• Published 10th Jul 2012
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My Little Heartbreak: Meanwhile, Back at the Farm - Jet_Black1980

Stuck in the library for a month HB goes a little stircrazy, a trip to the farm seems in order!

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Meanwhile: Back at the Library

Chapter 23

Meanwhile: Back at the Library.

Twilight had done some wandering around Ponyville before she headed back to the library. She needed a good long walk to clear her mind. Despite how it began, it was a brand new day and the sun was starting to get high. As she walked down the street, Cloudkicker and Skyberry waved and smiled at her. She smiled and waved back at the pegasi. The feeling she had was almost euphoric. As she finally headed back to the library, many of the ponies had already come out of their homes and were starting on their daily tasks. From watering the grass to selling their goods. It was nice to know that there was life outside of the library.

At least Heartbreak will know that now.” She shook her head. “She could have known that had she let us help her clean that mess up. True, once or twice I locked the door, but that was early on when I was still really worried. Oh well, this will give me some time to actually catch up on things and make some lists about what I can do.” Twilight rolled her eyes. “Though she was right about talking to Spike. Maybe he has some ideas on how we can get her to open up more,” She thought as she opened the library door.

Twilight peeked around her library. There was a little thrill that went through her knowing that it was just Spike and their pets that currently inhabiting the library, even if that was just for a day. “Maybe a week.” She thought passing a mirror. She paused at its reflection. She was a terrible mess. Her mane and tail were still frazzled from earlier this morning.
Ugh, she really got to me that time,” Twilight thought as she got a brush. “I hope it doesn’t make me a bad pony for being glad that she’s currently somepony else’s problem. But really,” She ran it through her mane, “That pony does know how to push another pony’s buttons!” She struggled a bit as she came across a tangle. A painful twinge sparked across her face as she tugged it out. “There. Much better.” She looked over the brush. “Ugh.” There, nestled in the purple hairs was a brown hair. “Wait, this was the brush that I used on her.” Twilight said out loud.

She looked around where Heartbreak would normally be sitting and drawing. Small reminders of the, ‘foreign exchange student from a distant part of Equestria,” lay here and there. A few loose drawings, eraser crumbs and a plate that had been left to sit out overnight. Twilight rolled her eyes as she picked the plate up and tidied up the mess her, ‘student,’ had left for her.

Walking into the kitchen, she put the plate into the sink and the crumbs into the wastebasket. “Those things might be small, but geez, with the way she was going through them?” The rest of the morning had been so...quiet, so peaceful. “A break from Heartbreak was just what I needed. You know, I almost feel like singing.” Twilight started to hum a few bars when something moved out of the corner of her eye. She turned and jumped. A really tired looking Spike was sitting at the table drinking a cup of hot coco. “Gah! Spike!”

Spike rolled his eyes and drank from his cup. After a slurp, he looked at Twilight with a groggy expression. He looked at the clock. “Good afternoon. You certainly sound chipper.” He said frowning.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” Twilight replied. “It’s a brand new day, the sun is shining, the birds are singing-”

“And you’re shirking your responsibilities off on another pony,” Spike said, taking a long drink off his coco.

“Yes and I am - Hey!” Twilight exclaimed after she realized what Spike had just said.

“What? I’m just calling it as I see it,” Spike replied.

Twilight’s happy mood was dampened by that. “You know, she woke you up with her racket this morning, Spike.”

“It takes two to tango, Twilight.” Spike took another long drink of his coco. “If she was here right now, I would be plenty upset with her as well. The way I see it, both of you were getting under each others’ skin. A break is just what you both needed.”

“Then why are you being, ‘Mr. Gruff the Magic Dragon?’” Twilight asked. “She’s now with Applejack and we are getting a break from one another.”

“Do I really have to point out all the things that went wrong with what happened this morning? I mean, I was only awake for three quarters of it, but still,” Spike replied.

“She was really that loud?” Twilight asked, her ears drooping.

“Both of you were!” Spike said. “I think I over heard something about machines and the basement?”

Twilight frowned. “You heard that?”

“Twilight, we’re lucky that this isn’t an apartment. Otherwise, the neighbors might have heard it.” Spike replied. “Look, I’m not saying that your show of concern was lacking,” Spike paused and finished his coco.

“But?” Twilight inquired, prodding him to finish his sentence.

“But you did say that you wouldn’t probe any further if she said, ‘No.’” Spike looked at the bottom his cup and sighed. “And she said, ‘No,’ didn’t she?”

Twilight sighed. “Yes..”

“So, I don’t have to tell you how things went wrong here. Granted, she could have reacted a little less violent. I would have suggested that you two take a break from each other sooner, but she was just so gun-ho about getting her mess cleaned up,” Spike said, yawing.

“Which would have took less time if she had let me help her clean up,” Twilight replied, sitting down at the table next to Spike.

“Could you fight the urge to peek at the drawings?” Spike asked.

Twilight rubbed her arm and looked away ashamed. “Well...”

Spike smiled at her. “I wouldn’t have expected anything less than a, ‘No,’ from you, Twilight. It’s part of who you are. You want to know things. I’m just saying that if this morning is any indication, some pretty big changes in your plans about what to do with H.B. are going to have to change.” He blinked and looked at Twilight. “You have made plans about this, right?”

