• Published 28th Apr 2018
  • 12,015 Views, 609 Comments

Dragonball Super: Rise of The Super Alicorn God - UltraInstinctGoku

What would have happened if Lord Beerus was actually able to defeat Son Goku and destroy the Earth? What if the Super Saiyan God, just like his father Bardock, was sent to another world instead of dying a blazing death?

  • ...

Battle of Gods Saga: Welcome to Equestria, Son Goku!

Author's Note:

Alright, here is the second chapter. I hope you like it.

[Canterlot Castle, Infirmary]

"Hi, my name's Son Goku,” started the Saiyan, “But you can just call me 'Goku', it’s easier that way," finishing off with his trademark smile. The mares and baby dragon were caught off guard. Normally, one would expect some confidentiality or at least questions like 'who you are', 'where am I?' or 'what's happened to me?'. But here, this alicorn was telling them his name with a bright, innocent and carefree smile, as if he was greeting some new ponies as nothing happened.

"Hi Goku, I'm Pinkamena Diane Pie, but my friends just call me 'Pinkie Pie' or 'Pinkie' in short too," started the pink Earth Pony, anticipating her friends, full of joy, "I'm always happy to meet new friends because we are friends now, aren't we? Do you like parties? I love parties! Speaking of parties, I have to organize your Welcome Party and -" her mouth was closed by Applejack's hoof who laughed in embarrassment.

"Ehehe yep, this is our Pinkie Pie," the apple farmer started, "Always hyperactive and organizing parties. Anyways, the name's Applejack."

"My name is Rarity, nice to make your acquaintance, Goku," greeted the alabaster Unicorn Pony.

"Rainbow Dash, Fastest Flyer in all of Equestria," proudly said the cyan Pegasus Pony, quickly adding, "And don't get me wrong but your name is pretty weird."

"RAINBOW DASH!" yelled Rarity because of her friend's rude comment.


Rarity just shook her head and said, "We apologize for our friend's rudeness, but we guarantee you that she's not a bad pony."

"Ehehe," laughed Goku a little bit embarrassed as he was rubbing his mane with his hoof, "It's fine, she reminded me of a friend of mine when we first met: she said the same words." He was referring to Bulma.

"Ehm.. m-my name is Fluttershy," said the yellow pegasus with a shy tone. Goku smiled at her and then turned his head to the last 3 who have still yet to introduce themselves.

"I am Princess Twilight Sparkle and this is my number one assistant, Spike," said the lavender alicorn as she was motioning towards the purple dragon.

"Wow! You're a princess? That must be so cool!" exclaimed the Saiyan God with a bright and honest smile. Even though he met another princess before and married her, he didn't really know what kind of life the royalty led, apart from what Chi-Chi told him about it. His wife always said that to live as a princess was one of the most marvelous things on Earth.

Twilight blushed, not much because of the comment itself, but because of the sincerity in his words and smile. Was being a princess that impressive for him?

"Ehm... Twilight, are you alright?" Goku asked worriedly.

"Uh... Y-yes, why do you ask?" answered Twilight, not noticing her blushing.

"Your face turned red suddenly, have you got a fever?" he said, still worried about her.

Twilight just shook her head to regain her composure and said, "I'm fine Goku, you don't need to worry about it." Goku just tilted his head in confusion as everypony giggled because of this scene, much to the oblivious stallion. Goku never understood the strange behavior of girls before and probably never will, so he decided to let it go.

"I am Princess Celestia, it’s nice to meet you, Son Goku," said the last mare. Even though she thought that he most likely knew her, she still introduced herself out of politeness.

"It’s nice to meet you all," smiled Goku.

"Now that introductions are over, you don't mind telling us who the hay you are, and why you fell from the sky like that?" asked an impatient Rainbow Dash, barely able to contain her curiosity.

