• Published 28th Apr 2018
  • 12,046 Views, 609 Comments

Dragonball Super: Rise of The Super Alicorn God - UltraInstinctGoku

What would have happened if Lord Beerus was actually able to defeat Son Goku and destroy the Earth? What if the Super Saiyan God, just like his father Bardock, was sent to another world instead of dying a blazing death?

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Battle of Gods Saga: The Return of the God of Destruction (Part 4)

Author's Note:

Hello everyone. Here's the fourth and last part of the battle between Goku and Beerus. I hope you enjoy it.

[Saddle Arabia, Sphinx Home]

An emerald, horizontal vortex of energy engulfed the God of Destruction, who was caught off guard by this sudden attack. He felt his body being aspirated by the vortex as he began to scream. "W-what kind of technique is this?!" asked the god as his body began to turn into energy.

"It's Master Roshi's ultimate technique! It was designed to seal away dangerous opponents like you!" answered the Saiyan as he was directing the energy flow toward the hole in front of him. Finally, Lord Beerus was sucked into the hole, with Goku teleporting behind the giant boulder on the nearby hill and throwing it onto the hole with a roundhouse kick.

The scarlet-maned Alicorn appeared near the boulder and sat down as he sighed in relief. Now, Equus was safe, and his friends were avenged. He didn't like to end fights like this, but it was necessary. He couldn't let this planet be destroyed like Earth and lose his new friends. He could barely accept the death of those who he cared for the most, and to lose other friends would have been too much for him. Now, he was regretting he didn't spend some more time with all of them instead of training.

I guess the old saying was true: you don't really know what you've got until it's all gone,” Goku internally assessed as he was breathing heavily, staring towards the horizon in front of him.

Meanwhile, the Sphinx watched in awe by what just happened before her eyes. At first, she was scared, no, terrified by the mere presence of the one who was fighting with the pony, Lord Beerus. She learned to not make him angry the hard way in their first and only encounter. She was just a naive yet prideful teen back then. Her magic was useless against the God of Destruction, and her strength was nothing when compared with his might.

Now, she couldn't believe what she just witnessed. A pony, a mere pony, defeated the one who made the most powerful beings on Equus kneel before him. The Sirens, the Wendigos, the Centaurs, the Gargoyles, the Dragon Lord, and even Discord, all of them were just ants compared with the God of Destruction, yet a member of what she classified as 'the weakest sentient race' succeeded in vanquishing him.

However, she noticed something different in that pony: he had a pair of wings and a horn, something she had never seen before. Also, she sensed a massive amount of divine power radiating from him, meaning he was a divine being just like her, and his power far surpassed almost anything she ever saw in her long life. “What kind of pony is he? Does he come from a new species? Are all of these winged unicorns this powerful?” the Sphinx pondered, as a whole slew of questions were storming in her head as she was looking at the strongest pony ever.

[Everfree Forest, Entrance of the Tree of Harmony's Cave]

The Mane 6 and Spike were jubilant over their friend's victory over the mighty god. They were jumping, cheering or flying around in joy as they thought their home was finally safe from harm’s way. All of the Z-Fighters, with the exception of Master Roshi and Piccolo, had joyful expressions as well because of the God of Destruction's defeat. On the other hand, Whis was surprised, to say the least. He didn't think the Saiyan would have been actually able to defeat Lord Beerus, let alone seal him away.

The Princesses were amazed by Goku's achievement. Luna was impressed over Goku’s victory, “Lord Beerus, God of Destruction, finally defeated in combat? Now I can say that I have seen everything.

However, Celestia was more interested in what Goku said before trapping Beerus in that hole. The name 'Evil Containment Wave' echoed in her head, especially the first word. She was asking herself if Beerus was actually evil. “He can be grumpy and arrogant at times, but then again, if he was evil he would have destroyed the planet long ago,” Celestia questioned.

"It ain't over yet," said Master Roshi, much to the confusion of the others.

"What do you mean, Master Roshi?" asked Krillin, "Goku sealed away Lord Beerus. There's no chance for him to escape."

"I mean that Goku forgot the most important thing about that technique," answered the turtle hermit with a serious expression.

"And what is that?" asked Twilight with a worried tone.

"The Evil Containment Wave doesn't seal away your opponent by itself: it needs help from a magical talisman to be effective," he answered, "Without it, the technique is basically useless. It's only a matter of time before Lord Beerus breaks free."

