• Published 16th Mar 2018
  • 7,270 Views, 696 Comments

Surviving Saiyan in Equestria - bcmorgan96

Goku's mother, Gine, lands on Equestria and will have to learn about the world she is now on. What will happen? Who knows.

  • ...

Chrysalis' Revenge, Gine's Training is Tested

[Everfree Forest, Zecora's Hut, 12:41 P.M. ]

Zecora was walking Twilight out of her hut. Twilight was holding a small chest in her hands as she reached the outside of the door. Twilight smiled to the zebra as she said, "Thank you again for letting me borrow this Zecora. I'll be sure to bring it back once I'm done with it."

Zecora nodded to the princess at the door of her hut. "Of course Twilight, though I was concerned, I know you are a pony this item will not turn."

Twilight nodded before putting the chest under her shoulder. "Thank you again. See ya around."

Zecora smiled before shutting the door to her hut and Twilight opened her wings and flew off, but rather than flying towards Ponyville, she flew off deeper into the Everfree Forest. She eventually landed in a small campsite where Twilight smirked before her eyes flashed green and she was soon covered in a field of green flames and when it faded, it revealed Chrysalis, the former queen of the Changelings. She put the chest down as she looked to two trees with her eyes of evil shinning.

"Now let my plan for revenge begin."

On one of the trees, there was a picture of Princess Celestia. On another was a picture of Princess Luna. And behind both pictures, there were small pieces of mane hair from both princesses. "I must say it was easier to get these from the two princesses than it was Twilight and her 'friends'."


Celestia and Luna were calmly enjoying their free time in the dining hall, enjoying sweets of dark chocolate cake and strawberry shortcake. Luna dug into the former with delight as she looked to her sister. "The chefs have outdone themselves once again sister. I can see why you've enjoyed them over the years."

"I agree. They do know how to make it easier to enjoy a day. Especially since its the first time we've had a free schedule in months."

Suddenly, they heard rapid knocking on the door before they slammed open to show a mare with pale fur and an orange mane, dressed in an orange shirt and skirt, enter excitedly with a camera in her hands. Behind her, a guard walked in with an apologetic look. "Apologies your highnesses. She was just very determined and-."

Celestia stood and waved her hand to the guard. "It's quite alright. Continue you with your duties."

The guard nodded and walked off to continue his job. Meanwhile, Luna stood as well and turned to the mare who smiled to them both. "So what can we do for you Ms...?

"Sharp Lens your highness. It's just my editors are doing a story on you two on the front page this week and we need a picture of you both for it. I hope you don't mind."

Before the princesses could answer, they suddenly found Sharp Lens straightening their manes harshly. They both let out a groan due to how hard she had pulled before wiping their mouths with a napkin she pulled out of nowhere. "Perfect. Now smile!"

Sharp then pulled up her camera and snapped the flashing button individually right in front of both of the princesses faces. "Thank you."

The two princesses shook the daze out of their eyes before looking to Sharp again with puzzled looks and Celestia speaking for the two. "Your welcome?"

"Have a wonderful rest of the day your majesties." Sharp then ran out the door with the photos while Celestia and Luna looked to one another for a moment.

"Well, shall we continue our snack, Tia?"

"I would say so, Luna."

The two sat back down and continued their snack. Meanwhile, outside of the castle, Sharp looked to the photos in one hand and in the other, two strands of hair, Celestia and Luna's hair. She grew a smirk and her eyes flashed green a bit. "Two pieces down, one more to go."

Flashback ends

Chrysalis looked to the two photos as they still hung with the hairs. "Rather than make clones of those six again, I thought it'd be best to think bigger. Clones of Celestia and Luna. Their hairs giving them their magic mixed with my own. Only this time, I have a more effective means of controlling these two."

Chrysalis then approached the chest she tricked Zecora into giving her and opened it to show a red reflective glow coming from whatever was inside. She reached in and pulled out a relic that Twilight had given to Zecora long before Starlight had befriended Trixie. The Alicorn Amulet.

"By combining this with the clones, not only will they far surpass Celestia and Luna in terms of power, but with me being its bearer, I'll be able to control these two far easier than those failed clones of Twilight and her friends."

Chrysalis then hooked the amulet around her neck before she felt a surge of magic shoot through her and her eyes flashed red for a moment and her magic aura around her horn turned red. "Now to put the final touches on my plan for revenge against Starlight and all of those who defied me. And then, Thorax and all of the traitors will be next. Only their pain will be far, far worse."

Chrysalis then turned back to the trees with the pictures hanging from them. She then charged her horn with the red magic aura the amulet provided her before blasting and forming shapes of Celestia's and Luna's cutie marks underneath their respected photos and hairs. She then charged her horn once again with a circle of magic forming under her feet and then blasted the two trees with a blast connecting the two soon after. After enough magic was shot through the two, the trees began to crack and glow with red magic. They then began to break open like a blooming flower and inside, two spheres of red magic began to form in the center of both of them. The two spheres then began to take shape, rising from their trees and forming into silhouettes. Soon after, the two became identical in looks to Celestia and Luna, both dressed in royal armor similar to those their original counterparts would wear, only far darker in color and more menacing looking due to the power of the Alicorn Amulet. Only unlike their original counterparts, their fur and mane colors were a more faded shade. And unlike the Mean 6, when they opened their eyes, they held blood red irises. The two stepped out of the tree remains before walking up to Chrysalis.

"My children," said Chrysalis as she smirked at the two and their eyes flashed red before they bowed to her.

The two looked to her as they continued bowing with the Celestia clone speaking first, "What would you have us do first, my queen?"

Chrysalis smirked before she looked towards a path that leads to Ponyville. "Let's get to work paying Ponyville a visit."

[Everfree Forest, Gine's Camp Area, 1:30 P.M.]

With the sun still shining brightly over her, Gine was calmly taking a nap on the ground in the area she's made into her camp. She gently snored as she let sleep continue to relax her. However, she began to stir a bit when she heard a rustling sound near her. She soon rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes and sat up only to find a timberwolf was eating on the fruits and other foods she collected for herself. "Hey!"

