• Member Since 30th Aug, 2013
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Never satisfied with his own work, but hopes to bring satisfaction to others.

Comments ( 138 )

Shouldn't "Cheating" be on the kink list, too?

True, swinging and wife sharing might not be enough. Description updated.

I literally just read the prequel last night, and it was one of the hottest fics I've read it a while. Glad to see my timing was perfect. Have to file this one away for later.

Fair warning, I had a lot more time to work on the prequel, so I hope this one doesn't disappoint.

and as always, zero shame.

Shame, what is it good for?

Except for that one nudie scene in that tv show I never watched, that was pretty top.

Glad to see this story continued. Hopefully Twilight finds out what they are doing and joins in to complete the set of royals.
Maybe have Twilight know a futa spell so Cadance can pay back Celestia.

Well, there's a good chance this type of scenario does play out in another story of mine (I do seem to revolve around futa a lot), but maybe not in this one. If Twilight does appear at all, it will probably be so she can be swarmed by a pack of little alicorn foals.

If only there was a spell that allowed Cadance to get impregnated by all three of them at the same time...

You know, this would be a great opportunity for Luna to be magnanimous and allow Shining to impregnate his wife.

Well, this story is all about sharing, but maybe not in the way you expect. We'll see.

So let me get this straight first she's sterile so no kids period so she Neeeeeeever told shining this before the wedding ever ... that's a pretty important details to a relationship. Second she coulda told shining that there was a work around by letting celestia get her ready for him .... I see her having 3 kids one from each of them now... if he wanted a blood relations child there's no way around it apparently since she's sterile. Third yah he was present for her heart wrenching story but he just discovered she covered up a infidelity for a whole year and her cheating was ongoing and that flurry wasn't his .... he better of been screwing Luna or twilight behind cadences back too just so it makes sense why he didn't just explode there. I could see forgiveness if she sold being with Luna and celestia to buy forgiveness from shining. "Yah I know I cheated but you know what just think about it by letting me sleep with celestia and Luna they get children then celestia can help you get one and imagine the threesome/foursomes we could have together".

Not gonna lie, I was a bit more invested/interested in the Celestia/Cadance makeout scene than most of the actual sex involved.

Still, rather hot all around.

Also, nice to see Cadance does have a basis for her repeated infidelities. I bring this up because other clop stories that came out recently have no care given to plot or in general the emotions of the main characters involved, which generally ruins the clop for me.

8069356 I'm missing something ..., so she's cheated on shining because he was raped by chrysalis who was pretending to be her???....does it count as him cheating on her if he's raped by a Cadence clone or being a victim... it's not like she posed as a different pony to him and he went for it. Like I said I'm missing something for realsy I just can't see the big picture..... not trying to contradict or anything. I just can't see where her logic is going just need a clarification.

Eh, worst thing is I actually cut a big chunk of the Cadance/Celestia bit, felt bad about it but thought it might be too slow of a start. I do like some fluff in mah clop. About the characters/plot, it's a preference thing yeah. Some like quick and dirty clop, some like more in depth characterization. Funny thing to note, I actually like quick and dirty when reading, but when writing I can't help but add a lot of flavor text. Some might say too much. Still, happy you enjoyed the fluffy bit, you can expect more on that tone next chapter.

As Luna said: it's not logical. Cadance became extremely possessive and afraid of losing Shining Armor after what happened at the wedding, to the point that she'll do crazy things fearing she might lose him. She doesn't blame him, this is not revenge. Those two will need to have a talk though, but that's for next chapter!

Well, I dooo have an epilogue already planed after the next chapter. Hang on tight.

8069393 Not sure this is the author's interpretation, but this is what I'm going with.

Cadance is incredibly insecure in her relationship. During the leadup to their wedding, Chrysalis had her imprisoned and repeatedly had her way with Shining Armor. Logically, she knows he was brainwashed during this period, but emotionally she feels that her relationship with Shining is compromised. He slept and enjoyed sleeping with another mare, and a part of her feels as if he could just up and leave her at a moment's notice-after all, why would he have slept with Chrysalis otherwise? She knows this isn't logical, but it's how she feels.

