• Published 14th Mar 2017
  • 2,177 Views, 12 Comments

Tales From Tiny Deadpool - ShrunkenBro

Deadpool lands in Equestria.... At about 3 inches tall to everyone.

  • ...

Chapter 6. The Big Crossover... Again

The sun began to rise in Equestria, hitting the eyes of the apple stallion. In his belly, Claire, with her bunny plushie, Deadpool, sucking on his thumb, and Spiderman, still sticking on the stomach walls, all began to slowly wake up.

“... Oh…. Wow it feels like we’ve been asleep for almost a year.” Deadpool yawned rubbing his eyes threw his mask. Deadpool stood up cracking his back, arms, legs and snapped his head left and right. “Man got to get out those month long aches.”

You done?

“Are you gonna take forever again? You're almost as bad as MrAquino with Flutter-Topia.”

No… I’ll try to um get things done.

“You sound unsure of yourself… That’s never a good sign.” Deadpool tapped his chin rubbing as he began to think up something. “Hmm. Well I know someone who can be hear by popular demand.”

“Ugh… Who are you talking too?” Big Macintosh’s voice rumbled echoing around the stomach walls as a small quake rumbled all the tiny humans inside his belly. Spider-Man yelled awake while Claire calmly yawned rubbing her eyes. “Do you have someone else in there?”

“who's there!?” Peter asked. “Is that God!?”

“Nope! Peter New!” Deadpool answered.

“Oh… your friend's in there.” Big Mac spoke. “And Claire, I presume?”

“Right here, papa.” Claire answered, patting the stomach floor. A fleshy wall formed into a bump wear Claire was nudging into her, she giggled hugging the lump of the stomach wall. Outside, Big Mac was nuzzling the side of his belly where Claire was.

“Glad to hear ya’ll are alright, even if that other fellow feels weird with his… climbing.”

“Hey! It’s not like I wanted to be eaten!” Peter replied, sticking to the walls as Big Mac adjusted himself to a more upright position. He rubbed his belly and felt his belly beginning to gurgle, with a loud burp Deadpool, Spider-Man and Claire were sent flying out into Big Mac’s hoof.

“Again! Again! Again!” Deadpool yelled with his hands whaling around.

“No….” Spider-Man mumbled having landed face first into Big Mac’s hoof pad, covered in saliva and other juices. “I thought he would smell, but it’s worse on the inside.”

“Sorry about that.” Big Mac replied, getting a rag and drying off the spider themed hero. “Though I don’t really get why you’re in costume. It’s not Nightmare Night.”

“Um… It's complicated.” Spiderman rubbed the back of his head.

“It has something to do with his Uncle Ben’s Instant Brown rice.” Deadpool was then given a punch in the arm by Spider-Man that instantly snapped his arm. “You can take off your mask, we’re in a different world; nobody is gonna see us.” Deadpool took off his mask showing his ugly, messed up mug. Claire jumped back putting her hands up to her mouth in shock, Big Macintosh cringed looking down at the tiny anti-hero.

“And you need to put it back on.” Peter replied, putting Deadpool’s mask back on.

“So ya’ll are ugly?” Big Mac asked. Claire backed away from the heroes shivering a bit.

“No, its ok look.” Spiderman lifted up his mask showing his face to Claire and Big Mac. “And don’t worry DP here may be ugly but he’s still an…. Okay guy.”

“Aww I love you too Spidy.” Deadpool ran up to Peter hugging him, Peter sighed trying to push Deadpool away.

“Now then how about some breakfast.” Big Macintosh said with a small smile.

“Yay! Yay! Yay!” Both Claire and Deadpool cheered, both Peter and Big Macintosh rolling their eyes at Deadpool.

As the red stallion made his way downstairs and into the kitchen when a sound made the stallion as well as the three Tinies in his hoof take notice. The sound of an ice cream truck.

“ICE CREAM!” Deadpool screamed jumping off Big Mac’s hoof and running out the doggy door leaving behind a trail of smoke.

“Ugh… Damn it Wade…” Peter face palmed himself.


