• Published 14th Mar 2017
  • 2,176 Views, 12 Comments

Tales From Tiny Deadpool - ShrunkenBro

Deadpool lands in Equestria.... At about 3 inches tall to everyone.

  • ...

Chapter 5. Share the experience

Cody ran from his house, tearing up at another case of his sister defending him from an attack from their mom. He couldn’t handle it anymore, he just had to run away. Where to be exact? He didn’t know, but anywhere seemed better than here.

It started like any other night Cody was in his room on his old laptop, with posters of movies and comic book covers taped to his walls, though it was mostly to cover the holes and cracks in the walls. The broken large TV laid untouched, gathering dust, on top of the flat screen, showing the normal News report on the various Superheroes saving the day. Cody laid on his bed, watching said News with a board look on his face and a hint of worry. Sudden bumps made his head jolt up only seeing his sister walking by, but stopped going to the doorway.

“How you doin’, bud?” Sarah asked. She looked a little concerned.

“I’m fine.” Cody faked a smile.

“You your birthday’s coming up. You wanna do anything?”

“I-I don’t really know what we can do, besides I don’t really need anything.” Cody tried not to sound disappointed.

“You sure? I may not have a lot, but your big sis’s been saving for your special day.”

“N-No Sarah it’s ok.” Cody rubbed the back of his head, smiling shyly.

“Come on bud. It’s your birthday you’re gonna be teenager soon.” Sarah walked sitting next to him putting her arm around his shoulder. “You deserve something bud. Besides, I think you’re gonna like this.” She pulled out a flip phone before dialing a number.

“NEW PHONE, WHO DIS!?” The familiar voice of Deadpool spoke.

“Hey, it’s my brother’s birthday soon. What’s your pay?”

“Uh… $40 an hour. $80 if there’s cops around.” Some odd music started playing in the background. “And,... I could talk to you for extra if you want?”

“It’s not that kind of birthday.” Sarah rolled her eyes. “It’s for my brother.”

“Oh! Crap… uh… yeah, sorry about that… yeah, I can do that. Date and time? I’ve got some stuff to do beforehand.” There was sound of some men shouting and gunfire.

“In a week. Probably around 12.” Sarah smiled. “And thanks for doing this.”

“Ah, not a problem,.. OH HANG ON!” Deadpool’s voice became muffled and two shots were fired and man’s voice shouted ‘My LEG!’ “Sorry! Just shot a Spongebob Cameo.” The phone hung up.

Sarah had a confused look on her face as she just closed the phone. “Well, that was interesting. You know who I called?”


“No, even better. Trust me, bud, you’ll love it.” Sarah laughed she wrapped her arm around his head Cody tried to pull out but her headlock was too strong.

“Ah come on, let go!” Cody tried to pull out from his sister’s grip only to be given a noogie across his head. “Ah no this is cruel and unusual torment.”

“You know you love it.” She chuckled a bit. Both siblings started laughing and began to wrestle Cody tried pull at her arm and throwing her but she just laughed pulled him in for a bear hug. “So, wanna hear how the Avengers stopped the Masters of Evil during my visit to New York Central Park?”

“I saw it on the news.”

“News isn’t as good as if you were there.”

“... Eh, fair enough.” Sarah started talking about how the Hulk and Thor slammed threw a whole army of villains while Captain America and Iron Man battled Ultron and M.O.D.O.K. with an army of brainwashed Skrulls. It was quite as ridiculous as it sounded, but it’s pretty normal when stuff like this happens on a daily basis.

“That’s so cool! Man I wish could have been there.” Cody sighed but held his smile as he relaxed on his sister’s shoulder.

“Yep it sure was a sight to see.” She pulled out some pictures. “I got some photos, but most of them are blurry.”

“I don’t care these are awesome.” Cody went through the photos on the phone. “This is an even better birthday gift.” Cody smiled and hugged his sister wrapping his arms around her.

“No problem buddy.” Sarah patted on the back. “And, hey, since I know your computer isn’t running right I got you something,...” Sarah blushed a bit.

