• Published 19th Feb 2018
  • 1,549 Views, 39 Comments

Super School - ColtKit Productions

Spike falls through the Mirror and ends up trapped in a dimension where superheroes are real. Now a Meta Human he goes to a school meant to teach super powered kids control. They dream of being heroes but the Justice League stands in their way

  • ...

Ch1: Not Again (Edit)

"It can lead to other dimensions?" Spike blinked as Twilight fiddled with the mirror. They stood in the Library of the castle with Starlight helping her out. As the girls worked Spike was busy staring at his reflection. He looked... human? Well kinda. He had peach skin, green hair and eyes but his teeth were still sharp like a carnivores and his ears were pretty pointy so not exactly human. The human him mimicked his movements. Mirror him was a lot smaller, like way back before he hit his growth spurt.

Spike was a good 10 feet long now, and as tall as Celestia. He was still just a rookie dragon but it had been a few decades since he turned a hundred, and thereby entered his teens. His muzzle has grown longer. As had his twin whiskers / feelers just under his nose. He'd really grown into his Eastern dragon features... but mirror him was soft and cute still. Not at all like the powerful dragon he had grown into.

He still looked very young in the mirror. Was this what he really was? Obviously not a human but just a little kid... Twilight, Starlight, and all his pony friends where in their early hundreds to but they were respectable young adults now... where he was still just a barely teenage kid...

He shook his head, banishing the thoughts and focused on what Twilight was trying to tell him, "You mean besides a high school?"

Twilight rolled her eyes, "Well the mirror works by punching a stable hole in between worlds. Theoretically it can lead to others,"

"Nothing theoretical about it," Starlight grinned, "We've been channel surfing all night. We still can't create a stable wormhole to send matter from one dimension into another but have been able to make observations of other dimensions,"

"The Key," Twilight informed as she walked away from the mirror, "Is setting up an Anchor in the other dimension. A tangible place to permanently link the Mirror," she made a few last minutes scribbles to a scroll on the table as she looked at the dozen or so open books around it, "I think this world is as good as any to test the Theory on," Twilight gave a sly smile at Spike, "I think you'll like it,"

"I'm not going to turn into a dog again, Am I?" Spike scrunched up his nose in disgust.

Twilight snickered, "No, that is what you'll look like. A Meta Human child, a rather cute one at that," she insisted, "Although you are pretty short for your age. You look more like a ten year old then a teenager,"

Spike chose to ignore that comment. He knew he was short for his age. No reason a human him shouldn't match that, "Meta Human?" Spike blinked.

"From what we've observed," Twilight smiled, "Meta Humans are a category of humanoid sub species of this world. You're going to love it, Spike. I just know it. This world seems to be made especially for you!" She clapped her hooves together, "I just need to set up the anchor. It will require a lot of power but if done right..." she trailed off and floated the scroll over to Starlight, "Here's the spell. I spent all night working on it. I'll need your help to cast it,"

"Sure," Starlight grinned, quickly scanning the document and easily memorizing it, "... you sure this will work?"

"Of course not," Twilight cheerfully declared, "That's why we're going to test it. This should set the link but I'm not sure if it will really open the portal. We'll have to channel a good bit of power through the spell to force the barrier between worlds to open,"

Twilight explained as she guided Starlight to the far side of the library, next to the bookshelves. Then she trotted over to the other side of the room.

"Spike, get away from the mirror and find something to hold onto, just in case,"

Spike nodded and skipped over to the center of the room, curling his tail around the leg of a table for extra security. It was a crystal table that was growing out of the ground so odds are it was pretty sturdy.

"Ready Starlight?" Twilight called, grinning eagerly.

"Yep," Starlight lit up her horn.

The two each sent a single blast at the mirror and groaned in disappointment as nothing happened. Spike let go of the table and walked a little closer. He stopped as he saw a spark around the mirror. Little sparks began to go off, then more and more, until finally a vortex erupted from the mirror itself.

The mirror began sucking in everything, Books flew into the portal as both ponies grabbed hold of the shelves. Spike, having nothing to grab, screamed as his feet were picked off the floor and he flew towards the mirror.

