• Published 14th Mar 2017
  • 2,176 Views, 12 Comments

Tales From Tiny Deadpool - ShrunkenBro

Deadpool lands in Equestria.... At about 3 inches tall to everyone.

  • ...

Chapter 4. Bromances?

Deadpool was carried away by the brown colt, seemingly powerless against him, due to him being huge and a child, something the mercenary wouldn’t dream of harming. He watched as everything around him bounced and swayed around he tried looking for something. Anything to grab onto, or have a chance to run but how? And if it would be safe that didn’t result in a huge explosion. Sure, he could just get a knife out and cut his foot off, but that would be too disturbing for someone so young, and not to mention that it would be both painful, and take a long time for said foot to grow back (though, dressing up as a pirate would work until then).

“Not to mention the kid could just scoop me up easier since,... Well, one foot.” Deadpool mumbled crossing his arms. Deadpool saw some advantages at his dilemma at Button Mash’s height. He had a better viewpoint of some of ponies. Deadpool saw a mare walking near she had light gray coat and blond mane and tail with bubbles on her flank. “Derpy! Hey! I got muffins!”

“Muffins!?” The mare jumped, looking down at Button Mash she quickly scooped up the colt, with Button screaming, dropping Deadpool.

“FREEDOM!!!” Deadpool screamed suddenly wearing a kilt and having a ginger hair wig on his mask as he ran. Derpy’s gigantic hoof slammed down near him blocking him off.

“Ooo~ Do you have muffins little one?” Derpy quickly dropped Button and lowered her head down towards Deadpool she had a bright smile on her muzzle.

“Ummmm. Nope. Bye!” Deadpool sudden transformed his legs into a spinning circle (and not fidget spinners) and ran off in a loud video game sound. “Gotta go fast!”

Deadpool ran and saw behind him Derpy and Button Mash watching him but her eyes drifted away from him, Deadpool heard a whooshing sound and stopped he looked up. His white eyes went wide as he saw a titanic blue police box sudden appear in front of him.

“Ok, now the Sonic reference was pushing it.” Deadpool continued to watch as the TARDIS appeared in full gigantic glory… before crashing into it like a car. Button Mash picked him up, where Deadpool was dazed.

“Nice try! But you’re going with the others, especially with your brother!” The two ponies stood and watched as the doors suddenly opened a bright light over took them making them block their view and stood a light brown stallion wearing a multicolored, 5 foot long scarf.

“Fezes are cooler than bow ties, bitches.” Deadpool winked. “4th is OTP!”

“This one is weird.” Button spoke, opening his house’s front door and entering. The house itself looked pretty normal, though the place was bigger, and many of the stuff was now ponified. Deadpool saw himself entering Button’s room, which is pretty similar to what most young boys rooms are to be expected. The walls were tan colored, with a purple carpet, and various comic books, toys, clothes (mostly his spinning hats), and video game accessories littered the floor. However, the sight that caught Deadpool off guard was something REALLY weird. Laying on the shelves were various jars, each containing licensed comic book characters from Marvel and DC.

“Way to be specific.”

Button opened one of the jars and dropped him inside it, where he landed on someone familiar.

Deadpool landed with a thud on someone wearing a red and blue costume. They both collapsed into each other landing at the bottom of the jar. Deadpool rubbed his head his vision a little blurred, maybe from falling right on his head or just being tossed around like a rag doll. He looked down, seeing an old friend, a boyfriend, if he were to develop feelings for him.

“Oh, why did he have to throw you in here?” Spider-Man groaned, laying flat on his back.

“SPIDEY!!! Long time, no see? How you doin’ bud?” Deadpool scooped him up in a big bear hug, squeezing him.

“Ow! Ow! Ow! ... Deadpool! You’re crushing my lungs!” Spider-Man huffed patting Deadpool’s shoulder.

“Oh sorry. Well guess you ended up here too huh?”

“Pretty much. Man, all the ponies ever want to do is eat me for some weird reason! I thought we would team up to fight some villains, or, well, even let me pet them..”

“Sorry Spidey. This Equestria’s just full of human nommies.”

“Ahem, I’m here, you’re here, even they’re here!” He pointed to the jars next to them. “In case you haven’t noticed, we’re not normal.”

In the jar next to them was Batman and Superman, both of them looked very unhappy with Deadpool.

“Oh hi! You guys look good after getting a bullet through your brains.” Deadpool chuckled at them.

“When I get out of here,” Batman growled. “You’re going to get a fate worst than death!”

“What’s worst than getting a low score on Rottentomatoes?” Deadpool proceeded to take out and wear a pair of sunglasses, doing the Dap, and had loud music playing that made Spider-Man cover his ears.

“Your actions are very irresponsible!” Superman scowled at Deadpool crossing his arms.