"What?!" exclaimed the Mane 6, as the Z-Fighters and even the Princesses had shocked expressions. Most of the Dragon Team didn't know about it, just like the rest, and those who knew about the technique, developed by Master Mutaito, either forgot it or didn't know anything about it. Only Piccolo was aware that the Demon Seal was the crucial part of the sealing wave. Master Roshi was worried about his most talented student: the Evil Containment Wave could potentially kill the user. He hoped that his divine powers would have protected him from that deadly side effect.

[Saddle Arabia, Sphinx Home]

Meanwhile, the powers of the Super Saiyan God weren't just healing Goku's injuries but it was also slowly restoring his energy. The Alicorn stallion was surprised by the new ability and was wondering why it revealed itself just now. How many secrets does this transformation still hide? However, he couldn't think of anything else because the terrain started to shake violently.

The boulder in front of him began to violently shake as well, something that was noticed by the Saiyan raised on Earth, who jumped several meters backward and got into his fighting stance. "No! It can't be!" he thought with a worried yet serious expression, realizing what was going on, "I perfectly performed the Evil Containment Wave. How is it possible he can escape from there?!"

A few nanoseconds later, a pillar of light that was coming from the hole destroyed the boulder and reached the sky. Then, the light faded, revealing Lord Beerus, who was standing in the air with an angry expression. "Damned Saiyan! You will pay for that!!" exclaimed the God of Destruction in anger as he was increasing his power while a purple aura engulfed his body. The entire planetary system was shaking because of his power.

Goku crossed his forelegs to protect himself from the hurricane-like winds generated by his opponent. The ground began to crack while the rocks and stones all around began to float in the air. Instinctively, the scarlet-maned alicorn created a red magic shield around him, allowing him to stand on his 4 legs.

Suddenly, Lord Beerus sped off toward him, broke through the shield like if it was made of mere glass, and hit him in the muzzle with a punch, propelling the ponified Saiyan through every single landform in their path. From a distance, it could be seen as a giant purple trail breaking through the mountains in the direction of the desert. However, a big fire-like trail appeared out of nowhere and tried to counter the purple one.

The clashing forces generated a pressure that created a crater almost as big as the one in the Frozen North. Both fighters were exchanging kicks and punches as they were rising through the air. Then, only shockwaves generated by their blows could be seen in the distance.

Goku was able to bury both his hind hooves in Beerus' belly. Then, he kicked his chin to stun the purple cat and teleported behind him to hit his head with an ax-kick, sending him to the ground. However, the ponified Saiyan intercepted the God of Destruction by hitting him in the belly with a punch, redirecting him to the horizon, and continued the assault by attacking his opponent from different directions.

During the assault, Lord Beerus was able to predict Goku's next move and blocked an oncoming punch by crossing his arms. Then, they disappeared, and more shockwaves could be seen in the skies. After a few seconds, they appeared one in front of the other and looked at each other for 2 seconds before resuming their aerial battle. A red trail and a purple one were traveling around the planet, clashing several times in different locations.

All over the world, many bare witnessed to the massive clash in the skies. The Kingdom of the Yaks, Yakyakistan, The Changelings' Hive, The Ruined City of the Griffons, Griffonstone, The Dragon Lands, The Republic of Minotauria, The Zebras' Tribes, The Sirens' Bay, The United Kingdom of the Centaurs and Gargoyles, The Kingdom of Abyssinia, The Storm King Empire, the Badlands, and even an inhabitant of the hidden kingdom of Seaquestria saw the trails in the sky and heard the noises generated by their clashes. The sound was similar to that of a crash of thunder but louder.

The shockwaves generated by each clash destroyed woods, demolished entire mountains, created craters in the deserts and plateaus, and generated tidal waves that flooded entire islands. It was like the world was collapsing under the might of their blows.

[Dragon Lands, Equestria]

Son Goku was using all of his strength to counter Lord Beerus' previously incremented power. They clashed once more above the Dragons domains, creating a crater 400 meters wide and 20 meters deep, and engaged each other in hand-to-hand combat. Several shockwaves storming in the air as the dragons on the nearby volcanoes watched in awe.

"AAAAH!!" shouted the scarlet-maned alicorn as he tried to land his right hoof on Beerus' face. However, the God of Destruction blocked the attack with his left arm and counterattacked with his right punch, which was blocked by Goku's crossed forelegs, but the blow was powerful enough to make him retreat several meters. Then, the purple cat created several magma-like Ki blasts around himself and directed three of them toward his opponent.

