• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 14 minutes ago

Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.



This story is a sequel to Conversion Negotiations

The Conversion Bureau. Sure, converting the biology of the wold is a daunting challenging in order to survive... but what about the technology involved? After all, it's hard to dial a phone when you don't have fingers, that's where this guy and his pals come in! Capper's race becomes the latest option available at the Conversion Centers!

We have a trope page! http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/TheConversionBureauNotJustPonies

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 13 )

The real unsung hero's, the ones doing the monotonous, unglamorous grunt work. There are more heroic people than we realize.

Does Capper even have more of his species yet. From Hasbro or IDW? Or is he still a one cat deal?

Saved by the wife's fetish. That's one way to avoid a disaster XD I'm interested in how the underwater tech for the mer and seaponies would work out. But already exploiting equestrian methods (cloud tech) for the future. The obvious thing to do. The field of engineering will just simply explode for the next few years. Skilled workers and tradespeople who can work on all these tweaks. Who would have thought the need for conversion would be good for the job market? XD

And more mentions of the minotaur troubles...

8685522 Yep. The tie in prequel comics for the movie has a whole nation of them.

This was like reading the angsty journal of a teenager. Reading it actually detracted from my happiness. The story in its abysmal shortness mentioned in passing conversion into other non-pony races and gave a glimpse of what that would be like, and maybe to some people that would be a saving grace, but I have read dozens of novels where that is the entire point of the book, so I am not wowed by "Oh! but it mentions this stuff that's cool to think about!" No, I see this short story as intentionally using lazy techniques to make the reader think that the author is saying more than he or she actually is, and that's not cool because if you had written this as a novel, it probably would have been worth the read.

That stuff has been shown in other parts.

A writer's job is not to be lazy. Even if something is written in another story, an author must assume that the reader has not read other stories, and even if there are readers who will remember these things, not everyone seeks to memorize every detail and even those who do have their favorite parts that they love hearing again.

Looking at your gallery, my guess is that you are almost afraid of writing a long story as if you think it would be like speaking around people who don't want to hear your voice. However, people who read for pleasure are satisfied by stories the same way eating satisfies - a novel is a buffet of experiences with different flavors, each character a different course, each intrigue a different seasoning. To say that you should not serve them because they have been done before is to starve your reader, and what did you end up serving? In this case, I don't know, but you clearly burned the flavor out of it. Not in the history of writing has a story of pure anger ever been considered a work of art.

I have some advice for you as a writer: assume your audience wants to read your story and will enjoy every moment of it. Then enjoy writing every moment of it and if your characters must suffer, present that in a way that would make the audience want to render aid rather than slap the character sideways for complaining.


Looking at your gallery, my guess is that you almost afraid of writing a long story as if you think it would be like speaking around people who don't want to hear your voice.


I didn't understand why you linked me to that page. I did look over your gallery again and saw that you do have several novel sized stories, but this is strange because your most recent page is filled with 1k stories each claiming to be the sequel to some other story. This doesn't make sense to me, and it shouldn't make sense to you either. When a work is completed it gets judged for what it is, and this story, which is labeled complete, is angsty and not fulfilling. If this story were a chapter in a larger novel that expanded upon what the character is writing about, then perhaps it would be fulfilling to the reader, but at that point, it would be redundant and still draining to read as an angsty journal.

Look, this is just something I wrote in an afternoon, an I had to go back and expand it so it would fit in the 1k Minimum that Fimfiction demands. I get you did not enjoy this. And I am sorry for that. But I think you need to calm down, take a deep breath, and realize you're getting charged up over nothing.

I shall happily accept you as a pre-reader if yo are available if there is a next time.

Well, it has been fun reading all six of these TCB stories. One of my favorite AU's to read when I come across them.

Sure it has some typos but, it didn't really ruin the moment for me. :pinkiesmile:

I wrote this to undermine the motif how the 'turn humans into ponies' things rarely if ever serves as anything other than a narrative excuse for a war to happen and for humans then to show yet another alien invader not to mess with the killer apes.

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