“Huh?” Cody asked getting up looking at her curiously Sarah was a little red in the face she rubbed her head and reached into her pocket, pulling out some rolled up magazines.

“Don’t tell anyone I got you these!” She glared at him almost making him jump back in fear, he sheepishly grabbed the magazines out of her hand and unrolled them the covers showed some young women in tight bras and thongs. Cody blushed bright red trying not to look bashful.

“Just make sure you keep them hidden, ok buddy?” Sarah smiled and patted him on the back. “You're a good kid, don’t ever change who you are, okay? Promise that.”

“I-I Promise.” Cody smiled and gave his sister another hug.

“Good, now, I’ll let you do your business.” The sweet moment was interrupted when the sound of a slamming door made the whole apartment shake. “Damn it.”

The sound was of course the 40 year old drunken woman that they both called “Mom”. She came stumbling in, her messy hair hanging over her face. She knocked over a tower of moldy pizza boxes on the table. “Wer,.. the,.. Hell did I get,... such disappointment!” The woman shouted with a slur in her voice. “I get no,... RESPECT IN THIS DAMN HOUSE!”

Sarah stood up her fists tightened making a cracking sound. She stomped out of Cody’s room, closing the door behind her. Cody nervously walked to the door, putting his ear against it, which was followed by the sound of loud bumps and thuds that could be heard with the sound of his sister and mom screaming at each other, killing the silence in the apartment. Cody didn’t want to hear it... he’d already heard enough.

‘This is your fault.’ ‘You kids blame me for everything.’ ‘You need to be better parents.’ ‘It's the damn boy’s fault.’ ‘He shouldn’t have been born.’

It was late, but he didn’t know what to do. As much as he didn’t want to, he had to leave his home behind, writing a bit of a hastily written message.

Cody snuck out through the fire escape and made his way down the streets on New York. He figured the best place was to start was at the local park, both because it was far, yet close to where he lived, and the lights were pretty bright, letting him use a map to see where he would go and plan it out.

Cody walked through the New York Central Park. He walked along the street lights, looking at the moths that flutter around the lightbulbs. A sigh came out aloud as he rubbed his brown hair, making it more shaggy. Cody finally found a place; he felt safe around the playground. He went into the abandoned place, at least, for now, and pulled out a map, trying to figure out where to go. He sat on the single swing, figuring the best place was Canada; it did seem rather cliche, but with all the stuff happening, the Northern Country did seem the better alternative, and if not, Alaska would also work. Despite it freezing, he actually liked the cold. It made him feel young, almost innocent once again. That was… until he saw a glow coming from him. All he wanted was to get away far away from his mother he didn’t want to hear or anywhere not with his mom, not even in New York just somewhere far somewhere no human could find him. What he thought was just a reflection of something off of him soon escalated as he began to glow all over him, soon engulfing him.

“CODY!!!” Sarah yelled, right behind him.

“SARA-!!!” In a flash, Cody was gone, disappearing without a trace.

Cody felt a rush of cold air blowing past him. It was an icy chill blowing past him making him want the warmth back he started feeling gravity take control of his motion again and felt a sudden flash of light makes him close his eyes covering his face.

All around him was darkness, but he felt the floor move up and down in a rhythm, almost as if it was breathing. Cody rubbed his hand across the floor; it was very spongy and humid. He pressed his fingers deeper in it, making a slimy, squishy sound which had goop sticking to his hands. When he moved, the squishy sound repeated itself; he could feel the humid moistness around his small form, which had a pretty rancid smell, though it had a bit of something that smelt similar to mouthwash. Cody sniffed at the air, enjoying the mint smell rather than New York air. He stood there, reaching into his pocket, pulling out his flashlight, clicking it on. The light shined on a shimmery gloss pink wall with it’s light reflecting. He stood up and walked over to it, feeling the smooth surface, then tapped on the wall... or, at least he thought it was a wall. He turned his light to the floor; it was a ruby red slimy member of some kind. His eyes widen and looked down at his shoes, lifting them up and seeing clear goop sticking to the bottom of his shoe. He stumbled around a bit shinning his light above him, seeing the really large sized fleshy gums around the white boulders that were teeth.

