• Published 10th Jul 2012
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My Little Heartbreak: Meanwhile, Back at the Farm - Jet_Black1980

Stuck in the library for a month HB goes a little stircrazy, a trip to the farm seems in order!

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Hitting the Fan

Chapter 39

Hitting the Fan

Lyra looked at this oddly coloured colt in front of her. What she was asking him to do would normally go against a good number of other ponies’ personal codes. She was asking him to betray the trust of somepony that could be a new friend, so that she could uncover the truth about this, ‘pony.’ “What are you doing, Heartstrings? Are you really this-

“Fingers,” Crab Apple finally said. Lyra’s ears perked up and she looked at him. He pushed his glasses up and took a deep breath.

“Fingers?” She asked.

“She said that she missed, ‘fingers,’” Crab Apple replied.

Lyra’s eyes went wide. “She missed, ‘fingers’?” She blinked. “That sounds like it needs a bit of explaining.”

Crab Apple sighed and looked around. There weren’t too many other ponies in the room and they were all off in their own little worlds. “Right, well, the two of us were in the orchard picking up apples. She, like I said before, isn’t that much of a pony for manual labor. She was getting tired rather quickly and needed a rest. I kept working ahead while she took a quick nap. When I came back, she was looking down at her hooves and uttered the phrase, ‘I really miss fingers,’”

The mere feeling of excitement was now amplified throughout Lyra’s being. “CONFIRMATION! With a phrase like that? How could she -not- be a werequine?!

“Of course, when I asked her about it, she told me that, ‘fingers’ was her pet raccoon that she couldn’t bring with her. Because she has shaky hoof syndrome, her pet was very useful.” Crab Apple explained.

Lyra’s heart dropped a bit. “A raccoon. Her pet. Of course. I knew it was too good to be true.

“But...” Crab Apple began.

“But?” Lyra said, leaning forward.

“But it was the way that she explained things that seemed suspicious,” He replied.

“Oh?” Lyra asked.

“Well, I didn’t want to poke too far into it all, due to the fact that she said that she couldn’t take him with her. But it felt like-” Crab Apple paused. “Like she was making the story up on the fly. I mean, now that I think about it, when I look back at that moment...” He sighed and shook his head. “I mean, I might be reading too much into it, but with the story that you just gave me? That does make a bit more sense. Do you think that might be why she drilled a hole in her hoof?”

Lyra smiled. “I’m glad you asked about that, Dib. You see, I confronted her about that as well, and she gave me the runabout.” Lyra looked at her folder. “Right now, that is a near confirmation on my theory.”

Crab Apple thought about it all. The strange behavior that he had been seeing from this pony, the odd stories, and yes, even the part where she explained that she ate meat. That could all be explained if she was indeed a werequine! “Well, is there any actual way of confirming all this one hundred percent?”

“That’s why I’m trusting you, Dib. You seem to ask all the right questions here.” She pulled out some of the papers from the envelope. “There is said to be a way get a werequine to show their true nature. It’ll be tricky, but if we can get her to revert to her true form, even momentarily...”

Crab Apple’s eyes lit up and he started thinking about the possibilities of that thought alone. “That-” He blinked and shook his head. “That would be amazing! Incredible! Fantastic!”

“There is a problem,” Lyra said, carefully choosing her next words.

Crab Apple blinked again. “What problem?”

“Getting close enough to her to make it happen. You see Dib, your cousin Applejack would know if I was on your farm. Even with my best invisibility spells? She would know.” She pulled a con bag from behind the couch. “And we can’t just expose her to the right objects and incantations described here in these notes at the Con.”

“Well, why not?” Crab Apple asked.

“Look around you, Dib. There are lots of HLC members here. The moment they see a real life human? They are going to jump her and go crazy. We need to get her alone and far away from the majority of ponies. That way we can confirm and confront her about all this. And the best place to do that? Back on Applejacks’ farm.” Lyra explained.

Crab Apple looked thoughtful, tapping a hoof to his chin. “I would have to wait until the rest of the Apples are asleep.”

Lyra gave Crab Apple an excited expression. “Then you’re willing to help me with this?!”


Subtle Brew smiles at me while she drops the two lumps of sugar into the tea cup , and gives it a stir. Deep down, I know she’s right. And in her own way she’s pointed out what I am doing to myself.

I’m playing the, ‘yes, but,’ game.

Yes, I could, ‘go with the flow,’ but I am afraid of what will happen. Yes, I could, ‘go along with my special talents,’ but what if I’m not ready? Fuck. I wasn’t like this back on Earth. I was always showing my artwork off to any who would look at it, and I was generally a pretty easy going individual. Well, for the most part... when I was outside of work. But when I was working, I liked to be left alone. Just alone in my thoughts and fantasies.

