• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.


See the early days of Wallflower Blush, what made her who she is, what drove her to such drastic action, and why Sunset Shimmer of all the people who ignored her. See Sunset Shimmer's horror in her own words as the chain of memories with her friends has been broken. There is more to this than meets the eye.

Don't forget our trope page.

Cover by by rodan00

Edited by Wolfram-And-Heart
Fridge Logic Hunt by Quantum-Plasma-Field
Grammar Check By Docontra

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 25 )

This is a pretty interesting story so far. I, unfortunately, haven't been able to see Forgotten Friendship because it isn't on ITunes. So, I apologize if what I'm about to say was obvious from the movie...

But, I wonder if Wallflower has inadvertently been deleting people's memories for years -- hence why they can't seem to remember her worth beans.

That's a self fulfilling prophecy that a LOT of fans have thought about!

"I'm the One and Only Trixie... But from now on I'm gonna be the Great and Powerful Trixie!" I gave her a hug. She hugged me back. "I don't wanna be invisible."
"I don't either... maybe we can be invisible together?"
"Okay... "


... And she ignored me again. I was no use to her again. Even the devil herself didn't want me.


(So why the Hell did she get magic wings too?! What did she ever do to earn them!?)

It does make for a hard (and good!) lesson on how the environment shapes the individual.

And she accidentally made her dog intelligent.

Pretty high and mighty statement there Miss Wallflower :ajsmug:.

Why didn't she just smash the thing before then?

Yeah! Smashing a prototype, potentially unstable and fully charged magic source has no risks at all! :pinkiecrazy:.

Am I the only one who noticed how easily she just, slipped into her shoes?

They are nearly the same person(s) at their core(s), and you don't know the other Twilight's story :pinkiesad2:.

So the big roles were important, the tiny roles were important... what about the middle ones?

To be fair, their role was major :rainbowwild:.

The school year was coming to an end, or I think it was. I won't lie, I feel like time itself is screwed up somehow, and I'm the only one who ever notices. When I try to explain how it feels like we're stuck in High School forever or something, they just give me weird looks.


Dang it... I admit, me and Starlight have had SO many debates since we met, enough that Twilight needed to give me a special journal just for it... but we respect each other and ARE friends despite that.

I'd expect those debates, no matter how heated, to bring them closer :rainbowkiss:.

"I always knew you could do it my little sun!" She hugged me. "Mama's missed you so much!"
"I... I missed you too! I'm so sorry!" I hugged her back. I was crying too.
"... So that's what we looked like," I heard Princess Luna whisper.


Shining Armor suddenly seemed scared by my story, and I know it takes a lot to get to him.

You hit the right buttons :pinkiecrazy:.

One of which was Fate, who we were both so certain had a great fate for me... turns out she did, and I royally blew it

I wouldn't be so quick to say that (especially considering Twilight's latest behavior).

Personally I wondered why the Tartarus half these books were even in here, they weren't filled with unholy black magic... though a lot were...

No magic (dark or otherwise) does not mean the absence of big danger.

There were more than one Starswirl. Think about that later!

Pretty hefty claim to make for somepony who is a known time traveler :rainbowwild: (although I admit it's the only explanation that can patch the series' backstory).

what was it with those ponies and throwing stuff away on Earth?

Not in a position to complain, lass :ajsmug:.

Still, I wonder what happened to that witch. Dangit, who cared?!

My guess is "Future you" :rainbowwild:.

'Twilight Sparkle is stubborn across the multiverse,' I thought.

While the series has lately focused on its bad side, that it is the reason Equestria still stands you know :ajsmug:.

And this is the guy who apparently tried to shoot Tirek in the face and faced down King Sombra to let his sister and her friends get to the Empire, so if something spooked HIM like that...

To be fair, that something has a huge bone to pick against Shining, and he knows it.

And they said all those with a completely straight face, there were a million contradictions I could spell out for them... but from the looks on their faces, they wouldn't believe a word of them.


Memories... For an awful moment, I wondered what was the point of them? They were as fragile as names written in the sand with the tide coming in. Even without magic they could lie to us or be lost.

I'm afraid your life has put you on an unavoidable track for that lesson :pinkiesad2:.

Oh, and I erased Flash Sentry and Princess Twilight Sparkle's memories of each other... what? I was obviously doing them a favor. It was obviously never meant to happen, I was just cleaning up their mess. No heartache, no 'getting over it'. After so many boys I like ignored me or worse, actually accepted a date then forgot, I know how that feels. Maybe I should do this more often.

Not the proper solution to the "problem", but boy do I believe the "never meant to happen" bit (for completely meta reasons, mind).

And all words have to start somewhere I'll have you-

She's right you know :twilightsmile:.

Wow! That is really interesting! I really like Wallflower’s backstory! Will you right additional chapters? This is useful for me because she is in the new fanfic I am writing.

You're welcome! And the second half of the story is aready written, I just want for people to digest this part first. And what story might that be?


