• Published 19th Feb 2018
  • 1,549 Views, 39 Comments

Super School - ColtKit Productions

Spike falls through the Mirror and ends up trapped in a dimension where superheroes are real. Now a Meta Human he goes to a school meant to teach super powered kids control. They dream of being heroes but the Justice League stands in their way

  • ...

Ch2: Getting to Know You

Hal Jordan and John Stewart stood in the dark room, just staring at the 14 year old Latino boy. Two big time Green Lanterns right here in front of him. This would be awesome if it wasn't so terrifying. The boy had just been flying around minding his own business when an unbreakable green cage suddenly appeared around him. The Lanterns used their energy constructs to trap him and then dragged him to this place, forcing the helmet off his head.

Mister Jordan was doing most of the talking for them, "Sam Alexander, son of legendary outlaw Peter Quill AKA Star Lord. A man known as both a pirate and folk hero in many parts of the Galaxy. Saved a few planets, even the whole galaxy a few times, then robbed the Nova corp of one of their most powerful weapons,"

Mister Stewart put the Nova helmet on the table, all dramatic like, well Hal continued, "He reprogrammed it. These things aren't supposed to be passed down through the generations. Normally it wouldn't matter you're the kid of a Nova, you still couldn't use it. True they are programmed to respond to an officer's DNA but if something happens to that officer they reprogram the helmet and give it to someone who is qualified. It wouldn't just work for the guy's kid just cause they share a few chromosomes.

"But you see, and we can't figure out how he did it, Star Lord somehow altered the programming. He completely changed how the thing is supposed to work. He outright gutted it and rewrote everything. We can't even change it back because it no longer recognizes our authority. We understand Star Lord stole this thing before you were even born, and must have been working on it ever since, but this is a master piece of programming ingenuity. Even my Power Ring can't hack into it.

"Now it only responds to Peter Quill... and his genetic descendants. That means you... and your children and grandchildren and great grandchildren and so on. Seems your dad had hoped to keep it in the family... We, of course, found him eventually as it's not possible to hide forever from the Guardians.

"Due to his contributions to galactic peace The Guardians were lenient. He was placed in an Interstellar prison where he was going to spend the rest of his life. Between you and me that probably wouldn't have stuck. He's kind of a big name in the galaxy and they probably would have let him out in exchange for handling the next big crisis and make us Green Lanterns look all kinds of bad all over again. Besides we never did recovered the helmet," He put his hand on the helmet, and gave it a few pats. "But it is curious that a few months after he was arrested an unidentified Nova agent broke him out of prison.

"Now after over a decade in hiding he's back doing his outlaw thing with his old crew, and dodging all of Nova corp with surprising ease. I hear he's as big a pain in the ass as he was in the old days, that was a little before my time mind you but I hear it was glorious... As for this little helmet, put it on and it generates an advanced battle suit. Must make you feel like Iron man on steroids. I bet you could even take on that new Hulk Buster he built?

"You know most Green Lanterns actually start their career in Nova. Helmets like this are reserved only for high ranking special forces officers. Nova isn't just a police force, it's an inter galactic MILITARY police force. Using this helmet isn't just impersonating an officer levels of bad. It's treason kid. They shoot people for this,"

Sam's eyes widened, "Sh-shoot! You're the GOOD GUYS! You wouldn't kill a kid!"

"Which is why you are insanely lucky I got to you first," Jordan informed, "I have a proposal for you and I think you are going to like it. I have a lot of respect for your dad and the things he's done for this galaxy. So I will allow him free range in my sector of space. Green Lanterns are pretty much space sheriffs. This entire Star Cluster is under my jurisdiction. When I say something the Nova Corp has to listen. As this solar system is considered high risk John was brought in to give it special attention but it's still part of my jurisdiction since it's in my cluster, get it?