I bite my lip, thinking about a few times when someone was just trying to be friendly, and talk to me. They would see me and say my name in a voice that had a latino surprised happiness to it. And what did I do? I glared at him and grumbled to myself. I could have been nicer...

Subtle Brew looks me and I notice that my hooves are clattering against the counter. I laugh awkwardly. “Uhm, don’t mind me. Just lost in a bit of thought.”

She smiles. “Is alright, contemplation while tea drinking is good thing.”

I reach forward and sip the tea from the rim of the glass. In my fit of self wallowing it has appeared to cool down a fair bit. “This does taste really good, but it could use a bit more sugar,” I comment.

She pours a bit more sugar in the tea and gives it a quick stir. As I sip the tea again, she looks at me contemplatively. “Miss Heartb-”

“H.B., please?” I interrupt.

“Par-don?” She asks.

“Please call me, ‘H.B.,’” I begin to explain. I get the feeling that I am going to be saying that phrase quite a bit. “I don’t like my name and I can’t change it.”

She blinks and tilts her head. “Oh.” She looks to the side and then back at me. I smack my lips. Yeah, now this tea is perfect. “H.B., I was wondering if I could read juur tea leaves?”

I cough a little, bits of tea liquid sputtering from my mouth. I look up at her questioningly. “Read my leaves?”

She smiles a wide smile. “Oh yes! Is way to see juur future and what good things may come!”

Reading tea leaves might be a bunch of hogwash back where I am from, but who knows what can be done here in Equestria? I shake my head. “No, thank you.” I reply.

“But juu learn many tings. Fortune, jobs, fame or even-” She pauses and looks at me funny. “Love?” At the moment she says that word, I nearly gag and choke on my tea, spilling some of it. Subtle Brew jumps back a little. “Oh! Are juu ok?”

“Yes!” I gasp out coughing. “And thanks, but no thanks!” As she gets a washcloth to clean up my mess, she gives me an odd look. “I just don’t trust the advice of boiled tea leaves is all.”

“Tea may be subtle, but it contains much wisdom to dose who care to listen, “ She replies.

I give a nervous laugh and then quickly drink as much of the tea that is in my cup as I can. “No offence but I would rather trust the advice of the individual making the tea. She seems to know what she is doing after all.”

She blushes at me and waves a hoof. “Oh, juur words are very kind! Are juu sure juu no want I read juur leaves?”

I fend off the leery feelings that are trying to bubble up. Thankfully, the tea I just had is helping out with that. “Thanks, but no thanks. I really have to get back to the gathering I came from.” I let out a bit of a sigh. “Which reminds me, do you have any other teas that help with headaches?”

She smiles and nods. “There is poppy seed tea, but for that juu need to see doctor first. However, we do have willow bark tea if juu are looking for someting stronger. But I should warn juu not to make it too strong. Is bad if too strong.”

I turn my head to my saddle bag to get at some of the bits that Applejack gave me. “How much for some of that and the cup of tea?” I ask, struggling to pull any bits out with my mouth.

“Willow bark is five bits for one bag, but the tea, like my advice, was free.” She says.

Fuck, it’s that sugary sweetness that just keeps pushing out the part of me that wants to make some bitter comment. “Right.” My lips finally find the bag of bits. I attempt to place them on the counter without drooling all over them. “I’ll take a bag of that, please.”

She gives me an overly cute smile and plucks a bag from the shelves. “Just follow instructions on back of the bag and it is suggested to add honey. Willow bark is really bitter.”

I laugh nervously as the memory of Creativi-tea passes through my mind. “I’ll keep that in mind,” I reply, taking the bag off the counter and pushing it into my saddle bag. “If that is too much, please keep the change.” I turn around and head to the door. It’s better that I leave now, rather than make myself look like an ass asking for advice about adapting and then just nearly outright rejecting that advice. Besides, I didn’t say that I was going to be gone for terribly long.

Out of the corner of my eye something flits on the wall. It looks like a dragonfly, but it has a clock face on it. Cocking my head as it turns on the wall, I notice exactly how long I have been gone. “Half an hour?!” I start to hurry my butt out the door. “Thank you for the tea!”

“Yes! Thank juu, come again!” Comes a musical reply.