"And where do you come from, and why have we never heard of you, even though you're an alicorn?" added Twilight. Just like Rainbow, she too wanted to know about the mysterious stallion

"An 'alicorn'?" asked Goku as he started to check his body. He saw that he had hooves instead of hands on his arms or forelegs, he turned his head from left to right to see his flanks and saw that he had a pair of wings. Lastly, he checked his forehead and felt a horn. Goku never realized this change of body until now, even after he left the bed to meet his newfound friends, "W-what happened to me?!" he added surprised by his radical change.

"We don't know partner, it is you who must tell us," said Applejack.

Goku then started to remember what happened. He was fighting against Beerus the Destroyer, who wanted to destroy Earth. He was trying to stop his massive ball of destruction from reaching the planet, but everything turned black all of the sudden. The fact he was surrounded by talking ponies, and that he turned into one proved that he was in another world, perhaps another dimension. “But if it that was true, it meant that the Earth, along with my family and friends were…”, he gritted his teeth at this thought as his expression turned to one of fury and rage, his gaze staring at nothing in particular.

The mares and the dragon around him were now worried, concern sketching their faces because of this sudden change of behavior. They were about to ask what was the matter, but they stopped once the floor started to shake slightly and sparks of lightning appeared around him. His mane began to flow upwards as the sparks around him intensified. Suddenly, his once wild, black mane turned spiky and golden, his once dark irises turned into a sea green color. A yellow aura formed around him, with bolts of lightning spurring on occasion. As all of this was going on, the Elements of Harmony, Spike, and even Princess Celestia were backing away in fear, especially Fluttershy. All of them were shocked, some were even downright scared from what they were witnessing.

Unbeknownst to them, Goku had turned into a Super Saiyan.

The Sun Goddess tried to hide her fear in an attempt to not appear weak in front of her subjects, regardless if they were her friends. “Such power...” Celestia thought, “Wild and full of wrath, he could easily outmatch King Sombra or even Discord!" Who was this alicorn? How is it possible that he can store such power? He could easily be the greatest threat Equestria had ever faced! She then stared at the eyes of the stallion, and was surprised to see the emotions in them. There wasn't just anger, but also sorrow, sadness, and guilt. She didn't know why, but she suddenly felt compassion for him, maybe he wasn't a threat after all.

After a while, Goku’s display of raw power began to subside, with the sparks ceasing to be. She approached the enraged alicorn and placed a hoof on his shoulder, a motherly smile on her face. He stared at her and began to calm down. After some time, he turned back to his base form, or normal state, much to the relief of everypony there. "Sorry," he said solemnly.

"Why don't you tell us what happened from the beginning?" Celestia asked gently, as everypony started to approach him.

Goku nodded and began to tell his tale.

“It all started when I was visiting King Kai's planet. It was just like any other day of the week, I was doing my training routine on his world, while King Kai and his companions, Bubbles, and Gregory, were minding their own business. If my memory serves correct, they were renovating their house, though they seem to have trouble doing it,” Goku stated, scratching his head when he thought on why they kept on failing to their job.

Twilight wanted to ask Goku about this King Kai, the world he lived on, and a whole multitude of other things. She was about to, but Celestia, as if she was expecting it, placed her hoof on her shoulder, and shook her head while looking at her. She knew Twilight was one who would ask questions to satisfy her own curiosity, and acquire more knowledge about the world around her. For the time being, however, it’s best if they didn’t interrupt, and let Goku speak his tale on how he arrived here. The others saw this and got the message immediately, much to the dismay of Twilight.

“But that all changed when Lord Beerus, the God of Destruction, alongside his assistant, Whis, arrived onto the planet,” Goku said in a somewhat angry tone

“G-god of De-destruction?” Fluttershy said in a whisper, wide-eyed and scared to no end at the prospect of a being whose sole purpose was to destroy. The others had reactions not too dissimilar to Fluttershy’s.

“He came to King Kai’s place in search of something called the Super Saiyan God. At first, I didn’t know what that was, and Beerus was left disappointed in not finding what he looked for. Regardless though, I challenged him into a fight and fought him with everything I got. But even then, I did next to no damage as he toyed around me as if I was nothing,” Goku stated, with the final part said sadly.