"You agree to my terms and not only will I let you keep the helmet but Peter Quill can move about as he pleases. If I catch him committing a crime in my territory I will of course stop him, but I won't take him away from you again. I'll take back whatever merchandise he stole and let him go on his way, provided he doesn't kill anyone... I'll let your dad come home, son,"

"... What do I have to do?"


One Year Later

Sam hovered in the training room as he shot lasers from his hands at the targets. The holograms were so densely layered by light they could actually withstand the blast. He grinned as he flew around a large T-Rex, blasting the light construct to hell.

His older brother, by adoption, stretched out his vine like arms to entangle the monster, "I am Groot," said the walking tree.

He cheated a bit to understand him. His helmet translating the surprisingly complex dialogue. The big tree was apparently voicing his displeasure with Sam's show boating... using colorful words Sam would be skinned alive for saying.

Their little sister Kaelynn, biologically related to Sam not the tree, was armed with a plasma rocket launcher and shot at the dinosaurs head. She was wearing similar gear to their father. She had on a Space pirate cloak with rocket boots and even her helmet was modeled after their Dad's.

Star Lord was standing to the side watching them. A bipedal racoon was standing next to him as well as a green lady and a gray hulk of a guy with red stripes on his skin. Mom looked nervous as she watched them train.

"You're spawn are growing into fine warriors Quill," Said the gray man to Sam's father.

"Thanks Drax," Smiled Dad, "But I don't think I can take credit for that,"

"If we are so great," Sam couldn't resist asking, "How about you let us help on your next job?" truthfully his family were more mercenaries then pirates, although they did tiptoe in the gray area and occasionally did steal things.

Drax proud smile vanished, "You are apprenticing under some of the finest champions your world has to offer. Trust their judgement when they say you are not ready,"

Sam sighed, "Yes sir,"

"And this is the training area," Sam turned his head at the sudden sound but unfortunately that meant taking his eyes off the construct. It snapped it's tail at him, hitting him with full force and sending him crashing too the ground. Groots vines broke apart and his little sister got stepped on.

"Session Failed," said the computer and the dinosaur disappeared.

Growling Sam took off his Nova helmet and glared at the intruders, "Thanks a lot!" he snapped at M'Gann, "I nearly cleared level ten! Dammit that was the last of those stupid lizards!"

"Sorry Sam," M'Gann blushed, "I'm just showing the new kid around," she nodded at a little boy with a green monkey on his shoulders, Gar.

Sam rolled his eyes and put his helmet back on, the slender body armor regenerating itself around him, "Well they've seen it, now scram!" It was a bit of an unwritten rule M'Gann just broke. All the kids barely ever got to see their families so when parents showed up the other kids tried to stay out of their way.

"Sam!" Mom scolded, "None of your teenage angst. Now apologize,"

Sam groaned but said with a blush, that was thankfully hidden by the helmet, "Sorry M'Gann,"

M'Gann blushed in turn, "Don't worry about it. I hadn't realized you were in here. Have fun," thankfully she quickly shepherd the little kids away.


Spike blushed as his stomach loudly growled. M'Gann unfortunately heard it and giggled, "Let's stop for lunch," before directing them to the kitchen.

There was a young teenage girl sitting in there, reading from a floating book as she ate, just like Twilight did. Spike instantly felt comfortable with her just for that fact.

The little dragon pranced over and sat in front of her, wearing a goofy smile.

The teen's eyes slowly wandered away from her book to the green haired little boy.

"Are you an alien to?" Spike grinned, referring to her gray skin.

M'Gann face palmed, "Spike, it is rude to ask questions like that,"

Raven, however, chose to answer. She spoke in a bored tone, "No, I'm part demon,"

Spike blinked, "What kind of demon?"

Raven blinked, a bit surprised by the question.

