• Published 7th May 2017
  • 705 Views, 20 Comments

Songs of the Siren - Silver Inkwell

This is about Romance between a land pony and a seapony. This is their story.

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Bonus Chapter 1

Bonus 1: The Tales of Love and Passion

(Me: Do I have to do this? Editor: Only if you want to. Me: Bangs head on a table/book really, really hard. Okay then, I'll do it then.)

[In a much earlier chapter I said that Sebastian loved once.

Well, I’m going to expand upon that, just a little bit though, and also on the relationship between Forrest and Lily as well, I hope that you enjoy this part/section.]

Sebastian swam through the water aimlessly.

(And you know what? Never mind, I give up, let’s just skip to the end, and try this again, shall we? Okay then, take two, let’s try this thing again.)

“Sebastian,” Forrest said one day.

“Yes sir, what is it?”

“You said something about being in love once, right?”

“Well yes sir, I did, but that was a very long time ago…”

“Will you please tell me your story?”

Sebastian sighed. “I was drifting aimlessly when I met her, a daughter of the sea king, I was very young, stupid, and foolish at the time, so was she. Eventually, I wanted more and even tried to argue against the king and well, here I am.”

“Wow, that was a very short story, care to elaborate any more on that for us?”

“No sir, I really don't like to tell long stories, it just takes too long.”

“Ah, yes I see, very well then, you may leave us if you want to.”

“As you wish, but before I do go, I have a gift,” he said pulling out a book, “It’s my journal, and yours, bound together in a book form, I hope that you like it sir,"

“Like it? Sebastian, I love it, and I’m sure that I'll enjoy reading your story,”

“Yes, just as much as I enjoyed reading yours.”

“You read mine? Seriously?”

“Yes, and I never really knew it took that long for the dating, or that you could do-,” he said.

“Uh, I’m going to stop you right there,” Forrest said.

Sebastian smiled, “Thank you, now then, if you don't mind, I have one more last final thing to do with the editor of this, Matthew needs an ending and I plan to give him a decent one, so I must ask you this, what is love?”

Forrest smiled, “There is no perfect answer, but love is the greatest thing in the world, always aim and strive for it.”

“It seems like my wisdom has sunk into you, but I’m just glad that there are no musical numbers, they were starting to get annoying.”

“Oh, we can still do one.”

“Please don't.”

Forrest laughed, “Don't worry, we won't.”

“Well, maybe you won't,” Lily teased.

“I would rather end our relationship on a high note.”

“Well then, farewell and good luck.”

“Thank you, and remember, I will always be here for you no matter what happens, always.”

“Me too, always,” Forrest said as Sebastian slowly faded out of his sight.

“At least we still have each other,” Lily said once he was gone.

“Yes, we do, you’re right, we’ll always have each other, always and forever.”

The End

Author's Note:

The First Guy
A huge thanks for my two wonderful editors.