The timberwolf turned its sights on Gine who stood up, causing it to growl a bit. However, as the timberwolf moved closer to strike, Gine noticed something about. It was a bit smaller than normal timberwolves, it had some scars on its body, was a bit skinnier than other timberwolves, and it appeared to be limping a bit. As she continued examining the creature, it made a leap at Gine, who easily dodged it. She then heard the beast let out a whimpering yelp and noticed its left back leg seemed to be struggling to stay together. 'It's hurt. It must be just trying to survive.'

Gine stepped back as the timberwolf looked to her again as she reached to the ground for a piece of the rope she's been using for her training. The timberwolf made another leap for her, only this time when Gine dodged it, she wrapped the rope tightly around its snout. She then held the wolf down and used the rest of the rope to tie its legs together. "Easy fella. I wanna try and help you. Just hold still and relax. I have just the thing to help you feel better."

Gine then walked over to her pack and dug in it for a moment until she pulled out her bottle of healing liquid and found only a little left. She then walked over to the Timberwolf as it growled a bit more before she held the liquid over its leg and began slowly pouring it over the wolf's leg and scars. The wolf growled for a moment but soon began to relax as the liquid began healing its injuries. After they were fully healed, Gine untied both ropes and the Timberwolf got up and took a few steps away, only not in a way of attacking her. It looked to her curiously before looking to the food Gine still had lying on the ground for her to take back to Twilight's castle.

Gine followed its gaze before looking back at it. "Go ahead."

Gine walked over to pick up some food and placed it in front of the wolf before it started eating. Gine smiled as it continued eating and regaining its strength and as this happened, she began to realize something. Judging by its scars, its weakened state, and her knowledge on wolves being pack hunters, she could only make one conclusion. "You're alone. You must've been an alpha wolf before another took your place huh?"

The wolf looked to her with a somewhat sorrowful expression as she raised her hand towards it. The Timberwolf seemed hesitant and defensive at first, but Gine's slow and gentle movement put it at ease when she began rubbing its head. "Believe me. I know how you feel. I lost all the ones that I cared about too. Like my old squad."

Before Gine could continue, they both heard what sounded like an explosion nearby. Gine shot up and looked out in the direction the sound came from before she began to see smoke coming from a distant area. And though it was far from her spot, she knew exactly where it was coming from. "Ponyville. And if there's smoke. Then that likely means trouble."

Gine then looked to the wolf as it looked to her. "Well. See ya around fella. Enjoy the food. And get your strength back." Gine turned to the skies again before taking off flying towards the smoke. "Well whatever's going on, I'll be sure to do my best to help. Toolo? Any ideas on what I'm about to fly into?"

'I know not Gine. However, if you use the senses and techniques that I have taught you, you may have an easier time knowing what you'll be facing.'

"Fair point," Gine said as she started focusing on sensing energy only to be startled at what she felt. "Wow. I'm feeling some strong energy. Wait... There's two of them. But for some reason, they feel familiar. But who or whatever they are, they are powerful."

Despite knowing that whatever was attacking Ponyville was powerful, Gine couldn't help but smirk a bit. Though she left Planet Vegeta a butcher, she still had Saiyan blood in her. And like any other Saiyan, her instincts began to excite her. "But I guess that means I'll get to see how much stronger I've become. Then maybe later have a rematch with Princess Celestia."

Gine then continued off flying for Ponyville as fast as she could, knowing no matter what was there waiting for her, she was determined to face it to the best of her abilities.

[Ponyville, 1:15 P.M.] (Prior Event)
(Also to help with distinguishing the clones, they'll be labeled with E. for evil.)

Ponyville. A normally peaceful town, but still with its fair share of trouble and events, was always protected by Twilight and her friends. They had faced many threats and always did them together and came out on top.

However, this time, they faced a threat more difficult than anything before. Sure they had face threats that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had faced and defeated in the past. But never had they had to face magic that was nearly identical to the two princesses' magic.

Ponyville was being torn apart by E. Celestia and E. Luna while Chrysalis watched from the sides with a smirk. The two clones continued blasting many areas with their magic. E. Celestia looked to one home and while ponies were evacuating, she ignited her horn and shot a blast powerful enough to destroy the building itself. "Oh, this is so much fun. My queen. Thank you for allowing us so much fun. Can we start taking minds now though?"

Chrysalis chuckled as her horn began glowing with the red aura the Alicorn Amulet gave her. "Not quite yet. I want Twilight and her friends' end to be witnessed by all those who look to them as heroes. After we destroy them and Starlight Glimmer, then you can have as much fun as you want taking as many minds as you can to start building our new hive. But those who refuse to join our hive under my control, you can torture as much as you want... As prisoners."

E. Luna also destroyed another building and sent more ponies running for cover. "I agree with our queen sister. It'd be more entertaining to let these ponies watch as their precious saviors are destroyed and then make them into a new hive of brothers and sisters."

E. Celestia thought for a moment before grinning and nodding. "Oh very well. It'll make it all the sweeter when we take away all of these ponies' hope when we take away their protectors."


The three looked in another direction to see the mane 6 and Starlight heading their way. However, the group stopped when they spotted the clones of the princesses looking at them with an amused look on their faces. "Princess Celestia? Princess Luna?"

"Not entirely!" Celestia made her twisted grin grow before charging her horn with more magic and fired a powerful beam that Twilight and Starlight had to block with their magic, creating a forcefield that stopped the shot but was still shattered on contact. The force of the shattering forcefield also pushed the girls to the ground for a moment before they got back up.

Rainbow was the first to shake the dirt off of herself before looking to the clones in shock. "What was that about? Have you forgotten who your friends are?"

E. Luna simply chuckled as she looked straight at them before firing a blast of her own which was countered by a blast from both Twilight and Starlight. "You'd be right. If we were your friends."

"What are you talking about? Don't you remember all of the times we had fun and ate cupcakes together?"