Catching Goku off guard, the three orbs surrounded him. The first one hit his back, the second one impacted his chest, and the third one exploded on his head, making him crash into the crater underneath. Then, the God of Destruction arranged the remaining Ki blasts above him in a circle and snapped his fingers to create others in the middle of the formation. From the point of view of someone standing on the ground, it was like many little suns shining over the place.

Lord Beerus pointed the palm of his right hand toward his foe and closed his hand. After that, each and every orb started shooting energy beams at the crater. Goku was slowly standing up when he saw the oncoming rain of attacks. His eyes widened at the sight of such a massive quantity of energy beams.

The ponified Saiyan gritted his teeth as he executed the Afterimage Technique, generating hundreds of 'clones' in the area. The deity didn't care at all of his foe's countermeasures: it was impossible for him to escape from his Meteor Cage Technique. It was meant to block any path to escape while bombarding a specific area. Each and every afterimage was blown away by his attack, so he surely hit him at least once.

The mighty god stopped the assault to see if he finally defeated the Saiyan, but his eyes widened a bit when he sensed his energy above him. He turned to see a fuchsia-colored Ki beam directing toward him. It was Vegeta's Galick Gun used by Goku, who tricked the God of Destruction with the Afterimage Technique in order to teleport in a safer position and counterattack.

Lord Beerus rushed through the energy beam, reaching his foe, and tried to punch him in the face, but the Super Saiyan God avoided the attack thanks to the Rapid Movement Technique. The divine being turned and blocked an oncoming punch from behind with his left hand. The might of the blow made the entire area shake. Suddenly, both fighters disappeared from the sight of the dragons and resumed their hand-to-hand combat.

[Somewhere in the Skies]

While fighting in the air, none of them could land a single blow on the other. However, Goku was losing ground because of his foe's heavy attacks. The scarlet-maned Alicorn noticed that Beerus was still increasing his power while on the other hand, he was at the peak of his one already. He was progressively forced to defend himself as they were traveling across the land.

To avoid being cornered, the alicorn stallion performed King Chappa's Eight-Arm Technique. It was a variation of the Afterimage Technique that produced the illusion he had eight forelegs and, unlike the technique it is based on, the illusionary legs appeared solid, making it hard to tell which ones were real. The move was developed to allow the user to attack and defend more effectively.

The attack of one of Goku's opponents during the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament allowed him to counter Beerus' might. Despite being stronger, the God of Destruction couldn't focus on so many arms from a single being. As a result, the battle returned to be more balanced.

Eventually, Goku was able to hit the purple cat in the chest, making him retreat several meters away. However, Lord Beerus counterattacked with an atom-like Ki blast that was bigger than usual. Goku dodged it by teleporting in front of his foe, then he hit him with an uppercut, sending the God of Destruction deep in the sky. He quickly reached him and tried to punch him again, but his opponent was faster and hit him with a kick in the face.

[Everfree Forest, 120 meters away from the Tree of Harmony]

Goku violently crashed into the ground, but it wasn't over yet. His opponent landed both his feet on his stomach, making him spit blood, and propelled him for tens of meters through the ground until they reached an underground cavern. Beerus let his foe crash into the submerged ground of the large cave as he was standing in the air.

The Saiyan raised on Earth was lying on the ground, covered by several wounds and bruises, as he was suffering intense pain, especially because of the stomach ache caused by his opponent. Despite being badly injured, he was slowly trying to stand up. He almost fell because of his damaged body, but ultimately he was able to do it. Blood was flowing on his face as he was looking upon the Destroyer.

"You're the persistent type, I see," commented the God of Destruction as he was reaching the ground, "Why do you keep on fighting, even though I just proved that you're no match for me? Is it because of your Saiyan pride or something?"

"N-not even close," answered Goku as his blazing aura turned on and began to heal him, "This isn't even about me."


"I don't want my new friends to have the same fate as the old ones," he explained with a serious expression, "And..."

"And you want to avenge those who have fallen after our previous battle, I suppose," inferred the God of Destruction.

"Yeah, that's why I won't give up," he stated as he got into his fighting stance, "I'll find a way to beat you, no matter what!"

"Alright, then. Let's see how far your determination will get you!" exclaimed Lord Beerus before running toward the alicorn.