“... Oh no.”

The mouth closed on him, leaving him in darkness. Cody panicked as he felt the tongue moving everywhere, slamming him everywhere. The massive tongue pinned him to the ‘floor’, which lapped at his face. It made him cringe, making Cody grab hold of the slimy floor in tight grip. All he could do was hold on, and attempt to climb out, through, the mouth of the creature he was in slurped at him, making feminine sounding moans; it was a ‘Mmm’ sound that echoed throughout the place. Cody felt the massive member lift into the air, making him cling to it tightly, his fingers sunk into it making a squish sound. Soon it flopped down making a wave of hot saliva splash onto him, soaking him all over, much to his disliking. Cody tried climbing towards what he hopped was the front of the mouth, his saliva soaked hair blocked his vision, he was feeling gravity shift the tongue was flopping up and down suddenly like trashing bull slimy tongue flinged the boy back into the center of the tongue he rolled on the slippery and squishy lumps. Cody whipped the spit from his face he looked to see a gigantic, ruby cavern that dripped with clear saliva. He looked down, seeing the fleshy rings in motion as hot wind blew into his face. He saw what looked like a voice box or the vocal cords exhaling the hot air out. Cody watched as it closed and then a fleshy lump went up, blocking anything from entering it. Cody backed away in fear, seeing a new larger tunnel open up. Suddenly, he felt the gravity shifting again as he was tossed into the molars! Gravity carried him right into the center of the ruff, rock-like surface, which was followed by the top molars slowly falling onto him.

“N-NO!!! STOP!!!” He begged, squirming his way out and landing in between the lips and teeth. The mouth opened again, with light momentarily blinding him as the sun began to rise in the far east. Without any hesitation, he climbed out and fell, but fate was not as kind as he thought. The lips suddenly closed sealing him back in the giant or creature whatever it was moving. Cody was being flopped around by the slimy member again and began to fall right towards the throat. He saw his chance with the flappy flesh hanging in the middle, just above the throat. He held out his arms, grasping hold of the squishy organ, gripping it with all he could, looking down into the abyss.

“I-I don’t wanna see anymore!” Cody screamed and tried climbing the uvula. He only slipped as the uvula swung and swayed in many directions. The sound of loud coughing boomed and shook throughout the whole mouth, with the head of the giant jerking awake. Cody took this as his chance to get out, swinging onto the tongue and jumping right out, landing on the giant’s soft, snow white, fur covered belly. The sound of screaming came as he was thrown off, landing on the floor roughly.

“Rairty!? What’s wrong!?” The voice of a raspy sounding woman asked.

“A BUG WAS IN MY MOUTH!!!” The screaming one answered rapidly.

“Hey… that’s no bug! That’s a… A TINY!!!” Cody turned round to see a blur of rainbow coming right at him, though the blur had a distinguished mouth to it, ready to eat him! He ducked as a loud “CLACK” could be heard, just missing him.
Cody stumbled a bit rubbing the spit out of his eyes getting his vision back he looked up seeing a gigantic room and a bed on it was a frightened gigantic Rarity looking down at him, covered by blankets, and over at the left of him was an equally sized Rainbow Dash, who was picking herself up off the floor rubbing, her head.

“R-Rarity? And Rainbow Dash!?” Cody’s mouth dropped looking in pure amazement.

“Yeah, now stay still, snack!” Rainbow lunged herself at Cody with a hungry look in her eyes. Cody jumped out of the way, though Rainbow slid on the floor and steered herself back on track.

“W-wait! We can talk this out!”

“Yeah, when you’re inside my belly!” Rainbow licked her lips and ran to him with an open, drooling maw.

“Rainbow,... Don’t frighten the poor boy.” Rarity interrupted getting out of her bed. It was too late. Rainbow pinned Cody under one of her hooves.