Somewhere far far away from Ponyville in Canterlot Castle two other superheroes looked through some binoculars, seeing the guards on patrol. Of course, these two were Wonder Woman and The Flash.

“Think you can run me in there without us getting spotted?” Wonder Woman asked.

“Eh, silence isn’t really my forte.” The Flash replied. “You saw what happened when I raced Supes around the world… wonder where’s the big guy now?”

“I have no idea, last I heard was that Batman and Superman were having some disagreements again and that was the last anyone saw of them.” Wonder Woman sighed, clenching her fists. “They might be here, and for all we know they could be held captive in there.”

“It’s worth a shot, Diana You ready to make these big ponies feel small?”

“I’ve dealt with bigger.” She readied her lasso of truth, extended her right arm in the air, and flew right in… by smashing through a wall.

“What a woman!” The Flash tapped into the Speed Force, somehow still working in this new world, and ran past Diana and the gigantic horse guards in there.

“What was that!?” One of them asked.

“More importantly, who’s she!?” Another asked, pointing at the lone, 3 inch tall Amazon. Wonder Woman approached to them, readying her lasso of Truth.

“I am Diana of Themyscira, daughter of Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons. In the name of all that is good, you will release these innocent children, or your reign will end.” Both looked confused.

“Uh… is she delusional or…?” The first guard asked.

“Eh, she might make a nice snack.” The other replied, walking to her. Wonder Woman walked to her, picking up her speed, and charge, taking her shield out, and bashed the guard! The guard was tossed into the wall of the hallway, missing the other, crashing through the wall. The other guard turned to her, who cracked her lasso, which glowed with a golden aura. Fear took over the guard.

“Back up! We need back up!”

“When will they ever learn?” She asked herself as the sounds of hooves were heard coming to her.

As the guards ran to Wonder Woman, The Flash ran into Luna’s chambers, seeing the kids around.

“Oh boy, that’s a lot of kids.” He spoke to himself.

“T-The flash!?” One of them asked in pure surprise. “He’s here! The Flash is here!”

“Who’s the flash?” Another asked.

“Who’s the flash!?” Barry asked. “Hello!? Fastest man alive here! Protector of Keystone city! All that good stuff.”

“... I think Luna wanted to surprise us.” Another spoke.

“Luna?” The kids pointed to the princess of the night, who slept with some snores. ‘Oh my god! She’s… she’s hot!... Oh no, Barry, do not get distracted! She’s probably like Enchantress. Mind controlling these kids. If only Dr. Fate was here to get these kids out of their brainwashed selves.’ “Uh… I mean, yes, Luna brought me as a surprise guest for… a field trip! Yep, A field Trip!”

“To where, Mr. Flash?” One of the kids asked.

“A surprise field trip! You’ll have to see it for yourself. Single line please, and hang on… and maybe close your eyes if you have a weak stomach.”

“YAY!!!” The kids cheered, getting into a single line.

‘Well, that was easy.’ Barry thought to himself, grabbing a kid and running out, passing by Wonder Woman (who used her lasso to grab a guard and use them as a huge medieval flail), dropping them off at their base, and returning, all in less than a second. “Next, please!” This continued for a minute or two, with nearly every kid in Luna's room taken away.

“What is going on here!?!” A loud and powerful voice echoed the halls Princess Celestia slowly marched her way down the hall catching a Guard running and screaming. “What's wrong?”

“Powerful Tiny!” The guard gasped for breath. “Really… strong!”

“A strong tiny? Oh, my dear subject, humans are much stronger than they appear, but one can't-” She stopped as she saw the hallways were both badly damaged, and all the guards were on the floor, groaning in pain.

Celestia entered the hallway and walked towards a pile, with the lone Amazon on top, victorious, unharmed, and barely sweating.

“... Did you do all of this?” Celestia only asked, baffled at such a sight. Inside the celestial sun ruler’s mane, Cody peaked out. He had been tucked in there while Celestia relaxed. He climbed up looking over Celestia’s crown at the woman standing on the pile of giants.

