• Published 16th Mar 2018
  • 7,255 Views, 696 Comments

Surviving Saiyan in Equestria - bcmorgan96

Goku's mother, Gine, lands on Equestria and will have to learn about the world she is now on. What will happen? Who knows.

  • ...

First Encounter

[Planet Vegeta, Third Person]

Seriously injured and struggling, Bardock, one of the greatest Saiyan fighters kept moving after failing to warn his fellow Saiyans of the threat that was approaching their world quickly. He had just witnessed his squad killed by the soldiers of the evil tyrant, Frieza.

Despite knowing it would be futile from the ability he gained from Planet Kanassa, Bardock was determined to try and change the fate of all Saiyans from dying by Frieza's power. However, due to the little chance he knew he would have, he decided that since he couldn't save all of his race, he would make sure to save at least one.

Ignoring the state he was in, Bardock was flying at high speed across the city. "Come on. I gotta hurry. Just please be home."

Bardock soon landed in front of an average Saiyan built house before slamming the door open and calling out to who he was searching for. "Gine! Gine are you here?!"

Shortly after, a female voice responded, "Bardock?"

From what appeared to be the kitchen area, A female Saiyan walked into view. Her height was about to Bardock's chin, she wore black Saiyan armor with a skirt like design. She had short black hair and her tail was wrapped around her waist.

"You're back a little earlier than expec-." Gine stopped speaking the moment she saw the state Bardock was in before running over to him, checking his injuries. "Dear god Bardock! What happened to you?"

Bardock backed Gine away enough to look her in the eyes. "I can't explain. I need you to get off the planet now."

"Wha-what? Why? Is something wrong?"

"It's Frieza. He's coming to wipe us out."

"That... That can't be. We've been working for him for so long. How are you sure about it?"

"There's no time to explain Gine! I went to join the others on a mission... Only to find them dead at the feet of some of Frieza's lackeys."

Gine was horrified at hearing this information. While she was not a real big fighter like most Saiyans, she still held respect to the team she worked with before she became a butcher. "But what about the rest of our people? If we all come together with our power-."

"I tried to warn more but they wouldn't believe me. We're the only ones who know about Frieza's real intentions. I'm going to try and stop him, but if I can't, I'm at least making sure you survive."

"But... But what about Raditz? Or Kakarot?"

Bardock moved to a nearby table and picked up a green lensed scouter. "Raditz will be fine. He's with Vegeta's brat off the planet right now. And Kakarot was sent off-world not long before I got back. That's another reason why I need you to leave. If I can't stop that bastard Frieza, you need to survive so you can find our sons. Time won't let me explain it to you exactly how I know, but Kakarot is going to be needed someday to stop Frieza."

Bardock then handed the scouter to Gine. "And you'll need to find him if or when that time comes."

Gine looked down at the scouter for a few moments before sharing what she knew to be her last kiss and embrace with her mate as tears streamed down her eyes. "I love you Bardock. Please be careful."

Bardock knew the only time he could really show his emotions was around Gine. He returned her embrace, knowing it would be the last time she would see him alive. "I love you too Gine. Now get out of here before Frieza arrives."

(Bold: thoughts)

Gine placed the scouter on her face as she looked to Bardock one last time before they both ran out of the house and took off in different directions. Gine was wiping tears from her eyes as she glanced down at her planet below. 'I promise Bardock. I will find our sons. I won't let you down.'

After flying for a while, Gine soon landed by a hanger of battle pods. She quickly entered one and began activating the controls. "I wish I would've gotten the coordinates to the planet Kakarot was sent to from Bardock. But right now I should just focus on getting off world and worry about that later."

Gine soon finished adjusting the ship's equipment before the door to the pod slowly shut. Soon after the pod launched from the hanger at max speed.