"Hold on Pinkie," Twilight spoke. While the paler fur color remained unknown to them, she noticed the blood red shade of her eyes. "They're not Princess Celestia or Princess Luna!"

This caused confusion among the girls. "Twilight? What are you talking about?"

"Look at their eyes Starlight. Celestia and Luna have eyes that show compassion and kindness. But theirs are more of destruction and chaos."

This statement caused Chrysalis to laugh a little, making the girls look at her. "Very perceptive Twilight Sparkle. No. These two are not the Celestia and Luna you know. They're actually copies I created. You see a long time ago I once tried to make copies of you. Do you recognize this face?"

Chrysalis then changed herself to look like Sharp Lens again, and the girls recognized her with a gasp and Fluttershy asking, "You were that photographer we met months ago?"

Chrysalis smirked as she changed back to her real form and continued, "Indeed I was. You see I had planned to make copies of you as a means of obtaining the Elements of Harmony and get my revenge on all of you. However, that plan didn't work out as your counterparts turned on me and attempted to take the elements for themselves. Which also resulted in their destruction. So I decided to try again. Only this time, I didn't worry about the elements, but instead made clones of the rulers of Equestria."

"And what makes you think they won't turn on you the same way our clones did?"

Chrysalis simply tapped her fingers on the relic around her neck. "Because this time, I have a more effective means of controlling them."

"The Alicorn Amulet!"

"Exactly. By going to your little zebra friend Zecora disguised as Twilight Sparkle, I was able to obtain this very easily. Then all I had to do was use the Alicorn Amulet combined with the magic I've gathered during my time in exile. With it, I not only created these two from photos and a piece of hair from both of them, but I also made them more powerful than their counterparts, with the amulet being my direct means of controlling them with its magic running through them. Such as this. Girls?"

The two clones charged their magic and fired two powerful beams once again, blasting the ground in front of Twilight and her friends, causing them to fall to the ground making Chrysalis laugh. "Oh, this is just too easy now. For so long I've dreamt of finally having my revenge on you all, Starlight most of all. And now it seems my revenge has come to me at last."


Everyone's attention was drawn to Spike approaching with Gallus, Smolder, Ocellus, Yona, Silverstream, and Sandbar following behind him. They were horrified to see what was going on. And the Mane 6 and Starlight were even more horrified to see them in the area. Especially when Chrysalis caught sight of them and made her sadistic grin grow as Twilight yelled, "Spike! You and the others get out of here!"

"I think not! Celestia!" Chrysalis pointed towards the young group with the Alicorn Amulet flashing in sync with E. Celestia's eyes as they turned her sights on the group as well and charged her horn. She then let out an insane laugh as she fired a powerful blast in the middle of the group of students and Spike, scattering them from one another. After a moment to recover, they all began to stand again only Ocellus found herself being lifted up by a red aura coming from Chrysalis horn. The others watched in fear as she was being pulled towards the elder Changeling. Sandbar even tried to run and grab onto her but was too late to with Chrysalis pulling her too quickly. "Ocellus!"

The young changeling soon found herself face to face with the anger and ruthlessness of Chrysalis' eyes, causing Ocellus to shake in fear as she spoke, "C-Chrysalis."

"A small traitor to my hive. But now I have a purpose for you." Ocellus watched as Chrysalis licked her muzzle, terrifying the young changeling, clueless of what was going through Chrysalis' mind at the moment. "I know. I was going to plan on finishing Twilight and her friends first. But instead, I'll go ahead and have my new followers torment and finish you for betraying my rule and joining Thorax. Then I'll send you to him as a means of showing him what fate lies ahead for him, only your pain will pale in comparison to what I do to him." She then threw Ocellus back to the ground, only out of the reach of her friends before turning to E. Celestia. "Go. Have some fun."

E. Celestia smirked before flying straight towards Ocellus so fast, no one had time to react. Ocellus let out a scream as E. Celestia closed in. But right as the clone alicorn was about to reach the young Changeling, from the Everfree Forest, shot out a blur of white energy that struck E. Celestia so hard, it sent her crashing into another abandoned building and creating a cloud and trail of dust in the process.

This result caused surprise and shock among all who witnessed it, especially Chrysalis. "What! What happened?"

E. Celestia pulled out of the rubble she was covered in from the building she crashed into and glared as the dust cloud began to fade a bit and revealed a silhouette that looked familiar to the girls and students with Fluttershy asking, "Is that...?"

Ocellus was the first to tell who had saved her when the dust completely faded to show it was Gine standing in front of her. Gine glared at E. Celestia for a moment before turning her head over her shoulder to look to a joyful Ocellus. "You okay Ocellus?"

Ocellus, with a few tears out of fear on her eyes from the close call, quickly wiped them from her cheeks and nodded. "Mhmm. Thanks, Gine."

Gine nodded back with a smile before turned back to Chrysalis, E. Celestia, and E. Luna with a glare. "Alright Ocellus. Get clear. I have a feeling things are about to get rough."

Ocellus nodded before running off to her friends with Chrysalis preparing to attack her herself when...


The shout drew the three attackers' attention to Gine who continued to glare at the three. "I know for a fact you two aren't Celestia and Luna. They're nowhere near as cowardly as you are when it comes to attacking the young. Why don't you cowards try going against someone who can fight back?"

Gine's "coward" comment really seemed to upset the three as their horns all began to glow from their anger with Chrysalis speaking, "I don't know who you are but you dare call us cowards when I control two clones who are even more powerful than their counterparts?"

Gine simply remained motionless and held her glare on the three. "I call them as I see them. And those who are willing to harm someone who can't fight, a child none the less, is far from powerful."

Chrysalis became even more angered by Gine's comment before she looked to E. Luna and pointed towards the Saiyan. "Enough of this! Luna! BLAST HER!"

"Yes, my queen." E. Luna then stepped forward and opened her wings and channeled her magic into her horn as she glared at the Saiyan. "Now die!"

