• Published 28th Apr 2018
  • 12,047 Views, 609 Comments

Dragonball Super: Rise of The Super Alicorn God - UltraInstinctGoku

What would have happened if Lord Beerus was actually able to defeat Son Goku and destroy the Earth? What if the Super Saiyan God, just like his father Bardock, was sent to another world instead of dying a blazing death?

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Battle of Gods Saga: Son Goku vs Discord! The Return of the Super Saiyan God!

Author's Note:

Here's the next chapter. Sorry for the delay but I wrote the longest chapter so far to apologize. Hope you like it.

[Ponyville, Somewhere ]

The Mane 6, Spike and Son Goku were going to a place where the mares could summon the Draconequus known as Discord, the Personification of Chaos and Spirit of Disharmony, without any hindrance or risk of collateral damage. The odd deity was once a powerful villain who ruled over Equestria a long time ago, but his reign of terror was ended by Celestia and Luna, thanks in part to the Elements of Harmony. His brief return from imprisonment was nearly successful, had he not been thwarted by the Mane 6, who used the Elements of Harmony like their predecessors.

After some consultation and heavy discussion, he was decided to be released from his stone prison, in hopes of him learning the values of friendship. The kind-hearted pegasus, Fluttershy, volunteered to teach him the importance of making and having friends, and it was effective enough that the former ruler of Equestria eventually gave up his evil ways. However, even though he turned good, the Element of Kindness was the only one who really interacted with him, while the others were somewhat reluctant about it.

On the other hand, Goku had not yet expressed an opinion about him. The mares and the drake told him what the Draconequus had done before his 'redemption', but those things weren't that bad for the Saiyan-turned-Pony. He fought villains who killed those who didn't want to obey their orders like the Red Ribbon Army and Frieza, villains who killed just because they could do it like King Piccolo and his minions, and villains who just wanted to destroy everything like Evil Majin Buu. So, if the worst this Discord had done so far was just to let chocolate milk rain, turn houses upside down, and make sure that day and night lasted only 5 minutes long, he wasn't that bad after all.

The things he did sound like something a mischievous child would do, rather than a deity bent on spreading chaos,” Goku thought.

The mares also told him that Discord cast a spell on them that was able to turn them into the complete opposites of themselves, in order to make the Elements of Harmony totally useless and make sure that anypony couldn’t stop him. This was also the major reason why most of the Mane 6 held an unspoken grudge against the God of Chaos, even though he changed... a bit. That spell could have broken their friendship forever.

Goku was astonished: that basically meant that this guy could turn even the most honest person, or pony, into a liar, the bravest into a coward, the kindest into a jerk, and more! He started to understand why, at first, they decided to petrify him for eternity. This also reminded him of the time he fought a demon-like creature who used a technique, similar to Discord’s spell, against him but it had no effect. Anyways, these statements just fueled the flame of his will to fight against this God.

The group finally arrived at the Townsquare. The Mane 6 gathered in a circle and started to summon the Draconequus using the Elements of Harmony. Goku sensed that their power was skyrocketing and smiled at this. The girls were just summoning the God of Chaos, but the power they were using could match Goten's in his Super Saiyan form. Surely these Elements were very powerful if they allowed somebo... somepony to stand up to a god who could bend reality at will.

Rainbows started to appear and connect the Elements as the mares began to levitate. When the Rainbows reached Twilight's crown, a rainbow vortex appeared and faded away a few seconds later, revealing Discord taking a shower.

"Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up..." he was singing but stopped instantly when he noticed he was in Ponyville, surrounded by his new friends. "Oh, Ahahah," he laughed because of the situation as he wore a towel and said, "Listen, Twilight, Princess Celestia made it clear you have to provide a warning before summoning me with that little spell she gave you." The mares were staring at him with angry eyes as he continued, "If you hadn't noticed it yet, I was in the middle of a particularly invigorating shower."

"So this is Discord," thought Goku as he was looking at him, "There's no doubt he's strong, but what exactly is he? It looks like he’s composed of parts from different animals... That reminds me of Cell in a way."

"E-nough!" Twilight exclaimed with an angry tone as she pushed the Draconequus back, and added while she was forcing him to back off, "Free Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and stop the invasion of the Everfree Forest!"

Suddenly, a vine wrapped Twilight's body and transformed into Discord, who said, "Sorry dear, but what in Tartarus are you talking about?"

"Don't you play dumb with us, Discord," said Applejack approaching them and added while pointing the Draconequus, "We know you're the one behind all of this."

Discord just disappeared and appeared on the roof of a house with a camera, and started taking pictures, "Oh don't get me wrong: I absolutely love the new changes applied to the panorama!" Then he teleported right next to Fluttershy and added, "However, I cannot claim them as my own: I'm reformed, don't you remember?"

Rainbow Dash flew to him and said sarcastically, "Yeah, right," and added, "All of this has got your deformed hoofprints all over it!"

"I remind you that I have just ONE deformed hoof," he answered as his leg separated from his body and 'weakly' kicked the pegasus's flank. He then teleported in the middle of the group and started to walk for a couple of feet as he said in a 'sad' tone, "Such accusations... And here I thought we were friends!"

"Stop your farce, buster!" said surprisingly Pinkie Pie as she was staring at the Draconequus and added, "We're onto you!"

