• Published 7th May 2017
  • 702 Views, 20 Comments

Songs of the Siren - Silver Inkwell

This is about Romance between a land pony and a seapony. This is their story.

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Stop whatever you’re doing right now and just listen to me instead.

Listen to me, listen to your surroundings in your local area and current location.

Basically, just listen to what’s around you first.

Are you doing that right now? If you are then good, if not, do so.

This is supposed to be a slow story, meant to be read slowly.

Not fast, for just as a storm can ruin the calm and peace of the sea and ocean, so can your reading speed too as well. But who am I?

Simple, I am the author, the storyteller, my name really doesn’t truly matter, all that matters now is that we have always been and always will be.

But anyhow, enough, on with the story.

This story doesn’t begin with once upon a time because no pony can remember where or when the Seaponies came to us exactly. But I suppose that they have always been with us since even before the land of Equestria began and that they will always be with us until even after Equestria is gone. Or at least that’s what I have heard and been told. There are many myths, tales, and legends of these strange, mysterious, and beautiful creatures, but while they are incredible to see and wonderful beyond description, they are extremely shy. That’s the true reason why no pony thinks that they are real. They aren’t ever seen by any pony else. But they are still there, underneath the waves, hiding, waiting, watching, never coming up to the world above because of their great fear.

But all the stories agree upon very few things, and these are that the Seaponies bring great good luck, this is true, I have seen it for myself, the Seaponies are thought to be sirens because of their lovely voices, trust me, they’re not, I’ve seen a siren, and you do not ever want to meet them. But some stories, many even, they can only agree on very certain specific things, sometimes very special things.

Some stories say that the Seaponies can take the form of a pony, and it doesn’t matter the race of the pony because they can take the form of any pony that they want since the Seaponies have a very special magic, one that I have seen.

Some stories, but very few, say that they eat the flesh of a mortal pony who has eaten their flesh and lived since seapony meat can be a very deadly poison indeed. This is false. The Seaponies are no more violent than you or me, they are not thoughtless beadings without logic and sense, they have reason, and the ponies who spread this nasty rumor and lie, I have no idea what type of pony they are, but I only know one thing for sure, I wish to never meet them.

Some stories say that they can grant your deepest darkest wish of your heart, that they can see into your mind and read your thoughts. The wish of the heart… well… that story depends… it’s not as easy as merely just finding a seapony and asking for your wish to be granted, it require an act of bravery and selflessness, one that is true and real, you cannot ever fake it by trying to put the life of the seapony in question in danger, they will know it, and they may take action upon you then, for trying to kill a seapony is a very great sin indeed, actually completing your desired task and goal, your quest, well that’s an even greater sin, much greater indeed. The act of such a killing could result in a curse upon you and your whole entire family, or at least that’s what the stories say.

But are you really truly cursed? Answer: I’m not going to say, for if I said yes, one pony might believe I was lying and try to kill a seapony, if I said no then they would have no fear of ever killing a seapony. But I will say this, should you ever kill a seapony I would highly advise and recommend that you and your whole entire family move very, very far away from the place where you killed it, and stay very, very far away from any source or body of water, this includes the sea, ocean, and even ponds, marshes, and swamps too.

Naturally enough, the curse can’t be broken unless you or one of your family members saves the life of a seapony in exchange for the one killed.

That’s all I have to say on that matter, and no more is needed.

Some stories say that while they may be able to take the form of a mortal that they can only do so for a very short time as they will need to return to the sea.

Some stories say that they can only change form at the full moon, or sometimes the new moon instead, sometimes it can be waxing or waning, sometimes they say that they can only come out near a Solstice or Equinox instead, specifically on the night of the Solstice or Equinox. Sometimes the stories say that they can only come out of the sea into mortal forms near Midsummer’s Eve, or the Summer Sun Celebration as you know it.

To the very best of my shaky recollection and knowledge of the Seaponies, there is no minimum or maximum time that they can take the form of mortals. But, of course, the real question here is this, can they ever possibly become mortal? Seaponies of course, live forever young and immortal, they do not ever age, but they can die in combat for there are many ways to kill them, the trick is in just knowing them. I, of course, will not be telling you any of these, I have sworn an oath of secrecy, and I never ever break my promises.

But by now I am sure that you are questions who I am, for I am talking too much about these creatures, but what could ever possibly be the reason for this? I can only come to the logical conclusion that you think that I have met them.

This is a very reasonable conclusion, and it is the truth, I have.

But why then, am I telling you my story, their stories if I have a fear that they could ever possibly be hurt? Answer: I’m not, their stories are their own, they can do what they want with them as they so wish and please, they will choose if they are ever to share their stories, but not me. However, my own story, that I can tell, that is within my boundaries, my limits, however the real true question here is this, should I? Or, should I leave it to another who has already heard it instead? One might say that I lie if this whole entire story it told by me, but then again, they could also say that the one who tells the story lies anyways.

But I think that I’ll leave it to my friend instead, for now at least, after all, there’s more mystery of to where I have gone and where I am now.

But don’t worry, I’ll be back again at the end.

Author's Note:

Thank you to my TWO wonderful editors, go feel free to check them out.
The First Guy

Note: This story was inspired by a song from Carbon Maestro and you really should go check it out.

The Siren and The Seamare
