• Published 16th Mar 2018
  • 7,271 Views, 696 Comments

Surviving Saiyan in Equestria - bcmorgan96

Goku's mother, Gine, lands on Equestria and will have to learn about the world she is now on. What will happen? Who knows.

  • ...

Nightmare and A Test

The group of rulers, friends, and students all sat in the dining hall. They all woke up well and were happily enjoying a nice breakfast with one another. Well... Most of them.

While she had finally fully awakened and was eating as much as she could, everyone noticed Gine's usual quick eating pace had slowed down a bit. She was still eating, just not as fast as her usual Saiyan self. And instead of her normal bright attitude, she held one of what appeared to be down, tired, and a bit depressed. They all began to grow a bit concerned with Ocellus deciding she'd be the one to question Gine. "Ms. Gine?"

Gine shot up a bit from her depressed state and looked to the others. "Huh? Yes?"

Sandbar then spoke, "You okay there? You seem like you didn't get quite enough sleep."

The Saiyan rubbed her eyes a bit before trying her best to smile. "I'm... I'm okay. And yes, I did have a bit of a hard time sleeping. But don't worry it's nothing too bad."

Despite her effort to do so, Gine knew she wasn't fooling anyone. Applejack looked to the Saiyan with concern. "Come on Sugarcube. What's botherin' ya?"

Gine looked down at her food as she began to enter a deep thought, trying to figure out how she should explain what had caused her to lose sleep the previous night. But due to the lack of sleep, she could not gather her thoughts as efficiently as she normally would. During her thinking, she looked to Princess Luna, who was looking at her with a concerned and questioning look, as if she was waiting for a response from the Saiyan. Gine waited a few moments before closing her eyes and nodded to the princess, who nodded back and stood up, gaining everyone's attention as she spoke, "Every creature. If I may have your attention."

Luna walked up beside where her sister was sitting as she continued on, "As you all know, during the night, it is my duty as Princess of the Night to protect as many as I can from their nightmares." Everyone then watched as Luna tensed up a bit as she also clenched the side of Celestia's chair a bit. "However... For the first time last night, I was able to see the dreams of a being from another world. But what I saw... Was something so horrifying, even the term "nightmare" isn't enough to describe it."

This statement left everyone both nervous and curious at the same time. They all looked at Gine who was taking deep breaths while Luna continued, "Gine? If you'll allow me to-?"

"Go ahead Princess Luna, " said Gine as she sat up a bit and seemed to have gathered herself. "I can take it. It'll help them understand what I've gone through a bit better."

Though a bit hesitant, Princess Luna nodded before her horn began to glow with magic. Then in the center of the table, what looked like a recorded projection of magic appeared. And from the recording, everyone could see a planet, one that looked slightly less green than their own. Twilight was most curious as she asked, "Princess Luna? What is this?"

"This Twilight," Gine said as she looked up at the recording, "Is my dream from last night. And that, is Planet Vegeta... My home."

Despite hearing Gine tell them about it, everyone was amazed at seeing her former homeworld, while only just a recording from a dream, before their very eyes. They continued watching on as they soon spotted what appeared to be some kind of spaceship, one that was large, round like that of a hermit crab with colors of black, white, a bit of brown on its upper half, and multiple windows around the entire body along with one large one not too far down from the entrance at the top of it. It also had multiple dark yellow oval designs surrounding it as well. From there, they could see multiple men of many kinds of creatures exiting the ship, all of them wearing armor similar to Gine's, only unlike hers, they all appeared to have shoulder pads. And from the planet, the watchers soon notice two things coming towards the ship itself. One being a pod of some kind with a sealed door and a window cover at the front of it. The other was a Saiyan man with a bit of spiked hair, a red headband, heavily damaged Saiyan armor, and appeared to be seriously injured. Smolder and Yona looked at Gine with curiosity with the former speaking first, "Hey Gine? What's that round thing flying away from your planet?"

"Yona want to ask who man is?"

"The object was my ship while I was leaving Vegeta," Gine said as she then looked to the man with sorrowful eyes. "And the man you see was my mate, Bardock."

The Mane 6 were surprised to finally see what the man that Gine loved looked like. And they all became amazed as they watched him basically plow through multiple men like they were nothing. He was hit a few times, however, he returned each hit he took back to the attackers, only much harder. The creatures watched on in shock at how despite facing a whole army by himself, Bardock managed to bring down each one of them. Skystar had spoken about what they were watching, "Wow. He sure is strong. He's badly hurt and still managing to fight off that many guys all by himself."

Gine managed a small smile as she watched her recorded dream. "Yep. That was Bardock. He was always one of the strongest Saiyans. Some believed that at the rate he was going, Bardock would've eventually become more powerful than King Vegeta himself."

This left everyone even more amazed. "You mean he was almost as strong as your planet's ruler?"

