• Published 18th Mar 2017
  • 5,265 Views, 134 Comments

I AM Human - Synthetic Soul

It's been a year since Luna's son died. But he might not be as dead as she thought.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Celestia sat in the dining hall, alone, yet again. In front of her sat a plate of pancakes with maple syrup, and a side of berries. Normally, Celestia would have dug into the confection as soon as it was presented to her, what with her sweet tooth and all. But while she had taken a few bites, her hunger was dulled by the fact that Luna was once again absent. Of course they were on different sleep cycles, but in the past Luna would always stop by to greet her sister, and maybe have a snack in the morning. Since the incident though, Luna had taken to sleeping more, and her sleep patterns had been offset. For a while, Luna would be able to summon the strength to join Celestia for breakfast, but it appeared that once again, she didn’t have the energy to even eat.

Celestia looked down at her breakfast. She considered finishing it, and then going to see her sister, but she couldn’t in good conscience gorge herself while Luna was in misery. Pushing the plate aside, Celestia got up from her seat, and made her way out of the dining hall.

As she traveled through the halls, she saw various castle staff going about their day. They would bow, and she would offer a nod in return, but honestly, she wished that instead of a bow of respect, she could receive a simple ‘hello’ a greeting that would come from a friend. But she was the Princess, and with that title came certain…standards.

After a few minutes of walking, the solar princess made it to her sister’s room. Like the instance before, she knocked gently on the wood. Only this time, she received a reply, faint though it was.


“Luna? It’s me, can I come in?”

“I suppose.”

Celestia opened the door, and entered the room. Unlike before, the blinds were not all shut, allowing some of the suns light to enter the room. And unlike before, instead of lying on her bed, Luna was sitting at her desk. It was better than before, even if only a little. Celestia made her way towards her sister, and stopped just behind her, looking over her wither.

“What are you doing?” though Celestia asked the question, she could see what it was that her sister was doing. She was looking through an old photo album, one with pictures…of her and Midnight.

“Just…reveling in better times,” responded Luna. The lunar Alicorn flipped the page of the book, before a small smile graced her face. “I remember when this one was taken.” Celestia looked to see the picture Luna was talking about. She remembered it too. It was when Midnight was a couple months old. It was a sunny day in the gardens of Canterlot. Celestia, Luna, and her son had decided to take a picnic. Celestia could see Luna playing with her child, a smile on both their faces, as well as hers. But Celestia could see something else as well, something in the background. Staring right at the scene some distance away was the statue of Discord, with the three ponies right in his line of vision. Celestia briefly wondered if that’s why Discord targeted the foal. Maybe it was because he saw the happiness that the family was experiencing, while he was stuck in stone.

Celestia cast the thought away. It didn’t matter now. Right now, Celestia had to help her sister. She was in a decent mood today, at least comparatively over the course of the last year. Celestia wanted to keep it that way, maybe even improve it.

“Would you like to go for a walk sister?” questioned Celestia.

“A walk?”

“Yes, in the gardens perhaps. Get some fresh air.” Luna sat there for a moment, considering her sisters request.

“I suppose it couldn’t hurt.” Luna closed the photo album, and stood up from her seat. She made her way over to her dresser, and put on her royal amenities, before turning to face her sister. “Shall we?”

“It is truly a beautiful day today sister,” complemented Luna as the two walked through the gardens.

“Thank you,” replied the older sibling.

“It looks just it did in the photograph. Almost exact in its perfection.”

Celestia looked at her sister, as she herself cast her gaze around the gardens. Celestia knew her sister was still thinking about her lost child. She probably always would, but perhaps Celestia could help Luna remember the good times, instead of the bad.

“You know Luna, I remember how happy you and Brush Stroke where when you found out you were going to have a foal.” Luna gave a lighthearted chuckle in response.

“As do I. And if I recall correctly, you were a little jealous.”

“Only a little,” replied Celestia with a smile.

“A little? You pouted for three strait days,” joked Luna.

“Well, I always thought I would be the first one to settle down, have a family. To be beaten by my baby sister was…a little embarrassing.”

“But then, you came around, and started really supporting us.”

“Yes well, it wasn’t about me. It was about you,” said Celestia.

“And I thank you for all the support you gave us. I remember how excited you became at the prospect of becoming an aunt.”

“Yes, though not nearly as excited as you and Brush. Why, you wouldn’t stop talking about it!” Luna smiled in response.

“I remember watching Brush Stroke paint the walls of the nursery. A beautiful starry night sky, overtop a lush green meadow with ponies young and old enjoying life…I wish he could have at least seen his child.”

“I know. It was a sad day. But there was nothing we could do about it.”

“But there was something I could have done to save Midnight. A lot of things,” said Luna, her mood darkening. Celestia recognized this, and attempted to return the conversation to a happier area.

“I remember how happy Twilight and her friends were as well. We had a special little party, and everypony welcomed Midnight to the world!”

“Yes, it was quite the event. I only wish I could have gotten to spend Midnight’s first birthday with him.”

Silence reined as the two walked through the gardens. It lasted for a few moments, before Luna broke it once again.

“I remember the lullaby I would sing him. I wrote it just for him you know.”

“I remember, it was very beautiful.”