However as she began to enter the atmosphere, she caught sight of Frieza's ship and hundreds of soldiers heading towards the planet. She also witnessed as many of the soldiers were attacked and beaten by Bardock as he blew through most of them. Then right as she was completely off-world, she witnessed as Frieza soon revealed himself and Bardock instantly challenged the evil tyrant. She watched in sorrow as Bardock and Frieza fired their attacks, but Frieza's easily overpowered Bardock's and soon engulfed him and Planet Vegeta not too long after.

Though she was feeling much sorrow and sadness, Gine was not given any time to mourn as she suddenly felt a jolt from her ship. The force of Frieza's attack was enough to strike Gine's ship and send it into a frenzy. She tried to regain control of her ship, but before she could, the ship entered an asteroid field. The ship was struck by multiple space rocks and while trying to prevent it, Gine soon blacked out.

[Meanwhile, on Planet Equis]

Three young fillies were all heading to a through the Everfree Forest to visit their zebra friend's cottage. They were all around the age of 10-11 years old. One of them was an orange-furred Pegasus with a purple mane and tail and her small wings unfurled. She had the same cutie mark of a red, white, and purple striped shield as her two friends with the exception of hers also had a wing on the shield. She wore a dark grey hoodie, some green shorts, and a pair of black boots. Around Ponyville, she was known as Scootaloo.

One of the other fillies was a yellow earth pony with a red mane and tail with a red bow in her hair. Her shield cutie mark had an apple on it. She wore a green short sleeve shirt along with some blue knee shorts and a pair of light orange boots. Applebloom was her name.

The last of the group was a unicorn named Sweetie Belle. Her cutie mark had a star on it. Her mane and tail were a mix of pink and light purple in color. She wore a pink vest over a pink and white striped shirt, a yellow skirt, and pink boots with yellow buckles on them. "It was nice of Zecora to make this formula for you Scootaloo."

"Ah'll say. We're lucky we know a great and friendly zebra-like her."

"Yeah. I just hope it works."

Sweetie Belle put her hand on Scootaloo's shoulder. It turns out the formula Zecora was making for Scootaloo was to help her be able to do what she's wanted more than anything else. To help her wings develop enough to where she can finally be like her honorary sister and idol, Rainbow Dash... And be able to fly.

"Ah wouldn't worry Scootaloo. We know Zecora's the best when it comes to making the best potions to help others. Just keep having faith in her."

"You're right Bloom. I'll be flying somehow one day. And when I do, I'll be as awesome as Rainbow Dash!"

Scootaloo quickly found her friends' hands covering her mouth. She looked to them as they shifted their gazes around them with worried looks. After a couple of seconds, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle sighed in relief before looking to Scootaloo with unamused expressions. "What?"

"Come on Scoots. The only reason our sisters let us go to Zecora's by ourselves was that we promised we'd keep quiet going through the Everfree Forest."

"Rarity was worried to death because she thought that if we got too loud eventually something that isn't wanted might find us."

"Sorry. Guess I got a little too excited."

Soon the three fillies came to their destination and stood at the door of Zecora's hut. Applebloom knocked on the door politely and the three waited a couple of minutes before the door opened to reveal Zecora wearing her usual cloth clothing around her upper body and waist. "Ah hello, girls. Welcome to my home. Though I must ask, did you three come here alone?"

"We sure did Zecora. Applejack thought we'd be okay as long as we didn't make too much noise and stayed on the safe path to here."

"Trust of a family is a good thing. Make sure they did not take a chance in vain."

Sweetie Belle shook her head. "We won't disobey what they told us Zecora. I don't think I'd be able to handle Rarity's worrisome overreaction."

Scootaloo then walked up to Zecora with hopeful eyes. "So you said you finished it... Will it work?"

"We will not be sure until we try. But have faith that it will make you fly high. But first, come into my home. You three must need a little rest after walking here alone."

The girls nodded and followed Zecora into her hut before she closed the door behind them.

However, almost instantly after the door shut, the mare and fillies felt the ground shake and vibrate enough to where they had to support themselves by holding onto nearby tables. And soon after, the quaking stopped as quickly as it began. Applebloom looked to Zecora with a little concern. "Zecora?"

"No need to show alarm. A small earthquake like that will do us no harm. Now young Scootaloo let us begin. So we may see if what you want most, this portion holds within.

As Zecora began getting ready to try the potion on Scootaloo, they were completely unaware that the tremors they felt were the cause of something they never would've expected.

[Other Side of the forest away from Ponyville.]

Many trees and plants were incinerated around what appeared to be a very large and deep crater. In the center was a Saiyan pod with smoke still seeping from it and a few cracks in the window on the ship's entrance. Many animals who had run to the forest to avoid the crash soon began gathering around the crater to see what was inside. They watched as it remained motionless for a while until they noticed a small shake from it. They soon flinched as it moved even more before scurrying away when the ship's door shot off onto the ground from a strong kick.

Soon after, Gine was revealed to be the pilot as she pulled herself out of the seat. She looked around in surprise for some reason. She then gently hovered out of the grater before going back down to the ground on the edge of it.

"Weird. The ship's computer said the nearest planet wouldn't be within reach for another couple of months. It would've been longer considering how much damage the ship took from that asteroid field I was flung into from Frieza's attack. And while even though I must've blacked out before the ship's hypersleep took over, I know I haven't even traveled as long as a day. Hmmm..."

Gine was trying to think of a reasonable explanation before she looked down at her ship. "I wonder..."

Gine then hovered back down to her pod before pressing one of the buttons on her scouter. She then waited as it appeared she was trying to have her scouter scan for something on her pod.

After a few minutes, her eyes went wide as the scouter displayed the results to her. "No way. It... It can't be... Only one way to be sure. Hopefully, the ship's travel footage is still intact."

Gine sat back down in her pod and hit a few switches and a small screen pulled up in front of her. It then began playing what had happened after she had passed out. It began showing her pod being struck by many asteroids until one of them knocked her ship out of the field and towards what Gine knew to be a wormhole in space.

"Just as I was afraid of. My ship was knocked into a wormhole... And judging by my scouter's readings, the wormhole held a temporal distortion... Meaning I've possibly crashed into another world... In another time. Question is if I'm in another time, did I end up in the past or the future."

Gine allowed herself to process what she has learned and soon began to feel a bit worried. But before she let herself panic she took a deep breath to calm down. "Okay. Okay, Gine. Calm down. Before I worry about where that wormhole did, maybe I should focus on where I ended up first. Hopefully, I've landed on a world with intelligent life that might be able to help me with my ship. Maybe even help me find out where and if needed, when I am. Then I can get back to finding out how to find Raditz and Kakarot."

Gine then started hovering into the air again and was about to start scanning for life with her scouter until...


Gine stopped instantly and placed her hand down to her stomach. "But maybe I should see if I can find and round up something to eat first. It won't do me any good to get moving on an empty stomach."


Knowing the second growling was too loud to be her stomach, Gine looked behind her to see a manticore glaring up at her from the ground. It let out a roar as a means to intimidate the new creature it had in its sights. However, Gine remained unfazed as she lowered back down to the ground. "Well, there's a bright side. Wherever I am, there's at least some meat."

After waiting a few moments, the manticore rushed at the Saiyan.

[A few hours later, at Zecora's hut]

It began to get late during the day as the Cutie Mark Crusaders soon walked out of Zecora's hut. Though Scootaloo's excited expression from earlier had been replaced with a hung down face and lowered ears. Unfortunately, like everything else they've tried in the past, Zecora's potion was unable to allow Scootaloo's wings to developed into the flight state. Zecora gave the girls her sympathy along with her word that she will try again in hopes of lifting Scootaloo's spirits back up.

Still, Scootaloo held her sorrowful expression during the girls trip back to Ponyville. Her friends stood by her sides during their walk and soon began trying to cheer up their Pegasus friend with Applebloom speaking first. "Come on Scootaloo. Don't be so down. There's still hope."

"Yeah. She's right. It's like Rarity sometimes says, all you can do is just keeping trying until you get it right."

"What's the point? We've tried so much and nothing's worked. Not doctors, not magic, not even Zecora's potions, which work almost every time we've seen her use them managed to get my wings at least a little developed. Let's face it. I'm never gonna be able to fly... I'm always gonna be seen as the only Pegasus who had never been able to fly!!!"

Scootaloo hunched down onto the ground as she began crying. Her friends got down to comfort their friend. "I had always hoped I would someday be like Rainbow Dash. Become a great flyer, help Ponyville, maybe even have a chance to become a Wonderbolt someday. But now I know my dreams will never happen. And it's all because of these stupid wings!"

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were heartbroken at seeing how sad and torn apart their friend was. However, before either of them could say or do anything, the three fillies began hearing rustling in the forest around them. Scootaloo managed to stop crying as they began trying to find out where exactly the noise was coming from.

Their question was soon answered when, to their horror, they heard growling and looked to their right to spot a pack of large Timberwolves walking out into the open. The alpha wolf looked to three frightened fillies with its fangs bared. Sweetie Belle began to stutter a bit as she finally managed to speak. "G-Girls. I think we need to r-r-r-..."

Applebloom finished her sentence before she could. "RUN!"

The fillies all shot up from the ground and took off running as fast as they could with the Timberwolves following them not long after whiling howling and barking.

"Somepony help us!"

[Back with Gine]

The Saiyan was sitting on the ground as she had finished eating the last of the pears she had picked from nearby trees before tossing the core to rest of the cores and some meatless manticore bones. "Not too bad. Maybe next time I'll see how the meat tastes after being cooked."

Gine then stood up and began stretching a bit before looking to the sky. "It's getting late. Hopefully, I can still see if this world has intelligent life on it." She then activated her scouter again and not much later, it went off. "Three small power levels nearby. And by the looks of it, about five slightly larger ones right on their tails. I have a feeling that's not a good thing."

Gine began thinking of what her next move should be before eventually making up her mind. "Well. No better way to make a good first impression on some of the life on this planet than to save their lives."

Gine then took flight and headed in the direction her scouter was pointing in.

[Back with the fillies]

They had kept running as the pack of Timberwolves continued to chase after them. The girls were doing everything they could to try and lose them by turning wherever they could in their run.

However, soon one turn became was revealed to be the wrong one when the girls found a large rocky hill cutting off their path. They turned around to try and find another way but found the Timberwolves had caught up to them and now had them cornered. The girls watched in fright as the pack slowly advanced towards them until they felt their backs press against the wall.

Fearing the worst, they huddled together and held onto each other as tight as they could. "Girls? I just want y'all to know y'all are the best friends I ever could've wanted."

"Ditto Bloom."

"Me too Applebloom."

The alpha wolf then began to advance faster towards the fillies and pounced towards them right before they shut their eyes tightly, fearing the worst.

However, to their confusion, they never felt the Timberwolf reach them and to make it even more confusing they instead heard a loud yelp come from the animal and what also sounded like a thud. The girls slowly began opening their eyes and were shocked at what they saw.

The alpha wolf was on the ground in front of its pack, getting back to its feet with a sneer. But what really shocked the girls was seeing Gine, who was unknown to the three standing in front of them with her back to them and had her fist out in front of her. Gine retracted her fist before looking to the girls over her shoulder. "You three better get moving. I have a feeling things are about to get ugly."

Despite not knowing who or what she was or where she came from, the girls couldn't help but do as Gine said and took off to nearby cover the forest had. Gine then turned her gaze back to the pack who were starting to surround her with their fangs shown and growling deeply. "I know wolves are usually pretty smart. So let me go ahead and warn you to get running before you do something that won't end well for you."

The wolves simply barked as they began running at her from all directions. "Okay then."

The first wolf to reach her pounced only to have Gine grab it by the snout and toss it into another pouncing Timberwolf. She then swung around and back fisted another Timberwolf to the ground before catching another one from above and throwing it into a rock. She then jumped and flipped to dodge the fifth wolf before landing behind it and grabbed ahold of it's tail. She then yanked the wolf back and threw it into a nearby tree. She then turned to have one of the other wolves manage to pounce and push her to the ground. It was about to start snapping its jaws at Gine but she was able to get her feet under it's stomach and kicked it off. Gine then flung her fist out to punch another advancing wolf in the chin before kicking it to the ground once again.

From their cover, the fillies were watching in astonishment as they watched their unknown savior fight off the Timberwolves. Applebloom had seen her sister scare off Timberwolves before, but not as easily as whoever this new person was. "Wow. She's holdin her own against them varmints with her bare hands and she's not even gotten a scratch on her yet."

Sweetie Belle, while happy to have been saved, was still a little scared at not knowing who or what their savior was and with how strong she appeared to be. "Yeah. She saved us. But what is she? I don't think she's a pony. And she doesn't look like a minotaur. Is she some kind of monkey or ape?"

"Who cares? She saved us from those Timberwolves and with how she's handling herself. She is awesome!"

Back with the fight, Gine had thrown the alpha wolf back into it's back and before they could try and attack again, Gine shot a small ki blast that started a bit of a fire right in front of the wolves, frightening and intimidating them as they backed away a bit. To fully intimidate them and send them running, Gine let out a loud and fierce yell.


As she had hoped, she managed to scare the pack away as they ran off while letting out scared yelps. "That's right. Remember which one of us is higher on the pecking order. Now that that's done, I better check on those three-."

Gine was cut off when the girls ran out from their hiding spot and stopped right in front of her. She was surprised when they began praising her all at once.

"That was incredible! You showed them varmints who was boss with only your bare hands."

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much for saving us whoever you are."

"I didn't think it was possible but I really found someone who is as awesome as Rainbow Dash."

After a few minutes of listening, the girls finally stopped talking long enough for Gine to respond. "Ummm... Thank you. Anyways it looks like I got here just in time. Are you three okay?"

"We're fine now. We can't thank you enough. I'm Sweetie Belle."

"Name's Scootaloo."

"And Ah'm Applebloom. What's your name ma'am?"

"Oh. Um. I'm Gine. But before anything else, what were you three doing it what seems to be such a dangerous place all by yourselves?"

Applebloom was the first one to answer. "We were headin' home after visiting a friend who lives out here when we accidentally got the attention of them Timberwolves."

"Timberwolves? Such a strange name."

"Ummm, Ms. Gine?"

"Yes, Sweetie Belle?"

"Forgive me if I sound rude but what are you exactly? We know you're not a pony because you don't have fur and... Is that a monkey tail around your waist?"

Gine looked down to uncurl her tail and move it to stand up behind her as she looked back to the surprised expressions on the girls' faces. Gine gave them a friendly smile before wrapping her tail back around her waist and put her hands on the girls' shoulders. "Look. I'll be happy to answer any questions you girls have and hopefully you or someone you know could maybe answer mine. But first, let's get you three safely out of this forest and back to your homes and families. I'm sure they're all worried about you."

The girls looked around them at the forest as it looked even more frightening due to the night sky. They all looked at each other before nodding rapidly to Gine who smiled and began following the girls back to the path to Ponyville. Normally the girls would be terrified of the Everfree Forest at night. But after witnessing what Gine is capable of, they knew that if they ran into any more kinds of trouble, she would be able to handle it.

Author's Note:

I know a lot of readers are eager for another Chapter of Ancient Race. Like i said on the title screen, I'm trying my best. I'm still figuring out how to make it out.

But after seeing many stories that involved Goku, Bardock, and even Beerus in Equestria, I began to wonder, what would it be like if Gine, who we all know is a unique kind of saiyan, landed in Equestria.

Also I'm sure most people are thinking that Gine isn't usually this much of a fighter or willing to fight but I doubt she's as soft as most people think considering one key thing about saiyans. That male saiyans only like strong women. So if Bardock was attracted to Gine, then more than likely she must have be tougher than most gave her credit for.