“Beerus and Whis left after our first encounter, no doubt to Earth, my home planet, in search of the Super Saiyan God. I was left to recuperate and wondered how to achieve the Super Saiyan God. That’s when I realized that the answer lies within the Dragon Balls.”

Dragon Balls?..... Oh boy, I hope it’s not what I think it is” Rainbow Dash thought, blushing a little in embarrassment. She may not be able to read her friends' minds, but she wouldn’t be surprised if they mistook it as THAT subject. She also hoped that Spike didn’t interpret Goku’s message the wrong way.

“After recovering from my injuries, I quickly left in search of my friends, as I was sure they had some if not all of the Dragon Balls. I didn’t know what happened on Earth exactly, but when I got there, Beerus appeared to have been angry. I informed the others on who Beerus was and begged him to give us more time to search for a way to become a Super Saiyan God. He agreed to the idea, leaving us to summon Shenron from the Dragon Balls brought for Bulma’s birthday party.”

Pinkie Pie snapped into attention when Goku mentioned his friend’s birthday party. The fact that somepony had, from what looked to be, wish-granting orbs for their birthday present of some sort left her amazed. “The endless opportunities I would wish for,” she thought happily. She, along with the others, was becoming more invested in the story.

“We asked Shenron about the Super Saiyan God, and how to achieve it. According to him, the Super Saiyan God was a legend about a warrior who transformed into a God in order to defeat the evil Saiyans but failed due to the form’s time limit. He also stated that in order to achieve it, five righteous Saiyans were required to pour their hearts into the sixth Saiyan, with that Saiyan becoming a Super Saiyan God. Once that was done, I, along with my sons, Gohan and Goten, Vegeta, along with his son Trunks, and surprisingly Videl, performed the ritual. All of them poured their energy into me, and I suddenly felt the divine power of the legendary form”.

By now, all of the mares and the baby dragon had their full-blown attention, due to the story sounding more and more fascinating as it went by.

“Beerus was finally satisfied he found what he was looking for, and we were getting ready for round two. I had to admit, at first I was sloppy, as I was not used to this new form. But as the battle went on, the better I got in controlling it. We fought everywhere, from under the ground, to the sky and even the upper atmosphere, trading powerful blows while at it. It reached the point that Beerus had had enough and decided to end the fight with a devastating attack, intending to destroy the planet alongside myself.”

The others gasped in shock, speechless on how one can be so heartless to decide to destroy an entire planet with all sorts of life and ponies on it.

“I put everything I had into stopping the attack. Even after I lost my God form, I was determined to save my home and family!” Goku said in frustration, “But even then, I was unable to stop it, and I was knocked out cold. I didn't know what happened next, but then I woke up here and…. you know the rest.” Goku ended with a sad and defeated manner, hanging his head down in shame and guilt.

The Elements of Harmony and Spike were astonished by what they’ve heard. Was he really an alien? And if that wasn't enough, he became a God and fought a deity! They wanted to believe this new pony, they really do, but some part of them clung onto skepticism due it sounding over the top and even ridiculous to be real. However, their skepticism and doubt were washed away when their friend, Applejack, spoke up solemnly: "He's telling the truth."

Everypony but Celestia was left stunned by that statement. "A-are you sure?" asked Twilight, with the farmer nodding sadly in response. If Applejack, the Element of Honesty, said that what Goku told them was true, it must be.

"So this Beerus guy destroyed your world, and you somehow arrived here?" asked Rainbow Dash still surprised.

"Yeah," admitted Goku, "That's what actually happened... I think." He wasn't totally sure yet of what happened after the fight.

The others were now left to their own, thinking about what they have heard. While Twilight, Celestia, Rainbow, Applejack, and Spike all had sad and sympathetic looks, Pinkie, Rarity and Fluttershy were expressing deep sorrow for the recently arrived stallion.

That must’ve been… horrifying. I can’t imagine failing and losing everypony I cared for and loved… especially at the moment they needed me the most,” Rarity internally said, on the verge of tears. Pinkie and Fluttershy were no different in state to Rarity, with the party pony having lost all of her poofy hair as she was imagining herself in Goku’s position.

