• Published 1st Oct 2017
  • 537 Views, 9 Comments

High Noon At Dodge Junction - Gpizano

The stakes have never been higher for Applejack when a small matter of love turns into an all out showdown at Dodge Junction. Can Applejack get her feelings off her chest? Or will she not only lose Cherry Jubilee but also her life?

  • ...

And Back Again

There just wasn't no getting around it, Granny Smith had her mind set to it and was gonna do it. Don't get her wrong, Applejack loved her grandmother very much but in cases like this it was a bit... over the top. As much as she could appreciate the sort of care her grandmother had to look out for her, she still sort of felt like she was being treated like a filly. After all, she felt she had a good judge of character, that she knew what her heart wanted and had already thought this over back and forth for a long time. Yet here she still was, sitting on the train to Dodge Junction with her grandmother snoring softly next to her. Big Mac was left in charge of the farm in the meantime and Applejack had done enough chores that things could go smoothly for the time they'd be gone so there wasn't any reason to worry on that end.

Soon enough they'd stop at the station for Dodge Junction, Applejack gently nudging her grandmother awake so that they could both depart with their luggage. It wouldn't take the blonde long to spot Cherry waiting for them, a big smile coming to her face as she trotted up and nuzzled the older mare in an affectionate greeting that made the other blush "Ah missed ya' too, darlin'." said Cherry, giggling softly and nuzzling back until their moment was interrupted by a loud clearing of an elderly throat.

"Whoops." said Applejack, smiling sheepishly to her grandmother before saying "Uh, Cherry, this is my grandmother Granny Smith, Granny this is Cherry Jubilee."

"Ah heard you were comin' ma'am." said Cherry, giving a cordial smile as she trotted up and held out a hoof "And it's very nice to meet ya'."

"Nice ta' meet ya' too." said Granny, sizing Cherry up as they shook hooves. "Ya' seem nice n' respectable, mah granddaughter seems ta' have made a good choice."

"Ah like to think so." said Cherry, shuffling nervously and not used to having someone looking her over outside of the deal room of course.

"Mm-hm. Well let's get to it then." said Granny, starting to tug her bag along when Cherry came over and put it on her back.

"Let me Granny, no need ta' lug it all the way over to mah place." offered Cherry.

"Good manners. S'good." said Granny, giving an approving nod before they all headed off to Cherry Hill Ranch together. Granny would start asking this and that about Cherry's business and Cherry would reply back in kind, saying how her ranch was doing quite well and going over basic business details. It was certainly a new experience for Cherry since Draw Out's family hadn't well come to interview her, but then again this wasn't really anything like Draw Out was it?

Admittedly Cherry had never dated a mare, it was sort of this strange strangely familiar territory in a sense, nor had she dated someone with such an age gap. But all of those sweet things that Applejack had said in the kitchen just kept popping into her head at the most random times. She'd dare even say she'd daydreamed a bit about when Applejack would be back, so they could talk and work, eat their meals together and enjoy watching the sun set on the porch. Maybe some sweet talk from Applejack in that sweetly sincere way she spoke...

A soft blush flustered Cherry's cheeks at the thought but she quickly shook it off. She couldn't go off into the clouds like that, not with Granny Smith asking her this and that!

They'd reach Cherry Hill Orchard quickly after that, trotting up to the front of the manor just as somepony stepped out. This was a stallion that looked to be a few years younger than Applejack with a dark red mane and tail with a light brown coat and dark orange eyes. "Applejack? Granny Smith? This's mah son Morello." she said, smiling and trotting up to the young stallion, placing a foreleg around him to give him a quick hug. "Morello, this is Applejack n' Granny Smith that Ah've been tellin' ya' 'bout."

"Howdy." he said, giving a small, stiff nod before looking to his mother "S'alright if'n Ah go work the orchards?"

"Of course." she said, giving a smile and a nod as she let him go. It'd been hard on him, hearing what happened to her father and the about Cherry being involved with someone new and much younger. Still, she'd tried her best to give him space and let him get used to his new life, for the most part he seemed to be adapting quite well. "Well, c'mon in and Ah'll show ya' to yer rooms!"

After lunch, Granny Smith was taking her time snoozing on the porch while Cherry and Applejack took their time working in the orchards. It was almost the end of the year for collecting cherries and it was one of the last bumper crops to collect. "Sorry 'bout all that." began Applejack as she gave a gentle kick to the cherry tree behind her. "Granny can be a might stubborn n' protective."

"Don't worry 'bout it sugar." assured Cherry, giving a small kick to a cherry tree and letting the cherries collect in baskets at the bottom. "Guess Ah just wasn't expectin' so many questions. Yer granny seems mighty sharp."

"She has her times." laughed the blonde "But Ah'm glad she's eased off, means Ah get ta' spend some time with ya'."

"Really now." said Cherry, a smile coming to her face as she collected cherry baskets for the cart. "How sweet of ya' ta' say, Darlin'. Ah gotta' admit, Ah was lookin' forward to us spendin' some time together as well."

"Yeah?" asked Applejack, blushing a bit when Cherry came up to give her a nuzzle.

"Mm-hm, Ah miss talkin' to ya' and havin' ya' 'round. Yer good company sugar."

"Thanks." said Applejack, giving a small smile as she helped stock up the baskets of cherries. "So... we been workin' awhile. How about a break?" she asked, moving into the cart and pulling out a couple of bottles of apple juice.

"Ah was wonderin' what ya' were up to back there 'fore we left." giggled Cherry, happily taking an offered bottle and twisting the cap off. She took a sip and hummed happily at the flavors that danced across her mouth, sweet across the board and a strong taste of apples. After taking a moment to appreciate the taste, her eyes flicked over to Applejack and watched as the blonde took a hearty swig. There had always been a lot of things to admire Applejack about, how open and honest she could be, what a hard worker she was, how much she cared about her hometown and family... the mare did have her drawbacks as certain as anypony did, but it was something Cherry didn't mind as much.

Spying Cherry looking at her, Applejack blushed softly and asked "Whatcha' need, Cherry?"

"Nothin'." said the older mare, smiling coyly as she leaned in a little closer "Just enjoyin' the view." she said as she began to equally enjoy watching Applejack blush more. It was a good feeling, knowing she still had it. It was an even better feeling when she got Applejack to blush!

Before anything more could be said, her ear flicked when she caught the sound of hoof steps, Cherry looking and spotting her son coming out from the orchard. "Sorry. M' Ah interruptin?" he asked, a neutral look on his face as he gazed at the two.

"No, is there something you need, Morello?" she asked, setting down her bottle of apple juice and trotting over to him.

"Nah, jes' wanted to tell ya' Ah cleared mah portion. Gonna take it back to the barn fer' sortin' n such."

"Alright, thank you Morello." she said, smiling and watching him go before looking back to Applejack. "We should probably do the same, sugar."

"Ah s'pose." said Applejack, looking a bit disappointed but shaking it off as she gathered the bottle of apple juice and put them away, hitching herself up to the cart with Cherry and taking their load to the barn as well.

Author's Note:

Not sure what to say here, just that I could really go for some ice cream right about now.

Either ways, hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Comments ( 1 )

Will this story ever be picked back up again?

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