"Ladies, Ladies, I'm innocent! Could I ever lie to you?"

"YES!" answered the Mane 5.

"Um... Maybe?" said Fluttershy, who wasn't sure of what to answer.

Discord just sighed and said, "Well then, it looks like we've reached an impasse: I'm telling the truth, but you don't believe me." He then approached Twilight and added, "What could good friends like us do in a situation like this, Princess Twilight? By the way, congrats on your promotion: you totally deserved it."

"Wait a moment, girls." suddenly said Goku, attracting attention, "If he's changed and you're his friends, why don't you believe him? I don't think he's lying."

"Believe him? Hah! You heard the bad things he did, right?" asked Rainbow Dash and added motioning the sky and the invading vines, "Besides, who else but him can do this?"

"I don't know, but what he did in the past shouldn't be a reason to blame him for what's happening right now,” he answered and added, "I think you owe him the benefit of the doubt."

Fluttershy nodded and said with a smile, "I agree with you, Goku."

The Mane 5 and Spike were speechless because of this statement. The deity happily approached and hugged both the white alicorn and the yellow pegasus, and said, "Finally! Somepony who's on my side!" but he then added, letting them go, "By the way, who are you? I don't think I’ve ever seen an alicorn stallion before-" he was interrupted by another Discord wearing a postman's uniform.

"You forgot this," he said as he snapped his fingers and a script appeared in his claw. The first one took the text as he was wearing reading glasses, that appeared from nowhere, and started to read. Then he said as the script and the glasses disappeared, "Oh right, this is a Dragon Ball Super - My Little Pony crossover!"

Goku just rubbed the back of his head in confusion, "Huh, what?"

"We forgot to tell you that he's like Pinkie Pie: always talking nonsense," said Rainbow Dash.

"Hey!" protested the pink pony.

"Anyways," started Discord as the second one disappeared, "You must be Son Goku."

"Yeah, but.. how do you know that?" he asked with a very surprised tone.

"I know many things, my friend. For example, I know that you're a long way from home."

"Well... Yes and no." said Goku, taking Discord aback, "My home has been destroyed and Princess Celestia offered me to stay here."

"Oh, I get it: Equestria is your new home now.," he said the deity and added, "Well, it will be a delight to have you around here, especially if you're something out of the box like an alicorn stallion from another world!" Then the god realized something and said, giving Goku his business card, "Oh I'm sorry, I should have introduced myself, even though I think the fillies over there already told you about me: I'm Discord, the God of Chaos and Spirit of Disharmony, at your service."

"Yeah, I know that," he answered with a smile, "But I have a question, Lord Discord."

"'Lord Discord'? Ehehe, I think I could get used to this. What's your question?"

"What exactly are you?"

"I'm a Draconequus, a being with a ponyesque head and the rest of the body composed of parts from other animals."

"I see. Ehehe, you know? You remind me an enemy I fought long ago, in a way." he said and added, "He was composed of different beings as well."

"Hmm, but I bet he wasn't even close to my beauty and might," answered Discord. All the mares but Fluttershy rolled their eyes at this.

"By the way, I have a request to make."

"Which one?"

"Would you like to spar with me?" asked Goku with an excited expression. Discord eyes wide opened at this. Spar? Did he want to fight against him? Why? It's not like he was afraid or anything but he couldn't find the reason for this request. The mares and the dragon were confused as well. They already told Goku that Discord was in a different league. So, why did he want to fight him?

"Why would you ask for something like that?" asked Rarity.

"Discord is too powerful for anypony," stated Spike.

"That's why we've got the Elements, partner." continued Applejack

"Yeah, let us deal with him," said Rainbow Dash.

"You could get hurt," said Fluttershy with a worried tone

"Besides, we still have to find the Princesses!" exclaimed Twilight.

"Oh come on, girls" started Pinkie, "Goku already dealt with a God: he'll be fine." That was true: Goku told them he had fought a deity before coming to Equestria and the orange Earth Pony confirmed he was telling the truth, yet it was still hard to believe. He could just hurt himself trying to hit Discord, and the fact he had already lost against a divine being worried the other 5 mares even more.

"Yes, Pinkie," started the lavender alicorn, "But he was defeated, and I'm pretty sure you remember in what condition we found him yesterday."

"Oh... right."

"Don't worry girls, Saiyans become stronger after being healed from grave wounds. Besides, it won't take too long," reassured Goku. That's a piece of new information about his race Twilight wanted to note somewhere, but she hadn't a quill pen nor a scroll right now. That also reminded her that the rest of her friends didn't know about Goku's true appearance and background. Before the white alicorn explained to her when they were having dinner yesterday, they all thought Goku was an alien pony, and the term 'Super Saiyan God' was the name of his transformation.

The rest of the Elements just looked at each other, wondering if it was a good idea to let this happen. Goku looked at Discord and said, "So... do you accept, Lord Discord?"

"Why do you want to fight me, Son Goku?"

"They said that you're really strong and I want to see it on my own."

"Oh, you want to test me," guessed Discord as other Discords were testing his reflexes, heartbeat and blood pressure.


"Well, I'm sure Twilight and the others already told you that not even Princess Celestia and Princess Luna combined can keep up with me,'' the other Discords disappeared as he continued, "So, what makes you think that you'll do any better than the mightiest ponies in the universe?"