"Oh... We're so sorry for you, Goku. It must have been... horrible to lose your home, family, and friends in such an awful way," said a sorrow ridden Fluttershy, as the others nodded in agreement.

"Ah don't worry for me guys, I'll be fine," said Goku with a sad smile, but then added. "By the way, where am I?"

In an attempt to lighten up the dull mood in the room, Twilight spoke up, "Well… um… Welcome to Equestria, Goku. You are currently in Canterlot Castle's infirmary," answered Twilight with a smile.

"Twilight brought you here after you crashed," added Spike.

"Really? Thanks, Twilight, for saving me," thanked Goku with his trademark smile.

"Oh I didn't do it alone, there were my friends too!"

After getting herself together, Rarity said, "Yes darling, but it was your idea to bring him here. If we had taken him to the hospital, we would not have had time to save his life" and later added, "The Castle was much closer."

"Yes but-"

"Anyways, I would like to say thank you to all of you, as well as the others for taking care of me!"

An awkward silence took over, as nopony knew what to say or were left to their own devices. Spike decided to bring up something important.

"Well, now that his story is settled, where will he live? He can't return home for obvious reasons," asked the dragon. He did have a point, Earth was destroyed so there wasn't anypony who was waiting for his return. However, there was a problem, most of the Element's Bearers didn't have enough space for a guest at the moment.

“I’m sorry Goku, but the current guest room in my home is currently occupied by my good friend Mr. Bear. I’m also not sure how the other critters in my home would react to you,” Fluttershy said softly.

“The only current guest room is being occupied by my dear little sister, Sweetie Belle. I don’t think I can be able to arrange a room for you darling,” Rarity said.

“I mean, I live on a farm with my family, and have plenty of space in the barn that we don’t mind sharing with you,” Applejack added, “But you got some pretty big wounds there and I don’t want to risk you getting an infection.”

“My house only has one room so there isn’t enough space for two ponies,” Rainbow Dash said. Though what she said was just a mere excuse, the real reason was that she didn't feel comfortable to share her house with a stranger, let alone an alien.

Pinkie Pie put her hoof on his chin as she was thinking where their new friend could live and suddenly a lamp literally popped up from nowhere over the mare's head when she found the solution. "What about Golden Oak Library?" said the party pony enthusiastically.

"WHAT?!" exclaimed the lavender alicorn.

"Yeah, he will be a super-duper guest for you. He's an alien from another world. You could study whenever you want if he lives with you. Not only that, he can assist Spike with his library duties after your study sessions."

"Study?" said Goku confused.

“But couldn’t you provide with living arrangements Pinkie?” Spike said

“Of course not, silly. My home is all the way in Rockville. And besides, I’m currently living under the Cakes, so they make the decision whether or not Goku stays with me. I doubt they have more room as they already have me and the twins to take care of,” Pinkie responded.

Twilight thought about this. She wasn’t wrong. In fact, it wasn't a bad idea, having an alien within the reach of a hoof was not something you get to experience. Plus, Spike sometimes needs some help to clean up after her studies so she made her decision. "Very well, if you don't mind Goku, you can live with me and Spike," she said with a smile.

"Thank you, Twilight. First, you saved my life and now you are offering me a place to stay, I'll have to repay you in some way in the future," answered the Saiyan-turned-Alicorn, rubbing the back of his head with his hoof as he was smiling.

"Don't worry, Goku, it's a pleasure to help a friend in need. Because now we’re friends, right?"

"Yeah, sure!"

"I'll make sure to organize your Welcome-to-Ponyville/Equestria Party when you'll get there!" exclaimed a joyous Pinkie Pie. There was something she loved more than sweets and parties, and that was to meet new friends and to organize them their Welcome-Party.

"It’s not really necessary to have a party just for me, Pinkie," said Goku still rubbing the back of his head with his hoof.

"Oh don't be silly, Goku, it is a pleasure for me to do it."

