• Published 18th Mar 2017
  • 5,265 Views, 134 Comments

I AM Human - Synthetic Soul

It's been a year since Luna's son died. But he might not be as dead as she thought.

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Chapter 11.

Discord walked through the halls of Canterlot Castle, making his way towards the throne room. He had just teleported into the palace after leaving a yearlong isolation within his own realm of chaos. When Discord had first agreed to help find Luna’s son, he thought he might find a way to redeem his actions, and find peace with Luna. What he did not expect, was that the colt would have enough magical power to turn him to stone without the use of the Elements of Harmony!

Being turned to stone was a nightmare reborn for Discord. He thought after his reformation, he would never have to experience the hell of being completely petrified ever again. He thought he would finally find true peace, having turned away from his darker ways. But no, once again he found himself turned to stone!

That was bad, but Discord thought at the time; ‘At least Fluttershy and her friends will be able to turn me back once they find me.’

But that is not actually what happened. The first ponies to find him were the royal guard, who proceeded to load his statue into a chariot, and fly him back to Canterlot. And Discord was returned to normal, BUT it took the Princesses THREE WHOLE DAYS to do it! Celestia said that they had things they needed to do first, such as attend to the recently amnesiac prince, but that they’d get to it soon…but it took THREE WHOLE DAYS!

‘I mean, how long does it take to use the Elements of Harmony? Ten seconds?’ questioned Discord internally. He knew that it had taken so long because the Princesses, or at least Luna, still harbored a grudge towards what he did, even though he tried to make it right! And he had such an itch that he had to scratch the whole time! When they ponies did eventually release him, Luna had almost immediately requested that Discord create an amusement park for her to take her son too. The Audacity! They took three whole days to release him, and then once they do they ask him for favors?

Discord figured he still kind of owed Luna, so he begrudgingly complied with her request. He then immediately returned to his own realm. The experience drove Discord into solitude, for a few reasons. One, the Princesses didn’t want Midnight to see him. Two, he was scared of invoking a similar reaction from the colt again, and number three, he felt hurt, and betrayed. So, he decided he needed some personal time to reflect. He actually fell asleep for a few months, but when he was awake, he thought deeply on his life. And after a year, he finally felt ready to talk to the Princess’s about the whole thing.

Discord rounded the corner, when he saw the doors to the throne room lying on the ground, shattered into wooden splinters. He saw that in the throne room, a major battle was taking place, between what looked like an insectified Midnight, and the Princesses. Discord stood there, staring wide-eyed at the scene.

“He’s back…” said Discord under his breath, his chest beginning to rise and fall as his breathing rate increased. He saw the young prince fighting his mother and aunt, seemingly more powerful than before.

“I’ll come back later,” said Discord, as he turned and began walking away from the scene.

Celestia flapped her wings with a mighty stroke, and launched into the air, firing a stun spell at Tristan, who dashed backwards, and took to the air to dodge. After he did this, Luna launched forward, and tried to physically subdue her son. She teleported behind him, and wrapped him in a bear hug, so Celestia could make another attempt. But, Tristan’s Alicorn strength was boosted by the amulet he was forced to wear, and he tore out of the hold. He then did a reverse jump kick, planting his rear hoof right into Luna’s gut, causing her to shoot back, strait towards Chrysalis. But the queen acted fast, and casted a brief shield spell, causing Luna to bounce off of the shield, and fall back to the floor. The queen let out an evil laugh as she watched the fight.

“Oh, this is simply delightful! Not only is this amusing to watch, but the raw emotion in the air is enough to indulge on! It tastes simply divine!”

Luna let out a growl as she got to her hooves, looking at the queen through her peripherals.

‘I’ll deal with her later. Midnight comes first.’ Luna looked towards her son, doing battle with Celestia. Tristan had conjured a magical broadsword and was trying to hack Celestia with it. The solar princess had conjured her own saber, and was blocking the blows, being careful not to strike the mind controlled child.

Tristan reared back his magical weapon, and swung it towards Celestia. The princess made to block it, but at that moment the hybrid teleported behind his aunt. Celestia didn’t have time to react as he slashed at her back with his sword. The blade cut into Celestia’s withers, making a half an inch deep cut on her back. The princess let out a cry, as she felt the sharp burn in her flesh.