“Awe, don’t sweat it, Rare. He’s going to enjoy a 5 star stay inside my belly complete with daily exercises, and a couple of new guests.” She licked her lips again. “Down you go!” She opened her maw and lowered Cody in.

“N-NO!!! WAIT!!! STOP!!!” Cody pleaded.

“Wait a second.” Rarity spoke, using her magic to hold Cody in. “And what were you doing here so quickly, Rainbow Dash?”

“...Uh… I was… napping.” Rainbow replied with a fake smile.

“Napping next to my house when it was nighttime, and on a Tuesday, A.K.A., a day where I measure Tinies and make clothes for them?”

“Uh… yes?” She was met with a rolled up magazine whack to the head.

“How dare you try to eat my customers, Rainbow Dash!!! I’ve been wondering why my best customers have been missing on days like these! Go on, out of my face!”

“... But I-”

“I SAID GET OUT!!!” Rainbow jumped in the air and flew out. Rarity turned her attention to Cody. “Aww, I’m so sorry for that, but you should know better than to enter a lady’s mouth when they’re sleeping, young man. If you wanted me to eat you, you could’ve just asked.”

“I-It was a mistake, I swear. I just found myself in there.” Cody sounded frightened looking up at the towering white mare. “I don’t even know how I got here.”

“Aww, you must be new. Don’t worry, it’s normal, but… wait… how did you know my name?”

“We-Well I,... Um you see.” Cody spoke shyly. Suddenly the sound of windows being opened. Rainbow Dash came flying in right for Rarity with an open maw, yelling.

“Mine! Mine! Mine!”

“RAINBOW STOP!” Rarity held Cody close to her furry neck and leaped away from Rainbow Dash. Her hoof made the mistake of landing on the spare fabric on the floor, tripping the unicorn onto her side, releasing Cody and letting him fly out of her grip, right outside the window. He screamed as he fell, before being caught. In one way, he was happy, but in the other, when he saw his savior, he screamed again as it was Rainbow Dash that had him in her mouth.

“It’s snack time!” Rainbow fling him around and tossed him in the air a prideful smirk across her muzzle as she watched Cody falling towards her again. She opened her mouth showing the cavernous throat waiting for him.

“Please,... Rainbow don’t!” Cody yelled tears seeped from his eyes as he got closer and closer. Very fortunate, Rainbow’s aim was off and he bounced off her bottom lip, falling to the floor. He got up and ran for his life.

“Hey! Come back here!!!”

“Why are you doing this!?”


Cody woke up from his dream, which was a weird flashback to what just happened. He found himself out of Luna’s stomach, but resting on her tummy. Luna herself was fast asleep, snoring lightly, but just sitting on her side gave Cody the idea of how big Luna was compared to him. It was a bit intimidating, to say the least, but she wasn’t exactly the type to scare the living daylights out of him or any of the kids around. If he wanted to, he could just lay down on her side and take another nap, though, he didn’t want to have another flashback dream. He patted her side.

“Uh… sleep tight, Luna.” Cody slipped out of the room undetected. He ran down the hallway, but stopped in his track when he saw a Royal Guard walking down the hall. It didn’t see him, which was good, but also bad, since the Guard came, stomping his hooves, coming his way. Cody backed up as the hooves came stomping on the clear floor, making a loud boom & clack sound. Cody ran for his life as the hooves slammed up and down each getting closer to him by the second he saw a cracked open door, he ran right for it, just missing the slamming hoof that would have made him paste.

Cody walked in the room, catching his breath, and saw that the room he was in was not only huge, but open, with stain glassed windows depicting various feats, an open fireplace with a lit fire, and books decorating the shelves that look ancient. Cody admired the room but he also admired the open windows letting in a nice cool breeze. He smiled, seeing a way out as he saw the closest open window was next to a tall chair, looking almost throne like. He ran for it, not knowing what other giants may be wondering around. He had an idea where he was, but he had a suspicion that he was in Canterlot, but if they were like what he expected, he’d end up in the gut of a guard and stay there for about a week.