"He sure was Queen Novo. As a matter of fact, Bardock was the first Saiyan warrior, and a low class one at that, who was ever able to challenge the King to a fight and almost defeat him. It was a fight no Saiyan would forget." Gine then went from her slightly happy look to one of sadness, "But that even so. It still wasn't enough for what was to come."

Everyone was a little confused until they heard what Bardock began yelling in the dream recording. "FRIEZA! COME OUT, YOU COWARD! FACE ME!"

They all then began to watch as the top of the ship began to open and soon a small reptilian-like creature with white and purple areas on his body flew out in some kind of hover chair-like device. Fluttershy noticed that Gine began to tremble a bit in fear. "Um, Gine? If you don't mind me asking... Is that...?"

"Yes, Fluttershy... That's the monster that destroyed Planet Vegeta... Frieza."

Getting a glimpse of Frieza for the first time made Rainbow a bit surprised, "Pfft. Kind of smaller than I expected."

The comment caused Gine to slam her fist down on the table, and while she was doing her best to hold her full strength back, her fist did knock off part of the table, startling everyone a bit. She looked to Rainbow Dash with a stern and serious expression as small streams of tears also began running down her cheeks. "Don't always judge a being's power by their size Rainbow Dash. Trust me. You're about to see why our kind really feared Frieza."

They all were shocked by Gine's statement but soon turned their attention back to the recording of her dream where they watched as Bardock fired a powerful beam at Frieza only to have it do nothing against Frieza's attack, which was a supernova-like ball of energy. They then watched as Frieza pointed his finger at Bardock and Planet Vegeta. To their horror, not only was Bardock and Frieza's men absorbed by the attack but the entire planet as well. The attack vaporized the entire planet into dust.

Gine felt more tears stream down her face as she spoke, "This dream was a reminder of what I saw when my planet was destroyed. However, my nightmare didn't end right here."

Everyone then watched as the dream shifted to complete darkness where they saw Gine standing and looking around. They watched as Gine suddenly stopped when they heard a voice say, "Looking for something monkey?"

The recording then shifted to show Frieza standing nearby with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. In the dream, Gine began clenching her fists and gritting her teeth with tears streaming down her before she charged at Frieza and began rapidly punching him in the face. However, each punch did nothing but make Frieza smirk while Gine yelled, "You monster! I'll kill you! I'll kill you for taking Bardock from me!"

Frieza gave out a short laugh before shooting his arm forward and grabbed Gine by her neck and held her up. The group, though knowing it was only a dream that Luna had seen, couldn't help but watch in horror as Frieza lifted Gine up off of the ground and Gine began to struggle only for it to be futile. "You Saiyans always do see yourselves higher than you truly are. That worm Bardock was no match for me and neither are you. Though if you'd like. I could send you to him now."

Frieza then held up his right finger which began glowing red at the very end before he aimed it right at Gine's forehead while the Saiyan watched in fear and Frieza grinned evilly. "Bang."

As it appeared Frieza was about to fire his energy shot, the recorded dream ended, with Skystar asking, "What happened?"

Gine rubbed her eyes a bit before she spoke, "Luna showed up right before Frieza fired. And to be honest, I'm grateful she did. Otherwise, I probably would've had a hard time waking up. It all felt so real."

After hearing the reason, everyone could understand why Gine had such a hard time sleeping the previous night. Gine rubbed her temples as Twilight put her hand on Gine's shoulder. "Gine... I'm so sorry. You told us what happened to your home, but to see how it was destroyed through your dreams... We couldn't have even imagined what it felt like."

Fluttershy was about to let out some tears but wiped them away quickly. "To see how all of your kind was wiped away by... That monster."

Applejack pulled her stetson off with a look of sympathy. "To be honest Fluttershy, 'monster' doesn't even begin to describe him."

Celestia looked at Luna before looking to Gine as the Saiyan looked down at her hands before the princess of the sun spoke, "Gine... I can't begin to imagine how you feel but... I truly am sorry for all that you lost. I lost my sister thousands of years ago... But at least I knew someday she would return. To know that your last of your kind... I do wish there was just something we could do for you."

Gine wiped away some of her tears before giving Celestia a small, manageable smile. "Thank you for your sympathy, Princess Celestia. But while I know I could very well be the last of my kind in a time I still don't know, I still hold on to the hope that my sons are out there somewhere, and that hopefully, I'll see them again."

"Well said Gine," said Luna as she bowed her head to Gine a bit, "And we will do everything we can to help you find and hopefully reunite with your family someday."

Gine's smile grew a bit before Rainbow Dash flew up beside her and put her arm around her shoulder, "But until then, you've always got us to keep you company and watch your back."

Pinkie Pie then popped up beside her to hug the Saiyan. "Because that's what friends are for."

They all smiled at for the moment, but then a guard came in and removed his helmet. "Pardon my interruption your highnesses."

Celestia nodded to the guard before speaking, "It's quite alright. What can I do for you?"

"I've just come to inform you all that the other kingdom rulers are approaching Canterlot."

Everyone was expecting this news as Celestia stood from her seat and spoke, "Well then. Let us all greet our incoming guests."