"You'll see," Goku simply said with an overconfident smile.

After some contemplation after witnessing Goku’s facial expression, he finally relented, "Very well then." Discord snapped his claws, and a giant ring magically appeared beneath them. The white stallion was staring at his opponent, while the latter was wearing boxing gloves. The Mane 6 and Spike just looked at each other in worry before sitting on the benches near the fighting stage in order to see the battle. Fluttershy was the most reluctant about this since she was the one who most hated violence of any kind. She just wanted to make sure that nopony gets hurt and for the fight to end sooner than later.

Goku got into his trademark fighting stance but, due to his new body, his stance was a little bit uncomfortable for him. He couldn't focus on that at the moment, though. Discord got into a boxer stance as another one appeared in the middle of the fighting stage wearing a referee uniform.

"Ladies and Dragon, it's about to start the fight of the century between Son Goku, a Saiyan-turned-Pony raised on Earth," started the referee as 5 clones of the Draconequus were booing the Saiyan from the other side of the ring, "And Discord, God of Chaos and Spirit of Disharmony," he ended as the clones acclaimed him like fans in a stadium.

"What d'ya mean with 'Saiyan-turned-Pony'?" asked Applejack.

"Exactly that, Applejack," Twilight replied, "Goku hasn't always been a pony: I think he transformed into one when he arrived here in Equestria."

"Whatever!" Rainbow exclaimed, "Do you want this fight to begin or not?!"

"Sure," the referee said, "Just wait a moment, please. I have to explain the rules."

"Rules?" the white stallion asked in confusion.

"Yes. First off, the first fighter who falls from the stage loses. Second, the fight will be time-limited." The Discord referee clone snapped his claws and an hourglass materialized. "When the last grain of sand reaches the lower part of this hourglass, the fight will end."

"How long will it last?"

"Given that Equestria is in danger, the fight will not last more than 5 minutes."

"5 minutes is more than enough for me."

"Good. The fight starts... now," the referee said as he turned the hourglass and teleported out of the stage.

Son Goku and Discord stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity, then the two fighters finally attacked. They clashed in the middle of the stage, and started attacking with a barrage of kicks and punches. Goku got the upper hand by throwing Discord in the air with a kick on his chin, then he flew at the speed of sound, overtaking the deity, and hit him using both of his forehooves like a hammer, throwing the Draconequus to the ground.

However, the God of Chaos landed on his hind legs and dodged an incoming punch of Goku, then he counterattacked by hitting him right on the muzzle with a punch and threw him in the air with a kick. Goku quickly stopped in midair and shot 2 Ki blasts against his opponent, who just materialized a tennis racket and deflected them with ease. Though, that was a distraction. The white alicorn landed a punch on Discord's stomach, then moved behind him and elbowed his back throwing him to the other side of the stage.

Goku wasn’t finished yet. He teleported to the opposite side of the ring and threw a kick on Discord's midsection, sending him in the air, then he teleported again and intercepted his opponent's flight by sending him to the ground with a roundhouse kick. However, the Spirit of Disharmony landed once again on his hind legs as Goku landed on the stage.

The mares and Spike were astonished by Goku's performance, especially Rainbow Dash: only a handful of Pegasi could match his speed, not to mention his awesome moves! "That was cool!" she exclaimed with an excited tone.

"He's very fast! I think you've met ya match, Rainbow," commented Applejack.

The Element of Loyalty's eyes opened wide at this and said, "Hey! I'm sure I can beat him in a race!"

"I'm more impressed by the fact he's giving Discord a run for his money, all the while doing so without the aid of the Elements," stated Twilight.

"Yeah!" yelled Rarity, "Come on, Goku! Teach that ruffian a lesson and show him who's the-" she suddenly stopped when she noticed everypony looking at her. "What? I'm just cheering for him."

Meanwhile, Goku was staring at Discord and said, "Stop holding back, Discord, show me your true power!" After those words were spoken, Goku cupped his forehooves as a blue orb of energy appeared between them and started to chant, "KA-ME-HA-ME-" Discord teleported right in front of him, and was able to abort the white alicorn's blast right before it was fully unleashed. Then, he teleported behind him and kicked his back, sending the black-maned stallion where the deity was before. Goku quickly got himself under control and landed on his hooves.

"You first must show me the power to which it's worth bothering," replied the Draconequus.

Goku flew towards him and Discord did the same. Their fists clashed in the center of the fighting stage. They flew back 2 meters and attacked again with the same result. Goku threw a kick that was intercepted by the deity's, and the latter counterattacked by throwing a kick to Goku, who intercepted it in the same way. Both fighters teleported back to their previous position and attacked once again, but this time, the Spirit of Disharmony got the upper hand by landing a kick on the stallion's belly, sending him to the edge of the stage. The god teleported there and intercepted his opponent's flight by throwing him a punch to his back.

Goku stopped in midair and counterattacked with a Ki blast. Discord just materialized a glass that absorbed the Ki orb and proceeded to literally drink the glass of Ki. He later threw away the content that exploded somewhere else. The black-maned alicorn teleported right behind him and punched his back, sending the Draconequus to the opposite side of the stage. He teleported again in order to throw him another punch.

"Gotcha!" exclaimed Goku as he threw the punch. However, Discord dodged the oncoming threat, appeared on his opponent's head and danced on it, then he teleported 5 meters away with a helmet on his head.

