• Published 19th Feb 2018
  • 1,550 Views, 39 Comments

Super School - ColtKit Productions

Spike falls through the Mirror and ends up trapped in a dimension where superheroes are real. Now a Meta Human he goes to a school meant to teach super powered kids control. They dream of being heroes but the Justice League stands in their way

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Ch3: Bad News All Around

Author's Note:

Spike is a Rookie dragon. However everyone in the hero world still thinks he's 10 as he is very small for his age.

"Moons," Cyborg muttered as he worked in his lab in the Watch Tower, a large Space Station that orbited the planet.

Batman stood behind him, hovering over shoulders, as per usual. Superman and Wonder Woman stood present, just listening. The big three, or rather the Trinity as the press called them, always involves themselves in everything. They were the founding members of the Justice League after all, and tended to micromanage everyone else.

Captain Marvel stood off to the side in case his knowledge of magic was needed. That knowledge seemed to come in handy as the "man" looked at the screen with concern.

Wonder Woman, however, wasn't following "What's that?"

Cyborg sighed, "Our little dragon said moons, not nights, and I think I know why. I was able to trace his home dimension through the scar tissue the portal left in our universe. The result is far more troubling the expected.

"Our dimensional frequencies are so vastly different that time doesn't even progress the same way. A year in our dimension is 365 days... theirs is exactly 1095. There days are even 6 hours longer then our own. We shouldn't have ever been able to interact with such vastly different laws of physics and dimensional frequencies. Honestly, the kid should have died the second he entered our dimension. Whatever he used to break through the dimensional barrier instinctually altered his body to match our laws.

"Our knowledge of dimensional travel is too limited to safely get him back there and according to the kid the portal won't open up naturally until 30 weeks... which vary between 10 and 12 days and are based on their lunar cycles... fast moon. Anyway that is not a big deal to him as a hundred moons make up one of his years however that is over 3.6 of our own and his body ages by our laws now... If we leave it to his people he'll go from a bouncing 10 year old to a teenager before they get him back.

"They can't get him back," Captain Marvel looked grave before pointing at the readings on the screen, "You see that scar tissue you used to trace to his home dimension,"

Cyborg just raised an eyebrow, "Yeah, it's a common side effect of inter dimensional travel,"

"Not for magical portals. That closes the portal completely after opening it. it's much safer then using machines. The frequency of this portal suggest it's a magical one, which mean it shouldn't have left scar tissue... like you said, our dimensions are vastly different. Only an enchanted item could open a portal like this... and it wouldn't be able to handle the strain,"

Superman looked worried, "What are you saying?"

Marvel sighed, "They can't open the portal on their end again... there probably isn't a portal at all anymore. It's not years before they can get to us. They will never be able to reach us... the kid is stuck here, permanently,"

Batman pressed, "Isn't it possible they have another portal. They did build this one after all,"

Captain Marvel shook his head, "An enchanted item which tunes someone to fit the universal norms of even violently different dimensions? That would take centuries to enchant. Just making one would take several generations of master wizard after master wizard working on it. It's purely theoretical in our dimension because no one actually has the means to build one. The very fact they could build ONE is incredibly. I can't imagine two being found in the same dimension,"

Wonder Woman sighed, pinching her nose, well Cyborg stated, "As I said earlier we don't have the means to send the kid back ourselves. Our universes are too different and he is tuned to our laws now. We send him back, he will die. It could take decades before I could build something to compensate for that but I could never turn him back into his original species. That's speaking optimisticly, most likely I would have to work on this my whole life and never actually do it. I have other projects and responsibilities. I don't have the time or resources to dedicate too such a project.

"Our dimensions are just too different. The fact they sent him here safely at all, even if it did turn into a one way trip, is incredible..."

Wonder woman just stared a moment before looking at the rest of the trinity, "Maybe we should start considering candidates for a permanent guardianship over the boy,"

Superman thought, "We would need one who is as long lived as the kid and familiar with magic,"

Captain Marvel groaned and the Trinity looked at him, "I know a guy but you might not go for it... he's kinda... a reformed villain,"

"No," Batman glared, correctly guessing who he was talking about.

Captain Marvel pressed, "He is skilled in the mystic art and can teach the boy a lot about himself. Let's not forget he did help resurrect trillions of lives during the Infinity War. He might not be totally trust worthy but he is a hero now,"

"Yes now," Batman glared, "Did you forget the Battle of New York,"

"I wasn't even alive back then," Marvel muttered.

Superman agreed, "That was 20 years ago. The first Robin hadn't even dawned his cape yet. I believe in giving second chances and he's more then earned his. Besides, he is living in Norway now, with the rest of the Asgardian refugees. Thor says he's been a big help there, acting as second in command and handling the day to day dealings of that floating city of theirs,"

Captain Marvel added, "A lot of Homo Draco, and other magical beings, have moved into New Asgard to. It might help the political side of things if the royal family took in one as their ward,"

Batman shook his head, "I can't believe we're discussing this,"

Superman insisted, "He's a good choice,"

Batman growled, "Bloody Loki,"


The next morning, when Starfire got the call, she honestly didn't know how to handle it. How do you explain to a little boy that he can never go home again. And Loki, Loki of all people, was being made his guardian. How did they figure the "god" of mischief could look after a child? True he would only see the boy on the weekends and holidays but he would be a big influence on the kid.