"Well you got your Yokai," Spike began listing, "Those guys are more chaotic then evil so they would be the best option. But then you got things like fiends which go around eating peoples souls. And of course sin demons that the human bible talks about. Those guys just love corrupting souls and conquering planets,"

Well M'Gann groaned at Spike's careless words the other girl gave a rare smile, "You know a lot about demons,"

"My big sister taught me about all kinds of magical creatures," proudly declared Spike, "She's a real egghead but some of her lessons were actually pretty cool,"

Raven put her book down, "You're a dragon, right?"

Spike gaped, "How can you tell? I don't even have scales right now,"

Revan smiled, "My mother taught me a bit about magical creatures to. She wanted to make sure I didn't make the same mistakes she did," her voice got low, clearly trying to scare the child, "She joined a cult when she was younger and they used her as the offering to a sin demon,"

Spike, however, awed. A simple "Wow," from the boy caused her to full out smile.

Revan leaned back in her chair, "After mom learned of this school for freaks she thought it be a good place for me to learn control over my dark magic,"

Spike whistled.

Revan continued to smile, "So what's your story?"

"I'm from an alternate dimension where the primary intelligent lifeforms evolved from horses,"

Raven looked over at M'Gann who nodded. Then she looked back at the dragon boy, "That sounds like hell,"

"Ponies often break into song and constantly save the world through 'Friendship Speeches'," Spike grinned

"Definitely hell," Insisted Raven.

Spike snickered, "Solar Spike," he extended his not-claw. The teen looked at him curious a moment so Spike insisted, "Yes that is my real name. Not my fault humans use gibberish for their names,"

The teen chuckled and finally took the little hand, "Rachel Roth, but my friends call me Raven,"


Conner sighed with relief as he finally got away from Starfire. He knew she meant well but she treated him like a freaking toddler. Okay so technically he was only 4 months old but he had the body and mind of a teenager, not to mention the education of a college professor.

Well kinda, some stuff like word problems he had trouble with. He was taken out of his tank too early so the evil corporation of mad scientists who made him didn't have time to download how to really apply the things he knew, like math. However he was learning thanks to Starfire and those online courses. Most of it was ridiculously easy but some of it was actually helpful. It explained the few things he didn't understand.

Starfire had him start on kindergarten courses, which his new friends explained to him was "super" embarrassing. He quickly realised that the other teens didn't like when they had to study at their computers so he pretended to hate it to... although honestly he kinda liked learning just what all the stuff he knew meant.

He was accelerating quickly thanks to knowing most of it. Working at his own pace meant he was now working on 6th grade material, and it was finally starting to get hard. He'd be starting high school level stuff soon and finally be caught up with his friends...

He was just trying to focus on anything that wasn't Superman. Unfortunately it wasn't working. He was still depressed and more then a little pissed. Everyone kept telling him that Superman would come to his senses. That he was a good man and that after he gets over the shock he'll accept the boy... When the boy finally became aware in his little test tube everything about him was defined by Superman.

He remembered the people who made him, just building up when he would finally get to met Superman. The boy was meant to replace him if the man ever fell. To be his heir... his progeny... his peace of mind to know the world would always be safe, and to bring order to it all. Basicly they were completely insane mad scientists... but Conner didn't know that back then. When they talked he listened. He believed them... he waited his whole life to meet Superman.

The man of steel was his idol, a literal god to him. Guess if Superman was a god that would make Superboy a demigod if greek mythology was to be believed... and like all demigods he was shunned by his father until he have need of him.

Superman hadn't even been the one to name him, Batman did, after one of his martial arts masters. Batman said the guy was rough with one of the biggest chips on his shoulders he'd ever seen, but it was just to cover up the fact he was a big softy.

A lot of people thought Batman was scary but he was actually pretty nice, really strict but still nice. Conner didn't tell anyone but he was kinda hoping, if Superman never took him in, then Batman would. Maybe even make him the next Robin?... he didn't tell anyone because it was purely a selfish thought that would be insensitive to ask. Conner had trouble understanding what was appropriate, given he didn't have much experience interacting with people, but even he knew THAT was too much.