“Whatever,... WAIT! Why aren’t you busting out of here?”

“Something strange happened when Bruce and I entered this odd world. For some odd reason, this place has made me powerless like on planet Krypton so I’m as normal,.. As well you if I can call you normal.”

“Oh sick burn bro.” Deadpool turned around to Spider-Man and put a hand over his mouth.“Not! And thanks for telling us your friend’s name is Bruce!”

“You don’t know my full-!”

“Bruce Wayne! The beloved version of Donald Trump!” More internet comments were thrown at Deadpool saying how Batman isn’t Trump, how Trump sucks, or that he’s a hater… take your pick.

“God damn it. Why are you here?” Batman frowned folding his arms. “And to be fair I’m much richer and nice then the orange.”

“Lost kid, came to save him and get money, got taken here.” He pointed to Spider-Man. “And escaping with my best friend!”

“So it’s a rescue mission?” Superman asked.

“Like you care! You let your dad die in a tornado!”

“Um... my Dad’s alive,...” Superman raised an eyebrow.

“MAN OF STEEL CLIP!!!” A few of the clips made Superman cover his face and hide away.

“We don’t talk about that.” Batman face palmed.

“Anyways. Peter, we need to escape! And by ‘We’, I mean ‘me’, I gotta get outta here, save that kid, and get back to my house so I can watch more Impractical Jokers.”

“Where?!?” Batman screamed making Superman cover his ears.

“Other people here bruce.”

“Right. Well then, I think it’s time we get outta here.” Deadpool pulled out a pistol pointing it at the top of the jar and fired. The bullet hit the top and started ricocheting across the jar. Spider-Man screamed, holding Deadpool in front of him till the bullet burrowed into Deadpool’s forehead causing a slash of blood to hit the glass wall.

“You idiot! These jars are enchanted! I can barely climb on these walls!” Spider-Man shouted, getting Deadpool to stand up. “We need a different plan to escape! And the only way to do so is during… playtime.”

“Re-,.... Rig,... Right….” Deadpool tried to stand up as the hole on his head started healing up. His voice was slurred with half of his mouth missing. “We,... Ju,..Ju-Just gotta wait,.. And maybe,.. Pounce on him when,.. He don’t know.”

“Just relax till your head’s healed up.” Spider-Man dropped Deadpool letting him fall limp. “We might be here for a while… but it’s good to see someone I know… even if you’re an idiot.”


The sound of growls slowly came into Cody’s hearing, as did his sight. Everything was dark, even when his sight came back, though he didn’t know where he was at. All around him was warm wind, not so hot where he’s sweating, but warm enough to not freeze. Followed by the warmth was liquid, most of which he was in, with a few landing on him. However, he felt the floor moving on it’s own, with a rhythm to it… and it felt like flesh. That’s when he got up and looked around, seeing that he was in a stomach with some other kids.

“Ooh! Hello there, little one.” The Motherly voice of Luna echoed around him, which was followed by a Glurk. Following that glurk was a child falling into the stomach, who looked around in fear at their new surrounding, which was followed by Luna letting out a burp, making everything shake. “Mmm… enjoy your stay, little one.”

“... Oh no!” Cody spoke, standing up and running to the wall, smacking it with his fist. “LET ME OUT!!! LET ME OUT!!!” He panicked. Luna continued her walking, but felt him moving and slamming on her stomach wall.

“Well, you’re awake. And don’t worry, you’ll be out soon enough.”

“No! Get me out of here! I got to be with my sister! I need her!!!”

“And you will in the meantime. For now, rest; I see another lost child.”

Cody sighed letting himself flop into the sloppy, slippery wall. He saw no way out, he could feel the walls gurgling, and the swaying around him along with all the other kids. “Is this it?”

“Hey, it's ok buddy.” A kid came over sitting next to Cody. He was a few years younger than him. “Luna’s a great guardian. She’s protected us many times before.”

“What?” Cody looked up at other kid.

“Luna’s swallowed us and other kids before. She keeps us safe in her belly for many nights before.” Another Glurk, followed by another kid entering the stomach. “I know, it’s a bit scary, even I was afraid when she swallowed me, but I find it to be very protective, comfy even, especially when she burps.” A loud growl shook the walls, which was followed by another loud burp by Luna. “Heh, Nice one, Luna!” The indent of Luna’s hoof was shown right behind them.

“Thank you, Charlie. I think that was the best one this week.”

“Whoa.” Cody crawled over to lump of impression of Luna’s hoof he pressed his hands into it feeling the softness of the stomach flesh and the hardness of Luna’s hoof under it. “Man this is so,.. Weird,.. But kind of cool.”

“Don’t be afraid little one, you’ll be fine, I promise.” Luna spoke, continuing her track, looking to the sky. “The dawn will come soon. You should get some sleep before the sun arrives.”

