• Published 15th Apr 2018
  • 3,561 Views, 117 Comments

The Sun and the Clover - BG9

After getting on the wrong bus, Anon enters a world of magic that will change his life forever

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Trixie burst into the room, climbed onto her bunk and pulled the covers over her, placing the pillow over her head.

"Are you alright, Trixie?" Anon asked

"I don't want to talk about it." she snapped

Both he and Coloratura gave a "oh shit" look at one another. In a few minutes, Trixie got up again and put on a new robe.

"I'm going out." she spat

Before any of them could get a word end, she slammed the door behind her. Whatever it was that happened today really got under her skin.

"You think we should talk to her?" Coloratura asked

Anon shook his head

"She looks way to heated."

Coloratura just shrugs

"So I've been curious about something." Anon said

"What's that?"

"What is the Way of White? You know the organization that Rarity is part of."

"It's not an organization, it's an ancient religious order. I'm not extremely well versed, but before the establishment of modern things like states and governments and the like, mages would organize themselves in religious orders and tribes. The Way of White is one of the only religious orders left, the only other being the Blades of Mercy. Both of them are remnants of the Magic Ancient Age."

"You think Rarity would know anything about Clover?"

"Not likely. The Way of White isn't what it used to be and many of it's historical records have been lost. Rarity herself doesn't seem to be a very strong adherent anyway."

Anon just shrugged. Now was time for the waiting game. He swore the suspense would drive him insane. He checked his watched every minute on the minute. As painful as it was, time went by faster than he thought. He looked down at his watch. It was nearly time. Getting up from his bunk he motioned to Bonbon and Lyra.

"Once at the gate we're going to be out of sight." Bonbon explained "Should you need our help, just make this sign with your fingers."

She made three quick gestures with her fingers. It was a simple 3-2-1.

"Alright. Hopefully it doesn't come to that."

"I agree." she turned to her partner "Ready Lyra?"


Half way towards the gate both Lyra and Bonbon vanished as if in thin air. As promised, Moondancer was waiting for him.


"Ready. I have a question though."

"Save it. The Black Ones are out tonight."

He followed her down the path and out of the school

"The Black Ones?"

"Yes. Think of it as the schools security force."

"I haven't seen anyone."

"Are you an idiot? Of course not. Their goal is not to be seen."

They walked down to the city and hitting a brick wall. She grabbed Anon's hand and tapped the wall three times in different areas. In a flash of light, they were in an all white room with a wooden box in the center. Anon looked in awe.

"Spacial Magic." he said

"Right. And it's a strong sort. The type even your friend won't be able to get into."

"Wait, you knew they were following me?"

"I'm more observant than I look. But I brought you here for two reasons. One to give you the artifact and the other to explain something."


"First let me explain to you this artifact."

She walked over to the wooden box and opened it up. Inside lie what looked like a pearl, broken in half. The pearl periodically pulsed with a warm green glow.

"This right here is how I know without a doubt Clover didn't die that day. This sphere is a long dead mage tradition. Back in Clover's time, mages would sometimes put a portion of their magic crest into these and they would react according to the mage."

"Ok. What does this all mean then? The fact that it's cracked in half doesn't seem like a good indicator of safety."

"It means this: she's alive. See how it's pulsing with light?"


"The reason it's pulsing like that is only because her magic lives still."

"Wouldn't it just be reacting to my magic crest?"

"No. See it's more personal than that. It takes information of the magic crest the moment it's inputted. Think of it as a time capsule in a sense."

"Is there any way we can use this to track her?"

"Unfortunately, no. At least not in any way I've ever heard about. However there is something we could try: sometimes mages would put messages inside them. I don't know how useful it would be, but if you run your mana through it, Clover's mana, it could reveal it."

"Alright. I'll give it a go."

Anon did as instructed, threading his mana through the pearl. The mana coalesced to form a hologram. It was Clover the Clever. It was he first time he'd gotten a good look at her. She had short blonde hair, piercing emerald eyes and a small skinny frame. She wore the most stereotypical witch outfit you could think of. Long green robes, a staff and a pointed hat. She appeared to be no older than thirteen. She spoke.

"Well hello! It's me Clover!" she giggled "I don't really know how to do this but... Let this be the start of my mage career! I know I'll be the successor and not my sister!"

And that was all that was there. But nonetheless, they learned something interesting.

"Incredible. Clover had a sister? It's not mentioned in anything I've ever read!"

"That can't be right. I watched a memory of clover's from when she was a small child. There's no way she had a sister, much less one that was older."



"After Clover's parents were murdered she was adopted by a orphanage known as Crookback Home for the Needy."

Moondancer got a concerned look on her face

"What's wrong?" he asked

"This complicates matters. The orphanage is closed due to it being haunted by an evil spirit. They're what are known as wraiths. Spirits who are so consumed by hatred and malice they're tied to the place of their death, forever seeking vengeance on those who enter."

"Is anyone alive that has any connection to it?"

"Not so far as I know. It closed nearly a thousand years ago. However it's managed to stay in perfect condition this entire time. Due to the wraith no doubt."

"What should we do?"

"What you should do is find someone with a knowledge in exorcism magic. A monster hunter would be you best bet. Then you should either talk to the spirit if they're cleansed or try to get documents from the orphanage. There's bound to be records of Clover in there somewhere."

"Amazing. To think she could be alive all these years later."

"With life magic, anything is possible. Before we go, I have one thing left to say."

"What's that?"

"Be on your guard. Once we get out I'll have to go into hiding. I'm being watched."

"By who?"

"The less you know the better. But know this: they are watching you as well. And neither of your body guards even realize it. Don't trust anyone. Am I clear?"

"Wait, what? Are you saying there are enemy spies?"

"There's no time. I'm going to send you out of here. But heed me I say, don't trust a soul."

Before he could lend a word to protest he was pushed out back onto the street. There, Lyra and Bonbon, were waiting. He opened his hand to see the pearl and put it in his pocket.

"I know this was a terrible idea!" Bonbon said

"Are you ok? What happened in there?"

Anon was about to speak up when he heard the words ring in his mind. 'Trust no one.'

"I'm fine. And nothing. Nothing happened."

Bonbon looked skeptical.

"I know you're lying to me. Spit it out or I'll make you."

At this point he had no choice. But not here. Anon put his finger up to make a hush sign and Bonbon nodded. He'd have to figure out a plausible backstory to avoid telling them.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry this chapter took an eternity to publish. Inspiration has been low this past few weeks.

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