• Member Since 26th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen 17 minutes ago

Some Leech

I...I am a monument to all your sins...


Comments ( 37 )

That's definitely a story.

That's definitely a comment

This is definitely a reply

That escalated quickly :o

The plot doesn't match the description almost at all. Why?

OK, so after re-reading, the description is technically accurate, just largely unrepresentative of the plot.

The description:
1. Rarity is filled with inspiration to design a maternity line
a) after a request from Sassy
b) she's determined about it
2. Sassy helps her in an unusual way

Given what the description emphasizes, this being a clopfic, and the tags, you'd expect that the maternity line is Rarity's primary motivation for having sex. She asks Sassy to impregnate and cumflate her to attain a pregnant figure which will help her with the line. Or Sassy proposes such a thing. Or vice versa, since nothing in the description indicates who is futa and who gets impregnated. And since it was apparently important enough to include in the two sentences of description, one might expect the fic to start with the request and subsequent fires of inspiration, perhaps as further fetish fuel/buildup.

On the other hand the actual plot is that Sassy's genital concealment device is malfunctioning, the only (immediate, temporary) solution is for Sassy to get off, which Rarity helps with. Both at first are fairly unsure and barely want to do it - mostly as a matter of fixing an inconvenience. It is pretty good for Rarity however, and she begins lusting after Sassy. This coincides with the start of her heat. The next week she asks to "help" Sassy again, to satisfy her lust.

They happen to be working on a maternity line at the time, and Rarity is feeling inspired - but it's basically beside the point to the fic and is given little attention. There is a line about modeling her line, which makes Rarity want to be pregnant instead of just not caring about it b/c she's so horny, but that's it really.

On a more positive note, I like the way you write Sassy topping, it's really pretty hot!

Thank you for the input but I don't want to spoil the entire story with the description. I choose to use the descriptions as something like a trailer or teaser for the fic, using just enough to draw you in while not revealing everything. Think of it like a movie, who's going to go see a movie if they know exactly what's going to happen? A nebulous element tends to draw readers/viewers in because they want to see what's going to happen or how things work together. Regardless I hope you enjoyed it, I've got plenty more stories to come! ^^

I think i know where the inspiration for this came from.....

It's in the description, two SFM animations that are very lewd ;>u>

never thought they'd be made into a clopfic though.....:twilightoops:

Some of what Sassy does have me a little suspicious.
I think she might have been planning this.

Is the title supposed to be Latin? If it is, I think it should be Luxus Maternitatis.

Too late now! 6u9 Damn you google translate!!!

Liking this.

Is there another one that more of a forbidden relationship?

This was really hot. I'd love to see a sequel.

lewd as hell, love it. Though the peek bit of action was a bit short, I expected Rarity getting bred under a table to get dragged out much longer. Maybe have Sassy fill her up more than once.

Why couldn't Rarity have just given a blowjob?

Because the plot dictates otherwise! >u>

I know but you should include some reason why a blowjob isn't going to cut it.

Sassy wouldn't be that controlled at the end. She is very excitable and easily get's carried away so she would be a lot more awkward.

Well given the fact that Sassy has a cock, and this is a work of fiction, my rebuttal is thus:


I'm not saying it's bad. But it might just be something worth considering.

Ah, I love futa impregnation, and it's fun seeing Rarity, one normally seen as a top, as a bottom in the relationship. My only regret is the story doesn't show the months later segment with Rarity's big pregnant belly and popped belly button, or the little foal running around the shop.

Curious, is this also the rough version that inspired the animations??? The google doc link about the teleporting panties and sassy drugging rarity??? Cause this seems to use a lot of stuff from it just in different context and more...nuanced writing then what i was reading (both are still incredibly hot either way)

This story was my homage to an animation a friend of mine did (Hatter's Lye). The animation is a SFM video of Sassy and Rarity but it doesn't involve any drugs or portals. Anyway I hope that helps clear things up and I'm glad you enjoyed it!!!

i'm starting to get pissed when I see impregnation in the description because I know that is never any of the consequences that follow up or about rasing the foal all because somepony couldn't keep it in their pants

sorry about that i did enjoy the story it just pisses me off that their is never any follow up to stories that clearly should have follow up

Well, this was, interesting. You're one of the weirder clop-smiths. Rivaling Dracedomino. Ive....sampled your work, this is the first time I'm commenting om a story of yours though. Kudos.

*Reads Summary*
OHOHOHO I am intrigued! You have got my eccentric attention, let's see where this leads me *puts on blind fold*
Here I go baby! (pun intended, hell yeah!)

Well that certainly was a Good story. Now i can read the sequel

That's some damn good shit!

Hot dayum, I haven’t read a story with sassy in foreve. Well done. Thumbs up!

Pairing Sassy and Rarity together? I like that. Good job

Oh I remember this one.


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