E. Luna then fired a magical blast that came at Gine at a speed even faster than Rainbow's straight for Gine. However, right as it was about to strike her, Gine shot her hand up and ricocheted it up with her bare hand into the air where it exploded. This action shocked everyone as they all stood with their mouths agape. With the girls, Rarity was the first to speak, "Did you all see that?"

Spike was the first to respond, "She practically took the blast and threw it to the air with just one hand."

The action also further upset E. Luna as well as she channeled more magic to her horn. "Lucky move. Take this!" E. Luna then fired three more blasts, with Gine deflecting the first two shots the same as the first one before doing a spin to kick the third one right back at E. Luna. The clone princess created a shield to block the attack, but the force of it still pushed her back and angered her even more.

Gine simply held her stance as she looked at the angered princess with a glare while a small smile grew on her face. "Is that all?"


"She said you two are clones who are both more powerful than Celestia and Luna. And I've gone toe to toe with Celestia herself and let me tell ya, she was a lot tougher than those attempts there."


"Calm yourself, Luna!" Chrysalis used the amulet to control the clone and force her to calm down. "She's only trying to anger you and cause you to lose control. Don't let her manipulate you!"

E. Luna continued to glare at Gine while E. Celestia stepped forward with an intrigued smirk on her muzzle. "Perhaps I should take a chance against her Luna. It will allow us both to see how powerful she truly is."

E. Luna let out a huff but still agreed with E. Celestia. "Very well. But don't hog all of the fun when it comes time to make her suffer."

"Of course not." E. Celestia turned towards Gine with a sinister look while the Saiyan held her stern expression.

As the two continued their stare down, the others couldn't help but watch in suspense and anticipation. Rarity was the first to ask, "Twilight? Is it possible Gine can stop them by herself?"

"I don't know. But I think I have a way of finding out." Twilight quickly reached into her pocket and after digging around for a moment, pulled out Gine's old scouter and placed it on her head. "Luckily Gine left a note on how to change the settings to where I could understand the readings on it."

Twilight turned her sights on E. Celestia, E. Luna, and Chrysalis and pressed the button on the device, causing it to start measuring the amount of power the three individually carried. It soon stopped and Twilight spoke what was given out loud, "Okay. The clones of Celestia and Luna have a power level of at least 16,000 each. Chrysalis, with the Alicorn Amulet amplifying her magic, has around 20,000."

This caused some of the other girls to gulp a bit with Starlight asking, "What about Gine's?"

Twilight then pressed the button on the scouter again as she aimed it for Gine. "Okay... Her power is... 17,000!"

This made the others cheer a bit with Fluttershy asking, "So she may have a chance of beating them?"

"I hope so. Gine has more of a chance against them when it comes to one on one. But there's no guarantee she can beat them if they all come at her at once."

Gine and E. Celestia continued to stare each other down before E. Celestia charged at Gine with her fist ready to strike only for her fist to hit nothing right when she reached her. She looked to find Gine was gone. "Where did she-AH!"

E. Celestia was stunned when Gine appeared behind her and sent her to the ground and kick to the back of her head, creating a grove in the ground. E. Celestia eventually stopped dragging against the ground and sat up to spit dirt out of her mouth. She then stood and wiped the dirt off herself before she glared at the Saiyan once again. "How? How did you-?"

"You're too slow. And you're overconfident," Gine said as she then took her stance, "and now I'm going to show you what I can do." Gine then charged at E. Celestia at lightning speed. E. Celestia charged magic into her fist and took a swing only for the attack to phase through Gine with the Saiyan phasing through her before fading. Gine then reappeared in front of her and threw a hard punch to E. Celestia's right cheek and sent her skidding back a fair distance. This left everyone watching shocked at what had just transpired with Chrysalis asking, "What... What is going on?"

The students watching were also shocked at what was going on as well. Smolder asked, "Did anyone see what just happened?"

"Only thing Yona see was fake Gine go through evil Princess clone before real Gine appear and attack. But Yona don't know how she do it."

E. Celestia regained her balance after a moment of skidding and wiped her hand on her cheek and found blood. "You're going to pay for that!"

E. Celestia then charged at Gine once again and began throwing rapid punches and kicks, all charged with magic. She held nothing back as she struck with all she had and as quick as she could move.

However, despite this, Gine effortlessly dodged each strike, which only infuriated E. Celestia. Gine soon jumped to the air to dodge one punch, causing E. Celestia to strike the ground instead before charging after her. E. Celestia continued throwing more strikes with Gine leading her along with her dodges. "Fight back! What are you waiting for!?"

Gine dodged another shot before catching the next punch, shocking E. Celestia. "Waiting for the right opening. Like now!" Gine then surprised E. Celestia with a knee to the chin before following with a kick to the gut that sent her crashing to the ground again. E. Celestia then stood up with more anger in her eyes as she charged her horn with magic.

"Take this!"

E. Celestia then fired a powerful magic beam right for Gine who simply let the attack strike her, covering her in a cloud of smoke, horrifying the group of friends who watched from the cover they found while E. Celestia smirked at what appeared to be her victory. "That what she gets for pissing me off."

"Is that it?"

The question caught everyone by surprise when the smoke cleared to reveal Gine had taken no damage from the attack, shocking E. Celestia more than anyone else. "No. Impossible."

"Good. Because it's my turn." Gine then began charging energy into her hands and took aim at E. Celestia.

"Goddess Blast!"

Gine then fired a powerful blast that E. Celestia tried to block with a magic field, only for the field to shatter and still do damage to her. E. Celestia looked to herself to see the damage Gine's attack had caused her before glaring at the Saiyan once again.

"Surrender now and I won't have to continue hurting you."

Chrysalis was also angered by how the fight had transpired so far before looking to E. Luna and pointed her finger out towards the two fighters. "What are you waiting for? Get in there and help destroy that bothersome pest!"

"Yes, Queen Chrysalis!" E. Luna then took off to land beside her fellow clone princess who glared at her for a moment.

"I didn't ask for your help!"