Everyone rose to their feet and began exiting the dining room. On the way there, Gine noticed Twilight was a bit nervous. Being concerned, the Saiyan approached the alicorn. "Hey, Twilight? What's wrong? Don't tell me Novo is still upset with you."

"Huh. No. No. It's not that. And I have you to thank for that. I really appreciate you talking to Novo."

Gine smiled as she said, "Hey. It's no problem. Like I told her, I understand where you were coming from when you did what you did. If I had the same chance to save my kind, I would've done the same. But if that's not what's bothering you, then what is?"

Twilight bit her lip before speaking again. "Well... While Queen Novo has given you her respect, there's no telling how the other kingdom rulers will react to you or even if all of them will agree to our request about you teaching our students what you know. I mean I would love to have you teach them how to use ki, but what exactly would it have to do with friendship?"

Gine could see Twilight's point. While learning ki would be extraordinary for the students to learn, it still didn't have much to do with friendship. However, Gine did know something else she would be teaching the students. "Trust."


"Trust Twilight. I've read over a bit of what you and your friends teach the students. Laughter, kindness, generosity, magic, loyalty, and honesty. But despite how good you all seem to be there's still one thing missing that I believe I can teach them. The friendship value of trust."

Twilight was a bit surprised at the point Gine made. While all of the there elements were very important, trust was another important element of friendship. "And you think you'd be good teaching it to them?"

"Indeed. Back before I met Bardock and his squad in my time as a soldier, I was on many squads where trust was none existing. Bardock's squad was where I finally found a squad I could trust as a true team. And I believe what I'll have to teach will help full trust develop between all of them as friends."

This statement brought a smile to Twilight's muzzle as she understood. "You're right Gine. You've only been here for a few days and you already have all of our trust including Queen Novo's, who you've only known for a day. If anyone can teach our students about it, surely it'll be you."

"I'm glad to hear that."

Everyone soon gathered at the entrance where they were soon greeted by the other land rulers and their guards. Rutherford of Yakyakistan with his guard, Bullovard, both wearing traditional Himalayan clothing. Thorax with his guard, and brother, Pharynx, both wearing Changeling armor. Gilda, to the ponies' surprise along with her friend Greta, both wearing what looked similar to biker clothes. And finally Ember, wearing a sapphire top and shorts combo, with, to everyone's dismay, Garble in dragon armor. Yona ran to greet her ruler as did Ocellus who hugged Thorax. Gallas approached Gilda and Greta with a bit of confusion, "Where's Grandpa Gruff?"

"Sorry kid. The old man had other things to do so we came in his place. Hope you don't mind."

"Are you kidding? Now I don't have to worry about him constantly parking into my ear."

This comment caused the three griffons to chuckle while Rainbow Dash approached to fist bump with Gilda. "What's up Gi? How are things in Griffonstone?"

"They've improved quite a bit since you and Pinkie visited I'll admit. Thanks to what you two showed me, the rest of Griffonstone elected me the ruler. Of course, I would've been nervous had it not been for you two. Guess I owe you guys one."

Before Gilda could say another word, she felt nearly all of the air being squeezed out of her by Pinkie Pie surprising her with a strong bear hug. "No problem Gildy. That's what friends are for."

"Nice to see you too Pinkie Pie."

The group chuckled a bit at the sight while Smolder and Spike approached Ember with the former giving a fist pump and the latter greeting the Dragon Lord with a hug, which she awkwardly returned like always. Smolder was the first to speak with, "How are things back home?"

"Things are improving. Thanks to you willingly coming here, some are thinking about trying it out themselves."

"That's great," said Spike with a smile, "It's great to know things there are getting better now that more dragons are becoming friendlier."

"You mean weaker like you shrimp."

Garble let out a humph from the side which made the three look to him with annoyance with Smolder asking, "What's big mouth doing here?"

"Unfortunately, the Dragon Council wouldn't let me leave unescorted like last time and made me bring him since he's one of our best fighters. Otherwise, I would've left him behind for someone else."

Before the conversation could continue, Celestia gathered everyone's attention. "Please let us all head to the meeting chamber to discuss our business."

[An hour later, Inside of the Meeting Hall]

The students stood at the side while the rulers all discussed how the Friendship School was aiding them. And from what the students heard, they all felt relieved that the rulers of their homes seemed to like what they learned about. And after much talking, Twilight rose from her seat, gaining everyone's attention before speaking, "I'm glad to hear you all approve of what the students you've let attend have learned from our school. Now before we move on further, I'd like to run something by you all. You can come in now."

The door soon opened to the chamber and Gine entered before walking up to Twilight's side as the alicorn continued speaking, "This is Gine. She's recently made herself resident in Ponyville and has aided in protecting it."

Twilight continued on with where Gine came from along with why she came to Equis and what she's been able to do. Learning all of this left many of the rulers and most of the personal guards feeling respect, amazement, and sympathy for the Saiyan.

"Yaks want Gine to know we feel very sorry for... Saiyan is it called?"

