• Published 15th Apr 2018
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The Sun and the Clover - BG9

After getting on the wrong bus, Anon enters a world of magic that will change his life forever

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He thought for a moment. Clover the Clever? It certainly didn't sound familiar.

"Why? Is he someone important?"

Trixie looked almost offended by the question

"she is one of the most influential and accomplished mages to ever take a breathe on earth is who she is. She invented an entire genre of magic and is theorized to have saved the entire magic world from extinction! That is who Clover the Clever is!"

"Clearly an important figure in our history."

"Important doesn't even do it justice! But she is also one of the most puzzling figures in our history books. Nearly one thousand, five hundred years ago, she vanished without a trace. And you have her Magic Crest."

"How did I end up with that?"

"I was about to ask you the same question." she said "Do you have any weird dreams? Any memories you're not sure are your own?"

"I can't say I do. I don't have dreams very often. Certainly no memories I'm unsure are mine."

"Well if anyone will know what's going on, it's Headmaster Rom." Trixie chuckles to herself "Oh I only wish I could be there to see the look on your face when you meet him."

"Why? Is he an odd person or something?"

Trixie could hardly contain her amusment

"Oh you'll see." she said "It would be impolite of me to spoil such a grand surprise."

The bus began to descend as it approached the castle ground, coming to a gentle stop outside of the tall stone wall that surrounded the entire thing. After a few seconds, the bricks slowly began to move on their own, creating a hole big enough for the bus to pass through. The bus drove a few feet to a large black tower before coming to a final stop and the driver instructed everyone to exit. As Anon exited however, Sunset grabbed his shoulder and pulled him to the side.

"So Trixie just explained everything to me and-"

Sunset cut him off

"You have no idea of the gravity of this situation. This is a discovery of untold proportions. For now you must maintain absolute secrecy you understand? I can't guarantee someone won't try to kill you and steal the crest from your corpse. It's more valuable than the entire world."

"Apparently she was a pretty influential person so I hear."

"That's an understatement. She created an entirely new field of study by age fifteen. A new field study that, to this day, is one of the most challenging to master. There are headmaster's with family tree's extending back to the dawn of magic who haven't even come close to the level that Clover was. She was a visionary. The best comparison I could draw to that of mortals is that of the Wright Brothers. She fundamentally changed the way the magic world behaved and saved it from certain doom."

Two burly men in black robes begin to walk towards them and Anon could feel sweat run down his neck. These were the type of people who looked like they could break him in a thousand different ways with their bare hands. One of them spoke in a deep, forceful voice.

"The headmaster wishes to speak with you. This way please."

Sunny whispers "Don't worry about them. They're security guards here for the school. Very trustworthy."

"You too, Sunset Shimmer." the other one said

Sunset looked confused but didn't question them, merely followed close behind. They followed them to another tower not far off. Inside, at the base of the long spiral staircase were ten floating orbs, each of different colors. The first man places his hand on the white orb, instantly vanishing. The second man grabs Anon's arm with quite a bit force, making sure it was on the white orb as well. He felt a sinking feeling before blinking and seeing he was in a completely different place.

In front of him was a hallway that led to a circular room. The walls were just one giant book shelf the stretched the entire perimeter of the office. At the end of the hallway was a large wooden desk with papers, books, and pens scattered about. A large red carpet lined the floor and the whole office seemed to have a dim blue glow to it, yet there were no obvious signs of any light sources. It was as if the room itself was glowing.

"Welcome to the White-Gold Tower Mr. Mouse. This way please."

The man gave him a strong nudge and he walked down the hall, Sunset following close behind. The security officer that entered before they had was already standing at the desk. He rang the bell and a creature walked out to the desk. Anon could hardly believe his eyes as he saw a spider with close to thirty eyes and a circular mouth with sharp jaws walk towards them.

"Is this the one you discussed?" he asked one of the guards

He had a surprisingly human voice. It was deep but welcoming, almost like that of a sweet and loving grandfather welcoming his son home after not seeing him for years. Yet those pitch black eyes and tiny hairs covering the entire body of this grotesque beast were so off putting.

"Yes sir." said the guard "The one with the crest."

The giant, disgusting spider turned it's thirty eyes to him

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I am the headmaster of this school, Rom. But most simply call me Headmaster."

"The pleasure is mine." Anon managed to choke out

"So." he started, his voice becoming noticeably more stern "How was it you came to posses a magic crest of one of the greatest Magi who ever walked the face of this world?"

"I'm not sure, sir. In fact, up until now I had no idea magic even existed."

"Is that right? Hm."

Rom began to pace back and forth, each of his eight legs making a noticeable thump as it hit the floor like that of a dumbbell hitting carpet.

"Well there is one way to be sure that you're telling the truth. Keep in mind however that if you're lying to me you will almost certainly be executed."

"I understand, sir."

"This way please."

He followed Rom to another desk to the right of the larger one. He reached into the cupboard above it and pulled out a cup filled to the very brim with water. It was amazing that he didn't spill a drop while placing it down on the desk.

"If you'd please place your hands at base of this cup without touching it and concentrate hard on the center. It will determine whether or not we enroll you or throw you in the dungeon for high treason against the magical world. No pressure."

Amazing he could be joking at a time like this. Anon did exactly as he instructed yet nothing happened. The glass of water simply sat there. Rom studied the glass closely, as if observing something completely invisible to him.

"Ah yes. It's clear to me now." he paused for a moment "You are indeed innocent. Consider yourself enrolled. However a word of caution: tell no one of your crest, at least not until you're able to defend yourself. People far more powerful than I would surely have an interested in removing it from you."

Anon nodded, letting out a huge sigh of relief

"Yes, sir. I won't tell a soul."

"Happy to hear it. You're dismissed. Please go to Tower Forty-Two for your orientation. Sunset can lead you there. I believe you're heading the orientation this year correct?"

Sunset nods

"Yes, sir. It's an honor."

"An honor you've earned. Anyway, you are dismissed. If you use the green orb you'll be able to get there instantly."

He and Sunset started to walk down the hall before Rom called out to them again

"Oh and one more thing before you leave."

Before he even had time to react, Anon felt a searing, unholy pain in his eyes. It was as if someone had taken a hot iron bar and pressed it directly against his eyes. It took everything in his power not to scream in pain. As quickly as it appeared however, the pain was gone.

"Sorry about that. I placed a rune inside your eyes. If your eyes should ever detect a threat more powerful than you can handle, the rune will activate and summon me directly to your defense. It is quite painful however. I hope you'll forgive me."

He rubbed his eyes, the vision finally starting to return.

"It's fine. Just a little warning next time?"

Rom simply waved and Anon and Sunny teleported to the forty-second tower for their orientation.

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