"I don't think so!" replied the Spirit of Chaos as his wings started to flap at very high speeds. Discord then hit Goku 3 times from different directions at the speed of sound and landed 3 meters from him. "Bring it on!"

Goku was very excited. The girls and Spike weren't kidding when they said this guy was strong, but he was holding back and if the male alicorn wanted to know how strong his opponent was, he had to try harder. "Try this!" exclaimed the stallion as he charged Discord and the latter did the same. The two clashed in the middle of the ring and started to throw a barrage of kicks and punches at each other but each one of their strikes was dodged or blocked by the other.

They were moving so fast that they were appearing and disappearing in different parts of the fighting stage as they keep sending a barrage of strikes at each other. Goku threw a punch towards Discord but he dodged it and they both disappeared again, then the fighters appeared in midair, 2 meters away from each other. The god tried to land a punch on the alicorn, but the latter was able to dodge it by moving to a higher position and hit him using both his forehooves like a hammer, sending the Draconequus back to the stage.

Discord cast a spell on the Ring, making it elastic. He bounced off it, heading towards Goku, and threw a kick on his chin, then he landed on the stage. Goku landed on it as well.

"Wow..." said the Mane 6 and Spike all together in amazement. Fluttershy started to think, “Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought. Seems like nopony is getting hurt so far, and both Goku and Discord are actually enjoying this. Their little fight reminds me of baby tigers when they play together, in a way.

The Saiyan-turned-Pony was getting used to his new body in combat, and now he could move to the next level. "HAAAA!" yelled Goku as his body was engulfed by a white aura.

"Oh, looks like you increased your power," commented the Spirit of Disharmony. The black-maned stallion charged him so fast he caught the deity off guard. "What?!" he said, right before being hit on the belly by his opponent's punch. Goku threw Discord to the opposite side of the ring by elbowing him on his back. He wasn’t done just yet. The Saiyan raised on Earth teleported to the other side of the stage and interrupted the deity's flight by landing a kick on his stomach, then he started to overwhelm him with a barrage of kicks and punches. However, the Draconequus was able to teleport 3 meters away from his opponent to catch some breath.

"Sorry, but warming up is over," said Goku with an overconfident smile.

"Warming up?!?" said the Elements' bearers and Spike all together. So, all that fighting wasn’t done seriously, right up until this point?

"Well, I just wanted to get used to my new body during a battle before using my true strength," Goku explained as he was rubbing the back of his head with a smile.

"Your true strength?" interrupted Discord, drawing Goku's attention, "If this is all you got, you're way weaker than Princess Cadence. She is the weakest princess IF we don't count Twilight."

"There's another princess?" asked Goku in amazement, "How many princesses does this kingdom have?"

"Four," simply said the God of Chaos right before hit him 6 times from different directions, at supersonic speed. He hit him once more time with a kick on his belly, making Goku spit saliva and sending him to the other side of the stage. The alicorn was lying on the ring but quickly stood up.

"That was a cheap shot!" protested Goku.

"You let your guard down, don't blame me for your mistakes," answered Discord as he ate some popcorn.

"Goku, maybe you should give up," said Twilight, "Discord is not even trying!"

"Sorry, Twilight, but giving up is not my style!" replied the male alicorn as he transformed into a Super Saiyan with a burst of aura that scared Fluttershy, who hid behind Rainbow. The Mane 6 and Spike saw once again the transformation that shook Canterlot's Royal Castle and, even though they weren't able to sense Ki energy, felt the pressure of their friend's power.

"Interesting… " commented Discord, "Your power is 50 times higher than before."

"What?! 50 times?!" exclaimed the lavender mare.

"This is the Super Saiyan form," said Goku before rushing against the God of Chaos at incredible speed and hit him with a powerful punch on the midsection and a kick on his chin that sent the deity into the air. Then, the stallion changed the Draconequus's flight direction with a kick and overwhelmed him with a barrage of kicks and punches while he was still soaring through the sky. Finally, he slammed Discord onto the fighting stage, hitting him with both his forehooves and landed.

The mares and the drake couldn't believe it. The 'almighty' Discord, the one who once ruled over Equestria, was stronger than Princess Celestia herself and nearly destroyed their friendship, had been overpowered by somepony without the Elements of Harmony!

"Oh yeah!" suddenly exclaimed the Element of Loyalty, "Way to go, Goku!"

"Yeah!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie as well in a happy way, "Teach that meanie a lesson he'll never forget!"

“Go get em, partner!” Applejack joined in.

“Make him pay!” Rarity spoke up.

Rarity and Applejack were as excited as Rainbow because Discord finally got what he deserved. Twilight was trying to figure out how Goku could be that powerful.

It can’t be magic because I’m not sensing any being emitted from him. Perhaps it could be… No, that couldn’t make sense!” Twilight thought internally.

Spike was left speechless from what he was witnessing and Fluttershy was feeling sorry for the Spirit of Disharmony.

“I hope he doesn’t get badly hurt… ” she said in a voice just above a whisper.

Suddenly, a giant spatula magically appeared above the deity, it scraped him from the ring's floor and magically disappeared as the Draconequus inflated himself in order to restore his three-dimensional shape. He stood up as he was massaging his head and said, "Good shot... I see you're starting to bring out the big guns."