Twilight gave a fake smile. “Of course I’ve made plans about this situation!” her smile broke down. “I’m planning on making plans about the plans that I am going to make.”

Spike sighed. “You have no idea what you’re doing, do you?”

Twilight frowned and looked disappointed with herself. “Not a clue. I mean, there isn’t a book on, ‘How to take care of alien beings trapped in pony bodies who have been dumped into lap now!,’ Spike. I’ve tried thinking it over, talking with the girls about it, but every time I do that it comes out as nothing more than complaining about what Hear-,uhm, H.B. is or isn’t doing. I feel terrible about this, Spike. But I don’t even know where to begin.”

“How about where you always begin, Twi’?” Spike asked looking thoughtful.

“And where’s that?” Twilight asked.

“With a list. What are the basic things that any pony needs that H.B. doesn’t have?” Spike asked, grabbing a bit of paper and a quill.

“That’s easy. Everything and a scrap of sanity.” Twilight remarked.

“I’m serious, Twilight. Here, I’ll get the list going. Food, water, clothing, towels...” Spike began writing.

Twilight blinked. As Spike listed these things off, she felt more at ease. Maybe he was right. Maybe a list of things was just what she needed. A little more organization back in her life. Something of the old Twilight to give her the feeling that she actually accomplished something. Then a thought popped into her head. “Shelter.”

“Shelter?” Spike asked. “I hope you don’t mean like a shack.”

“What? No, of course not. But H.B. doesn’t have her own space! She said she had been living in an apartment, by herself. She doesn’t have that any more. She doesn’t have a home, a house, a personal area that she can call her own. You know, I was actually thinking about making a list before all this. I guess I got distracted by her not being here that I forgot about it,” Twilight said.

Spike smiled. That was the Twilight he knew. That was the Twilight he had grown up with. “Shelter, an apartment, a house, a home...” He wrote down.

Twilight smiled. “Got any more ideas to handle this situation, Spike?” As Spike put up a claw, there was a knock at the door. “Uhm, hold that thought, Spike. Coming!” Twilight opened the door to find a very exasperated Applejack standing there.

She was gritting her teeth a bit and looking frazzled. “Mind if ah come in, Twi’? We need ta have a talk.”


Big Mac looked at the mare he had just been set to watch. She was looking down and seemed really depressed. He didn’t quite know what happened between her and AJ, but for AJ to get gnarled up like that? It must have been something fierce. It was a good thing that he interrupted them when he did. Any worse and things might have come down to blows. And from the looks of it, this, ‘Heartbreak,’ would have been the one on the losing end of things.

She was currently grinding her hoof into the ground and biting her lip. She then bellowed out a shout and threw her hooves in the air. “AAAARGH! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Of all the stupid things I had to do! Totally had a chance to show her that I’m not everything Twilight made me out to be! Totally could have been nicer! Totally could have handled that better! Ugh!” She proceeded to knock her head against one of the apple trees. Other than the sound of head greeting tree, there was nothing but an awkward silence. Big Mac finally broke it.

“Uuuuhm. Ah don’t know what happened here, but ah’m sure that’s not how you buck apples,” He finally said.

Heartbreak looked over and rolled her eyes. “Oh, right, you’re here. Don’t mind me, I’m just having one of my many mental freak outs and once again, sabotaging any chance of anyp-p-pony thinking that I have a semblance of normal in my head...” She sighed and rolled her eyes. “I don’t ‘spose that your sister told you anything outside of, ‘This is Heartbreak and she is going to help us work the farm?’”

“Nope.” Big Mac replied.

She sighed and rolled her eyes. “Right, perhaps a better re-introduction is in order. My name is Heartbreak, please call me, ‘H.B.’ I am a-” She paused mid sentence as if she was thinking about something. “I am a foreign exchange student from a very, very, very distant part of Equestria.” She slumped. “And I am going to be here helping work on your farm for the day.” Her eyes rolled and then she banged her head against the tree again. “However, with the way things are going, it looks like it is going to be for the week.”

Big Mac looked around, not sure what to say about that. “Ah guess ya should be filling that basket then,” He finally said.

Heartbreak conked her head against the tree again. “I don’t mean to sound really forward here, but I feel the need to apologize. I didn’t mean to kick you upside the head, and I really didn’t want to upset your sister like that. It’s just...” She looked up at the tree in a detached, forlorn manner. “Since....leaving home, I haven’t been getting a good amount of sleep, I have been having difficulty adjusting as it is, Twilight and I have been having problems and to top it all off, Applejack was pushing me in a way that I didn’t like.” Big Mac blinked at all this. Obviously this pony was having a hard time about things and felt the need to tell him about it, but it sounded more like a stream of excuses than anything. “I’m just digging myself further into a hole with all this, aren’t I?” She asked.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac replied.

“Fine. Right.” She took a deep breath and sighed. “Is it alright if I continue to kick this tree until your sister gets back?”

"Eeyup.” Big Mac said.

“Peachy,” Heartbreak replied. As she lifted up her right hoof and kicked the tree behind her, Big Mac noticed something rather...unnerving. There appeared to be a hole going straight through her right hoof at an odd angle.

Weird,” he thought to himself.

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