Diana happen to notice the boy peeking over the crown of the gigantic horse jumping into action she leaped off the pile and raced towards Celestia, scaling up Celestia’s leg, grabbing into the jewelry on her neck and flipped up into the air, Diana hovered above the surprised Celestia. She shifted downward point her legs into a kick pose kicking Celestia in the side of the face knocking her head back causing the boy to fly out from her crown.

“No! Child!” Celestia shrieked as Cody flinged threw the air. Diana saw him fall and leaped out grabbing ahold and landed on the clear glass floor with a thud.

“Lets go!” Diana held Cody in her arms and ran for the exit, while Celestia collapsed to the floor. She watched Daina running with Cody in her arms.

“No! Give him back… You brute!” Celestia stood up her teeth tightened. The Flash appeared on her nose with the last kid in his arms.

“Smell ya later, Queen Meanie Pants!” He taunted before running away.

“... Luna!” Celestia screamed, running to her sister's room. She gasped upon opening the door, seeing how empty Luna’s room was. “Wake up! Sister, wake up!” Luna groaned, waking up.

“... This better be an emergency or-” She spoke, but was wide wake when Celestia shook her.

“They took them all!”

“... Who took who?” Luna looked around. “Wait… the children!? What happened!? Where are they!? … Who took them?”


“Wait! Celestia! Let me go!” Cody screamed, trying to pry himself free of Wonder Woman’s grasp as she and the Flash arrived to their base of operations.

“Sheesh, this must be some REAL strong magic.” Barry spoke. “And I don't mean the abracadabra type that Zatanna does.”

“No you don’t understand! Take me back there now!” Cody demanded.

“We just risked our lives to get you and all the other children out. There's no way we're going back.”

“Please take us back.” Diana knelt towards him.

“Child, you're not yourself. You miss your family and him, something I can understand, but you and everyone else here are young, easily influenced and brainwashed by their sorcery. We will get you back home, but for now, you must repel their influence. Think about home. Think about your loved ones.”

“Trust me lady, last place I want to be is home, and please try to believe me were not brainwashed I swear were not.” Cody begged.

“So much for being a mother figure to them.” The flash spoke.

“And what would you do to make this better?” Diana replied with some venom in her tone.

“Me? Well… hey kids! Try to count how many armpit farts I can make!” He place his right hand under his left armpit and made many fart sounds in a few seconds. Diana groaned.

“Why do I even ask?”

“Umm… Ms. Diana, you gotta believe me… We were all safe there. The two Sisters were watching over us they didn’t keep us as slaves. They protected us and took care of us.”

“Until there's more solid evidence, you will be safe here, with me.”

“Just you?” Flash asked.

“Yes. We have a lot of mouths to feed, and I only know one man that is fast enough to get groceries and scout ahead.”

“Dang it.”


“ICE CREAAAAAAM!!!!!!!” Deadpool screamed stopping in the middle of Ponyville scanning for any giant Ice cream truck that would be in Ponyville. The music began to ring through the air again, Deadpool’s eyes lit up but turned in surprise to see a normal sized ice cream truck driving through Ponyville. “Hmm odd but I don’t care I WANT ICE CREAM!”

Deadpool went racing for the truck, a big grin could be seen threw his mask.

“Well hello there…. Um little boy?” A jerky voice could heard inside the truck sounding confused. “So what would you like?”

“Gimme a chocolate and vanilla twist with sprinkles and hot fudge!” Deadpool giggled happily like a little girl waiting for his ice cream. The said ice cream approached Deadpool by a long skinny arm in a purple suit. Deadpool lifted his mask and began to devour the cone inside the truck a hardy chuckle could be heard.

“Mmm. Good though I felt something a little solid in that ice cream.” Deadpool itched his chin he heard a beeping sound and noticed a bright red light blinking under his suit suddenly an explosion of fire and splattering blood slapping onto the sides of the truck.

“Goes right thru me everytime.” Deadpool said his top half and legs had been blown apart Deadpool looked over seeing his internal organs and blood spilling out.

“Hahahahaha! That was certainly a tasty treat don’t you think?” The truck doors opened and out came a skinny man with green hair, white skin and purple suit.