“Tia!” called Luna. She quickly charged forwards with her wings, and dove at her son. She drove him right into the walls of the throne room, and held him to the wall with her hooves.

“Tristan, you need to stop this right now! Don’t let Chrysalis control you like this! You’re so much stronger than her!”

The glow in the colt’s eyes seemed to wane a bit, and it looked like he was gaining a bit of control.

“Ugh…I…I…” but before the former human could speak properly, the amulet on his neck glowed brighter, with electric sparks bouncing off it. The control he had gained faded away. Before Luna could react, Tristan teleported out of her grip, and appeared right behind her, with the two of them back to back. Tristan reached back, and grabbed Luna with his front hooves, and heaved her over his head, slamming her to the ground, causing an indent in the floor to appear from the force. It knocked the wind out of Luna’s lungs.

As she struggled to breath, Tristan ascended into the air. He hovered there for a few moments, before he started to nose dive down, with his hoof extended. Luna watched as her son rocketed down at her, prepared to deliver a heavy blow. But before he could reach her, Celestia intercepted him, tackling him to the ground. Tristan gasped out, and then delivered a hoof punch to Celestia’s head. She fell to the side, allowing Tristan to get up.

‘This cannot continue, or someone will die,’ thought Luna. She wracked her brain to try to figure out how to end this without someone getting seriously hurt. She had to give Tristan a way to resist Chrysalis’s control.

‘I’ve tried talking to him, and encouraging his resistance, but that isn’t enough. I need a way to sever Chrysalis’s connection to him…’ Luna bit her lip as she tried to come up with a solution. She shut her eyes and tried to think. When she opened them, she noticed something in the corner of her eye. She quickly turned her head, and saw something on the ground that caused her eyes to go wide.

‘Of course! How did I not think of it before?’ Luna looked to see that Chrysalis and Tristan weren’t currently focused on her. Knowing this, Luna used her magic to lift up one of the discarded magic suppressor rings. She quickly tucked it away in her right wing.

‘If I can suppress his magic, he won’t be able to fight, and Chrysalis won’t be able to use him as a weapon. I just need to find a way to get it on his horn.’

Luna did not have time to think however, as she heard the pained cries of her sister, as Tristan ferociously beat her with his hooves. Luna clenched her teeth as her sister being brutalized in such a way. Without truly thinking, she spoke out.

“Tristan!” The colt looked towards her, with a feral look in his eyes.

“Tristan, I’m the one who hurt you! Why are you taking your anger out on my sister? I’m the one you want!”

Tristan released Celestia, and turned to face Luna.

“Well, someone can’t wait to die,” said Chrysalis as she licked her lips. “You can finish off Celestia afterwards. Take Luna down! Destroy her!”

Tristan dashed forward like a rocket. In a matter of seconds, he had crossed the distance, and tackled Luna to the ground. He immediately started bashing Luna’s body with his hooves. Luna let out cries of pain as her son buried his hooves in her torso. It seemed he was intent on crushing her ribs. She didn’t have much time. She opened her wing, and grabbed the ring with her right hoof.

Tristan reared back his foreleg, and used his changeling magic to sharpen the hoof to a fine, hard point. Luna’s eyes widened as she saw this. She acted as fast as she moved the ring towards Tristan’s horn. Tristan and Luna’s arms moved at the same time, the colt aiming his bladelike hoof towards Luna’s chest, while the mother moved her hoof to place the ring on Tristan’s horn.

Luna placed the ring on Tristan’s horn, letting out a sigh of relief. Then a cry of pain, as the sharpened hoof pierced her chest.

Author's Note:

Alright, the next chapter is here! Only a few more chapters to go, until this story is complete! Sorry this took so long, but now that I'm done with full time school for the summer, I have more time to write.

And now a word from our sponsors (me): "Hello there? Are you tired of reading my stories for free? Of course you are, because anything that is free, is stealing, and no one wants to be a thief! Well, I now you can Buy Me a Coffee! I don't actually like coffee, but don't worry, that's just the name of the sight. Now you can help support me, and help me turn writing into a legitimate living! So give me your money, or else I will break into your house in the middle of the night, and steal your silverware!"

Seriously, no pressure, it's there if you feel like helping out. Writing will continue. I will hopefully be releasing the final chapters soon. Until then, keep...being...alive?