Adding to this is that she's sterile, and Shining wants numerous kids. To keep her relationship happy, she felt compelled to find a way to solve her infertility on her own, that led to banging Celestia. As of this story, she's become fond of the pleasure having sex with Celestia brings, and Shining wants more foals, so she's continuing it.

Welp, that's 100% spot on actually. Couldn't have done a better recap myself.

8069437 I realized after reading her talk again it sounded like she was afraid to tell him she was sterile and that he would leave her if he found out so celestia getting her pregnant was a god...ess send in a way ..... but after the first slip up she still cheated on him repeatedly with celestia... I just felt like his response was lacking I mean he just found out his child isn't his that she cheated with celestia of all ponies I understand he loves her and that means he wouldn't leave her anyway at least lay down some ground rules and tell her to knock the sh*t off. If not that he should at least get in celestia face and call her out on it. She knew Cadence was married and plowed her anyway repeatedlly knowing what she was doing was wrong ....that's some evil sh*t .... is there adultery in your world. And now they find out cadance is not all there mentally so now she's double damned because she wasn't in the right state of mind to give concent due to mental instability and she's overllpossessive because Cadence is her broodmare and no one else's till she permits it and shining whos her husband was in the shadows hearing this with luna just makes me go why didn't he pop out and say step away from my wife b**** she's not yours she's mine. Celestia was no different then chrysalis she took what she wanted and f*** everyone else. Final verdict good story overall but shining better turn the tables and make celestia his b**** as payback.

Sorry if I'm a little worked up over it I'm just a celestia hater she is manipulative in my opinion her goal in the show was one get her sister back even if it meant putting others at risk and two getting twilight to the point where she would ascend even though she'll now outlive all her friends they never did point out if she's immortal or just longer lived in the show. If it's immortality then she pretty much cursed her. Yah I think it'd be cool at first to but after a few 100 years I could see twilight turning evil due to bitterness about having friends after friends die around her.

8069527 Alternatively, Shining isn't so bothered here because he's been cheating on Cadance as well with someone else. Doesn't necessarily matter who, but having an outside relationship might temper any rage he might feel...or make it worse. Depends on his personality.

“He’s my stallion, my Shining Armor, and I’ll would do anything and everything to never lose him again.” She set her jaw, flicking her chin up.

Luna’s eyebrow rose, then she turned to Celestia. “Do you think being completely mad is a trait for young alicorns?”

Luna is now my favorite character in this story. Seriously, she gets it. Bitch be crazy.
Also, young alicorns being nuts is actually a really fun idea, I must say.

Well Cadance you have finally "explained" your reason for not doing what the Cakes did and talking with your husband about surrogacy, but it still doesn't "excuse" it... Furthermore, getting caught cheating on your husband has a far more likely chance of making him leave you than telling him you can't bare children, but she couldn't have foreseen how clingy Celestia would be.

Anyway, for whatever reason, it's good that Shining is so forgiving, only down side to that is that Cadance pretty much is gonna get away with all her actions scott free. But hey, onward to the clop.

8069451 still cheating in my books .....hymn dont wanna lose him so ill cheat on him and lie to him ill never get caught and I'll cheat with luna next and claim it's his foal too... thank God luna was upfront with shiny about it unlike celestia. It was never stated wether celestia can make a mare fertile outside of a sexual relationship as luna proved she just has to be in the mood to make a mare fertile not that her seed makes them fertile also Luna pointed out adoption or they coulda approached one of twilight's friends to become a serogate mother(broodmare) I don't see shining having a problem with that as long as cadance was happy with the foal. He might of liked the sex but he still thought it was cadance at the time she could look at it that he loved her for her body which is shallow to the extreme but it was cadances body.....the brainwashing was really just her weakening his willpower over time till she needed to really hit home when the shield needed to be down. His attitude towards twilight for example .... he kicked her out of the wedding not because he was brainwashed to but because he thought she was being mean to cadance and was accusing her of something he thought she wasn't guilty of. Remember she fooled celestia to so why wouldn't shining of been fooled also.

You really are spoiling us with these stories lately. Please don't stop. ❤

Oh hell yes there's a sequel

Luna always seemed like a very deadpan character to me, the kind that will ask you to your face if you are being an idiot on purpose or if you are just that dumb. Kinda drill sergeant type. Theeeen you have the episode with the Tantabus that tells me maybe she's a total masochist underneath that loves to get spanked because she's been a bad girl... I go with either of those personalities depending on the story.