Without realizing it, the two had traveled to the spot that once held Discords statue. Celestia’s eyes widened as she saw where they now were. For instead of the statue of the Lord of Chaos, there now sat a smaller statue. Upon a pillar was a carved symbol, a crescent moon contrast with a paintbrush. And upon the pillar was a small plaque that read: ‘In Memory of Midnight, My Special Prince.’

Celestia knew seeing this would only worsen Luna’s mood. She should have paid more attention to where they were going. She was trying to make Luna feel better, not worse. It seemed that wherever they went, there was always a hallowed reminder of the tragedy that gripped Luna’s heart. Celestia was about to try and get Luna away from the memorial, but before she could try, a faint melody struck her ear. It started off quiet, but steadily grew. It was a song that Celestia had heard before. The song Luna wrote for her son. She was singing it, sitting in front of the grave with her eyes closed peacefully.

Hush my baby, do not cry
Listen to my lullaby
See the moon in the sky
A shining light in your eye

For you I will move mountains and boulders
I will carry your weight on my shoulders
You are my most precious gift
Slip into peace and let your eyes drift
For you I would surrender all my power
Just so your mood would never sour

I love you more than all the rest
I swear to give you my very best
Close your eyes and drift to sleep
I won’t let your fears creep

Sleep now child, I love you so
More than you could ever know

By the end of the lullaby, Luna had tears streaking down her eyes. Before Celestia could comfort her, she collapsed to the ground, her face buried in her forelegs. Celestia gently rubbed her sisters back, trying to take some of the pain away. The two sat like that for a few minutes, before Luna started to calm, or so it would seem. When the crying stopped, Celestia heard her sister’s voice. Only now, it was stained with contempt and anger, not sadness.

“It’s all his fault this happened.”

“His?” questioned Celestia.

“It’s all Discords fault…he took my son from me. If it weren’t for him, none of this would have happened!”

Celestia couldn’t find any words within her to dispute her sister’s claim.

“If he hadn’t sent my son away, he never would have perished like he did! It’s all that damn demons fault! He should be petrified once more! He needs to be punished for what he did!”

“Luna…I agree that Discord did a terrible thing…. but, that was before he was reformed. We’ve pardoned his past, and it wouldn’t be fair to turn him back to stone after all he’s done to make amends.”

“What about what’s fair for me!” screamed Luna, turning her head to look her sister strait in the eye. “What about what’s fair for my son! It is because of Discord that he’s gone! Where’s OUR justice!” Celestia’s eyes only held pity as she looked at her enraged sister. The two just looked at each other, before Luna’s gaze softened, and she looked away from Celestia. “Forget it…”

Celestia just sat there with her sister. The two sat in silence, until Luna rose from her seated position.

“We should return to the castle now.”

“Of course, whatever you wish,” replied Celestia. The two stood up from the ground, and began making their way towards the castle. As they exited the gardens, Celestia tried to once again initiate conversation.

“Luna, I-“ but just then, Luna’s neck went rigid. She quickly turned her head to face a corner of the castle, which lead to a secluded strip of grass.

“Was that?” questioned Luna.


“I think I just saw…it couldn’t be.” But to Luna, it was. She could see him rounding the corner, leaving her field of vision. A colt with silver grey fur, and an ebony mane. She had seen it. She had seen HIM.

“Midnight…I just saw Midnight!” said Luna.

“Luna, that’s not-“ but before Celestia could further object, her younger sister galloped away from her, chasing after the pony she thought was her son.

“Luna, wait! Come back!” But she didn’t listen. So instead, Celestia chased after her sister. It took some work, but she nearly caught up to Luna, before the two rounded the corner of the castle.

“Midnight, is it really yo-“ but as the two sisters rounded the corner, they came skidded to a halt in an attempt to stop from colliding with the pony Luna had been chasing.

When the two princesses got their bearings, they looked to see a very startled green Pegasus with an amber mane standing in front of them. He looked at the two, before remembering he was in the presence of royalty, and quickly bowed before the two.

“Your highnesses,” said the pony.

“Oh, but I…I saw…” stuttered Luna. She could have sworn she saw a pony with the same color scheme as her son, she had SEEN him…unless…. unless her eyes had played a trick on her.

“But…it was…”

“Luna,” said Celestia as she wrapped a wing around her sister.

“It wasn’t him. It couldn’t have been him. It was…just a trick of the eyes.”

Luna’s eyes began to water once again. She had seen him, she had seen her son! But…. the pony she chased, it clearly wasn’t him. But for that brief moment, her heart had jolted. She thought…. well, she honestly didn’t know what she thought. But she had hoped that…

“Was there something you needed form me, your highnesses?” questioned the bowing pony.

Luna started to break down again. Celestia kept her wing around her sister, and began leading her back to the nearest entrance to the castle.

“No, forgive us, we…we just thought you were somepony else.”

“Is Princess Luna alright?”

“Yes, it’s just…it’s been a stressful time for her, for us. Please excuse us.” The two left the confused stallion behind.

“Yes of course,” he said. He stood there, watching the two princesses leave. As he did, his mouth formed a grin. When they were out of earshot, he gave a low chuckle, before turning and heading back the way he was going. In a moment, his eyes flashed emerald green.

“Foolish ponies. Just as we planned.”

Author's Note:

I just finished this chapter, proof read it and put it up. Now, I'm going to an animation film fest thing that I have to go to for my 3D animation class. There's kind of an open mic type thing, so when it's done, I'm going to show everyone this cartoon that I made:

I'm going to get kicked out for sure.