"SPIKE!" Twilight gasped seeing the boy flying helplessly towards the Mirror. She quickly let go of the shelf and spread her wings, channeling her magic, she tried to fly straight at the young dragon. Her horn kept sparking but couldn't grab hold of the boy. The out of control magic of the mirror made it hard to focus on her own.

She flew as fast as she could towards the little dragon but seconds before she could grab him he was sucked through the portal. It instantly closed and... shattered.

Twilight landed in front of it staring dumbfounded at the broken shards of glass. Papers began to settle at the abruptness of which the portal closed. Slowly tears formed in her eyes as her mind ran through a thousand silent thoughts. The most obvious one being the void that hit her as the realization came into focus... Spike... was gone... and there was no way to get him back.


Spike screamed as he tumbled through the void. The lack of gravity combined with the various flips he was doing was really turning his stomach. He had to choke back the urge to puke a number of times.

He could feel his body morph and twist. It felt like every inch of him fell asleep and was tingling all over. His claws slowly turned to hands and his scales turned to skin. His bones reshaped themselves, becoming far less curved. Even his organs moved around and changed.

Suddenly the portal tossed him out and he couldn't help but wish gravity was still absent. All too suddenly he found himself falling towards a big city street from 30 stories up.

He screamed as he covered his eyes. Panic sending his body into overdrive as he willed himself to safety. He felt his bones twist and bend, well, his muscles grew all over again. The sensation was so weird but it felt kinda... good. His whole body was warm, burning as pleasantly as his internal flame.

He felt himself hit the ground a second later, it hadn't looked that close, and although it stung he wasn't actually hurt.

Opening his eyes he saw claws, he could have sworn they were human hands a second ago. Looking around he saw the world was much smaller then it had been moments ago. Standing up he realized he was as tall as the 30 story buildings. Turning around his tail accidentally whipped into a building. He gasped as he could hear a thousand different screams as it began to topple over. THERE WERE PONIES IN THERE!

He quickly grabbed it and set the building down gently on it's side. Humans, not ponies, began pouring out of it, screaming and panicking. Most of them had either brown skin or a variation of peach with pretty tame colors. They weren't nearly as colorful or varied as the humans from Canterlot high. They did, however, have cars like Canterlot High. Spike knew this because several of them kept crashing into his feet and piled over each other and his toes.

Spike was doing his best to be careful as he tried to walk away from the buildings and cars but he kept accidentally stepping on things. It was better to step on things them the humans after all.

"Hold it right there!" A voice called out to him, one that could be heard over the mass hysteria.

Spike hesitantly turned his head to look at it, grabbing his tail and hugging it to prevent himself from breaking anything else.

Floating there, in a blue and red jumpsuit, was, "Super Stallion!" Spike gasped. He looked like a human version of the-the very first Comic book hero!

The floating human blinked at him, not expecting such a young voice from the large beast. Truthfully he wasn't expecting a voice at all.

Spike's face heated up as he started at humaniod Super Stallion. That's when Spike realized he, himself, had wings. They popped out at full length from his excitement and sliced through more buildings. Spike gasped and began panicking again as he tried to pull them back in without toppling the buildings they were embedded into.

"Calm down," said human Super Stallion, "Just calm down, take calming breaths,"

Spike did as he was told, forcing himself to be calm. Suddenly his body burst into green flames. Before he realized what was going on his body morphed with the help of the fire. Suddenly he was on the ground with hands that had a severe lack of scales. He was tinny again, the size of a human child.

Super Stallion gently flew down and landed in front of him.

"What's happening?" Spike gaped at him

"It's going to be okay," the hero insisted.

That's when it clicked... hero, a real life Superhero... no wonder Twilight thought he'd love it here.

"Twilight?" Spike muttered as another realization hit him. He frantically looked around and kept calling her name, "Twilight!?"

"Twilight?" Super Stallion blinked

"My big sister," Spike explained looking around before once again calling, "Twilight!?"

"No one else came through the portal with you," Said Super Stallion, "If you'll come with me we'll help you the best we can,"

"We?" Spike tried to choke back his panic.

"The Justice League,"


"Since when can Super Stallion fly?" Spike asked as the human flew him over to the hall of justice.

"That's 'Superman'," Said Super Stallion, well not really Super Stallion apparently. Even his name was the human version of the comic book character.

"I thought you just jumped around everywhere?" Spike rephrased his question.

"That was my predecessor from the Golden Age, when Superheroes first appeared," explained Super...man. The name wasn't as cool as Super Stallion. Who didn't love alliteration? "he's retired now,"

"What about Kent Nelson? Doctor Fate would never retire," Spike spoke adamantly.

Superman gave a light chuckled, "Sad to say he's retired to," he tried his best not to full out laugh at the childish pout on the boy's face, "People get old. However much we might want to we can't be young forever,"

"Dragons can!" Spike was adamant.

"What's that?" Superman raised an eyebrow.

"I'm a dragon,"


"A... dragon?" Wonder Woman eyed as the Justice League watched the child on the view screen.

Batman, Superman, Martian Manhunter, Cyborg, Green Lantern Hal Jordan, Flash, Captain Marvel, stood with her. There were other League members, but these were the only ones present. They all just watched the boy laying on the floor in one of the waiting rooms playing with superhero action figures. Reporters were on the other side of the glass taking pictures of the child as he innocently played, unaware of them. The League set this up deliberately so the media wouldn't write the boy off as a super villain but rather just another meta child having difficulty controlling his powers (and the league taking responsibility for him as they tended to do for such children).

Superman had managed to find some golden age hero figures in the gift shop for the boy. Wayne Enterprises, Batman's company, sold a bunch of superhero merchandise through one of it's many departments. Most of the profits went to funding the Justice League. As The Hall of Justice was basically an amusement park they sold a lot of the merchandise here and even had a Factory floor using Star Trek style matter converters to ship out merchandise across the planet. All the Heroes got royalties for their merch but most of it went to the League itself.

"More like Homo Draco," Captain Marvel shrugged. He seemed to just know everything there was when it came to magic, "They are a type of Meta Human evolved from dragons," he explained, "Highly magical beings, breaths fire, minor shape shifting abilities (so long as it's dragon related), lifespan worth a few thousand years, thick skin, teeth strong enough to bite through Diamonds, but more closely related to humans then the magical beast,"

Cyborg added, "His body is filled with the markers of inter dimensional travel. I'd even say this wasn't the first alternate reality he's been to. The transport he used seemed to have readjusted his body to better fit with our universes laws"

Captain Marvel nodded, "Dragons went extincted a long time ago in our dimension, although we get a few pouring in from others now and then. Homo Draco is what replaced our natural dragons but they are an endangered species thanks to knights hunting them for sport during the dark ages. There are only a few thousand of them left,"

Martian Manhunter shrugged, "The transport he used seems to have decided they are close enough,"

Superman sighed, "Apparently we are just comic book characters in his world, and not even that. His comics focus on the first generation of Heroes that appeared during World War 2. He doesn't know anything about our generation,"

"Which is probably for the best," Batman reminded, "We have enough trouble with alternate realities where we're comic book characters. Too much guessing when it comes to what's real and what could become real. Not to mention the pesky fact they know all our secret identities,"

"He says," Superman continued, "That he doesn't expect to stay here long, the portal should open up again in exactly 30 nights. He just wants to enjoy his time here until he has to go back"

Green Lantern finally spoke, "What do we do with him until then? He did just destroy a few city blocks by taking a stroll. Not to mention he looks barely out of diapers. We can't just leave this kid to his own devices until his ride gets here,"

Batman grunted, as if it was obvious, "Titans Tower, Nightwing has been using his trust fund to finance a private institution for Meta Human children. An old acquaintance of his, Starfire, runs it for him."

Cyborg blinked, "What like a superhero school?"

"Not exactly," Batman explained, "There aren't many teenage Meta humans. The 'school' has less then 10 students so far. They are training to learn to control their powers but the goal is not so that they can use them for us. Rather so that they can one day function through society without accidently demolishing city blocks,"

Superman sighed, "Superboy is there..." and all his colleagues nodded but made no comment. That was an uncomfortable enough topic and they had too much on their plate to open that can of worms.

Green Lantern still looked concerned but on a different issue then the obvious, "I hope that isn't all they are learning,"

Batman reassured, "Starfire makes sure they keep up with their academics through state funded online courses. The same ones home schooled children take. According to Robin... Nightwing," Batman corrected himself.

Flash snickered, "Still not used to baby boy's grown-up name?"

Batman just glared, "Starfire is rather strick about their grades. The way Nightwing tells it anything lower then a B results in firm punishment,"

Flash snickered, "Yeah, Wally is often complaining about his poor little bottom whenever she catches him goofing off during 'study time'. Tamaranians sure are strict for being so happy go lucky. That school is probably the best thing that ever happened for him. My little nephew is far too smart for his own good. Hell, he even recreated the accident that gave me my super speed. He's a genius but his old school didn’t really know how to cope with him. Working at his own pace beside kids just as weird as him has been much better for him,"

Captain Marvel looked considerate, "But... they aren't heroes,"

Flash scoffed, "Not everyone is as crazy as Batsy. Regardless what my nephew thought when he nearly killed himself to gain my powers, I'm not letting him follow me around on patrol. He's just a kid. They're all just kids,"

Both Cyborg and Superman shot Captain Marvel uncomfortable looks. For his part, Captain Marvel fidgeted on the spot.

Batman spoke up, "Many children did not have the 'happy go lucky' childhoods you imagine. Nightwing would have gone out on his own. All trying to stop him would have done would make it so he didn't go to me when he was in over his head. By allowing him on patrol I set up rules and restrictions, made it so he understood what he was getting into. I trained him relentlessly long before I let him out with me and he still refused to back down. That kind of determination can't be stopped. If I hadn't done what I did he would have died from his own stupidity a long time ago,"

Flash rolled his eyes, "Well Wally isn't like that. It's just a game to him,"

"He poured dangerous chemicals all over his body before strapping himself to an electric chair. Let's not forget the months of research he must have done to get the chemicals, dosage, and exact wattage right that not even you're sure about... does that sound like someone who thinks of this as 'a game'. He's probably already been out there on his own without you,"

Wonder Woman sighed, "This is not the time for this. Nor is a family matter any of our concern to begin with,"

Batman looked at her a moment before scoffing, "I'm just trying to prevent a tragedy,"

"Don't bother," Flash glared, "Wally is fine,"

Martian Manhunter spoke up, "As interesting as this subject is it is obviously going no where. The more immediate problem is, what do we do with this one?" he nodded at the screen with the dragon child.

Batman scoffed, "I thought we settled that a long time ago," meaning he made a decision already, and no one argued with Batman. "We're sending him to the Titans,"


Spike didn't bat an eye as he walked through the portal. He was used to teleportation spells, why would a bit of tech that can do the same thing frighten him. Superman had gone with the boy through the zeta tube. He was the one who found him after all. He felt it was his responsibility to get him comfortable. An orange girl in her early 20s was standing next to a control panel in a futuristic room but Spike didn't even seem to understand that any of that was strange. He didn't even seem to comprehend that orange women with pure green eyes without a hint of white were not the norm.

"Hello Spike," Smiled the young woman.

Spike smiled right back, "Hey,"

"Starfire," Superman got her attention. He held up a few shopping bags and passed it over to her, "Just a few clothes and toys we let him pick out at the Hall of Justice,"

She looked at the 20-something bags in Superman's arms and rolled her eyes as she took them, "Let me guess. They're all Batman related,"

Superman chuckled, "Actually they are mostly Golden Age based. We don't exist in his universe and the Justice Society only exist in Comic books,"

"Oh," Starfire snickered, "One of those, eh? Always fun,"

"Anyway, I should get going. Need to help repair the damage this little guy caused," Superman ruffled Spike's hair. It was an odd sensation. Little strands of fur moving about instead of the single piece flexible fin he used to have.

Starfire gave him an almost begging look, "Won't you say hi to Conner before you go,"

Superman suddenly went rigid, "Sorry but-"

"He's been asking about you. He was really excited when Batman told us you were coming,"

Superman groaned, "Of course he did. Look I-"

"With respect, you're the closest thing he has to a father-"

"But I'm not his father!" Superman snapped, "And people should stop encouraging him to think of me like that! You're doing more harm then good by offering the kid more then I can give him,"

Spike looked up at him, a weird expression on his face.

Superman felt obligated to explain, "Conner is a clone made from a combination of my DNA and my arch nemesis, Lex Luthor. The League rescued him from a bad place some months ago and brought him here,"

Spike continued to stare at him, analyzing him.

"He's a good kid but he's not 'my' kid," Superman insisted, "Genetics aside, I'm not his dad,"

"..." Spike just continued to stare before finally saying "You are nothing like Super Stallion,"

Superman visiblely flinched, "Sorry I couldn't live up to your expectations," before abruptly activing the Zeta tube and leaving.

Spike looked at him all but run away. Then, when he was gone, the young dragon looked at Starfire, "Are all heroes like that?"

Starfire sighed. She probably shouldn't have brought Conner up to Superman around the new kid, especially when he wasn't even a proper resident of their universe and thereby no doubt got a bad impression of the lot of them, but the man was leaving anyway. She couldn't just let him go though, not without trying. Conner was going to be heart broken as it was.

"Come on," Starfire said to the new boy, purposefully ignoring his question, "Let's get you settled in,"


Spike sat in his new room. It was even bigger then his chambers at the castle. When he first opened the door he was greeted by a large sitting area. There was a couch and lots of comfy chairs facing a large flat screen TV with a round coffee table in the middle of the area. There were about a dozen empty bookshelves along the back wall, on either side of a sliding glass door. Further to the left of the long room was a sleeping area with a huge bed. The bed had two rows of drawers built into the box frame and a series of cubbies as the headboard and shelves above that.

Even with all this stuff the room was far too big for it to look crowded. In fact it looked almost empty in comparison. Still he didn't know what to do in this room.

Superman got him a bunch of comic books but he couldn't read them. They were written in some bizarre language. It was disappointing as Tartarus to learn just because they spoke the same language didn't mean they had the same alphabet. Their letters were all weird looking symbols. Ponies wrote in a bunch of looping squiggles that all connected throughout the sentence. It was that way because ponies had to write well holding the quil in their mouth. Too bad, it would have been cool to read the adventures of a humanoid Super Stallion.

"You're seriously telling me you come from a land of horses," The green skinned girl squealed with delight. Her name was M'gann. Starfire asked her to help Spike unpack so the 20 something year old woman could comfort Conner.

"No," Spike answered her question well looking down at the comic book he couldn't read, before putting it in one of the bookshelves on the wall. "They're ponies," he corrected.

"Aren't ponies just horses?" M'gann blinked. She had studied all of Earth's animals in depth before coming here and she could have sworn ponies were just younger horses.

"They are about as different from horses as Humans are from Apes," Spike shrugged. He did spend a month at a time trapped in a School during other inter dimensional visits. It was impossible not to learn a few things about humans (like what a TV was).

"Oh!" M'Gann grinned as it clicked, "So they evolved from horses," she giggled, "That's amazing. A whole universe were intelligent lifeforms evolved from Equines. Darwin would have a field day,"

"Who?" Spike blinked as he shoved his underwear into a drawer of his bed. He didn't really understand the purpose to such things but Superman insisted they were important. He doubted he'd actually wear them though. Seemed like unnecessary layers. He was used to walking around naked all the time but he got from the other human dimension that that was considered taboo. Didn't make much sense but whatever. It couldn't hurt him to wear something everyday. Better then polishing his scales every morning after his shower.

"Darwin," M'Gann explained, "He was a human who lived a long time ago, laid down the groundwork to their modern understanding of evolution. If you're going to stay on this planet you should learn it's history,"

"I won't be here that long," Spike shrugged.

"Still human culture is just amazing," M'Gann gushed, "I've been obsessed with their television programs ever since I was a little girl back on Mars,"

"Is that a country?" Spike absentmindedly asked, "The last human dimension I went to didn't have a global government for the species. Really weird considering Equestria did that a thousand years ago when we were still in medieval times. Even now Humans have so much more amazing technology but their still so violent to each other,"

"Well," M'Gann felt she should address the culture clash before answering the question, "Humans don't have a united world but they do have the United Nations were countries try to talk out their problems and set ground rules,"

"Well that's something at least," Spike shrugged.

"And as for Mars that's actually a completely different planet. We have a united government there to,"

"Humans colonized other worlds here!? I know they were talking about it in Canterlot High but they were decades away from trying it," even though Equus did that over a century ago. It was still impressive to hear a race without magic could do it.

M'Gann just groaned, "No Spike, humans haven't colonized a different planet. I'm not human. I just moved down here when my parents died to be with my uncle J'onn, he's the Martian Manhunter in the Justice League,"

"... you're... an alien?" Spike awed before eying her suspiciously, "You don't look like an alien,"

"Humans don't have green skin," She smiled.

"They don't?" Spike blinked, "They did in the other dimension I went to. Well some did. Like Ponies they could be any color in the rainbow. Some even are Rainbow colored,"

M'Gann giggled, "Sorry Spike here most humans are kind of variations on brown or peach colors,"

"Sounds boring," Spike scrunched up his nose, "How do you tell any of them apart?"

"Facial features, voice, height but I can understand those not being key things some races look for when recognizing friends. All Martians look almost exactly alike as we're an asexual species. We tell each other apart by telepathy. All minds have a different feel to them so-"

"Asexual?" Spike blinked, he didn't even know what sex was. How does she expect him to know what Asexual meant?

Stupid overprotective Twilight insisted that, despite being a century old, he didn't need to know. Yeah he was a kid by dragon standards but he was raised by ponies! There was this big conspiracy in ponyville to keep Spike 'innocent', or rather ''ignorant' of the secrets of the world, and all his Extranet devices had parental controls on them he just couldn't figure out how to get around.

Celestia was no help. Being an immortal being herself, she didn't thing Spike should know anything like that until he was at least a millennium old. A BUCKING MILLENNIUM! He couldn't even Google the answer because of stupid parental blocks!

"That means they only have one parent. Martians couple for emotional connections not physical,"

"Physical?" Spike tilted his head.

Oh gods! This child was trapping her into having 'The Talk'. Martians weren't even built that way! They shouldn't have to explain what sex was to children, "You're mommy can explain that when you get back,"

Spike pouted, "Celestia says I don't have to worry about that for another thousand years and it's like the one thing my bookworm sister refuses to tell me,"

M'Gann yelped, "Well I'm not going to tell you either so stop asking!"

The little boy pouted.

The door suddenly opened and M'Gann couldn't help sighing with relief, "Oh thank the maker,"

A green boy grinned, "Pretty much the usual reaction when I enter a room," the boy hopped on over. He was only a couple years older then Spike appeared but at least he knew what sex was.

"Oh stop it Gar," M'Gann rolled her eyes and sighed with exacerbation. She looked at the younger boy and explained, "This is Garfield,"

"The papers call me," He suddenly turned into a kangaroo and did a pose, "Beast Boy," he jumped up and quickly changed into a bird before flying over and landing on M'Gann's shoulder as a squirrel.

Spike awed, "Wow you're almost as good at that as a Changeling,"

"Almost!" Squirrel Gar looked insulted even though he didn’t know what a Changeling was.

"Well when they shape-shift they aren't still green," Spike grinned as the older boy huffed, "Are you a Martian to?"

Before Beast Boy could answer M'Gann explained, "No but he gets his powers from us. My uncle gave him a blood transfusion when he was 7 and it altered his body,"

"Yep," Gar smiled, "Now I'm green with pointy ears and sharp teeth. At least I'm not dead. I used to live in the middle of no where with my mom. The Justice League ended up battling a giant monster there and I got hurt in the cross fire. This was before the league had their teleporters so they couldn't get me to a hospital. Manhunter turned his blood type to match mine and gave me a transfusion. Saved my life and gave me superpowers. Not as many as Martians have, I just got their shape shifting and even then I can only turn into animals and they're all green to," the boy shrugged, "Still pretty awesome,"

"I bet," Spike smiled, "all I can do is breath fire... and turn into a giant dragon but that's new... well I guess not but I've never been able to control that,"

M'Gann smiled as she laid a gentle not hoof on his shoulder, "Starfire will teach you control," she patted him, "Now come on, we're done here. Let me show you around,"