Shining is a really great guy that is very forgiving yes, but Cadance coming away completely scot-free? I dunno about that. Sexy punishment is still punishment. I think?

Wish I could write more, but happy to provide! Next chapter shouldn't be too long of a wait, though I mostly only have week ends to write.

Oh hey Blissey! Yep, sequel with 100% more futa princess, 100% more characters, and 0% more shame. The budget ran out for the shame department. Hope you enjoy!

That's some twisted mindset she's got there.
Judging from the swinging tag I suppose there isn't going to be any significant friction from this. I still hope that there's some repercussions to this--on all of their sides. Trying to get a baby in a nontraditional manner--even if it's by sleeping with someone else!--is perfectly fine so long as both halves of the couple take the time to actually talk it over and come to mutual acceptance over it. Even one infidelity to get pregnant, then abandoned, could be considered with the realms of not-really-that-bad... but with the other options she had, and the continued relationship afterwards, and the deception?
Even leaving the getting-a-foal part alone, there's something seriously wrong with her, and she needs a psychologist. Was there some sort of need for self-validation wrapped up in this?

Well... maybe not Luna. It looks like she told Shining Armor beforehand, and got the OK from him to have sex with her to get her to confess. Besides, it doesn't really matter how many people someone's cheating on you with, just that they're cheating at all.
Hm.... how long has he known? I imagine that it's been at least a few days, since the immediate response to learning this would not be calm acceptance no matter who you are. Did Luna seduce or dream-seduce (much easier, if they think it's a dream someone would do things they wouldn't imagine in real life) him before or after telling him, or is his upcoming probably-sex-with-Celestia-or-Luna going to be his first act of extramarital sex?

Luna almost pitied Cadance, to be used in such a way by a distracted lover.

Considering how she treats Cadance's face, I don't think she's in any place to talk. Although perhaps "almost" is the key word.

It seemed Cadance has been on the verge of choking on her cock, she expected better from the Love Princess honestly.

I get that polyamorous relationships were bigger back then and that she's a bit out of touch, but surely she would have learned that bigamy was standard today so Cadance likely wouldn't be that experienced? Does she vastly overestimate the size of stallions such as to think that Cadance might be used to her size?

“And what of thee? Princess of Love, and infidelity? Thou are hardly in any place to give lessons on morality.”

Oh, sick burn... although slightly less so considering that she contributed to it (from Cadance's perspective, as it looks like Shining gave permission).
Also--loved that this rhymed.

“He’s my stallion, my Shining Armor, and I’ll would do anything and everything to never lose him again.”

I find this absolutely hilarious coming from the someone who's still got cum on her from Celestia's earlier ejaculations. Also, there's a grammar issue there-- "I'll would".

Yeah, I wanted to play around with Cadance's twisted side in this story, trying to ride the line between desperate and nutty, without falling into complete a complete heartless bitch. Results may vary depending on the reader.

Does she vastly overestimate the size of stallions such as to think that Cadance might be used to her size?

Well Luna in this hasn't had much interest in stallions, contrary to Celestia, but I'd say it's mostly because she thought the LOVE Princess would be prepared for her. Also, she ain't the most gentle lover.

Fixed the typo, danke!

His gaze then turned to a shocked Celestia, and his eyes twinkled with mischief, and just a hint of lust. “And I do looooove sharing.”

In order to secure his position in his marriage from her, Shining should totally fuck a baby in Celestia. Or at least that's exactly what came to my mind when you said earlier in the comments that Celestia's fertility goes both ways.

So, after rereading the story I realized how perfect it would be to see Shining knock up both Celestia and Luna. Cadance and Shining would each end up with a kid from both princesses. That would be pretty fucking awesome.:raritystarry:
And then they could nail Twilight and complete the set.

Hasn't it occurred to any of the princesses that Shining can now knock Cadance up the same way Luna did? Let Celestia warm her up and then let Shining finish the rest. Problem solved.

And geez, you're adding another dick to the mix. I would love it if this blew up in Shining's face and he got turned into Gleaming Shield. And maybe Cadance impregnates 'him' :o. Or other stuff.