Not the proper solution to the "problem", but boy do I believe the "never meant to happen" bit (for completely meta reasons, mind).

I couldn't have been more disgusted at how they sank that ship.

It is called Code Red, it is not posted on the sight yet

I was unsure about that being the closing scene, but happy it WORKS!

And the shock of seeing ponies she knew as humans... I remember how that was.

Esp. considering one of the very first you've met :trollestia:.

And no, throwing it into a volcano wouldn't destroy it, lava is only 1200 centigrade max, a blow torch is 1995 centigrade...Yes, I am trying to distract myself from my existential crisis.


"I say likely, everything points to one who is spiteful and emotionally reactionary. At least with Sunset Shimmer... This Princess Twilight on the other hand, why erase all her memories instead of making her think the same of Sunset as all of you do? Clearly there is a piece of the puzzle missing, they seem to have another goal." Surmised the black book with the red jewel on the cover.
"You said you'd teach Trixie power."
"That I did."


Because we were never supposed to be here.

To be fair, both of you weren't. But that's no reason to erase the mark you left in this world.

"Well, if we want out!" Trixie said dramatically then stopped. "Wait... did the windows here have latches before? ... Trixie can't remember... Well, desperate times, desperate measures..." Trixie tried a chair on the window... the window wasn't damaged, but the chair got dented. "Since when do schools have glass this tough?"

I will admit the girls (esp. Sunset) not going out the window is a massive plot hole. I've seen windows with key locks / padlocks, but I'd be very surprised if schools were fitted with them...

Sunset, if that does happen, you can... just keep trying and become friends with them again?

That's an awful, last resort option Princess and you know it.

"Ugh. Twilight, even if that happened, it wouldn't be the SAME friendship, the friendship I have... had with them, is going to be gone forever!"


Shut up. What do you know about being alone? About losing those you care about most!

That's his job description :pinkiesad2:.

"Twilight..." Why... why did she sound like a big sister who was never going to see her little sister ever again?

This, combined with the prologue? :raritycry:.

and with our track record, redeemed villains were the norm! Heh. Ya know what? I say that's a good thing! Call it cliche or played out all you want to, I'd rather save a soul from Tartarus than let them go there.

D:yay: right you are! (And that's one of the things I like the most about G4!).

Princess Twilight had told me to keep an eye on her for any 'dangerous magic' (and an eye out for a certain evil piece of jewelry)

That dangerous magic is one step ahead of ya (and probably already defeated :raritystarry:).

(Loved Trixie resisting the amuletbook's corruption, and Sunset's first person view of the Photolab confrontation! :raritystarry:.

Caution: Blending realities may result in one or more of the following:
• Time-space distortions
• Existential rifts
• Spontaneous mutations
• Unmaking
• Un-unmaking
• Mortal-usable Retconjuration
• School-sponsored motocross races

What? What's your explanation for that last one? :raritywink:

In any case, fascinating look at Wallflower as walking the line between is and never was. The added wrinkles made this quite enjoyable indeed. And who knows? Now that people other than an anthropomorphic Hound of Tindalos now that there's a problem, they can work towards a solution that doesn't require mass mindwipes.


• Time-space distortions
• Existential rifts
• Spontaneous mutations
• Unmaking
• Un-unmaking
• Mortal-usable Retconjuration
• School-sponsored motocross races

What? What's your explanation for that last one?:raritywink:

Not sure what ALL of those refer to, but fun!

In any case, fascinating look at Wallflower as walking the line between is and never was. The added wrinkles made this quite enjoyable indeed. And who knows? Now that people other than an anthropomorphic Hound of Tindalos mnow that there's a problem, they can work towards a solution thatdoesn'trequire mass mindwipes.

The wolf is actually based on the Dahaka from Prince of Persia, but interesting view on stuff!

Thank you for your comments!

I won't ask you to do the mlp '17 movie, just to take in consideration the expanded universe it left behind. Junktown and all the bipedal creatures. The raptors privateer.

I did do an adaption of Tempest Shadow's previous lives. And it's rude to make such comments when not even talking about this story itself, very rude. That's what private messages and the user page are for.

Huh? Where the chapter where The concepts tried to make EQG world the technological counterpart to Equus, only for for them to notice Sunset taking Twilight's place and the effect the choose your endings series is having, Chance ripping off Rota's wing etc that eventually settled with Wallflower Blush?

EDIT: Found it on the DA site under "Pony POV Series Equestria Girls History". Thought it was meant to be a complement prologue to "Forgotten Friendship."

It's under Majesty vs Tirek here.

you dragged G3 and G3.5 into this huh?

I'm pretty sure it's this right here. Or I'm going stark raving mad. Which I am very very very very suspicious of right.

If it is please show me the link, because I can't find it in neither of those two.

Ah! Ok. It's not on the Majesty VS Tirek story, its in the Tirek's origin story.

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