He stopped at the leg of the chair; it had to be the size of skyscraper but if it meant for him to escape, then he would take it. With his strength, he began to scale the chair. He climbed and climbed, not even getting closer to the arm, but he was determined. He scaled and climbed up to the seat, preparing to make his way to the arm rest, but stopped as he heard the door open. Though he was frozen, he watched as her majesty herself had entered the room; Princess Celestia, in the flesh. Cody climbed into the seat his feet sinking in the plush cushion hoping to not be seen by her grace. Celestia seemed to be too busy having a slice of chocolate-banana cream she had floating in her magical aura, but hovering above the slice was the whole cake. Cody watched as Celestia gracefully, even with a bite of cake in her mouth she still had her composure, but watched in fear as Celestia turned around, showing her gigantic flanks to him. She didn’t see him as she just hopped onto her chair, crushing Cody underneath her gigantic exposed rear. Were this to be realistic, Cody would’ve been nothing more but a meer red stain on Celestia’s otherwise clean fur, but Cody was, while crushed, not broken physically. Truth be told, Celestia’s flank felt like he was under a ton of bread or marshmallows, very soft to the touch, though he was still able to breath underneath all her booty fat. Suddenly, the cheeks started shifting, making Cody move across the chair until he was pealed off the left flank cheek. He was stuck too, and thankfully, he was given some space but was meet with the titantic cheeks once again. As he was scooped in between them, the cheeks smothered across Cody’s tiny form, and he was now stuck between the two plump white boulders. Cody tried to move, only to start slipping further down in the crack. The cheeks pressed into him, squeezing his body between each cheek, keeping his movements stiff.

“Hm… this chair feels strange today.” Celestia spoke, moving her flanks a bit. “Is there a Tiny down there? Please, feel free to move, if you can, that is.”

Cody hardly could hear her voice he tried to move but couldn’t; the cheeks kept him in his soft prison. He pressed his hands into the soft flank cheek, trying to push it loose, only to have it sink in the fur. It was soft like pillow and warm to the touch. Cody only made a tiny impression that he couldn’t fight back any longer and let the cheeks press back into him, he managed to sigh, despite his face being squeezed by two of the largest flank cheeks in all of Equestria, and the world.

“Um,.. Your highness,.. P-Princess Celestia, Ma’am... I can’t.” Cody hoped she could hear him, even if his voice was being muffled by the fluffy titans.

“Oh! Someone’s in between my flanks again?” Cody felt an aura around him, then was pulled out. He was surrounded by Celestia’s golden aura, letting him breath once again in the air, but judging by the voice of Celestia, this wasn’t her first time she sat on someone and they got stuck in between her flanks. The boy was brought to Celestia’s face, who examined him.

“...Uh… hi?”

“Hello there, my little topper.”

“Pl-Please your highness! I-it was a mistake.” Cody shivered hopping she wasn’t angry.

“Oh, I know, but no one’s around to be my cake topper, so consider yourself lucky.”

“Please, I was already eaten.” Cody gulped. “I-I don’t wanna be swallowed up again.”

“Don’t worry, it’s going to be fun.” She dropped him on top of the slice before getting a fork, taking a piece of the cake, inches from him, before eating said piece. “Mmm… so good… hope you can improve it, Cody.” Before Cody could get up, the fork blocked his path as the piece was taken off and he was made into her mouth.

“W-WAIT!!! STOP!!!” Celestia closed her mouth on him and tossed him around, chewing her cake while making sure he wasn’t on her teeth. “Mmm. A different kind of taste... you're new, aren't you?”

“Uhh… yes?” Cody found himself stuck in a mush that was the cake he was on, having him stuck in it.

“Don’t worry, we can talk for a while.” She flicked her head back and swallowed everything down. Cody let out a squeak as he fell into her throat, then was pushed down into her stomach. After a few moments, he free fell and landed in another fleshy prison, this one, however, the stomach acids glowed golden, making the place lit up, and several slices of cake slowly melted away. She let out a small burp.

“Can you let me out?” Cody climbed onto the slimy wall.

“Hmm… maybe.”