"No, you didn't." E. Luna then charged her magic as well before glaring at Gine, "But Chrysalis demanded I aid you. And it's obvious this one can handle us if we fight her individually. So our only course of action for victory is to fight her at the same time."

E. Celestia groaned for a moment before standing up and charging with her magic once again. "Very well. We'll finish her together."

Gine landed once again before glaring at the two and took her stance. "Bring it on."

"Is she crazy?" Rainbow couldn't believe what was about to happen.

"She's really gonna try and fight 'em both at the same time? Can she even handle that? Ah mean ah know she's strong and gotten stronger while out there in the Everfree Forest and all, but can she still handle them both?"

"I don't know Applejack," Twilight said as she continued using the scouter to keep track of their power levels. "All we can do is hope Gine knows what she's doing."

Gine held her stance while waiting for E. Celestia and E. Luna to make the next move. The two clone princesses stood where they were with their magic flowing through them. E. Celestia looked sideways to E. Luna, "Ready?"

E. Luna smirked right as their magic stopped rising, "GO!"

The two then took off for Gine who held her ground as they closed in. She quickly dodged a punch from E. Celestia before grabbing her by the wrist and throwing her over her shoulder. This move, however, left her open to be kicked in the back by E. Luna who then followed it up with a powerful magic blast that knocked Gine down. Gine quickly caught herself with her hands before flipping back to her feet. She then charged at E. Luna and knocked her back with a strong punch and then blasted her away with a small ki blast. E. Celestia then charged in and landed a kick to Gine's head before pushing the Saiyan back with a double punch with magic charging her fists. Gine skidded back from the attack and kept her balance. She then blocked another blast from E. Celestia before retaliating with a Maiden Lancer that was blocked and shattered by a forcefield. E. Luna then surprised Gine with another kick but before she pulled back completely, Gine grabbed her by the leg and began spinning her around for a moment before throwing her aside. Gine was about to blast her as well but was hit from behind again by E. Celestia who charged into her with her horn charged. Right as Gine was getting up from the attack, she was then hit from the side by a magic blast from E. Luna. Gine then charged another Goddess Blast and fired only for the two to both fire magic blasts that was enough to counter it and the force of the collision sent Gine to the ground and dealt damage to the shoulder strap and chipped off a part of the skirt design of her armor along with also causing a little damage to the jumpsuit underneath it.

Chrysalis laughed at the display of her two new servants appearing to overpower the Saiyan who was starting to get up. "You see? You were a fool to challenge me and my two followers! They not only possess the looks and powers of Celestia and Luna but also outmatch even them with enhanced magic given to them by the Alicorn Amulet. Did you really think you were a match for them at all?"

The others could only watch as Gine got back to her feet and were worried at how she appeared to hold a neutral look on her face. However, the fear and worry were soon replaced with confusion when Gine began laughing a bit.

"You find being outmatched by my two followers funny?"

Gine stopped laughing after a moment and soon smirked at Chrysalis, E. Celestia, and E. Luna as she clenched her fists and held her arms out by her side with them bent up at the elbows. "It's true. At the moment, I can take either of them one on one, but not both of them at the same time."

Gine then flared her aura around her. "But let's see what happens when I stop holding back and use my full power! HAAAAAAA!!!"

Gine's aura then continued growing in size and power, shocking everyone, especially her foes as they watched in astonishment. Twilight and the others were also surprised by Gine's display of power with Pinkie asking, "Twilight? What's going on?"

The scouter on Twilight's face then began beeping like crazy and Twilight's eyes widened at what the lens was showing her. She began to tremble a bit while she answered, "I don't believe it. Gine's power... It's skyrocketing!"

This surprised everyone even further with Gallus asking, "You mean... She really has been holding back her power all of this time? But how much has she been holding back?"

Twilight watched as the numbers on the scouter increased rapidly from Gine. "18,000... 19,000... 23,000... And it's still going up!"

Ocellus was the most amazed as Gine's power continued to increase in her aura's flare. "She's... She's incredible. Before she started training herself, she wasn't able to beat Princess Celestia. But now... It's like she's outmatched both her and Princess Luna at the same time."

The scouter soon stopped and the others quickly noticed the look of astonishment on Twilight's face as she remained silent. After a few moments of silence, Rainbow quickly brought up the question that she knew everyone was begging to have answered, "Twilight? What does it say? What's Gine's power now?"

Twilight continued to tremble a bit as the astonishment never left her eyes while she turned to her friends. "It's... It's... 34,000."

This instantly astonished the rest of the group with Sandbar asking, "Princess Twilight? Do you mean she's been only fighting half as hard?"

"It would seem so Sandbar. I bet she wanted to test and see how strong they were before she resorted to using as much as she had. And by the looks of it, I doubt she's holding back anymore now."

Gine continued to smirk at her foes while E. Celestia and E. Luna gained looks of frustration. "I'll admit. You both teaming up against me in round 1 did pay off."

Gine then took her battle stance with a determined look in her eyes, "But now it's time for round 2!"

Gine then charged her power further and charged at the two and in the blink of an eye, she appeared in front of them and struck E. Luna with a powerful kick that pushed her back quite a distance. E. Celestia then tried to attack but was too slow when Gine shot her fist up to meet her face with the Saiyan then following up by tripping her and doing a back kick to send her into the air. Gine then followed after her and dodged a punch from E. Celestia before grabbing her by the horn and kneeing her in the face and began rapidly punching her in the gut before using an uppercut and cyclone kick to send her back again. Gine then turned to dodge a punch from E. Luna and grabbed her by the wrist before doing a cyclone movement, spinning the clone princess around a few times before throwing her aside towards the ground.

"Rebellion Spear!" Gine then charged at E. Luna and slammed her to the ground with a large amount of force and strength, creating a small crater, before she jumped away from her, doing a tuck and roll maneuver and landing on her feet. She then quickly ducked to dodge a kick from E. Celestia, then blocked a punch from her before grabbing her arm and twisting it behind her back before kicking her right beside E. Luna shortly after. The two clone princesses stood up to attack again only to find her gone.

