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Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.



Made popular stories 2016 June 22
Set in the pony POV Universe. The origin of Queen Majesty the Unicorn of Ponyland. Where did she come from? Who was she? What was her connection to the first Spike? To the ancestors of the mane six and others? How does she connect to Celestia's bloodline? What legacies did she put in motion that still exist today after pony civilization has had to start over twice?

Written by Persona22, with additional writing and edited by Wolfram-and-Hart and Alex Warlorn.
Gore is marked, but 99% only implied.

Cover art by Starember. http://starember.deviantart.com/art/Majesty-441872256

THIS IS OUR TROPE PAGE!: Keep it up to date!

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 100 )

I would add "What kind of dumb name is Queen Majesty, anyway?" to the long description's list.


It's like going to a cathedral and having a chat with Father Priest, or sailing under the command of Captain Skipper. I can't take a character seriously when I can't stop giggling about how bad their name is.


majesty |ˈmajəstē|
noun (pl. majesties)
1 impressive stateliness, dignity, or beauty: experience the majesty of the Rockies.

ORIGIN Middle English (in the sense ‘greatness of God’): from Old French majeste, from Latin majestas, from a variant of majus, major- (see major) .

Wow. I know i normally say your work is good(because it is) but this is just.....wow. I enjoyed this alot more than i thought i would, and that fight scene was straight out of Metal Gear Rising. If the rest of your 200k of pony pov is even half this good, I can't wait to see it.


Remember that roughly half of this at least was written by Persona22, me and Wolfram expanded on it and edited it, so please remember to give them credit too!

This story is an interesting transition piece between the old G1 world and the modern Equestria. I liked your take on vengeful, justice-seeking Queen Majesty as well. The only thing that threw me was that she spared Syrup, from what I remember of Majesty she wouldn't let a single witch live. But I think this is an interesting interpretation as well, and it's kind of interesting to see pony civilization grow as elf/human civilization fade away.

7332230 The main thing that, technically, diferentiates Majesty from "modern day" Equestria Unicorns, isn't her sheer power (which is considerable, she is more powerful than Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer combined), but the fact that she is a WILD unicorn. As in, she has lived in the wild her entire life, having almost no interaction with civilization.
She is a survival specialist. She has a detailed mental map of the forest she lived in, accurate to the last twig. Her senses are fine tuned to her enviroment, she can hear, see, smell and feel better than any unicorn that has lived his/her life in a modern Equestrian city, she knows, and memorized, a great amount of information of every plant and animal she had living around her (which ones are fit to eat, what is dangerous, what is not dangerous, etc) her physicall prowess is comparable to that of a well trained modern athlete (she could run as fast as Rainbow Dash or Applejack, for example, and has most likely more stammina), just because of her daily routine. She can whitstand more hot and cold weather conditions, and go for longer without eating or drinking. And her magical instincs are in peak form. While Twilight would need to study for years to learn a new spell, Majesty would be able to do them on the fly, fitting her current situation. She can't read or write (yet), so casting a spell, new or old, for her is pure instinct, her body, her horn, just reacts.

Imagine if Superman were raised by cavemen, then suddenly finds out moder society exists, and also that they are octopus people instead of humans. That is Majesty's situation.

7387422 Huh. I can't speak to Majesty in particular, but I will say that in general, you want to be careful of buying into the highly discredited "noble savage" idea that the romanticists invented a while ago. A "wild" individual likely knows their area of the forest just as well as an urban dweller knows their own city. And sure, it makes sense Majesty would know whether plants and animals would be dangerous or safe to eat, though in the city she might try to eat paper or something.

But I really doubt her physical prowess is comparable to a highly trained athlete, let alone that of an earth pony, for the same reason professional runners have far more stamina available to them than even someone who has lived a hunter-gatherer lifestyle their whole life. Doing something every day you get pretty good at it, but not as good as if you work for an extended period of time using a training regime to improve yourself, and have all the advantages of modern society to help you in your goals. Same for thing thing about hot and cold weather conditions and starvation. There's a big difference between enduring brutal conditions and training for them. If Majesty has had to live her whole life with an irregular food supply, that just means she has less fat reserves than someone who hasn't, and would succumb to starvation long before a civilized person.