“Please I’m scared.” Cody begged feeling a bit of tears forming as he clinged to the stomach wall.

“... Oh, alright. I just want your flavor.” She idly sipped her tea, making a small stream land into her stomach. The tea made the acids bubble, with some bubbles coming up and popping. “You might want to hitch onto one of the bubbles.”

“O-Ok.” Cody saw one of the bubbles form and leaped into it, going right into it the bubble, which didn’t pop, but held him inside. “Whoa!” Before he could say anything, the bubble went into the esophagus, where it popped, propelling Cody out. Celestia let out a loud, but small burp, quickly catching Cody in her magic. She giggled a bit, taking a napkin and dried him off.

“Excuse me, it’s not very lady-like to be burping like that.”

“I thought it was a pretty good burp.” Cody shyly smiled, looking up at her still, a little fearful of her.

“Oh please, a good burp is one that can fire you around Equestria. That was a weak burp, if you ask me.”

“... Really?”

“Oh yes. Care to tell me a little about yourself?”

“... Well, I came from New York, and my life was…”


Spider-Man gathered a bunch of sticks around, setting the campfire for him and Deadpool. Deadpool sharpened one of his swords, making a small spark that lit up the sticks into small flames.

“I have to say, it’s quite great to see you again, Petey,” Deadpool began. “I saw you in the new episode! You were chased by Rainbow Dash.”

“Please, don’t remind me of that.” Spider-Man replied, resting his head in his left hand. “I was this close to being digested.”

“Digested? Pfft! Nah! You just missed your chance at the best sauna you could feel, one that provides free meals and drinks… if you’re fine with said food and drinks to be covered in saliva and stomach acids, that is.”

“... Yeah, I’m gonna skip out on that offer.” The floor shook as a pair of footsteps could be heard. “Oh crap!”

“Assassin!” Deadpool leaped up pulling out his swords and got in fighting pose. The footsteps grew loud and boomed. Spider-Man slowly started to walk behind Deadpool as the booming stomps grew near and near to the two.

“Think you can slice whatever is out there?”

“Depends. Have anymore web grenades?”

“Those were my last batch!”

The bush was toppled over and a pair of familiar yellow hooves connecting to red fur was seen under the campfire.

“Huh? You again!?” The Booming Western voice of Big Mac spoke as the stallion lowered his head to the two.

“HUSBANDO!!!” Deadpool dropped his swords and went running for Big Mac’s muzzle, hugging it tightly. “Your muzzle feels so soft and warm.” Big Mac had a surprised look on his face before going serious and huffing Deadpool off.

“Now what in tarnation are ya’ll both doing near the edge of the Everfree forest? It’s late out here.”

“Well, why are you out here and not at the Apple Farm?”

“... Well…” His mouth opened as Claire opened with her hands.

“Is this where we’re camping, papa?” she asked rather nonchalantly.

“HOLY CRAP!!! BIG MAC’S EATING A KID!!!” Spider-Man shrieked. He fired a stream of web at the stallion’s muzzle before pulling himself into Big Mac’s mouth, tossing Claire into a spider-hammock he made before holding Big Mac’s mouth with his own body. “WADE!!! GET IN THERE!!! GET ANY OTHER KIDS OUT OF THERE!!!”

“Think you should explain sweetie.” Deadpool rubbed his head and sat back on a mushroom. Claire leaped out of Spider-Man’s hammock and ran over to Big Mac’s muzzle.

‘“Uh, Sir? I’m the only kid.”

“Really? Good.” Spider-Man jumped out before firing another web at Big Mac, landing right in between his eyes. “You have this coming, big guy!” Spider-Man began to punch at Big Mac’s left eye. The stallion just shut the eye, feeling Peter’s attempted punches, feeling more like pebbles than punches, annoying the stallion just a bit.

“Sir, Can ya kindly stop fer a second?” Big Mac asked, sounding a bit annoyed as he looked.

“You would like that, wouldn’t you!? So you can eat more people and digest them inside your stomach! I’m not letting that happen! Not over my-”

“I’ve been inside Papa’s belly, mister.” Claire interrupted. This made Peter stop with a confused look.

