• Published 15th Apr 2018
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The Sun and the Clover - BG9

After getting on the wrong bus, Anon enters a world of magic that will change his life forever

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The Rising Moon

The carriage touched down in a magnificent garden surrounded by candles. Already the rest of the students had gathered each in robes and outfits completely unique in style. It was something to behold. It took them no time at all to spot Trixie and Coloratura standing by a large fountain.

"Sunset, Anon!" Trixie yelled "How was your dinner?"

They both looked at each other nervously

"It was perfect, not a problem." Sunset said nervously

"Yup. It went perfectly."

"That's good to hear."

"So how does the ball go?" Anon asked

"Well it's mostly a social event. Until the end that is." Trixie explained "Then we preform the dance of Late Sun and Rising Moon with out partner as the moon reaches its peak hight. You've practiced haven't you Anon?"

Anon groaned

"Like you wouldn't believe. Rarity is a harsh teacher."

Trixie giggled

"Rarity the Stern we sometimes call her."

"I think we should give the two lovers time to enjoy the festivities," Coloratura said "Do stop by the front of the ball room around 11 would you? Yours truly is going to preforming."

"Really? That's quite the honor. I'd love to see it."

"I appreciate it."

He and Sunset walked out into the wider courtyard. Tall hedges made the walls as fireworks filled the sky every now and again.

"So what should we do first?"

"Like Trixie said, it's mainly social until the end when the dance takes place. So there's not much to do unless you're trying to climb the social ladder."

"Sounds good to me."

"Absolutely not." she said sternly "We can't risk anyone finding out who you are, much less someone of prominence."

"So what does that leave us to do?"

Sunset smiled a mischievous smile

"I know a place you and I can beat all the stiffs here. A private quiet place, just for us."

"Sounds wonderful. Lead the way."

Anon followed Sunset through various tables and out a back door. Through there, she led the way down a garden to a thick gate she unlocked with her magic. He followed her through shrubbery so dense they nearly had to crawl through the brush to get through the thick layers of undergrowth. Finally, an opening appeared making way to an open garden filled with red-gold blooms, the same as Sunset's hair.

"It's beautiful." he said "What is this place?"

"Each family has a garden dedicated to them. The head of house is allowed to grant or deny access as they wish. In other words,"

"We're completely alone." he finished

The two blooming lovers sat on a stone bench beside twin statues of a beautiful woman. One of the shimmer family heirs no doubt. Sunset lay her head on his shoulder and they both stared at the stars.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Sunset said

"It is."

Anon became quiet all of a sudden

"What's wrong?"

he let out a sigh

"Do you think we can win? We sit here partying and watching the stars while Nightmare Moon has achieved full power and is planning god knows what else. While she's better than she's ever been I'm hardly above a novice."

She hugged him close

"I know exactly where you are now, even if the stakes weren't so high. Do you want to hear a story?"

"There was a time when I was weak and pitiful. I had a sister desperate to get the family crest and become heir to the family. All of my sisters are the wicked sort. They'd do nothing with this power but hurt others. So I made my choice. When I was just ten years old, hardly a knowing how to hold a wand properly, I went to prove myself worthy of receiving the crest."

With a flick of her wand she manifested a tiny sun over a closed bloom. As the sun shined it began to open, releasing a marvelous sent. It was then he recognized it to be the same scent Sunset used in her perfume.

"I went to vanquish the White Lady. She was some sort of spectral creature that was said couldn't be killed by any known methods. It had terrorized a town for on close to a century. I knew that if I vanquished that, it would prove unequivocally I was worthy to head the family."

"How did you do it?"

She hugged him a little tighter, gripping his arm with too much force. He didn't dare complain.

"It was... not the easiest thing to do. And it cost me a lot. I learned from reading some tomes in the Shimmer Family archive that a member of my family had actually tried to slay the creature. It killed her but in her dying breath she revealed the secret to killing the specter: all you had to do was return the bones of her daughter to her and give the daughter a proper funeral. With this the wraith would finally be able to rest in peace.

I did some digging. Literal and otherwise. Turns out the daughter was in a mass grave in the town. All I found was a single bone. I had to enlist the help of my former teacher and idol to keep the wraith from killing me. I succeeded in my task but... well... it cost him everything to do it."

Sunset once again squeezed tight

"What I'm saying is... you're not in this alone. You're inexperienced that's true. But you have the help of some fantastic mages. And we'll all happily give our lives in order to see Nightmare Moon put to rest once and for all."

"I hope you don't die Sunset."

"I won't. Who else will teach you?" she giggled

He smiled

"You're right." he said "With you Sunset, I can do this."

He looked to the far corner of the garden and saw something. A person. A small girl with long green hair and a rather tattered dress. She met his gaze and beckoned him with one finger. He felt something stir inside him. He had to see what it was she wanted. He got up.

"Anon? Everything ok?"

"Yeah. Do you see that?"

He pointed to the girl.

"I don't see anything."

The girl began to run through the brush. He knew, for whatever reason, he had to follow her. He began to chase her.

"Anon wait! Where are you going!?"