Batman was still grieving from the loss of Tim Drake, and Jason Todd before him. Both of them had their lives destroyed by the Joker. Todd was beaten to death years ago... he got off easy. Well Drake... was tortured to the point of insanity then reprogrammed to be the Joker's own personal weapon. The real tragedy was Drake had a moment of self awareness and killed the Joker... only to become the new Joker. It was all so messed up. It had been 5 years and Batman hadn't taken another Robin since. He used to give the particularly traumatized orphans a home, since he was orphaned at a young age himself through watching his parents murdered in front of him. He gave them a home and a purpose but he hadn't since Tim Drake.

The thing was... no one knew Conner knew. The scientists that made him figured out a few of the heroes secret identities and uploaded detailed information about their entire lives in his head. He knew everything about Batman, billionaire and renown playboy / humanitarian Bruce Wayne, and many others of the Justice League and other hero teams... but not Superman.

It was hard too identify who Superman was. Every picture of him was blurry on account of him constantly vibrating his body. Well his eyes were so hypnotic and unnaturally blue people who saw him in person couldn't see the rest of his face.

Then there was the fact superman was always on patrol no matter what time of day or where on the planet. The mad Scientist thought he might not have a secret identity. That he was Superman all the time. They tracked him to a secret alien base on the north pole and figured he must live there. Their understanding of Conner suggested Superman didn't need money for the necessities of life and likely found entertainment through the base if he needed that.

Conner didn't need to eat, surviving on the nutrients found in sun light like a plant but more efficiently. He didn't need water or even oxygen because of it. The only thing he did need was 3 hours of sleep a night to be fully rested, and that was only because the longer he went without sunlight the more energy he burned without replenishing it. Sleep offered his body a chance to use less of the solar radiation his cells stored up. The solar radiation redirected by the moon at night really wasn't enough to stimulate him.

The whole reason Camdus, the corporation of mad scientists, physically aged and locked his body at 16 was because it was the most active period of his species' life for using Solar radiation. He burned through it faster then superman but theoretically he could unleash it at greater levels once he mastered his powers. He would never he as physically strong as superman but he could manipulate his other powers better... in theory.

In practice he didn't have any of Superman's powers outside tactile telekinesis. Superman used it to flew and catch people / things when they fell without damaging them. Starfire had taught Conner how to use it for unleasing a telekinetic blast, how to push people away from him, and even how to mimic Superman's physical powers (his strength, speed, and invulnerability) by layering his body in a force field and guiding it with his mind. He could even pick stuff up without touching it so long as it was within a few feet of him. He couldn't fly yet but Starfire promised he'd get it.

The reason Conner's other powers hadn't kicked in yet was because he didn't have enough exposure to the sun. He needed to live on Midgard longer for that and they would come with time. He might not age in a traditional sense but his powers still needed to grow up.

"Conner?" Peter gave an obviously forced smile as the clone walked in into the lounge, "How you doing?"

Great, everyone was treating him as if he was this fragile little thing. As if he wasn't having a bad enough day.

Peter was sitting at one of the couches in the common room with Gar, M'Gann, Jaime, Zatana, and Wally. They were all around the new kid, who had green hair and pointy ears.

Peter nodded at the new kid, "This is Spike. I was just telling him how I got my powers,"

Conner rolled his eyes, "He got bit by a bug,"

"A Radioactive / geneticly mutated spider, thank you very much," Peter insisted.

Spike just stared at him, clearly not believing him, most people don't, but then the new kid said something that indicated the face he was making was for something else, "Aren't you supposed to be a girl?"

"A Girl!?" In that moment Peter's adolescent voice certainly pitched like a girl's.

"Spider-Mare, the biggest Marvel superhero and one of the first," Spike began listing things, "Wears red and blue spandex with a spider logo. A legit genius who built her own web shooters,"

Beast Boy started laughing uncontrollable, "Dude! You're totally a girl in his universe!"

M'Gann brought up the obvious, "I thought you just knew Golden age heroes?"