"Don't you think it's time to show me all your power?"

Discord took this as a challenge and said, "Okay then, playtime is over." After those words were spoken, his red pupils started to shine as his body suffered muscular hypertrophy and his shape was shining green. Then, he wore black sunglasses and a black t-shirt with the inscription 'I love Chaos' and a picture of the nonexistent 'Elements of Disharmony' on it.

The Mane 6 and Spike's eyes opened wide at this as the Spirit of Disharmony was staring at Goku, who just smirked and got into his fighting stance. The stallion didn't know why his opponent wore those clothes and sunglasses, but he was more focused on his increasing power. "Amazing, Discord! I didn't know you had all this power. Is this your strongest form?"

"Yes, it is. Now, you'll feel the power of the Lord of Chaos!" answered Discord and, in the blink of an eye, he landed a kick on his opponent's stomach and overwhelmed him with a barrage of punches. Then, he sent Goku in the air with a roundhouse kick. He wasn’t finished yet: he created 4 small dimensional portals around him and punched 3 of them and kicked the last one. Meanwhile, the black-maned alicorn was still soaring the sky, when 4 dimensional portals appeared around him. Three punches and a kick landed on the Saiyan, all of them coming out from the portals.

The Draconequus teleported above him and hit him with a stretched punch, sending him to stage. Goku was able to land on his hooves, cracking the ring beneath, but the god appeared in front of him almost at the same time. "What?!" he exclaimed, and tried to land a punch on him, but the opponent teleported behind him and elbowed his back. Discord did not even let Goku fly because he quickly teleported in front of him and punched his belly, making him spit saliva, and threw him to the opposite side of the stage with a chaos magic blast.

The deity teleported to the stallion's destination in order to punch him again, but the latter was able to react and his punch landed on Discord's, producing a small shockwave. However, the chimera-like creature was able to land a kick on Goku's belly and hit him again with another one landing on his chin. The alicorn stallion counterattacked with a kick that was dodged by his opponent, who teleported behind him and elbowed his back.

Son Goku unleashed his Super Saiyan aura in order to send Discord away and rushed him. He tried to overwhelm his opponent sending a barrage of kicks and punches, but the deity dodged every attack with ease. Then, they both teleported on the ring, 4 meters away from each other.

The mares and the drake had worried looks after witnessing Discord overpowering Goku and the latter not being able to effectively counterattack. "That's enough, Goku," said Twilight, trying to keep her friend from getting hurt… again, "You already proved to be a very powerful pony, plus you saw Discord's full power. Now just give up before you get hurt again!"

The rest of the group agreed with her and the God of Chaos said, "You know? You should listen to her. Only the Elements of Harmony can take me down. It's simply ridiculous that somepony could ever defeat me without them, even if that somepony is an alien."

The white stallion looked at Twilight's eyes and, for some reason, they were similar to Chi-Chi's when he was ill due to heart disease. That meant that she was really worried as well as the rest of his new friends. He just smiled and reassured, "Don't worry guys, I haven't reached my full power yet."

"What??" they all said, including Discord.

"If you're talking about your Super Saiyan God transformation, didn't you say that it has 'expired'?" asked Spike.

"I'm not talking about that. You'll see what I mean."

"You still want to defeat me? Well, I won't stop you from trying." commented Discord with a cocky smile.

"Let's see how you deal with this," thought Goku, who started to clone himself and surround his opponent.

"What?!" exclaimed Discord. Now there were 10 Gokus around him.

"He cloned himself??!" asked an amazed Rainbow Dash. The rest of the mares and Spike were amazed as well and were wondering how in Equestria he did that. This also reminded Pinkie of the time she cloned herself.

Discord shot a chaos magic blast against one of the opponents, but the attack kept its path as Goku's clone just vanished. The Draconequus was taken aback by this and lowered his guard just to be hit by Goku on the back with a kick. When the deity turned to see who attacked him, he only saw the rest of the clones. He attacked one of them the same way as before, but the clone just vanished like the others. Then, he was hit again by Goku, who landed 2 punches on him.

Twilight was analyzing the situation. Clones didn't vanish if touched by something or somepony. So, they were not clones but something else. She was carefully paying attention to the 'clones' as the God of Chaos was trying to figure out who was the true Goku by destroying them one by one. It was like they were remaining images instead of real clones... that's right! He was moving so fast, he left behind his own image! "But that's impossible!" she said, "No pony can move that fast! Not even Rainbow Dash!"

"You know what's going on, Twilight?" asked her number one assistant.

"Yes, those are afterimages instead of clones."

"'Afterimages'?" asked Spike as he raised an eyebrow.

"It's like an optical illusion, Spike. He's moving so fast, he lets a remaining image of himself behind."

"So... he's faster than Rainbow Dash?" asked in an amazed tone.

"Not a chance!" exclaimed the rainbow-maned pegasus hearing the conversation.

Meanwhile, Discord snapped his claws and 5 giant hammers appeared above Goku's afterimages and crushed them all. Suddenly, the Spirit of Disharmony was hit by Goku on the stomach, making him spit saliva and producing a small shockwave that forced the mares and Spike to cover their faces. Then, the white alicorn sent a barrage of kicks and punches to his opponent and a Ki blast that pushed the god back.