She sighed as she walked down the hall to Spike's room. She stopped short when she hurt crying.

Could the boy already know? She thought well hovering just outside his door. How could he? No one else in the tower knew and he was too excited and bouncy on his arrival to know then. Was he just homesick? Her news certainly wouldn't help that.

Sighing, she knocked on the door, "Spike?" she called, but got no answer, "Spike, I'm coming in," she waited a moment before opening the door. She found the little boy sitting on his bed crying his eyes out. She calmly walked over and sat down. With a gentle hand on his knee she asked, "What's wrong?"

He pointed at a scroll on his bed. It looked to be somekind of old parchment. Picking it up she raised an eyebrow at all the scribbles written in neatly spaced lines.

"What is this?" She asked.

"R-right," Spike choked back his sobs, "I (sniff) I can't read your gibberish... how could you understand Equestrian..." The boy trailed off as he gently took the parchment from her.

Starfire tried to contain her shock. The boy couldn't READ!?! Why was she just hearing about this now!? Was it that the boy spoke such perfect English everyone assumed they shared the same written language?

"It's a letter.." Spike forced himself to speak so Starfire pushed back her shock and listened. The boy looked at the letter, as if willing the words to change, "From my mom... I got it this morning,"

Starfire gulped, "How?"

Spike shrugged, just as he managed to compose himself "Mom taught me a spell to send and receive letters with my dragon fire... still works, even across dimensions,"

"I see... what does the letter say?"

Spike looked like he was about to fall into a new batch of tears but managed to soldier on, "That... that I can never go home... the mirror broke almost instantly... she... she's sending me this letter hoping I can answer... so she knows I'm alive... they're not sure if I actually made it to the other side,"

"Have you answered?"

Spike shook his head, "no,"

"Come on, let's get to your desk and write a letter," Starfire insisted, "I'm sure your mom would be relieved to know you're alive and safe,"

Spike nodded and was about to get up when something clicked in his head, "You knew?" He whispered before shouting, "You KNEW!?"

"Not until this morning," Starfire assured, "The Justice League spent all night trying to figure out how to send you back when they discovered... that the portal you used to get here was most likely destroyed. Unfortunately... we just don't have the means to send you back ourselves either. I actually came in here this morning to tell you. The good news is your safe, and healthy, and you can still write letters to your mom apparently... who I bet would really love a letter right now,"

Spike let his anger melt away at her explanation, "Yeah..." he hesitately crawled out of bed, still clutching the letter, "You..." he tried to gather his thoughts, "You sure you can't send me back yourself. This letter got here so maybe..." he trailed off, but still daring to dream.

"Sending a little letter between dimensions is one thing but no living creature could survive the trip," Starfire explained, "And honestly after we send your mom a letter we need to make sure it is having no adverse effects on you or our dimension... I'm sorry Spike but you're going to have to ask your mom not to send anymore until we get this stuff checked out but she deserves to know you're alive,"

Spike looked like he might cry all over again, "So this might be my last letter to my mom,"

"Make it count, but don't take too long because she's waiting,"

Spike nodded, dedicated to writing the fastest and greatest letter ever written.


The Stallion stood tall looking into the mirror, and smiled. Constantly swirling energy danced like living water. It might not be as advanced as Starswirls, but it did the trick... and it was all his, no one else knew of it. How could they? This was his life's work.

No pony thought a simple Earth Pony could become a master enchanter. They saw his runes, his potions, and even the magical artifacts he crafted with his own hooves and dared to laugh at him. All because he couldn't cast a spell without them.

He was the greatest enchanter in the history of any world. Greater even then Starswirl! What took that relic a lifetime took him only a couple hundred years!

... and what else could one who has been shunned and mocked his whole life become... if not the greatest villain ever imagined.

"Bad Horse, I take it?" A man spoke from behind him, "The fabled 'Thoroughbred of Sin'... I admit... I wasn't expecting you to be a literal horse,"

"Yes you were," Bad Horse scoffed at the bold human in a nice suit, "You're too well connected to think anything else," On cue three badly beaten men were dragged into the room by guards, "I don't appreciate being spied on," explained the horse.

The Stallion held up a seed in his hoof. It slowly opened up until vines suddenly shot out of it and pierced through the men. They screamed as the vines twisted and continued to grow inside them, forcing their way out through new holes they made. Once the screaming stopped the Stallion through the seed to the side.

The nicely dressed man didn't even bat an eye, just pointed at the center man with weeds growing out his belly, "That one wasn't mine," he calmly informed.

Bad Horse shrugged, "Can never be too careful. Now then, since we got the unpleasantness out of the way we can proceed to business. I take it there was a reason you were spying on me?"

"Just curious about the competition," The nicely dressed man shrugged as his eyes turned to the portal, "A talking horse taking over all crime in his, and all surrounding, states is bound to turn some heads,"

"Indeed," Bad Horse acknowledged.

"I was wondering, if you would be interested in helping me with a little... a little project. A Mister Slade Wilson has discovered a very lucrative opportunity,"

Bad Horse scoffed, "Deathstroke? We have butted heads a few times ourselves. May I ask what has all my rivals coming together?"

"Just an opportunity to embarrass the Justice League well turning out a nice profit. Have you heard of Titans Academy? In particular, it's newest member?"