“Thank you Luna.” Cody smiled hugging into the warm stomach wall snuggling into it.

“But pray tell, is this your first day here in Equestria? If so, what happened prior to me swallowing you?”

“Well I was,.. Well just,..” Cody was not really sure about sharing what was going on at home. Things of embarrassment and disappointment were hovering over his head and the thought of it was making him uncomfortable.

“Little one, it's alright, you don’t have to tell me.” Luna’s hoof gently pushed them off of her stomach’s wall. “We can do this tomorrow night if you want.”

“Thank you ma’am.” Cody hugged the stomach wall. Luna smiled before flapping her wings, returning to Canterlot’s castle, feeling rather full and needing to turn in for the day.


Deadpool played his harmonica, wearing a prisoner’s outfit, with a beard somehow sticking out of his mask. Spider-Man just stood next to him with a curious look in his eyes.

“How do you do that?” He asked.

“What?” Deadpool replied.

“All of that.”

“With skillz, my friend. Just like how we’re about to go into Playtime!”

“And how would you know th-?”

“Oh boy! It’s playtime!” Button Mash’s voice spoke, followed by him galloping into his room. “Ok, who should I have an adventure with who?”

“Ooh! How about the 2 of us on an expedition to get the lost treasure of One Eye Willy!” Deadpool suggested.

“Really? The Goonies?” Spider-Man whispered.

“Oh wow! That sounds amazing!” Button replied, turning to his toy chest and pulling out both an eyepatch and a pirate hat. He cleared his throat before turning to his best pirate voice. “ARGG The treasure be by these seas!”

“Arg.” Deadpool replied, wearing his pirate outfit.

“What the-!?” Spider-Man yelled before letting out a defeated sigh. “It’s Deadpool, don’t question it, Peter.”

Button Mash opened the jar, holding Spider-Man and Deadpool, then turned it upside down and held his hoof under it. “Come on little guys that treasure has to be found!”

The two fell onto his hoof, before being held against their will.

“Captain!” Deadpool spoke in his best pirate accent. “We must follow yonder map to find the treasure of Willy!” He held up a makeshift map.

“Yer right, Poopsmith John!” Spider-Man chuckled a bit. “And ye received a demotion, First Mate Smith! Yer now the poopsmith!”

“Dang it.” Spider-Man spoke. Button looked at the map.

“Ah! We’re taking about 50 paces ahead! Follow! One! Two Three!” As Button counted, Deadpool whispered to Spider-Man.

“Alright, hopefully, Button will walk outside, perhaps have us dig, and when he looks away, we’ll book it!”

“And if he doesn’t?” Spider-Man asked.

“Then we declare mutiny against the writers!”


To make sure Deadpool doesn’t throw my friend and I out, Button walked outside with two plastic spoons in his mouth.

“Forty-eight, Forty-nine, Fifty!” Button gently dropped the 2 red wearing men to the floor before giving them their ‘shovels’. “This be the place of the treasure! Start digging, and we’ll get the booty!”

“Mmm… Booty.” Deadpool moaned to himself, then drooled as he remembered Big Mac’s titanic cheeks. Spider-Man just rolled his eyes before digging away.

Deadpool kept thinking of butts while Spider-Man kept digging, not even helping Spider-Man dig. While he was still in a butt thinking faze, Spider-Man stood up and slapped Deadpool in the back of the head, making him jump.

“Ahhh! Assassin!” Deadpool suddenly hit Spider-Man in the back of the head with his shovel. Thankfully, it was a plastic shovel. “Yeah, the movies look overhead that real shovels can kill people with a simple whack to the head.”

Spider-Man slapped Deadpool again and it wasn’t hard to tell he was getting mad at Deadpool. “I’m not gonna dig a hole for nothing! ... Now help me.”

“Alright, fine!” Deadpool began to dig away, until the jingle that makes everyone jump was heard, with the voice of a stallion saying a quote that kids (and some adults) freak out about.

“Ice cream! Get your ice cream!”

“ICE CREAM!!!” Button and Deadpool yelled in Unison. Button ran ahead, and was followed by Deadpool, who was yanked back by Spider-Man.

“Come on! Now’s our chance!” Spider-Man yelled, firing a rope of web to a nearby building.

“But,.. But,.. Ice cream.” Deadpool cried as he was being dragged by his feet. Spider-Man leaped into the air shooting a web shot up to a roof shingle and swung up while dragging Deadpool along.

“No time! Let’s find your kid and get out of here!” They both landed on a rooftop, hiding behind a chimney. “Alright, where’s your kid? We need to get out of here quickly! Who knows how Aunt May’s feeling without me… or Mary Jane for that matter.”