The chimera-like creature stopped his flight and deflected the Ki orb that was pushing him back. He teleported right in front of Goku, who crossed his forelegs to defend himself. The god hit Goku with a kick in order to break his guard, then he hit him with an uppercut that sent the stallion in the air. The black-maned alicorn stopped his flight but above him, there was a giant hammer that slammed him onto the fighting stage, creating a small crater.

"Goku!" yelled the Mane 6 and Spike in a worried tone.

"That was almost too easy," said Discord with a smile and the conviction that he had already won as he landed on the stage. Suddenly, his overconfident expression vanished as the stage began to tremble and a yellow dome of energy generated where Goku crashed. A few seconds later, the tremor stopped and the cupola faded, revealing the white alicorn with a different look.

His spiked mane almost reached his flank and took on a darker and more yellow shade of gold compared to his previous form, the feathers of his wings were yellow as well, and his body was engulfed in a yellow aura that was generating bio-electricity. Goku went Super Saiyan 3.

Everypony was amazed by this, especially Rarity. She was impressed mainly by Goku's ability to change the color of his mane, feathers, irises, and tail and also his mane style, even though she wasn't really a fan of the 'spiked mane' style. New ideas for new clothes stormed in her head as she was looking at the stallion carefully.

Meanwhile, Discord was sensing a large amount of energy emitted by his opponent, and it was still increasing. He was a little frightened, but he would have never admitted it, especially after his 'almost invincible' speech. He saw the hourglass floating behind his referee-clone, who was behind the Mane 6, and saw that there was just a minute left. If he wanted to win this fight and remain 'undefeated', he had to throw Goku off the stage as fast as he could.

"So, this is your true power," said the Draconequus, "I'll admit it: I'm impressed."

"If I have to tell you the truth, I didn't really want to use this form," replied Goku and added with a smile, "However, when I fight strong opponents, I get excited and my will to win the battle becomes stronger and stronger. "

"Well, what if we resume the fight and figure out who's the best here."

"Let's finish this then."

Before Discord could even react, Goku landed a punch on his cheek but the deity retaliated immediately. The white stallion threw a punch and the God of Chaos did the same, making them collide and generating a powerful shock wave. Luckily Twilight erected a magic dome-shield in order to protect her friends from the stormy winds caused by the clash of the 2 fighting beings. Meanwhile, the fighters engaged a hypersonic battle.

Discord and Goku were so fast that almost everypony saw colored trails clashing in the air. Rainbow Dash was the only one who could somewhat follow the combat, but it was very difficult. Meanwhile, several powerful shock waves generated from each and every clash of the two battling opponents, clearing the sky from the dark-spined clouds. Their fists clashed again, generating a shock wave that drove them back.

Goku stopped in midair and cupped his hooves, "KA...ME...HA...ME..."

Discord summoned a giant Bazooka that started to charge a powerful energy attack.

"HAAAAAA!!!" yelled the alicorn as he unleashed the signature attack of the Turtle School. The Spirit of DIsharmony unleashed his energy attack as well and both collided, starting a beam struggle. Hurricane-like winds stormed all over Ponyville as both attacks were struggling to get the upper hand over the other.

"They're going to destroy the town if they keep fighting like that!" exclaimed Twilight as she and the others were seeing the beam struggle with worried and scared looks. The ground began to tremble because of the intensity of the attacks. Fluttershy just hugged Rainbow in fear and Spike was praying Faust for letting him and the others survive.

Meanwhile, the Kamehameha and Discord's attack had the same power level: none of them could overpower the other. So, in order to put an end to this struggle, Discord summoned another giant Bazooka that shot another energy attack that merged with the ongoing one, doubling the size of it. His attack began to overpower his opponent's.

Son Goku tried to resist, but his efforts were useless: his blue energy wave was losing the struggle as he felt an unbearable limit in his current power. The Spirit of Disharmony's attack was about to reach the stallion's hooves when suddenly his super beam of energy started to be repelled by the alicorn's Kamehameha.

"What?!" exclaimed the Draconequus. How was it possible? He was about to defeat his opponent and now, somehow, he was repelling his attack!

Goku felt like a wildfire was burning within him. Suddenly, the limit he felt before was fading as his sea-green irises turned red. A scarlet aura that resembled a raging fire began to engulf his body, while the turtle wave was overpowering Discord's attack. When the Draconequus was hit hard by the Kamehameha, a strong red light radiated from Goku.

Meanwhile, on the ground, the tremor and the wild winds stopped, and the Elements of Harmony bearers and Twilight's number one assistant calmed down a bit as the lavender mare's magic shield vanished. "Horse Apples!" exclaimed Applejack, "I thought that-" she was interrupted by a dazzling red light in the sky and asked as she covered her eyes, "What's going on??"

The light grew dim, revealing Son Goku with a different look: his mane was red and his mane style returned to normal, his eyebrows, irises, tail, and feathers were red as well. He also looked a bit younger than before. The black-maned alicorn became the Super Saiyan God again.

"Woah!" was the only word pronounced by the mares and the little dragon, when they saw their friend. Meanwhile, the Lord of Chaos returned to his normal state due to the damages suffered by the Ki wave, and was out of breath. He wasn't badly wounded but did have scratch marks and wounds all over his body. He couldn't stand his transformation anymore since he wasn't used to going full power for a long time. The last time he used his full strength was during the first (and only) battle against the Royal Sisters more than 1000 years ago, but he was the one who would rather want to outsmart his foes instead of overpowering them.