The purple cat tried to elbow his foe, but the blow was dodged. He kept on pressing the Saiyan raised on Earth by hitting him with a kick in the face and a punch in the chest. Goku retaliated with a kick in his belly and a punch in his chest, making his foe to lose his balance. However, Lord Beerus used his momentum to execute a somersault to regain the lost balance and counterattacked by hitting him in the muzzle with his right knee.

The scarlet-maned Alicorn buried his four hooves in the flooded soil of the cavern. The divine being continued the assault and exchanged some blows with the ponified Saiyan. He deliberately decreased a bit his power to see if his opponent would have shown something more interesting. He was doing well so far: despite being weaker, he still found a way to keep up with him. Maybe all that willpower would have led to the battle he was looking for, finally.

Beerus performed three backward somersaults to put some distance between him and Goku, saying in a mocking way, "Come on. Is that all can do??"

"You're about to find out!" exclaimed the white-coated Alicorn as he was rushing to his opponent. However, his transformation vanished, making his mane, tail, and eyes to lose their ruby-like color and return to be black, while his feathers returned to be white. Goku, just like then, didn't notice it.

"AAAAH!!" shouted the God of Destruction before elbowing his opponent in the face. The Saiyan was sent several meters away, but he was able to stand up and withstand Beerus' assault. The purple cat punched Goku in the right cheek and wanted to hit him with a kick, but his foe was able to block it. The black-maned Alicorn counterattacked with a punch that was blocked by his opponent, but it was strong enough to push him some meters backward.

Son Goku rushed toward the purple cat and punched him again and, even though the blow was blocked by the God of Destruction, it made him lose his balance. However, he was able to use his momentum to perform another somersault while kicking the alicorn's chin in the process.

The Saiyan raised on Earth was sent to the air, but he used the gained momentum to do a somersault and prevent the collision between him and the cavern's ceiling. Beerus quickly rushed toward him, but the stallion teleported behind him and hit him with a kick. Then, he teleported behind the divine being again and tried to hit him, but Beerus disappeared from the place right before it could happen.

The God of Destruction appeared some meters away from him and began to shoot several Ki blasts toward the Saiyan. Goku was dodging all the oncoming Ki spheres as the cavern's structure was suffering damage because of the explosions generated by them. The black-maned alicorn used Krillin's Destructo Disc to distract the purple cat, who intercepted the attack with a Ki blast.

The explosion generated by both attacks concealed the Saiyan's movements for an instant, allowing him to teleport several meters behind his opponent and rush toward him. The deity was caught off guard by the sudden attack and was hit by a traveling punch of Goku, who kept on his path like a combat jet after hitting his target. The blow hurt Beerus a bit and that made him angry.

"GRRRAAAAH!!" roared the purple cat as his body was engulfed in a purple aura and began to fire Ki blasts at anything in range. Several blows hit critical spots of the cavern, but it really began to collapse when the ceiling started to be bombarded. Large rocks began to fall from above as the entire subterranean structure was being destroyed by Beerus' attacks.

Goku found himself trapped by the rain of large rocks and was trying to break free by destroying them with his bare hooves. The Stallion punched a rock in front of him, elbowed another one behind him, punched an oncoming rock from above, and so on. However, the gigantic stones were too much for him, and one was able to hit hard his head. The spot where the rock hit was exactly the same where he suffered a traumatic brain injury when he was just an infant.

As a result, Goku had a fleeting flashback of a woman and a man, who was similar, if not identical, to him; and of the explosion of a distant planet. A female voice echoed in his head as the explosion of that world reminded him of the destruction of Earth, and it was shouting his Saiyan name. Suddenly, his irises and pupils turned rainbow-colored while turning into a Super Saiyan God, then he roared while trapped in the rocks, "GRAAAH!! I WILL NOT LET YOU DESTROY MY WOOOOOOOORLD!!!"

The blazing aura of his God Form destroyed the rocks around him then he began to speed off through the ground like a crazy drill as he was roaring throughout its race to the surface. "AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" was what everyone in the Everfree Forest could hear as the ground was ripped apart by Goku's rush, chills running down their backs due to the emotion put into that scream. Lord Beerus was following him with a smirk: he could sense that the power of his opponent skyrocketed. Finally, his long-awaited battle could begin.

The Mane 6, Spike, the Royal Sisters, the Dragon Team and its allies, and Whis saw a scarlet trail and a purple one coming from the ground and directing to the sky. As soon as the scarlet trail appeared, the Mane 6's Cutie Marks started blinking as well as the Elements of Harmony. Right after, six magical trails were generated by the Tree of Harmony, and they all sped off toward the ascending Saiyan.

