• Published 18th Mar 2017
  • 5,265 Views, 134 Comments

I AM Human - Synthetic Soul

It's been a year since Luna's son died. But he might not be as dead as she thought.

  • ...

Chapter 9.


Luna slammed her rear hooves into the metal bars of the prison cell. The bars vibrated, but didn’t break or budge. The ponies had been trying to think of a way to break free of their imprisonment. Nothing had worked. With the suppressors on their horns, the magic using ponies had no way of getting out. So, they had decided to use physical means to escape. But despite the Alicorns and Earth Ponies strength, they were unable to break free. Everyone had stopped, except Luna, who was still hammering away at the bars.


Luna cried out as she slammed her rear hooves against the cell door. She tried again and again, but it just wouldn’t work.

“It’s no use Luna, those bars are magically reinforced,” said Celestia.

“Well, we can’t just sit here and do nothing! We have to stop the changelings! We have to save Midnight,” replied a passionate Luna.

“I agree, but this is clearly not working. We need to think of a plan,” said Celestia.

Luna, taking in her sister’s words, stopped her assault on the bars.

“Alright…so…anyone have any ideas?” questioned the Alicorn.

Everyone was silent for a moment as they tried to think.

“I don’t suppose you have a key to this cell in your mane, do you Pinkie?” asked Rarity.

The pink earth pony reached into her messy mane, feeling around for the requested object.

“Hmm…lets see…hoof file, no…prison shank, no... sorry guys, no key,” said Pinkie, dismissing the pony’s hopes.

“Great, so we’re just stuck here, with no way out!” grumbled Rainbow Dash.

“It looks like it,” said Applejack.

“I refuse to give up,” stated Luna after a few moments of silence. “I will do whatever it takes to save-“

Suddenly, there was a bright flash a few feet away from the ponies cell. And there, standing right in front of them was the last pony they expected to see.

“-Midnight?” finished Luna, mouth agape.

“Don’t call me that,” said the colt as he closed the distance between himself and the cell door. He levitated a key into the lock, and turned it. The ponies could hear the door being unlocked, which was followed by Tristan yanking it open.

“W-wait, what’s going on?” questioned Fluttershy.

“I’m springing you jerks, on the condition that you take me with you.”

The ponies started to exit the cell. Luna was the last one to exit, though she stopped when she passed in front of her son.

“I thought you were with the changelings?” questioned the Alicorn.

“So did I,” replied the colt with his eyes downcast. Luna felt that she should press further…but she knew that wouldn’t be wise. She could tell that he still didn’t trust her, and that he needed something from her and the others. She wouldn’t press…for now.

“Alright, listen up,” said Tristan, moving to the front of the group. “I don’t like you and you don’t like me, but as of now, it looks like we need each other.”

“I like you!” exclaimed Pinkie.

“Shuddup,” replied the prince. He then resumed his speech. “As I was saying, we need each other. I can’t stay here any longer.”

“Why not?” questioned Twilight. After a few moments, Tristan responded with a grumpy expression.

“It appears I can’t trust anyone in this world…. Anyway, we need to get out of here. I’ll act like I’m bringing you to the throne room where Chrysalis is, but we’ll actually be making our way to the exit. Once we sneak out of Canterlot, we’ll split ways. You go your way, I’ll go mine.”

“All by yourself?” questioned Luna worriedly. “But Mi-Tristan, won’t the changelings come after you?”

“I can take care of myself,” said the colt. The ponies didn’t seem happy with that response, but didn’t say anything. Though, in her head, Luna was not willing to let her son go off into the world alone.

“Alright, lets go!” He opened the door to the dungeon, and led the ponies out. They entered the halls of the castle and started walking. Tristan walked at next to the group. Though he hadn’t spent as much time in the castle as the ponies, Tristan still knew his way around well enough. They walked at a steady pace so as not to draw suspicion. It wasn’t long however, before a small group of changeling guards appeared, walking towards the group.

“Hey, what are you mules doing out of your cell!” said one of the guards. Tristan quickly made his way to the front of the group and addressed the changelings.

“I’m taking them to the throne room. Queen Chrysalis is ready to dispense of them,” said the hybrid.

“Oh, I see,” said the lead changeling. “Well, in that case, let us escort you. You’ll probably need the extra manpower.”

“Actually, no, I can handle it,” replied Tristan.