"Where did she go?"

"I don't know Celestia!"

"Try looking up."

The two quickly looked above them, as did the girls, students, and Chrysalis to see Gine with two orbs of ki in her hands and three energy lenses in front of her. "Now try and take on the Trident Cannon!"

Gine then brought the two energy orbs together before firing an energy blast from the combined orbs through the energy lenses, the beam growing in size and power with each lens it passed through. E. Celestia and E. Luna watched as it came towards them and were soon covered in a cloud of smoke when the blast made contact. Gine soon landed after, panting a little from the power she used in the attack.

From the sides, Chrysalis gritted her teeth when she watched as the smoke cleared to see what had resulted from Gine's attack. The two princess clones were down and unconscious from the blast. "Impossible! With the Alicorn Amulet's magic merged with theirs and my own, they should have been able to overpower both Celestia and Luna themselves! So how did this fool manage to beat them!?"

From the sides, the students and girls weren't believing what had just transpired. "Yona can't believe what Yona just saw."

"Gallus? Did Gine just win?"

"I... I think so Silverstream." Gallus said to the hippogriff while they all watched as Gine seemed to catch her breath a bit. "I think we're finally in the clear."

Ocellus, however, noticed Chrysalis landing next to E. Celestia and E. Luna with an evil intention in her eyes. "Guys? I don't think it's over yet."

And how right Ocellus was. Chrysalis looked to Gine who glared back. The girls all watched as the two stared down for a moment with Rainbow asking, "Twilight? Do you think Gine can beat Chrysalis?"

"I don't know," Twilight pressed the button to the scouter to show the power levels of the two before continuing, "Chrysalis is still at 20,000 while Gine's power has dropped to 25,000 after that attack of hers."

"Then she should win no problem right?"

"I would say yes Starlight. But by the looks of it, Chrysalis has something planned."

After a few more moments of glaring to one another, Chrysalis smirked and broke the silence between the two. "I guess it's true what they say. When you want something done right, you do it yourself."

Gine remained calm as Chrysalis continued to smirk at her. "I just beat your two lackeys and even after the power I used, I still have enough to win with the energy I'm sensing from you. So do you really think you can beat me?"

"Right now. No." Chrysalis then followed her response with a chuckle, "But let's see after I give myself a boost."

Chrysalis then ignited both her horn and the Alicorn Amulet before blasting the unconscious E. Celestia and E. Luna. Everyone then watched as the two began to fade and retract to Chrysalis' horn as she began to laugh maniacally.

"What's she doing Twilight?"

"I don't know Spike. But whatever it is, it isn't good."

E. Celestia and E. Luna both soon faded away completely before Chrysalis, still laughing, became covered in the basic Changeling change field. However, the field stayed up longer than usual as Gine began to pick up on something. 'Her power. It's rising.'

Soon the change field faded away and revealed Chrysalis, but in a more menacing look. She had armor coverings over her wings with green armor over her shoulders, legs, feet, neck, and wrists. She also had a green helmet with a cover over her horn and insect horns near the bottom of it. She also had a deadly looking sword in her hand as well.

The new look of Chrysalis caused the scouter to go off again and shocked Twilight. "Her power... Oh no."

The girls and students were looking to her and became nervous from the frightened and shocked expression on Twilight's face. Smolder then decided to ask, "Headmare Twilight? What's it saying?"

Twilight began to tremble a bit from what the scouter was displaying. "Chrysalis' power. It's risen to 52,000."

This frightened everyone as they looked to Gine who began to tremble a little herself, but not out of fear. She was trembling out of frustration. "Does that mean-?"

Twilight shook her head a bit. "All we can do is pray."

Chrysalis pulled her new sword from the ground and twirled it a bit before holding it with both hands. "Now then. I hope you're ready. Because you will feel the might and fall at the hands of Queen Chrysalis!"

Gine glared at the intimidating and powerful form Chrysalis has gained from absorbing the magic and power of her two cloned followers. 'Judging by her power, I can't fight her like this. Not to mention that Trident Cannon did take away some of my energy. I doubt a Spirit Charge Level 1 will be enough... So there's only one thing to do.'

Gine then held her arms out to her sides with her fists clenched tightly. "That new form is powerful, that I won't deny. But you're not the only one with a powerful new trick." Gine soon began charging with more power in her aura as it changed to an aqua blue color. The sight left everyone amazed, except for Chrysalis, who seemed intrigued. Twilight also watched as the scouter showed Gine's power rising.

"Time to get ready! Spirit Charge! Level 2!"

Gine then shot out her aura in a mighty flare. With Twilight receiving a reading of 50,000 on the scouter. Chrysalis was amazed by the power before smirking. "My my. I just gained this new power and you've given me the perfect opportunity to test it out." Chrysalis charged her new sword with magic. "Shall we?"

Gine took her fighting stance with a look of determination. "Let's go!"

The two then clashed and sent out a powerful wave. They then began rapidly attacking one another, Gine throwing rapid punches and kicks, while Chrysalis countered with kicks and swings of her new sword.

"Whoa. Look at them go," Pinkie said with amazement.

"Yeah. I mean I knew Gine was gonna get tougher out their training, but now she's like a completely new person," Rainbow said, "It's awesome!"

"I just hope she can win," Fluttershy said with worry.

"All we can do is watch and hope Fluttershy. Twilight? What can you get on their power?" Rarity asked.

Twilight kept the scouter active as she watched the fight continue. "They're still about equal grounds right now..."

"Does that mean Gine at least has a chance?" Sandbar asked.

"Like Rarity said," Twilight replied as she watched Gine and Chrysalis continue to clash, "all we can do right now is watch and hope for the best."

Gine dodged a swing from Chrysalis' sword before countering with a kick. The changeling blocked the strike with her sword before firing her magic at the Saiyan who dodged it before firing a ki blast with Chrysalis veering to the right to dodge it. Chrysalis then charged more magic before bringing it down towards Gine. "Now die!"