Sunset followed suit. He chased and chased for near fifteen minutes until he came to a clearing overlooking a pond. The girl had stopped, dipping her hands inside the pond to drink.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

She didn't speak, instead pointing back to where they'd came. The moment he heard what sounded like a bolt of lighting. It was far more intense, however. It felt like the sound shook the very earth he walked on. Sunset finally caught up to him.

"What the hell was that?" he yelled

Sunset got right up beside him

"This is bad. The king has been killed."

"The king? How do you know?"

"Whenever a king dies, a shock wave rings throughout the world, allowing the entire mage world to know instantaneously." she explained "What the hell were you doing?"

"I was chasing that girl."

when he turned back the girl was no where to be found. They both turned back to the school to see a terrible sight. It was burning.

"We have to go back." Sunset said


The pond began to speak out of nowhere. It was Rarity.

"Anon! Sunset!"

They both ran to the pound to see Rarity's reflection in it.

"Rarity? What's going on." Sunset asked

"You must flee the school now. The kings private army has descended onto the castle. It's a massacre. They're killing everyone in sight. Head to north. Go to the Elk Station. I'll meet you there. I forbid you under any circumstances to return."

"Did you hear anything about Trixie or Coloratura? Are they ok!?"

Before Rarity could reply the pound rippled her reflection away. Sunset pulled him back.

"We have to go. If they're attacking the school they'll search the perimeter in no time."

Anon had a look of rage on his face. Green tendrils of mana swirled around him and the ground beneath him erupted into a bloom of flowers.

"We can't just leave! It's Nightmare Moon! She'll kill them all!"

Sunset hugged him tightly

"Please. Don't go. You'll get slaughtered too. We'll come back I promise. Please."

"But... " Anon shook with rage "But..."

"I know you're angry. But if she's here she'll no doubt be looking for you too. We have to retreat. Please."

He slammed the ground with his fists, causing a great tree to spring forth

"I swear when I come back here... I'll kill her."

The two ran down to a lamp post, calling one of the horse drawn carriages operated by a ghost. They both hopped in and were whisked away.

In the King's Domain, Vignette Valencia sat with a black steel knife in her hands, soaked in blood. The blood of her father and of the king. It was a gift from Luna and the only thing that allowed her to take the mighty king's life. Even with all her power, she was no match for the King in a fair fight. She turned her glance backwards.

"I know you're there."

She couldn't stop her trembling voice. Even though she hated this man more than anything in the world, the act of taking his life sent waves and tremors throughout her body. A man not so subtly hiding behind the corner was Flim.

"What do you want?" she hissed

"Mistress Luna instructed I wait just behind you, in case you require assistance."

Valencia looked down and chuckled

"That old Witch. She never learns." she whispered "Well I completed my task. You can return."

"Well... Luna also instructed I extend an offer to you to be your assistant. If you chose to accept, my will be as your will, my wand, yours."

"In fact... That sounds perfect. I could use some help making sure the royal families stay in line."

"As you command princess... or shall I say, queen."

Queen. She liked the sound of that. Queen Vignette Valencia.

"Our first order of business is to bring the royal families in line. After that... We stop Anon at any cost."

The carriage carrying Sunset and Anon traveled at breakneck speed. they'd be in the north in just over an hour. But his thoughts were still back at the school. He saw the fire. It was massive. He was dreading to hear Rarity's first hand account. What she already said didn't bode well.

"How're you holding up?" Sunset asked gently

"Horribly. I don't know what I'll do if Trixie and Coloratura were hurt or worse."

"You have to believe in them as I believe in you. The two are rookies sure, but they're smart. They'll find a way. I know so."

"What do we do now?"

"If your vision was right, we have to gather information at these four places. They hold the key of defeating Nightmare Moon. So we have to push for it with all we have."

"I know. It's just..."

"You did all you can. And you will give it back to her ten fold. You can and will do this."

"Thank you, Sunset."

The carriage broke through the clouds revealing a vast snowy expanse with tall foreboding mountains. The sky was alight with colors. The carriage touched down just outside a crumbling, broken castle. It looked completely deserted, and the walls surrounding it were full of holes. The castle itself was quite a downgrade from the school. It had two worn towers and a single main complex with a cabin on the far left side of the completely destroyed gate. It was downright frigid, especially in the nice party clothes they were wearing. Luckily Sunset was known for her heating abilities, spawning a warming sun just above them. Only about five minutes later did a carriage arrive containing Rarity. She looked distraught.

"Give it to use straight." Sunset said

"Near everyone was killed. The ones who weren't were captured. I overheard some of the guards explaining they'd hold a public execution for them later."

"Did you see what happened to Trixie and Coloratura?"

"They were taken with the prisoners."

Anon let out a sigh of relief.

"Good. At least that means they can be rescued."

"Are you insane?" Rarity asked "We can't rescue them."

"Of course we can! We have too!"

"This isn't a fairy tale! Don't you get it? This is a trap designed to lure you right to them!"

"But..." Anon began to shake "We can't just..."

"I believe I can offer a solution." a voice from just behind the walls said

Everyone turned only to see what looked like a somewhat fat humanoid creature made of clay and tall yellow eyes.

"Welcome ladies and gentleman to the Elk Kingdom, home to Princess Skystar. Right this way. I will see to it your accommodations are comfortable."

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