• Member Since 30th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Wednesday


Never satisfied with his own work, but hopes to bring satisfaction to others.


Comments ( 257 )

I had a doubt about the cover image: was I right in censoring the word or can I upload the uncensored version? Is that word considered NSFW?

6179070 Honestly? I have no idea. They've been pretty ambiguous about it in the past, removing stone and deleting others. Don't really matter either way, though, cause the point definitely gets across.

Unrelated to that, I will probably give this a read.

Wonderful work! I very much look forward to the next chapter!

So hawt. Moar please

I presume that two additional chapters will be released, each with adigo's sisters being bred? Then perhaps a "_ years later" chapter?

Regarding the "censor", personally think the "censor" adds more to the cover art tbh :P It'd been more bland without it.

Out of curiosity: Is this the classic "guy with tits" futa (aka: only ever use their penis, which just so happens to be oversized, with the whole story focusing on just how oversized it is, and in all the ways it can be pleasured), or is Chrys actually female, and/or just has a ovipositor (and/or possibly a vag too xP)

As, from the description, it sounds like it's either a run of the mill, R63 Chrys story where he rapes stuff, or one that breaks from the norms and goes with the ovipositor route, possibly even having an actual "female" Chrys. (have yet to see a story where they're not just a guy pretending to be female)

You could always change the cover art to say "bucked" rather than "fucked"
It'd make it more innocent and acceptable.

Edit: Sorry satch for the accidental reply notification. I hadn't meant to tap that button.

I wrote like 7K words in an afternoon, I think I was lost in a fever dream or something, and now I'm structuring all that mess into something readable (more than 10k words as of now in total). So yeah, two more chapters that are pretty much done, but I don't want to release them before I iron out the stupid. As for "years later", that may be a thing.

You like the lil' heart? Yay! I'll leave it like that then, took me like a whole minute in paint or something.
As for Chrysalis' special parts she's usually female, but during her "special period" she grows a dong to create new breeds of changelings, the offsprings taking features from the ponies she chose. Genetics and all that jazz. Then after a new self-sustainable generation of changelings is born (they reproduce with ovipositors and are all hermaphrodites) it just falls off and the queen is 100% female once again.
And the description is proof that I went completely nuts when I wrote the first draft: it was a weird reference to Looney Tunes where Adagio was Bugs Bunny, Aria was Daffy Duck and Chrysalis was Elmer Fudd... And then sonata was that cat that pepe le pew always chased. Fever dream I tells you! So I left just a little reference and cut out the crazy.

The heart was pretty easy, but I have no idea how to write something that will look like cursive on a slant like the paper is. Get this: just to add the "S" at "waifu" I took the bottom half of the "D" and made a collage.

Please more, it can't end here!

Of course it can't end here, Chrysalis can't leave it at 1/3 of the job! That's just lazy, and Chryssi don't do lazy.


That'ls good. I'm interested what happens when she fucks submissive scared Sonata, or will there be oral\anal or fetishes, before main course of impregnation.

Sorry my good sir, but anal is not on the menu. I don't think I could write anal without barfing on my keyboard. You know the way it's all clean in porn movies and there never is any "leftovers" back there? Yeah. They clean themselves up before filming it. I didn't know that when I was younger :pinkiesick:
Oral there will be, and other delicious treats. But no chocolate ice-cream: the stains never leave...


Yeah, I know anal need preparations, but in wonderful magical land of ponies possibilities are endless. Sirens only got magically created pony-bodies upon travel, they can be 'clean' everywhere for now, or maybe Chrysalis has magic and power to perform sexy incantation created for this specific purpose. After all, releasing so much cum is Chryssy here is impossible for our stupid real-life , but she managed.

So, with help of magic, Queen can pound some deliciously tight ponuts without fear of encountering 'chocolate' =P

Self cleaning magical ponuts? That's just crazy. You're crazy. Stop being crazy.
Maybe I'll try to write something with some backdoor action, maybe with a drone and a pony, since drones have ovipositors and eggs can thrive anywhere... GAH you're making me consider it seriously, stop it!


You have magically forming phallus with endless stream of cum that would've drained Chryssy's body fluids. Spell for backdoor cleaning is absolutely possible within this realm of possibilities. And very sexy. And kinda, I think, something Chryssy will try as punishment for cheeky Aria or as a reward for her drone.

And I won't stop being crazy. If being crazy gets me buttsex, I don't want to be normal.

... I really like that Aria idea. Keeping it in my crazy ideas folder for later.
I'll just imagine that ponies never go to the bathroom, or when they to it's to expel liquid rainbows. What if the rainbow factory was actually one huge sewage treatment plant?

I'm hoping the Comedy tag kicks in soon.