“Oh, nonsense! There’s too many of them for one changeling to handle. One could slip away unnoticed, or they could jump you! It wouldn’t be responsible of us to take chances like that,” said the lead changeling, though Tristan could tell the changeling had a tone of facetiousness.

“Really, it’s fin-“

“Uh, uh uh! Nope, sorry, if something were to happen to YOU of all people, why we’d never be able to live with ourselves. Really…we insist.”

Tristan nodded, trying to keep his composure, though inside, he knew what was happening. The changelings saw through him.

The group of changelings took positions around the ponies, and the group continued on. The ponies had looks of worry on their face, while inside his mind; Tristan was trying to think of a way out of this situation. He decided that once they got close enough to the exit, he’d dispatch of the changelings, and make a break for the exit.

The group didn’t make it very far before the head changeling spoke up once again, turning to face the group.

“You know what? It’s not wise to keep the Queen waiting. Let’s take a shortcut!”

Before any of the ponies could respond, the changelings lit their horns. In a flash the group was teleported…right into the throne room.

“Well, well, well, right on time!” came the twisted voice of Queen Chrysalis. Tristan and the ponies looked to see the changeling queen sitting upon the throne.

Changeling guards surrounded the group on all sides. Two guards grabbed Tristan, and started pulling him towards the queen.

“Oh, my dear prince, thank you for bringing the prisoners to me. Though, I have the faintest feeling that wasn’t your intention.”

The hybrid started struggling, but was unable to break from the Changelings grasp. They stopped moving forward, and held him firmly in front of the Queen. Chrysalis got up from the throne and started making her way towards the colt.

“I am so hurt by this breach of trust. Why, after all I’ve done for you, and here I find out you’re trying to help these prisoners escape? Why, I thought we were family!” cried Chrysalis in mock sadness.

“So did I,” replied Tristan angrily. “Then I overheard your plans for me. You were gonna kill me!”

The Queen smirked in response.

“It’s nothing personal, my dear. It’s just that, it is getting increasingly difficult to keep your mind under my control. It seems I can’t do it for much longer. And I don’t like things to be too difficult.”

“Why did you need to control my mind in the first place? I was following you willingly!

“That is true, but I could tell from the start you were weak. That it would take more than a desire for revenge to do what we’ve done to Luna and the ponies. You needed a little push, which I was more than happy to provide. But now, I think I’ve put enough effort into you. So, I’m done with you.”

Tristan was about to reply, but before he could, the voice of Princess Luna could be heard behind him.

“How dare you! You vile witch! That colt has done nothing too you! How could you betray him like that!”

“I could ask you the same thing,” replied Chrysalis, snarkily. The Queen strode past Tristan, and made her way towards the group of ponies.

“You poor, misguided thing. You seem to think that you and I are different. We both used the boy for our own purposes. Me for getting my revenge, and you for fulfilling your long lost delusion of being a mother. The only difference is I am capable of admitting it.”

There was silence for a few moments. All eyes looked to Luna. Her head hung low, and her mane obscured her eyes. It looked like she was going to say nothing. But then she spoke.

“I know,” said Luna in a neutral voice. “I did wrong. I thought only of myself, and what I wanted. I tore a family apart, just to repair my own. I lied and I manipulated. But I would NEVER just throw away a child’s trust! I would never promise my son something, only to stab him in the back once I no longer needed him to accomplish my goals!” tears started to come to her eyes.

“Tristan, I’m sorry! I don’t expect you to forgive me, but I promise that once this is over, I’ll do everything in my power to make it up to you! And even if you hate me until the end of time, I will always love you!”

The colt looked back at his mother with an unreadable expression. He tried to break out of the Changelings grip, but he couldn’t get himself free.

“If I didn’t feed on love, this would sicken me. As it is, I’m starting to feel bloated,” mocked Queen Chrysalis as she started making her way back to the throne.

“Well, Tristan, since all the cats are out of the bag, why don’t we end this story, once and for all.” The Queen stood in front of Tristan with an evil smile.

“Bring it to me,” commanded the Queen. One of her changeling drone’s nodded, and dashed off. He returned with a small ebony chest, with a flowing green gemstone on the front. The Queen took it in her magic and opened it, levitating out a very familiar object.

“That’s the…” started Tristan.

“You are correct, my dear prince. The Alicorn Amulet. We’ve been holding onto it ever since you arrived our hive. I’ve wanted to experiment with it, and now I think the time is finally right.”

“What are you going to do?” questioned the former human. The Queen let out an evil chuckle.

“You’re about to find out.”