"Not today!" Gine said as she caught the sword in both her hands, the blade mere inches from her head. She then pulled back and snapped the blade off its handle before pushing Chrysalis back with a quick roundhouse kick. Chrysalis then threw her now useless sword aside before charging at Gine, dodging a punch before charging her fist with magic and striking Gine in the stomach before charging another punch that landed to her right cheek. Gine the retaliated by dodging a third punch to knee Chrysalis in the stomach and then punch her in the chest. The two glared at one another before Chrysalis charged magic into her horn. "Goddess Blast!" Gine shouted as the two fired their attacks at the same time, sending them both to the ground and skidding a great distance from each other. Chrysalis glared at Gine with the Saiyan returning it as the two panted from their fight. Gine then wiped her mouth with her fist and found some of her blood on it.

'At this rate, the fight will go on for a while and making it more likely someone will get caught in the crossfire. Time to kick it up a notch,' Gine thought as Chrysalis charged her armor with more magic.

"Are you finished yet monkey? I hope you're ready to be destroyed!"

"I'm not done Chrysalis!" Gine said as she charged her power even more, "Spirit Charge! LEVEL 3!!!"

In an instant, Gine's aqua blue Spirit Charge aura shot out further like her power. An event caught on the scouter as well. "Her power. It just shot up to... 62500!!!" Twilight said surprising everyone else.

"Is she still holding back more power? If so, how strong has she become over just a month?" Gallus asked with surprise.

"She did say the Saiyans were a warrior race. I think now we're seeing why." Ocellus said as she was amazed most by how much more powerful Gine has become since they met her.

Gine then shot straight for Chrysalis who threw a punch only for it to fade through her and Gine then appeared behind her and sent her flying with a kick to the back. Chrysalis then turned around and glared at Gine. "How did you-?"

"It's a little trick called afterimage. It's a technique most fighters I've come across in the past know very well. But let me show you how well we Saiyans fought."

"What the hell is a Saiyan?!"

"Let me show you," Gine said as she charged at Chrysalis and appeared right in front of her. Before Chrysalis could react, Gine struck her in the right cheek, then the left cheek. She then punched her in the gut before shooting her head up with a knee to the chin. Chrysalis attempted to throw a punch only for Gine to disappear and reappear behind her. Chrysalis then felt Gine grab her by the tail before spinning her around and throwing her towards the ground and charging for another attack. "REBELLION SPEAR!!!" Gine shouted as she used her attack to charge right into Chrysalis straight downwards with Gine pulling away right before Chrysalis struck the ground and landed a few feet away on her feet as dust formed around the downed Chrysalis.

"Is it over?" Ocellus asked.

The question was answered when the dust cleared to show Chrysalis standing back up. However, her armor was badly damaged with a crack in the lenses of her helmet. She gritted her teeth as shot a fierce glare. "You..."

"That's enough Chrysalis. It's obvious you can't win. Make this easier on yourself and surrender," Gine said as still held her guard.

"Never! If I can't get my revenge today, I'll at least make sure you're not around to stop me next time!" Chrysalis said as she shot up into the air high above Gine and began charging her horn. "Let's see if you can take this. Though I should warn you, dodge it and your friends take it for you!"

Twilight pressed the scouter again as it began showing Chrysalis' power level. "Oh no! Chrysalis' power just rose to 62,500. If her attack hits the ground, she'll destroy all of Ponyville!"

Gine overheard Twilight statement before glaring up at Chrysalis. "Looks like I need to level up again. I think I know just what to counter this with. A Trident Cannon combined with a Spirit Charge Level 3," Gine said as she used the technique to flare her aura up and began generating the three energy lenses and generated the two ki orbs into her hands and brought them together behind her. "Trident...!"

Chrysalis finished charging her magic before taking aim. "NOW PERISH!!!" Chrysalis yelled as she fired her attack.

"CANNON!" Gine yelled as she fired her attack through its lenses before it collided with Chrysalis' magic blast. The two attempted to overpower the other for a moment until they seemed to be evenly matched.

This amazed everyone who was watching. "Incredible," Twilight said as she watched the two beams attempt to overpower one another, "I haven't seen anything like this since the time I fought Tirek."

The two attacks continued struggling against one another with Chrysalis and Gine determined to overpower one another. "This can't be! She's able to match the Alicorn Amulet?!" Chrysalis asked as kept the blast going.

Gine also struggled a bit with the clash. "Come on. Just a little more. Spirit Charge! LEVEL 4!" Gine shouted as her aura grew even more and a surge of more energy flowed through her blast until, in a massive burst, it began pushing back and overpowering Chrysalis' blast shocking the former queen changeling even more.

"NOOOO!!!" Chrysalis shouted as she was overcome by the blast. After keeping the blast up for a moment, Gine's aura soon faded away, as did the Trident Cannon, resulting in Gine panting a bit.

"She... She did it," Smolder said as she watched Gine catch her breath.

However, before anyone could approach the tired Saiyan, a crash was heard nearby, with dust covering what caused it. The dust soon cleared and revealed Chrysalis, with her armor now gone and some scratches and injuries on her. She sat up and glared at Gine.

"You!" Chrysalis shouted until she noticed something was wrong. She felt around her neck and found the Alicorn Amulet was gone and looked to see it was on the ground nearby. She made a break for it only to have a Timberwolf come out of nowhere and stand between her and Chrysalis, surprising everyone.

"Headmare Twilight? From what I read, I thought the Alicorn Amulet could only be removed by the one who wore it," Ocellus said.

"Yeah, and what's with that timberwolf?" Gallus asked.

"Well. My best guess is, somehow Gine's new power somehow overpowered that magic of the Alicorn Amulet to where it couldn't stay attached to Chrysalis. As for the timberwolf. I don't know." Twilight said.

Gine approached the timberwolf as it looked to her for a moment. It then surprised everyone when it picked up the amulet with its mouth and walked over to hold it out to Gine. Gine was surprised for a moment before holding her hand out with a smile as it placed the amulet in her hand.