However, those weren't the only reasons why he powered down. He used a lot of magic trying to defeat Goku in that struggle and this contributed a lot to depleting his power. He had been outmatched by somepony who did not use the Elements of Harmony and that had been able to hurt his virtually invulnerable body. It was the second time that it happened. Now, he was sensing a godly power coming from his opponent and he knew that, even if he had been able to avoid being gravely wounded by that attack, he wouldn't be able to beat him anymore.

"That's enough," said Goku with a smile.

"Huh?" said Discord in confusion.

Goku landed and the Draconequus did the same. Then, Goku approached him and said with a smile, "You're really strong Discord. Twilight and the others weren't kidding at all."

Before Discord could reply, Rainbow Dash flew to the two fighters as the others followed her, and said in a very excited tone, "That was so cool! It was the most awesome fight I ever saw!"

"Ehehe," laughed Goku because of the compliment.

"But we were almost swept away by the shock waves generated by your battle," said Twilight with an upset look.

"Eheheh, sorry about that," he apologized as he rubbed the back of his head.

"However, you WERE really amazing," complimented the lavender mare.

"It was so fun!" exclaimed Pinkie as she started to jump everywhere, "Feeling the ground tremble, the stormy winds and the lights in the sky. It was just like a Luna park!"

"I still can't believe what ya did," said Applejack with an impressed tone, "If somepony would have told me that there was a pony that could stand a chance against Discord without the Elements of Harmony, I would have thought a barrel of cider hit his head or something. But after what I saw, I can say that anything is possible."

"You were quite impressive, Darling," said Rarity and added, "Especially because you changed mane style and colors during your little... contest. I don't really like the mane styles you showed, buuut I love the choice of colors, especially this magenta red, it makes you look younger in some way."

"Red?" asked Goku in confusion.

"Yeah," said Spike, "Your mane, your feathers, your tail, and even your eyes are red."

Pinkie popped out of nowhere and grabbed a hoof mirror that was, somehow, in her mane and gave it to Goku, who looked in it. "I turned into the Super Saiyan God again??" he asked in a surprised tone but then he remembered something.

[Above Earth, Yesterday]

"It seems like your body learned from the experience of being a deity" explained Lord Beerus, "So when you dropped to the first level of the Super Saiyan, your strength didn't all too much, allowing you to still keep up with me. Soon you'll find out that that scarlet blaze still burns within you if you survive this of course."

"So this is what he meant."

"Can you tell us how many transformations you got?" asked Discord.

"Four, if I count this one. The one you saw before was the Super Saiyan 3."

"Why did you stop the fight? You could have won."

"Because I just wanted to see how strong you are and if I'm able to beat you. You depleted your energy reserves so the fight was already over. I'm not that kind of pers.. ehm.. pony who would humiliate his opponents."

Discord was about to say something when Fluttershy spoke, "Oh my, you're alright, Discord?" she asked in a worried tone as she noticed his wounds.

"I’m fine dear, these are just a few scratches: nothing that a spell can't fix," he reassured, then he snapped his claws to cast a healing spell over himself. "See? Good as new."

"Speaking of wounds," said Spike who was talking to Goku, "You're healing."

"What?" asked the stallion as he turned his head to see his wounded wing and hind leg. His bandages had been destroyed during the battle so the injuries were visible, and everypony could see a blazing power heal them all completely.

"Wow. So this is the power of the Super Saiyan God?" asked the young drake.

"Well, yeah, I think... this is something new, even for me."

"Oooh, why didn't I bring some scrolls and a quill pen!?" cursed herself Twilight.

"Why do you need those things?" asked Goku in confusion.

The lavender mare just sighed and said, "Nevermind, I'll tell you later. Now, we must focus on stopping the invasion of the Everfree Forest and finding the princesses!" Then she looked at the Draconequus and said, "If you're not the one responsible, then help us figure out who is."

"I suppose I could," he replied, "But after all the hoof pointing and besmirching my good name, I just don't know if I'm up to do it." He grabbed a dark-spined root that was wrapping a house and started to weave with it as he said, "Besides, I'm pretty tired because of the battle."

"Grrr!" grunted Twilight.

"Come on, Discord," intervened Goku, "Don't be like that."

"Alright, fine. I think I can at least put you on the right track. But I'm doing it all for you and Fluttershy, the only ponies that believed to me." The Draconequus wove a signage arrow that indicated to go down the street and said with his usual smile, "Why don't you ask your zebra friend if she knows anything?"

The group saw a zebra carrying a cart and a sack full of many things, coming out from the forest. Almost anypony recognized her. "Zecora!" happily exclaimed Twilight.

The wise and mysterious Zecora, a zebra from a distant land, who once was avoided by the Ponyville's inhabitants because of silly stories about her. She was known to have the answer for almost any kind of problem: if there was a pony, or zebra in this case, who could know how to stop the Everfree from invading, it was her.

The Mane 6 went to help her as Goku asked Spike, "Hey, Spike, who's she?"

"She's Zecora" answered the purple dragon, "She lives in the Everfree Forest. She knows a lot of things about plants, potions, diseases and so on. Hey, maybe she knows why the forest has gone crazy."