"Spider-Mare is a Golden age hero," Spike insisted.

Conner informed, "Alternate dimensions often differ in both subtle and extreme ways. It is perfectly possible that Peter was born here decades after his introduction to Spike's universe,"

"NERD!" Gar loudly declared, like he did whenever Conner said something scientific. Oddly Peter whacked him upside his head. Conner was learning this kind of behavior was normal among teenagers.

Unfortunately Spike had to break the merriment with a careless question, "What you doing here? Shouldn't you be protecting New York and sneaking all the hero stuff around Aunt May?"

The room grew gravely quiet until Peter got the will to answer, "My aunt... died... a few months ago,"

Spike's eyes grew wide.

"It was my fault," Peter confessed, "One of my Super villain's found out who I was and came to my apartment... anyway I was living on the street for a couple weeks doing the hero thing but Iron Man found me. He had been my mentor for the past year after finding out who I was, well how young I was I guess... I figured he was just being over protective when he warned me away from Meta Human fights... I always got in trouble with him for that... He said I wasn't ready for the collateral damage and I didn't understand what he meant... Anyway he legally adopted me and dropped me off here at Super School-"

Conner absent-mindedly interrupted, "I thought we were called Titan's Academy?"

M'Gann sighed, "Not now Conner,"

Peter, on the other hand, lightly smiled before continuing with his story, "Iron Man tends to drop by a couple times a week and he even takes me back to Avenger's Tower on the weekends. It's pretty cool having all the Avengers as aunts and uncles,"

"So..." Spike gaped as he tried to find a sensitive way to ask his question, "You're not a hero anymore?"

Peter gave the boy a calculating look before straight up lying, "No... I'm not,"

Jaime spoke up to distract the little boy from asking any more questions, "What about me? Am I a comic book?"

Spike blushed, "errr I don't know... who are you?"

Jaime huffed, "Blue Scarab! Ward to the Blue Beetle and Booster Gold!"

"Oooooh," Spike snapped his not claws, "Yeah I heard of the Blue Beetle, Dan Garrett!"

Jaime groaned, "That was the first Blue Beetle. The Scarab on my back doesn't work for my mentor. He's more of a Batman type, using fancy tech to fight crime,"

"Batman?" Spike tilted his head.

"Never mind," Jaime groaned. "Anyway, I was basicly a street urchin until this thing," pointing at a large Scarab on his back, "latched itself to me. Next thing I know I'm not only adopted by filthy rich superheroes but they send me to this school. Unfortunately the Scarab kinda has a mind of it's own and I have a lot of trouble controlling it,"

Wally rolled his eyes, "The thing tries to kill someone at least once a week,"

Spike looked over at the quiet girl, "What's your story?"

Zatana shrugged, "My dad is a stage magician with actual magic powers. He sent me to this school so I can learn to control my magic in a safe environment," she shrugged.

"She's the most normal out of all of us," Gar teased.

M'Gann teased back on Zatana's behalf, "She still kicks your butt during training,"

Author's Note:

The beginning of this chapter is repurposed from an abandoned fic I wrote on Fanfiction.net

I know Peter Quill Isn't Sam's father in the comics but when I first started reading Nova that's what I thought. Since it shows scenes with the Guardians of the Galaxy, and I had just watched the movie, I thought Star Lord stole a Nova Helmet and changed his name to hide from them. That when he disappeared it was because he was found by basicly the space police and arrested. I know that isn't the case now but still it was my first impression of the comic and the initial reason why I liked it so much. Even when I learned my theory was wrong I had grown to love the series so much that I kept reading. Think of this fic as AU for Kid Nova where he is Star Lord's son.

As for Raven, yes her mom is still alive and Azorath is still standing. She hasn't summoned Trigon yet, just heard stories about him. I have plans later down the road for that.

Superboy Conner is based off a combination of the Young Justice Cartoon and his early comics, when his only power really was Tactile Telekinesis that he could use in different ways.