Seriously this story was amazing. Both incredibly hot, sexy, and all of the UNF! (Futa Princesses, breeding, Princest, (potentially) royal orgies. this thing is like a perfect checklist of my favorite kinks, just get Twi into the incestuous pony pussy pounding pile and I'm set.) And the story uses them well. There is more here then just mindless sex, they are characters and have motivations beyond "Give the reader something to jerk off to".

As to that.. seriously.. what is with all the hate for the characters? For one, you always need to keep in mind the genre a work is in, I'[m not going to just dismiss it s 'it's clop don't think about it' because the story does to good a job with characters to get that. But you do need to take into account aspects of what type of story it's trying to be. Acting like this needs to have soap opera level drama and revenge and consequences is absurd. Second, it's ponies. One thing that has been made clear over, and over, and over, and over, is that to ponies, WHY a character does something wrong is the most important thing. Id they can understand the reason, if it's something beyond "I'm an asshole" if they had a reason that makes sense, and it's clear this is something they've learned a lesson from. Pretty much anything can be forgiven. FURTHER.. not everyone will treat situations the same way. What if Shining is just that nice and simply incredibly open to the idea of an open relationship?

Now yes, Cadance screwed up, she should have talked to Shining about this from the start. She was in the wrong there, no question. But hounding for her to be punished for it after the fact...... why? The situation is dealt with, it wasn't a lack of love for Shining that prompted it but rather how much she did love him, and an irrational fear of losing him. Things Shining seems to understand. Ponies have a very very heavy 'The past is in the past" mentality and don't tend to dwell on past mistakes so long as it's clear the pony learned from it and isn't going to repeat them. The issue has been dealt with, now the four of them can move on and see how to deal with it from hear.

Hopefully it's Luna getting her prize of getting the rut a foal into Cadance, while Shining gets to tell Celestia to bend over, but that's just my kinks talking. Though I'm rather sure Luna just set this all up for the reveal, and to give Shining a chance to have his foal with Cadance. Still, now that it's started, why not ALL the breeding?

Seriously, this story is amazing and the characters are so well done.. knock it off with the irrational hate and yelling for 'punishment' that is just a thinly veiled cry for 'vengeance' of one form or another and utterly pointless, if not bordering on sadistic.

I ain't saying nothing :twilightsmile:

Celestia only made Cadance go into heat, she still can't have a foal with a normal stallion. I had a feeling I hadn't been clear enough in this chapter, maybe gonna tweak some things. As for Gleaning, I mean, there's already 3 dicks and 3 wombs to go around, who knows what combinations can happen, no need to add more. But then again... If Cadance went another route... Maybe a 'what if' chapter... Erf you gave me an idea, but I don't guaranty it will happen.

Thanks for the praise, glad you liked the story so much! Don't worry though, I totally understand people not liking Cadance/Celestia in this, they aren't really "good guys" in a sense. People disliking a character that has been written to be a "bad guy" is totally normal, and I do appreciate people telling me when I go to far in one direction or the other. There's a difference between complaining that a character has been badly written, and hating on a character for having been written to be bad; both complaints have their own value. I'm far from being good enough to ignore critique.

I gave you an idea hmmm?:duck:. That'd be great, Gleaming Shield is a hot piece of ass.

And well, if I recall correctly, your description in the story was Cadance going in heat, egg getting into position and all that stuff. I don't see how adding Shining's sperm to that mix wouldn't result in pregnancy?

There's a lot of ways to be infertile, and it's mostly due not to a lack of cycle, but to a barren womb (uterus can't sustain fœtus); at least that's what I know from animal husbandry courses, dunno if that applies to humans. Imagine magical sperm making a magical embryo that will magically turn into a magical foal where no other would grow.

All in all: magic! :pinkiecrazy:

So technically, Cadance's eggs aren't infertile, just her womb. So if she were to be given a cock, her fertile eggs turning into fertile sperm, she'd be 'able' to impregnate.

Y'know, if going by the Gleaming Shield avenue, that'd be probably the next best thing possible for them to have a kid all their own.

8069937 I for one would walk the fuck away. I'm not going to dedicate love to someone if that person is going to get nailed left and right by other people. I get that there are different types of relationships but give me the damn choice to choose.