Meanwhile, Princess Celestia was very silent throughout the conversation after Goku's story, especially after hearing that name, Lord Beerus. She’s heard of the Kais, the Angel assistant Whis, but it was Beerus that caused her to stop and think. After her long contemplation, she decided to speak up, "I'm sorry for what had happened to you, Son Goku, no pony deserves such a tragic destiny. But if you want, you can give Equestria a chance to call home," offered the Sun Goddess with a smile.

Goku would have sworn he felt a hint of guilt in her words but decided to let it go, and smiled innocently at her offer, "Thank you, Princess."

[Supreme Kai's Planet]

Two beings were currently watching over the universe. The wise and old Supreme Kai and his attendant Kibito Kai were looking for Goku since his battle against Lord Beerus, an event that occurred two and a half months ago. The friends and family of the Saiyan were being hosted by King Kai on his planet ever since Earth's destruction. As far as they know, Goku didn't appear in the afterlife, so it meant that he was still alive. The question was... Where is he now? They searched in every angle of the Earth's Solar System and beyond, trying to sense his Ki but they weren't able to find him.

Maybe the reason why they couldn't sense him was that he was heavily wounded after that struggle to stop Beerus's giant destructive orb, leaving his Ki to a near zero. But where could he be right now? He can’t be in space, otherwise, he would have arrived in Other World. They had looked around, trying to sense his energy for more than 2 months now. How was that possible? He couldn't vanish like a ghost unless...

"What if he fell into another dimension?" asked Supreme Kai to no one in particular.

"Another dimension, Supreme Kai?" asked a confused Kibito Kai.

"The power of Lord Beerus's attack was strong enough to break through the dimensional wall of the universe. What if Goku fell into a portal that was opened by his struggle to stop Beerus’s destructive orb? It is possible he fell into a Pocket Dimension," theorized the deity.

"A Pocket Dimension?"

The Old Kai just shook his head and sighed as he said, "You don't even know what a Pocket Dimension is, right?" Kibito Kai nodded slowly, leaving Supreme Kai to yell at him, “You need to study more!” He was very disappointed with his student.

"Ehehe," laughed the fusion in embarrassment.

"Anyways, a Pocket Dimension is a place where time flows slower or faster than here and has its own laws of physics. Despite the changes from the main universe, it is still part of it. In simple words, it's a place that isn't synchronized with the rest of the universe, where anything can happen." explained the elder one and added, "So wherever Goku is now, several years have already passed or just hours or minutes."

"So there is a possibility that Goku fell into one of those dimensions, but which one?"

"It's what we will find out soon," said the Old Kai as he materialized a Crystal Ball.

[Canterlot Castle, Equestria]

It was late afternoon. Twilight, Goku, and Spike were walking, or trotting, through the hallways of the castle, as the lavender alicorn and her assistant were checking and double-checking the list of things to do in preparation for the Summer Sun Celebration. The rest of the girls had returned back to Ponyville to help the town with their own preparations for that special day, much to Twilight's displeasure.

So, Goku, despite not having fully recovered from his wounds, and still having bandages on his body, kept her and Spike company and helped them with their duties. It was also an opportunity to get to know each other better and to show the Castle to their new friend.

"Checked, checked aaand checked," Spike said happily, "Hey, we've finished earlier than expected, Twilight! All credit due to your number one assistant. Oh, and Goku helped too."

"You’re right, Spike," agreed Twilight and added, "You two were very helpful, especially Goku. By the way, what was that teleportation spell? You didn't even use your horn." The black-maned alicorn teleported them several times all across Canterlot to check the festivities' arrangements, making the work for Twilight and Spike faster to finish.

"You mean, Instant Transmission? It's not magic, it's just a technique I've learned years ago," he answered with a smile.

"A technique?" she asked intrigued by his statement.

"Yeah, but you can learn it only if you know how to control and sense Ki Energy."

"What's Ki Energy"? asked Spike.

"It's the energy that resides in every living being, Spike, and if you control it, you can do a lot of things like teleporting, shooting blasts or even fly!"