"Well, there's only one way to find out," said the stallion as he returned to his base form and started walking. Spike followed him.

Meanwhile, the mares helped their Zebra friend by taking away the stuff she was carrying in order to let her catch her breath. Once the zebra was set free from her belongings, she said, "From my home, I've had to flee: the forest has grown too wild even for me."

"Any idea why all of this is happening?" asked Applejack as a dark-spined vine stole her stetson.

"I'm afraid I have no explanation," she answered and added, as she was looking for something in her cart, "But I may have something that if combined with a conjuration..." A few seconds later she finally found what she was looking for as Goku and Spike joined the group. The object was a conical flask made of glass and gold with a purple liquid in it. Zecora took it and placed it on the ground, right in front of Twilight, and said, "I do not dare to use it myself: the result would be tragic. It only responds to alicorn magic."

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you," whispered Spike to Goku, "She always talks in rhyme."

"Princess Twilight," continued the zebra, "And...". She was looking at the stallion, now.

"Oh, I'm Son Goku, but you can just call me 'Goku'."

"I'm Zecora, it's a pleasure to meet you as well. Maybe you can help Twilight with this little spell."

"What spell?"

"You have to turn the potion from purple to white. After a sip, you may see why the sky is day and night."

"Well, I'm quite the beginner regarding magic, so it's better if Twilight does it."

Twilight nodded in response and started channeling dark magic into her horn. Goku instantly sensed evil energy coming from Twilight and began to wonder what was going on. He saw her struggling as her horn glowed purple and green. The energy was almost identical to Babidi's. What kind of spell she was about to cast? And, more importantly, why was a dark one required?

Twilight finally cast a dark spell on the conical flask, turning the liquid from purple to white. The rest of the mares looked in awe the effect of the conjuration as the lavender alicorn levitated the flask. "So, we have to drink it now?" asked the black-maned alicorn and Zecora nodded in response. His grandfather once told him to avoid drink weird beverages but, for some reason, he trusted the zebra. Besides, she was a friend of the girls and Twilight would have drunk that thing too.

The lavender princess took a sip of the potion before giving it to Goku, who took a sip of it as well. A few seconds passed but it didn't seem to be working. "When is something supposed to happen?" asked the Saiyan raised on Earth, but right then, his and Twilight's eyes glowed white.

[Unknown Castle]

Twilight and Son Goku found themselves in what seemed to be a throne room that was lighted by 2 torches. There was a large red carpet with the golden symbols of the sun and the moon in the middle and, behind them, were 2 thrones. The first one, on the left, was night blue and the second one, on the right, was golden yellow. There were two royal banners, one night blue, and the other one golden yellow, hanging above the thrones.

The Element of Magic was looking around the room trying to figure out where they were. "Where are we?" she asked.

"I was about to ask the same thing," replied Goku.

"Not. Another. Step." suddenly said a voice. The 2 alicorns turned around and saw a dark blue mare coming out from behind the night blue throne. She was bigger than any of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony but smaller than Celestia, her wavy mane and tail were star-studded night blue, she was wearing a black necklace with a waxing moon on it and a black crown. Her Cutie Mark was a waning moon in a black sky. She was the Goddess of the Moon and Princess of the Night, Selena, better known as 'Luna' and she looked pretty upset.

"Princess Luna!" exclaimed Twilight, who instantly recognized the alicorn, as she approached her.

"So, this is Celestia's little sister," thought Goku, "She looks strong but... Why can't I sense her Ki?" When he met the Sun Goddess, he sensed a very strong energy within her, so why couldn't he do the same with her sister? Was she a Goddess just like Lord Beerus and Discord? Even If that was the case, he still would have been able to sense her Ki. It was like she wasn't there but his eyes weren't lying. What was exactly going on?

Meanwhile, Twilight was asking for explanations to the night mare, "I don't understand, Where are we? Why did you and Celestia disappear?"

The younger of the Royal Sisters was apparently staring at the lavender alicorn when she said, "Did you really expect me to sit idly by while they all basked in your 'precious' light?"

"'Precious light'?" asked Twilight in confusion as Goku approached her.

"Is she always like this, Twilight?" he asked.

"What? No, she is-" she couldn't finish the sentence because Luna proceeded with her speech.

"There can only be ONE princess in Equestria! And that princess... will be ME!" she stated as she destroyed part of the throne room by slamming her hooves against the floor. The force of the blow was enough to crack and destroy the wall behind her, revealing a sunny day. She then eclipsed the sun by rising the moon. Dark magic radiated from it and started to engulf the Princess of the Night in an evil sphere-like aura as the room trembled.

Goku got into his fighting stance as Twilight retreated a bit in fear. He couldn't sense her Ki, but it was crystal clear that Celestia's sister was transforming. A few seconds later, the aura faded, revealing a completely different mare. She was about the size of Celestia and her coat was black, her wavy tail and mane were smoke-like, but the color was the same as before, her eyes were feline-like, and her teeth and feathery wings were sharper than before. Her necklace changed its style and was night blue, but still with the waxing moon on it. She was wearing a night blue helmet instead of the black tiara.

Twilight's fear was growing as the dark alicorn started laughing diabolically. She was seeing it, yet she couldn't believe it. She was more than sure that the Elements of Harmony defeated her once and for all. The Mare in the Moon, also known as... Nightmare Moon.