Pinkie Pie trotted down the street happily. “Let’s see, party at Cherry Blossom’s is done, watched Rainbow Dash perform some awesome high flying stunts, made some commentary on some of Rarity’s new dresses, Lyra’s party is most likely in full swing,” Pinkie paused. It was sad that Lyra didn’t want her at the party, but apparently the ponies there were really concerned about sharing their hobbies with other ponies. “Oh well, at least she let me help her set it all up! What was it called again? HCL? Isn’t that hydrochloric acid? Maybe they’re chemists! I really hope that they aren’t playing with anything dangerous,” Pinkie tilted her head in thought. “Nah! They would have needed extra licenses for that, and there wasn’t anything like that on the list of things for their party!

Pinkie nodded her head, moving along. A few random ponies smiled at her and waved. She smiled and waved back. Ponies were always extra super excited to see her. After all, with Pinkie Pie around? Life was always a party, so full of smiles! Well, most of the time it was. There was only one pony that seemed to be immune to the patented, ‘Pinkie Pie Personal Pizzazz,’ (*patent pending.) She waited until the ponies passed to even think about this particular pony’s plight. After all there was no sense in other ponies seeing Pinkie Pie all pensive or pessimistic. She re-paused near a cart, ducking away so that nopony could see her.

Heartbreak...” Even the mere thought of the mysterious stranger from another world caused Pinkies’ mane and tail to feel heavy and slightly deflated. “Oh gosh, why does it hurt so much to even think about her? I know that I double Pinkie Pie Promised myself that I would get that pony to promise me that we would, one day, party together, but really! She’s so terribly sad that she was able to resist my Persuasive Pinkie Pie ‘Perk-Me-Up’ Smile back on the train to Ponyville! Even Cranky Doodle warmed up to my charms after a day!” She looked up at the sky and frowned. It didn’t feel right to be this sad over one pony! It wasn’t a normal sad, it was like a super-duper extra sad! “I bet that’s because of those meanie-mean-mean pants who sent her here! They must have put some sort of special powder or hex or whatever magics they use in that strange world on her!” Pinkie’s face turned determined. “Well, two can play at that game! I promised myself that I would party with that pony doubly and party with that pony doubly I will! I might have to wait a while to implement my plans for said party, after all, with strong magic like that? The night has to be perfect.” She took a deep breath. “Though, that doesn’t mean that I can’t try to help her smile and laugh in between now and then. Oh! I know!” She clapped her hooves together. “I’ll go to see her at A.J.’s farm as a surprise! I’m sure after all that hard work and difficulty that she could use a wonderful surprise! Oh! A chocolate flavored surprise! Those are the best kind of surprises!” She smiled and popped away from the cart once again filled with glee. As she turned the corner, she heard the ringing of a bell that sounded exactly like the one that was in the local tea shop.

“Thank you for the tea!” Shouted a voice that sounded exactly like Heartbreaks’. And that was scarcely odd because, to her wondering eyes, appeared the pony that she had just been thinking of just moments ago!

“Oh my gosh! What luck! I could totally give H.B. her chocolate surprise now!” But as she was about to go racing off to her new friend, several thoughts hit her. “Ouch! Stupid thoughts! It’s not nice to hit ponies! Wait a second, what? Why is Heart-” She stopped her train of thought for a moment. Heartbreak was the name that they gave her. And if she was going to have any hope in becoming a true pony, a true individual, a true... well, anything! She was going to have to be called by the name that she preferred. “Alright train, you can leave the station again. Why is H.B.,” She grinned and nodded at herself before looking serious again. “Off the farm? And why does it look like she is headed to Lyra’s super secret party?” Pinkie brow furrowed. “A.J. is either slacking on her duties or H.B. managed to slip off the farm! I seriously doubt that H.B. is that crafty or sneaky, despite her getting the title of, ‘the potential new discord,’ to get away from A.J. like that! And A.J.! I would give anything for Nightmare Night to be tonight!” Pinkie took a deep breath. “Calm yourself, Pinkie. Count to ten...” Pinkie exhaled. “Pinkie to Pinkie, this is Pinkie speaking,”

I know that silly! What’s up?

“Nothing much Pinkie, but I think that we should go talk to Applejack before jumping to wild conclusions.”

Well, what about H.B., Pinkie?

“H.B. is a student, and as such Applejack is the teacher and responsible for her. And if it turns out that somehow she did sneak off the farm, then A.J. will be happy to go help me get her.”

Pinkie! Why are you so serious all of a sudden!? I was talking about the chocolate surprise! We’re going to give her a chocolate surprise right?!” Pinkie rolled her eyes at herself. “Well, Duh! Come on!” Pinkie smiled at herself and continued on her way back to SugarCube Corner to get H.B. a chocolate surprise.

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