“The Joker! Wow this really is becoming an original FanFic.” Deadpool gave a chuckle as Joker stood over him.

“Well now it seems you’re quite the gullible one, well if don’t mind I’m off to go blow up some of those large equines.” Joker laughed stepping into the truck setting up the explosives inside and let the truck go on drive. Deadpool watched as the truck drifted away and the Joker jumping out and ran away laughing.

“Eh all well nobody and nopony is around.” Deadpool shrugged.

“Oh there’s my ice cream truck.” A young British sounding voice called out, Pipsqueak came running over to the truck picking it up and shaking it playfully.

“Wait Pip... NO! Deadpool tried to move using only his arms and hands he tried to wave down the colt to get his attention.

“Vroom! Vroom! Vroom!” Pipsqueak giggled moving the truck back and forth and pushed the truck it raced down a foot away from the colt when suddenly the truck was engulfed in a wave of flames.

Pipsqueak stood there looking down at the truck his shocked eyes and his mouth agaped, tears began to form in his eyes. “Um… Okay… Um… MUM!” Pipsqueak screamed running for home.

“Oh thank God.” Deadpool sighed. “... Oh! Gotta stop him!” Deadpool crawled over to his legs reaching his top half to his legs and stood up only to see his butt was in the place his crotch should be. “Son of a bitch… Man my ass looks good in the spandex.” Deadpool spotted Joker running and skipping throwing bombs everywhere.

“You get a bomb! And you get a bomb! And you get a bomb!” Joker laughed throwing the bombs everywhere, with, in the distant, Michael Bay recording the action.

“Come on, bigger explosions! BIGGER!!!” He shouted. The Joker took notice of this and through a bomb at Michael making the director cheer. “Come on! I said-” An explosion came... followed by another explosion that formed the American Flag.

“Even in death, he's a sellout.” Deadpool went running for Joker with his legs running in a odd way. “Go backwards to go forward!”

Soon Deadpool flipped his top half up into the air reattaching it correctly and ran for the Joker. Deadpool pulled out his guns seeing Joker ready to throw a bomb at filly he aimed at the bomb in his palm and waited as he ran. The crazed clown threw the bomb leaving it inches from his gloved hand, Deadpool took aim and shot. The bullet impacted with the bomb exploding sending the Joker screaming and flailing threw the air battered and bloody.

“Words of advice pedo clown.” Deadpool grabbed the Joker by the neck making him cough up blood. “Don’t ever! And I mean ever hurt kids, and just for putting two in danger.” Deadpool threw the Joker into the dirt and kicked him in the crotch, with Joker screamed his voice went to a higher pitch.

Deadpool grabbed the Joker by the leg and tossing him up and down slamming the frail, crazy clown into the dirt leaving him dazed, grumbling in pain. Deadpool grabbed the Joker by the hair dragging him to a nearby toy train left by some young ponies, Deadpool pinned the Joker into the side of the train he cracked his knuckles, tightening his fists.

“Now to give you a few good whoopins for blowing me up. Funny thing is I never beat anyone for blowing before.” Deadpool railed back, his fist hitting something hard with a thud. Superman walked up beside Deadpool. Little to his knowledge, Deadpool’s fist rubbed up against his crotch, paused in confusion and began to fondle Superman’s crotch. “Recycled Colossus joke?”

Superman grabbed Deadpool by the scruff of his spandex suit and tossed into another track of the toy train making a broken dent in the plastic train. “Alright Deadpool you had your fun, no need to go overboard.”

“Ugh… I thought your powers were gone…” Deadpool grumbled stuck in the plastic dent.

“Superman’s powers are gone, but have returned for some odd reason. This world has some effects on him.” Batman appeared from seemingly nowhere handcuffing the Joker and lifting up his beaten limp body.

“Oh great you brought your emo boyfriend too.” Deadpool joked while peeling himself free, the sound of cracking bones could be heard while Deadpool tried to move. Superman walked over picking up the limp anti-hero.

“I might not be at my full strength, but I can still take you on easily.” Superman said.

