was another pony. With the realization, he ran around the corner.

Lying near a dumpster was a sleeping homeless pony. They were rare in Canterlot and Equestria in general, but still existed. Cautiously, Marble approached the sleeping form as quietly as possible.

"H-hello?" he asked, "Are you awake?"

No response, Marble quickened his pace.

"Hello? Are you alright?" he said louder.

Nothing. Marble broke into a gallop, closing the distance quickly

Marble stood over the pony now, and it was clear why he did not respond.

He was dead.

And Marble's world went black.