• Published 1st Oct 2017
  • 537 Views, 9 Comments

High Noon At Dodge Junction - Gpizano

The stakes have never been higher for Applejack when a small matter of love turns into an all out showdown at Dodge Junction. Can Applejack get her feelings off her chest? Or will she not only lose Cherry Jubilee but also her life?

  • ...

Work Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Work in the orchard was another pleasant experience for Applejack, it was just her and Cherry in their section, collecting cherries and putting them in the cart. Small talk was made in between comfortable bouts of silence, the younger mare just enjoying this simple pleasure up until Cherry seemed to realize something. "Y'all said ya' fancied somepony yesterday, right?" she asked, grinning when that caused a small blush to come up on Applejack's face. "Now ya' got me curious. Just who's the lucky pony you wanna be sweet on?"

"Uh... that's uh, kinda personal Cherry." said Applejack, starting to feel the other's gaze on her, trying to find the truth.

"C'mon now sugar." said the older mare, a brow quirking at seeing Applejack being so shy on this matter. "Ya' sounded like ya' were ready to say who yesterday. N' now after this mornin' Ah'd a thought we could share just 'bout anything."

"W-well..." said Applejack, not sure what to do as far as stalling went.

"Is it someone Ah don't know?" asked Cherry, watching as Applejack seemed to squirm only a little bit. "... someone Ah know?" Oh, that was a better squirm right there! "... someone in this town?" Ah-ha! Applejack's kick missed the cherry tree entirely! With an excited, girlish giggle that was just adorable, there was an excited gleam in her eye as she said "Ah had no idea sugar! Which one ya' eyin' now? Maybe one o' mah strappin' farm hands?"

At this point Applejack was backing up as Cherry was stepping forward, feeling she was between a rock and a hard place as her eyes started to dart this way and that. "N-No! Ain't nothin' like that!" A part truth, she wasn't eying up one of the farm hands...

"But ya' got yer eye on someone here..." said Cherry, knowing that Applejack was a pretty piss poor liar and like a shark with blood in the water, she was on it!

And then the next thing Applejack knew, she had bolted. She could hear Cherry calling behind her and giving chase but that just made the blonde gallop harder. No way could she say anything now, right? Not with all this happening with Cherry and her ex-husband n' all that! She still had no idea if Cherry even had any interest in mares at all! So if she just avoided the topic, give it some time then maybe- "WHOA!" Applejack cried out as suddenly her hoof struck a very juicy wayward cherry, causing her leg to give out and send her tumbling along until a tree stopped her.

Once the world stopped spinning, the blonde found herself on her back, hindquarters up in the air against the tree and a nice blue sky that was soon blocked by Cherry's wonderful, beautiful yet worried looking face. "Applejack! Applejack, you okay?" asked Cherry, lime green eyes checking the blonde for any visible injuries.

"Right s' rain, sugarcube." said Applejack, voice sounding a little slurred after her dizzying tumble. "Now yer' here."

Soon she was carefully pulled away from the tree and turned right side up, Cherry now scowling softly since it appeared that Applejack was fine "Really now, ya' gotta' be more careful! Ah'd be beside mahself if'n somethin' happened to ya'!"

"... yeah?" asked Applejack, ears perking up a bit as she was helped onto her hooves.

"Of course!" said Cherry, frowning softly as she walked with the blonde, letting the other lean against her as they headed back to the cart. "N' if'n ya' really don't wanna say then Ah won't pry. Ya' didn't have ta' bolt off like that."

"Sorry." said Applejack, lowering her head a bit and feeling bad that she had made the other worry. "Jes... Ah'll tell ya' at some point. It's just Ah ain't ready yet."

"Ah get it." said Cherry, seeming placated as they made it back to the cart. "Now get on n' let me pull this back to the barn."

"Ah can walk just fine, Cherry. Ya' don't gotta' worry so much." insisted Applejack, moving over to the cart and getting the harness on. "Ah've taken worse knocks to the head n' this is a two pony job haulin' these cherries. So c'mon now." That seemed to put the kibosh on any protest that Cherry had, so she hitched herself up as well so they could both pull the cart back to the barn. It was a little awkward but eventually they settled into an easy silence as they helped to unload the baskets for the sorters to sort out.

"Ah'm thinkin' of hittin' the town tonight, head down to the saloon for a drink n' some fun. You in?" Cherry asked Applejack.

"Sure, ain't nothin' wrong with havin' a good time." said Applejack, smiling as they headed out to get some more work done.

Once the day was done, Applejack would take a bath and freshen up, wanting to be clean for a night on the town with Cherry. She didn't have much in the way of anything fancy like how Rarity did, but she had some mint shampoo that she rather liked, between that and the soap it'd have to be good enough. Gosh, to think she'd fuss over herself so much! With the way she was brushing out her mane and tail to make sure it was neat, she even tried dusting off her hat some so that it looked a little cleaner.

Still it seemed like she paled in comparison to Cherry, dressed in a sort of casual, fancy dark pink dress with a bodice. She had a small amount of blush and make up on, on top of an alluring perfume that just drew Applejack in. "Looking good sugar." complimented Cherry, smiling and giving a small wink to the blonde.

"Ah guess. Compared ta' you though, Ah feel a little plain." chuckled the mare.

"Oh? Well if'n ya' want, maybe we can gussy you up a bit!" she said, heading back up the stairs for a moment before coming back down with a dark green bandana that seemed to match Applejack's eyes. In a quick moment, she had her forelegs around Applejack as she tied the bandana around the mare's neck, allowing the blonde to breath in more of that scent. Bad, very bad. Hoo boy she felt just about ready to-

"There we go!" said Cherry, smiling as she backed up and grinned to the other "Looks good on you, sugar."

"Thanks." said Applejack, mentally shaking herself to get her head on straight as she smiled back. "Ah'll be sure ta' keep it in good condition."

"Oh don't worry none, it'll be fine." assured Cherry "In fact, ya' can keep it if'n ya' like. A little gift from me to you." she said, giving a wink that had Applejack's heart skipping a couple of beats "Now, if'n we're both ready, let's get to town." Leading the way outside showed a stage coach with two stallions pulling, showing that when Cherry went out for a night of fun she really liked to make an entrance! She'd open the door for Applejack, stepping in after her before the pony directing the other two gave a motion of the reigns to set the coach in motion, heading down the long road from the ranch into the town proper.

Author's Note:

I can't stop, help!

Nah, I'm having fun putting out all the chapters. Best to strike while the iron is hot after all.