“Oh really? Is that the same you said when you battled Darkseid? Doomsday? Or any of your villains that no one cares about?”

“Like you would know about them.”

“I don’t, but the fanboys do! Isn’t that right, DCEU-ers!?” As Deadpool said that tons of loud voices could be heard over the Internet with angry comments, mostly from cynical, emo or incredibly angry 40 year old nerds turning a bright shade of red. A barrage of boos came with petitions to shut down Rotten Tomatoes

“Who are you talking too?” Superman asked

“I don’t know. Ask your rich boyfriend, more beloved Donald Trump?” Batman scowled at Deadpool while holding the Joker up to the train. “Hey don’t look at like that, your the one who freaks if aliens come to Earth.”

“I do what I have to do to protect Gotham!” Batman roared turning away from the Joker and stumped up to the blabbering Anti-hero.

“Same thing Trump says with America!”

More boos came with people defending Batman and saying Deadpool’s overrated. While the two heroes listened to Deadpool’s blabbering the Joker slipped free from the cuffs and began to make a run for it.

“And another thing… Oh hey BatTrump your ex is running away.” Deadpool pointed at the Joker laughing aloud as he skipped and ran.

“JOKER!” Batman roared running after him. “Watch him Superman make sure he doesn't get away.”

“Alone at last. So tell me boy scout do you bleed?” Deadpool asked, putting on the mask of Jigsaw.

“What?” Superman asked in confusion, Deadpool reached into his pocket pulling out a rubber chicken slapping Superman with it. Superman blinked utterly dumbfounded. “Why did you do that?”

“To distract you.” Deadpool pulled out a sword that was made of a green shining crystal Superman panicked letting Deadpool go backing away as he became much weaker.

“A Kryptonite sword? How?” Superman in a panicked state asked as he backed away from Deadpool.

“Simple Supy reasons.” Deadpool charged at Superman taking a swing. Superman dodged leaping to the train with Deadpool following behind. “Boy this could be a cool battle if this toy train started to go.”

“Ready to play trains?” Button Mash’s voice could be heard as a giant shadows casts over the train, Button Mash and Featherweight stood over the train and with a flip of a switch the train started up making a train sound effect and began to run down the plastic tracks.

“Perfect convenient timing, writers!” The train rushed down the tracks making it difficult for the two men to stay balanced Deadpool smiled devilishly under his mask and took a swing at Superman again making the hero jump back missing him. As the toy train began to gain more speed Deadpool backup and leaped up into the air swinging his sword up ready to strike down, Deadpool’s eyes widen when he saw Superman holding a sword holding it up clashing it with Deadpool’s. "WHAT!?! Hey writers what the Hell man why does he have a sword suddenly!”

Its so it can be more of a fair fight Deadpool.

“What fair fight! You didn’t care about fair fights when I blew his brains out in the first $#%@ chapter!”

I’ve matured over the hiatus Deadpool.

“‘Matured’? Really? You’re dealing with the most immature guy every written in media… better than those dumbass Paul brothers, but still.”

The difference between you and the Paul brothers is that you're actually funny and entertaining.

“Awww. You really love me.” Deadpool smiled happily under his mask little love hearts floating around his head, Superman delivered a powerful punch into Deadpool’s face sending him flying into another track.

“Uhhhgg… I hhiinnk I ork ma aaww.” Deadpool snapped his bottom jaw back into place. “There we go, boy that would have been boring if I didn’t talk… Fox.”

“Deadpool this has gone on far enough, you need to turn yourself in.” Superman demanded pointing the blade at Deadpool.

“For?” Deadpool asked using his finger to push away the tip of the blade.

“For attempting murder…”

“Yeah gonna stop you there pal. Sorry, superhero BS, I’ll follow some, but letting crazy @#$@ faced psychopaths like Batman’s clown run free just so he can kill again, yeah sorry not gonna hold back the punches on that.” Deadpool used his feet to kick under Superman’s knocking him down giving Deadpool a chance to jump up and climb up the roof of the train cart. Deadpool got into a fighting stance as Superman jumped up landed on the cart the two swung at each other clashing swords. “Mines bigger!”