As for the "instantly learning magic" thing, I have a hard time wrapping my head around that as well. A small wild unicorn tribe, or even a tribe that just started civilizing, is going to have a very small body of knowledge and spells, passed on erratically and with frequent errors piling in because they don't have written documentation. I can see why Majesty would only be able to learn by instinct, but any civilized unicorn also gets new spells shown to them by example, so I don't know why they wouldn't also learn by "instinct" at an equally rapid rate. In fact, Majesty has probably learned 2-3 spells in her life from other unicorns before she met those witches, and she has no grounding in theoretical magic that say Twilight would have, so it should take her far longer to learn a spell.

Now, Majesty could just be that 1 in a billion super genius that instinctively understands magic and can immediately cast any spell she has witnessed. But then it's even more impressive she has come so far so fast, despite the handicap of her "wild" background.

Imagine if Superman were raised by cavemen, then suddenly finds out modern society exists, and also that they are octopus people instead of humans. That is Majesty's situation.

That makes a lot of sense. I was actually thinking earlier that she kind of reminds me of Vandal Savage.


Majesty and Tirek's sagas do seem focused on that do they not?

Freedom and free reason will lead masses into such a maze, and confront them with such amazing events and insoluble mysteries, that some of them, unruly and ferocious, will exterminate themselves. Others, unruly but feeble will destroy each other,”

The fires of greed will burn the weak
So we’ll make freedom obsolete


That is one way to protect the weak from the strong.

7636197 But it assumes that the weak are A. the vast majority of the population(in practice becoming"everyone who isn't us"), and B. are incapable of being anything other than "weak".

Do you know if Starember does requests?

Comment posted by Godiswithus3 deleted Dec 29th, 2016


My oh my. I cannot believe I have neglected this treasure for this long. The side characters are pretty interesting to get to know, particularly the Blacksmith and Black Anvil.

The witches.....................jeez, only one chapter and I already held overwhelming hatred towards them, especially their leader. Glad to see all the adult witches are dead.

As for.............Majesty (wow, that was one convenient way for her to pick a name, wonder what would have happened had the kid given her a ridiculous name instead.).......................after reading her background, her personality, her third dimensional characterization, how she interacts with others, her fighting skills, her moral code, the brutality she displays.................damn, I lover her.

And the awkward moments when she is learning the new stuff on civilization, especially on the subject of nudity, was amusing and funny to read. :rainbowlaugh:

The philosophy discussed between the characters and how Majesty is drawing conclusions, which in my humble opinion I feel close kinship with, is very well executed. Though, the only character flaw I notice she has is the tendency to do things herself and not involve anyone else in the actual fight. I hope pride doesn't become a problem.

I really am starting to love this Majesty character. You authors have an interesting way in getting me to like these characters when I hardly heard of them before. :pinkiehappy:


I'm sure they love to hear that!

The subject and debate on the necessity of laws and government were very intellectually stimulating. I always appreciate philosophical discussion in a story. If I'm interpreting this correctly, Egan Archquest and Drem Waywardship represent Thomas Hobbes and Jean Rousseau respectively. Both philosophers whom I see some merit to their arguments, but I fundamentally disagree with their conclusions and solutions. I'm more sympathetic to John Locke's argument and the libertarian philosophies of Mises and Murray Rothbard. It was still nice seeing a shout out to the enlightenment age.

And the argument between Majesty and Black Anvil. Jeez, that could have gone better.

Yes. I even entered the names Thomas Hobbes and Jean Rousseau in an online random fantasy name generator and the names I posted were what came out.
Also, the names of their books in the story are just thesaurus versions of the titles of Thomas Hobbes and Jean Rousseau own books of The Leviathan and The Social Contract.

I get the idea this is going to end badly for everyone concerned.

8050914 'Majesty overreacts and makes enemies she didn't need.'

Yikes but these ponies are nasty here. And poor Firefly is likely to learn that sleep is only a temporary escape from your problems.

There was one more lesson Majesty learned from this, but I was just unable to find a prefect spot for her to contemplate it or someone else to say it to her.
Basically, that she was lucky this time but later she might not be.
If Firefly hadn't helped them escape after rescuing Spike, then Thunderstorm and his pegasi would have killed everyone at Meadowville. If Majesty had escaped by herself and stopped the pegasi, then Spike would have died before she could find him and save him. LUCKILY for her, she was able to do both because Firefly changed her mind and freed her, the Weather Witch and Spike. If Firefly hadn't done so...

What Majesty is to take from this is that, sometimes, life brings you a no win scenario. Sometimes you will have to make a choice of saving one person important to you or several people that are innocent, but not both choices at once. Either one or the other, and if she is ever to become a leader, she needs to understand that sometimes SHE will have to make that choice, as horrible as it might be, and live with the consequences. Sometimes SHE will have to make the choice between some of her subjects or others, and the burden of that choice will be on her.

Anyone ever heard of the Trolley Problem?

Well, THAT is an incredibly beautiful image!!!

Out of all the world building for the series, this story I can actually see as haveing actually happened in Hasbro's work. Mostly because we really have little to go on with Queen Majesty in G1.

Besides a few things.

Well how about that?

Not only do we get a new chapter, but it also contains a pony version of Lina's Dragon Slave? Impressive.

I"m a fan of that spell. And so Persona22 it seems.

I own the game, never played it. Has some motifs that rubbed me the wrong way.


I'd rather not get into it. It'll trigger a long discussion I'd rather not get into. I appreciate your concern and willingness to help however.

Finally, I can sit down and give this fic a solid read. Here I go.

The unicorn slowly walked over to the witch, and looked at her dead in the eyes, a sort of calm fury seemed to be in the pony's eyes. Her horn started to glow red with fire, and she smirked. "Do you want to know what death tastes like?"

Red hot fire shot out from the unicorn's horn, and into the witch's open mouth and down her throat. The witch's face seemed to be twisted in pain for just a second, before she bloated and exploded in a giant fireball, so bright that it forced the elves to shield their eyes.

1. :rainbowderp:...I think I'm in love with this mare. :pinkiehappy:

"Sir! You can't let this... this monster into Amrun! She can't be trusted!"

"I can see the brutality here as much as you Glen. Right now her enemy is the witches, it's better that we-"

"Who cares about witches? I'm talking about all the innocent trees she's slew in her thoughtlessness! Look at all the birds and squirrels who are homeless now because of her!"

The other elves gave a groan. The mare simply looked confused. "Glen, have you been partying with that sect of druids again?"

"They throw good parties…"

2. :facehoof: treehuggers always annoy me.

"Oh. Do you still feel that way about envying not being able to think and feel like an animal?"

"I thought of it.. And I realized the idea of not feeling sad, or not even caring that my herd was gone scared me more than dying ever had."

3....I like this. It means that there is, without a doubt, a lot of good within her, despite people's opinions on how she carries out justice.

Regardless...I wish you luck, and pray that Naralis Analor will give your herd safe passage."

"...Another Goddess?"

"God, of Death...and peace for both those who have passed on and those who remain to mourn them. He guides the spirits of the deceased to their proper place."

The mare's eyes seemed to grow a little bit...hopeful. "Proper place? Somewhere...after this?"

Feanor nodded. "He leads the just to a place of eternal peace and happiness called Valinor, and the wicked to a place called Hel to face justice for their crimes."

"So...it would be to his hands my herd is now in? To lead them somewhere where none can do them further harm?"

"That is our belief. One of which we are certain."

"I see...Feanor...how do you pray?"

4. I don't know why, but this peace of dialogue...gives me warmth and helps me to relate to them.

5. ooo. I liked how she handled the witches in the coven. Rock on. :pinkiecrazy:

"Get out of this cave, and don't you dare ever lift a finger against a pony for the rest of your life, never harm another," said the unicorn.

"You mean… you aren't going to kill me?" asked Syrup, hopeful.

"No," replied the unicorn.

Syrup fell to her knees, her head touching the ground in front of the unicorn's hooves. She tripped over her own words. "Oh, thank you, Your Grace, thank you Majesty."

The unicorn looked away from her. "I said go! Go and sin no more!"

6. I like this. As a self-defender, you target only threats and those who committed crimes. Not the innocent, even if they have loose associations with the murderers.

7. huh...she adopted "Majesty" from a kid....okay. *shrugs*

"Oh, well, I suppose that sounds nice."

The elf and earth pony bowed towards the door. "Then, after you, Your Majesty."

:rainbowlaugh: this joke is gonna be a running gag, is it? I hope so.

Second time reading this chapter and it is still good. On to the next.

“And that means it's important. We hope to find some sort of countermeasure or weakness of this formula, before the witches finish it,” said Dasyra. “We aren’t sure yet, but the magical experts at the town’s magic school said that the formula, when brewed properly will, theoretically, form some sort of semi-sentient substance, which will grow in size and cover everything in its path. The scroll even had a name for it; the Smooze.”

Nothing can stop the Smooze.

And even then, she was still more mature when she was an Alpha than how she had been when she was younger, when she wasn’t the Alpha yet, when she was just a young, brash and impulsive unicorn that did things carelessly. Then again, that’s when she had met Rosedust. She wondered how Rosedust was doing…

Rosedust? I wonder who she is?

G1 pony from the movie, the Flutterponies are the one thing that can stop the smooze.

“Who are they Aria?” asked Majesty.

“They are the knights of the Order of Vandria Gilmadrith. They are the greatest brotherhood among elves in Arghayth,”

They almost sound like the Knights of the Templar.

“Yes, you see Majesty, the gods gave us mortals a lot of great gifts, but among them was the curse of freedom of choice. Mortals are not noble enough on their own that, between choosing good and evil, will chose good on their own. With freedom, mortals will always choose evil. Mortals need someone that forces them to be good. And that’s what we do, we take away some of their freedom, so they bow to the will of the goddess, to us. It might sound cruel to some, but we are just saving them from themselves.” explained Michanar.

Straight out Hobbes and every "benevolent" authoritarian.

Black Anvil....shit...this isn't fair :ajsleepy:

Something burned in Majesty's mind, not just Black Anvil's death, but the death of all the possibilities they could have explored together! She'd never hear him drabble on about the finer points of black-smithing, then he'd ask about the forest, he'd learn about the loving herd she once had, and then he'd say how even a herd of two was something or a herd of two ponies and a group of elves. Or they could have worked together to create new armor with his talent and her raw power for ponies and elves! His experience he could have shared with others! And Black Anvil and Majesty could begin a new line of 'elven' ponies. NONE OF THAT WOULD EVER HAPPEN NOW! Ugh! For a moment it felt like her brain had been on fire!

...this exploration of what death really does to people...is well written. Jeez. Never thought of it this way before.

Well well well, I never expected this story to become a crime and court drama. Well, it's already clear to me that the accused is innocent, based on what I'm reading. The only question is, what evidence can Majesty present that will save Feanor in court?

Captain Michanar was giving a course today about Justice. The Captain of the Order stood in front of the room as he addressed the rookies sitting at their desks. "What does it mean to be a defender of Justice? What is the difference between one that defends Justice, and a Vigilante driven by memories of revenge?"


Luckily for them, Michanar proceeded to explain himself. "When we step behind this 'curtain of ignorance' we become completely ignorant of our particular circumstances, we forget the fact that we are rich or poor, weak or strong, we even forget the fact that we are elves. The 'curtain' blinds us from considering these details, and from this standpoint, then, the only way to proceed is to choose a course of action allowing everyone an equal treatment under the law. Nobody will benefit from the law because of who they are, the law will affect everyone equally."


"It sounds easier than it is, however. Imagine that you find yourselves in a situation where a criminal and an innocent person were both in mortal danger. The 'curtain' makes us morally obligated to treat them the same, and thus try equally hard to save them both, without fear or favor. Imagine that this criminal is one that killed a very dear friend of yours, as much as you, as an individual, might loathe the criminal, you, as a Knight of the Order of Vandria Gilmadrith, are obligated to save this criminal from the mortal danger."


"Who we are before becoming Knights of the Order must NEVER influence our actions. When you put on the armor of the Order, armor decorated with the very image of the Goddess of Justice herself, you effectively are stepping behind the 'curtain of ignorance'. THIS is what distinguishes us, the Knights of the Order, from mere vigilantes. A vigilante takes the law into his own hands. When we don the armor of the Order, we set our personal situations aside and act in the interest of all. Indeed this is the very reason why we MUST wear the armor of the Order and not just any other generic armor, why we can't just mete out justice on our own. By putting it on, you put aside your identity and become a symbol, a symbol of justice, it is the only way we can act as anonymous, rationally interested keepers of the law."

I guess I'm a vigilante, because I do not believe I have the moral obligation to save a criminal who has committed murder. Life for a life after all.

"Maybe so, Captain, but how can we be beacons of hope and justice if we ourselves can't believe in it?" replied Eluneth. "If we don't keep our oaths, then why make them in the first place? It makes the Code of the Order meaningless."

Preach it.


............my goodness....this chapter....man, the whole situation sucked. It just kept getting worse and worse. And there is no happy ending in this part of the story, especially with the deaths of a few characters I was starting to admire....f:yay:ck.

Poor Majesty...I never thought she would suffer more after the death of her family and herd. Then THIS happened. :ajsleepy: This was one sad chapter.

Majesty quickly made her way to the edge of the chasm where the dragoness and the eggs had fallen, it was completely vertical and Majesty could barely see the bottom. Majesty's horn started to glow, and so did part of the wall of the chasm. Suddenly a rock protrusion emerged from the wall, then another below it, and another, and another. Steps made of rock kept protruding from the wall of the gorge, forming a stairway right towards the bottom. Majesty's horn stopped glowing and she began taking the magically formed rock stairway to the bottom of the chasm.

Oh crap! Ghastly Gorge! :rainbowlaugh:

So...this is how HeathSpike's legacy lives on...hat tip to Majesty. I will confess that the Elbarb's death hit me in the feels. Jeez. :ajsleepy:

"See that rabbit over there?" Indabor then held the crossbow against his shoulder as he took aim at a rabbit a considerable distance away from them, and pulled the trigger of the crossbow, making the nut release the tense string and launching the quarrel at the rabbit, killing it instantly.

I kinda wanna see how Fluttershy would react. It would be hilarious. :pinkiecrazy:

Indabor and Wooden Spock....I miss them already and hope to see them soon.

Six more men emerged from the wrecked boat at the man’s call. They wore old looking elven sailing clothes that most definitely didn't fit them, had rugged features and were holding a cutlass. One of them was wearing an eyepatch over his right eye and another one had a hook for a hand on his left arm. One of them was holding two, and threw one at the man on the beach who caught it easily

Pirates. Should have expected to see them at some point.

"Please, I swore to the mother on her deathbed, that I would protect her last son. Please... I'm a failure. I do not have power. I failed my herd. I failed my friends. I failed all of elfkind. I will be better off living alone in a forest, or dead... I don't care anymore. Please, don't condemn this innocent dragon to die by my negligence."

The heads all laughed. Majesty didn't see what was so funny.

"I understand that you failed your herd,-"

"- And failed your friends."

"But failing elfkind?"

"That is exaggeration."

HEH! Tiamat spoke my mind.

"If the elves might fall one day, rest assured that it will not be by your actions. Tirek the Accursed will need to do so himself, for they will not do it for him. Elves will not go quietly into the night, they will not vanish without a fight. They will live on. They will survive." said another head.

Today, they celebrate their independence day! :rainbowlaugh: I couldn't resist.

Wow. Majesty formally adopts Spike II as her son....by divine calling noless....I'm speechless. This very much explains why generations of Spikes had close relations with ponies over the years. And I'm happy with the fate of the Elves. I feel much better from the last chapter. :twilightsmile:

Yeah, when Persona22 was writing this chapter, the original idea was to have a pony as the willing bait and part of the pirate crew, but I told Persona22 that something like that was likely to drive Majesty insane.

Majesty was wondering why the people of Meadowville didn't simply move away to some other place with water. Then she realized that they couldn't. At least not now that they have been living in a settlement, with farms to raise crops and houses to live in.

Humans, just like elves, lived in a settlers fashion. They chose a single place to live, and had their families there generation after generation. They didn't move to warmer lands during winter, or to safer areas if there were too many dangerous predators. She now realized that being in a settlement did have a distinct disadvantage over the nomadic lifestyle she had been living all her life while she was in a herd. Sure, a house might protect you from the elements, but her hooves can take her anywhere. She guessed that after living in a single place for so long, one might even start to develop a sense of belonging; so parting with a land that was their home, their homeland, would most likely be difficult, even if it was dangerous to remain there. Nomads and Settlers, which was the best way to live one's life?, Majesty wondered.

Good commentary and exploration on this subject.

Huh, a good witch?...I'm actually surprised that those actually exist in this universe.

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