• Published 10th Jul 2012
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My Little Heartbreak: Meanwhile, Back at the Farm - Jet_Black1980

Stuck in the library for a month HB goes a little stircrazy, a trip to the farm seems in order!

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Chapter 12


Heartbreak turned her head and lifted a hoof to block the morning light. Moaning, she brushed a bit of her forelock on her face. She turned and attempted to try to fall back to sleep. Her eyes slowly opened and peered at the clock on the wall.

6:30? I haven’t been up this early in a long time.” she rolled her eyes. “Well, if you count a month and a week a long time. It seems like a long time.” She tried to get comfortable again. “I am just going to go back to sleep,” she thought to herself. Her body told her otherwise.

“Fet...locks...” came the first words of her morning. She turned and let her front hooves drop to the ground. The blanket draped over her flank reminded her of a snail creeping out of its shell. “Yup-yup,” she muttered out loud. “That’s me...H.B., the snail-pony.” She took a few steps forward and her back leg dropped in a clumsy manner off the little couch that she had been sleeping on. Her head drooped. It was going to be one of those mornings.

After an arduous battle with the stairs, she walked into Twilight’s room. Heartbreak really hoped that Twilight was still asleep. But it seemed that was too much to hope for as Twilight turned to face her.

“Good-” Twilight began.

Heartbreak put a hoof up to her lips. “Shhhhhh.” She then pointed out the still sleeping Spike. Twilight eyed Spike and nodded. Heartbreak then sluggishly made her way to the bathroom.

Apparently she didn’t sleep too well either,” Twilight thought to herself.


Looking into the mirror, I see a ghastly sight: Myself.

Alright, that might be a bit harsh, but after that mind-fuckery of a dream? I’m not very happy with my subconscious mind.

“Seriously brain?” I look at my eyes and check to see how red they are by pulling down my eyelids a hoof. Something that has to be done rather carefully. I don’t want to poke my eye out. I open my mouth and stick out my tongue. I should brush my teeth. My last set of teeth had suffered a great deal of decay. Seeing that I have a new pair, I might as well keep them in better shape. “Just one month, more or less and you are wanting to nag me about the subject of what I am attracted to? Thanks but no thanks. I am not interested.” I pick up the toothbrush with my mouth and slip the handle into my hoof-hole. The toothpaste is in one of those push dispensers. Thank Gaia for the little things. Tapping on the faucet, I get a gob of toothpaste on the brush and begin the morning routine. I’ve got to have one of those. It’s a small thing that makes the whole ‘turned into a mare by your evil exes’ thing a little more tolerable.

After brushing my teeth and taking care of a few other morning things, I fill the sink with water. Nice, cold water. I proceed to dunk my face into it. The briskness shocks my senses and makes things a little more clear. I shake my head to get rid of any excess water. Looking back in the mirror, I still see a mess of a ...mare, staring back at me. Her mane is all wet and it makes funny long curls. “I don’t get what others saw in that ‘wet-mane’ look.

I rub my face and mane on the hanging towel next to me and shake out my hoof. I want to keep it dry. No telling what would happen if just left the hole in it wet. Sighing, I realize that I am now pretty much awake. Or as awake as I can be. “Going back to bed would be a futile effort...might as well go back downstairs and find some breakfast.


Twilight sat down at the table. The images from the dream she just had were fading fast. There were little snippets of things that happened. Phrases and names, but nothing solid anymore. Heartbreaks hoof beats were coming down the stairs. Peering out of the kitchen, Twilight’s tiny hope that she would be coming down head first was squished.
Heartbreak sat down at the kitchen table. She looked less of a mess but it was still very obvious that she didn’t sleep well.

“Good morning,” Twilight began.

“I’ll concede that it is morning,” Heartbreak replied, her eyes halfway open and an audible bitterness to her voice.

“Uhm, right,” Twilight replied. “So,”

“Twilight, it’s been over a month since my last caffeinated beverage and I’m sort of starving. If you want me to get my own breakfast I’ll understand. However, if you want some sort of lucid conversation this early in the morning, can I please have some coffee-” Heartbreak started. Twilight gave her a questioning look. “Twilight, please. Mornings have been hard for me lately. I swear I am not going to go overboard, and there will never be another day like Creativi-Tea. I just want a cup of Joe.”

Twilight blinked. “‘Cup of Joe?’” She asked.

“Coffee.” Heartbreak replied, an annoyed expression on her face.

“Oh, heh,” Twilight chuckled. A momentary thought passed through her mind. She wondered what Pony Joe would think about H.B.’s euphemism for coffee. “Well, as long as you don’t go overboard.”


I roll my eyes and sigh. Seriously? I have to ask to have a cup of coffee. I feel like a prisoner in this library. I was able to leave one time thus far, twice if you count Creativi-Tea, but the second time I was chaperoned by Spike! I’m sure that nobody else has to have these tight of restrictions.