“It’s not the size! It’s how you use it!”

“... You got a tiny penis?” Deadpool asked. “Boy Lois must be a very desperate woman.”

Superman roared pushing Deadpool forward making him lose balance and almost fall off the train, Superman ran at Deadpool making Deadpool take swing making the two metals clang loudly.

“Cool. You got living action figures on the train Button.” Featherweight pointed at the two heroes fighting as the train went around in circles.

“Huh… I didn’t add those.” Button Mash replied. “But cool! Let’s make this go faster!”

“Whoa!” Deadpool felt the train going faster and faster making the heroes cling to the sides of the track. “I feel like this is that train scene from The Wolverine!”

Superman punched the train, making everything shake, bouncing him and Deadpool onto the train. The train began to shake more and more, then making it derail. Everything went off, rolling along the floor, making loud noises… to them. Button Mash and Featherweight just saw their train jump off of it’s tracks and roll over to the side.

“Ah come on!” Button complained.

“I think we went too fast there.” Featherweight commented.

Deadpool had landed flat into the dirt making a human sized imprint, Deadpool then pushed himself up cracking his back. “Well that was fun.” Deadpool mumbled he looked up seeing Superman running at him smashing his fist into his jaw sending him flying into another toy. “Ow…”

Superman slowly walked towards Deadpool ready to take him away a giant brown hoof stomped near the red and blue hero, Button Mash stood over him looking down at him with a scowl. “You’ve been a bad toy! You wrecked the train and everything.” Button swipe up Superman and put him inside a jar. “Just for that you’ll be eating all the peas mom gives me.”

And with that Button Mash and Featherweight marched off grabbing their toys and leaving Deadpool behind.

“Yuck I hate peas.” Deadpool cringed. “... Hold up… what was I supposed to do again?”

Rescue Cody with Spiderman, Claire, and Big Mac.

“Oh right. Well sorry you distracted me with ice cream, and its been forever since this Fic was touched.” Deadpool slumped. “Man I wish I could have some right now.” Deadpool then made his way down through Ponyville, as the red Anti-hero walked for a bit and was stopped seeing a giant red furred and yellow hoof slamming down beside him. He looked up, seeing it was Big Mac with Claire and Spider-Man on his head.

“There you are. Where were you?” Spider-Man asked.

“Making nerds cry.” Deadpool walked up to Big Mac’s leg and climbed his way up to the top. “You too, if there’s not enough room.”

“Nope.” Big Mac was quick to snap.

“Wade we need to focus that kid you were trying to save might have been taken by Luna.”

“How do you know?”

“We went to Twilight this morning, she’s making arrangements for us to head to Canterlot right now.”

“Sweet, I can praise the sun and save the kid.” Deadpool chuckled.

“Come on Wade stop thinking on… That and more at the task at hand, please.”

FIIIIIIIIIIIINE!!! Let's make this Fic boring.” Deadpool slumped on Big Mac’s back, right on his hind legs. Big Mac looked back scowling back at him. “Please just a minute. And I’m not going between your big, thick, meaty, booty cheeks...”

“Ahem! Not now.”

While Spider-Man said that Big Mac looked away his eyes twitched seeing Deadpool not sitting on his flank.

“Damn it Wade.” Between Big Mac’s flank cheeks Deadpool had slipped down between them going deep down between them to snuggle into the warm chubby red cheeks.

“Ugh… Fine stay there but when we get ta Twilights your in trouble!” Big Macintosh walked smothering Deadpool into his chubby cheeks while he walked it was going to be a long way to Twilight’s.

“Mmm… so cozy…”

To Be Continued.

Author's Note:

Man its been a while sorry everybody that it took so long I hope you guys like this new chapter and the new arrivals in the story hopefully you guys enjoy this and the future chapters coming up and once again big thanks to MrAquino for helping me get this story going.

See you all next time in Chapter 7.

Comments ( 2 )
Comment posted by ShrunkenBro deleted Feb 22nd, 2020

Oh it was destroyed.

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