“... What?”

“Papa’s belly isn’t dangerous like what you think. It’s a bit gross, sure, but it’s safe as a safe. Mr. Deadpool can agree.”


“What can I say?” Deadpool replied. “It’s the best place for tea parties, and sleeping… especially in between his assets.” Deadpool drooled under his mask.

“If ya please, Mr. Spider thing, can ya get off me?” Big Mac snorted making Peter quickly leap off and backing away from the giant stallion.

“Oh, I-I’m sorry, Mr. Big Mac, sir.” Peter replied. “I-I just thought that… well… are you making this up, Wade?” Deadpool pulled out his cellphone.

“Does this answer your question?” It was the tea party he and Claire had, complete with ye olden fancy music playing with the gurgling & snores of Big Mac, albeit, muffled.

“... O...kay… I’m just gonna-”

“SNACKTIME!!!” Deadpool grabbed Spider-Man and threw him into Big Mac’s mouth. Big Mac’s head reeled back, confused, but he swallowed Spider-Man before letting out a loud belch. He shivered a bit.

“Ugh… I can feel him climbing in there.” Big Mac spoke, poking his belly. “Just keep calm in there, pardner. Yer safe… Claire?”

“Right.” Big Mac lowered his head and extended his tongue out like a carpet, letting Claire to simply walk in. He swallowed her gently, letting out another belch, but it was more quiet sounding.

“There, see, yer safe? Now, for you-” Deadpool opened Big Mac’s mouth.

“LEMME IN, LEMME IN, LEMME IN!!!” Deadpool shoved himself in Big Mac’s mouth, snuggling with the stallion’s tongue. “Heya, licky, missed me?” He took his mask off before giving it a kiss. Big Mac felt what he was doing, blushing at the strange actions Deadpool was doing, unsure what to do. “You like it when I do this, don’t you?” He motorboated the muscle, just making Big Mac freeze with a confused look. “You know, I could strip down and hump you if you want.”


Big Mac spat Deadpool out, quickly finding out why Deadpool wore the mask in the first place. The Merc turned around, showing his butt ugly face that would be mistaken for a Ghoul in the Fallout series.

“Hey! That’s not a nice description of my mug! And what the hell, Big Mac? Don’t you want me to give your tongue some lovin’?”

“... Eenope!”

“What!? Why!? It was my way to spread love to you!”

“I ain’t into that.”

“I can be a woman if you want. I can feel my tenders going away!”

“... Still nope.”

“Oh come on… I’ll call you ‘Daddy’.”


“What if I’m only in my underwear?” Big Mac raised his hoof and slammed it down onto Deadpool.


“... Ow… can I at least join my friend?”

“... Eeyup.”


“No ‘love’ though.”

“Fine.” Big Mac lowered his head down to Deadpool. The Merc walked in, picking his mask off that was in between his back left molars, and jumped into the stallion’s throat.



Deadpool landed in the stomach, seeing Peter freaking out, holding the ‘ceiling’ above him, hyperventilating. Claire looked unamused at how a superhero could be freaking out.

“Sheesh, he’s still freaking out?” Deadpool asked.

“Eeyup.” Claire replied. “You can let go, you know.”

“NEVER!!!” Spider-Man yelled. “I don’t want to be digested!!!”

“... Tea Party?” Deadpool asked.

“Tea Party.” Claire replied.

The two sat at a table, back in their elegant dresses, sipping tea and enjoying their crumpets.

“What the-!?” Spider-Man yelled.

“If you let it go, you can join us.” Deadpool spoke. “Isn’t that right, Elsa?” He gestured to a bootleg copy of Disney’s Elsa that clearly had a man’s voice saying ‘Give me your soul’.

“Why does she want out feet?” Claire asked.

“I don’t know. Guess she’s like Quentin Tarantino.”

To Be Continued.

Author's Note:

Had some fun with this one thought we'd brings in Cody's backstory on how he got in the Tiny-Verse.

Praise the Sun! :rainbowlaugh: