• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.



This story is a sequel to Conversion Dragon: A dragon Walks into a Bar

Frank is the first new foal patrol officer on the force. But being a cop surprisingly doesn't change that much, it's just as paper work filled, headache inducing, and just as dangerous. You have NEVER read a TCB story like this before!

Takes place in the same universe as Conversion Dragon and Conversion Zebra. But this, like them, is an independent story.

Written by Mtangalion, commissioned by me.

Me and Mtangalion aren't exactly police experts, so any corrections to fix stuff would be welcome.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 25 )

I read this story over at DA, it was a nice story, even if it doesn't follow the world setting completely of the primary stories. Still, I hope to see more of your work.

Was it cowardice or prudence that made me say “No comment,” and dart around her, hurrying away as fast as I could without breaking into a gallop? I’m still not sure.

It can always be both; the important bit to me is the admirable dose of realizing you were too partial to properly uphold the law in this situation :pinkiesad2:.

Also, it's nice to see trespassing laws have been updated with pegasi/griffons/etc in mind* :rainbowwild:; although, just like in the above example, it was personal :trollestia:.
*: Gonna hazard a guess the updated laws didn't take humans practicing parkour into account :scootangel:.

Nice piece of work. I did like the bit with the little girl so excited to see the pony. Pity the poor pony who has to go a human preschool for whatever reason. They'll get hugged and petted to death.


It's Mtangalion's story actually. I just commissioned it. And thanks.


It can always be both; the important bit to me is the admirable dose of realizing you were too partial to properly uphold the law in this situation :pinkiesad2:.

I think it might be more that he knew his continued presence would just add to the powder-keg.

THANK YOU for the comment!

Also, it's nice to see trespassing laws have been updated with pegasi/griffons/etc in mind* :rainbowwild:; although, just like in the above example, it was personal :trollestia:.
*: Gonna hazard a guess the updated laws didn't take humans practicing parkour into account :scootangel:.

I imagine it's a race to update the laws to keep pace with the super powers some people are getting in exchange for their fingers. THANK YOU for the comment!!


HEH! Think of a pre-school teacher who becomes one. THANKS FOR THE COMMENT!

Just an average day for an average pony-turned human at work.

Good story!

Thanks for the comments. This took a while, but it was different and definitely interesting to write.

This is a really good story.

I especially like the magic lessons in the middle. I think they capture the mood of the setting, and challenges of the situation nicely.

Gotta admit I really really like this version of the setting where the focus is the consequences of humans being transformed, not Invasion of the Body Snatchers with Ponies as the aliens.

Wow… It's nice to see a CB story with some kind of balance. I've tried to strike that kind of balance in mine: The View Over Atlantis

I think this could almost drop right into my setting without any change. The only thing that's different, I guess, is that I did look at the other two stories with the zebra and the dragon, and I never incorporated non-pony conversions into my setting. And although I have some slice-of-life stuff going on, there's also a much bigger tale that I'm trying to gradually unpack.

Yeah, adding in dragons and zebra and the like was part of the fun of coming up with this setting, and I'm hoping against hope someone will be inspired to write some parts in here.

Which is the entire point.

Well, looks like he did come into his own after all. He just had to find that real connection between his new self and his job I guess.

The spell he pulled off was pretty cool though. But I have to wonder, could he stop a bullet in the chamber? He did manage to hold the gun in his magic, though he couldn't pull it free (which I honestly appreciate. Shows a bit more... natural limit of magic rather than just magic instantly solves.)

My current thought is that the "capture field" keeps things in the field, and stops things from going fast... with optional soundproofing. :)

Frank's field drained most of the kinetic energy from the two bullets and made them simply fall down. Nothing is free, though, so when the field stopped the bullets, Frank felt a reduced physical recoil and a drain on his magic. If many more bullets were fired at the field, it would drain Frank's magic reserve until he couldn't sustain the spell.

Also unfortunate for Frank, his new trump card might get featured on the evening news, so all the crooks in town could be forewarned if they meet him later. There's always something.

Great story! But at this point I’m beginning to wonder when you’ll have completed the character intros and get down to the novel-length story these characters (and readers like me) are begging for. :pinkiehappy:


Mtnagalion wrote this as a commission for me (though they'd have done it for free). I have no intention of starting another fan fiction novel. I've become disillusioned with the show. I've been writing pony pov series for seven years, and I'm only now getting around to writing the ending (feel free to read this six-seven year long fan fiction epic!).

My true and sincerely hope beyond everything is that I somehow, someway inspire others to write more with this interpretation of the setting instead of more 'alien invasion' stories. So yeah, basically I'm hoping someone else will write more.

Thanks! I haven't given much thought to sequels, but it's interesting to imagine Frank working some kind of mystery case. A lot of inspiration for him came from all the Yours Truly Johnny Dollar and Dragnet I listened to on long car trips. And it's easier than politics and saving the world. :)

Cop dramas are so successful because they generate the perfect excuse to truly examine in detail the motivations of individuals on all sides of a crime (perp, victim, law enforcement, sleazy PIs, judges, lawyers, juries, etc.) I hope you find a reason to bring us more of Frank!

This was pretty interesting. While I don't like cops, this was still good. thumbs up.

Thanks for the comment.

I like this.


It makes me want to march over there and buck their teeth in, listening to them spout that garage, but insulting a public figure isn’t a crime,

I think you mean garbage

Oh, and:

“How dare you speak like to a pony?” says a shrill woman’s voice

'Like that', i think you mean

Liked and followed. Note to self, read later.

Thank you, I hope you enjoy it.

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