I've also notice this cuckolded bullshit is very prevalent among the guys. Why is this so popular? Fuck this shit!

8069393 pathetic reasoning to keep the clop going is all.

8071730 I would walk right outta there too. Just saying, if he could shrug this off, good for him personally. A lot less heartache on his part.

Well, sorry you don't like the theme of the story, I guess it's not for you, that's fine.
Why you felt the need to comment just to basically say "why do you like what I dislike" mystifies me.

8071138 I do agree there is hating on a character because the story makes them suck, and hating on one because the story wants you to.

I just don't see that being the case here. Yeah they screwed up, they were in the wrong to handle it like they did..... but apparently Shining understands, and it's not like it's THAT big a deal at all. Again.. we've seen ripping the space time continuum a new one repeatedly resulting in horrible shit after horrible shit, just out of revenge be forgiven with little more then a "We're going to keep you around where we can keep an eye on you for a few months just to be sure."

Were Cadance and Tia wrong. Yes. Were they the utter despicable horrible monsters these comments seem to be making them out to be... not even close. Just the overreaction is more what I was countering. They made a mistake, for reasons that, though irrational, made sense to them, and are understandable from their PoV. The only party that has any actual reason to be hurt by it understands and is fine with it now that he knows.... so yeah fail to see the huge problem here.

Also yeah, the whole, just how knocking up Cadance works was a bit to vague, given some of the lines Luna had, it made it seem that they just needed Tia to get her in heat.

8071813 I'm talking about my personal feelings of cuckoldry in general. It's not a bad story, it does what is supposed to do get people turned on.

Hmmm, gonna have to go over it again to see if I can make it clearer then, should have some time in the morning before going to day shift. I have some ideas.

8071921 Okay looking back over it

Still, Luna wasn’t interested in her mouth, and her cock was still primed and ready to breed her, now that she was in heat, courtesy of her sister. A normal stallion would not be able to impregnate her, even in this state, but Luna was more than able

yeah it does state that just, kind of got lost amidst all the other stuff that was going on and how before that, it said Cadance had released an egg to be fertilized, the whole thing is a bit :rainbowhuh: in just how that could work, given the most common thing people thing of with 'infertile' is that they simply don't produce eggs that can be fertilized. Here... the issue is that the eggs can't implant in her womb? Harder to see how just being extra super virile could fix that, and goes against some of how it's been worded....

Might be a case of "too much information" actually, since the bit about Cadance going in heat and what Luna needed is disjointed, the two pieces of info don't click. Let me see...

Edit: actually, I'm over complicating things for nothing really, gonna tweak a few things, then go another route for next chapter.

YYYESSSSS shining finally gets involved!


since the bit about Cadance going in heat and what Luna needed is disjointed, the two pieces of info don't click. Let me see...

That does seem to be the case, the first sets up things going a certain way, then later information doesn't quite support that.

I know right? Poor fucker needed a break, felt super bad for him in the prequel. Now he can join the fun!

Yep, in hindsight trying to go the route of "Celestia makes her fertile but not really" is just stupid, I should have known better. Like, that was the whole point of Celestia's power, that was why Luna needed her in my first draft, I added the heat only thing I have no idea why anymore. I'm going back to that first approach. Pretty sure I just got lost in the plot threads because I had to write little by little for lack of time, things got disjointed, lost track of the big picture, didn't take the time to step back.

Won't make this mistake again. Cheers mate.

8071747 it is just a story after all its not like this is real it's up to the authors to set its goals hell if the author wanted shining to take it up the rump from celestia next I'm cool with it. I was just saying from my perspective I just can't see why shining wasn't more pissed but like I said in one of my earlier statements we could find out he has been cheating with luna and he has no room to judge cadance which is why he wasn't to upset we shall see next chapter..... or the author could go the cool route and have twilight run in and scream shining I'm pregnant with your foal and I'd fist pump. lol.yes that last statement was a joke.

8072567 I know, it's hard to try not to react that way because we often lot ourselves in that position. I understand its just a story, and how people react sometimes is a bit unrealistic.

No one in this story is a mentally healthy individual.

Shining Armor's carte blanche approach comes closest, but even that's aneurotypical.

Everyone here is pretty fucked up

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