The trails swirled around Goku and merged with him, turning the feathers of his wings rainbow-colored. Once reached the desired height, the scarlet-maned alicorn spread his wings, revealing that the feathers were made of energy. "W-what's going on?" asked Twilight both amazed and confused.

"The Elements, no, the Tree of Harmony itself is helping Son Goku in his battle," hypothesized Celestia, who was as amazed as her former student.

Meanwhile, Lord Beerus was reaching the Super Saiyan God as he was shouting, "AAAAAAH!!"

They both clashed in midair, but the force generated by the clash was able to repulse both fighters. After a few nanoseconds, they rushed toward each other once more with the same result. Then, they did it again, but this time they were trying to push each other backward until Beerus tried to punch the Saiyan God, who dodged the attack with the Wild Sense technique, allowing him to hit the God of Destruction in the belly.

The force of the blow made the deity spit saliva and sent him several meters away. The purple cat quickly recovered and began rising through the air, but he was reached by Goku, who started to throw him countless punches and kicks. The divine being could counter some blows, but ultimately he was being overwhelmed by his opponent. Goku punches Beerus in the muzzle, sending him tens of meters away, then he hit the purple cat with a flying kick, redirecting his flight toward the clouds formations in the sky.

The scarlet-maned alicorn redirected his flight with a flying kick again, but Beerus quickly recovered and began to counter Goku's rush. As a result, both fighters engaged each other in a spectacular hypersonic aerial battle between the clouds formations. After a few seconds, the battle moved to higher places as the clouds above covered the battling yet ascending combatants.

"Wow, so fast," commented Pinkie while rubbing his eyes, then she asked, "Are you following this, Rainbow?"

"Nope, totally lost," answered the speedster, much to her friends' astonishment.

"WHAT?!" asked the rest of the Mane 6 and Spike in awe.

[Above Equus, Near the Stardust Speedway]

Meanwhile, Goku was throwing a storm of punches to Beerus while propelling him near the Stardust Speedway, the path that connected the Moon to Equus which was made and used by Luna to reach to her castle faster once she left the planet's atmosphere. Then, the Saiyan hit the purple cat in his right cheek with a kick, sending his foe hundreds of meters away.

The scarlet-maned Alicorn didn't want to lose time and sped off toward the deity, who quickly recovered and flew toward the oncoming Saiyan. The God of Destruction wanted to punch his opponent, but the latter was faster and hit him first in the belly, making the divine being to spit a bit of blood. Despite the effectiveness of the blow, Lord Beerus reacted and tried to land a kick on Goku's head. However, he blocked it and retaliated with a storm of punches all over his body and sent him deep in space with a roundhouse kick.

"So, this is the strength of the Super Saiyan God combined with the Elements of Harmony's power," commented the Beerus right before being reached by Goku and hit in the chin. The stallion used his momentum to perform a roundhouse kick that impacted the deity's belly, then he hit his head with a hammer punch, sending the purple cat towards a planet. The crash was so violent that it created a crater thousands of kilometers wide and hundreds of kilometers deep.

After a few seconds, Lord Beerus stood up and powered up, igniting his purple aura, making several Pocket Dimensions to shake and destroying the planet underneath, then he sped off toward the Saiyan. The God of Destruction and Son Goku began to throw punches and kicks to each other while traveling in space. However, none of them could land a single blow on the opponent.

The rainbow-winged alicorn tried to punch his opponent with little success. However, the force of the blow was able to destroy part of a planet in the distance. Beerus counterattacked with a kick that was dodged, but it was able to split a distant planet in half.

Both fighters resumed the exchange of blows as they were approaching Equus. Goku used the Wild Sense technique again to dodge an oncoming strike and hit his opponent's head with a kick, sending him toward the planet. However, he wasn’t done with him yet: he overtook the traveling cat and cupped his hooves, while drawing them to his right side, generating a multicolored Ki orb, then he thrusts forward his forelegs to shoot a huge and powerful beam of energy.

Lord Beerus tried to stop the magically improved Ki beam with his bare hands. He was succeeding at first, but then the stallion increased the power of the Rainbow Kamehameha while shouting, totally engulfing the God of Destruction and propelling him deep in space. After a few seconds, a mighty explosion could be seen in the distance. Then, the ponified Saiyan dissipated his aura and lowered his forelegs.