“Oh, alright.” Deadpool pulled himself from Spider-Man’s grip. He brought a finger to his chin, thinking and looked around the town seeing all the ponies walking around and doing their daily routine. “Hmm, I lost the kid somewhere in an alleyway, but I just don’t know where he could be now. I mean anyone could have picked him up.”

“Great.” Spider-Man scanned around for the kid, not spotting anyone, or any human on the ground. He growled looking around still not spotting any human. There was a feeling of gust of wind. Spider-Man didn’t pay much attention to it, but was suddenly yanked back. “WAAHH!”

Deadpool grabbed a hold of Spider-Man’s costume, seeing a gigantic figure fly above them. Both Spider-Man and Deadpool looked up seeing the giant form of Rainbow Dash hovering over them she landed with a loud thud on the shingles.

“NOT YOU!!!” The men shouted in unison.

“Thought you guys could get away huh? Think again.” Rainbow Dash gave a smirk and licked her lips. She slowly walked closer and closer to them, making both men step back with every step she made towards them. “You two are together, good this makes it easier for me.”

“... If you have any poo, fling it now.”Deadpool suggested.

“... Ew!” Spider-Man replied. “Besides, I have a better idea.” He stepped towards the rainbow Mare. “Oi! You want to eat me!? I’m right here!”

“With pleasure!” Rainbow thrusted herself to Peter Parker with an open mouth. Peter smiled under his mask and threw something into her mouth.

“Web grenade!” Rainbow stopped as she felt something small land in her mouth.

“... What did you just-” Her mouth exploded with web in her mouth, effectively making her mouth sticky and not being able to move well.

“Run!!!” Spider-Man turned and ran past Deadpool. The Merc followed, not wanting to get caught by Rainbow again, but stopped before jumping off the building.

“Sorry, Dashie, but I got a kid to save and a huge paycheck to earn!” He jumped off the building, instantly regretting missing the web line next to him. “AHHH!!! POOP!!! MAKE ME LIGHTER!!!” He crashed onto the floor. “... You’ve betrayed me, Patrick Stewart.”

“Get up!” Spider-Man spoke, picking Deadpool and having the two hide under a bush. “Alright, we’re gonna need to retrace your steps to find this kid. Do you have any idea where he’s at?”

“Hmm,... Well not really.” Deadpool looked around he lifted up his mask and stuck his finger in his mouth and then taking it out feeling the air. “Maybe this way!” Deadpool went running down an alleyway with Spider-Man, followed by some webshooting.

Deadpool ran to a bush, seeing some hoof prints in the ground. He flopped down into them, inspecting the walls of the hoofprint, and using himself as a ruler.

“Hmm. Now I’m no expert but,... I’d say Sun Butt came and took him away.” Deadpool raised his hand up with a point.

“Princess Celestia?” Spider-Man asked.

“Yes, but… hold on just a minute!” Deadpool pulled out his smartphone and-Hey! You’re not supposed to do that! “Bite me. … Oh my…”


“...Eh, not to alarm you or anything, but it seems my kid has been… eaten.”

“EATEN!?!?!? So we’re trapped here forever!? Trapped in a world filled with gigantic, man eating versions of our favorite TV characters!?”

“Hey, I said Eaten, not digested. He’s with Princess Luna, actually, and-”

“Wait, Princess Luna ate him?”

“Yep. And the kid’s with her, inside her belly with other kids, heading to-.” Deadpool kept looking at the smart phone.

“She eats kids!? WHY!?!?!?”

“Uh, to keep them safe inside her belly from other predators, to keep herself full, and I guess it’s because she doesn’t want the extra thicc plot of Celestia… mmm… Celestia’s butt.” Deadpool giggled thinking of the thick plot of Celestia. He could only imagine how big it would be now, that he was tiny.

“Deadpool, you're creeping me out. Quit it.” Spider-Man frowned ready to slap Deadpool again.

“Hey, you too found at least one of the ponies attractive. But enough of my fantasies, we gotta head to Canterlot and retrieve the kid before some other jackass can get to him.”

“And who’s that?”


Deathstroke growled as he was sitting on a table with a small plate of peas and mashed potatoes next to him.

“Come now,” Cheerilee cooed. “You have to eat to be strong.”

“... I hate this world.” He growled to himself.


“... No one in particular!” Deadpool spoke, pointing to the castle. “To the Castle we go! Just the two of us! Like old times!!!”

“... Oh no.” Spider-Man whimpered as Deadpool pulled out a boombox and played a song for the two to travel to.

To Be Continued.

Author's Note:

So yeah a lot happened. Since last whenever I posted a new chapter starts computer. Computer why just why..... So yeah new computer and got to start working again me Aqunio got a new chapter for ya guys and I hope you all enjoy it. So other good stuff I”M BACK!!!!