"Wow, seriously?!" asked the purple dragon with stars in his eyes.

"Yeah" nodded Goku with his trademark smile.

Spike started to imagine himself as a muscled and handsome dragon wearing a red cape and armor as he defeated with ease the Changelings Army, shooting energy blasts and throwing punches, while he was approaching the Changelings Castle where Lady Rarity was locked up by the evil Queen Chrysalis.

The Changeling Queen ordered her drones to keep attacking the Dragon Knight as more of them came out from the fortress, but Spike used Instant Transmission to appear right behind the queen and kick her flank, sending her deep into the badlands. Then he teleported in front of the door of the room where the alabaster mare was jailed and unhinged it with one mighty claw and entered.

"Lady Rarity, fear no more, your impavid Knight is here to save you!" exclaimed Spike with a cocky smile.

"Oh, Spike, my hero!" said the alabaster mare, dressed as a princess, as the armored dragon was carrying her bridal style and flew away even if he hadn't wings.

Meanwhile, Goku was waving his hoof in front of the baby dragon, who had hearts on his eyes and an infatuated expression. "Ehm, Spike? Are you alright?" he asked in worry.

Twilight just rolled her eyes in annoyance at her assistant's behavior, "Forget it, he's just being carried away by his imagination."

"Okay, if you say so..." said the white alicorn, totally not sure about what his new friend had told him. Obviously, he wasn't aware of Spike's crush.

"Hey, Goku."


"What was that thing you did back in the infirmary? You know, that yellow spiked mane thing," asked Twilight. Since that moment, she was wondering what kind of magic he used to do that.

"Oh, that? it was my transformation into a Super Saiyan."

"Super Saiyan? But I thought you became the legendary Super Saiyan God?" Twilight said confusedly

"Yeah, but you see-" he couldn't finish the sentence because of a sudden noise that came from his belly. Goku hadn't eaten anything since his training on King Kai's planet, and he was able to resist hunger thanks to Celestia's healing spell. Now he was pretty famished. "Ehehehe, isn't there something to eat around here? I'm starving," he asked rubbing the back of his head and laughing in embarrassment.

"Ehm, of course. We were about to have dinner anyways."

"Great! Can we go to Pony Joe?" asked Spike, finally returning to reality.

"Sure Spike. Hey, Goku, do you like donuts?"

"Sure. I like anything that can be eaten."

"You will like it, Goku! There you can eat all the donuts you want," said the little dragon.

"Really?! I can't wait!" Goku said as his mouth was watering.

"Alright then, let's go," Twilight said as they were now going out of the castle to the Donut Shop of Pony Joe, the same shop where she went with her friends after the disaster of the Grand Galloping Gala, as well as where Spike probably stayed throughout the party. What Twilight and Spike didn't know was that when you say 'you can eat all you want' to Goku… let’s just say it isn't exactly a good idea. They would figure it out sooner than later.

[Pony Joe’s Donut Shop, somewhere near the Canterlot's Castle]

Twilight, Spike, and Joe were stunned by the ferocious appetite of the white alicorn. There were 10 dishes piled up next to him. Calculating that there were 10 donuts per dish, it meant Goku had already eaten 100 donuts and, like it wasn't enough, he wanted more. Luckily she was a princess, and ponies usually didn't ask her to pay for their products or services, much to her reluctance. Plus, Joe was an old acquaintance of the two. If he wasn't, then she would be in quite some trouble.

"Ehm, Goku?" started Spike, "How can you eat that much and still be hungry? I thought that the only one who could eat like that was Pinkie!"

"Also, you could have the risk of indigestion," warned Twilight.

"Oh, don't worry guys," started Goku as he was finishing the 15th dish, "*Munch* I usually eat more than this *Munch* I have this appetite since I was a kid".

"'Kid'?" asked Spike with a raised eyebrow. The last time he heard that word was when he and Twilight went to the Human World to catch Sunset Shimmer and get the Element of Magic back.