"Did I win?" thought the Saiyan as he was looking at where Lord Beerus was pushed by his attack.

As if to answer, the purple cat appeared before him, slightly hurt. That alerted the Saiyan, who couldn't believe that his attack barely affected his opponent. On the other hand, Beerus was satisfied. The Super Saiyan God was still way too far from his maximum power, but he proved to be a worthy opponent. He just needed proper training. Though, he was surprised that a Saiyan could access the power of something as pure as the Elements of Harmony. Especially if all of the bearers have been chosen already. Good thing that their magic was effective against evil only or else who knew what that attack could have done to him.

However, the battle needed to come to an end. "That attack wasn't half bad," commented the God of Destruction, "Now, let's see how you handle this." The purple cat pointed a finger upward and created above it the same gigantic sun-like Ki orb that destroyed Earth, but way bigger. "This is the attack that defeated you, remember?" asked the deity, "If you're able to stop it, I won't destroy Equus!"

Beerus threw the massive fire orb toward the Saiyan, who was more determined than before after hearing the god's statement. Unconsciously, he drew his right foreleg back, generating a blue orb of Ki surrounded by two rainbow-colored rings, making it look like a giant atom. Then, he brought his hoof forward and fired a blue Ki beam surrounded by several multicolored rings. Goku didn't know, but he was performing the Final Spirit Cannon, the technique used by his father, Bardock, to counter Frieza's Nova during Planet Vegeta’s destruction.

However, just like it happened with the tyrant's technique, Beerus' blast attack was winning the struggle quite easily. While the blazing sphere was approaching his hoof, he thought about what would have happened if that attack was able to break through. His new friends along with the entire planet would have been blown away just like Earth. "AAAAAAH!!" yelled the Saiyan as he started giving his all, the divine power along with the magic of the elements, to his technique, resulting in him losing his transformation in the process. As a result, the Ki beam quadrupled in size and began to break through the sun-like orb, much to the deity's amazement.

The second sun exploded as the Ki beam vanished in space. Due to the fact that he returned to his base form, the explosion heavily damaged Goku and violently pushed him back to Equus. The Destroyer quickly got rid of the energy generated by the blast to prevent it from destroying the nearby planet and the Moon. Then, he went to Equus to reach the falling stallion before he could touch the ground.

[Everfree Forest]

Everyone there witnessed the battle in space with amazement. The damage done to the distant planet, the blows traded between the two, and when Beerus withstood the power of the Elements were all breathtaking and astounding to witness. However, all of that changed when Beerus created the Giant Sun-like Destructive Orb. The expressions of wonder and amazement had turned into one of dread and concern.

For the Dragon Team, it was the same attack that defeated Goku before during their battle on Earth, and memories of Earth’s destruction flooded their minds. For the Mane 6, Spike, and the Royal Sisters, it was the moment that decided whether their world and everypony on it will live or perish. All of their hopes were on Goku to stop the attack. Although the beam struggle lasted for seconds, it felt like an eternity for them, as they saw their friend resist the fate of planetary annihilation. A sense of relief and joy spread to all of their faces when Goku finally destroyed the planet-destroying ball and a giant blue wave of Ki flew through the vacuum of space.

Looks like he finally did it, ”Piccolo internally said, a smirk spreading over his face as he saw the ball dissipate and break apart due to the counterblast launched by Goku.

Suddenly, they saw Goku falling towards Equus like a meteor entering the planet’s atmosphere. They were now terrified because their friend was falling from such a high altitude. The Mane 6 and Spike remembered how badly injured he was yesterday, after falling from a similar height. Rainbow Dash was ready to save him or at least try, but the God of Destruction arrived first and grabbed one of Goku's hooves before she could even take off.

[Saddle Arabia, unknown Hill]

Meanwhile, the Sphinx watched the battle thanks to a spell that broadcasted it, just like Whis' scepter. At first, she was scared because Lord Beerus was able to escape from his prison and was furious about what his opponent did, but then she was amazed by the fact that the winged unicorn was still able to put up a good fight. They even battled each other beyond the skies, something mesmerizing in her eyes. That stallion may have lost the battle, but he saved Equus from assured destruction by stopping that second sun.

Still impressed, she said while smiling and closing her eyes, "So, that's how a real Battle of Gods looks like." Then, she opened her eyes and restored the destroyed environment with a spell. She began to fly to her home, "I hope we'll meet someday, winged unicorn."