• Published 1st Oct 2017
  • 537 Views, 9 Comments

High Noon At Dodge Junction - Gpizano

The stakes have never been higher for Applejack when a small matter of love turns into an all out showdown at Dodge Junction. Can Applejack get her feelings off her chest? Or will she not only lose Cherry Jubilee but also her life?

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Wild Night At the Saloon

It would be a quick carriage ride to the Dusty Tumbleweed saloon in town but the arrival was well worth it. The cowponies hanging around outside certainly took notice since only the finest and perhaps the most powerful mare in Dodge Junction could make such an entrance. And Applejack was lucky enough to step out with her. This was really the first time that Applejack was side by side with Cherry in a situation like this, eyes on them, some envious, having a carefree night just to enjoy themselves. Applejack still wasn't one for fancy dos and what not but she could see herself liking this, if in the future she and Cherry were more than just friends...

She pulled her mind out of that line of thinking, knowing she needed to focus so she didn't say or do anything dumb. This certainly wasn't the right time to go spilling her guts so she had to just play it cool!

Inside a real shindig was going on! Ponies were dancing, one was playing on the piano and another with a fiddle, some were even slamming back sassparillas and hard ciders while playing cards because tonight ponies were going to enjoy themselves dangnabit! It wasn't long at all before there was a mug of hard cider in hoof and both of them were swept off to a table to gab it up with some of the big shots in town. The mayor, the sheriff, even the local doctor was in since he'd been invited by a pretty mare (although granted he'd been stood up but at least he was still having fun anyway!). Everything was fun and grand, at least up until Draw Out sauntered up to the table "Well howdy there Cherry. Fancy seein' you here." he drawled, sounding like he was already in with a few hard ciders already.

"Draw Out." said Cherry, civil yet stiff as she gave a small nod to the other earth pony. "Nice to see you here as well."

"Ah bet." he said, leaning against the table and closer to her "What say we have a little dance? Maybe a little drink? Then head back to yer place?"

"Ah don't think so. Ah dunno what yer' angle is Draw, but Ah ain't interested."

"So mistrustin'. What's wrong with wantin' ta' get close? So Ah say-"

"She said no." interjected Applejack, shooting Draw Out a low key glare.

"Yer' still here?" sneered the stallion before standing back from the table and giving a snort. "Fine. Ah'll leave you ladies be. Now if'n ya'll excuse me, Ah gotta' go get some winnin's." he said, nodding to a table that seated three very shady and mean looking ponies, two stallions and a mare.

"Ah hope he knows what he's doin'." said Cherry, looking concerned as he sauntered off.

"Ah'm sure he'll be fine." said Applejack, wanting to brush him off as fast as possible as she gulped down the rest of her hard cider, the alcohol making her feel a little bolder. "So, maybe ya' didn't wanna dance with him. But ya' wanna dance with me?" offered the blonde mare with a lopsided smile.

"Well, Ah don't see why not." said Cherry, her smile becoming more genuine now as she finished off her own hard cider. They joined the other ponies on the dance floor, the jig was lively and full of energy, infectious to say the least! With the dance floor packed they had to dance a bit closer together, close enough that as Cherry began to lightly work up a sweat the scent of her perfume was growing stronger. Of course this wasn't helped by a random bump from somepony behind Applejack that had her chest bump into the older mare's.

Oh no, Cherry would be close enough to see that she was blushing-! Wait... was that a small blush on her face too? They both just stayed there, a moment frozen in time as they looked each other in the eye. It was a tense situation, but not in a way that was uncomfortable. Just... tense. Someone had to make a move soon.

Finally, after lightly licking her lips, Applejack took a step back "S-Sorry. Ah uh, Ah didn't mean to-"

"Nah, it's fine sugar." assured Cherry Jubilee, a light blush still on her face as she stepped back as well. Definitely awkward, but...

"Cherry..." began Applejack, feeling ready to just plunge right in with the truth... when a pained shout came from one of the tables. Everyone turned and saw that Draw Out was on the floor, holding his bleeding side while the three mean looking ponies stood around him, one of them, the biggest that looked like the leader, holding a knife in one hoof. Before he could go in for another stab, Applejack had already rushed in, turning before giving a full on buck to the stallion's chest that sent him flying across the room. The other two jumped on top of the blonde but with a well placed elbow to the mare's jaw, she was able to grab the other stallion and flip him over her back onto the floor.

"Ya' varmints hold it right there!" called the sheriff, him and a posse of others ganging up on the three.

"Hold it and let's get outta' here!" said the largest stallion, motioning to the other two before scowling at Applejack "Yer dead bitch!" he snarled before he and the others galloped out of the saloon.

"Draw! Draw you okay?!" said Cherry, at the stallion's side with the doctor there as well, checking the wound at his side before calling on a couple others to help him carry Draw Out from the saloon to his clinic.

"Applejack, y'all can head back to the ranch if'n ya' like, Ah... Ah gotta' see if he'll be okay." said Cherry, galloping after them and leaving the blonde mare on her own for the moment. Finally, she headed out and got the coach, telling them to head for the clinic and to wait there for Cherry.

Turned out it was going to be a bit of a long wait though, Applejack was almost nodding off in her seat when the door finally opened and Cherry got back inside. "Hey Cherry. How's Draw Out?" she asked, rubbing some of the sleep out of her eyes.

"Fine fer now." sighed the older mare, lightly rubbing her temple "The doc thinks most of the vitals were missed, lucky for Draw. He'll need to rest and heal up." she said before calling to the driver to head on home. "Sorry by the by. Tonight wasn't quite how Ah expected it to go..."

"S'fine." assured Applejack, putting on a smile for her. "Not like ya' can expect somethin' like that anyway."

"Ah s'pose. Ah'm jes' worried 'bout him now." she said, looking out the window, brows furrowed "Ah still.... Ah don't like 'em much fer what happened. But before that, him, me, having Morello. Ah can't help worrying."

"Ah understand Cherry, there was a lot of feelings that went into that." assured Applejack, still putting on that smile even though she didn't feel like smiling. It was probably horrible to think, but she wished that Cherry didn't still worry about Draw. But she swallowed that down, instead just being there for Cherry as she reached over and placed a hoof on the older mare's shoulder as they headed back to the ranch...

Author's Note:

Help! I can't stoppppppppp!

So much writing, I'm just going with it. XD