"Yeah, or should I say 'colt', now?" asked the Martial Artist to no pony in particular after he finished the 17th dish.

"Wait… You are not an alien pony?" asked Twilight. Goku never explained he wasn't a pony in his story and she thought that the 'Super Saiyan God' and the 'Super Saiyan' were the names of transformations. She also thought the term ‘Saiyan’ was used to describe some sort of nationality, culture or even a new equine group.

"No, I'm a Saiyan raised on Earth. You do know what Humans are, right?"

"Yeah, Twilight and I traveled to another world where these Humans lived. It happened some time ago," Spike responded.

"Well, if my memory serves correct, the Saiyans were a warrior race that looks similar in appearance to Humans. In fact, the difference between Saiyans and Humans is that we Saiyans are born with a tail and tend to have spiky hair," explained Goku.

"Oooh," they said, understanding the true nature of their new friend

Wait. Were?” Twilight thought internally. She will have to ask him about his heritage some time in the future.

"Heh, you got used to your new body almost instantly unlike somepony else," said Spike with a mocking tone, much for Twilight's annoyance.

"HEY!" protested the lavender mare.

They both laughed as Twilight was annoyed by Spike’s teasing. They then broke off and Spike said, "Hey, Goku, do you think you can... teach me how to control my Ki? Please!"

"But I'm not good at such things as teaching. I mean, yeah I trained Gohan, but he already knew the basics."

"Oh come on, Goku! I don't need to learn everything, just the necessary to be able to fly or at least know how to fire blasts!" pleaded the purple dragon.

"Hmmm,” Goku pondered, “Alright, I'll teach you," he said in defeat, but with a bright smile. Gohan taught Videl how to fly so it shouldn't be so difficult, right?


Twilight didn't believe that. Flying without wings or magic? Ridiculous. Even though she knew Ki Energy allowed somepony to teleport just like magic, but the possibility that it would allow flying, shooting blasts, and Celestia knew what else, left her in doubt. She rather see it before believing it.

"By the way, Twilight, I saw you got some problems flying. I can help you if you want," offered the black-maned alicorn.

"Really?" She asked a little surprised.

"Yeah, consider it as a 'thank you' for everything you've done for me," he said with his innocent smile.

"L-like I said, Goku, it was a pleasure to help a friend in need," answered the lavender alicorn, who was unconsciously blushing.

"Somepony got a crush," teased Spike. After those words were spoken, Twilight's eyes opened wide.

"What are you talking about?!" she said angrily as she turned her head to the dragon.

"Oh right, you like that Flash guy," he continued.

"Spike!" she exclaimed in a warning tone.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop," said in defeat but still giggling, much to the princess's annoyance.

Goku tilted his head in confusion because of this scene. Crush? Flash? What were they talking about? And why did Twilight's face turned red again? He just shrugged and continued to eat as the two were still arguing. As stated previously, Goku will never understand the strange behavior of girls.

[Canterlot's Castle Hallways]

Princess Celestia was walking through the hallways to her bedroom after a tiring day, letting in her sister in charge for the night. However, she couldn't help but think about what Son Goku told in his story, especially that name, Lord Beerus. Several years have passed since her last meeting with him and his assistant, the Angel Whis, and even more since their first encounter.

The God of Destruction... he wasn't somepony or 'somebody' you easily forget, especially if he decided to destroy your world. But that wasn't the only reason why she remembered him. She also thought what Son Goku said about his battle against the deity. If he was strong enough to force the purple cat to use one of his strongest attacks in order to defeat him, Equestria could just have gained a very powerful ally. The power she felt earlier into the infirmary confirmed the stallion's might. If he and the Elements of Harmony teamed up, they could be the kingdom's ultimate defense.

While she was thinking happily about this, she didn't notice the sound of something breaking through the floor behind her. The thing looked like some sort of black-spined root that approached and captured her. All the Sun Goddess could do was yell a little bit but, somehow, no pony heard her, not even the Royal guards. However, Celestia wasn't the only prey the strange root wanted to catch.