I get up from the table and go to the cupboard with the bowls. Today’s breakfast item? Cereal. Basic, simple cereal. I attempt to get the cereal box out of the other cupboard. Not an easy task, but it is a lot easier than opening and pouring the box. Here’s a hint on how it goes - Not very well. Small golden corn flakes are scattered around the bowl. Twilight looks up from her preparing the coffee, and that magic glow of hers surrounds the errant flakes. They fly into my bowl. Cereal: Check. Now the milk.

Opening the refrigerator is easy. Getting the milk is not. Twilight looks at my struggle and gives me a sympathetic look. “Why don’t you let me get that, H.B.?”

I sigh and droop my head. “Fine..thanks...I guess.” I feel like a fucking three year old.

While Twilight pours the milk, I can hear the coffee pot starting to gurgle and percolating. Before long, the wonderful smell of coffee is filling the air. Then a thought occurs to me. “There isn’t hay in the coffee, is there?”

Twilight blinks and rolls her eyes. “You’re actually in luck with that. No. No there is not hay in our coffee.”

I look at the spoon that is set neatly next to my bowl. Fuck. The handle isn’t the right shape for my hoof. Right. Let’s not complain about this for once, H.B. Just enjoy the breakfast that Twilight has provided for you. She bought the cereal with her own bits, she poured the milk, and she is kind enough to make you coffee. And she has yet to kick your lazy, no good, do nothing flank out on the streets. I still sigh and bow my head into the bowl. Eating anything like this feels degrading.

Twilight sets a coffee cup down on the table. “Sugar or cream?” she asks. What the hell? Why is she being so nice? Last night, we were at each others throats, and right now? I feel like she’s buttering me up!

“Sugar please. Three spoonfuls if I can?” I ask. I should just be accepting of Twilight’s attempts to patch things over. If that is what she’s doing. But last night’s dream? Even despite the fact that the details are fading, it’s put my knickers in a knot. Even if I am not wearing any knickers...

“That’s a bit much sugar,” she pauses. “But alright.”

Fucking-A. Right now I am fighting the urge to twitch and snap at her. I feel like a little orphan boy asking for more greul! “Please, Twilight! Can I have some more? I swear I’ll be ever so good! I’ll shine your horse shoes and carry all your books for you!” I close my eyes tightly and munch on my cereal, hoping that Twilight can’t make out my expressions. Stop it, H.B. She’s being nice. Accept that. Knowing you, you’ll most likely say something within the next five minutes that will ruin the moment.

The sugar bowl and coffee pot float over to meet the cup sitting next to me. In goes the still piping hot coffee and then one, two, and a reluctant third spoonful of sugar. To help the medicine go down. Twilight sits back down and smiles warmly at me while I eat my food.


Twilight hid her feelings behind a smile. H.B.’s posturing and body language told her that she wasn’t happy about something. Not happy about something in the slightest. “I bet she is still upset over what happened last night,” Twilight thought to herself. H.B. slurped up the last of her cereal and attempted to carefully lift the bowl with her ankles. She was doing an alright job of it, but Twilight felt that at any moment the bowl would fall. “So, about last night,” Twilight began after H.B. had finished the last of the cereal.

“What about last night?” She asked, trying to slip the coffee cup handle around her hoof.

“I want to apologize,” Twilight continued. “After all, if I am going to try doing what I want to do, I need to smooth things over with you,” She thought to herself.

“Oh?” Heartbreak asked, raising an eyebrow. The cup was now slipped around her hoof. She sighed and bent her head down to pick up the spoon. She stirred her coffee before blowing on the surface.

“I had no reason to think that you attacked Owloysius. I was upset and frustrated. After all, Owloysius might be a ‘pet,’ but he is still part of the family,” Twilight said, explaining herself.

Heartbreak stared at the surface of her steaming coffee. She nodded. “This is understandable,” she replied, sipping it. “I will...admit,” her face paused and she frowned, as if she was calculating her next response. “I may have overreacted. But he did startle me and I did take a bit of a tumble.”

“Truce?” Twilight asked.

H.B. slowly sipped more of the hot coffee. Her lips smacked together and finally an ‘ah!’ came out. “Truce. But only because you got me some coffee.” Heartbreak took a longer sip of her brew and then looked up at Twilight. “So. What are you wanting to do today, Twilight?”

Twilight craned her neck and looked away. “What makes you think that I was wanting to do anything with you today, H.B.?”

“Other than this cup of coffee, the over all niceness, and the calling for a truce?” Heartbreak replied.

“I don’t see how those things would make you think that I was wanting to do anything special for today,” Twilight replied.

“Maybe, but this is the longest conversation and time that we have actually sat down together. That could be because the library is mostly clean or because you don’t have any errands to run. But at heart, I’m a skeptic,” H.B. replied. “And what you just said kinda tips it off.”

Twilight nodded. “Right, well now that you mention it,”


AH-HA! She was buttering me up for something! I knew it! Alright H.B., Play it cool. Don’t show her any emotion. Let’s just see what her latest little exercise to push you into being a pony is going to be! Poor, poor predictable Twilight.

“I was hoping that I could show you what’s in my basement,” Twilight finally explains.

Well, this is something I wasn’t prepared for. Those are the most creepy and terrifying words that I have ever heard come out of Twilight Sparkle’s mouth.

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