But bellies full with cum are funny, right?

6181414 Eh, I've never been comfortable with rape in stories, no matter what accompanies it. And yes, I know you're not supposed to feel "comfortable" when it comes to rape, but it's one of those things that I especially despise.


Don't like - don't read, yes? I despise many things, I see = I close fic. This one is delightful rape-fic with nicely written plot, very hot action and possibility to expant into three-parter if author isn't lazy. Its very possible that 'comedy' will be funny only to those who like this type of fics.

6181458 I still kind of want to see how the Comedy tag will manifest: maybe the tables turn or something, I've always been fond of things like that. Either way, I'm gonna keep reading. :twilightsmile:


You know, super sexy thing that can happen? Chryssy rapes all three, they breed new changelings, 'lings think those breedmothers are Queens and obey them, Sirens get cocks and Queen status, get back to Chrysalis by fucking her three-way and turning HER into broodmare.


6181492 Ehh, too slow. Maybe one of the other two goes She-Hulk when Chrysalis goes after Sonata and they forcibly use her to make their own changeling army. Just imagine Chrysalis chained up in the cave, used only once every few months and left to stew in her own unquenchable arousal with no means of relieving herself.

I have a thing for comeuppance.


Aww, but I want all three Sirens to be fucked silly before Chryssy gets her comeuppearance.

I agree, I don't like it when the bad guy doesn't receive at least some sort of karmic retribution by the end. Good thing Aria is such a tough bitch in my story eh?
As for comedy I can't promise you will laugh, but I can tell you that I did crack up multiple times while writing the whole thing, so I hope the next chapters will tickle your funny bone in some way.

6181552 From what I recall Sonata is the last one Chryssy goes for, so they do still get fucked silly. I dunno, I reckon the revenge needs to not be delayed too much otherwise it'll lose it's punch.

6181560 Ah, jolly good. I look forward to seeing which direction you'll take this.


For me, getting villain think he's won and then taking everything he's acquired for youself and switching roles - best karma. To each their own, but quick revenge is... so un-satisfying to me. But alas, all in Armadillo's hands and we shall wait and see.

But if you come just to tell me that this is one of the most disgusting things you have ever read... I know. And I love it.

You aren't even close to what I consider disgusting. )

It's pretty funny actually, thinking you are into some real fucked up shit then a comment on your story makes you realize you're pretty vanilla in comparison to some. That's why I love the internet.
As for revenge the way it's gonna go down is already set, sorry not sorry
We'll see if you like it anyway.


I admit, me after internets will probably shock the hell out of me before internet. Its amazing how your perception of what is disgusting, can change over time.

I hope you'll update soon, I've had stories updating chapter every other month...

Next chapter is technically done actually, and so is the next one. I just want to take some time to find all the little errors. If all goes well it's one chapter today and the other tomorrow or Friday.

Like I said in another comment: I went crazy Monday night and wrote like 6K words without stopping, this is the result after structuring the mess from that day. So all the story is already written, it just needs polish.

Throw crystal meth into trashcan.
Watch racoons.

Illegal raccoon fighting rings spreading all over Canterlot city, only suspects are three teenage looking girls.
In other news record quantity of meth stolen from police vault. Heisenberg strikes again?

THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE! No wait, it doesn't

You sure showed that one random commenter. Dark stories tagged with rape don't normally score this high.

Huh, with fics, it's hard to tell if it's more enjoyable if it's the good guys or bad on the receiving end of this treatment.
Well, enjoyable either way. Wouldn't Chrysalis need a break in between each one?

Compared to stories like Celestia's Relaxing Vacation and it's sibling stories this is very tame. The internet is scary, scary place to explore, but we can't stop ourselves from diving right into it.

Anyway I hope you write other stories after this one is completed. Maybe one in which Sonata tries to fix her pedant and ends up as a futa who is irresistible to the ladies.

Okay now I want to see racoons get high on meth and go all crazy.

6183262 i want to read about her little pussy being destroyed again and again!!!!!

I really doubt a creature that literally feeds on emotions will be that easy to control. Oh well, I'll see.

Thank you, your story really was what pushed me to try my hand at this. And I believe that it's harder to get a good ratio (like the one you got on A Changeling Invasion) when you have the anthro tag. Not my favorite genre, but I don't understand why people downvote anthro stories just for having the tag.
And I'm still going to try writing a clop that involves a changeling, eggs and no rape.

Well she did fall on her ass from exhaustion. Poor Chryssi, all tuckered out and still only two thirds of the way in.

You know things are bad when rape stories are the new vanilla. Someone really needs to chuck so Holy Water on the internet servers, I'm sure it will do the job.

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