Gine smiled a bit before saying, "Yes. And thank you, Prince Rutherford."

Thorax also began speaking, "I was lucky to return to my kind. I can't even imagine what it feels like to be the last of your kind."

Ember nodded to Gine. "You really are tough getting past all of what you've gone through." She then groaned when Garble rolled his eyes.

While feeling sympathy for Gine, Gilda decided to ask the big question. "Hey Princess Twilight, not to sound rude or rushing, but what does Gine have to do with all of this?"

Gine looked to Twilight, who gained a look of nervousness, and nodded to the alicorn. Twilight then took a deep breath before saying, "Well... my friends and I have been talking of a way to allow Gine to become more part of our home and in order to do so, she wishes to gain your permission to... Teach our students of what she knows."

This caught all of the rulers, including Novo, by surprise. They all were not expecting such a request.

"Princess Twilight? Why do you want Saiyan to teach Yona and her friends?"

Twilight was about to speak when Gine decided to make her voice known, "If I may Prince Rutherford."

They all looked to the Saiyan as she continued, "As you were all just told, I could very well be the last of my kind. And because of this, along with doing by Twilight's request, I'd simply like to teach them out of my own benefit. I just wish what I have to not pass away when my time comes, and so I'd like to pass it on to your students. How I've learned to trust others, how to use what I can use, and help them learn what they can make with it."

Garble let out a snort as he began laughing. "Yeah right. What could a freak like you teach anyone when your entire race fell to one little lizard?"

"Garble!" Ember was about to smack him upside the head with her scepter but stopped when Gine held her hand up. "Are you sure? He had no right to-!"

"I know. But he does make a good point. Unlike Twilight and her friends, the rest of you haven't seen real proof of what I can do. So in order to fully gain your trust and approval to teach your students, I will do whatever you wish to display what I can teach them."

To hear that Gine would offer to do anything to be able to pass on what she knows left everyone speechless. They could tell she was determined and held much respect for that. And she was right, they didn't know what she was capable of and would like to see before they approve of the request.

They all began pondering over ideas until Ember spoke up, "I think I may have a suggestion. Spike and his friends say you're pretty strong. So in order to show us, would you be willing to face the guards with us on your own?"

This request caught everyone by surprise. "Dragon Lord Ember," Celestia started, "Are you sure that is wise? I mean-."

"I'll do it."

All eyes once again went straight to Gine. "Gine darling are you sure?"

"I am Rarity. I'll do whatever it takes to pass on what I know."

All of the kingdom rulers looked to each other before nodding in union before Celestia stood and spoke, "Very well. If this is how Gine shall earn the approval to teach the students of Twilight's school, then so be it. If you would all kindly follow me."

[Later, Guards Training Area, Canterlot Castle]

Everyone sat up in the viewing area while Gine stood down on the training grounds across from the all of the guards, with Greta being provided armor by the ponies, while the Saiyan was doing a few stretches. Novo looked to Twilight and her friends with a bit of concern. "Are we sure this is a good idea? Can she really handle all of them by herself?"

Rainbow flew by with a bit of a smirk on her face. "Don't worry Queen Novo. Gine may look a bit skinny but she's a lot stronger than she looks. This'll be a walk in the park for her."

"If you say so."

Back on the grounds, Gine just finished her stretching and looked to all of the guards. "Alright. I'm ready whenever you guys are."

Garble smirked as he stepped forward arrogantly. "I'll make this quick and show why dragons don't need ponies' help."

The other guards were a bit annoyed by the dragon's attitude. However, they backed off when Gine held her hand up. "It's okay. Let me see if I can knock him down a few pegs."

The guards all were a bit hesitant, as they did not want to be left out, but decided to do as Gine said so they wouldn't have to put up with Garble. Garble smirked a bit before picking up the spear he brought from the Dragon Lands.

Watching from the side, the others watched as the face-off between the guards and Gine was about to begin. Thorax couldn't help but feel some concern before looking to the other land rulers. "Are we sure this is a good idea. I mean I know Twilight and the others say she can handle this but-."

"I understand your concern Thorax," Queen Novo said, "But I think we should just have faith in the princesses' words. If they say she can handle this, there's no reason to doubt them."

Ember stood with her scepter in hand as she began studying Gine a bit as well. "I have to agree with you, Queen Novo. She may not be a dragon, but I know a fighter when I see one. And I can definitely tell she's a lot stronger than she looks. Besides in a fight, it's not just strength that matters. It also takes brains... (whispering) Something Garble unfortunately lacks."

Back on the field, Garble held his spear tightly before using his wings to fly straight at Gine and swung his spear quickly. However, Gine smirked before simply moving her head back to dodge the swing, surprising Garble.

"You missed."

Garble gritted his teeth before swinging his spear again, only for the exact same result to happen.

"Missed again."

This upset Garble even further before he raised his spear up and brought it down. Gine simply stood her ground and caught the spear with one hand, shocking Garble and everyone who was watching. She then shot her hand up and pushed Garble back a bit. She then took the spear in both hands and began to bend it into a U-shape. She smirked as she saw Garble's stunned face before throwing the bent-up weapon to the side. She then raised her hand to indicate Garble to come at her again. This caused the dragon to let out a growl before throwing his fist at the Saiyan, who dodged it by moving her head to the right. Garble began to get more and angrier as he began throwing multiple punches, with Gine using her Saiyan skills and speed to dodge every single one of them without much effort. "Hold still!"

"What do you think the chances are I'll actually do that?"

Garble growled even more as Gine continued taunting him. He kept his rapid assault going until he felt a stunning blow to the side of his neck. He went wide-eyed and felt himself losing his balance and consciousness, with the last thing he saw being Gine holding her hand out with her middle and index fingers, indicating she had struck the side of his neck with a strike he didn't even see coming. Everyone watched as the red dragon fell down unconscious with a thud.

Ember couldn't believe what she had seen. Garble was one of the best fighters in the Dragon Lands. She should know because she remembered having a hard time with him when she first met Spike in the Gauntlet of Fire years ago. And for Gine to beat him with a single two-fingered strike to the neck would have been hard to believe had she not just seen it for herself.

Smolder and Spike were also amazed as the former began speaking, "Wow. She really is tough."

On the field, Gine stepped around the downed dragon before looking to the remaining guards and taking a fighting stance. "Now that he's finished talking, let's see how I do against you all."

The remaining guards all shook off their shock before Bullovard was the first to speak, "Dragon may have lost to new fighter, but yaks won't! Yaks are strongest!" Bullovard then charged at Gine with his arms raised up with the intention to bring them down on her. However, when he came only a few inches from Gine, the Saiyan quickly jumped up to dodge the yak's arms coming down on her. She took to the air in order to keep away for a moment.

The rulers and guards were even more surprised as Rainbow Dash smirked at the looks they held. "Guess we should've mentioned she can fly without wings."

After getting over their shock, Greta, Skybeak, and Pharynx all flew up to begin their attacks on the Saiyan, who began dodging, countering, or blocking multiple blows from each of them. She quickly blocked a punch from Greta before dodging a kick from Skybeak, and then she dodged a magic blast from Pharynx before she slammed her fists towards the middle of them all to send out a wave to put some distance between herself and the three.

This left all of the rulers speechless as they continued watching the guards stare down against Gine as they all descended back to the ground. Gine cracked her knuckles a bit while also laughing a bit. "I gotta admit, I'm actually enjoying this. It's actually reminding of my training as a fresh soldier back in the day. I can see why you all are guards."

The four guards all couldn't help but smile a little at Gine's compliment before Bullovard said, "Bullovard think new woman is strong as well. She able to take on the dragon and then all four of us at once. She has yaks' respect."

Skybeak grinned a bit as he held his ground as well. "I agree. I haven't had to fight this hard since the Storm King invaded Mount Aries."

Greta then wiped some sweat from her feathers before she clenched her claws repeatedly a bit. "The best way to earn a griffon's respect is with showing how tough you can be. And you've definitely done that Gine."

Pharynx felt his wings buzz a bit from all of the adrenaline he was feeling. "Same for me. You make the Maulwurf I fought once before seem like an easy accomplishment."

Rutherford watched with interest after seeing what Gine could do a bit. "Saiyan woman is strong. She may prove to be challenging for yak guard."

"I have to agree." Ember watched with interest as well. "She does seem to have some skills. Plus I will admit anyone who can shut Garble up that quickly has more than done enough for me."

Gine continued holding her stance while looking at the four guards. "Your move guys."

The remaining guards kept their sights on Gine while Skybeak began speaking, "She's tough. I don't think we can take her on individually."

Bullovard blew a little smoke from his nose. "Bullovard agree. She made quick work of cocky dragon when he fight by himself."

Greta flapped her wings a bit before smirking a bit. "Guess our best chance is taking her all on at once. Any ideas?"

"I think I got one," Pharynx said as he looked on. "You guys keep her busy for a bit and I'll have something that'll do it. When the signal comes. You guys break away from her."

"What will the signal be?"

"Don't worry griffon. You'll know it when you see it."

Bullovard, Greta, and Skybeak weren't fully sure what Pharynx had planned, but they went with it. The three all took their stances before running and flying right for Gine. Bullovard came at her first with his horns pointed down. Gine simply held her ground and eventually caught Bullovard's horns. Her feet made a bit of a grove in the ground while she held back the yak. She eventually used her own size to fall back a bit to flip kick him away before jumping back to her feet. She then jumped to the air to dodge a swing from Greta who flew after her. Greta began rapidly swinging her claws with Gine dodging them all. She then caught one swipe before spinning Greta around and throwing her into Bullovard. Gine then turned to catch Skybeak's punches as well. She then gave a swift kick to push him back, before going back down to the ground where she caught a strong punch from Bullovard. She took his arm and flipped him over her shoulder to send him flat on his back. She then caught two punches, one each from Greta and Skybeak before pushing them both back a bit to do some back flips to put some distance between herself and them. She then watched as all three came at her at once, all three throwing punches or kicks at her, with her blocking or dodging each blow.

To her confusion, the soldiers smirked a bit. Gine then noticed a shadow began to form over her and the guards jumped back from her. She looked up to see Pharynx flying above her before she watched in surprise as he turned into his giant, insectoid-like form and came crashing down on her.

However, the others didn't give him what he expected with Skybeak saying, "Pharynx? Are you crazy?"

"What? I told you guys I had a plan."

"Yeah, but we didn't expect you to do that! You never told us exactly what you had planned!"

"Bullovard thought Changeling was going to charge at her with charged horn or something! Not fall on her as big bug!"

Before the guards could continue arguing, they soon noticed the ground under Pharynx began to rumble a little. They all then watched, to their shock, the giant bug Pharynx was being lifted up by Gine as she slowly stood on her feet. She then lifted him as high as she could. She then tossed him aside while he also turned back into his normal form and crashed into the other three guards, causing them to fall to the ground and were shocked to see Gine still hadn't broken a sweat.

"Bullovard think we can't beat her. She too strong."

Gine smiled at the group of guards and held her hands out to help them up. "Good effort guys? I gotta admit, I understand why you four are the best guards of your lands."

After the guards were back on their feet, Greta brushed her feathers off a bit before looking to the Saiyan. "Gine is it? I gotta ask, with strong you are from what you just showed, were you even trying against us?"

Gine smiled sheepishly before rubbing the back of her head. "Well, I hate to knock your confidence down, but no. I wasn't fighting as hard as I could."

This left not only the guards surprised, but their rulers surprised as well. Ember looked down at the field with amazement. "Garble I can get. But you mean to tell me that she took all of them on and won without even breaking a sweat?"

Twilight couldn't help but smile. "Trust me. That's one of the reasons we would like your approval in letting her train the students. What she's shown is only part of what she can do. She can actually use a form of energy, similar to that of magic called "ki". It turns out that any creature whether it be our world or another can learn to tap into it and can use it in any way they can. Along with teaching our students about trust, I was thinking Gine could teach them a bit on how to use ki. As a way of friendship between two different worlds."

The rulers seemed a bit more confident in Gine, but they still seemed to hold some doubt with Thorax speaking, "We're still not sure Twilight."

"Oh come on!" Rainbow flew into the middle of them all. "Gine just passed your little test of how strong she is. What more do you need?"

"Ponies say Saiyan woman can teach students special powers. But how we know this true?"

Gilda then spoke, "No offense to Gine, but I think we should see a bit more on what cool stuff she can do?"

"Rutherford and Gilda make a good point," Novo said, "Gine does seem to be a reasonable person and one I believe could be trusted with Silverstream in teaching her something new. But if I'm to fully approve, I need to see exactly what all she plans to teach."

Before Rainbow could make another comment, Rarity spoke, "She does make a fair argument darling. Unlike us, they haven't seen exactly all of what Gine is capable of."

Celestia was standing along with her sister as they watched the guards gather the still unconscious Garble and headed back up. "I agree with Novo as well. They must see Gine's true abilities. And I mean no disrespect to their guards when saying this, but if she's to use more of her strength, then she needs more of a challenge."

Everyone looked to her in confusion, except for Luna. "Sister? Are you thinking about doing what I think you are?"

Celestia smiled before her horn began to glow with magic. Everyone watched in confusion until a small light engulfed Celestia for a moment. Then when the light died down, it revealed Celestia dressed in golden armor and an armored crown. There was a dark purple gem in the center of her breastplates. A symbol of her Cutie Mark was on the shoulder pads while she wore sharp elbow gauntlets. The center of her skirt armor also had her Cutie Mark which had a long gown with a sun symbol on it as well. Under the gown was leg armor going from her thighs to her ankles. This display left everyone amazed.

The others couldn't help but watch in amazement as Celestia used her wings to leave the stands and landed a few yards away from Gine, who also watched in amazement. "Wow. I didn't know you could do that Celestia."

Celestia smiled a bit as she took a fighting stance. "There are still some surprises left in me Gine. Now I hope you're ready. Because while this may be a trial for you, I don't plan on holding back much."

Gine was a bit surprised at what Celestia was implying. "Princess Celestia? Are you sure? I don't want to risk hurting you in a fight."

Celestia continued to grin as she soon had magic concentrated into her hands. "I don't recall really giving you a choice Gine."

Before Gine could say another word, she found Celestia right in front of her and her fist against her cheek. Gine stumbled back a bit while feeling a bit of pain where she was struck. She rubbed her cheek with her knuckle a bit before looking to Celestia. The two stared each other down before Gine also grinned and took her own stance. "I gotta admit Celestia. I felt that pretty well. And it's got my heart beating a lot faster. And since your not holding back," Gine then shot her arms out as everyone watched in astonishment as she was then surrounded by a white aura as she continued saying, "Then neither will I. Goddess Blast!"

Gine charged up energy into her hands a fired a powerful blast at Celestia who dodged the attack, but soon found Gine out of sight. However, she was then met with a double-handed strike overhead by the Saiyan from behind. Celestia however quickly caught herself and turned around to raise her gauntlets to block rapid lefts and rights from Gine, who was trying to drive her down to the ground. Celestia kept blocking and realized she needed to do something in order to prevent herself from going down. While Gine continued her rapid assault, Celestia decided to act quickly as her horn began to glow and she teleported away from Gine, leaving the Saiyan confused.

"Where did she- Ah!" Gine was cut off by a sharp kick to the face just as Celestia reappeared. The Saiyan then composed herself and threw a punch only for Celestia to dodge and threw a kick by her feet, tripping Gine and making her lose her balance in the air, followed by another sharp kick that sent Gine hurdling to ground where she landed on her feet and created a large grove in the ground as she skitted to a halt. Gine then watched as Celestia then descended down a ways from her. "Not bad Celestia. Not bad at all. But don't think you've won just yet. Cause I'm just getting warmed up."

Back from the sidelines, the others couldn't believe what they were seeing. Fluttershy spoke, "I didn't know Princess Celestia could fight like that. Or that she had that armor."

Luna stood arms crossed as she also continued watching the fight. "Yes. Celestia has always had that armor in case there was a challenge that required it. In fact, it's the same armor she used in our fight against Sombra all of those years ago."

This left the Mane 6 surprised while Thorax looked to Twilight. "Twilight? That blast that Gine used against Princess Celestia. Was that ki?"

"Yes. You see, from how Gine explained it, ki is a kind of energy that all living things have. However, someone has to learn in order to use it. And the stronger someone becomes, the stronger their ki is."

Rutherford then began saying, "Yaks starting to see why ponies want to let Yona learn from her. She has lots to offer and teach students like Yona."

The students were also watching in amazement. Silverstream was the most excited at seeing Gine fight. "Wow. She's so cool. I hope we get to learn from her. Think about how cool it would be to do stuff like that."

Smolder also couldn't help but feel eager to see what Gine could do. "Even I'm impressed. Not only did she take down that loud mouth Garble with a single hit. But she's going head to head with Princess Celestia. And she's as tough as former Dragon Lord Torch."

"Yona really hope Ms. Gine allowed to teach us. Yona want to learn how to get strong like she is."

Back down at the fight, Celestia had tried to throw a punch only for Gine to dodge by flipping over her and sent her crashing down to the ground with a ki blast, however before Celestia reached the ground, she used her wings to prevent her impact before flying right back at Gine. The Saiyan tried to land a punch on the incoming alicorn, but Celestia ducked her head to dodge it. Gine then turned around only to be met with a magic blast from Celestia's gauntlets, which she tried blocking with her bare hands, but the blast was still enough to push Gine back quite a bit. Before Gine hit the ground, she quickly did a flip to kick the magical blast away before charging more ki into her hand. "Maiden Lancer!"

Gine then fired her attack only for Celestia to bash it away before the two charged at one another where their fists collided in the middle, sending out a large sonic wave. They both then began rapidly trading blows once again. They both struck, dodged, or blocked one another before Celestia threw a left cross while Gine threw a right cross. The blows pushed them apart once again where they both skidded to a halt and looked to each other with serious expressions.

Gine couldn't help but let out a few pants as she stood her ground. 'She's good. And while I'm using all I can without going Great Ape, I have a feeling despite what she said earlier, she's still holding back quite a bit. This may not be a real serious fight, but my pride won't let me go down easily. I may not be a real serious fighter like most Saiyans were, but even I can't ignore my pride. If I want any chance of winning this, I have no choice but use all of the power I have left into one more attack.'

The others all watched as Gine soon flared up her aura. "Alright, Celestia. Let's see how this fight ends! HAAAAAAAA!!!!" Gine's aura continued flaring and grew rapidly in size.

Celestia was slightly intimidated by Gine's display of power but did not allow it to get to her so easily. Celestia shot out her wings as her horn began to glow brightly just like Gine's aura. She soon found herself in a powerful magical aura surrounding her. "Indeed Gine. And like you, I too shall use all I have in this."

Gine's aura continued flaring until it changed into a burning orange color. The aura was soon recognized by her friends. Rainbow was the first to speak, "No way. I think she's going to use the same move she used to help stop the Hydra solo."

This caught the rulers' attention. Gilda couldn't help but ask, "You mean she took down a Hydra by herself? How?"

Applejack tipped her hat a bit before saying, "Keep watching. You're about to find out."

They all then watched once again to see Gine was still charging her ki while Celestia continued also charging her magic. The two kept their magic/ki flaring until they finally decided to make their moves. Gine hovered a bit before flaring her aura to its full height and began charging at Celestia. "REBELLION SPEAR!"

As Gine came at her, Celestia moved her head back a bit before shooting it forward, firing all of her charged magic in a large, powerful beam. Gine's charge and Celestia's beam soon met in the middle and began struggling to gain ground over the other.

Everyone couldn't help but watch in astonishment at the amount of power the two seemed to be displaying. Gine let out a rapid yell as she put all of her effort, strength, and pride into her attack. The two continued to struggle against one another until eventually the powerful attacks became too much for one another and resulted in a small explosion, covering the area in smoke.

After a few moments of waiting, everyone watched as the smoke began to clear to show what laid underneath. The training grounds had taken a bit of damage from the two colliding attacks, resulting in many shattered areas in the ground, columns, and around the walls.

In the center of it all, Gine and Celestia still stood on their feet, with Gine panting quite a bit.

Everyone couldn't help but be amazed at how they were still standing after using so much effort into their attacks. However, they soon realized who was had been stronger when they saw Gine soon fall down onto one knee while using one of her hands to support herself. Everyone quickly jumped down to the field where they began running to Gine, who began laughing. "I gotta admit Celestia. I haven't had to push that hard since the Ursa Major attacked Ponyville. It just shows that I still have room to get stronger. So thank you."

Celestia smiled as her horn lit up once again and in a flash of light, her armor was replaced by her previous dress attire. "My pleasure Gine. Plus it felt good to get some combat after so long myself."

Gine managed to get to her feet while looking to her friends and the rulers, keeping her focus on the rulers. "So? What did you all think? Do I now have your approval in training your students?"

All of the rulers remained silent for a moment until Novo smiled. "Well I can't speak for them, but I would be happy to have my niece learn from you Gine. I can see you would have much to teach her."

"After all I've seen that you can do as well, I think Ocellus would be glad to learn from you."

"Rutherford think Yona would be good student to Saiyan woman. She be able to teach Yona how to really get strong."

"I think the same could be said for Gallus. You're cool enough to really show him some new tricks."

"And I know Smolder is up to any challenge. You do understand pride just like we dragons do so you could definitely help her learn some new stuff as well."

Gine smiled as she spoke, "However, I feel I should tell you, I still have a bit to learn myself before I'm ready to teach them just yet. But I give you my word that I will teach everything I know once I finish my own training. And along with that, I should also warn you that what I put them through will be far from easy. In order for them to learn how to use ki, I'll have to train them all both physically and mentally. But if you still would like me to teach them, then I shall."

The rulers looked to each other before nodding, with Novo once again speaking, "We would still like for you to teach them. You've proven that you are trustworthy and have quite a bit to teach. So we'll trust you with how you need to teach them."

Gine smiled and bowed in respect to the rulers. "Thank you."

Celestia smiled at the friendship between Gine and her fellow rulers. "Well then. How about we all take a while to rest and relax. I'm sure you could use it after that Gine."

Gine smiled and nodded before they all began leaving the training grounds.

[Later that day, Twilight's Room, 4:30 P.M.]

Twilight had just finished up organizing some of her stuff when she heard a couple of knocks from her door. "Come in."

The door opened to reveal Spike entering while asking, "Hey Twilight. Would it be alright if I talked to you about something?"

"Sure Spike. What is it?"

"I've been doing a lot of thinking and I was wondering, would it be okay... if I learned from Gine along with Scootaloo and the others?"

This question caught Twilight by surprise before she looked to Spike with confusion. "But Spike? What for?"

"Because," Spike took a deep breath. "I wanna be more useful to you and our friends."

"Spike what do you mean? You help us out all of the time. And you're our friend so you do plenty for us around Ponyville."

"That's not what I mean Twilight. Sure I'm able to help you girls out with simple stuff like doing chores, helping with gatherings, and stuff like that. But when it comes to bigger stuff, I'm not that useful to you girls. Like when the Storm King attacked, you girls had to protect me when I needed help, but I couldn't do anything to help you. I had to watch while Tempest and those yetis took you away while I couldn't do anything to stop it."

Twilight tried to bring her adopted brother's confidence up by saying, "But Spike. Remember King Sombra? If it hadn't been for you then-."

"But that was only because Cadence caught me and got me to the altar in time. If she wasn't there I wouldn't have been able to save the Empire from Sombra. Which is why I want to learn from Gine. She has so much to teach when it comes to getting stronger. Plus if I can learn how to use ki like her, I can be more helpful in situations like that. Please, Twilight. I'm begging you."

Twilight stood still as she let Spike's words sink in. After a moment of thinking, she let out a sigh before smiling. "Okay, Spike. If Gine's okay with it, then I'll let you learn from her along with Scootaloo and the students."

This statement brought a smile to Spike's face. "You really mean it?"

The alicorn nodded before Spike pulled Twilight into a hug, which she was happy to return. "Thank you so much Twilight."

"No problem. Now, what do you say we head to dinner before Gine scarfs it all down?"

Spike chuckled a bit before nodding and the two left Twilight's room to head to the dining hall.