"Good boy," Gine said before petting it on the head and turning to Chrysalis who struggled to get up. "It's over Chrysalis."

Chrysalis gritted her teeth before falling to her knees again. "Finish me."

This caught Gine by surprise and confused her. "What?"

"Finish me. Please. End my misery," Chrysalis said as tears began to form in her eyes. "You don't know what it's like. I've been trying to regain my strength, gain more power, and rebuild my hive. Most of all, you don't know what it's like to be the last of your kind... To be alone. Please... Finish me."

Gine watched as Chrysalis continued to cry. Gine then approached Chrysalis, with her simply preparing what she had believed to be her end. Chrysalis then watched as Gine's shadow was right above her. After waiting for a moment, Chrysalis looked up to see that rather than aiming a ki orb at her, Gine was kneeling beside her with a smile. "What? Why aren't you-?"

"Because I do know how you feel Chrysalis," Gine said, catching the changeling's attention. "You say I don't know what it means to feel alone, but you're wrong. Like you, everyone I knew was taken from me. You see, I once had a home with all of the ones I cared about. But then, a great evil came to my kind's world and I was forced to watch and was unable to do anything as all of my entire race was wiped out from existence. That's why I was forced to flee and ended up here. I wasn't able to do anything to save them."

Chrysalis watched as a few tears began to form in Gine's eyes a bit before she wiped them away and smiled to her. "But there is a plus side. I gained new friends and a reason to push myself. To help keep this new world safe and it's shown me how much my kind, the Saiyans, is capable of changing from ruthless destroyers to defenders with good hearts. And from the looks of it, your kind of gained new things for the changes they made.

"It's true." Gine and Chrysalis looked to see Ocellus approach them. "Changing our states not only prevented us from going hungry but it also allowed us to live a better life. One where we not only get to live freely but also make friends with those we once thought were our enemies. Our lives are better because we don't have to hide anymore."

Chrysalis looked to Ocellus before Gine spoke, "You see Chrysalis? There's the difference between you and I. My kind are gone and I'm not able to share what I've learned. But your kind are still among you. And they can share what they've learned with you and help you. Can you really call yourself a Changeling if you don't change when life needs you to?"

Chrysalis took in Gine's words before tears continued looking away. "But... What if I can't? After all I've done, what if I'm not capable of changing as my hive did?"

Gine then held her hand out to Chrysalis with an even more determined smile on her face. "Because you're the only one who can answer that Chrysalis."

Chrysalis, though still cautious, took Gine's hand and allowed the Saiyan to help her up. "And right now, I'm sure you know the first step to finding out the answer," Gine said.

Chrysalis looked to Gine worried, but the looks of encouragement made her sigh, step away from them both, and nod. "Okay... I'll try."

Chrysalis then began to concentrate before a flash of light began to form her. She was then covered in a green cocoon that then shattered to reveal her in a new form in a beautiful dress.
(Like this. Only in anthro form. Also, the credit for this art goes to ThePegasisterPony of Deviantart.)

This caught everyone by surprise as Chrysalis looked to her hands and the rest of her new form.

"How do you feel Chrysalis?" Gine asked.

Chrysalis then looked to Gine and Ocellus before smiling. "I feel... Better. Thank you Gine," Chrysalis said.

Gine returned the smile before feeling Ocellus wrap her arms around her and hug her tightly. "Thank you, Gine. Not only for showing Chrysalis why we did what we did, but also for saving my life out there. You're my hero."

Gine smiled and returned the hug before pulling away. "No problem Ocellus. And now that I've learned all I can right now with my powers, I'll be able to teach you and your friends how to tap into your own powers and help you learn what you can do with them soon enough," Gine said as the timberwolf then began to rub against her with a smile as well as everyone else approached. Chrysalis then looked to Starlight with an apologetic face. "I'm... Sorry Starlight. I was so blinded by my pride as a queen that I refused to see the good you did for my hive."

"It's okay Chrysalis. Thanks to Gine, you can now live a better life. If you want, I can take you to see Thorax tomorrow and let you talk to him," Starlight said with a smile.

"I would appreciate that... Thank you."

"Gine. You're just awesome!" Rainbow said as the Saiyan rubbed the timberwolf's head. "I mean you get at least ten times stronger than when we first met you in about a month, you manage to befriend a timberwolf, fight and beat two clones of Princesses Celestia and Luna, and manage to convince Chrysalis to finally reform and transform like the rest of the Changelings. Is there any miracle of Equestria you can't make come true?"

"I guess that's something we'll have to wait to find out Rainbow Dash," Gine said while looking to the timberwolf before looking to Twilight. "You mind if he sticks with me in the castle? I promise I'll keep him out of trouble."

Twilight looked to Gine before to the timberwolf, who somehow managed to give the alicorn the puppy dog eyes. This action caused Twilight to sigh before smiling. "I guess wouldn't hurt. After all, if anyone can handle having a timberwolf for a pet, it's you Gine. But what are you going to call him?"

Gine then turned back to the timberwolf who looked to her with curiosity. After a moment of thinking, Gine responded with, "Hmmm... I think I'll call him... Huck."

The timberwolf barked happily, seeming to like its new name. Everyone then heard a deep growl before looking to Gine, who smiled sheepishly and rubbed her stomach. "Sorry. But now that this is finally over, can we get something to eat? That fight really helped me work up an appetite."

Everyone looked to Gine for a moment, before they all began laughing as the sun began to set on the beginning of a new change in the path the future now holds for Gine and her new friends.

Author's Note:

For those of you who are wondering how the Spirit Charge work, it's like this:

Rather than multiplying the power level by itself like the kaioken, it instead adds half the full power the user has and then multiplies it by the level of the spirit charge level. Then it adds that to user's highest power. For example, say Gine's full power is 34000 and she uses the Spirit Charge Level 3. Half of 34000 would be 17000. So in spirit Charge Level 3, it would be 34000 + (17000 x 3) = 85000.